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Effective preparation for turnarounds

Defining the objectives, planning thoroughly and ensuring operator readiness will
increase the likelihood of a successful turnaround

T.A. Cook Consultants

hen preparation and exe- • The enhanced quality of work to planning for an event. It appears
cution of shutdown, turn- will lead to increased productivity. that there are silos that exist. Part of
around, and outage (STO) • The STO schedule will be more via- it has to do with area of focus and
becomes second nature, the scales ble regarding equipment availability. expertise. The key here is to engage
will tip in your favour. For oper- • Progress reporting will be clear operations early in this process and
ations, a shift of focus from pro- and accurate. gain buy-in. Within that blueprint
duction to STO preparation does We all can agree that, in some are guidelines, targets and deliver-
not happen overnight, however. cases, preparing for a unit shut- ables that govern how to effectively
For every hour when production is down is widely viewed as an ad strategise, plan, and execute an
offline, there is a major impact on hoc process, with preparation and event regardless of complexity. This
business performance due to lost training as needed and when nec- article will focus on highlighting
revenue. If not thoroughly planned, essary. Understandably, operations those deliverables that are specific
the transition from operating the typically focuses on meeting pro- to operations during the prepara-
plant to clearing the plant in prepa- duction targets at the proper run tion and execution stages of an STO.
ration for a turnaround will lead to rates and within strict quality and This, in turn, will boost the engage-
prominent failure. regulatory guidelines. Thus, when ment of operations and ensure
Resource requirements not being an STO comes around every four that accountability is maintained
identified, operator experience lev- or five years, preparedness is not throughout the process.
els being below expectations, key necessarily on the ‘high priority’ There are four key phases for
roles and responsibilities not being list. In order to change this ad hoc operations planning: define, plan,
clearly defined, and the shutdown way of doing business, operations readiness, and execution:
and start-up timeline not commu- should start preparing for the next 1. Define: develop the SD/SU strat-
nicated to the STO team are just STO as soon as the most recent one egy and V-plan, organisation roles
a few issues that will negatively has completed. The first step would and responsibilities, section and
impact the schedule. It is essen- be to review the lessons learned, system blinding programme for
tial that operations managers are implement the recommendations, equipment isolation and the permit
committed to implementing best and address what did not go so process
practices for STO preparation as well. In order to do that, operations 2. Plan: lock out tag out (LOTO)
well as production. With the guid- managers must commit to driving procedure, SD/SU procedure
ance of an effective milestone productivity and efficiency, whether review and system packages,
planning process, efficiency can be the plant is running at full capacity resource planning and equipment
maintained when the time comes or preparing and executing a pro- isolation documentation (blind list)
to take the unit down for an STO. cedure to shut the unit down and 3. Readiness: operator training, pro-
Adhering to the milestone process bring it back up after all mechanical cedure training, SD/SU schedule,
helps ensure that operations is in work has been completed. ISO and P&ID mark-up, mobile
alignment with the STO team and Operations is in the business of equipment lists, checklists and per-
delivers an efficient and optimised producing a quality product. The mit preparation
event. Following this approach, transition from production to shut- 4. Execution: progress reporting,
your organisation will yield many down and start-up must go more modify staffing plan, permit issu-
benefits: smoothly. And yes, there is a way to ing, system QA/QC and field
• Standardisation of processes will bring about this smooth transition. support
be implemented across all areas This all begins with a blueprint for
within an organisation. a successful STO. A well defined Commitment and engagement
• Well defined resource require- milestone process outlines those Preparedness is a way of life, not
ments will deliver an effective utili- deliverables for which operations is something that happens instantly.
sation of staff. accountable for completing. I bring In the world of maintenance turna-
• Operators are more prepared to this up because I have experienced rounds, this statement is especially
execute tasks during shutdown and misalignment between the STO true. Developing a good strategy,
start-up of the plant. team and operations when it comes planning, and organising ensures Revamps 2020 5

readiness and sets the stage for the because the operations manager overall objectives. A facilitator from
successful execution of an STO. But failed to have the equipment avail- outside of the organisation will be
what is essential is the commitment able on the first day. For this rea- more effective at this, as they will
and engagement of the operations son, it is very important to ensure not make assumptions of the knowl-
staff throughout all phases of the that operations are staffed to effec- edge of any one participant, thus
turnaround management process. tively manage the SD/SU phases. In ensuring that no participant is left
As owners of the asset, operations order to accomplish this, a thorough behind.
personnel shift focus from day-to- review of the current SD/SU proce-
day production to clearing and iso- dures must take place. Success story
lating the equipment in preparation Benjamin Franklin once said, One of the most important elements
for the turnaround work to begin. “By failing to prepare, you are pre- to ensure operational readiness is to
The plant is turned back over to paring to fail.” There is no better make sure that objectives are met.
operations once all planned main- example of this than the specific Achieving primary objectives deter-
tenance activities and construction preparations needed for a successful mines the success of a turnaround.
are finalised. The task for operations turnaround. Turnarounds are peri- Two key primary objectives are
is to then resume routine produc- odic events wherein processing/ the development of shutdown and
tion safely while ensuring that the production units are temporarily start-up procedures. Typically, pro-
unit is at full capacity within a short removed from service in order to cess engineers utilise operations per-
amount of time. Lost production, revamp and make improvements. sonnel to develop these procedures.
increased labour, and maintenance This pause in production has signif- Again, relying upon experience
costs negatively impact a com- icant effects on output, thus mak- and knowledge of the area is a very
pany’s profitability. When turna- ing precise turnaround planning important part of a successful turn-
rounds are managed effectively, the vital to the overall financial success around. Adherence to established
impact on the bottom line will be of the company. Given the impor- timelines is critical as well. In cases
less detrimental. Operational readi- tance and critical nature of this where the shutdown procedure was
ness is key to keeping costs within a event, operations personnel must not finalised before the start of the
specified range. be actively involved in all aspects of turnaround, delays and increased
Front-end loading (FEL) criti- the turnaround. labour costs were the result. Having
cal dimensions are scope, cost, and maintenance technicians and con-
schedule. In this phase, establish- Change in perspective tractors on hold while the plant is
ing scope is key to accomplishing A common mistake found in turn- still in the process of shutting down
favourable cost results and sched- arounds begins with the pre- is extremely expensive. Having these
ule adherence. Operations manage- planned procedures and checklists. procedures developed, approved
ment must provide input into the Often, the activities mentioned in and in place during the FEL stage
scope of work for the turnaround. them lack details on duration and can mitigate costly over-runs. Here is
Participation in scope meetings required staffing. Identifying the an actual scenario that exhibits what
during the beginning of the FEL duration of each required task and I just stated:
process is crucial. In order to avoid how many operators are required Plant A takes 21 days to shut
costly expenditures, every item in to perform the activity are both key down and seven days to start up.
the scope work list must be chal- in effective planning. The review of The mechanical window is 42 days.
lenged. Needs must take priority these procedures should be done in Plant A will be down for 70 days.
over wants. Operations personnel a group setting and include manag- Therefore, 40% of the offline time
have the working knowledge, expe- ers, supervisors, coordinators, and is directly related to operations. At
rience, and expertise to play an inte- operators. The operators involved $750 000 per day, the overall reve-
gral part in what goes into defining should have varying levels of expe- nue loss will be $52 million during
the scope. rience. A fresh perspective from the event. Of that amount, $21 mil-
A successful turnaround also less-tenured operators is just as lion is directly related to shutdown
depends on having an effective important as input from senior level and start-up.
organisational structure prepared operators. More experienced opera- What makes this significant
well before the event takes place. tors tend to rely solely on what has is that the mechanical start date
The overall STO schedule includes been done in the past. The less you depends on having the unit shut
the time it takes to shut down and hear “We’ve always done it this down, cleared, and isolated. If the
start up the unit as well as the win- way”, the better off you will be. unthinkable happened and the
dow where all maintenance work While the overall objective of shutdown took longer than the
is done. So, even if all the sched- this exercise is to develop duration scheduled 21 days, the entire STO
uled work is completed within the and staffing, it is also important to schedule would be impacted. And
set timeframe, the event will still optimise steps in the process and we all know what happens when an
be unsuccessful if the SD/SU of eliminate obsolete and ambiguous event goes on longer than expected.
the unit takes longer than planned. instructions. If the review is facil- The challenge was to thoroughly
In many instances, the start of the itated correctly, it will allow for review the shutdown and start-up
maintenance window is delayed participants to have better focus on procedures with a cross-functional

6 Revamps 2020

team (operations, STO, safety) to Operations deliverables Conclusion
verify the duration and manpower Delegation and accountability are This article is based upon best prac-
for each step. As an added meas- also key to bringing about the suc- tice methodologies for STOs. In
ure, I wanted to challenge the team cessful completion of primary objec- many cases, I reflect on my own
to find steps that could be done tives. The list of STO milestones personal experience in working
simultaneously by dividing the can be extensive and complex. in the industry. Throughout my
plant into blocks. The objective here Operations and STO leaders can career, I have noticed that the STO
was to optimise the shutdown and become overwhelmed if these asso- team and operations are not always
start-up procedures and reduce the ciated tasks are not delegated appro- on the same page when it comes to
time from 28 days by 25%. The cli- priately. Consideration should be preparing for an event. The oper-
ent team exceeded expectations by made to establish turnaround coor- ations team is the asset owner and
reducing the shutdown and start-up dinators, or specialists, to oversee their normal business demands pro-
duration by over 30%. We accom- the planning and execution of main- ducing a quality product within a
plished this by challenging the tenance activities for each operating specified rate that meets or exceeds
established procedures. unit. The operations coordinator the goals for the site. Having to shut
These procedures had not been plays an integral role in managing down production every three to
reviewed and revised regularly in the flow of work for an upcoming five years for an STO is not always
order to account for new equip- turnaround. Most organisations real- an easy task because that is just out
ment, process changes, and obso- ise that a turnaround is not a single of the norm. However, defining the
lete safety guidelines. Further, occurrence. They are complex and objectives, planning thoroughly
there was no verification of actu- require multiple team members to and ensuring operator readiness
als during the previous STO some be responsible for planning. Holding through training will increase the
five years earlier. Therefore, the these team members accountable likelihood of the successful exe-
21-day shutdown and seven-day for results is also critical. At any cution of any STO. Organisations
start-up were essentially an estimate time during this planning process, will standardise processes across
based upon what they had always responsible designees should be all sites. What proves to be success-
done. Combing through each pro- able to prove that they are on track ful will be implemented by other
cedure with the cross-functional to meet deliverables. The milestone asset owners with the objective of
team revealed that there are incon- plan identifies all operations deliver- improving efficiency in activities
sistencies in how Plant A should ables in alignment with the STO pro- that are outside the norm. The utili-
be decommissioned and commis- ject plan. sation of staff will be more effective,
sioned. As a team, we were able to It is key to develop specific deliv- and operators will be better pre-
optimise the schedule and imple- erables based upon the milestone. pared to support and execute. The
ment the documentation of actuals. For example, Milestone 3.07: opera- quality of work being done will be
These actuals will be used to revise tions planning completed in common enhanced along with increased pro-
the durations for the next shutdown planning system (blinding, lock out/ ductivity. Alignment of equipment
and start-up, if needed. tag out, requirements for live sys- availability with the STO sched-
I consider this a success story tems, plans for vessel entry, rescue, ule will be exemplary by focusing
and the client was excited to real- decontamination). From this mile- on preparedness. The reporting
ise a positive outcome. When it stone, we can derive specific tasks of operations progress during the
came time to execute these pro- relating to making the plant safe for shutdown and start-up of the plant
cedures, the operations team was the mechanical work to begin. With will be more transparent, clear, and
more than prepared, fully staffed, roles and responsibilities established accurate. These are the steps that
and well-trained. While most of during the define phase, key per- lead to effective STO preparedness
the work is being done by mainte- sonnel have already been identi- for operations. Effective STO pre-
nance and managed by the turna- fied to complete these tasks within paredness will result in productive
round team, operations personnel the timeframe allowed. In order to execution during the event. Tip
have responsibility for making sure ensure accountability, a tracking tool the scales to gain a more strategic
the equipment is properly pre- is essential. A Gantt chart is very advantage.
pared, isolated, and safe. Daily per- useful in tracking the completion
mit meetings with the turnaround of deliverables. This tool not only Lee Williamson is Senior Consultant with T.A.
team are essential in preventing establishes accountability and target Cook Consultants North America. He has more
schedule delays. Ensuring that the dates, it provides tangible evidence than six years of experience providing strategic
equipment is available and pre- that the deliverables are progressing and operational advice to clients in asset-
intensive industries.
pared the shift before scheduled at an acceptable rate. The Gantt chart
work is to be done goes a long way should be reviewed regularly dur-
in maintaining schedule adherence. ing the STO FEL update meetings. LINKS
Communication of any equipment This serves two purposes: tracking
availability by operations is also deliverables and ensuring operations More articles from the following
important for schedule adherence is thoroughly engaged during the categories:
Revamps and Turnarounds
and resource utilisation. entire preparation process. Revamps 2020 7

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