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Examination Venues
Date Time Subject Code Paper Subject Name MOA Duration
Chemistry / Physics Labs 1 & 2
1300h-1400h SHIFT 1: Biology
6093 3 PRACTICAL 1:00
Wed 1430h-1530h SHIFT 2: Biology
Schedule will be pasted outside the General Office
14 Sep 5076 SHIFT 1: Science (Physics, Chemistry)
1430h-1600h 5 PRACTICAL 1:30
5078 SHIFT 1: Science (Chemistry, Biology)

1300h-1400h SHIFT 1: Physics

1430h-1530h 6091 3 SHIFT 2: Physics PRACTICAL 1:00 Schedule will be pasted outside the General Office
15 Sep
1600h-1700h SHIFT 2: Physics

1330h-1430h SHIFT 1: Chemistry

Fri 1450h-1550h SHIFT 2: Chemistry
6092 3 PRACTICAL 1:00 Schedule will be pasted outside the General Office
16 Sep 1610h-1710h SHIFT 3: Chemistry
1730h-1830h SHIFT 4: Chemistry

Examination Venues
Date Time Subject Code Paper Subject Name MOA Duration
301 Classroom 302 Classroom 303 Classroom 304 Classroom 305A Classroom 305B Classroom 306 Classroom 307 Classroom MP 01 & 02 Comp Lab 1 & 2
0750h-0940h 1 WRITTEN 1:50
Class Class Class Class Classes
1025h-1215h 1128 2 English Language WRITTEN 1:50
301 302 303 304 305A, 305B, 306
1300h-1400h 3 LC 1:00
0750h-0940h 1 WRITTEN 1:50
Wed Classes Classes
1040h-1230h 1190 2 English Language Syllabus A WRITTEN 1:50
28 Sep 305A, 305B 306, 307
1340h-1440h 3 LC 1:00
0750h-0910h 1 WRITTEN 1:20
1010h-1130h 1195 2 English Language Syllabus T WRITTEN 1:20
1230h-1330h 3 LC 1:00

0750h-0950h 1 2:00 Classes

1116 Higher Chinese WRITTEN
1050h-1235h 2 1:45 301 to 304
0750h-0950h 1 WRITTEN 2:00
Classes Classes Classes
1050h-1220h 1160 2 Chinese WRITTEN 1:30
301, 302 303, 304 305A, 305B, 306
1300h-1345h 3 LC 0:45
0750h-0950h 1 WRITTEN 2:00
1050h-1220h 1196 2 Chinese Syllabus A WRITTEN 1:30
305A, 305B, 306
1300h-1345h 3 LC 0:45
0750h-0840h 1 COMP ACCESS 0:50
0950h-1050h 1153 2 Chinese Syllabus B COMP ACCESS 1:00
1130h-1230h 3 LC 0:45
Thu 0750h-0840h 1 WRITTEN 0:50 Class
1202 Basic Chinese
29 Sep 0950h-1035h 3 LC 0:45 307
0750h-0950h 1 WRITTEN 2:00
1050h-1220h 1148 2 Malay WRITTEN 1:30
301 to 307
1300h-1345h 3 LC 0:45
0750h-0950h 1 WRITTEN 2:00 Classes
1050h-1220h 2 WRITTEN 1:30 305A to 307
1197 Malay Syllabus A
1300h-1345h 3 LC 0:45
305A to 307
0750h-0840h 1 WRITTEN 0:50 Class
1203 Basic Malay
0950h-1035h 3 LC 0:45 307
1300h-1500h 1 WRITTEN 2:00 Classes
1117 Higher Malay
1545h-1730h 2 WRITTEN 1:45 301 to 304

Normal Lessons : Fri 30 Sep to 4 Oct

0750h-0930h 2174 1 History WRITTEN 1:40 Classes 301 to 304

Wed 0750h-0930h 2236 1 Geography WRITTEN 1:40 Classes 301 to 304
5 Oct
1030h- 1115h 6093 1 Biology WRITTEN 0:45 Class 301 Class 303 Class 304

2272 Humanities (Social Studies, Geography)

2273 Humanities (Social Studies, History)
Class Class Class Class
0750h-0935h 2274 1 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English) WRITTEN 1:45
301 302 303 304
2287 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese)
2288 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay)
6 Oct
2175 Humanities (Social Studies, Geography)
Class Class Class
0750h-0935h 2176 1 Humanities (Social Studies, History) WRITTEN 1:45
305A 305B 306
2177 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English)
1030h-1200h 6093 2 Biology WRITTEN 1:30 Class 301 Class 303 Class 304

0750h-1005h 4049 - Additional Mathematics WRITTEN 2:15 Class 301 Class 302 Class 303 Class 304
0750h-0935h 4051 - Additional Mathematics N(A) WRITTEN 1:45 Class 305B
0750h-0950h 7086 - Principles of Accounts WRITTEN 2:00
305A, 305B, 306
6073 Nutrition and Food Science Class
Fri 0750h-0920h 1 WRITTEN 1:30
7055 Design and Technology 306
7 Oct
2065 - Literature in English
1100h-1240h WRITTEN 1:40 Classes 301 to 304
2274 2 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English)
2287 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese) Classes
1100h-1240h 2 WRITTEN 1:40
2288 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) 301 to 304
1100h-1240h 2177 2 Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English) WRITTEN 1:40
305A, 305B, 306

0750h-0920h 2174 2 History WRITTEN 1:40 Classes 301 to 304

0750h-0930h 2273 2 Humanities (Social Studies, History) WRITTEN 1:40 Classes 301, 304 Classes 302, 303
0750h-0930h 2176 2 Humanities (Social Studies, History) WRITTEN 1:30
305A, 305B, 306
0750h-0920h 7018 2 Computer Applications PRACTICAL 1:30
Mon 307
10 Oct 1030h-1200h 6092 2 Chemistry WRITTEN 1:30 Class 301 Class 302 Class 303 Class 304
5076 Science (Physics, Chemistry) Classes
1030h-1145h 3 WRITTEN 1:15
5078 Science (Chemistry, Biology) 301 to 306
5105 Science (Physics, Chemistry) Class Class Class
1030h-1145h 3&4 WRITTEN 1:15
5107 Science (Chemistry, Biology) 305A 305B 306
1030h-1145h 5148 2 Science Syllabus T WRITTEN 1:15 Class 307

0750h-0920h 4052 1 Mathematics WRITTEN 1:30 Class 301 Class 302 Class 303 Class 304 Classes 305B, 306
0750h-0920h 4045 1 Mathematics Syllabus A WRITTEN 1:30 Classes 305A, 305B Classes 306, 307
0750h-0920h 4046 1 Mathematics Syllabus T WRITTEN 1:30 Class 307
1030h-1200h 6091 2 Physics WRITTEN 1:30 Class 302 Classes 301, 303 Class 304
11 Oct 5076 2 Science (Physics, Chemistry) Classes
1030h-1145h WRITTEN 1:15
5078 4 Science (Chemistry, Biology) 301 to 306
1030h-1145h 5105 1&2 Science (Physics, Chemistry) WRITTEN 1:15 Classes 305A to 307
1030h-1145h 5107 5&6 Science (Chemistry, Biology) WRITTEN 1:15 Classes 305A, 305B Class 306
1030h-1130h 5148 1 Science Syllabus T WRITTEN 1:00 Class 307

0750h-0920h 4052 2 Mathematics WRITTEN 1:30 Class 301 Class 302 Class 303 Class 304 Classes 305B, 306
0750h-0920h 4045 2 Mathematics Syllabus A WRITTEN 1:30 Classes 305A, 305B Classes 306, 307
0750h-0920h 4046 2 Mathematics Syllabus T WRITTEN 1:30 Class 307
12 Oct 1020h-1150h 2236 2 Geography WRITTEN 1:30 Classes 301 to 304
1020h-1200h 2272 2 Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) WRITTEN 1:40 Classes 301, 303 Classes 302, 304
1020h-1200h 2175 2 Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) WRITTEN 1:40
305A, 305B, 306

0750h-0835h 6092 1 Chemistry WRITTEN 0:45 Class 301 Class 302 Class 303 Class 304
0750h-0850h 7018 1 Computer Applications WRITTEN 1:00 Class 307
5076 Science (Physics, Chemistry) Classes
Thu 1000h-1100h 1 WRITTEN 1:00
5078 Science (Chemistry, Biology) 301 to 306
13 Oct
1000h-1045h 6091 1 Physics WRITTEN 0:45 Class 302 Classes 301, 303 Class 304
1000h-1100h 7062 Design and Technology Syllabus T 1:00
1000h-1130h 7066 1 Elements of Business Skills WRITTEN 1:30
1000h-1130h 5979 Nutrition & Food Science 1:30

1. Candidates to report to examination venue at least 15 minutes before the start of the paper and be seated according to class index number.
2. When there are different classes in the examination venue, candidates to be seated according to the seating plan provided.
3. Candidates do NOT need to report to school on days when they have no scheduled papers.
4. Candidates to leave the school and go home immediately after their last paper for the day.
5. Normal lessons for 301, 302, 303 & 304 : 30 Sep to 4 Oct
6. Normal lessons for 305A, 305B & 306 : 30 Sep to 5 Oct
7. Normal lessons for 307 : 30 Sep to 7 Oct

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