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10/10/22, 12:42 PM Gmail - Quiz_3

Vinod SB <>


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10/10/22, 12:42 PM Gmail - Quiz_3

Ref. Case of (Un)Balanced Scorecard. Can it be inferred that the organization had
different business models going on in parallel?



Ref. Case of (Un)Balanced Scorecard. The fact that certain information was not
given by Balanced Scorecard, like the concentration of business on a few clients,
the rising wages of employees, indicates, 

Balanced Scorecard had not been implemented correctly. Had it been implemented using
experts, this data would have been given out by Balanced Scorecard.

This data does not require Balanced Scorecard or any other tool. This information should have
been known to the CEO at any point of time.

Ref. Case of (Un)Balanced Scorecard. If one were to look at revenues and costs
for different clients, ________is the best tool for analysis.

Client specific Running bills and their analyses

Client specific Balanced Scorecard and their analyses

Client specific Balance Sheet and their analyses

For Domino's "30 minute Delivery" , there are different contributing factors, like
Maintenance of Bikes, Training of Drivers on routes, Adequate change for cash
transactions, right behavior etc. The linkage of these factors to overall company
goal is best represented using____.

Strategy Canvas

Strategy Linkage Diagram

_____ will help an organization in tracking its performance vis-a-vis its past
performance, on a consistent set of parameters.  

Strategy Canvas… 2/3
10/10/22, 12:42 PM Gmail - Quiz_3

Strategy Linkage Diagram

For customized T-Shirt manufacturer supplying to college festivals, the CEO is

thinking of two options to develop the performance related bonus for the workers.
Option A: Based on Timely Delivery, Option B: Based on Net Profits. Which one will
sensitize the workers to all business drivers? 

On time in Full

Net Profits

For Genesis Pharma case (given in the book),  which will give the fastest solution
to the CEO, if the CEO is expecting a positive improvement by the next quarter. If
you were the consultant, you would go for____

implementing a new ERP package will bring it out of its current mess.

Implementing a performance framework like BSC will be extremely helpful.

Decentralize the operational and make all zones as independent BUs (Business Units).

Link bonus of employees to C-Sat scores.

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