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asleep at the wheel : If you say that someone is asleep at the wheel, you mean that
they are not sufficiently attentive, especially at a critical moment when vigilance is
(When the firemen arrived too late at the scene, the night watchman was accused of
being asleep at the wheel).
cat nap : If you have a short sleep during the day, you have a cat nap.
(My dad often has a cat nap on a Sunday afternoon).
forty winks : If you have forty winks, you have a short sleep or rest, generally during
the day.
(Dad likes to have forty winks after a game of golf).
hit the hay/sack : When you hit the hay (or hit the sack), you go to bed.
(The boys were so exhausted that they hit the hay as soon as they reached the
lie in : If you lie in, you stay in bed after the normal time for getting up.
(Great! Tomorrow I'm not on duty so I can lie in!)
out like a light : If a person is out like a light, they are so tired that they fall asleep very
(As soon as his head touched the pillow, he was out like a light).
ready to drop : Someone who is ready to drop is extremely tired and nearly to
exhausted to stay standing.
(I've been shopping all day with Judy. I'm ready to drop!)
sleep like a log : If you sleep like a log, you sleep deeply or soundly.
(After a day at the beach, I usually sleep like a log).
sleep on it : If you take time (until the next day) to think something over before making
a decision, you sleep on it.
(I suggest you sleep on it. You can give me your decision tomorrow).
not get a wink of sleep : If someone doesn't get a wink of sleep, they don't sleep a all.
(It was so noisy in the hotel, I didn't get a wink of sleep).
not lose (any) sleep : When something happens that in your opinion is not a cause for
worry, you can say that you will not lose (any) sleep over it.
(I've mislaid the book but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it).
let sleeping dogs lie : If you tell someone to let sleeping dogs lie, you are asking them
not to interfere with a situation because they could cause problems.
(Look, they've settled their differences. It's time to let sleeping dogs lie).
sleeping partner : This term refers to a person who invests in a business without taking
an active part in its management, and whose association with the enterprise is not
public knowledge.
(He works alone but his business is partly financed by a sleeping partner).
asleep at the wheel
hit the hay/sack
lie in
out like a light
ready to drop
sleep on it
let sleeping dogs lie
sleeping partner

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