UcT Convocation

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Conclusions of a Meeting of Former Presidents of the University of Cape Town (UCT)

Convocation on the Situation on Campus as Reported in the Media

1. Former Presidents of UCT Convocation met virtually on Sunday the 10, October 2022, to
exchange views on the situation on campus as per media reports. Present were Barney Pitjane,
Lorna Houston, and Eddy Maloka.
2. They met in their individual capacity, as UCT alumni, out of concern and due to their
commitment to UCT as their Alma Mater. They were aware of their limitations, relying almost
exclusively on the media, and the fact that they were no longer part of any statutory body on
campus was also taken into consideration. They did not want to be seen to be jumping on a
populist bandwagon.
3. The meeting made the following observations:
a. Took note of the media report that “UCT council chairperson Babalwa Ngonyama
has heeded calls for an independent investigation led by a retired judge”, following the
“publication of a dissenting statement by 13 members of the council on Friday,
distancing themselves from an ‘irregular’ and ‘flawed’ process at a special meeting
where a motion into an independent probe by a retired judge was blocked.”
b. Commended the Chairperson of Council for this pronouncement, as this is a step in
the right direction towards creating a conducive environment and restoring public
confidence in Council.
c. Took note of follow up media interviews of the Chairperson of Council wherein she
confirmed that it had been judged that the situation at UCT is such that there is no
likelihood of consensus from an internal process hence she was now advocating for
an external process.
d. Our point of entry is and should be the protection of brand UCT and its reputation,
as well as issues of good governance and academic freedom on campus.


e. We believe in a UCT that has the capacity to face itself - it has done so in recent years
with the Institutional Reconciliation and Transformation Commission, albeit with
f. The women led executive at UCT has been an inspiration to many young women in
our country. It is very disconcerting to hear that some people have resigned and signed
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).
4. In conclusion, the meeting agreed on the following suggestions:
a. Appeal to UCT leadership to avoid the temptation of defensiveness and sweeping
challenges under rugs at the cost of finding solutions.
b. Urge Council to use their meeting that the Chairperson is convening as an opportunity
to calm down the situation, forge unity within Council and across the UCT
community, sincerely seek a lasting solution, and launch a genuine and inclusive
healing process.
c. UCT leadership to consider sharing with University community the commissioned
report by retired Justice of the Constitutional Court Froneman, with Kgomotso
Moroka SC, on governance at UCT.
d. We commit ourselves as members of UCT alumni community and former presidents
of the Convocation, to offer our support to find collective solutions, and help build
the university for the future.
5. Enquiries: Thato Chabana +27817254003.
6. End (10/10/22)

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