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Loan Function:

B. Consistent with safe and sound C. Ascertainment of Borrower’s Capacity

banking/business practice, a bank quasi bank, or non-
Sec. 40, GBL - Requirement for Grant of Loans or Other
bank financial institutions shall grant loads or other Credit Accommodations
credit accommodations
Before granting a loan or other credit accommodation,
1. only in amounts and for the periods of time a bank is required to ascertain that the debtor is
capable of fulfilling his commitments to the bank.
2. Essential for the effective completion of the
operation to be financed.

Before granting the loans, banks/QB/NBFI is To enable the bank to properly evaluate the credit
required to ascertain that the borrower, comaker, application, the following are required from the credit
endorser, surety and/or guarantor are financially applicant:
capable of fulfilling their commitments to the
bank/QB/NBF. A bank/QB/NBFI shall obtain adequate 1. A statement of their assets and liabilities
and of their income and expenditures and
information on his/their credit standing and financial
capacities. 2. Such information as may be prescribed by
law or by rules and regulations of Monetary
Additional requirements to be ascertained by the
banks/QB/NBFI from the borrower: Board 3. Corresponding financial statements
submitted for taxation purposes to the Bureau
1. Usual information sheet about the of Internal Revenue.
Should such statements prove to be false or incorrect
2. ANNUAL SUBMISSION – as long as the loan in any material detail, the bank may:
and/or credit accommodation is outstanding:
1. Terminate any loan or other credit accommodation
a. A copy of the latest Income Tax granted on the basis of said statements; and
Return (ITR) of the borrower and his co-maker,
2. Shall have the right to demand immediate
if applicable, duly stamped as received by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR); repayment or liquidation of the obligation.

b. Except as otherwise provided by

law and in other regulations, if the borrower is Contract of guaranty:
engaged in business, a copy of the borrower's
latest financial statements as submitted for By guaranty, a person, called the guarantor,
taxation purposes to the BIR; and binds himself to the creditor to fulfill the obligation of
the principal debtor in case the latter should fail to do
3. NEED NOT BE SUBMITTED ANNUALLY - once so. Q. What is a
submitted these documents remain valid unless
revoked. a. A waiver of confidentiality of client Suretyship contract
information and/or an authority of the bank/QB/NBFI
to conduct random verification with the BIR in order refers to an agreement where under one
to establish authenticity of the ITR and accompanying person, the surety, engages to be answerable for the
financial statements submitted by the client. debt, default, or miscarriage of another known as the
Suppose the bank finds that the proceeds of
the loan or other credit accommodation have been Distinction between a guarantor and a surety
employed, without its approval, for purposes other
1. A surety is an insurer of debt, whereas a
than those agreed upon with the bank, the bank is
guarantor is an insurer of the solvency of the
given the right to terminate the loan and demand
debtor. 2. A suretyship is an undertaking that
repayment of obligation.
the debt shall be paid.
3. Stated differently, a surety promises to pay 2. Thus, it was held that the creditor must be first
the principal’s debt if the principal will not pay, while a obtain a judgment against the principal debtor before
guarantor agrees that the creditor, after proceeding assuming to run after the alleged guarantor, “for
against the principal, may proceed against the obviously the ‘exhaustion of the principal’s property’
guarantor if the principal is unable to pay. cannot even begin to take place before judgment has
been obtained”.
4. A surety binds himself to perform if the
principal does not, without regard to his ability to do 3. The law imposes conditions precedent for the
so. invocation of the defense.

5. In other words, a surety undertakes directly 4. Thus, in order that the guarantor may make use of
for the payment and is so responsible at once if the the benefit of excussion, he must set it up against the
principal debtor makes default. creditor upon the latter’s demand for payment and
point out to the creditor available property of the
6. A creditor’s right to proceed against the debtor within the Philippines sufficient to cover the
surety exists independently of his right to proceed amount of the debt.
against the principal.
7. Under Article 1216 of the Civil Code, the CORPORATE FICTION
creditor may proceed against any one of the solidary
debtors or some or all of them simultaneously. As held in the U.S. Case, C.F. Trust, Inc., v. First
Flight Limited Partnership, "in a traditional veil-
piercing action, a court disregards the existence of the
corporate entity so a claimant can reach the assets of
a corporate insider. In a reverse piercing action,
however, the plaintiff seeks to reach the assets of a
corporation to satisfy claims against a corporate
Guaranty Suretyship insider." (from corporate insider)
Guarantor is subsidiarily Surety is primarily liable
liable "Reverse-piercing flows in the opposite
Guarantor binds himself Surety binds himself to direction (of traditional corporate veil-piercing) and
to pay if the principal pay if the principal debtor makes the corporation liable for the debt of the
debtor cannot pay does not pay shareholders." (From the properties of the
Insurer of the Solvency of Insurer of debt corporation)

Secured loan, borrowing or other credit

accommodation shall refer to any loan, or credit
accommodation or portion thereof referred to in
Section X327 which is secured by:
The benefit of excussion is a right granted to the
guarantor and, therefore, only he may invoke it at his (1) Real estate mortgage, chattel mortgage on
discretion. The benefit of excussion, as well as the tangible assets, and pledge of jewelry, precious stones
requirement of consent to extensions of payment, is a and other valuable articles
protective device pertaining to and conferred on the
guarantor. These may be invoked by the guarantor (2) Assignment of intangible assets such as
against the creditor as defenses to bar the patents, trademarks, trade names and copyrights
unwarranted enforcement of the guarantee. (3) Unconditional payment guarantees such as
The benefit of excussion can be invoked if: standby letters of credit and letter of indemnity issued
by banks/multilateral financial institutions
1. The benefit of excussion may only be invoked after
legal remedies against the principal debtor have been (4) Assignment of, or hold-out on, deposits or
expanded. deposit substitutes maintained in the lending bank
(5) Cash margin deposits; or assignment or cover a borrower’s shortterm costs until the moment
pledge of government securities or readily marketable when regular long-term financing is secured.
bonds and other high-grade debt securities and “blue
chip” stocks, except those issued by the lending entity, Bridge financing is a form of temporary financing
and subject to the additional provision that the issuer intended to cover a borrower’s shortterm costs until
corporation has a net worth of at least P1billion and the moment when regular long-term financing is
with a record of at least 5 consecutive years earnings secured. Thus, it is named as bridge financing since it
reckoned from the immediately preceding 5 years is like a bridge that connects a company to debt
capital through short-term borrowings.
(6) Customer's liability under import bills
outstanding for not more than thirty (30) days from
date of original entry
F. Fixed v. Floating Interest Rate and Escalation
(7) Sales contract receivables arising from sale Clauses
of real property on credit where title to the property is
Interest rate is the payment for the use of money. The
retained by the bank
Basis of interest rate is that people by nature is
(8) Customer's liability-import bills under trust impatient that is why the lender collects interest.
receipts outstanding for not more than thirty (30) days
A fixed interest rate is a rate predetermined or pre-
from date of booking: Provided, That the booking
agreed interest rate from the start of the repayment
under trust receipts shall have been made not later
until the entire repayment of the loan. It is a pegged
than the thirty-first day from the date of original entry
interest rate throughout the entire repayment of the
referred to in Item (6) above
loan. It is an interest rate that is pre-determined
throughout the term of the loan

UNSECURED LOAN: Floating interest rate

Unsecured loan, borrowing or other credit 1. Variable interest rate

accommodation shall refer to any loan, or other credit
2. It is a flexible interest rate
accommodation or portion thereof referred in Section
X327 which is not secured in accordance with Item k 3. Interest rate varies throughout the entire
above. repayment of the loan
NOTES: 4. Interest may go up or down depending on the
parameters provided by the BSP
1. A borrower’s loan may be classified as secured or
unsecured loan. 5. Maybe subjected to escalation clause
2. Secured loan is one which has an offered collateral
or offered security.
Escalation clause:
Different kinds of security: 1. real estate mortgage 2.
chattel mortgage 3. Pledge Interest will go up. It is a floating interest rate,
depending on the interest rate set by the BSP.

Escalation clauses are not void per se.

E. BRIDGE FINANCING However, one which grants the creditor an unbridled
right to adjust the interest independently and
1. Temporary loan being extended by a lender bank,
upwardly, completely depriving the debtor of the right
quasi-bank, non-bank financing institution in favor of a
to assent to an important modification in the
borrower pending the approval of the loan negotiated
agreement is void. Clauses of that nature violate the
by the borrower
principle of mutuality of contracts. Article 1308 of the
2. An interim loan Civil Code holds that a contract must bind both
contracting parties; its validity or compliance cannot
3. It fills in the gap; it connects something; Bridge be left to the will of one of them.
financing is a form of temporary financing intended to
A valid escalation clause provides: 1. that the and repayment of which are fully guaranteed by the
rate of interest will only be increased if the applicable Republic of the Philippines.
maximum rate of interest is increased by law or by the
Monetary Board; and 2. that the stipulated rate of
interest will be reduced if the applicable maximum
In case of a bank merger or consolidation, or when a
rate of interest is reduced by law or by the Monetary
bank is under rehabilitation under a program
Board (de-escalation clause).
approved by the Bangko Sentral, The Monetary Board
When the parties agreed for a variable or may temporarily relieve the surviving bank,
floating interest rate, that agreement is valid. If it is consolidated bank, or constituent bank or
subject to escalation clause, it is valid as such subject corporations under rehabilitation from full compliance
only to the requirement that there must be a with the required capital ratio under such conditions
corresponding de-escalation clause as it may prescribe.

Risk based capital is simply the ratio which the net

worth of the bank must bear to its total assets. The
MB may provide for the minimum ratio which the net
worth of a bank must bear to its total risk-based
G. Risk Based Capital Net worth of the bank = equity of the bank. It shall
refer to the total of the unimpaired paid-in capital,
The monetary board is required to prescribe
surplus, retained earnings and undivided profits.
the minimum ratio which the net worth of a bank
must bear to its total risk assets which may include Risk asset, in so far as the banking industry is
contingent accounts. concerned, refers to the asset owned by the bank that
is subject to a frequent fluctuation of changes brought
The Monetary Board may require such ratio be
about by: 1. interest rate, 2. credit quality or 3.
determined on the:
repayment risk.
1. Basis of the net worth and
There are 2 exceptions wherein a bank will not comply
2. Risk assets of a bank and its subsidiaries, financial to the minimum ratio of risk-based capital:
or otherwise,
1. The purchase of readily marketable evidence of
3. As well as prescribe the composition and the indebtedness of the Republic of the Philippines and of
manner of determining the net worth and total risk the Bangko Sentral and any other evidences of
assets of banks and their subsidiaries indebtedness or obligations the servicing and
repayment of which are fully guaranteed by the
In case a bank does not comply with the prescribed Republic of the Philippines, until the minimum
minimum ratio, the Monetary Board may: required capital ratio has been restored.

1. Limit or prohibit the distribution of net 2. In case of bank merger or consolidation, or when a
profits by such bank and bank is under rehabilitation under a program
approved by the Bangko Sentral, the Monetary Board
2. Require that part or all of the net profits be may temporarily relieve the surviving bank,
used to increase the capital accounts of the bank until consolidated bank, or constituent bank or
the minimum requirement has been met. corporations under rehabilitation from full compliance
with the required capital ratio under such conditions
3. Restrict or prohibit the acquisition of major
as it may prescribe.
assets and the making of new investments by the
bank, until the minimum required capital ratio has The following are the consequences whenever a bank
been restored. failed to comply with the risk based capital:
- EXCEPTION: purchases of: i. readily marketable 1. The BSP through the Monetary Board may
evidences of indebtedness of the Republic of the limit or prohibit the distribution of net profits
Philippines and of the Bangko Sentral and ii. any other by such bank
evidences of indebtedness or obligations the servicing
2. The BSP may require that part or all of the net A. Unless the Monetary Board prescribes otherwise,
profits be used to increase the capital the total amount of loans, credit accommodations and
accounts of the bank until the minimum guarantees prescribed may be increased by an
requirement has been met. additional ten percent (10%) of the net worth of such
H. Limitation on the borrowing from Government-
owned or controlled bank

NO LOAN, guaranty, or other form of financial

accommodation for any business purpose MAY BE
GRANTED, directly or indirectly, BY ANY Provided the additional liabilities of any borrower are
GOVERNMENT-OWNED OR CONTROLLED BANK OR adequately secured by (memorize) [TSWORN]:
1. trust receipts,
President, the 2. Vice-President, the 3. Members of
2. shipping documents,
the Cabinet, the 4. Congress, the 5. Supreme Court,
3. 3. warehouse receipts or
and the 6. Constitutional Commissions, the 7.
4. 4. other similar documents transferring or
Ombudsman, or 8. to any firm or entity in which they
securing title covering:
have controlling interest, during their tenure (Sec. 16,
a. readily marketable,
Art XI of the 1987 Constitution)
b. non-perishable goods which must be
Any Government-owned or controlled bank fully covered by insurance (Sec. 35.2,
financial institution cannot extend a loan in favor of GBL).
the public officers mentioned and they cannot borrow
Can the bank increase the 25% extended to a single
from any government-owned or controlled bank.
borrower? A. Yes NOTE: 1. may go as high as 35%
Sec. 35.1, GBL in relation to Sec. X303 Manual
of Regulations for Banks (MORB)
J. Inclusions to SBL
Q. What is the percentage of SBL - Single Borrower’s
A. 25% of the net worth of such bank. a. MAKER OR ACCEPTOR of paper discounted
with or sold to such bank;
Q. What is the Limit on Loans, Credit Accommodations
GUARANTOR who obtains a loan or other credit
A. Except as the Monetary Board may otherwise
accommodation from or discounts paper with or sells
prescribe for reasons of national interest: The total
papers to such bank;
amount of loans, credit accommodations and
guarantees as may be defined by the Monetary Board c. INDIVIDUAL who owns or controls a
that may be extended by a bank to any person, MAJORITY INTEREST IN A CORPORATION,
partnership, association, corporation or other entity PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION or any other entity;
shall at no time exceed twenty percent (20%) of the
net worth of such bank (raised to 25% pursuant to the NOTE: Shareholdings is more than 50% - 51% d.
Q. What is the basis for determining compliance with PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION OR OTHER ENTITY (Sec.
single-borrower limit? 35.3, GBL).
A. The total credit commitment of the bank to the
borrower (Sec. 35.1, GBL). 1. Exception
K. Exclusions from SBL
Q. What is the exception to the limit on Loans, Credit
Accommodations and Guarantees? OR When can a The exclusions are LOANS AND OTHER CREDIT
bank increase? ACCOMODATIONS:
1. Secured by obligations of the BANGKO 3. Surety for loans from such bank to others,
4. in any manner, be an Obligor, or
2. Fully guaranteed by the GOVERNMENT as to
the payment of principal and interest; 5. incur any contractual Liability to the bank.

3. Secured by U.S. TREASURY NOTES and other As an exception (WRS),

securities issued by central governments and central
banks of foreign countries with the highest credit
quality given by any two internationally accepted
excluding the director concerned.
rating agencies;
2. The required approval shall be entered
4. to the extent covered by the hold-out on or
upon the records of the bank and
assignment of, deposits maintained in the lending
bank and held in the Philippines; - ALSO CALLED AS 3. A copy of such entry shall be transmitted
DEPOSIT WITHHOLD OUT 5. under letters of credit to forthwith to the appropriate supervising and
the extent covered by margin deposits; and examining department (SED) of the Bangko Sentral.
6. Which the Monetary Board may from time
to time specify as non-risk items (Sec. 35.3, GBL).
Q. What happens if a bank director or officer violates
this provision of the Sec. 36 of the GBL?

A. After due notice to the board of directors of the

bank, the office of any bank director or officer who
L. DOSRI Accounts
violates the provisions of this Section may be:
Q. What is a Subsidiary Corporation?
1. declared vacant; and
A. A corporation more than 50% of the voting stock of
2. The director or officer shall be subject to
which is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly,
the penal provisions of the New Central Bank Act.
through one or more intermediaries by another
corporation, which thereby become a parent Q. Who is a director? A. The following: (AES)
1. one named as such in the Articles of
Q. What is an affiliate corporation? Incorporation (first set of directors)
A. Is one where total government ownership 2. director who is duly elected by the
comprising less than the majority of its outstanding stockholders
capital stock and its outstanding voting capital stock.
3. a person who succeeded to any vacancy in a
Q. What does DOSRI mean? A. Directors, officers, seat in the BOD (Board of Directors)
stockholders and their related interest.
Q. Who is an officer of a Bank?

A. Officers shall include the:

Are directors or officers of any bank directly or
indirectly allowed to borrow from such bank? 1. President,
2. Executive Vice President,
A. NO. As a general rule, NO. Representative, director
or officer of any bank shall borrow (directly or 3. Senior Vice-President,
indirectly, for himself or as agent of others) from such
4. Vice President,
bank nor shall he become:
5. General Manager,
1. Guarantor,
6. Treasurer,
2. Indorser,
7. Secretary, of their respective total loans, other credit
accommodations and guarantees)
8. Trust Officer and 6. Waiver of secrecy of deposits of whatever
nature in all banks in PH (NCBA)
9. Others mentioned as officers of the bank/quasi-
bank/trust entity, or
10. Those WHOSE DUTIES AS SUCH ARE DEFINED IN 1. Loans granted to officers under a fringe
THE BY-LAWS, or benefit plan approved by BSP
 E.g. Car plan, car loan, housing loan
11.are generally known to be the officers of the 2. DOS is a credit card holder – DOS may use the
bank/quasi-bank/trust entity (or any of its branches credit card
and officers other than the head office) either through
announcement, representation, publication or any Q. What are the elements of DOSRI borrowing?
kind of communication made by the bank/quasi- (MEMORIZE THIS)
bank/trust entity (Subsection X142.1 and Section
4142Q Definition of Officers) A. The FOLLOWING ELEMENTS MUST
1. The borrower is a DOS (director, officer or
1. Procedural requirement: Written approval of
stockholder) of a bank;
majority of ALL the directors of the bank
(excluding the borrowing director concerned.)
2. He contracts a loan or any form of financial
 Not merely a majority of a quorum
 The majority required here is a majority of ALL 3. The loan or financial accommodation is from:
directors excluding D concerned
2. Arms-length rule: The account should be upon a. his bank or
terms not less favorable to the bank than b. a bank that is a subsidiary of a bank holding
those offered to others  company of which both his bank and the lending
3. Reportorial requirement: The approval shall bank are subsidiaries, or
be entered upon the records of the bank and a c. a bank in which a controlling proportion of the
copy of such entry shall be transmitted to the shares is owned by the same interest that owns a
supervising and examining department of BSP controlling proportion of the shares of his bank;
4. Aggregate ceilings: MB may regulate the and
amount of loans that may be extended,
directly or indirectly, by a bank to DOSRI, as 4. The loan or financial accommodation of the
well as investments of such bank in DOSRI, is:
enterprises owned or controlled by said DOSRI
(Under the MORB, the aggregate ceiling is 15% a. WHICHEVER IS LOWER between:
of the total loan portfolio of the bank or 100% i. excess of 5% of the capital and surplus of the
of the combined capital accounts, whichever is lending bank or
lower. Provided, That in no case shall the total ii. maximum amount permitted by law, (Item No.
unsecured loans to said DOSRI exceed 30% of 2, BSP Circular 170).
the aggregate ceiling or the outstanding loans,
other credit accommodations and guarantees, What are the requirements?
whichever is lower) A. The following are the requirements:
5. Individual ceilings: The outstanding loans 1. must be a DOSRI.
which a bank may extend to each DOSRI shall 2. Written consent of the majority of all the BOD
be limited to an amount equivalent to their excluding the director who is requesting for a loan
respective unencumbered deposits and book 3. Transaction approving should be recorded in the
value of their paid-in capital contribution in corporation’s books.
the bank (MORB: Unsecured loans, other 4. There must be reposting with the SED
credit accommodations and guarantees to (Supervision and Examination Department) of the
each of the bank’s DOSRI shall not exceed 30% BSP
5. There must be execution of a waiver of the b. A bank that is a subsidiary of a bank
confidentiality of bank deposits holding company of which both his bank
6. Arm’s length rule: the dealings of the bank with and lending bank are subsidiaries
the DOSRI should be under the terms not less  Illustration of 3(b): A Bank and B Bank are
favorable to the bank as compared to those offered subsidiaries of C Holding Company. D is a
to third persons. director of A Bank. If D borrows from B Bank,
7. The amount of loan should be limited to the he should waive the secrecy of deposits
unencumbered deposits or to the paid in capital because A and B banks are subsidiaries of C
contribution of the DOSRI. Holding Company.
c. A bank in which a controlling proportion
DOSRI RESTRICTIONS UNDER NCBA (WAIVER of the shares is owned by the same
REQUIREMENT)* interest that owns a controlling proportion
1. Borrower (including DOSRI) is required by of the shares of his bank
lending bank to waive secrecy of his deposits  “Controlling interest”: Ownership of more
of whatever nature in all banks in PH than 50% of the voting stock or subscribed CS
(Including trust accounts – Estrada v of the bank
Sandiganbayan. But note in PDIC Law, trust  “Same interest”: refers to any of the ff – NJFB
accounts are not considered as deposits so as i. Same natural person
to be covered by the insurance coverage) ii. Same corp, pp or entity
2. The accounts are subject to examination but iii. Same family group – persons related to
any info obtained from an examination of his each other within the 3 degree of C/A,

deposits shall be held strictly confidential and including any corp majority or all of the
may be used by:  equity of which is owned by such fam
a. Examiners only in connection with their group
supervisory and examination responsibility iv. Same business group – group of persons
or whose stockholdings altogether constitute
b. BSP in an appropriate legal action it may a majority or control in one or more
initiate involving the deposit account enterprises
 Illustration of 3(c): Controlling shares of A
BANKS FROM WHICH DOS RESTRICTED FROM Bank and B Bank belong to the “same
BORROWING OSS***** interest.” C is a director of A Bank. If C
1. His bank – DOS bank borrows from B Bank, he should waive secrecy
2. A bank that is a subsidiary of a bank holding of his bank deposits
company of which both his bank and lending 4. The loan of DOS, singly or with that of his RI, is
bank are subsidiaries in excess of: 
3. A bank in which a controlling proportion of the a. 5% of the capital and surplus of the lending
shares is owned by the same interest that bank; or 
owns a controlling proportion of the shares of b. In the maximum amount permitted by law –
his bank SBL 25% of bank’s NW (Whichever is lower)
 “Maximum amount permitted by law”: Limit
on loans that may be extended to DOS under
REQUISITES FOR NCBA WAIVER RULE TO APPLY TO the GBL (This refers to SBL which is 20% of
DOSRI ACCOUNTS* bank’s NW under the GBL, 25% under the
1. Borrower is a DOSRI  MORB, now 30% due to BSP Memo until Dec
2. DOSRI contracts a loan or any form or financial 2021)
 “Loan or financial accommodation”: Refers to
transactions which involve the grant, renewal WHAT ARE RELATED INTERESTS (MORB 2018)*
or extension or increase of any loan, discount, 1. Spouse, relative within the 1st degree of C/A
credit or advance in any form whatsoever or relative by legal adoption (SRR), of a DOS of
3. The loan is from: the BSP Supervised Financial Institution (BSFI)
a. His bank 2. Partnership of which a DOS of a BSFI or his
SRR, is a general partner
3. Co-owner with the DOS of a BSFI or his SRR, of d. Power to cast the majority votes at meetings
the property or interest or right mortgaged, of the board of directors or equivalent
pledged or assigned to secure the loans or governing body
other credit accommodations, except when e. Any other arrangement similar to any of the
the mortgage, pledge or assignment covers above.
only said co-owner’s undivided interest  Control is presumed to exist if there is
4. Corporation, association or firm of which any ownership or holding, whether direct or
or a group of DOS of a BSFI or his SRR, hold or indirect, of at least 20% of a class of voting
own at least 20% of the subscribed capital of shares of a company.
such corporation, or of the equity of such 8. NGOs or foundations that are engaged in retail
association or firm  microfinance operations which are
5. Corporation, association or firm wholly or incorporated by any of the DOS or related
majority-owned or controlled by any related BSFIs
entity or a group of related entities mentioned
in Items 2 and 4 above (Partnership or
6. Corporation, association or firm which owns or
controls directly or indirectly whether singly or
as part of a group of related interest at least
20% of the subscribed capital of a substantial
stockholder of the BSFI or which controls
majority interest of the BSFI
 Substantial stockholder: A person, or group of
persons whether natural or juridical –
1. Owning such number of shares that will
allow such person or group to elect at
least 1 member of the BOD of a BSFI; or 
2. Who is directly or indirectly the registered
or beneficial owner of more than 10% of
any class of its equity security
7. Corporation, association or firm which has an
existing management contract or any similar
arrangement with the parent of the BSFI
pursuant to Item “g” of Sec. 362 (Definition of
 The term “control of majority interest” shall
be synonymous to “controlling interest” and
exists when the parent owns directly or
indirectly through subsidiaries more than 50%
of the voting power of an enterprise unless, in
exceptional circumstance, it can be clearly
demonstrated that such ownership does not
constitute control. Control of majority interest
may also exist even when the parent owns
one-half or less of the voting power of an
enterprise when there is: OGACO
a. Power over more than 50% of the voting rights
by virtue of an agreement with other investors
b. Power to govern the financial and operating
policies of the enterprise under a statute or an
c. Power to appoint or remove the majority
members of the board of directors or
equivalent governing body

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