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Issue date 15 May 2020


Chapter QN-G-001
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Personal licensing


Certifying Staff who involved in maintenance, preventive maintenance, alterations and

modifications aircraft maintained by PT. Indonesia AirAsia. This Quality Notice is conjunction with


CASR Part 43, 65, 121 latest revisions


This procedure is describing the process of personnel licensing and authorization application to
comply with regulation and company procedure.



1.1 Eligibility Requirements

A basic certificate may be issued to a person who meets the following age knowledge and
experience requirements:

a) Has not less than 18 years of age.

b) Has able to read, write, speak and understand the technical English as used in
manufacturers manuals;
c) Has passed the written test within a period of 24 months and
d) Has met the experience requirements

1.2. Basic certificates in one or more of the following categories

The following basic certificate category are issued under this sub-part:
a) Category A1 - airframe, airplane;
b) Category A2 - airframe, helicopter;
c) Category A3 - piston engines;
d) Category A4 - turbine engines;
e) Category C1 - radio;
f) Category C2 - instruments; and
g) Category C4 - electrical.

1.3 Knowledge Requirements

a) Each applicant for a basic certificate must, after meeting the applicable experience
requirements and pass a written test covering the construction and maintenance of
aircraft appropriate to the category or he/she seeks the applicable provisions of CASR,
and the ICAO International law.
b) The written test shall be conducted either by DGCA or aircraft maintenance training
organizations approved in accordance with CASR part 147.

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1.4 Basic Certificate Qualification

Each applicant for a basic certificate must present:
a. A basic aircraft training graduation certificate or certificate of completion from a
certificated aircraft maintenance training organizations approved in accordance
with CASR 147; or
b. Documentary evidence, satisfactory to the DGCA, of
1) At least 48 months of practical experience with the procedures, practices,
materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment generally used in
constructing, maintaining, or altering airframe (airplane or helicopter) and
engine category; or
2) At least 48 months of practical experience with the procedures, practices,
materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment generally used in
constructing, maintaining, or altering avionic (radio, instrument and
electrical) category; or
3) At least 72 months of practical experience concurrently perform the duties
appropriate to both the airframe and engine, and avionic (radio, instrument
and electrical) categories.

1.5 Basic Certificate Application

1) The individual applicant should forward the Application Letter QDF 0016 to Quality
Assurance Department with enclosed copy of C of C form or equivalent certificate
acceptable by DGCA.
2) QAM will verify the C of C prior to issue recommendation to DGCA for basic
certificate application.
3) QAM will issue the recommendation to DGCA for the Basic Certificate examination
4) The applicant should process individually to DGCA, However under certain
circumstances QA department may help the process or coordinating the
examination process.

1.6 Basic Certificate Examinations

1. Examinations prescribed are given at times and locations, and by persons,
designated by the DGCA.
2. The minimum-passing grade for each examination is 70 percent.
3. An applicant for a license or certificate shall pass the basic knowledge written,
oral and practical examinations in the subjects appropriate to the category sought.
The DGCA shall conduct all basic examinations. The basic knowledge syllabus
for each category
4. The DGCA may issue a license or certificate to persons who pass the basic
knowledge examination.

1.7 On line written test Requirements

1. The online written test equipment must be equipped with web cam and conduct at
DGCA office.
2. The applicant may use aids and test materials within the guidelines listed below, as
long as actual test questions or answers are not revealed. All models of aviation
oriented calculators may be used, including small electronic calculators that perform
only arithmetic functions (add, subtract, multiply, and divide). Simple programmable
memories (which allow addition to, subtraction from, or retrieval of one number from
the memory) are permissible. Also, simple functions, such as square root and
percent keys, are permissible.

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3. The following guidelines apply :

a) Test Materials. Applicants may use scales, straightedges, protractors, and
electronic or mechanical calculators that are directly related to the test.
b) Manufacturers’ Aids. Manufacturers’ permanently inscribed instructions on the
front and back of such aids (e.g., formulas, conversions, regulations, Weight
and Balance (W&B) formulas) are permissible.
c) Dictionaries. Dictionaries are not allowed in the testing area.
d) Final Decision. The unit member makes the final determination regarding aids,
reference materials, and test materials an applicant may take into the testing
4. Visual or Video Surveillance will be applied during tests. The test officer will ensure
to clearly and fully view all applicants at all times, be aware of all activities in the
testing room, and be alert for any misconduct.

5. Cheating. If an applicant appears to be cheating, the test officer must immediately

discontinue the test and escort the applicant from the area to avoid disturbing others
who may be taking tests. And issued examination suspension letter.

1.8 General Privileges and Limitations

1) A basic certificate holder may perform the maintenance, preventive maintenance
or alteration of an aircraft or appliances and instruments.
2) A basic certificate holder may not approved for return to service an airframe,
engine, part or appliance and instruments.
3) A basic certificate holder may not exercise the privileges of his certificate unless
he understands the current instructions of the manufacturer, and the maintenance
manuals, for the specific operation concerned.

1.8 Validity of Basic Certificate

1) Unless it is revoked, suspended or canceled by the DGCA, a basic certificate is
remain valid.
2) The holder of basic certificate issued under this part that is suspended or revoked
shall return it to the DGAC.

2.1 On line Procedure for Air-law Examination

a) Applicant may submit the application for Air-law Examination and requirement in
accordance with of this Staff Instruction to PORTAL IMSIS DKPPU,
b) Applicant complete the submitted document, and verified by DGCA PEL officer. The
applicant will receive notification for paying PNBP from the system.
c) After payment completed, system automatically send notification to applicant of user
& password CBT.
d) Examination shall perform not more than 7 (seven) days after user & password CBT
e) Applicant take the air law examination.
f) DGCA PEL Officer verify authentication of examinee and make recommendation to
DGCA Head of Personnel Licensing Maintenance Section Personnel.
g) DGCA Head of Personnel Licensing Maintenance Section Personnel will approved
or reject in accordance with verification result.
h) Notification pass or fail will send to examinee.

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i) An applicant for air law written test, may apply for re-test not less than 7 days after
the date the applicant failed the test.


2.3 AMEL Category

The following license categories are issued under this Sub-part
1) Category A - Airframe and Engine;
2) Category C - Avionic (Radio, Instrument & Electrical)

The Category A are subdivided into subcategories relatives to combinations of basic

certificate category airplane, helicopter, turbine and pistons engine. The subcategories
1) A1.3 : Airframe, airplane (A1) and piston engine (A3);
2) A1.4 : Airframe, airplane (A1) and turbine engine (A4);
3) A2.3 : Airframe, helicopter (A2) and piston engine (A3);
4) A2.4 : Airframe, helicopter (A2) and turbine engine (A4).

The Category C has only one category that included basic certificate category radio (C1),
instrument (C2), and electrical (C4).
2.4 AMEL Eligibility requirements
A license and associated category may be issued to a person who meets the following
1) Is not less than 21 years of age;
2) Is able to read, write, speak and understand the technical English as used in
manufacturers manuals;
3) Has passed the oral and practical test within the period 24 months and
4) Hold appropriate basic certificate which is currently effective and has been in effect for
a total of at least 18 months.
5) The aircraft type rating may also be endorsed to license after the holder of aircraft
maintenance engineer license meets the following requirements:
a) Has satisfactory completion of the relevant category A or C aircraft type training
conducted by the certificate holder issued under CASR parts 91, 121. 135, and
145, in accordance with their approved training program; and
b) Has passed the written test within a period of 24 months, covering the
maintenance of aircraft appropriate to the type rating he seeks, the regulations in
this part, and the applicable provisions of CASR parts 121 and 145; and
c) Initial aircraft rating endorsement, present the documentary evidence, satisfactory
to the DGCA, of at least 12 (twelve) months of practical experience on the type of
aircraft for which the rating is sought; or
d) Additional aircraft rating endorsement present the documentary evidence,
satisfactory to the DGCA, of at least 6 (six) months of practical experience on the
type of aircraft for which the rating is sought.

2.5 AMEL Skill Requirements

Each applicant for a license or category must pass an oral and a practical test on the
category or rating he/she seeks. The tests cover the applicant's basic skill in performing
practical projects on the subjects covered by the written test for that category or rating.

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2.6 AMEL Application

Each applicant for the grant of an aircraft maintenance engineer license rating shall
complete DAAO Form 65.02 and submit it to the DGCA with a payment of the appropriate
application fee prescribed by DGCA.
1. Complete the individual application form QDF 0016 forward to Quality Assurance
Department, with enclosed in the application is :
2. Completed DAAO (DAAO Form 65-02A)
3. A Copy of Basic Certificate
4. A Completed appropriate Schedule of Type Experience Book,
5. A Copy of Type Rating Course Certificate.
6. A Copy of initial or recurrent Human Factor Training Certificate.
7. A Copy current certificate of English proficiency (TOIEC score min 450).
8. A Copy of current statement that no indication under inviolance of drugs .
9. A Copy of National ID for Indonesia citizen or passport for foreign citizen.
10. Pas Photo (2 x 3 and 4 x 6, red background).
11. Statement Letter (original) signed by QAM
12. Applicant for initial aircraft maintenance engineer license, category, sub category
and/or aircraft rating endorsement must pass the oral and practical test on the
category or rating he/she seeks in accordance to CASR 65.55.
13. The oral and practical test must be conducted either by DGCA examiner or
Designated Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Examiner / DAMEER.
14. DGCA Form No. 65-18 Oral and Practical Test Checklist has been signed by
DAMEER or DGCA Examiner.
15. Quality Assurance will issue recommendation to DGCA for granting the Aircraft
Maintenance Engineer License / AMEL after verification carried out.
16. The applicant is fully responsible to process in issuing Aircraft Maintenance
Engineering License, while Quality Assurance may assist any information needed by
17. Entry the Data to Internal Database (IMSIS).

2.7 AMEL Renewal

The applicant shall ensure the all relevant documents are filled completely and submit to
Quality Assurance as following below:
1. QDF 0016.
2. DAAO Form 65-02A original.
3. Personnel Experience Log (PEL)
4. Copy of appropriate Type Training Certificate.
5. Copy Recurrent Human Factor Training Certificate
6. Copy Certificate English Proficiency TOEIC score min 450.
7. Renewal application should be addressed to Quality Assurance Department at least
90 (ninety) days before the date of expired to ensure applicant have letter of
recommendation to DGCA.
8. Upon finished of an AMEL renewal, He/she must info to Quality Assurance
Department soonest.
9. To be eligible for renewal of an aircraft maintenance engineer license, an applicant
must present evidence to the DGCA to show completion of the recurrent human
factor training and one of the following activities within preceding 24 months.
10. At least 6 months, perform or supervise the maintenance, preventive maintenance
or alteration, and approved and return it to service.
11. An aircraft maintenance license holder who does not complete one of the activities
within preceding 24 months, may be eligible for renewal after passing a written test

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/air law examination from the DGCA to determine that the applicant's knowledge of
the applicable regulations and standards are current.
12. Statement Letter (original) signed by Quality or Authorize Person witch state the
applicant’s document valid and meet the requirement.


1. Applicant may submit the application for renewal AMEL and requirement in
accordance Chapter to PORTAL IMSIS DKPPU.
2. After applicant complete the submitted document, applicant receive notification for
paying PNBP from system and automatically send notification, as soon as payment
received by DGCA Payment System.
3. DGCA will designate Airworthiness Inspector to evaluate the Application for
Renewal AMEL. Airworthiness Inspector verify application and document required.
If applicant comply with requirement, Airworthiness Inspector accepted by
VERIFIED BUTTON and reject the application by REJECTED BUTTON if not
4. After verification has been completed and accepted for renewal, the system will
notify applicant automatically in order to print Renewal Aircraft Maintenance
Engineer License.
5. The AMEL must be process before AMEL no longer valid.


1) Unless it is revoked, suspended or canceled by the DGCA, an aircraft maintenance
engineer license shall remain valid for the period specified in the document and such
period shall not exceed 3 years from the date of issue or previous renewal of the
2) The holder of aircraft maintenance engineer license issued under this part that is
suspended, revoked, or no longer valid shall return it to the DGCA.



A certificate of maintenance approval may be issued to a person who meets the following
1) Is not less than 20 years of age;
2) Is able to read, write, speak and understand the technical English as used in
manufacturers manuals.
3) Has specially qualified to perform maintenance on aircraft or component thereof,
appropriate to the job for which he /she is employed with the following
a. has satisfactory completion of training that is specifically designed to qualify
the applicant for the job, conducted by AMTO certified under CASR 147 or
manufacturer and :
b. Present the documentary evidence, satisfactory to the DGCA, at least (6)
six months of practical experience on the type of aircraft or component
thereof for which is specially designed to quality the applicant for the job on
which the applicant is t be employed.
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4) The aircraft certificate of maintenance approval may also be issued to person who
meets the following requirements:
a. Has satisfactory completion of training that is specially designed to quality
the applicant for the job, conducted in house by AOC or AMO, in
accordance with their approval training program; and
b. Is employed for specific job requiring those special qualifications by
approved maintenance organization issued under CASR part 145m to
provide continuous airworthiness maintenance program according to its
maintenance manual.
c. Is recommended for certification by his employer, to the satisfaction of the
DGCA, as able to satisfactorily maintain the aircraft or components,
appropriate to the job for which he is employed


1) Certificate of maintenance approval shall remain valid for the period specified in
the document and such period shall not exceed 3 years from the date of issue or
previous renewal of the document.
2) The certificate is revoked, suspended, or canceled by DAAO and Certificate holder
will return the certificate to DAAO.


1) Ensure the application attached with the following :
a. Mechanic Experience log Book (DAAO Form No. 65-07)
b. Application forms for COMA (DAAO Form No. 65-02C)
c. A letter of recommendation from PT Indonesia AirAsia
d. A Copy of current Certificate of Human Factor training.
e. A Copy of , Current Certificate of English Proficiency /TOEIC score min 450 (at
least 24 months ) able to read, write, speak and understand the technical English
as used in manufacturers manuals. issued by English test provider or under CASR
parts 91, 121. 135, and 145, in accordance with their approved training program.
f. A Copy of Specific Training sought.
g. A Copy of National ID for Indonesian citizen or passport for foreign citizen,
h. Pas Photo (2 x 3, 4 x 6) color, red background each 2ea.
i. A Copy current of Medical Fitness Status. The applicant is declared “fit condition,
visual and hearing normal condition”, (at least 6 months )
j. A Copy of current statement that no indication under inviolate of drugs (at least 6
months ).
k. Statement Letter (original) signed by Quality or Authorize Person witch state the
applicant’s document valid and meet the requirement CASR 65.


The holder of a certificate may perform the maintenance, preventive maintenance or
alteration, and approved for return it to service to the specific job within the limits of tasks
specially endorsed on the certificate.
The holder of a certificate with particular aircraft component or aircraft rating may sign
maintenance release for aircraft component or aircraft log entry

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The applicant shall ensure the all relevant documents are filled completely and submit to
Quality Assurance as following below:
1) Completed original (DAAO Form 65-02C)
2) Completed (QDF 0016)
3) Personnel Experience Log (PEL)
4) Copy Appropriate Type Training Certificate.
5) Copy Recurrent Human Factor Training Certificate
6) Copy Certificate English Proficiency TOEIC min score 450.
7) Renewal application should be addressed to Quality Assurance at least 90 (ninety)
days before the date of expired to ensure applicant have letter of recommendation to
8) QA will issue (Surat Keterangan Perpanjangan COMA Form and Certified True Copy
of current COMA.
9) Upon finished of a COMA renewal, He/she must info to Quality Assurance Department
soonest.An aircraft maintenance license holder who does not complete one of the
activities set forth in paragraph 3.4 of this section within preceding 24 months, may be
eligible for renewal after passing a written test (Air law Examination) from the DGCA to
determine that the applicant's knowledge of the applicable regulations and standards
are current.

The Company Authorization QDF018 is Authorization issued by Quality Assurance
Department to the qualified personnel to fulfill the requirements company procedure.
Note: The privilege of company authorization as detail in the QN-G-002



A and 1) Holder LAME appropriate Category

/or C 2) Pass the examination for scope (1)
1) Holder LAME appropriate Category
A and 2) Pass the examination for basic inspection method operational
/or C test, functional test are included.
3) Pass scope 1 & 2
1) Holder LAME appropriate Category
3 A only
2) Pass the examination for scope (1.2 & 3)
1) Holder LAME appropriate Category
A and
4 2) Pass the examination scope 1,2,& 4
/or C

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1) Holder company authorization or equivalent authorization

2) Appropriate rating
3) Has attended Required Inspection Item course.
4) Familiar with the applicable regulations in the CASR and with the
inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and
RII Inspector tools used to determine the airworthiness of the article on which
maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations are being
performed; and proficient in using the various types of inspection
equipment and visual inspection aids appropriate for the article
being inspected.

Engine Ground Initial :

Run (EGR) 1) Have pass psychological test.
2) Holder AMEL appropriate Engine Category
3) Completed class room of Engine Ground Run.
4) Practical Engine Run by simulator and 2 (two) time Hot Run and
the last performance is under supervision by designated person.
5) Hot run 5 (five) time and the last performance is under
supervision by Quality Assurance or designated person.
Renewal :
1) Three (3) times Hot Run or passed simulator exercises.
2) If current experience of perform Engine Run is not more than
three time in last 2 (two) years the applicant must verify and re-
asses by Quality Assurance.

1) Holder of Inspection Course or have Engine bores-cope

Engine Bore- Certificate Authorization from Maintenance Repair Organization,
scope (EBC) with minimum five time performed bore-scope or any mean
which acceptable by Quality Assurance Manager.
1) Holders of Inspection Course or have NDT Certificate
Authorization from Maintenance Repair Organization which
Non Destructive
accept by Quality Assurance Manager and Min.5 times perform
Testing (NDT)
NDT appropriate level.

1) Holder AMEL or COMA appropriate to the specific job task.

2) Familiar with the applicable regulations in the CASR and with the
inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and
tools used to determine workshop are being performed and
proficient in using the various type of inspection appropriate
Quality Workshop 3) Completed respected Original Equipment Manufacturer Training.
Inspector (QWI) 4) Familiar with respective company procedures,
5) Minimum 1 month experience to workshop and provide certified
minimum 5 times performs kind of schedule workshop inspection
or servicing.

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QA Inspector 1) Holder AMEL or equivalent competency acceptable by Quality

( QAI) Assurance Manager.
2) Holder Basic Inspector or Airworthiness course and / or Auditor
course and /or investigation course.
3) Familiar with the applicable regulations in the CASR and with the
inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and
tools used to determine the airworthiness of the article on which
maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations are being
performed; and proficient in using the various types of inspection
equipment and visual inspection aids appropriate for the article
being inspected and issue inspection report.
4) Familiar with quality system which implemented in PT Indonesia

Auditor 1) Holder basic Inspector or Airworthiness course and / or Auditor

course and /or investigation course.
2) Familiar how to plan, prepare, conduct audit, analyze finding and
prepare audit report effectively and confidently.
3) They are capable to conduct audit effectively refer to current
applicable regulatory and company requirements

Instructor 1) Holder basic instructor course or Training for Trainer

2) They must competent for the relevant subject of training they
intend to perform.
3) Understand training philosophy including preparation,
conducting, review and assessment.
4) Understanding the duties and responsibilities and conduct
effective teaching.

Examiner 1) Holder AMEL or equivalent competency acceptable by Quality

Assurance Manager.
2) Familiar with the applicable regulations in the CASR and with the
inspection methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and
tools used to determine the airworthiness of the article on which
maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alterations are being
performed; and proficient in using the various types of inspection
equipment and visual inspection aids appropriate for the article
being inspected and issue inspection report.
3) Familiar with company authorization system which implemented
in PT Indonesia AirAsia.

Quality Store 1) Familiar with CASR Par 21

Inspector (QSI) 2) Familiar with Procedure Receiving System which implemented in
PT Indonesia AirAsia.
3) Dangerous Goods awareness course.
Quality Technical 1) Familiar with CARS Part 121, 21, 43 and 91.
Records (QTR) 2) Familiar with Technical Records System which implemented in
PT Indonesia AirAsia.
3) Aircraft General Familiarization course.

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4.2 Company Authorizations Application

1) Copy of valid AMEL.
2) Copy of Human Factor Training Certificate (latest two years)
3) Complete Form QDF 0017, signed by respective Manager / Section Head of the
responsible department, and submit to Quality Assurance Department
4) Copy of English proficiency test certificate with TOEIC min 450

4.3 Company Authorizations Examination

Examination will be scheduled by QA Department about (3) three months in advance and
conduct by QA Department or delegated or designated personnel.
The examination consists of:
1) Written examination (QDF 0014), which consists of Aircraft System troubleshooting
and Inspection method (80 %) and air legislation (20%).
2) Oral examination (QDF 0015)
3) For initial examination include Aircraft System trouble shooting, Company
Maintenance Manual, Engineering Procedure Manual, Quality Notices, Minimum
Equipment List, Maintenance Program (MSI), Air Legislation and paper works
4) For renewal examination by QAIS system if applicable
5) The passing grades are 70 % for all examinations.

4.4 Validation of Authorization

1) QAM will issue Authorization to the applicant who has qualified for the grant of
Authorization. The authorization is valid for maximum 3 years, subject to the result of
assessment and confident level which may be shortened, suspended and revoked by
Quality Assurance Manager.
2) When the QAM is changed, the Company Authorization Certificate will still valid until
it’s become expired or replaced.

4.5 Failure and/or re-examination

Written / Oral examination
1) Written / oral examination may be recommended for re-examination with interval of
two (2) weeks.
2) When (3) three time in the written or oral test are failed, the applicant may re-apply
for minimum at least (3) three months later.
3) When applicant cannot attend as schedule without confirm and acceptable reason
by QAM is considered “FAILED” associate scheduled.

4.6 Renewal of Authorization

General administration requirements
1) Complete the Application Form QDF 0017 acknowledged by respective
Manager / Section Head of the responsible unit.
2) Complete Form QDF 0017 submits to QA Department at least 3 month before
current Approval Certificate is due.
3) Copy of current AMEL.
4) Have minimum 6 months experienced in rating what they are sought.
5) Pass English proficiency test TOEIC min score 450

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4.8 Competency test

1) Pass written test aircraft system with score min 70 %
2) Pass oral assessment of aircraft system with score min 70%
3) Pass oral regulation assessment with score min 70%
1) Attend recurrent training and pass the exam 70 %
2) Pass oral regulation assessment with score min 70%


a. Authorization temporary extension will be issued to certifying staff, if there are
following conditions:
1) Assessment process for 3rd exam has not been completed because
unavailability assessor, or
2) In absence of QAM for approving authorization certificate

b. If the result of completed assessment process is failed, QAM will hold the
authorization temporary extension.
c. Validity period of authorization temporary extension is for 1 (one) month maximum
or determined by Quality Assurance Manager.


1) After all process is considered pass
2) Authorization will be automatically renewed without examination when the
authorization holder have current AMEL due less than 6 (six) months from approval
issuing and provide the current copy AMEL to QA Department.


1) One time authorization is issued by QAM under circumstance condition given to the
person which considered competence and capable.
2) Authorization valid for only one time certification (return to Service or Maintenance
Release) after the specific task are accomplished


a. Authorization stamp is personal identification for certifying staff to perform and certify the
work in accordance with the competence.
b. Each approved certifying staff will be given a authorization stamp that is used as
evidence for approving against maintenance work that has been done.
c. Numbering of authorization stamp based on the sequence of the authorization number
as stated in authorization certificate QDF 018.
d. Scope/Code of authorization stamp as follow :

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1. QAM Quality Assurance Manager

2. Document certification, inspection, surveillance,

QAD Perform internal or external audit.

4. QAT Instructor -

5. QAE Examiner -

Line Maintenance Approval Holder include

6. AXI

7. QTR Technical Record, Aircraft Log and Engine Log

8. QSI Store Inspector

9. QWI Workshop Inspector

e. If the stamp is lost or broken, certifying staff should notify to Quality Assurance
Department immediately within 1x24 hours for replacement.
f. When the stamp is lost, a company authorization holder may still have authority to
certify the work related to his/her scope of authority by put his/her authorization number
g. The authorization stamp should be returned to Quality Assurance Department if
certifying staff as bellow:
1) Resigned
2) Authorization is revoked or suspended

a) If company authorization, AMEL, COMA or Company Authorization are lost, a certificate
holder should notify via phone or email or other media to Quality Assurance Department
within 1x24 hours.

b) If AMEL, COMA or Basic Certificate is lost, the relevant holder submit the application to
DGCA for re-issuing with enclosed the documents as follow:
1) Statement letter for documents lost from local police office
2) Completed 65-02 application form to request reissuing AMEL or Basic Certificate
3) Copy type certificate training
4) Copy recurrent Human Factor
5) Copy AMEL or basic certificate
6) Photo color 2x3 (2ea) and 3x4 (2ea) with red background
7) Recommendation letter signed by QAM to reissue AMEL or basic certificate

c) During process re-issue certificate, Company Authorization Holder may not exercise
his/her privilege.
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The authorization will automatically cancel or invalid when the following condition has been
a) The validity of Company Authorization is due.
b) Any falsification and misjudgment by the holder upon investigated by committee
designated by QAM refer to QN-G-047 resulting suspension.
c) The holder is no longer working in the required unit.
d) The holder is having suffered illness and cannot fulfill the job due to physical or
psychological handicap.
e) Working under the influence of alcohol and drug.
f) When the Quality Assurance Manager at his descriptions with evidence found L.A.H
has violated any company or regulatory regulations.

Please be guided accordingly

Agus Prihartono
Quality Assurance Manager

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Surat Pernyataan

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

We undersigned :

Nama (full name) : ...............................

Jabatan (title/position) : ...............................
Alamat (current address) : ...............................

Dengan ini melampirkan persyaratan untuk .........................................:

Hereby enclose the requirements for :
1. .............................................................
2. .............................................................
3. .............................................................
4. .............................................................
5. .............................................................
6. .............................................................
7. etc.........................................................

Saya menyatakan bahwa semua keterangan dan semua persyaratan yang disebutkan di atas
dibuat dengan sesungguh, sebenarnya dan sesuai dengan aslinya, dan berjanji akan mematuhi
serta mengikuti semua ketentuan-ketentuan pada Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 tentang
Penerbangan dan semua Peraturan-Peraturan yang berlaku.
(Applicant is to certify that all of the aforementioned informations and all the requirements are
true, correct and in accordance with the original, and the undersigned will comply with Republic of
Indonesia Aviation Law Number 1 Year 2009 and other applicable regulations).

Demikian surat pernyataan ini dibuat dengan penuh kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab untuk
dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
We hereby aware and fully responsible that the foregoing particular are true in every respect.

Nama Jabatan Quality Manager Nama yang bersangkutan

Name of Title Quality Manager Name of Title concerned

Agus Prihartono Tanda tangan
Tanda tangan signature

FORM QDF 019 Rev 1-00 (Mar 2018)

Issue date 15 May 2020


Chapter QN-G-001
Quality Assurance Department Page 16 of 19

Figure1. Flow Chart Basic Certificate

FORM QDF 019 Rev 1-00 (Mar 2018)

Issue date 15 May 2020


Chapter QN-G-001
Quality Assurance Department Page 17 of 19

Figure 2. Flow Chart Air Law

FORM QDF 019 Rev 1-00 (Mar 2018)

Issue date 15 May 2020


Chapter QN-G-001
Quality Assurance Department Page 18 of 19

Figure 3. Flow Chart Renewal AMEL

FORM QDF 019 Rev 1-00 (Mar 2018)

Issue date 15 May 2020


Chapter QN-G-001
Quality Assurance Department Page 19 of 19


i. DGCA Form No. 65-01 Application for written examination.

ii. DGCA Form No. 65-02A Application for Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License
iii. DGCA Form No. 65-03 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License
iv. DGCA Form No. 65-16A, Schedule of Type Experience (Catagory AP)
v. DGCA Form No. 65-16B, Schedule of Type Experience (Catagory AV)
vi. DGCA Form No. 65-24A Schedule of Type Experience (STE) Catagory Airframe and
vii. DGCA Form No. 65-24B Schedule of Type Experience (STE) Catagory Avionic
viii. QDF No 0012 Read and sign documentation
ix. QDF No 0014 Answer Sheet
x. QDF No 0015 Oral Examination
xi. QDF No 0016 Basic License Application
xii. QDF No 0017 Company Licence Application
xiii. QDF No 0018 Authorization Certificate

FORM QDF 019 Rev 1-00 (Mar 2018)

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