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“Lifi visible light communication system VLC’’


Asifa Umar
2014/SBK (WU)/BS-16/5677

B.S. Thesis



Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University Quetta

Session (2016-2020)

Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University, Quetta

“Lifi visible light communication system VLC’’

A Thesis Presented to

Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University Quetta

In partial fulfillment

Of the requirement of degree of

BS (Physics)

Asifa Umar
2014/SBK(WU)/BS-16/ 5677

Session (2016-2020)

‘’Lifi visible light communication system VLC’’

A Post Graduate Thesis submitted to the Department of Physics as partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the award of Degree of BS (Physics).

Name Registration No.

Asifa Umar 2014/SBK(WU)/BS-16/5677


Ms. Gull Jahan

Lecturer, Department of Physics

Sardar Bahadur Khan women’s University Quetta

April, 2022

Final Approval
This thesis titled

“Lifi visible light communication system VLC’’



Has been approved

For the Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University, Quetta

Supervisor _______________
Ms. Gul Jahan
SBK women’s University Quetta

Head of Physics Department ______________

Ms. Sundas Zafar
SBK Women’s University, Quetta

Dean of Basic Sciences: ________________

Dr. Raheela Manzoor
SBK Women’s University, Quetta

I, Asifa Umar (S16/BS-Phy-2) hereby declare that I have produced the work presented
in this thesis, during the scheduled period of study. I also declare that I have not taken
any material from any source except referred to wherever due that amount of plagiarism
is within acceptable range. If a violation of HEC rules on research has occurred in this
thesis, I shall be liable to punishable action under the plagiarism rules of the HEC.

Date: Signature of the student

Asifa umar

It is certified that Asifa umar (S16/BS-Phy-2) has carried out all the work
related to this thesis under my supervision at the department of Physics,
Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University, Quetta and the work fulfills the
requirement for award of BS degree.



Ms. Gul Jahan

Lecturer SBKWU,

Head of Physics Department:

Sundas Zafar
Lecturer SBKWU, Quetta

Dean of Basic Sciences:

Dr. Raheela Manzoor

Director Research SBKWU, Quetta


Dedicated to my parents and my supervisor Ms. Gull Jahan


All praise and thanks belongs to Almighty ALLAH, Lord of all the worlds the most great
full and Merciful, who gave me the strength to complete my this project with success.
The success and final results of this project required a lot of assistance and guidance and I
got this help from many people. I would like to express my special thanks from the last
core of my heart to my supervisor Ms.Gull Jahan Lecture Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s
University for providing me opportunity to do the project under fix guidance. Secondly I
would like to thanks my parents and my colleagues for their cooperation and help. We
respect all our teachers because in true words they are the secret t of our success.

Asifa Umar


Lifi (Light fidelity) is a type of technology in which the communication system can be
further improved as speed of light. Now a days the communication through visible light
is possible due to lifi. In lifi the data transmission can take place by visible light, then this
visible light is used for both illumination and data transmission. In this project they
signals can be transmitted through visible light by using LEDs from transmitter and these
signals are received by a receiver detected by a photodiode and further they signals can
be seen in oscilloscope. The VLC (Visible Light Communication) system is superior in
terms of efficiency, availability, security and bandwidth then other communication
systems. Lifi is an ideal wireless technology due to its availability in those areas where
radio waves are confined due to benefits the lifi explores its future scope in wireless
network market. This technology provides high speed of internet at homes, in shopping
malls, in libraries, in laboratories thus everywhere if there is light.


TABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................................................................10

LIST OF FIGURE................................................................................................................XII

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................XIII


1.Introduction..................................................................Error: Reference source not found

1.1 Introduction......................................................................Error: Reference source not found

1.2 Problem Statement...........................................................Error: Reference source not found

1.3 Objectives........................................................................Error: Reference source not found

2.Literature review..........................................................Error: Reference source not found

2.1 Visible-Light Communication........................................Error: Reference source not found

2.2 Visible Light Communications Consortium...................Error: Reference source not found

2.3 Comparison of RF and visible light communication................Error: Reference source not


2.4 Standard for Visible Light VL.......................................Error: Reference source not found

2.5 Transmitters..................................................................Error: Reference source not found

2.6 VLC Transmitter based on LED....................................Error: Reference source not found

2.7 VLC channel................................................................Error: Reference source not found

2.8 MODULATION..........................................................Error: Reference source not found

2.9 LED as Light Source…………………………………………………………….12

2.10 Usage Model……………………………………………………………………...13

2.11 Data……………………………………………………………………………….14

2.12 VLC receiver…………………………………………………………………….15

2.13 PHOTODIODE…………………………………………………………………16

2.14 VLC Indoor…………………………………………………………………….. 16

ror: Reference source not found

3.1 Essential steps ………………………………………………………………….Error:

Reference source not found

3.1.1 TRANSMITTER………………………………………………………………
Error: Reference source not found

3.1.2 LED drive……………………………………………………………………....22

3.1.3 LED drive circuit using Bipolar junction transistor (BJT)………….......22

3.1.4 LED light source……………………………………………………...22

3.1.5 Useing visible light communication (vlc)……………...23

3.2 RECEIVER………………………………………………………………24


4.1 Conclusion and future scope of Li-Fi…………………………………2.7


5.1 References………………………………………………………………....30


Figure Title Page

2.1 The visible spectrum 6

2.2 Overview of the process of sending and receiving data via visible 7

2.3 Various optical link configurations 12

2.4 LED model 13

2.5 Block diagram of a VLC receiver 15

2.6 VLC receiver with a trans-impedance amplifier 16

2.7 Block Diagram of lifi system 17

2.8 Lifi system Connecting devices in Room 18

3.1 Block diagram of transmitter 20

3.2 Circuit diagram of transmitter


3.3 White light LED



VLC Visible light communication system

Lifi Light fidelity

Wifi Wireless fidelity

LED Light emitting diode

BW Bandwidth

RF Radio frequency

GHz Gigahertz

THz Terahertz

Gbps Billions of bits per second

Mbps Millions of bots per second

PCB Printed circuit board

PA Power amplifier

DC Direct current

PD Photo diode

LD Laser diode

OP Operational amplifier

PLC Power line carrier

VOC Video over coax

LOS Line of sight

NLOS Non line of sight

5G Fifth generation

MC Multiple carrier

CDMA Code division multiple access

GaN Gallium nitride

MAC Medium access control

SCM Single carrier modulation

MCM Multiple carrier modulation

CSK Color shift keying

PAM Pulse amplitude modulation

PPM Pulse position modulation

RGB Red blue green

DD Direct detection

BJT Bipolar junction transistor

CAPM Carrier less amplitude modulation

OFDM Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing

Chapter 1


Introduction Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

In 2011 the concept of VLC (visible light communication system) was given by a
German physicist Dr Harald Haas according to him the communication system can be
further improved and streamlined in a new way called Lifi. Lifi stands for Light Fidelity
in which we will discuss about the visible light communication system VLC and the data
is transmitted through visible light. In VLC system data is transmitted in a high speed
wireless internet communication system. VLC is assumed to be most fastest technology
of data transmission only by using single and multiple phosphor based white LEDs. VLC
system uses a visible light for both illumination and data transmission. VLC provides
high speed, high level of security and brighter wireless future this makes incredible
comparison between wifi and Lifi. (Cheng Chen et al .,2016). Lifi is a great invention
compared to wifi which can meet all the needs of this real world. The VLC technology is
used for indoor environment such as in offices, shopping malls, at homes etc and in
outdoor environment such as in road and street lighting, self driving cars. The VLC
system can be used in aircrafts it can simply provide high-speed data transmission using
any light source existing within the aero plane such as an overhead reading bulb. It Is also
useful in medical purpose it is friendly in ECO system because it does not provides
harmful radio waves. It works under water. underwater communications is not obtained
by wifi, where radio signals are absorbed by water currents Therefore Lifi has many
demands in comparison to wifi.( Jyoti Rani et al.,2014)( M. L. Pall 2012). The Lifi uses
the same speed of data transmission for everyone such as in educational institutions and
businesses. As light’s has the ability to use safely in sensitive environments such as in
nuclear plants where the radio waves are harmful but VLC provides safe, abundant
connectivity with internet, also save money . VLC can be used in traffic signals and there
will be interaction between traffic signals and LED lights on cars, controlling the traffic
principles in this way frequency of accidents can be reduces.(G. Blinowski, 2015).

VLC is optical networking system in which the light acts as medium for the
transmission of data. VLC is establishing stronger and more future proof methods than

Wi-Fi. VLC technology uses LEDs or other light sources, in this system data can be
transferred by using any type of light, That is, the light which transmits from the ,
ultraviolet, infrared or visible portions of spectrum. In lifi the visible light spectrum is
10,000 times greater than radio frequency of wifi, So that the traveling speed of lifi is
100 times faster, then wifi (J. P. M. G. Linnartz et al., 2015) It solved the issues such as
shortage of radio frequency RF and bandwidth BW. wifi operates in the radio wave
frequency range of 4x104 Hz. It uses radio frequencies in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands
as the medium for transmitting data, video, and voice massage from one place to another.
VLC system uses a visible light as an carrier for data transmission and illumination
between 400 THz (780 nm) and 800 THz (375 nm) This technology also provides
11Mbps high-speed internet connection. Light has a bandwidth 10000 times greater than
radio waves. (H. Haas and C. Chen 2016). By some researchers in 2019, the theoretical
data rates for lifi is more than 15Gbps(Inria ,Virginie Deniau 2021). The main source of
VLC is light it means that the Lifi has higher capacity then radio waves which are limited
in capacity. Researchers at the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany, have
achieved data rates over 500 gigabytes per second using a white-light LED. The practical
aspect was shown at the 2012, Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas utilize a pair of
Casio smart phones to communicate data, using light of different intensity emitted from
their screens, able to be observed at a distance of up to 10 meter. University of
Strathclyde in Scotland bought the high-speed, ubiquitous VLC technology to market ( D.
Passi, et al., 2019). A group of companies and industry introduced the Li-Fi Consortium
in October 2011 to high-speed wireless optical systems to overcome the limited amount
of radio-based wireless spectrum wifi. According to the VLC Consortium, speeds of
more than 10 Gbps are possible, theoretically less than 30 seconds a high-definition
movie is to be downloaded (P. Verma et al., 2015) The internet is an extensive need of
the whole world and the wireless communication wifi which uses radio waves can’t meet
people’s demands. VLC technology is one of the system which can fully meet all the
needs of internet, having the same powerful features of light in the science of availability,
capacity, bandwidth and speed because the main source of VLC is visible light. On the
other hand survey shows a huge comparison between Lifi and Wifi this makes Lifi
attractive for global communication.( Gomez A et al., 2015).

A common VLC device consists of transmitter and receiver. The VLC transmitter
is made up of some main components ( 1) A light bulb LED (2) A printed circuit board
PCB ( 3) An RF power amplifier circuit (PA), The enclosing The lamp's. the electrical
signals are controlled by PCB and the various functions can be managed by a
microprocessor in PCB. In the modulation of LED light with the data signal, the LEDs
can be employed as a source. Because of the high flashing rate of the LED, the resultant
output seems constant to the human eye. Using high-speed LEDs and other multiplexing
methods, communication rates more than 100 Mbps can be obtained. . A high-brightness
white LED and a driving circuit are included in transmitter. LED bulbs flickering vary
high rate that is not perceptible to the human eye. when the LED is get on, the bulb's
flickering is employed for data transmission , it transmits digit '1', when LED is ON and
when it is out, it transmits digit '0.' By passing through Drive Current into the LED with
suitable DC bias, the driving circuit also modulates the digital data over the dimming
signals of LEDs. Receiver consists LED made up of silicon photo diode with better filter,
an optical concentrator, an amplifier, visible wavelength response. In Lifi on one hand
there is a light emitter, such as an LED The logic is simple. A digital 1 is transmitted
when the LED is turned on. A digital 0 is transmitted if the LED is turned off. These
high-brightness LEDs can be turned on and off fast, providing excellent prospects for
data transmission in the presence of light on the other, hand there is a photodiode or
photo detector (light sensor) when the LED is on, the photo detector registers a binary
digital one; when the LED is off, the photo detector reports a binary zero and the massage
in created, flashing of the LED several times to achieve data speeds in the hundreds of
megabits per second range. By altering the pace at which the LEDs turn on and off to
generate different strings of 1s and 0s, the data is encoded in the light, as the intensity of
the LED is modified at such fast rate that the human eye cannot detect it. (Chung Ghiu
Lee 2011) In VLC white LED (light emitting diode) bulbs are used in the broadcasting of
internet communication system. As LED emits light this is useful in conveying the data
in this way wireless data is collected from every light bulb according to this system every
bulb is used as lifi hotspot internet ( N.V.Rajeesh et al., 2017)There are many advantages
of VLC over wifi .VLC is more protectable and provides more security as it do not
penetrate walls because it uses light and wifi uses radio waves that can penetrate the

walls therefore wifi is not protectable. . The main source of VLC is white LED having
high speed than wifi and visible light is more efficient, superior in availability, also
having low cost management then wifi . In VLC the data can be received or transmit by
flashing of light at speeds which cannot be seen by naked eye. The data transmission
takes place by switching ON and OFF with in short time like in few nanoseconds that
much fast cannot be observed by human eye giving better response in the comparison of
wifi. It takes short time period for downloading movies, music, and games.( S. Vicky
2014 ).

1.2 Problem Statement

Wireless fidelity uses radio waves to convey wireless data which are limited and
expensive, also having finite amount of bandwidth and significant risk of security due to
these restrictions wifi is not beneficial for rapidly increasing rate of the world’s
population. VLC technology uses visible light for data transmission and the availability
of data transmission through visible light is not a big issue in this developed world, we
can see the light sources everywhere around the world .Lifi technology also provides
high speed, higher efficiency, capacity, security and availability then wifi

1.3 Objectives

The aim of this project is to design and construct a visible light communication
system with transmitter and receiver made up of equipments available in market.

The Objectives of the project are:

 To design and construct transmitter based on panel of white LEDs (light emitting

 To design and construct receiver based on Photodiode or Photo detector with

Operational amplifier(OP741)

 An Oscilloscope and Function generator are used to process this operation.

Chapter 2

Literature review

Literature Riview Chapter 2

2.1 Visible-Light Communication

Late progression in the solid-state electronic devices for example light-emitting diode
has set off the different ways for illumination besides communication. Such
communication which based on visible light is known as visible light communication
(VLC). The initiative of visible light communication was in the year of 2000, which
utilize white LED to transmit information. This concept has been got popularity among
the researchers of the communication world, as people are pooped up of high mobile data
traffic( Dehos et al., 2014). According to Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) mobile
networking monthly global data traffic in 2017 was 11.5 exabytes which will attain 77
exabytes mobile data traffic in 2022 so there is 46% increase in mobile data traffic
(Forecast Cisco Visual networking, 2019). In the course of conventional LED-based
VLC high data rate is obtained more overdue to the main component LED we acquire
two stipulations at the same time which are illumination and communication (Grubor et
al., 2008).

LED's dual course of action (illumination and communication) was initially proposed
by Japanese researchers in 2000. The LED with quick switching was a unique result of
this technique. The human eye cannot see this flashing of light, therefore even with HF
rate in amplitude modulation, it has no effect on indoor illumination (Tanaka et al.,

Visible light is the way in which the human brain perceives electromagnetic radiation
with wave lengths in a specified range. Visual light is defined as electromagnetic waves
that can be seen with the naked eye. Wavelengths 380 to 750 nanometers make up the
visible spectrum. Figure 2.1 shows the human perception of the colour tone associated
with each wave length.

. Figure 2.1 The visible spectrum (Wurtman 1975)

Violet-bluish tones can be found at the lower end of the spectrum, while light at the other
end of the spectrum is regarded as distinctly red. It's worth noting that some animals'
vision blends with the ultraviolet ( 380 nm) or infrared (> 750 nm). 1.2 Inspiration Using
visible light for data transmission has numerous advantages and avoids the majority of
the disadvantages associated with data transfer using electromagnetic waves outside the
visible spectrum. For example, there are few known visible light-induced health concerns
today, and moderate exposure is thought to be healthy for the human body [Wurtman

Figure 2.2. overview of the process of sending and receiving data via visible (adopted
from Lo 2004)

Furthermore, because visible light does not interfere with electromagnetic

radiation, it can be utilised without hesitation in hospitals and other facilities.
Additionally, visible light is unrestricted. Because no firm owns the property rights to
visible light, there are no royalties to pay or expensive patent licences to buy in order to

utilise visible light for communication [Langer 2010]. Visible light can be used to
provide a completely free infrastructure on which to build a complicated communication
network. Because light cannot penetrate solid objects such as walls or furniture, VLC is
usually used inside, and transmitted light does not leave the room when the doors are
closed and the curtains drawn. The ability to flip on and off in extremely short periods is
the most critical condition that a light source must meet in order to serve communication
objectives, because this is how data is later manipulated. Many traditional light sources,
such as incandescent lights, are ruled out. The use of LEDs1 has increased dramatically
in recent years [Won et al. 2008]. LEDs are frequently used in traffic and braking lights,
but they are also displacing traditional illumination methods (such as incandescent lamps)
in general (LEDs are increasingly used in flashlights, headlights, status displays, and
other applications) and may soon completely replace these other light sources ([Wesson
2002] and [Evans 1997]).

LEDs meet the aforementioned need by being able to turn on and off quickly. As
a result, they're ideal for converting data into visible light. Photodiode receivers or
CCD/CMOS sensors, which are often included inside digital cameras, can be used to
receive data sent out in this manner.

VLC is a method that uses illumination devices, primarily high-brightness light-

emitting diodes (LEDs), to construct high-speed short-range wireless communication
links [Ghassemlooy et al., 2012, (Arnon, 2015, (Uysal et al., 2016, , (Bloch & Barros,
2011 , (Ghassemlooy et al., 2012, , (Arnon et al., 2012, Haas & McLaughlin, 2008 ]. In
standard VLC systems, information is conveyed by varying the LEDs' output intensity,
while the data signal is retrieved using simple photodiodes at the receiver end (PDs).
Higher data rates can be achieved by using laser diodes (LDs) rather than LEDs [8], but
LDs are not widely used for illumination since they are more expensive and can cause
eye or skin problems. Data speeds can also be boosted by utilising image receivers [,
Tolstrup, 2015 (Dimitrov & Haas, 2015], but this adds to the complexity and cost of the
system. The license-free light spectrum and immunity to radio frequency (RF)
interference are two advantages of VLC systems. VLC transmitters can also take
advantage of existing lighting infrastructure, such as the replacement of legacy

incandescent and fluorescent lamps with LED-based luminaires that have a longer
lifespan, smaller size, lower power consumption, higher energy conversion efficiency,
and improved colour rendering without the use of toxic chemicals [Arnon, 2015,
Ghassemlooy et al., 2012, (Lenk & Lenk, 2011]. As a result of the integration of power-
line communication (PLC) and video-over-coax (VLC) technologies, ubiquitous indoor
broadband coverage with seamless handover is possible [ Komine and M. Nakagawa
2003, H. Ma 2013].

VLC systems can also benefit from multiple antenna approaches to produce larger
data speeds [L. Zeng 2009] and improve the dependability [1 T. Komine et.al2009]
and security [A. Mostafa ] of VLC networks, because conventional lighting systems use
numerous luminaires that are suitably distanced to provide uniform illumination. VLC
links also produce minor inter-cell interference due to line-of-sight (LoS) propagation
and confinement of light waves by opaque surfaces. Such benefits qualify VLC systems
for implementing small-size cells, dubbed "LiFi attocells" [ H. Haas 2016,], in fifth-
generation (5G) networks with cell coverage ranges of a few metres [S. Wu, H. Wang 2014 ]. The 2011 publication of the IEEE 802.15.7 standard [IEEE Standard for
Local.2011] marked a significant step toward the commercialization and broad
deployment of VLC networks [S. Hranilovic 2013, S. 2014 ].

It defines three physical layer modes, the second and third of which, PHY II and
PHY III, support data speeds of up to 96 Mbit/sec, respectively [ L.R.,S. Rajagopal,,2012]. In reality, in laboratory conditions, even
higher data rates have previously been observed. [ L. ] built a prototype
VLC system that used high-power LEDs to provide bidirectional real-time transmission
at a total rate of 500 Mbit/sec over a 2 m distance. The authors presented a 16-user multi-
carrier code-division multiple access (MC CDMA) VLC system utilising off-the-shelf
LEDs that achieves a 750 Mbit/sec sum rate across a 1.5 m distance. Furthermore, using
LEDs with a smaller size (on the scale of 50 m) and lower junction capacitance allows for
a greater modulation BW .A single gallium nitride (GaN) LED was used by the authors in
[D. Tsonev,2014] to establish a 3 Gbit/sec VLC link over a 5 cm distance...

2.2 Visible Light Communications Consortium

In November 2003, the Visible Light Communications Consortium (VLCC), which

is primarily made up of Japanese technology companies, was created. Through public
relations, it promotes the use of visible light for data transmission and attempts to
develop standards. The appendix contains a list of member companies. The VLCC's work
is divided into four different committees.

 Research Advancement and Planning Committee; This committee is

responsible for all organisational and administrative activities, including budget
management and overseeing various working groups. It also looks into issues like
intellectual property rights in respect to VLC.

 Technical Committee ; The Technical Committee is concerned with technology

issues such as LED data transmission and fluorescent lighting.

 Standardization Committee; The standardisation committee is responsible for

standardising activities and for proposing new standards and additions to current ones.

 The Popularization Committee; intends to increase public knowledge of VLC

as a promising technology with many uses. For that reason, it also undertakes market

2.3 Comparison of RF and visible light communication

The data in VLC has been conveyed using light emitted from the light source. It is
a wireless communication technology with a high data transfer rate when compared
to other communication systems (radio and infrared). Furthermore, because VLC is a
non-hazardous technology that should be chosen in very sensitive areas such as
hospitals and space stations, it has no interference with electromagnetic radiations or
radio bands (Hongda et al., 2016). Because directional visible light is used in this
transmission, VLC also provides a secure connection. . In VLC, if we don't require
the LED's illumination, we can dim it using pulse width modulation and adjusting

the depth modulation approach, which is a means to regulate the LED's brightness
and save energy (Komine & Nakagawa, 2004).

2.4 Standard for Visible Light VLC

Mobility support, dimming support, visibility support, security support, flickering

mitigation, color function, network beacons, VPAN, and entity link provider are all roles
played by the medium access control (MAC) layer (IEEE, 2011). The architecture that
allows at least one of three transmission modes to be supported by the MAC layer:
bidirectional (peer to peer), unidirectional (star), or broadcast.

The modulation signals are used to regulate the light emitting diode's flashing at different
frequencies that carry the data to be conveyed. Even if the intensity of light or
illumination of light is not accessible, modulation techniques are necessary to carry out
the communication.

The information carried in the message signal determines the intensity of the LED's light
and the frequency of its flashing. Single Carrier Modulation (SCM), Multiple Carrier
Modulation (MCM), and Color Modulation or Color Shift Keying are the three forms of
modulation [Islim M S and Haas H. (2016)] used in LiFi (CSK). A. Modulation of a
Single Carrier (SCM) SCM is better suited to applications requiring low to moderate data
rates. SCM is a modulation technique that allows unlimited number of signals to be
received, but each one is modulated at a distinct frequency [ Revathi S and Aarthi]. ON-
OFF Keying (OOK), Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), and Pulse position modulation
are some of the modulation techniques used in SCM (PPM).

2.5 Transmitters

VLC may theoretically employ any type of light source as a transmitting device.
Some, on the other hand, are better matched than others. For instance, incandescent lights
quickly break down when switched on and off regularly. As a result, these are not
approved for use as VLC transmitters. Fluorescent lights and LEDs are more promising
options. VLC transmitters are frequently used to provide lighting for the rooms in where

they are installed. Because fluorescent lights can flicker quickly enough to send a
meaningful quantity of data and are already widely used for illumination, they are a
popular candidate. However, with an ever-increasing market share of LEDs and further
technological advancements such as better brightness and spectrum clarity [Won et al.
2008], LEDs will continue to gain market share.

As illumination sources and VLC transmitters, LEDs are expected to replace fluorescent
lights. LEDs in their most basic form consist of a bluish to ultraviolet LED surrounded by
phosphorous that is then triggered by the actual LED and generates white light. Data rates
of up to 40 Mbit/s are possible [Won et al. 2008]. To generate white light, RGB LEDs no
longer rely on phosphorus. They have three different LEDs (a red, a blue, and a green
one) that, when lit up simultaneously, emit light that humans perceive as white. Data
speeds of up to 100 MBit/s can be accomplished utilising RGB LEDs because there is no
latency caused by activating phosphorous first ([Won et al. 2008]).

The development of resonant cavity LEDs (RCLEDs) has progressed significantly in

recent years. These are similar to RGB LEDs in that they are made up of three different
LEDs, but they also have Bragg reflectors installed, which improve spectral clarity to the
point that emitted light can be controlled at extremely high frequencies. Siemens
demonstrated that data transfer at a rate of 500MBit/s is attainable using this technology
in early 2010 [Siemens 2010]. It's worth noting that VLC is unlikely to be employed for
large-scale data transmission. High data rates, such as the ones mentioned above, were
achieved using precise settings that are unlikely to be replicated in real-life scenarios.
[Haruyama et al. 2008] Communication • 5 estimate. The distance in which VLC can be
expected to be reasonably used ranges up to about 6 meters [Won et al. 2008].

2.6 VLC Transmitter based on LED

A pulse electrical signal is fed into the transmitter, which then illuminates the LED
via the LED drive. A LED drive is a piece of equipment that provides current to LEDs in
order for them to transform electrical signals into light. The data is sent in the form of
light, which acts as a binary bit and is obtained due to the LED's on/off speed. The ON-
OFF of the LED at such a fast rate that human eyes are unable to detect it. As a result,

both transmission and lighting can be used simultaneously (O'Brien et al., 2008). A
modulator, LED driver, and a number of visible light-transmitting LEDs make up an
optical transmitter. Before transmitting the data to the LEDs, the data is modulated. The
primary function of an LED is to convey data in the form of light from a transmitter to a
receiver. The data is transmitted in optical bits, with a high intensity of light representing
bit 1 and a low intensity of light representing bit 0. A LED used in a communication
system must have the features listed below. HF switching and brightness. Even in the
presence of ambient light, the receiver photodiode can easily detect high-brightness LED
light. The high switching frequency required for high data rate transmission is LED's
second capability.

2.7 VLC channel

The LED is the most promising device for light transmission in an indoor optical
wireless system. Since LEDs emit incoherent light, receiving a huge volume of
incoherent light at the receiver is extremely difficult. In most cases, the link setup has a
significant impact on light reception. (Kahn & Barry, 1997) introduced six different link
configurations, which are depicted in figure 2.9. Between the transmitter and receiver in
the VLC system, the channel is air or space. When light travels from a transmitter, it
travels along two types of paths: line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS) (Uddin
et al., 2011).

The LOS gives the transmitter and receiver a confined field of view. As a result,
lowering the route loss and increasing the efficiency of transmitted power, however in the
case of NLOS, the power efficiency is lower because light is reflected by walls and
barriers, resulting in a lower transmission rate when reaching the receiver than with a
LOS link.

Figure 2.3: various optical link configurations (Kahn et al., 1997)

In VLC, a simple modulation mechanism known as intensity modulation and

direct detection is employed to lessen the complexity of light spreading. This is a low-
cost and simple modulation technology in which the desired signal is transmitted to the
receiver and direct detection (DD) is employed for down-conversion. In indirect
detection, the photodiode's current is completely dependent on the input power (Lee et
al., 2009).


It is necessary to modulate data, such as photos or audio files, into a carrier signal
in order to send it out via LEDs. This carrier signal is made up of light pulses that are sent
out in short intervals in visible light communication.

The modulation technique chosen, two of which will be presented in this section,
determines how these are understood precisely. First, the VLCC presents a system termed
subcarrier pulse– position modulation, which has previously been established as a VLC-
standard. Frequency shift keying (also known as FSK) is the second modulation system
to be discussed. Sugiyama et al. [2007] provide a full overview of modulation. They also
look into how pulse-position modulation might be used with lighting control.

2.9 LED as Light Source

The capacity to turn on and off repeatedly in extremely short intervals of time is
the most crucial requirement for a light source to serve communication objectives. LEDs
are a good light source or Li-Fi since they can be turned on and off quickly. Higher
efficiency, environmentally friendly production, design flexibility, longer useful
lifetimes, and greater spectrum performance are just a few of the advantages LEDs
provide over fluorescent and incandescent lamps. When the energy levels in a
semiconductor diode fluctuate, LEDs emit light. This change in energy generates
photons, some of which are emitted as light. The difference in energy levels and the type
of semiconductor material used to manufacture the LED chip determine the wavelength
of emitted light.LEDs with a solid-state construction can tolerate vibration, shocks,
frequent switching, and environmental extremes without compromising their long useful
lives of over 100,000 hours. A semiconductor diode chip is put in the reflector cup of a
lead frame and connected to electrical (wire bond) cables before being enclosed in a solid
epoxy lens. In VLC technology, the relationship between data rate and LED size is
critical. With different sized LEDs, different data rates can be achieved. Micro-LEDs,
which can handle millions of fluctuations in light intensity, can be made from standard-
sized LED bulbs. A micro-LED light bulb can carry data at speeds of up to 3.5 gigabits
per second, and data rates of up to 10 gigabits per second are achievable. The mini LED
bulbs enable the light stream to be beamed in tandem, allowing massive amounts of data
to be transmitted in terms of Gbps.

Figure 2.4 LED Model

2.10 Usage Model

Several data-based services are enabled by a heterogeneous communication

system within a local VLC cloud. The VLC Consortium defined various sorts of
technologies to provide safe, dependable, and ultra-high-speed wireless communication
interfaces at first. Gigabit-per-second technology, optical mobility and navigation,
precision location, and gesture recognition technologies were among them. The Li-Fi
Consortium defined Giga Dock, Giga Beam, Giga Shower, Giga Spot, and Giga MIMO
models for giga-speed technologies to address distinct user scenarios for wireless indoor
and indoor-like data transfers. With speeds of up to 10 Gbps, Giga Dock is a wireless
docking system that includes wireless charging for smart phones, tablets, and notebooks.
Meanwhile, the Giga Beam concept is a point-to-point data link for kiosk applications or
data transfers between portable devices. In four seconds, a two-hour full HDTV movie (5
GB) may be transferred from one device to another. Other in-house communication
models include Giga Shower, Giga Spot, and Giga-MIMO. On one side, a ceiling-
mounted transmitter or receiver is connected to, say, a media server. Portable or fixed
equipment on a desk in an office, in an operation room, in a production hall, or at an
airport, on the other hand.

2.11 Data

The utilization of solid-state lighting devices such as LEDs or Laser Diodes has
the potential to provide very high-rate data transfer via visible light communication
(VLC). Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a Visible Light Communication-based technology that
transmits and receives data using the visible and infrared light spectrum. Li-Fi, like Wi-
Fi, can provide intra-cell and inter-cell mobility, with two basic handover mechanisms
(horizontal and vertical) (Serafimovski et al., 2018). In late 2015, it was discovered that
the majority of wireless data traffic originated in interior locations, accounting for 80% of
all traffic (Commscope, 2015).

VLC may use the same amount of electricity to brighten the room while
transmitting by utilizing the already-installed light-emitting-diode (LED) lighting
infrastructures for broadband data transmission. This might be regarded a good example
of green communication for high-speed local area networks. The LED lights send Li-Fi
data, which is received by the photo detector. Researchers have proven data rates of 10
Gbps in early development versions of VLC can transmit of 150 Mbps, with brighter
LEDs type (Tsonev et al., 2015). The bandwidth of the optical spectrum is many orders
of magnitude greater than that of the RF spectrum. The visible and near-infrared (IR)
areas together are 2600 times larger than the RF spectrum from 0 to 300 GHz (Haas et
al., 2017).

This spectrum is unlicensed (unrestricted) and just requires eye protection.

Optical wireless communication technologies, as a result, are a potentially appealing
medium for wireless communication. A femtocell network is an indoor small-cell system
that can boost a cellular system's ASE dramatically (Chandhar and Das, 2014). While
interference from the femtocell comes from the nearby access point signal, VLC provides
a step change improvement of the small-cell concept by totally eliminating interference to
RF-based technologies. The advantages and disadvantages of VLC systems against RF
systems are discussed (Stevanovic, 2017). (Chowdhury et al., 2018). Discuss every
component of the VLC application that has the greatest chance of being implemented in
the near future.

2.12 VLC receiver

The receiver is made up of a lens, an array of photodiodes used as a photodetector

and a low pass filter. When light goes from a transmitter to a receiver, LPF is useful for
filtering out all undesirable signals that are introduced into the air. The receiver's lens
collects incident light and focuses it on the photodiodes, which is a useful feature.
Photodiodes can generate energy when incident light beams on them. The generated
current is proportional to the amount of light gathered, according to O'Brien et al. (2008).
The signal is handled by a low distortion amplifier, which enhances the signal while
simultaneously converting it to voltage, due to the photodiode's low acquired current of
roughly 300mA.

Following amplification, a low pass filter removes high-frequency disturbances, which

can then be boosted by another amplifier, resulting in a reduction in low-frequency
noises, before the signal is decoded by the receiver's decoder.

Figure 2:5 block diagram of a VLC receiver (Uddin et al., 2011)

The photodiode and the transimpedance amplifier are the two main parts of the
VLC receiver. This feedback circuit transforms the current generated by the PD to
voltage, making it a current to voltage converter. A feedback resistor in the circuit Rf,
which receives current and converts it to voltage, performs this task (Hernandez, 2008).
To limit the active area of capacitance given by the photo detector region, this trans-
impedance circuit uses a large resistance feedback value. The VLC receiver is made up of

two primary components: a photodiode and a transimpedance amplifier. The current
created by the PD is converted to voltage by this feedback circuit, making it a current to
voltage converter. This is accomplished through a feedback resistor in the circuit Rf,
which receives current and transforms it to voltage (Hernandez, 2008). This trans-
impedance circuit uses a strong resistance feedback value to limit the active area of
capacitance provided by the photo detector region.

Figure 2.:6 VLC receiver with a trans-impedance amplifier (Hernandez, 2008).


To sense the data stream, the photodiode is employed as a Li-Fi receiver. Better
receivers are made with Avalanche photodiodes. Haas demonstrated the first receiver
chip for Li-Fi with integrated Avalanche photodiodes on CMOS produced by his team at
the Li-Fi R&D centre during his recent discussion on "My Li-Fi Revolution" at the Tam
Dalyell award lecture [Harald Haas]. The 49 photodiodes [] in the 7.8-
square-mm IC are around 13% of the length of a single Wi-Fi antenna. The Li-Fi group
demonstrated advances in combining emitters and photodiodes to detect light using red,
green, and blue LEDs at the IEEE Photonics Conference in October. This allowed the
system to send and receive data at a combined rate of 110 Mbps.

2.14 VLC Indoor

VLC has various indoor networking applications where the intercommunication

of personal electronic devices is a necessity due to its minimal ambient interference,
higher data rate for short distance connections, and already-existing infrastructure. The
smart lighting market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 21.50 percent between 2018 and
2023, from USD 7.93 billion in 2018 to USD 20.98 billion in 2023. (According to
Marketsand Markets, 2018). The expansion of the smart lighting sector is fueled by
modernization and infrastructure development to transform cities into smart cities.
Hospitals (where surrounding electromagnetic wave sensitive areas and VLC will not
interfere with radio waves), and aviation (LEDs can also be used instead of wires to
provide media services to passengers, lowering aircraft construction costs). Offices,
universities, shopping malls, airports, and restaurants (facilitates illumination,
communication, and control simultaneously, saving cost and energy consumption) (VLC
system will integrate with smartmeter to send and store data daily). Smart retails, such as
shopping markets, were early users of visible light communication technologies. The
retail indoor positioning segment, such as delivering coupons, notifying customers of
discounts, and supporting customers in identifying the exact location of a product, has
become quite simple thanks to VLC modules.

The indoor positioning sector is expected to increase at a CAGR of 93.82 percent

between 2015 and 2022, offering a USD 33.54 billion opportunity.

A new generation of high-brightness light-emitting diodes is at the heart of light

fidelity technology. The reasoning behind it is simple. If the LED is turned on, a digital 1
is sent. If the LED is turned off, a digital 0 is delivered. These high-brightness LEDs can
be turned on and off quickly, giving us great possibilities for light-based data
transmission (Ghaderi, 2022, ). Li-Fi is a rather simple technology. A light emitter, such
as an LED, is on one end, and a photo detector is on the other (light sensor). The photo
detector registers a binary one when the LED is turned on, and a binary zero when the
LED is turned off. Flash the LED numerous times to form a message, or use an array of

LEDs in different colors to attain data speeds in the hundreds of megabits per second
range. A Li-Fi system is depicted in Figure 1 as a block diagram.

Figure 2.7 (Block Diagram of lifi system) (Ghaderi, 2022,)

The data can be encoded in the light by changing the rate at which the LEDs turn
on and off to generate varied strings of 1s and 0s. The light from the LED appears to be
constant to humans since the LED intensity is changed at such a fast rate that the human
eye cannot notice it Grundmann, 2018).

LEDs (light-emitting diodes, also known as LEDs and found in traffic and street
lights, car brake lights, remote control units, and countless other applications) can be
switched on and off faster than the human eye can detect, giving the appearance of a
constant light source when it is actually 'flickering.' The bulb's unseen on-off action
allows data to be communicated using binary codes: turning on an LED is a logical '1,'
and putting it off is a logical '0.' By changing the rate at which the LEDs turn on and off,
information may be encoded in the light to different combinations of 1s and 0s. The
technical name for this method of wirelessly sending information using fast pulses of
light is Visible Light Communication (VLC), although it is more widely known as Li-Fi
because it can compete with its radio-based counterpart Wi-Fi. Figure depicts a Li-fi
system that connects gadgets in a room.


Figure 2.8 (Lifi system Connecting devices in Room) Grundmann, 2018).

Many additional advanced approaches can be employed to significantly boost the

data rate of VLC. Teams from the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh are working on
simultaneous data transmission utilising an array of LEDs, each of which broadcasts a
distinct data stream. Other groups are experimenting with other combinations of red,
green, and blue LEDs to change the light frequency and encode a separate data channel.

Chapter 3


Methodology Chapter 3

Essential steps

To achieve the various objectives of this project, the following steps are helpfull

1. The works related to review and theories on this project work.

2. Draw block diagram that illustrates the implementation of the system.

3. To design the circuit diagram for the Transmitter and the Receiver in the system.

3.1 Block diagram

The block diagram of our design is given below. Now we will discuss each
component one by one

DATA IN BJT based Array of



Date out Trans Photo

impedance diode

Figure 3.1 Block diagram of transmitter

Input data is provided through function generator where we have send sine waves.
These input signals are received by the base of transistor. The transistor converts the
input voltage into current and this current is further used for arrays of LED. LEDs get on
when current flow in the collector of transistor and get off when there is no current or no

signal in the transistor. By the On and OFF of LEDs 1s and 0s bits are transferred through
LEDs in the form of light signal in VLC. The light signal is then received by the
photodiode in receiver section. The photodiode is used to convert light signal into
electrical signal and this electrical signal is then again converted to voltage signal by
trans impedance amplifiers. The converted signal is obtained on oscilloscope in our


The transmitter is to convert digital data into visible light. An LED was a suitable
component because of its relatively linear relationship between current and light
intensity. The general idea is to modulate the light intensity of the LED i.e; the intensity
of the light corresponds to the symbol transmitted.

LED is used as the transmitter or sender of signal here. The wavering in the LED is
basically the signal that is to be sent. The quick ON (transmits 1) and OFF (transmits 0)
of the LED is used to encode a string of data signal. Now this technique can be upgraded
by using multiple LEDs. Tentatively, the speed of data communication through Li-Fi can
be up to 10Gbps

Here 10 commercially available LEDs connected in parallel combination. And

current of each LED is 30 mA.Transistor BJT2N2222a is used to drive these LEDs.In our
transmitter section we have function generator to give wave pulses to the transistor. The
signal coming from the function generator is in form of voltage. The transistor is
converting the voltage into current. in short the signal generator controls the transistor,
which opens and closes the power supply to the LED. Here it can be noted that both 12 V
and 5 V supply can be used in the transmitter for powering the LED but for simplicity 5
V supply is preferred for low power operation.

Visible light LEDs Resistor Transistor

Figure 3.2, circuit diagram of transmitter

3.2.1 LED drive

The input signals whether it is analog or digital will be taken by the LED derive.
The LED derive is used for two functions the first is modulation and second biasing. In
our design we use transistor for drive current. We cannot apply direct current to the LEDs
that why we use transistor which run the transistor we have collector, base and
emitter. The collector is connected to the negative terminal of the LED which is called
cathode and LEDs are connected in parallel. Base is connected to the positive terminal of
the LEDs and also connected through resister as signal is coming from the source
connected to the base of the transistor. Here emitter is connected direct to the ground.
Through this design a required amount of current is allowed to run in the LEDs.

3.2.2 LED drive circuit using Bipolar junction transistor (BJT)

Our drive circuit for the transmitter LED is based on the transconductance BJT
model. This transconductance BJT based configuration is used for current modulation.
The input signal in the form of voltage is related to the base of the transistor which is
converted into the output current. The output current of the BJT transistor is implemented
as the LED drive current.

3.2.3 LED light source

LED (Light Emitting Diode) Visible Light Communications (VLC) systems are
familiar as creating a possible valuable addition to future generations of technology,
which have the potential to utilize light for the purposes of advanced technological
communication at ultra-high speed greater that of current wireless systems One of the
goals of researchers is to allow 100 megabits of data transference per second (Mbps) in
offices and homes by modulation of light from promoted lighting systems. If it is
developed correctly, the possibility exists that many of the problems associated with
present day infrared, radio wave and microwave communications systems could be at
least partially resolved, and a more biologically friendly system made existing to
industries and the general public.

The array of LEDs as a light source, as shown in Fig is composed of the low-
power LEDs. In our system we have used commercially available LEDs we have used 10
LEDs. We can also increase the number of LEDs for more brightens but our requirement
was fulfilled by 10 LEDs. These LEDs are connected in parallel combination and current
through each LED was calculated is 30 mA and due to the parallele combination of LEDs
the total current calculated is 300 mA. LED negative side is called cathode and it is
connected to the collector. The positive side is called anode and it is connected to the
resister also it is connected to the positive terminal of the power supply.

When we on power supply and function generator we see flunction on LEDs. In
functional generator when we give maximum frequency we cannot see flunction visually.
When we reduce frequency we see flunction. At very low frequency the LED lights
become dim.

Figure 3.3 white light LED


Our receiver design is consist of a photodiode ,operational amplifier and oscilloscope.

The photodiode is volnurable to light and its function is to receive the optical signal
which is send from transmitter and convert that signal into current. The current is then
converted and amplified by operational amplifier placed in the receiver section. To obtain
the desired signal which is send from the transmitter is we have used an oscilloscope in
our design.

Figure 3.4 VLC receiver

3.3.1 Photodiode

A photodiode is a light sensitive semi conductor diode.It generate potential

difference or changes it's electrical resistance on exposure to light.It produces current
when it absorbs photons.It can be used for visible light, infrared,ultraviolet radiation,or
X-rays but here in this specific project we are using it for visible light communication.

Photodiode have numerous uses in our daily lives, it can be used for safety electronics
such as fire and smoke detectors, it's also used for medical applications.

In thi project have transmitter and reciever ,the LED's which are connected in
parallel are exposed to the photo diode, Now as we know that photodiode is a light
sensitive diode, it generates potential differences or resistance, these results or
fluctuations are observed on oscilloscope in the form of waves.These waves are then used
for visible light communication

Figure 3.5 photodiode

3.3.2 Operational Amplifier

We have an operational amplifier. They have eight (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) pins. 1 and 5th
is called offset. 2 and 3 is inverted and non-inverting ( means input) and 6 th is output. Pin
4th and 7th are voltages. 4th has negative charges and 7th is positive charges. 8th pin is
numeric control (NC). Photodiode stay connected to the ground. Now power supply stay
connected to the oscilloscope and connected to output (6 th pin) and 2nd is connected to the

Optical multiuser involves exploiting the facts that LEDs offer very directional beams
and that intensity modulation(IM) does not suffer from multipath fading.

Chapter 4

Result and discussion

Result and discussion chapter 4

The basic aim of this project is to design visible light communication system in which the
data transmission takes place by using visible light. In our project the VLC data
transmission system is set up by implementation of some important equipment such as
transmitter, receiver and power supply, function generator, oscilloscope is used to run
this project.

For this purpose first of all the implementation of transmitter and receiver is required as
shown in figure 4.1and 4.6 . After the calculation of resistor values of transmitter and
receiver all the equipment of the circuit were designed on breadboard carefully.

igure 4.1 transmitter

In transmitter they 10 LEDs are connected parallel in breadboard as shown in figure 4.3
and transistor is used to drive the LEDs voltage of 9V is applied from power supply then
they LEDs get ON

figure 4.2 power supply with transmitter

figure 4.3 the 10 LEDs

The flickering of LEDs can be controlled by Function generator at different frequency

level they LEDs shows different flickering. At 78.2Hz to 167Hz the flickering of the
LEDs is not perceived by naked eye but at the level of 45Hz the flickering if LEDs can
be seen by naked eyes flickering showing the data transmission power that how much fast
the signals are sending by the LEDs

figure 4.4 function generator

figure 4.5

The signals from transmitter through LEDs are sent and received by receiver. In receiver
there is a photodiode which detects the signals of visible light and these signals were

filtered and amplified through Operational Amplifier (OP741) then these signals can be
seen on oscilloscope

figure 4.6 receiver

figure 4.6 oscilloscope

This project is based on VLC system which clearly shows that how the signals are
transmitted and received by the receiver, it works as speed of light too much fast
communication system can be obtained through VLC, which will improve the
communication system giving powerful, time consuming, high rate of data transmission
skills, greater bandwidth, and frequency.

If we use Arduino by the same project we can send data, videos, images, etc. Thus VLC
is the most accurate system of improving the communication skills of internet.

Chapter 5

5.1 Conclusion and future scope of Li-Fi

Li-Fi is still in its incipient stages and thus offers tremendous scope for future
research and innovation. The following is a brief overview of some of the research work
being conducted in the field and the future scope for this technology. Researches are
developing micron sized LEDs with flicker on and off 1000 time faster than layer LEDs.
They provide faster data transfer and also take up less space. Moreover 1000 micron
sized LEDs can fit into area required by 1 sq. mm large single LED. A1 sq. mm sized
array of micron sized LEDs could hence communicate 1000×1000 times as much
information as a single 1mm LED. The Li-Fi consortium assert that it is possible to
achieve speeds greater than 10Gbps. Researchers at the Heinrich Hertz institute in Berlin,
Germany, have achieved data rates of over 500 megabytes per second using a standard
white LED light. The Li-Fi have used this technology to transmit data and at 10Gbps.
More recently researchers at the university of Oxford employed Li-Fi to obtain
bidirectional speeds of 224Gbps. These speeds would allow 18 movies (1.5GB each) to
be downloaded in a single second. That being said presently there are many international
developers of VLC technologies including intel ,Siemens, CASIO, VLCC, Philips
Fraunhofer Samsung, Bytelight and the Li-Fi consortium. Time magazine has also named
Li-Fi as one of the 50 best inventions of 2011. Li-Fi could ultimately lead to the internet
of things i.e all electronic devices being connected to the Internet, with the LEDs on the
electronics being used as Internet access points. The Li-Fi market is projected to have an
annual growth rate of 82% from 2013 to 2018 and to be worth over 6 billion per year by

 Interference management in cellular Li-Fi network. It is directed towards

developing Interference cancellation techniques specific to Li-Fi. The project also studies
cell cooperation and Interference avoidance techniques.
 This is based on the fact that due to the inexpensive nature of photodetectors and
LEDs. It is possible to develop small and low-complex transceiver units that allow any
LED light to act as a high speed data transmitter.
 Li-Fi spatial modulation. This is a new digital modulation and MIMO technique
which allows for highly energy efficient transmitter since it only needs a single
transmitter chain. The project looks into how spatial modulation could be used to support

dimming of light in Li-Fi system and the impact of lenses and polarizer on the
performance of optical spatial modulation.
 Novel digital modulation technique for Li-Fi. The digital modulation technique
are constrained by the fact that signals must be real valued and positive since Li-Fi uses
direct detection and intensity modulation. These constraints cause losses in spectrum and
efficiency. This project attempts to overcome these limitations by developing new Li-Fi
modulation techniques such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM).
Carrier less amplitude modulation (CAP) and pulse amplitude modulation.
 Self powered Li-Fi. This project look at energy harvesting concepts along with
energy-efficient transceiver technologies for Li-Fi system and requires algorithm of low
computational complexity as well as energy efficient technique for digital modulation.
New circuit design and new synchronization and MAC techniques fall within the scope
of this project.
 Further research in the field can look into the following issues.
Driving illumination grade LEDs at high speed.
Increasing data rate with parallelism/array.
Achieving low complexity/low cost modulation.
Overcoming the line of sight constraint.
Achieving seamless interoperability with other network. Making Li-Fi work in
environment with little or no light.

Chapter 6

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Video.from G9iXZbuAc by Harald Haas

on ‘My Li-Fi Revolution’


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