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Learning Competency 4: Design a product out of local, recyclable solid or liquid materials in

making useful products

Day 4
At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
1. identify local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful products
2. design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful
3. manifest cooperation and teamwork by working productively in the design/creation of the
useful product out of local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Designing a product
Sub-Topic: Designing a Product Using Recyclable Paper
B. Science Concepts:
Used paper can be recycled to produce useful materials like decors, frames for pictures
and others.
C. Science Processes:
observing, describing, investigating, designing, communicating ideas
D. Materials:
any local, recyclable solid like paper or magazine
E. References:
Curriculum Guide 5, S5MT-Ia-b-4
F. Value Integration:
Realize that solid material like paper can be recycled in different ways

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
1. Given the following materials, what type of waste will be produced after using
them? Which of the 5Rs can be used to minimize the waste? Complete the table
5Rs (waste
Name of Product Type of Waste management
Test papers
Old journals
Used notebooks
B. Exploration:
1. Divide the class into small groups.
2. Introduce Lesson: LM Activity 4A “Designing a Product Using Recyclable Paper”
3. Check for the completeness of the materials brought by the pupils for the activity.
4. Distribute also the activity sheet, manila paper and marking pen.
5. Give other necessary instructions in doing the activity (i.e. allotted time for the
activity, the data table to be accomplished, group presenter/member’s
role/responsibility, precautionary measures to take, etc.).
6. Supervise the pupils while they are doing the activity.

C. Explanation:
A. Presentation of output.
B. 1. Were you able to complete your output?
2. Did everyone in the group participate/cooperate?
3. Why did you come up with that design of your output?
4. Is your product useful? How?
D. Elaboration:
1. Ask the learners: What is the importance of the 5Rs?
2. Show a video on paper making using old newspapers.

E. Evaluation:
(Activity embedded assessment)
The rubric below shall be used in assessing the project/product:

Criteria Poor Fair Good Excellent

Completeness Project/Product Project/Product Project/Product Project/Product
was not was completed was half was completed.
attempted with very little finished.
Cooperation No cooperation Cooperation of few Cooperation of Cooperation of all
from the members of the the some the members of the
members of the group was members of the group was
group was observed. group was observed.
observed observed.
Creativity Project was not Project was fairly Project/Product Project/Product
designed properly designed and good was designed was well designed
and materials materials were good and good and very
were poorly used. used. materials were imaginative in the
used. use of varied

Presentation Presentation of Presentation of the Presentation of Presentation of the

the project/product the project/product was
project/product was done with little project/product clear and well
was not to no effort. was somewhat spoken.
attempted. clear and
Usefulness Project/product Project/product Project/product Project/product
was not useful was useful. was useful in was useful in many
some ways ways.

IV. Assignment:
What other materials can be recycled to produce a useful product?

Lesson 2: Design a product out of local, recyclable solid or liquid materials in making useful

1. identify local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful products
2. design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful
3. manifest cooperation and teamwork by working productively in the design/creation of the
useful product out of local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials.
What you Need:
any local, recyclable solid like paper or magazine, marking pen and manila paper
What to Do
1. Form a group assign a leader, a recorder and presenter.
2. The leader will lead the team in brainstorming about the project to be created.
3. The recorder takes down notes about the group activity.
4. The task is to design a product out of local, recyclable paper.
5. The group will decide what raw materials to be used.
6. The set of rubrics will be explained to the groups on how their output will be assessed.
7. Remind the groups that their output will be presented in class.

Guide questions:
1. What paper material did you choose? Why?
2. What other paper materials that can be recycled which are not included in your materials?
3. What are the benefits of recycling solid paper materials?
Lesson 2: Design a product out of local, recyclable solid or liquid materials in making useful

1. identify local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful products
2. design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful
3. manifest cooperation and teamwork by working productively in the design/creation of the
useful product out of local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials.
What you Need:
any local, recyclable solid like paper or magazine, marking pen and manila paper
What to Do
1. Form a group assign a leader, a recorder and presenter.
2. The leader will lead the team in brainstorming about the project to be created.
3. The recorder takes down notes about the group activity.
4. The task is to design a product out of local, recyclable paper.
5. The group will decide what raw materials to be used.
6. The set of rubrics will be explained to the groups on how their output will be assessed.
7. Remind the groups that their output will be presented in class.

Guide questions:
1. What paper material did you choose? Why?
2. What other paper materials that can be recycled which are not included in your
3. What are the benefits of recycling solid paper materials?

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