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02 Marks Questions

a) Define Environment and Environmental Pollution

b) Define Terms Ecology and Environmental Consultant.
c) Define Proponent and Surveillance Audit
d) What are Biotic and Abiotic Components?
e) Define Environmental Audit Report and Environment Performance Audit
f) Define Terms Environmental Management System(EMS) and Integrated
Environmental Maanagement (IEM)
g) Define Terms Scoping and Mitigate
h) Define Terms Environment Compliance Audit and stake holders.
i) List four major renewable energy sources
j) List four major non renewable energy sources
k) What is LEED and MNRE
l) What is BEE and MEDA

03 Marks Questions

1. Define Air Pollution. Explain briefly four health effects of air pollution.
2. What are sources and health effects of noise pollution.
3. List types of “Client Driven Environmental Audits”? Explain one.
4. What are sources and health effects of soil pollution
5. Write important features of Environment Protection ACT(EPA) 1986.
6. What is the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974.
7. What are important provision of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution ) Act 1981
as amended in 1987.
8. What is the The Wildlife Protection Act 1972
9. Why Environmental Audit is necessary
10. List briefly tools and techniques used in Environmental Auditing
11. List types of objective based Environmental Audits? Explain one.
12. What are benefits of EIA.
13. Write Salient features of EIA notification 2006
14. Describe Solar Energy as Renewable Resources of energy
15. Describe Wind Energy as Renewable Resources of energy
16. Explain Tidal Power Generation
17. Explain Wave Power Generation
18. Explain the working of Flat pate Collector
19. Explain power Generation from Dams
20. Explain the use of Biomass as Transportation fuels
06 Marks Questions

1. Define Water Pollution. What are causes and effects of water pollution.
2. Explain Environmental Audit Report and Typical Audit procedure with flow chart.
3. Explain briefly steps in EIA Process.
4. Describe Coal , Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas as non-renewable energy sources
5. Describe Bio-fuels, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen as non-renewable energy sources
6. Explain briefly Environment Clearance of Civil Engineering Projects
7. Explain LEED India Rating System
8. Explain sailent features of the Energy Conservation Act 2001
9. State the functions of NPC for Energy Conservation and Audit (ECA).
10. Explain the functions of MNRE for Energy Conservation and Audit (ECA).

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