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MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2017

Street Food Adventures #03:

Bubble Tea [ Taiwan ]
Street Food Adventures Chapter 03
Country : Taiwan
Type: Beverage
Name: Bubble Tea / Boba Tea

Bubble Tea aka Boba Tea is one of Taiwanese staples

in street food technically it is a drink. It is so popular
that it made its way to a bunch of other countries.
People who have never tried them are missing out on
something really special. The most common type of
bubble tea is Milk tea with large tapioca pearls, but the
more popular bubble tea gets, the more varieties of
flavour combinations pops up. From fruit teas with
pearls to slushies with puddin and jelly.

"Boba" is derived from the Chinese word "large

breast" which the Taiwanese nicknamed their large size
tapioca pearls after, so if you are ordering the tiny
pearls, they are NOT boba. Bubble Tea's name on the
other hand originates from the bubbles made when
shaking the milk tea, so technically if your tea is not a
milk tea and shaken to froth up, it is not a bubble tea.
Now you have this knowledge, don't go argue with
people when someone calls it boba or bubble tea, it
doesn't really matter, what matters is that the drink is

We've decided to make this recipe from scratch, just so

people with no means of obtaining tapioca pearls can
make them at home and give it a try but mostly
because I think dry pearls cook really badly, it is easy
to undercook or overcook the store-bought pearls
which will result in an average beverage and leaving
you wondering why your pearls is never as good as the
ones your get at the bubble tea shop. One more
additional perk of making it from scratch is knowing
what goes into your food :)

Below are a few links that helps us out along the way
to explore more of the world and for you guys to have
some easy access to recreate what we have tried here

Stainless Steel Boba Straws Taro Powder

Cocktail Shaker Dough Scraper

Leave any request in the youtube comments section or

hashtag #SFABI on instagram, so we can learn more
about your countries Street Food and explore the world
together :)

For more info on [Street Food Adventures] Click


Infographic Recipe will be updated soon

Bubble Tea 3 Ways

Yields 3 Servings (1 1/2cup of uncooked pearls)

Tapioca pearls:
180g (1 1/2 cups) Tapioca starch
**Edit: You can add up to 1 cup extra tapioca flour if your dough is still too sticky.

(Some people are having problems with sticky dough so it might help, some times

humidity and the microwave step might lead to a sticky dough)

80g (6 tbsp) Muscovado or dark brown sugar

120g (1/2 cup) Hot water
60g (1/4 cup) Extra muscovado or dark brown sugar
Extra water, for cooking
Few cups of room temperature drinking water, for

Earl grey milk tea / black milk tea:

3 Earl grey teabags / Any black tea
160g (2/3 cup) Hot water
40g (1/6 cup) Half and half
15g (1 tbsp) Simple syrup*

Jasmine milk tea:

3 Jasmine tea bags
160g (2/3 cup) Hot water
40g (1/6 cup) Half and half
15g (1 tbsp) Simple syrup*

Taro milk tea:

1 Green tea bag
80g (1/3 cup) Hot water, for brewing tea
80g (1/3 cup) Hot water
25g (2 tbsp) Taro powder
30g (2 tbsp) Half and half

*Simple syrup:
1:1 Sugar and Water

Simple syrup
1. Combine 1 part water and 1 part sugar in a small
sauce pot
2. Heat it on medium and stir until sugar dissolves
3. Let syrup reach a rolling boil and remove from heat
4. Let it cool, refrigerate to store

Tapioca Pearls
1. Combine hot water and 80g (6 tbsp) sugar in a
heatproof/microwave safe bowl
2. Stir and if sugar is not totally dissolved, heat for 20
seconds in the microwave
3. Add in 37g (1/3 cup) of tapioca starch into the sugar
solution and stir until no lumps
4. Heat the liquid on a bain-marie/ in the microwave,
stirring constantly
5. It will be ready when it is thick, sticky and
translucent, remove from heat
6. Add in the rest of the tapioca starch 1 tbsp at a time
and knead until it forms a firm but elastic dough (you
may not need to use all depending on the humidity, if it
is too dry add a tad of cold water to adjust)
7. Roll dough into logs that can pass through your
boba straw
8. Cut the logs into small pillows and shape the pillows
into pearls
9. Put it in a slightly “tapioca starch”-coated bowl and
tumble it to make it rounder
10. In a large pot, bring 8 cups water (if you are
cooking all of the pearls at the same time) to a rolling
11. Pour in the pearls into the pot and stir them
occasionally to prevent the pearls from sticking to the
bottom, you can stop when the pearls start to float
12. When the water returns back to a rolling boil, cover
the pot and turn down the heat to medium low and
cook for 15 minutes
13. Turn the heat off and let it sit for 10 minutes, do
not open the lid during this stage
14. Drain the pearls and rinse them with room temp
drinking water until it feels warm to the touch/ not hot
15. Combine 60g (1/4 cup) of sugar and cooked pearls
in a large bowl and mix it until all coated

Earl grey/ Jasmine

1. Steep the tea bags into the hot water for 4(J)/5(EG)
2. Remove tea bag from tea
3. In a cocktail shaker/mason jar, add ice 3/4 of the
4. Add the half and half, sugar syrup and brewed tea
into the ice
5. Shake the tea until the tea is thoroughly chilled, you
can feel it from the shaker
6. In a glass, add 1/3 of pearls into the bottom and add
a couple cubes of ices, strain the chilled drink on to it
and serve it with a thick straw.

1. Steep the green tea bags into 80g of hot water for
2.5 minutes
2. Remove tea bag from tea
3. Dissolve the taro powder in 80g of hot water
4. In a cocktail shaker/mason jar, add ice 3/4 of the
5. Add the half and half, brewed tea and taro mixture
into the ice
6. Shake the tea until the tea is thoroughly chilled, you
can feel it from the shaker
7. In a glass, add 1/3 of pearls into the bottom and add
a couple cubes of ices, strain the chilled drink on to it
and serve it with a thick straw.

I. Tapioca pearls will go hard if it is refrigerated so it is
best to consume on the day it is cooked but you can
store uncooked pearls in the freezer in an airtight
container for up to 3 months. Cook it straight out of the
freezer, do not defrost
II. If dough is too dry and cracking, add a little room
temp water, if too sticky add tapioca starch
III. Every large Boba straws come in a slight variation
in size, so make sure to roll it according to your straw
size to prevent it from getting stuck
IV. The more you tumble the pearls the rounder it gets,
so I usually shape my pearls with a quick pinching
motion to round the corners and let the tumbling do it’s
work to make it round. It saves a lot of time this way
V. Our cocktail shaker is small so we did the shaking
in 2 batches
VI. Simple syrup quantities are just for reference,
adjust the sweetness to your liking
VII. If you want real taro in your drink, dice a peeled
purple taro root, around the size of the straw, and
steam it until a fork sticks through it. Add it in with the
pearls in the bottom of the glass
VIII. For the earl grey tea, add pearls, egg pudding and
grass jelly to make Gong Chas signature combo

How to make BO…

Hope you guys enjoy this weeks [How To's]

See you next week :)

xo D
Ceci & Dionne at 10:30 PM



prpltrmpt September 16, 2018 at 1:44 PM

Hi! Thanks for the recipe. Do you know why my boba
is cooking up wrinkly? were nice and
round before going into the boiling water, but
flattened out after a few minutes of cooking....

Unknown September 29, 2018 at 6:18 AM

Hi do you think that you can use brown sugar instead
of dark brown sugar?


Tori January 26, 2020 at 8:20 PM

Dark brown sugar just means that there is more
molasses in it. You can definitely use regular
brown sugar, the consistency may just be the
slightest bit dryer and could be a bit sweeter.

Unknown July 17, 2020 at 4:08 PM



Unknown October 26, 2018 at 5:54 PM

Hi I just want to know why my tapioca starch is gooey
and super sticky


LilyL April 22, 2020 at 7:05 PM

you might have to add more tapioca starch to
your mixture.


K November 23, 2018 at 4:16 AM


I love your video and it seems really simple. However,

everything falls apart when I go up to the microwave
part. I do it in 10 seconds intervals. I can never roll it
out into your shapes as it bounces back into its round
shape. When I cut it into little parts, it never turns into
a ball. I really need help!! Thanks!!

Saqib Khatri January 23, 2019 at 6:45 AM

It really is maybe any generalisation, yet once we
consider green tea ingesting rituals, oahu is the
Oriental and also Western green tea ceremonies in
which right away pop into your head: ritual, peace and
quiet, contacts to be able to dynamics, green tea being
a reward, an easy method regarding supplying thank
you or perhaps sorry with a comparable. zero waste

Unknown April 23, 2019 at 8:43 PM

Where do you get your taro powder from? (which
brand do you use?)

Unknown April 1, 2020 at 2:13 AM

Can you use corn starch instead of tapyoca starch


Stacy April 13, 2020 at 10:05 PM

No, the balls won’t be chewy if you use


Unknown April 9, 2020 at 2:05 PM

Love this

Unknown May 1, 2020 at 5:40 PM

Hello, can i use rice flour to replace tapyoca starch.
Because in my area i dont have none. And if yes then
do i use normal rice flour or do i use glutinous rice

Unknown May 4, 2020 at 9:20 AM

Hello, so i made some yesterday and when I Put it in
the microwave it was still liquid so i kept putting
tapioca starch until it became oblik then i kept on
trying me make it dry until it became crushed graham
cracker so then I couldn't roll it out and I had to pinch
it with my hands. Do you know the reason to that?
Also I didn't know we had to boil the pearls until they
float so i undercooked. I don't have the shaker thing so
can i still make the drink out of that?


unknown May 19, 2020 at 11:49 AM

if its still liquid after putting it in the microwave,
microwave it again. to boil the pearls until they
float, just keep mixing and they'll start. and for
the shaker thing, if you have any type of water
bottle or good container that won't leak even if
you shake it hard, you can use that to shake.


Unknown May 18, 2020 at 4:36 PM

how come in the video, they add more milk then tea
but in the ingredents we add more tea then milk

unknown May 19, 2020 at 11:47 AM

I followed everything except used corn starch and
normal brown sugar but when I went to drain the
pearls they were almost completely melted and there
was barley anything left. what can I do to fix it?


Unknown June 6, 2020 at 1:40 AM

It's important to use tapioca starch...

Unknown July 17, 2020 at 7:50 PM



Unknown July 17, 2020 at 7:50 PM

Listen to the song Fly Me To The Moon lofi cover its
calming, cute and sweet


Unknown July 17, 2020 at 7:50 PM

( ◔◡◔) ♥


Emanon July 20, 2020 at 5:37 PM

I made the recipe twice, all the steps right and still it
went wrong,and on top of that the video doesn't
explain very well loss of ingredients, money and time;

Unknown August 12, 2020 at 5:40 PM

Hello, I couldn't find any tapioca starch from where I
live, is there any other substitution for it?

Unknown September 7, 2020 at 11:10 PM

Can I use potato starch

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