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Revision Date: 01st January 2017

Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Vessel: DAFFODIL Date: 10.04.2020

Type of Drill: ABANDONSHIP DRILL Announced / Un-Announced: ANNOUNCED

Exercised From: 1605 HRS To: 1635 HRS Attended By : ALL SHIP STAFF

While vessel was enroute to Jeddah-KSA. Abandon ship drill carried out satisfactorily as per Solas ch - III, Part - B, regulation 19 and sec
- 3.
RA 116(FFE/LSA equipment), 250 (Abandonship), 270(Lifeboats), 271(Davit Launched Boats) and 272 (Life Rafts) consulted/control
measure for all identified hazards in place.

Did all personnel muster correctly at the appropriate stations and did the responsible persons report to the bridge? YES
Was mustering completed in a satisfactory time (e.g. 2 – 3 minutes)? 2 MINS
Were all personnel correctly dressed with appropriate gear? YES
Was all equipment ready for use and in full working order? YES
Were all personnel familiar with safety equipment appropriate to the exercise? YES
Were all communications between parties satisfactory? YES
Was any crew member late for the drill? NO
Did all the equipment function properly? YES
Were the newly joined crew well conversant with the use of equipment? YES
Was a debriefing conducted on completion of drill? YES
Suggestions for Improvement
Drills/Safety videos/ CBT/ Monthly Training Sessions to be carried out regularly.Short time muster stations to ask the duties and to
demonstrate the lowering procedures of the lifeboats and life rafts should be carried out.

Training / Demonstration to be Carried Out

Chief officer to explain the procedure and precautions of launching the life boats / life rafts. Purpose of proper PPE to be explained.
Demonstration to be done on starting of life boat engines and On load and Off load procedures. SART, EPIRB and use of GMDSS radios
and its purpose on board. Sprinkler system and Air supply system to be explained and tried out. Briefing to be done on survival
techniques at sea and use of Life saving appliances in severe sea conditions and in hypothermia.

Results of Training / Demonstration Carried Out

Questions and answers session carried out after above mentioned demonstration. All crew response was good. Overall performance of
the crew was satisfactory.

Training Requirements
Training to include instructions in use and operation of ship's fire extinguishing appliances, life saving appliances and in survival at
sea.Individual instructions may cover different parts of the ship's life saving and fire fighting appliances but all shall be covered in any
period of 2 months. Instructions must further include operation and use of inflatable liferafts, problems of hypothermia, first aid
treatment for hypothermia and other appropriate first aid procedures and special instructions necessary for use of ship's life saving
appliances in sever weather and sea conditions.Demonstration on the operation of various critical equipment (emergency generator,
emergency fire pump, emergency steering, fixed CO2 system, fixed foam system, starting of lifeboats, donning of BA set, lowering of
lifeboats and liferafts, etc.).
Every crew member shall be instructed about risks associated with entering enclosed spaces and applicable procedures on board. The
enclosed space drills need to be conducted every two months as per matrix; however, same can be carried out in combination with fire
drill. The drill shall include the following:
1) checking and use of personal protective equipment,
2) Checking and use of communication equipment,
3) Checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere,
4) Checking and use of rescue equipment, and
5) Instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques

Note : Nature of training will depend on type of drill.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 1 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Drill Descriptions
“Abandon Ship” Drill carried out. General Emergency alarm (i.e. Ringing of seven or more short blast followed by one prolong blast on
ship's alarm system) sounded and announced on public address system that abandon ship drill / Boat drill. All crew mustered at
designated muster stations. Communication establishment between bridge & both lifeboat stations, head counted and informed all are
present with proper PPE & life jacket, duties asked all were well familiar with their duties.Lifejackets physical condition, light, whistle, retro
reflective tapes checked, vessel’s name and port of registry were stenciled, Embarkation and Muster station emergency lightening
checked including forward froward and all found satisfactory. Life boats starting and launching procedures were explained to all crew &
same reported on bridge. Master instructed to try out lifeboat engine & prepare for launching. Painter was secured. Batteries charging
plug disconnected, Drain plugs plugged. Lifeboat engines tried out Ahead and Astern for not less than 3 min, found running satisfactory.
Full movement of rudder confirmed. Compass heading was checked and compared with bridge, lifeboat lights & marking checked, all
found satisfactory. Master order to lower the life boat upto deck level. Harbour pins removed. Life boats lowered upto deck level. Once
lifeboat removed from stowed position Davit, hooks, falls, sheaves inspected. Master ordered to stow life boats back to their
positions.Lifeboats heaved back to securing position. While heaving up sheaves and limit switch was checked for proper function found
working good. Same procedure followed to lower port side lifeboat. Both side embarkation ladders checked found in good condition. Chief
officer (Safety officer) explained the procedure and precautions of launching the life boats.Purpose of proper PPE explained.
Demonstration done on starting of life boat engines and On load and Off load procedures. Lights for survival craft areas checked. Both life
boats secured to their stowed position and lashing was put in place.
In addition Training of below were given;
1) SART, EPIRB and GMDSS radios shown to all and explained
about purposes on board. 2) Sprinkler system and Air supply system explained and
tried out. 3) Instructions on Launching and use of Liferafts
including forward throw overboard liferaft explained. 4) Problems of Hypothermia and precautions
to recover person suffering from hypothermia discussed including first aid treatment.
5) Briefing carried out on survival
techniques at Sea and use of Life saving appliances in severe sea conditions.. Master called of the drill.

Fire Drill : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of fire pump using atleast two required jets of water.
Checking of fireman's outfits. Checking of relevant communication equipment. Checking the operation of water tight doors, fire doors, fire
dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilating system. Checking necessary arrangement for subsequent abandoning of the ship.

Abandonship : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of engine to run in either directions. Lowering of
life boat up to water/deck level, launching in water and manoeuvering, launching free fall or simulation launching or launching by
secondary means and manoeuvering in water.

Oil spill : Drills must be exercised based on enumeration specified for different kind of possible operational oil spills as laid in SOPEP /

Emergency towing : Deployment of both fwd and aft towing arrangements must be exercised. The aft arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in a controlled manner in harbour condition by one person within 15 minutes and forward arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in harbour condition in one hour.


Note: In place of signature insert name. Stamp not required.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 2 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Vessel: DAFFODIL Date: 10.04.2020

Type of Drill: FIRE DRILL Announced / Un-Announced: ANNOUNCED

Exercised From: 1640 Hrs To: 1710 HRS Attended By : ALL SHIP STAFF

"FIRE IN PORT MIDSHIP STORE" drill carried out satisfactorily in accordance with the following:
1. SOLAS Ch - III, Part - B Regulation 19 sec 3 & 2. F.O.M chapter 17 Emergency
Preparedness and Training sec 06 part 08.
Simulated Sceniaro: Bosun sighted smoke coming out from natural vent of Port Side Midship Store and informed the bridge on walkie
talkie. RA 116 (FFE/LSA equipment), 280 (Fixed fire dtection), 281(FIxed fire extuingiushing system), 284 (Emergency Generator) and
242 (Fire) conuslted, control measures for all identified hazards found in place.
Did all personnel muster correctly at the appropriate stations and did the responsible persons report to the bridge? YES
Was mustering completed in a satisfactory time (e.g. 2 – 3 minutes)? 2 MINS
Were all personnel correctly dressed with appropriate gear? YES
Was all equipment ready for use and in full working order? YES
Were all personnel familiar with safety equipment appropriate to the exercise? YES
Were all communications between parties satisfactory? YES
Was any crew member late for the drill? NO
Did all the equipment function properly? YES
Were the newly joined crew well conversant with the use of equipment? YES
Was a debriefing conducted on completion of drill? YES
Suggestions for Improvement
Overall performance was satisfactory .Ship specific FFA Manuals to be referred to make better understanding with ships specific fire
fighting equipments. Safety movies related to fire to be repeatedly shown to know the various hazards involved and safety precautions
and proper procedures to be followed during such emergencies.

Training / Demonstration to be Carried Out

Crew members to be trained in the use of All Fire Fighting Applainces, Location of Fire stations, SCBA sets, Fire man`s outfit, Operating
procedures of fixed fire fighting extinguishing systems for Painit room, Deck, E/R & P/room. Demonstration to be carried out on Donning
of SCBA, EEBD, Fire man`s outfit, Rigging of Fire hose, Use of Jet & Spray, Use of different types of portable fire extinguishers and Emcy
Fire pump. The use of Oxygen resuscitator, First aid treatment to casuality, Different stages of burn.

Results of Training / Demonstration Carried Out

All crew familiarized with the use of extinguishers, Classes of fire & electrical hazards. All present were randomly asked to demonstrate
the donning procedures of BA set, EEBD and Fireman suit & brief session of Q & A carried out on various type of extinguishing
appliances and Fixed firefighting equip. Low expansion Foam and CO2 sys on board, starting procedure for Emgcy Fire p/p, location of
vents and Fire flaps. All present were found to be well versed and aware of the above explained.

Training Requirements
Training to include instructions in use and operation of ship's fire extinguishing appliances, life saving appliances and in survival at
sea.Individual instructions may cover different parts of the ship's life saving and fire fighting appliances but all shall be covered in any
period of 2 months. Instructions must further include operation and use of inflatable liferafts, problems of hypothermia, first aid
treatment for hypothermia and other appropriate first aid procedures and special instructions necessary for use of ship's life saving
appliances in sever weather and sea conditions.Demonstration on the operation of various critical equipment (emergency generator,
emergency fire pump, emergency steering, fixed CO2 system, fixed foam system, starting of lifeboats, donning of BA set, lowering of
lifeboats and liferafts, etc.).
Every crew member shall be instructed about risks associated with entering enclosed spaces and applicable procedures on board. The
enclosed space drills need to be conducted every two months as per matrix; however, same can be carried out in combination with fire
drill. The drill shall include the following:
1) checking and use of personal protective equipment,
2) Checking and use of communication equipment,
3) Checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere,
4) Checking and use of rescue equipment, and
5) Instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques

Note : Nature of training will depend on type of drill.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 3 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Drill Descriptions
Raised the fire alarm, (i.e Continous ringing of ship`s alarm system). All crew mustered at Emergency Assembly station, communication
established with Bridge, Head counted, Reported all Present. Master informed that "This is a Drill, Simulated Fire in" Port side midship
store ". PPE checked, duites asked all found well familiar with their assigned duties. Engine room Support team reported that they are
ready to start Emergency Fire pump. Isolated electrical power for midship store, door & vents closed.1st Emergency team Fire man's
donned their Fire man out fit's & SCBA, All items of fire man out fit's checked, SCBA pressure 200/195 bars found, face mask, warning
whistles checked. Communication checked, Emergency signals agreed. All found in good working order. 2nd Emergency team Firemen
standby with Fire man out fits, SCBA , Fire Extinguisher & Fire hoses for back up. Stretcher & first aid kit kept ready by support team
( 2nd/Off Incharge ). Boundary cooling of Port midship store started with charged fire hoses. First Emergency team two firemen entered
the Pump room in order to take control of the fire. Fire was well under control and was extinguished by using Extinguisher.Control station
informed. Later on the source of the fire was noted to be due to spontatneous combustion as few oily rags were kept inside the
store.Control station advised to monitor if there is any chances for re-ignition. Chief Officer inspected the location closely and reported no
chance of reignition. Midship boundary cooling was stopped. Due compliance was adhered to Company's Fleet Operation MANUAL
chapter 17, section 6, part 8 which specifically deals with this situation.Crew was briefed about the Foam room and the operation of use of
Low expansion foam for Deck and Fixed CO2 system for E/R and P/R, Location of fire doors, operation of sprinkler system in Paint room
and first aid treatment related to burning. All appliances used during drill was secured in designated places for emergency use. Guide line
extracted from F.O.M. 2, Chapter 17, section 06, part 08. Debriefing carried out, short comings during drill discussed. In Addition Chief
officer & Ch Engr explained & recall correct use of below equipments ;
1) B. A Sets
3) O2
4) Emergency Fire Pump
5) Emergency Generator
6) Fixed Fire Fighting System
7) Location and use of Vents and fire flaps

It was ensured all crew are capable of starting / operating

emergency equipment Master called off drill.

Fire Drill : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of fire pump using atleast two required jets of water.
Checking of fireman's outfits. Checking of relevant communication equipment. Checking the operation of water tight doors, fire doors, fire
dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilating system. Checking necessary arrangement for subsequent abandoning of the ship.

Abandonship : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of engine to run in either directions. Lowering of
life boat up to water/deck level, launching in water and manoeuvering, launching free fall or simulation launching or launching by
secondary means and manoeuvering in water.

Oil spill : Drills must be exercised based on enumeration specified for different kind of possible operational oil spills as laid in SOPEP /

Emergency towing : Deployment of both fwd and aft towing arrangements must be exercised. The aft arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in a controlled manner in harbour condition by one person within 15 minutes and forward arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in harbour condition in one hour.


Note: In place of signature insert name. Stamp not required.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 4 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Vessel: DAFFODIL Date: 16.04.2020

Type of Drill: MOB / Recovery of Persons from water Announced / Un-Announced: ANNOUNCED
Exercised From: 1030 Hrs To: 1115 Hrs Attended By : ALL SHIP STAFF

Simulated scenario "Vessel was at Shoaiba anchorage , Man overboard while Painting ship's railing on Stbd Side" MOB / Procedures and
Equipment for recovery of persons from water Drill carried out. Complied with Company's FOM Chapter 17 "Emergency Preparedness
and Training" Section 06 Part 28 "Man Overboard”, Manual “Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons from water", Bridge
procedure guide Section C "Emergencies" part C6 "Man Overboard", IAMSAR Manual Vol III.

Did all personnel muster correctly at the appropriate stations and did the responsible persons report to the bridge? YES
Was mustering completed in a satisfactory time (e.g. 2 – 3 minutes)? 2 MINS
Were all personnel correctly dressed with appropriate gear? YES
Was all equipment ready for use and in full working order? YES
Were all personnel familiar with safety equipment appropriate to the exercise? YES
Were all communications between parties satisfactory? YES
Was any crew member late for the drill? NO
Did all the equipment function properly? YES
Were the newly joined crew well conversant with the use of equipment? YES
Was a debriefing conducted on completion of drill? YES
Suggestions for Improvement
Safety videos/ CBT to be added in ship's Library.

Training / Demonstration to be Carried Out

All ship staff to be trained / familiarized with the following: Duties & responsibilities, Principles of recovery operation including (Planning,
Approaching the distress area, Providing Assistance prior Recovery, Bringing people to side of ship, getting people aboard ), Recovery
methods including CPR, first aid and Hypothermia symptoms and use of TPA, Awareness of the signals / Equipment to be used, Briefed
to OOW's regarding position mark in the GPS & ECDIS & shown standard recovery maneuvers.

Results of Training / Demonstration Carried Out

Familiarization / Training carried out as mentioned above. The outcome from each member was satisfactory. Questions were asked from
crew members regarding their duties related to emergency procedures, use & purpose of equipment.

Training Requirements
Training to include instructions in use and operation of ship's fire extinguishing appliances, life saving appliances and in survival at
sea.Individual instructions may cover different parts of the ship's life saving and fire fighting appliances but all shall be covered in any
period of 2 months. Instructions must further include operation and use of inflatable liferafts, problems of hypothermia, first aid
treatment for hypothermia and other appropriate first aid procedures and special instructions necessary for use of ship's life saving
appliances in sever weather and sea conditions.Demonstration on the operation of various critical equipment (emergency generator,
emergency fire pump, emergency steering, fixed CO2 system, fixed foam system, starting of lifeboats, donning of BA set, lowering of
lifeboats and liferafts, etc.).
Every crew member shall be instructed about risks associated with entering enclosed spaces and applicable procedures on board. The
enclosed space drills need to be conducted every two months as per matrix; however, same can be carried out in combination with fire
drill. The drill shall include the following:
1) checking and use of personal protective equipment,
2) Checking and use of communication equipment,
3) Checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere,
4) Checking and use of rescue equipment, and
5) Instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques

Note : Nature of training will depend on type of drill.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 5 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Drill Descriptions
Simulated Scenario "Bosun informed Bridge on Walkie Talkie Man overboard Man Overboard on Stbd side", OOW Activated MOB Mark
on Ecdis and GPS, Extra lookout posted, Released life buoy with light and smoke signal on stbd side bridge wing, Raised man overboard
alarm, Made announcement on P.A system "Man overboard Man overboard on stbd side",in the meantime Informed Master . Alerted
ships in vicinity & coastal stations in area by all available communication means such as VHF ch16, AIS, Oscar flag hoisted. Dsc Distress
alert sent to coast stations & Ship`s in the vicinity. Crew members mustered at emergency stations. Scenario explained, Chief Officer
asked duties from Crew regarding MOB situation, extra look out posted with walkie talkie and Binoculars to keep MOB in sight. Master
took charge ordered to prepare the rescue boat, Master formulated recovery plan. Chief Officer being incharge of Rescue boat reported
Rescue boat ready to lower, Communication checked with Bridge and Recovery team on deck, Boat Crew PPE checked. Spare Life
jackets and Blankets kept for victims. Engines of boat tried out Ahead & Astern found satisfactory. All rescue equipment’s checked, found
ready and operational. Procedure for recovery explained to all members by officer in charge. 2ndd/Officer incharge of Recovery team on
deck reported Bridge "they are ready with first aid equipment’s for persons to be picked from water" and Embarkation Ladder, gangway
rigged by Bosun. After that Master advised Ch. Officer to carry out a de briefing about hypothermia symptoms and use of TPA. It was
explained that Hypothermia is a condition when body temperature falls below normal temperature (Temperature which is required to carry
out all metabolism), Its major symptoms are cold body, shivering and sometime unconsciousness. Best protection against it is warm
clothing. TPA is to be used to recover body temperature. Hypothermia is majorly caused by falling in cold water, in overboard condition or
during abandon ship, especially during cold weather . Ships in vicinity and coastal station being notified about recovery of MOB. All
concerned parties were notified. Ch / Officer explained to all regarding approaching the distress Area using Rescue boat / Life boat, how
to provide assistance prior to recovery and consideration regarding bringing people to the side and aboard of ship. Master explained to all
regarding immediate care required of people recovered. All facts were entered in the official log book. Drill called off by Master. Risk
assessment with anticipated conditions and ship characteristics in annex 1 of manual “Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons
from water" complied. Short comings during the drill noted & Discussed in debriefing meeting "Rigging of scrambling nets / cargo nets is
also suitable for recovery of persons from water". Master explained all crew regarding recovery manoeuvers like Williamson turn for
recovery of MOB while vessel underway.

Fire Drill : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of fire pump using atleast two required jets of water.
Checking of fireman's outfits. Checking of relevant communication equipment. Checking the operation of water tight doors, fire doors, fire
dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilating system. Checking necessary arrangement for subsequent abandoning of the ship.

Abandonship : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of engine to run in either directions. Lowering of
life boat up to water/deck level, launching in water and manoeuvering, launching free fall or simulation launching or launching by
secondary means and manoeuvering in water.

Oil spill : Drills must be exercised based on enumeration specified for different kind of possible operational oil spills as laid in SOPEP /

Emergency towing : Deployment of both fwd and aft towing arrangements must be exercised. The aft arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in a controlled manner in harbour condition by one person within 15 minutes and forward arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in harbour condition in one hour.


Note: In place of signature insert name. Stamp not required.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 6 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Vessel: DAFFODIL Date: 16.04.2020

Type of Drill: Breaking Away from jetty Announced / Un-Announced: ANNOUNCED

Exercised From: 1125 Hrs To: 1200 Hrs Attended By : ALL SHIP STAFF

Simulated Scenario, "Vessel at Shoaiba berth under discharging operation. Vessel experienced Squall, Gusting winds and Swell from
starboard quarter, Resulting in vessel's tendency to break away from jetty, Fleet Operational Manual (F.O.M), Chapter 17 "Emergency
Preparedness and Training", Section: 06, Part: 32 "Breaking Away from the Jetty" Complied with.

Did all personnel muster correctly at the appropriate stations and did the responsible persons report to the bridge? YES
Was mustering completed in a satisfactory time (e.g. 2 – 3 minutes)? 2 MINS
Were all personnel correctly dressed with appropriate gear? YES
Was all equipment ready for use and in full working order? YES
Were all personnel familiar with safety equipment appropriate to the exercise? YES
Were all communications between parties satisfactory? YES
Was any crew member late for the drill? NO
Did all the equipment function properly? YES
Were the newly joined crew well conversant with the use of equipment? YES
Was a debriefing conducted on completion of drill? YES
Suggestions for Improvement
Computer based trainings and Safety Movies relevant to Moorings, Mooring equipment’s and Heavy Weather to be added in ship's

Training / Demonstration to be Carried Out

Practical demonstration of Cargo Loading / Discharging Stopping Procedures, Communication Procedures with Concerned authorities,
Terminal, Pilot & Tug(s), Checking Of Mooring Equipment’s and contingency plan in case of heavy weather and breaking away from Jetty.

Results of Training / Demonstration Carried Out

Drill carried out in Satisfactory Manner. All doubts were cleared. Emergency procedures well understood by Crew.

Training Requirements
Training to include instructions in use and operation of ship's fire extinguishing appliances, life saving appliances and in survival at
sea.Individual instructions may cover different parts of the ship's life saving and fire fighting appliances but all shall be covered in any
period of 2 months. Instructions must further include operation and use of inflatable liferafts, problems of hypothermia, first aid
treatment for hypothermia and other appropriate first aid procedures and special instructions necessary for use of ship's life saving
appliances in sever weather and sea conditions.Demonstration on the operation of various critical equipment (emergency generator,
emergency fire pump, emergency steering, fixed CO2 system, fixed foam system, starting of lifeboats, donning of BA set, lowering of
lifeboats and liferafts, etc.).
Every crew member shall be instructed about risks associated with entering enclosed spaces and applicable procedures on board. The
enclosed space drills need to be conducted every two months as per matrix; however, same can be carried out in combination with fire
drill. The drill shall include the following:
1) checking and use of personal protective equipment,
2) Checking and use of communication equipment,
3) Checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere,
4) Checking and use of rescue equipment, and
5) Instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques

Note : Nature of training will depend on type of drill.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 7 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Drill Descriptions
Alarm sounded followed by announcement on PA system for “Breaking Away from Jetty Drill" (Calling All deck hands at Emergency
station). All Deck hand mustered with PPE head counted and reported to Bridge C/O explianed simulated drill sceanrio" and Master
explained about the deteriorating weather situation, consequences & preventive action need to be taken (assuming vessel experiencing
squall, Gusting winds and Swell from Stbd quarter causing vessel to break away from jetty). Ch/Officer explained to all crew Actions to be
taken in such situation. Engine room was informed to prepare engines as soon as possible. Chief Officer immediately established
communication with terminal, Emergency stop procedures for discharging cargo complied, Commence disconnection of Chickson. Master
informed Company's operations department and Port Control, Requested for Pilot and Tug(s) assistance. Chickson disconnected, Cargo
and Ballast lineup secured, shore gangway removed, Main engines on standby and ready for maneuvering. Ensured readiness of
firefighting appliances and Anti-pollution equipment’s for emergency use, Crew standby on Forward and aft mooring stations with proper
PPE donned and Fire axes ready for emergency use, Pilot boarded the vessel and Tugs made fast, Tugs pushed vessel to keep her
firmly alongside berth. Updated weather forecast Report reviewed for prevailing weather / wind situation. Additional soft breast ropes
passed to keep VL alongside Forward and aft fire wires in place, Adjusted aft moorings accordingly to mitigate vessel movement. In lieu of
prevailing situation Master and Pilot decided to safely cast off and maneuvered to safety from immediate dangers, Both Anchors stand by
for use in emergency. Vessel casted off safely. Communication procedures for informing office and concerned authorities reviewed. A
detail SOF & incident report prepared. Debriefing carried out and discussed shortfalls. Master explained about various local phenomenas
where and at which month they occur. Master called off the drill.

Fire Drill : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of fire pump using atleast two required jets of water.
Checking of fireman's outfits. Checking of relevant communication equipment. Checking the operation of water tight doors, fire doors, fire
dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilating system. Checking necessary arrangement for subsequent abandoning of the ship.

Abandonship : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of engine to run in either directions. Lowering of
life boat up to water/deck level, launching in water and manoeuvering, launching free fall or simulation launching or launching by
secondary means and manoeuvering in water.

Oil spill : Drills must be exercised based on enumeration specified for different kind of possible operational oil spills as laid in SOPEP /

Emergency towing : Deployment of both fwd and aft towing arrangements must be exercised. The aft arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in a controlled manner in harbour condition by one person within 15 minutes and forward arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in harbour condition in one hour.


Note: In place of signature insert name. Stamp not required.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 8 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Vessel: DAFFODIL Date: 17.04.2020

Type of Drill: OIL SPILL DRILL Announced / Un-Announced: ANNOUNCED

Exercised From: 1615 HRS To: 1700 HRS Attended By : ALL SHIP STAFF

While Vessel was at Shoaiba Anchorage. Simulated scenario Slop (Port) Tank overflow during Educting operation. Reference made to
company's F.O.M chapter - 17, sec - 06, part 2, General emergency alarm sounded, followed by verbal announcement made on public
address system, Drill carried out in Realistic manner as per company's FOM. Risk Assessments, "Discharging Operation (Code: 808)",
complied with.

Did all personnel muster correctly at the appropriate stations and did the responsible persons report to the bridge? YES
Was mustering completed in a satisfactory time (e.g. 2 – 3 minutes)? 2 MINS
Were all personnel correctly dressed with appropriate gear? YES
Was all equipment ready for use and in full working order? YES
Were all personnel familiar with safety equipment appropriate to the exercise? YES
Were all communications between parties satisfactory? YES
Was any crew member late for the drill? NO
Did all the equipment function properly? YES
Were the newly joined crew well conversant with the use of equipment? YES
Was a debriefing conducted on completion of drill? YES
Suggestions for Improvement
SOPEP manual procedures with respect to drills/training should be demonstrated and explained in detail to all crew. Regular drills, safety
videos & CBT's training to be carried out. All concerned personnel should be trained proficiently in their duties and actions to be taken on
discovering an oil spill. All means should be used to prevent oil from going overboard. Vigilant deck rounds should be kept at all times
during Bunkering operation. Good Bunker practices to be followed.

Training / Demonstration to be Carried Out

Crew to be briefed about SOPEP equipments and their location onboard, Communication procedures, Emergency Stop Signals and
facilities provided onboard. Practical demonstration of Cargo Oil Pumps emergency stop and operation of Wilden pumps for collecting
spilled oil, Operation of different SOPEP equipments to be carried out. Save All(s) condition to be checked.

Results of Training / Demonstration Carried Out

All crew members briefed with the operation and use of wilden pump and its connection with slop tanks, use of Emergency Signals, use of
gas measuring equipment’s (portable and multigas detector), use of various SOPEP equipment’s and Fire risks associaed . COP's
emergency STOP explained. Condition of Save All(s) checked, found intact and holding. All crew members found to be well versed. Crew
response to Oil spill containment was good. Overall performance was good.

Training Requirements
Training to include instructions in use and operation of ship's fire extinguishing appliances, life saving appliances and in survival at
sea.Individual instructions may cover different parts of the ship's life saving and fire fighting appliances but all shall be covered in any
period of 2 months. Instructions must further include operation and use of inflatable liferafts, problems of hypothermia, first aid
treatment for hypothermia and other appropriate first aid procedures and special instructions necessary for use of ship's life saving
appliances in sever weather and sea conditions.Demonstration on the operation of various critical equipment (emergency generator,
emergency fire pump, emergency steering, fixed CO2 system, fixed foam system, starting of lifeboats, donning of BA set, lowering of
lifeboats and liferafts, etc.).
Every crew member shall be instructed about risks associated with entering enclosed spaces and applicable procedures on board. The
enclosed space drills need to be conducted every two months as per matrix; however, same can be carried out in combination with fire
drill. The drill shall include the following:
1) checking and use of personal protective equipment,
2) Checking and use of communication equipment,
3) Checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere,
4) Checking and use of rescue equipment, and
5) Instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques

Note : Nature of training will depend on type of drill.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 9 of 10
Revision Date: 01st January 2017
Revision No: 06 Drill Critique Form Form No: D-10

Drill Descriptions
While Vessel was at Shoaiba Anchorage. Simulated scenario Slop (Port) Tank overflow during Educting while Discharging Operation,
Duty A.B in vicinity of Slop(Port) on sighting immediately reported to CCR, Chief Officer took prompt action, Open Slops leveling valve
and advised A.B to ensure scuppers are plugged to contain spilled oil onboard, immediately raised general emergency Alarm followed by
Announcement made on Public Address system, Informed Master and Engine Room. Informed terminal and discharging operation
suspended. All crew immediately proceeded to COT Slop Port and started performing there designated oil spill duties, Master took charge
on Bridge, communications checked, Found Satisfactory, Ch/Off took charge and supervised containing spilled oil onboard, Spilled oil on
deck was surrounded by sorbent pads and saw dust to prevent them spreading any further, Wilden pumps started and transferring of oil
commenced into slop (S) tank, Informed Bridge that Transferring Oil in Slop (S), Scuppers are plugged were re confirmed to be intact and
holding, Wilden pumps running, Spilled oil retained onboard, Bridge updated and advised to go ahead with cleaning procedures, Crew
started collecting the contained spilled oil in designated oil spill drums, Chief Officer Reported to Bridge that oil has been collected into
drums onboard successfully and transferred into Slop (S), No oil went overboard, Ch Off Re-inspected the entire area on deck and
checked overboard side, Ch/Off reported to Bridge that oil has been completely retained onboard, overboard and ship side inspected for
oil traces or oil sheen, found clean. Same informed to the terminal and resumed discharging. Considerations made for Emergency
Response as per Emergency Contact List. Risk of Fire and Hazards of Toxic Vapours briefed . Master advise to familiarise crew with
SOPEP equipments provided onboard and risk of Fire associated, use of Emergency Signals, Ensure inventory is updated, Crew were
familiarised thoroughly, Debriefing carried out. All querries answered, In
Addition Ch Officer Recall & Explained Use of SOPEP equipments and
(1) Proper use of weldin pumps
(2) use of dump Valves.
(3) Low expansion foam system
(4) Emergency stops
(5) Gas
measurement Equipment Familiarization.
It Was ensured all crew are capable of starting/ operating of emergency equipment.

Drill called off by Master.

Fire Drill : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of fire pump using atleast two required jets of water.
Checking of fireman's outfits. Checking of relevant communication equipment. Checking the operation of water tight doors, fire doors, fire
dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilating system. Checking necessary arrangement for subsequent abandoning of the ship.

Abandonship : Reporting to stations and preparing for duties as per muster list. Starting of engine to run in either directions. Lowering of
life boat up to water/deck level, launching in water and manoeuvering, launching free fall or simulation launching or launching by
secondary means and manoeuvering in water.

Oil spill : Drills must be exercised based on enumeration specified for different kind of possible operational oil spills as laid in SOPEP /

Emergency towing : Deployment of both fwd and aft towing arrangements must be exercised. The aft arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in a controlled manner in harbour condition by one person within 15 minutes and forward arrangement to be capable of
being deployed in harbour condition in one hour.


Note: In place of signature insert name. Stamp not required.

File No. : 330 #1 (Master) Retention : 3 Years / Frequency: Monthly to Office Page 10 of 10

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