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____C_____ 1. It is the process of gathering data or information to solve a particular

or specific problem in a scientific manner.
____E_____ 2. It implies that an investigation, inquiry or study is to be conducted, or
that the problem is ready for investigation, inquiry or study.
____A_____ 3. It is a self-evident truth which is based upon a known fact or
____G_____ 4. It is a tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at
the beginning of the investigation.
____K_____ 5. It is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the
present study is related.
____L_____ 6. These are inquiries or investigation already conducted to the present
proposed study that has some bearing or similarity.
____D_____ 7. This is significant, perplexing and challenging situation, real or
artificial solution of which requires reflective thinking.
____F_____ 8. The term is defined on how they are used in the study or in the
____B_____ 9. Definitions may be taken from encyclopedias, books, magazines and
newspapers, dictionaries and other publications but the research must acknowledge
his sources.
____J_____ 10. This becomes the central theme, the focus, the main thrust of the
study and serve as a guide in conducting the investigation.

a. Assumption g. Hypothesis
b. Related literature h. Operational definition
c. Research i Problem solving
d. Problem j. Conceptual framework
e. Research problem k. Theoretical framework
f. Conceptual or theoretical definition l. Related studies


1-5. The summarized characteristics of research
o Research is systematic.
o Research is controlled.
o Research is empirical.
o Research is analytical.
o Research is objective, unbiased, and logical.
6-10. Some of the hindrances to scientific inquiry
o Traditional
o Authority
o Inaccurate observation
o Over generalization
o Selective observation
11-15. The elements of a research problem
o Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation.
o The subject matter or topic to be investigated.
o The place or locale where the research is to be conducted.
o The period or time of the study during which the data are to be gathered.
o Population or universe from whom the data are to be collected.
16-20. Sources of related literature and studies
o Books, encyclopedias, almanac, and other similar references.
o Articles published in professional journals, magazines, periodicals,
newspapers, and other publications.
o Manuscripts, monographs, memoirs, speeches, letters, and diaries.
o Unpublished theses and dissertations.
o The constitutions, and laws and statues of the land.


____I_____ 1. a. Analyzing the data
____E_____ 2. b. Doing the library research
____B_____ 3. c. Collecting the data
____H_____ 4. d. Determining the implications and conclusions from the
____F_____ 5. e. Forming a hypothesis
____C_____ 6. f. Developing the instruments for collecting data
____A_____ 7. g. Making recommendations for further research
____D_____ 8. h. Designing the study
____G_____ 9. i. Determining (recognizing) the problem



1-2. According to Good and Scates, “the purpose of research is to serve man” and
“the goal of research is the good life”.

3-6. Due to research, man has attained great accelerating progress and is enjoying
the products of research such as: fast and comfortable land, sea and air means
of transportation, the wonders of electricity like the radio , the potent drugs
that promote health and prolong life, and many other countless things.
1. Identify the five (5) elements.
o Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation.
o The subject matter or topic to be investigated.
o The place or locale where the research is to be conducted.
o The period or time of the study during which the data are to be gathered.
o • Population or universe from whom the data are to be collected.
2. Give at least three (3) statement of the problem.
o What are the pretest and posttest scores of Grade 7 students who were
exposed to Project ReTAP?
o How significant is the agreement of the rank orders in the challenges
encountered of Grade 7 students among the public schools in District II of
Tagkawayan, Quezon?
o What policy recommendations can be formulated based from the findings of
the study?

3. Illustrate the theoretical paradigm.


4. Present the conceptual paradigm.



I – Give concise and comprehensive answer to the questions listed below:

1. Identify the major educational contributions to the present/modern
educational systems of the following:

Chinese education was aimed at selecting and training people for public
service, thus it put emphasis on the molding of a person’s character and
inculcation of ethical and moral values. It centered on the mastery of the Chinese
language and on classical literature, particularly on the works of Confucius.
As early as 206 B.C. during the height of the Han Dynasty, the Chinese had
already developed a system of examination that would screen ambitious youths for
government office- an ancient semblance of the modern career service
Jewish education was religious in nature. It was purely in accordance with
the Old Testament of the Bible and the Talmud, a collection of writings containing
full account of Jewish civil and religious laws. For the Jews, the goal of education
was to prepare men to know God and to live peacefully among their fellows.
Education didn’t emphasize the three Rs and is informal whereas children receive
education from their children at home. Fathers teach the kids about trade secrets
and his profession.
During the New Testament period, schools called synagogues were
established under the rabbis to assist parents in educating their children. School
was a year-round session and instruction was individualized and memorization
was done to lessen the chance of forgetting the lesson.
The Spartans did not give so much importance to the family for they
believed that maintaining a home would divide the individual’s attention, thus
hindering him from giving his full attention, commitment, dedication and service to
his country. It was purely military that exercised totalitarianism over its subjects.
They were given a schedule of activities which they followed strictly. There was
minimal intellectual training for Spartan male where mental training was
overshadowed by military and physical activities. The education of Spartan girls
was limited to instructions given by their mothers which was related to domestic
They saw education as a means to provide an individual with physical
superiority, courage, endurance, and loyalty and inculcate in him/her submission to
state authorities and laws or a venue to a military training.
The Latin expression men sana en corpore sano which means a ‘sound
mind in a sound body’ was the ultimate goal of the Athenian educational system.
Athens implemented a democratic and free society which is one of the lasting
legacies of the Athenians in the world. Developing a citizen who is strong in body
and brave in warfare, guided in life by reason, and wise judicious in the
performance of his manifold public duties yet free in the disposition of his leisure
time and in his interpretation of social obligations was the objective of Athenian
Egyptians were polytheist people and their focus on religion extended to
their educational system. The Egyptian education was highly practical and
empirical. They only study the subjects that could be applied in their daily lives.
They provided the modern world with the basic foundations of education, art,
music, literature, mathematics, engineering, architecture, astronomy, geology,
medicine, and other fields. They devised the picture-writing called hieroglyphics
which gave rise to the development of the class known as scribes. They were
considered superior in the fields of engineering and architecture as manifested by
their great work- the pyramids that still stand firm and proud until today. They also
introduced the concept of irrigation, astronomy and excelled in medicine.
The Roman education system was based on the Greek system – and many
of the private tutors in the Roman system were Greek slaves or freedmen. The
educational methodology and curriculum used in Rome was copied in its provinces
and provided a basis for education systems throughout later Western civilization.
Organized education remained relatively rare, and there are few primary sources
or accounts of the Roman educational process until the 2nd century AD. Due to
the extensive power wielded by the paterfamilias over Roman families, the level
and quality of education provided to Roman children varied drastically from family
to family; nevertheless, Roman popular morality came eventually to expect fathers
to have their children educated to some extent, and a complete advanced
education was expected of any Roman who wished to enter politics.

2. Cite and explain the influences of monasticism, scholasticism,

chivalry, and the guild system to present-day Philippines educational system.

Monasticism – (Education as a Moral and Religious Discipline)

Monasticism is a religious way of living where people isolate from others and
consider themselves self- disciplined by renouncing worldly ways and devoting in
spiritual ways. the education system in Philippines has gone through different
cycles since history from pre- colonial period where they were taught vocational
skills, then Spanish period when the formal education was introduced under the
church, then the period of first republic after Americans defeated the Spaniards,
then American period which followed by Japanese period. After undergoing
through different colonies and languages the Philippines adopted monasticism
strategy where they came up with their own education system which is centered on
the empowerment of the youth and quality education in autonomous religion in
Muslim Mindanao and the western and central Mindanao regions.
Scholasticism – (Education as an Intellectual Discipline)
It was a philosophical system of various Christian thinkers who sought to
solve general philosophical problems such as those on faith and reason, will and
intellect, and realism against nominalism. This development opened the gates of
western isolation to eastern influences and various religious beliefs. As a result,
the professing Christian had to learn to defend his beliefs and the doctrines of his
Chivalry – (Education as a Social Discipline)
It was the secular counterpart of monasticism. Its adherents armed to attain
the highest social ideals through forms and customs. Its main focus was the
development of the character of a gentleman – honorable, dignified, God fearing,
and respectful of authority.
Guild system
The guild school was free from ecclesiastical control. Its main purpose was
to orient and train a student to take over his father’s profession upon the latter’s
retirement. It was the predecessor of the modern vocational school.

3. Define philosophy of education. State how it affects the educational system,

school management, and teaching-learning process.
Philosophy of education is the branch of applied or practical philosophy
concerned with the nature and aims of education and the philosophical problems
arising from educational theory and practice.
Education with philosophy has a close relationship because philosophy is a
view of life that leads to the goal of education. According to Dewey, changes that
occur in society must exist and inevitable because education is always changing.
The perennialism view at the moment that education is regarded as a container to
direct the center of culture. While human beings are able to solve the problem and
achieve its goals rationally. This condition of development in the flow of philosophy
one of which is essentialism. And education as a tool to process humanize human,
with the difference of orientation and philosophy that became his belief.
Differences of philosophy in a nation will bring a difference in the perspective or
purpose of education itself. Learning with the P4C contributes to raising children to
be sensitive individuals who respect different perspectives and are able to shape
their own rights, have ethical values, take care and improve themselves, and
embrace new ideas.

4. Give your opinion on whether the present educational philosophy of the

Philippines is relevant to the country’s needs.

The Philippine education system has evolved over hundreds of years of

colonial occupation, first by Spain and then by the US, through martial law and the
people’s power revolution that brought democracy to the sprawling archipelago.
The education sector’s development has mirrored the changes in the country’s
administration. Today the focus is on expanding access and ensuring more
Filipinos receive a decent basic education, as a means of reducing poverty and
improving national competitiveness. The World Bank notes that in other countries
such initiatives have brought “large economic benefits”. The K-12 reform was
introduced in 2016 and funding was increased, easing concerns that its
implementation would be hindered by limited resources and winning over new
President Rodrigo Duterte, who was initially skeptical about the plan.

5. Define academic freedom and explain its implications in the Philippine

educational system.

As defined in Section 13 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, academic freedom is

the right granted to institutions of higher learning to determine on academic
grounds who shall be admitted to study, who may teach, and what the subjects of
study and research shall be. It also refers to the rights of the members for the
teachers of the academic community in the tertiary level to express their ideas on
any subject of their specialization without fear of any threatening conditions such
as being removed from their positions.

6. Explain why education is considered a function of the state and a right, not
a privilege, of all citizens.
Education is not a privilege. It is a human right. Education as a human right
o the right to education is legally guaranteed for all without any
o states have the obligation to protect, respect, and fulfil the right to
o there are ways to hold states accountable for violations or deprivations
of the right to education
7. State the importance of providing adult education and special education.
Justify your answer.
Adult Education
Adult education is education aimed at mature students that have already
taken part in the workforce. Learning as a mature student gives individuals the
chance to gain new skills and expand their knowledge. Developing literacy and
numeracy skills in adulthood also gives individuals a better ability to reach their full
potential. Many adult students gain additional confidence in their academic skills
after pursuing adult education. Finally, adult education teaches students valuable
skills that can be put into action in a wide range of situations. The confidence and
aptitude gained with adult education is valuable both in and out of the workplace.
Special Education
It is necessary for the specially disabled children to maintain the pace in the
learning process with the children that do not have any special need, as they have
the right to fulfill the requirements and explore their own potential regardless of nay
disability. The concept of special education mainly focuses on the designing of
educational structure that has the potential to overpower the disadvantages of any
disability along with helping the children to get quality education. So, it has become
very important for the educator or the teacher to follow the classroom rules that
could fulfill their requirements.

8. Explain the importance of the establishments of the public school system.

Public education has gotten a bit of a bad rap in recent decades, as many
families are exploring other education options, like homeschooling, private schools
and charter schools. However, public schools still serve a significant role in
preparing the next generation of world leaders. Check out these 10 potential
advantages a public-school education can provide.
o Cost - The cost of a public education can’t be beaten.
o Availability - Public schools provide access to an education for every child
in a community.
o Diversity - Because public schools admit all children in the community,
those that attend the schools are more likely to be in classrooms with other
children that don’t think, act or look exactly like them.
o Class Sizes - funding for schools is often dependent on the number of
students in a school, with consideration for smaller, more manageable
classroom sizes.
o Academic Opportunities - Public schools often have the resources to offer
more academic opportunities like advanced classes and courses in
specialized subjects like technology and the arts.
o Extracurricular Opportunities - In addition to the choices in the
classroom, students in public school often have more options in activities
after the last bell rings for the day.
o Services - By law, public schools are also required to provide certain
services to students. Some, such as transportation to and from school, are
offered to all the students.
o Teacher Qualifications - teachers in public schools are required to be
certified by the state.
o Accountability - By the same token, public schools are held accountable
by the state for their academic performance.
o Results - students in public schools score comparably on standardized
tests to students in private schools. In some cases, they outscore students
in charter schools.

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