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Although more and more people read the news on the internet, newspapers

will remain the most important source of news for the majority of people. Do
you agree or disagree?
The world is changing day by day at a rapid speed: the faster movement that
forerunners have, the more apparent news every day. Online news soon became
popular due to its convenience and being suitable for all kinds of ages. However,
some people believe that no matter how prevalent online news is, newspapers still
play a crucial role for a massive number of people.
Newspapers have already appeared in the world for a long time. The earliest page of
news was printed in 1513 in the UK, then this type of expressing information was
speedily incipient. For many centuries, newspapers become the most popular source
of news in the world, with millions of page copies printed annually in every country.
Anyhow, the circulation of printing and reading news on paper changed in the year
1983 of the 20th century – when the internet was invented and turned the world into
a whole new page. People then preferred reading online news over the news
printing on pages of paper on account of the advantages they could have. For
example, when it comes to the speed of transport information, the internet always
does its best. People in the past had to wait for a few days to get the information, on
the other hand, modern humans can get it easily with only a click in just about 1
second. Moreover, the amount of news that we can get is colossal due to the variety
of sources that are extant on the internet. There is no doubt that the internet and
online news bring a huge change to our life.
On the other hand, we can not reflect the demand for the newspaper as a result of
differences in groups of ages and social classes. Living in the new decades does not
mean that everyone can use or get access to the internet. People from the lower
class in society cannot afford to use the internet, and the elderly are not flexible
enough to adapt to new technology. When making a comparison between a group of
elderly and another group of young citizens, there is a huge contrast. While the
youth find reading online news convenient, older people seem to have many
difficulties. For some elderly, reading the newspaper is a habit that they can not
change. And the problem with online news becomes more and more serious in some
developing countries, especially those belonging to Africa or Asia - where the
network system is not considered a developing one. Taking China as another
example, the time that Chinese people can spend on the internet is strictly limited by
their government. Through these clarifying examples, we can prove that the role of
newspapers always remains the most important despite the rocket of transporting
online news.
In conclusion, though online news seems to be the most prevalent kind of
information today in the world, people’s demand for newspapers has never changed.
Keeping and developing both the traditional and modern types is the key that helps a
country to have a solid foundation to improve.

People in many countries spend more and more time far away from their
families. Why does this happen and what effects will it have on them and
their families?
In recent decades, there has been a surprising increase of people who choose to
have their life apart from their families in many nations. The potential reasons for
this trend as well as the consequence that may happen to both individuals and their
families will be clarified in this essay.
Two main reasons considered the most popular ones are future careers and
studying. Nowadays, to meet the standard of global economic growth, more and
more students desire a better education, especially those coming from developing
countries. Take students from Asia as an example, many excellent students wasted
their potential talent on account of not being educated in modern methods.
According to some reports coming from the expert, since 2000, the number of
foreign tertiary students enrolled worldwide has increased by 99%, for an average
annual growth rate of 7.1%. Advanced countries’ governments often offer a colossal
amount of beneficial scholarships that easily attract geniuses to come to study and
work as an employee for their countries. These offers undoubtedly give post-
graduates various opportunities which can be once in a lifetime for them. As a result
of this statement, more and more post-graduates abroad choose to migrate to
another country, living far from their parents.
Despite the advantages below, this trending phenomenon has some far-reaching
repercussions. Whenever parents choose to send their child overseas to study, it
means not only the student but also his parents have several worries. In some cases,
money and payment for a student abroad can be a burden for their family which
easily causes some serious conflicts. Some other families may have another worry,
facing distance can easily lead to both psychological problems and emotional
damage. Moreover, migrating to a foreign country and starting a new life seems to
be a challenge for many young people. Though they have enough knowledge and
experience for living, it is hard for them to handle every single thing at a very young
age. Due to the lack of social skills of some students, they become the victims of
social evil. Consequently, there is a dramatic increase in the percentage of people
facing serious social problems.
In conclusion, most people stay away from their families for understandable and
personal reasons. However, this phenomenon has both pros and cons, which brings
both opportunities as well as causes psychological problems.

The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the
cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Numerous global serious problems that humans have to face nowadays are mainly
relevant to the damage to the environment worldwide. This causes a heated debate
in recent days, arguing about the solution of increasing the charge that individuals
have to pay for their use of fuel. This essay will give a clearer view of the given status.
The natural environment today is vigorously destroyed. Several global problems
existed on our earth such as air pollution – which causes 95% of death annually, or
deforestation – the statement that makes 70% of world lands and areas disappear.
People all over the world have to face risky health problems like heart attack, and
cancer, no matter where they are living–developed countries or low-income nations.
Take Beijing- the capital city of China as an example, the residents of this city are
suffering from the worst air pollution in the world, even though Beijing is considered
a worth-living city.
Fuel prices are rising rapidly comprehensive these days, especially for petrol and
gases. The latest news on the BBC showed us the reality of residents living in big
cities in Europe – who are suffering from insufficiency due to the high-priced fuel.
Experts estimated that people will spend more money on food bills instead of paying
for energy. The more fuel costs increase, the more people deal with poverty. As a
result, the average petrol price in every country seems to have a slight increase day
by day. Hong Kong is the one which has the highest cost of petrol. According to
professional environmentalists, the lack of crude oil is the actual potential reason for
the worldwide increasing fuel prices. It means that if governments try to increase the
cost of fuel, they will put more pressure on both the natural environment and the
national economy. Nonetheless, the environmental problems cannot be solved.
All in all, increasing the price of fossil fuels cannot help to solve all environmental
problems. Instead, it may become a new worldwide drawback that prevents many
nations from developing their economies.

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