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At the end of 45-minutes lesson, the kindergarten pupils are expected to do the following with atleast
85% level of accuracy;

a. identify the objects that starts with letter Ff

b. demonstrate how to write capital letter F and small letter f

c. work harmoniouy as pair and group in the given activities and;

d. draw an object that starts with letter Ff


Letter Ff

References: Kinder Teacher's Guide, Week 12, pp. 164,171,172 and 178

Instant Practice Packets Alphabet, pp.31-34


Pictures of objects that starts with letter Ff, Concrete objects (Fan, Folder,Fork, Flag), Worksheets, Visual
Aids and Pilot pen, paper, colors,


A. Preparation

Good morning children! (Good morning teacher) How are you today? (We're good teacher) very good.
Did you all took a bath? (yes teacher) How about, did you ate your breakfast? (ofcourse teacher) great.
Today, before we start our class, may I request everyone to please stand up? And starg start our day
with a prayer. Let us bow down our head and repeat after me. (PRAYER PROCEED)

Lord thank you for a new day. Please go before me and clear my way. Thank you for all the blessing and
thank you for protecring me. Thank you for your guidance and for loving me. In your most Holy name,
Are you ready children? (yes teacher) What do you think are we will be doing right now? (Dance or sing
teacher) Very good. Now, we will be singing a song entitled "F is for Flower" Do you like to sing a song?
(Yes teacher!) Are you sure? (yes teacher) okay! nice. Teacher will sing the song first and later on we will
sing the song together. Did you get it? (yes teacher, we get it) (SONG PROCEED)

"F is for Flower"

Tune: London Bridge

Very good everyone! You may now take your seats. (Thank you teacher) Your welcome.

1. Recall

Now, I will show to you different objects and you are to tell teacher what is the name of the objects. Are
you ready? (Yes teacher) Good. Bere is the first object, what do we call this object? (Fan teacher) Yes,
very good! It is a fan. The fan start with letter? (F teacher) Good job. The fan starts with letter F. Next,
what can you see? (Fork teacher) very good Ziane, It is a fork and it starts with letter? (Ff teacher) Very
good. For the next object, Do you know the name of this object? (yes teacher, a folder) Thank you Angel.
It is a folder and it starts with letter? (Ff teacher) Very good. How about this next object? It is a? (Flag
teacher) very good Lily. The flag starts with letter? (Ff teacher) Very good!

2. Recall of the rule

Based on the kbjects that I showed, what do you think these objects have in common? (They all starts
with letter Ff teacher) very good. All of them starts with letter Ff. Now, who can make tge letter Ff
sound? (Me teacher) Yes kim please stand up and make the Ff sound (Ff, Ff, Ff sound) Wow, very good.
You can now sit down. Now, everybody.Let's make the letter Ff sound! (Ff, Ff, Ff sound) Good job. Do
you still remember how to write the letter Ff? (Yes, teacher)(No teacher). Who amlng you here can
demonstrate how to write the letter Ff? (Me teacher!) yes Al (Demonstrating letter F) how about the
small letter Ff? ( Me teacher) Yes Carlo (Demonstrating small letter F).Very good! Everyone, Let us all
point tonthe ceiling. We will write the capital letter F and the small letter F. (STUDENT'S FOLLOW THE
TEACHER) For the capital letter F. "Start at the top and make a line down. God back to the top and make
a line across then, go to the middle and make another line across." For the small letter f, " start at the
top and go half round then down to the bottom. Next, go to the middle and make a line across.
Capital Letter F Small Letter f

Very good children! Let us give ourselves a fireworks clap! (FOREWORKS CLAP)

3. Motivation

Now, wjo can tell teacher what can you see? (Fish teacher) Very good! It's a fish, What else? (Fish food
teacher)Very good! Our friend Fish name Nemo is very hungry. What do you think Nemo need? (Food
teacher) What kind of food? (Fish food teacher) Great.So Nemo the fish needs to eat because he is very
hungry. In order for Nemo to eat, you need to help him by answering the following activities.Every
correct answer, Nemo will move closer to the food and later on he will be able to eat the Fish food.
Children, can you help Nemo? Would you like to help him? (Yes teacher) Very good!

B. Inference

At this moment, we will have an activity by pair. I will show each pair two pictures. You have to choose
whether picture A or picture B starts with letter Ff. Did you get it? (yes teacher) Okay, let's start now. I'll
go now in each pairs table. Remember, you are to help our friend Nemo reach his food.(Okay teacher)
C. Verification

What picture are we going to choose? (Picture that starts with letter Ff teacher) What is the sound of
letter Ff? (Ff, Ff, Ff, Ff, Ff sound) (ACTIVITY PROCEED) Since everyone choose the correct answer/picture,
Nemo will get closer to his food. Good job everyone! Let's give one another a good job clap. (GOOD JOB

D. Application

Since everyone did a great job, this time we will have a group activity. I will group you into four groups.
We have yellow, green, blue and red groups. Each group will receive a paper and color. The tittle of this
activity is called " Letter walk" What can you see on the paper? (Flower teacher) Yes, what else? (grass
teacher) good, what else? (stone teacher) very good. A stepping stone. Are you ready to listen for the
direction? (Yes teacher!) Alright, each group need to color the stepping stone with the capital letter F
and small leter f on it. Did you get it? (only the letter Ff teacher?) yes. Letter Ff only. Do you still have
any questions? (none teacher) okay, so you may start now. Remember, do it correctly so that we can
help Nemo reach its food.
V. Evaluation

Since everyone did a great job of answering and doing the activities today, I will ask you. What is our
topic today? (Letter Ff teacher) Very good! Can you make the sound of letter Ff? (yes teacher! Ff, Ff, Ff,
Ff) Great! Can anyone give teacher a word that starts with letter Ff? (Fan teacher) what else? (Fish
teacher, Food teacher, Fox teacher, Flower teacher) very good. Who can demonstrate how to write the
Capital letter F on the board? How about small letter f? (WRITING LETTER Ff PROCEED) Because all of
you did a great job, Nemo now reach his food! Congratulations Children! Thank you for helping our
friend Nemo the fish. (yehey!!!)

VI. Assignement

Before we end our class. I will give you an assignment. On this worksheet that I will give to you, you are
going to write the capital letter F and small letter f. You can also ask the help of your parents or older
sister or brother to draw any objects that starts with letter Ff.


Did you get it? (Yes teacher) Very good! Please stand up. Goodbye everyone! (Good bye teacher Shirley
and teacher Jheyan, See you tomorrow morning!)
Prepared by:

Molina, Shirley Mae B.

Santos, Jheyan D.


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