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School JASAAN NHS-SHS Grade Level 11 Quarter 1st

Oral Communication in
Teaching Date and Time SEPTEMBER 12-16, 2022

The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication

A. Content Standards
in context.

The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled

B. Performance Standards
oral communication activities based on context.
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
C.Learning Competencies/
1. define communication EN11/12OC-Ia-1
2. explain the nature and process of communication EN11/12OC-Ia-2
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Oral Communication in Context pp 2-3


2. Learner’s Materials pages

Oral Communication in Context pp 2-6
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Divide the class into 5 groups.
1. Instruct the group to look for words associated with
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
‘communication’ using the letters C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-E
presenting the new lesson
2. Have one representative present the group’s output.
(5 minutes)
Processing of Output
Process students’ outputs by asking the following questions:
B. Establishing a purpose for the 1. Are the words related to communication? Why did you say so?
lesson 2. Using the words you have written, what can you say about
(5 minutes)
C.Presenting examples/instances ACTIVITY
of the new lesson Directions:
1. Each group will perform a role play showing the different ways of
Group 1: Teenager asking permission from his/her parents to attend a
party, however the parents did not allow the teenager to go.

Group 2: A wife having a conversation with her husband who works

Group 3: DRRM personnel giving announcement about the incoming
typhoon thru radio and TV.
Group 4: A SHS graduate looking for a job through classified ads.
Group 5: Friends exchanging pleasantries through letter writing.

2. Group presentation.

Criteria Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Participation Always Usually Sometimes Rarely
willing and willing and willing and willing and
focused focused focused focused
during during during during
group work group work group work group work
and and and and
presentatio presentation presentation presentation
Achievement Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is
of purpose clearly clearly established vaguely
established established but may not established
and and be and may
effectively generally sustained not be
sustained sustained sustained
Use of non- Impressive Good Satisfactory Limited
verbal cues variety of variety of variety of variety of
(voice, non-verbal non-verbal non-verbal non-verbal
gestures, cues are cues are cues are cues are
eye contact) used in an used in an used in an used in an
exemplary competent acceptable developing
way way way way
Imagination Choices Choices Choices Choices
and demonstrat demonstrat demonstrat demonstrat
Creativity e insight e e awareness e little
and thoughtfuln and awareness
powerfully ess and developing and do little
enhance completely acceptably to enhance
role play enhance enhance role play
role play role play

Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did the characters in the scenario deliver the message?
3. What are the ways of communication that were used in the

(15 minutes)
Communication Defined
Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages
or information from one person to another within and across channels,
contexts, media, and cultures (McCornack, 2014). There is a wide variety
of contexts and situations in which communication can be manifested; it
can be a face-to-face interaction, a phone conversation, a group
discussion, a meeting or interview, a letter correspondence, a class
recitation, and many others.
D.Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
Nature of Communication
 Communication is a process.
 Communication occurs between two or more people (the speaker
and the receiver).
 Communication can be expressed through written or spoken
words, actions (nonverbal), or both spoken words and nonverbal
actions at the same time.
(5 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts and Have the students watch a short video clip on the elements of
practicing skills #2 communication.

Elements of Communication
Communication is divided into elements which help us better
understand its mechanics or process. These elements are the following:
 Speaker – the source of information or message
 Message – the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the
speaker in words or in actions
 Encoding – the process of converting the message into words,
actions, or other forms that the speaker understands
 Channel – the medium or the means, such as personal or non-
personal, verbal or nonverbal, in which the encoded message is
 Decoding – the process of interpreting the encoded message of
the speaker by the receiver
 Receiver – the recipient of the message, or someone who
decodes the message
 Feedback – the reactions, responses, or information provided by
the receiver
 Context – the environment where communication takes place
 Barrier – the factors that affect the flow of communication
(5 minutes)
Ask the students to analyze the situation depicted in the following

Picture 1: Picture 3:

Picture 2: Picture 4:

F. Developing mastery

Picture 5:

Guide Question:
1. Which picture depicts good communication? Why did you say so?

(5 minutes)
Ask the students:
1. When can you say there is good communication between the
G.Finding practical applications of
teacher and the students?
concepts and skills in daily living
2. What can you do as a student to ensure good communication with
Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson teachers? With parents?

(5 minutes)
The teacher leads the students to fully understand the lesson by asking
the following questions:
1. What is communication?
2. What are the elements of communication?
3. Why is it important to get to know the elements of communication?
4. What is the importance of good communication to you as a student?

H.Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson As you continue to reach your goals, specifically your educational
goals, communication will become increasingly more important. The ability
to communicate is a primary skill. The more you become an effective
communicator; the more likely you are to achieve what you want. When
you improve your communication skills, you will have a clearer
understanding of what people are saying to you, others will be less likely
to misunderstand you, problems will be solved quickly, and you will be
able to resolve conflict.
(10 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY:
Directions: Using the diagram below, explain the process of
communication. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.
(5 minutes)
Criteria (4) (3) (2) (1)
Depth of Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a
reflection thoughtful basic limited little
understanding of understanding understanding of understanding
the subject of the subject the subject of the subject
matter matter matter matter
Use of Use relevant Use vague Use incomplete No examples
textual examples to examples to examples to from the text
evidence support claims support claims partially support are used
Language Language is Language is Language is Language is
use precise, basic but vague and not suitable for
engaging, and appropriate. imprecise. the readers.
with notable
sense of voice to
persuade the
Mechanics Excellent in Demonstrate Demonstrate Grammar
grammar, few errors in errors that make construction,
spelling, and use grammar, comprehension spelling, and
of punctuation spelling, and difficult punctuation
marks use of marks need
punctuation improvement.
J. Additional activities for Look for different Models of Communication and share it to the class.
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
C.Did the lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up w/
the lesson

D.No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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