Tongue Skin

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1st Quarter


TONGUE – a soft and flexible because it is made up of muscles.

Helps enjoy the food you eat. Helps chew and swallow food.
Has taste buds that enable us to enjoy the different flavors of the food we eat.

Papillae - cover the surface of the tongue with small projections. Have taste buds

Taste receptors/ Taste buds - found in papillae

Consists of a number of sense cells that are responsible for receiving different
taste sensations.
10, 000 taste buds in our tongue
5,000 a young person has

Basic types of taste that our taste buds distinguish

a. Sweet
b. Salty
c. Bitter
d. Sour
e. Umami – Pleasant and savory taste, meaty ( ex. Cheese and steak)
fifth basic taste found by Japanese scientist ( Dr Kikunae Ikeda)

- The food that we eat mixes with saliva. The saliva wets and dissolves the food particle.
- The taste receptors react the chemicals in food.
- Taste receptors receive the message and send to our brain.
- The brain tells you what the taste

- The sense of taste and sense of smell are closely associated with one another because of the location of
the nose and tongue, that very near to each other.

1. CRACKS - these are splits or tears which can become inflamed and painful, resulting in ulcers of the

2. White Mouth or Oral Thrush - Yeast infection in the mouth and tongue. This infection results in white patches on
the tongue that look like cottage cheese.

- The white spot could spread to parts such as the gums, palate throat and other parts.

- Common among infants and elderly

Stomatitis (SINGAW) - caused by wearing faulty braces, biting the tongue or an infection. Use and oral antiseptic

SORE TONGUE – inflamed and irritated taste buds that cause tiny bumps to form along your tongue.

Can be painful. Symptoms of anemia, diabetes

Can be treated by oral antiseptic


1. Brush gently your tongue when you brush your teeth

2. Avoid eating very hot or very cold. It harms your taste buds
3. Eat a balance diet
4. Use your own toothbrush. Do not borrow or lend your tooth brush

SKIN - can feel the heat and cold. It can feel pressure and pain too.

It can sense temperature if it’s hot or cold.

The largest sense organ


a. Epidermis - the cells is tough and flat.
Top part – made up of dead cells

Fingernails and toenails – thickened and hardened epidermis. They are dead cells
no pain when cut the upper grown layer

Hair shaft - Part of the hair projecting beyond the surface of the skin

Sweet gland pores - where sweet comes out

2. Inner Layer
a. Dermis - made up of living cells. It has blood vessels, oil glands and sweet glands

blood vessels - help nourish your skin

Oil glands - produce oil to make your skin shiny and keep it from drying

sweet gland duct - produce sweat or perspiration to keep our body cool.

sweating - helps regulate your body temperature

Fatty tissue - provide our body with heat and protect internal organs

our skin has many nerve endings or receptors located in the dermis .
5 sensations

1. Cold
2. heat
3. touch
4. pain
5. pressure

Work of the skin

1. the skin provides a covering for your body –

 your skin keeps water entering our body.
 prevents the fluid n our body from drying up

2. the skin helps the body get rid of waste materials

perspiration or sweat – made up of water that has salt and nitrogen wastes
drink plenty of water

3. the skin changes color to prevent sun damage

melanin – a pigment that gives color
its darken when exposed to sunlight to protect from sunburn.

4. The skin can feel changes in the environment

nerve receive messages from outside the body. They let us feel or be aware of the presence of


1. scabies - caused by tiny parasitic mites living in the skin.

cause intense itching and inflammation
infection occurs when scratch your skin with dirty fingers

keep skin always clean
apply cream or ointment for scabies on the infected area
2. Ringworm (buni) and Athletes foot (alipunga)
cased by fungal infections. That accompanies by itching, burning and stinging sensations and releasing of

treatment: application of antifungal ointment or cream.

Prevention Keeping the skin always dry and clean.

3. Tinea flava (An-an) - has white spots on the infected area of the skin.
caused by another kind of fungus.

dermatologist – skin doctor

4. Boil (Pigsa) caused by bacterial infection

a reddish lump or swelling usually occur with pus

the swollen part of the skin is painful. but once the pus is removed, the pain is gone
don’t touch the swollen part with dirty hands to avoid further infection.

5. Acne - disease of oil glands of the skin.

begins at puberty when the oil glands enlarge and become more active.
the oil glands secrete too much oil. This clogs the pores of the skin and makes the germs multiply

Proper care

1. take a bath every day - use gentle soap and water to remove dust, dirt and sweat
2. washing
3. limiting your exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays
4. eat food rich in vitamins A and B such as fruits and veges
5. consult a doctor when have skin problems

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