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Name: Nayeon Kang Date: 9/25/22 Approved by: Samuel Diljohn

Title of Investigation: Transforming copper into silver and gold

Chemicals required
(include name or formula, state (s or aq), required concentration, approx quantity):

NOTE - all solutions will be supplied as One ‘stock’ concentration. You will be required to dilute your own and
details of the dilution should be included in the procedure.

3g of 3M NaOH (27g in total)

7g Zinc powder (42g in total)

Equipment required (include sizes if there is a choice and quantity):

6 Copper coins
6 Tongs
6 Bunsen Burner
6 100ml beakers

Hazardous substances being used or made Nature of hazard


Any non-chemical hazard or precaution to be taken:

Disposal of residue:

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