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10/10/22, 12:40 PM Gmail - End Term _ PGCHRM 32

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End Term _ PGCHRM 32

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Vinod SB… 1/20
10/10/22, 12:40 PM Gmail - End Term _ PGCHRM 32

For Project based organizations, where each project is supported by corporate

resources and multiple shared services,  which is easiest to implement, and can
offer rapid insights to leadership regarding project bankruptcy/ unprofitable

Project -specific ROI analysis on a monthly basis

Project -specific Cash flow statements on a monthly basis

Project -specific Profit and Loss statements on a monthly basis

___________based organizations usually witness multiple orders, each with their

own specifications and manufacturing requirements, carried around in the same
shop floor. Each order has its own unique flow through the shop floor. Also, the
shop floor is typically equipped by multiple equipment of varying specification and
capacities, through which various orders are scheduled. 

Job shop

Batch - Process

Assembly line

Continuous processes

A general ward in a typical hospital / nursing home is nearest to a 

Job shop

Batch - Process

Assembly Line

Continuous Process based organization

A flower shop, Crys, makes customized advertisements for clients. Crys' CSFs will
be similar to a built-to-order- housing construction firm. *


False… 2/20
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A newspaper printing firm is ____ in a project mode. *



A printer of marriage cards gets bulk of business during marriage seasons. It terms
each order as a job. The printer takes the content from the clients, finalizes the
designs and prepares the first proof. After approval, it makes the requisite number
of cards. Which will be the best Critical success factor, among other CSFs? *

On time delivery (OTD)

On time delivery in full (OTIF)

Cost per card

A printer of marriage cards gets bulk of business during marriage seasons. It terms
each order as a job. The printer takes the content from the clients, finalizes the
designs and prepares the first proof. After approval, it makes the requisite number
of cards. Which will be the best Critical success factor, among other CSFs? The
printer has two production managers - one for day shift and one for night shift. The
important performance parameter that should be sacrosanct for both managers: *

Employee Engagement

Percentage of orders meeting OTD

Percentage of orders meeting OTIF

Cost reduction (% yoy)

A analytics firm PHI_BETA takes market research assignments from FMCG

companies. Based on the scope, it designs and conducts large scale customer
survey to come up with marketing insights. Results are then presented to clients, in
form of a team making a presentation backed by overhead projectors etc. Clients
are represented by a cross functional team who raises different questions/ doubts. 
Clients usually are happy with rigorous methodology, as well as validity of the
suggestions. Which one is true for PHI_BETA? *

Customer expectations are precise and quantifiable.… 3/20
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Client expectations are qualitative, depending on the competence of client.

A analytics firm PHI_BETA takes market research assignments from FMCG

companies. Based on the scope, it designs and conducts large scale customer
survey to come up with marketing insights. Results are then presented to clients. 
Results are then presented to clients, in form of a team making a presentation
backed by overhead projectors etc. Clients are represented by a cross functional
team who raises different questions/ doubts.    Clients usually are happy with
rigorous methodology, as well as validity of the suggestions. Quality standards will
be based on, typically, *

Number of objections that can be raised on the methodology followed

Number of objections that can be raised on choice of team members

Pick the odd one out:

Event management company

Movie making

New Product Development

Power Generation

A national sweets and confectionery chain has made managers for each of its
stores. Store managers are rewarded on sales achieved by each store in each
quarter, with the highest reward going to the manager whose store achieved the
highest sales.  The reward system is



A finance company rewards its regional manager by using the parameter AUM
(assets under management). To use this in the best manner, the AUM achieved for
all managers should be ranked and then the rank list of manager be developed.


False… 4/20
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Financial results along with Critical Success Factors (CSFs) can be used to
develop a scorecard for business leaders.



For a large retail organization selling electrical and electronic goods, driven by an
uniform national strategy of products, pricing, promotion etc., operating in a Hub
and Spoke structure   (like warehouse manager, who manages all the
warehouses,  and retail outlets of a large retail chain), the evaluation parameters
for the hub-in-charge should be via predominantly 

Financial parameters

Operational parameters

combined with a 50-50 weight

For a large retail organization 

 selling electrical and electronic goods , driven by an uniform national strategy of

products, pricing, promotion etc., operating in a Hub and Spoke structure (like
warehouse manager, who manages all the warehouses,  and retail outlets of a
large retail chain), the evaluation parameters for the retail store managers should

Financial parameters

Operational parameters

combined with a 50-50 weight

For a large retail organization selling electrical and electronic goods  , driven by an

uniform national strategy of products, pricing, promotion etc., operating in a Hub
and Spoke structure (like warehouse manager, who manages all the warehouses, 
and retail outlets of a large retail chain), the evaluation parameters for the retail
store employees should be

Financial parameters… 5/20
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Operational parameters

combined with a 50-50 weight

To track the performance of installation executives,  a water purifier company takes

C-satisfaction score by random sampling. along with that, it sends inspectors at
random to look into the quality of installation so that different installations of all
executives are evaluated. For most customers, water purifier is an old known
product - they know how to operate it as the products have been in the market for
more than couple of decades. The inspector scores and the customer satisfaction
scores (if the survey and inspectors' report have high validity) 

Should converge, or be correlated

Should never be correlated

To track the performance of installation executives,  a water purifier company takes

C-satisfaction score by random sampling. along with that, it sends inspectors at
random to look into the quality of installation so that different installations of all
executives are evaluated.  Out of the inspector scores and the customer
satisfaction scores,

Both of them are objective

Customer score is going to be perceptual

To track the performance of installation executives,  a water purifier company takes

C-satisfaction score by random sampling. along with that, it sends inspectors at
random to look into the quality of installation so that different installations of all
executives are evaluated.  The inspector scores, typically, will be based on

Taking inputs from customers

Using a check-list method

An app-based taxi company, say Uber, operates in different cities in India. Looking
to expand the market share, it needs to improve its customer satisfaction. For the
app-based taxi company, to improve customer satisfaction, it wants to start some
operational initiatives. For that it should, it needs a starting point. It should...… 6/20
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implement BSC/ EFQM

Work on customer complaints database

use mystery customer to get real time data

Competitive bench-marking between different app-based service providers

providing grocery at doorsteps, on parameters like response time, days on shelves
for perishable items, market share, customer-satisfaction, employee satisfaction,
employee costs, revenues, and order basket size has been implemented as a
corporate scorecard. The lacunae in this scorecard is_____

minimum wages have been ignored

service volume has been ignored

Profitability has been ignored

Freshness of groceries has been ignored

The use of mystery customer to assess franchisee is a regular feature for

international hotel chains/ restaurant chains etc. In order to get the most correct
data, the mystery customer methodology would involve

Taking feedback from customers selected randomly

Sending employees to behave as customers

Appoint a mystery customer firm who would send trained employees as customers

Search out dissatisfied ex-employees to inform them about shortcomings

Assessment of front-line employees on behaviors should, in best case scenario

and for most reliable data, involve

Self - appraisal

Peer feedback

Mystery customer score… 7/20
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Watch any episode of “Forged in Fire” on YouTube or History 18 Channel. The

format, if replicated, can be best used for, in a job-shop customised foundry, to
(from career movement perspective)

Demonstrate the best practices of a trade

Identify the weakest members of a team

Objectively assess the competencies of workers

Quantify the behaviours of employees in objective manner

Watch any episode of “Australian Master Chef” on YouTube or TV channel. Certain

episodes contain live catering by groups of chefs to real customers in rush hour.
The format, if replicated, can be best used for, in a job-shop customized foundry, to

process improvement for work-flow analysis

Identify the weakest members of a team

Stress test of team to cope with high demand situation

Quantify the behaviours of employees in objective manner

Which of the formats (with suitable modifications) can be used to develop/ train /
select executive employees to take managerial decisions for middle management
roles?  You might have to use YouTube/ television channels for this question.

The Apprentice, which featured Donald Trump

Australian Master Chef

Forged in Fire

Storage wars

A power generating company has adopted Business Excellence at its objective,

apart from current financial and operational goals. The same "Excellence" as a
parameter has been incorporated for all managers, supervisors and engineers. In
order to meet the goals, it has been announced that everyone, all employees and… 8/20
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all departments, has to create some activity to showcase Excellence. Such a move

logically and technically justified

unjustified and potentially harmful

The framework which facilitates the macro view/ bird's eye view of the organization,
along with bottlenecks etc.,  the LEAST is

Results - Determinants framework

First generation Balanced Scorecard

Process layout diagram

The framework which facilitates the macro view/ bird's eye view of the organization,
along with bottlenecks etc.,  the MOST is

Results - Determinants framework

First generation Balanced Scorecard

Process layout diagram

Outsourcing of core and non core activities can lead to all except

Loss of knowledge

Loss of customer data base

Multiple layers of sub contracting with reduced governance

increased employee satisfaction of permanent employees

Performance of outsourced work usually suffers due to  

Loss of knowledge

Customer data base

Multiple layers of sub contracting with reduced governance… 9/20
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Employee satisfaction

The only justified way to understand improvement in quality of work due to an

outsourcing exercise is via

Customer feedback data

Employee feedback data

Data on process KPIs

Trend analysis of KPIs (pre and post)

A project manager has joined a company. She has a peculiar habit - whenever she
is allocated to a project, in place of previous project mangers, she would initiate a
formal handover document creating a as - is situation, including a audit of work
done till date, and make it completely data driven. Else she has refused to work in
any project. Her behavior is

not appropriate culturally and will destroy the organization

not appropriate legally and the company can ask her to stop

not wrong legally and company can not ask her to stop

justified legally and technically. The company should adopt it for all projects.

A day in the life of Refinery Shift Leader… 10/20
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Ref. Refinery Shift Leader: the most important aspect of managing multiple teams
composed of employees from different cultural backgrounds would be (choose the
most critical)

Developing a common culture of language, social behaviors and norms

Making sure that the essentials, desirables, and warning signals of different equipment and
processes are converted into checklists with 100 % compliance

Developing leadership skills for mid-level leaders like the Refinery Shift Leader Bill.

Ref. Refinery Shift Leader: the most important zone of the refinery is  (for day-to-
day running)

the control room as shown in the video

the processes that are running in the plant

meeting rooms and collaboration spaces

Process Control

Ref. Video on process control: the most important application of process control
activities would be organization in _____part of the spectrum.


Job Shop… 11/20
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Assembly line

Continuous operations

Ref. Video on process control: _________is part of process control activities (there
are multiple answers to this question).

Data analysis

Team building

Root cause analysis

Market analysis and research

Tap hole drilling - Steel plant

Ref. Tap hole drilling, which is one of the many aspects of running a steel plant.
The knowledge transfer of how to execute the activity can be done (there are
multiple answers)

In class training sessions

Knowledge sharing by peers to fresh engineers

Computer simulations

On the job

Incorporating it in the curriculum of Diploma and Degree courses of engineering… 12/20
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Ref. Tap hole drilling, which is one of the many aspects of running a steel plant.
Usually a small pool of employees are engaged, based on experience and
selection along with individual choice. It is a good practice, for performance
appraisal, to have (choose the best answer)

Forced curve fitting among those employees to create differentiation

Forced rank list among those employees to create differentiation

Absolute based employee assessment based on tasks, and checklists

Absolute based employee assessment based on behaviors and competencies

Ref. Tap hole drilling, which is one of the many aspects of running a steel plant.
Usually a small pool of employees are engaged, based on experience and
selection along with individual choice. It is a good practice, for performance
appraisal, to have (choose the worst answer)

Behavioral parameters

Tasks based parameters

Result based parameters

Ref. Tap hole drilling, which is one of the many aspects of running a steel plant.
The tapping activity of blast furnace is nearest to: (focus only on the activity)


Job shop

Continuous operations

Assembly line

Adherence to SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) is relevant in:


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Assembly line

Continuous process based operations

All of the above

None of the above

Adherence to SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)by employees is best

evaluated by (choose the option which will, theoretically, give the most objective

Peer reporting

Direct reporting officer

Check-list based random audits

Outsourced work need not be monitored.

True. These activities usually do not form part of strategy maps.

False. These activities also form part of strategy maps.

Scheduling of bottle-neck resources and simulating likely scenarios of different

resources based on different order-sequences for multiple orders, would be an
essential task of plant manager of most _________ on a regular basis.

Continuous process based organizations

Assembly line based organizations

Job Shop based organizations

Project based organizations

In construction industry, _____ is an example of ______, often used in Job shops. 

Choose the option that best fills in the blanks.

Job card, pour card… 14/20
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Pour card, job card

A ________________should form an essential part of Project Information system, 

for large complex projects involving multiple suppliers and execution agencies,
specially for internal stakeholders.

Gantt Chart

Project Network Diagram

Employee satisfaction

Theory of constraints is a way to

improve organizational performance in existing domain

Revitalize organizational growth through expansion into new product-market domains

CEO of a project based company has refused to develop KRAs and engage in goal
setting via superior-subordinate discussion. The CEO's idea is that the WBS itself
gives the KRAs for the module-owners, activity owners or task-owners. The view of
the CEO is

Unjustified and logically flawed

Logically justified

A HR-Head of event management company has decided to implement KRAs linked

to Balanced Scored, to the lowest level of employee. The head of operations has
called it an waste of time for employees of her department, arguing that events
themselves have KRA/KPAs in-built.

HR-head is justified.

Head of Operations in correct

Self-appraisal in performance appraisal, in documented format, is necessary before

considering any action against any employee for dereliction of duty.… 15/20
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After developing objectives in a top-down cascading manner, it might always be

better to check the objectives for inter-departmental consistency.

It is justified strategically.

It is an HR driven activity but not justified strategically.

Justified both operationally as well as strategically.

The structure that has the maximum alignment to Henri Fayol's principles of
management is:



A OEM (original equipment manufacturer) supplies castings to auto manufacturers.

Reduction of lead time is a big challenge, so that the company can be responsive
to sudden demand. Does that make Lead Time a critical success factor?

Yes. It can also be used to benchmark all competitors.

No. It is not, as it can not be changed/ managed.

A OEM (original equipment manufacturer) supplies castings to auto manufacturers.

Reduction of Lead Time is a big challenge, so that the company can be responsive
to sudden demand. The management has decided to make the reduction of Lead
Time an important goal. The most appropriate tool would be:

Strategy Linkage Map

Value Engineering

ERP Packages… 16/20
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A OEM (original equipment manufacturer) supplies castings to auto manufacturers.

Tracking of multiple orders is one of the big challenges for management. The most
appropriate tool ( the one that is closest to the best):

Gantt Charts + Job Cards

Porter 5 forces model + understanding of entry barriers

Value chain analysis using Porter's Value Chain analysis

Value engineering + Benefits realisation management

To ensure selecting the best managerial / technical talent, a company should:

Use the grades of the institute to select the best candidates

Use a score of common test like GATE/ CAT/XAT/GMAT to select the best candidates

Design a role specific battery of tests, mapped to tasks that will be required to be done, to
select the candidates

KRA setting in many a organization is carried out by subordinates writing KRAs

based on their understanding of what is required. The superior then collates the
KRAs and creates the department KRAs. Such a process:

is aligned to business strategy, it is a case of bottom -up strategy.

is contrary to fundamentals of strategy. Strategy implementation is always top-down.

Results based work environment requires (choose the essential requirement)

Planning of activities and tasks

Leadership buy-in to the philosophy

None of the above

Both the above

An IT-Project based organization has only 25% of its employees (part of quality
assurance and quality checking activities ) structured in multiple reporting… 17/20
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relationships. The remaining 75%% consists of employees in core projects,

supporting departments like Finance, Administration, HR, business development
and so on. Due to small percentage of employees engaged in matrix like structure

The organization will suffer from the ill-effects of typical Matrix organization

The smaller percent of employees in multiple reporting relationship will ensure the problems
will be confined to department and not be manifested at organization level

A mobile phone company has decided to make "Time to market" a critical

organizational goal. It has to decide how to achieve this goal. Two options have
caught the eye of the leadership. Matrix based organization where in employees
are part of multiple teams - which theoretically can lead to knowledge sharing, skills
up-dates among employees, resource optimization, and rapid communication.
Another option is the dedicated task force based approach, wherein dedicated
resources are formed as task-force, with each task force focusing on a well defined
and bounded problem/ project. Regular work is carried out by traditional functional
structure. From an effectiveness perspective as well as to track accountability, the
leadership should opt for

Matrix based organization design

Task force + Functional organization design

Back end support departments require more focus by leadership. This was most
critical in the case of :

Project CARE

Green Valley Megastore

Sound Steel

Evaluation of SMEs can be best done by

a panel of supervisors

SME alone, with higher levels of competence and experience

SMEs alone, with maybe a panel of SMEs to review the work carried out - both in terms of
processes followed as well as in results achieved.… 18/20
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Using a project's WBS to get modules/ activities to develop employee goals/

targets is

Justified from an operational / strategic perspective, in most manufacturing project based


Completely unjustified from operational / strategic perspective, in most manufacturing project

based organizations,, as it does not capture behavioral issues/ competencies.

As per Toyota Production system, higher the variablity in how routine work gets
carried out in manufacturing, greater is the ________ in quality.



The training of workers in Toyota Production system includes how to find errors in
his/her own work.



Toyota Production System incorporates __________________ in the workers


Suggestion box for workers

Hypothesis formulation and testing

Out of the three possible contracts, (labour only contract, labour + materials
contract and service contract), which one will be most focused on scope and
standards of service?


Labour + Materials

Service contract… 19/20
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A manufacturing company XX decides to create an online sales unit, where they

would develop their website, promotions, and engage in e-commerce. For this new
unit, they required people with high level of problem solving skills, innovation, and
knowledge of IT technologies. Accordingly, a comprehensive test was designed
using external SMEs. An IJP was floated for the new unit, in which it was
communicated that selection to the new unit will be based on merit list of the test. 
Many employees took the test. While analyzing the results, the HR team found that
the top 5 performers, all of whom were shop floor engineers, were all rated either
AVERAGE, or POOR by their current reporting officers in the previous annual

The company should eliminate the employees who have been rated AVERAGE and POOR for
this new unit.

The company should proceed with the results of the test and base the selection on the scores
as communicated in IJP.

A manufacturing company XX decides to create an online sales unit, where they

would develop their website, promotions, and engage in e-commerce. For this new
unit, they required people with high level of problem solving skills, innovation, and
knowledge of IT technologies. To have high focus on the new unit, employees
should be assigned to the new unit: 

in a matrix organization format; they would hold dual responsibilities i..e, of the new unit along
with that of current role. That would be more financially beneficial to the company.

after being relived from their current roles, and they should be focusing on the new unit in the
form of a task force.

A manufacturing company XX decides to create an online sales unit. The new unit,
preferably, be 

report to the current Sales and Marketing HOD, with the budget being part of existing Sales
and Marketing.

should have a direct reporting to the CEO with a separate budget.

Create your own Google Form

Report Abuse… 20/20

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