Scorpius The Constellation

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Scorpius The Constellation

Once upon a time, there lived a very beautiful girl named Scorpius. She was born
of wealthy parents who loved her so much. They spoiled her with all the nice
things money could buy. She had numerous assistants who attended to her every
need. Some assistants cooked and prepared the best food for her. As soon as she
woke up in the morning, she was bathed and dressed in the finest clothes and
adorned with the finest jewelry. She was taught by the most intelligent teachers.
She had many friends who like her for belonging to the highest class in society.
She had never experienced sorrow, for everything she desired was provided.

However, one day, things changed abruptly. She woke up to a very strange
surrounding. She could not move. Her hands and feet were tied. She could not see
anything too. She was blindfolded. Although, she knew she was on a moving
caravan or something and was going to a place she didn't know. Her fear steadily
was heightened when they stopped, and she was thrown carelessly on the ground.
There were noises around her. People were shouting commands. Moreover,
someone removed her blindfold recklessly and in an instant, she realized she was
with horrible people that she had not seen in her entire life. They were dirty,
covered in shredded clothes, and smelled as if they'd never taken a bath. All of
them are looking at her with unfamiliar expressions on their faces which made her
cower in fear much more. Worse, she could not recognize anyone.

She was allowed to move around on her own. The horrible people left her, and she
realized she had to save herself. She went outside, but she almost vomited because
dead bodies were everywhere. There was blood all over the place. She saw people
without an eye, arms, and legs. She saw the most horrible things that she had not
seen in her entire life and she was downright terrified. Then, someone grabbed her
from behind. He looked familiar. And soon she was back home, surrounded by
people she knew and loved. She saw her parents who ran to her and embraced her
tightly. Afterward, they told her she was abducted while sleeping but everything
was alright and all the pirates were defeated and dead.

Her parents then told her that the world we lived in is not always a bed of roses. It
is not always a place of happiness and beauty. There are times when there is
darkness, hatred, corruption, and misery. Hence, everyone should be prepared and
ready to save oneself and fight if needed.
Scorpius The Constellation
The next day, she started to learn how to deal with reality. She practiced how to
defend herself from bad people. She mastered how to hold a sword and spear,
shoot arrows, and how to aim for an opponent's heart. She was not happy she had
to do these things, she saw horrible people did to pitiful
people but that was reality. There was goodness as well as darkness in our world.
When Scorpius died, God put her in the sky. She looked like a scorpion, an insect
with a tail that has poison, that when it bites, the poison brings an unmeasurable
amount of pain and death. So that when people looked at the stars, they would see
Scorpius, very beautiful but like a scorpion, reminds us that the world is not always
a bed of roses but the world is both beautiful and horrible. And this is the reality.

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