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1) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.

CASTLES / kingdom / highest / ceremony / British / tower / time / entrance /

time / entrance / British / ceremony / kingdom / tower / highest

Caernarfon (Caernarvon) Castle is one of the finest castles in Britain.

It was built, like most 1__________ castles, between 1285 and 1322. It was
built by King Edward I. The King paid people from all over the 2___________
to work on the castle. In total more than 2000 men worked on the project.
To build this medieval castle cost King Edward and the state almost 20,000
pounds. An enormous amount of money at that 3________.
The 4__________ point of the castle is the Eagle Tower. It is over 40 metres
high. To reach the top you have to climb 158 steps. In the 5_________ there
is a small bedroom. Edward II was born there. At the 6_____________ to the
castle, the baby Edward was presented to the people of Wales as their new
prince. Since then the 7________________ to announce the new Prince of
Wales always takes place in Caernarfon Castle.
2) Answer the questions to the text.
1. When was Caernarfon Castle built? ____________ 3) Write True of False. Correct the false sentences.
2. Who built the castle? ________________________ 1. Caernarfon Castle was built between the 12th and
13th centuries. ________________________________
3. How many men helped to build the castle? _______
2. The castle was built by the people of Wales.
4. How much did it cost to build it? _______________ _____________________________________________
5. What is the highest point of the castle? __________ 3. 20.000 pounds was a large amount of money at that
6. How many steps are there in the Eagle Tower? ____ time. ________________________________________
7. How high is the Eagle Tower? __________________ 4. Two towers of the Castle are over 40 metres high.
4) Match the words to their definitions. 5. Edward I was born in the Eagle Tower.
1. walls A. A fortified entrance to the castle. __________________________________________________

2. towers B. This surrounded the castle’s walls. It was sometimes

filled with water. 6) Match the questions to the
correct answers.
3. gatehouse C. A heavy iron gate that blocked entry.
1. What is the castle?
4. moatD. Thick and strong, they protected the castle.
2. Why were the castles built?
5. drawbridge E. Made of wood, this could be lowered, making it possible
3. What is the highest part of a
to cross the moat. castle?
6. portcullis F. High and originally square-shaped. Later they became 4. Why was a moat difficult to cross?
round. Used as observation points.
5. What is the name of the iron gate
5) Label the parts of the castle, one word is extra. that blocks entry to the castle?
6. When were most British castles
tower built?
A. The tower.
B. Between the 11th-13th centuries.
C. It is a fortified military residence.
5 portcullis
D. To defend land and provide
walls refuge.
E. Portcullis.
F. It was filled with water.
1 4

1 British 2 kingdom 3 time 4 highest 5 tower 6 entrance ceremony

Ex. 2)

1. between 1285 and 1322

2. King Edward I
3. 2000 men
4. 20.000 pounds
5. the Eagle Tower
6. 158 steps
7. over 40 metres high

Ex. 3)

1. F (between the 13th and 14th centuries)

2. F (by people from all over the kingdom)
3. T
4. F (one tower – The Eagle Tower)
5. F (Edward II was born in Caernarfon Castle)

Ex. 4)

1D 2F 3A 4B 5E 6C

Ex. 5)

1 moat 2 walls 3 drawbridge 4 portcullis 5 tower

Ex. 5)

1D 2F 3A 4B 5E 6C

Ex. 6)

1C 2D 3A 4F 5E 6B

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