19 Questionnaire

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Department of Commerce & Management Studies
Ph.D. Questionnaire on


(A study in North Coastal Andhra Region of Andhra Pradesh)

Research Scholar: Research Guide:

G.Raju Kumar Prof. B. Raja Kumar
Research Scholar (FDP) M.Com., Ph.D.
Dept. of Commerce and Management School of Distance Education
Studies Andhra University,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Identification Particulars

Name of the Respondent :

Address of the Respondent : Door No.

Revenue Division

Name of the SHG in which the

respondent has membership :

I Personal Profile of the Respondent

1. Age :

2. Caste category :

3. Religion :

4. Status of literacy :
a) Illiterate b) Only can sign
c) Literate with no formal education d) Literate with formal education

5. Literacy Level :

6. Marital status :

7. Monthly Income :

8. Primary Occupation :


S.No. Name Relationship Gender Age Education Occupation Income

with the p.m.

III. Profile of the SHG

1. Name of your SHG :

2. What is your present position in the SHG : ( )

(a) Simply Member (b) President (c) Secretary (d) Treasurer (e) others specify

3. When Did you join in this SHG :

4. How do you aware about SHGs? : ( )

(a) Through family members (b) village leader (c) neighbors (d) others specify

5. Who motivated you to join Self Help Groups? : ( )

(a) Husband (b) Other family members (c) village leader (d) neighbors (e) others specify

6. What are the reasons for joining SHGs? :

7. What is your group size? :

8. Are there conflicts in your group? : (a) Yes (b) No ( )

9. How did your group select the group leader? : ( )

(a) Unanimous (b) elections (c) rotation basis (d) Others specify

IV Management practices

1. Did your group conduct meetings? . (1). Yes (2). No ( )

If yes, answer the following:
2. Frequency of group meetings.

3. How all members in your group sit while conducting a meeting?

4. Who presides over the group meeting?

5. Is resolution in your group passed with unanimous, consent?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

6. In case, if any member disagrees to a resolution, how did your group pass the resolution?

7. Is agenda prepared for your group meetings? (1) Yes (2) No ( )

8. What are the general issues discussed in your group meetings?

9. Is your groups impose fine for not attending to the group meetings?
(1) Yes (2) No ( )

10. Is your group registers attendance of the members to the group meetings?
(1) Yes (2) No ( )

11. (a). If so, where your group register attendance?

12. Did you aware about the rules and regulations of the SHGs?
(1) Yes (2) No ( )

13. Is there rotation in the leadership of your group?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

14. If there is rotation in the leadership of your group, when such rotation takes place?

15.Is there any group conflict in your group?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

16. In case group leader is unable to resolve group conflicts, who will involve resolving them?
17. Is your group, appraises performance of your group periodically?
(1) Yes (2) No ( )

18. Are all members in your group co-ordinate with each other all the times?
1) All the times (2) Sometimes (3) Rarely conflict ( )

19. How the conflicts among the members are resolved in your group?

20. Are any members in your group dropped out?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

21. If yes, what are the reasons for drop out?

22. State the names of the records maintained by your group






23. Who maintains books of accounts of your group?

(1) Group Leader (2) Treasurer (3) Literate member (4) Hired person ( )

24. If your group hire a person to maintain book keeping, how much amount you pay to
that person and from where you meet this expenditure?

25. Who maintains SHGs group passbook?

26. Who maintains members’ passbook?

27. Frequency of updating of books of accounts

(1) Regularly (2) Occasionally (3) Rarely ( )

28. Frequency of updating of SHG passbook

(1) Regularly (2) Occasionally (3) Rarely ( )

29. Frequency of updating of members’ passbook

(1) Regularly (2) Occasionally (3) Rarely ( )

30. Periodicity of thrift of the group

31. Is there any change in the periodicity of savings of your group from the formation of the
(1) Yes (2) No ( )

32. Is the thrift amount equal throughout the year?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

33. Is there any change in the savings amount of your group from the formation of the group?
(1) Yes (2) No ( )

34. If yes, provide the following particulars

Year of At the time

Change of formation
of group
Amount of

35. What is the amount of savings at present?

36. On which date, you pay the thrift amount in every month?

37. On which date, your Group deposits the thrift amount of all members in the bank?

38. How do your group spent the interest accrued on your savings in the bank?

V Lending Practices (Internal, 25 paisa interest and Bank Linkage

1. Is there any norms for internal lending?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )
2. If yes, provide the details

3. What is the rate of interest for internal group loan?

4. Did you repay the loan amounts regularly?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

5. Is your group participates in activities other than credit and savings?

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

6. If yes, please provide the details

7. Do you aware of the 25 paisa loans

(1) Yes (2) No ( )

8. Have you ever taken the 25 paisa loan cheque

(1) Yes (2) No ( )
9. When did your group formed (DD/MM/YY) ___________
10. When did your group got eligibility for first linkage loan____________
11. In which bank your group has SB A/c ________________

12. How much amount your group has received as fist linkage loan_________
13. How many members of your group received the first linkage loan__________
14. Did you receive the first linkage loan ______________
15. If yes, How much amount _____________
16. If no, What was the reason___________________
17. What is the rate of interest for the first linkage loan
18. When Did your group got second linkage loan______________
19. How much amount your group has received as second linkage loan________
20. How many members of your group received the second linkage loan__________
21. What is the rate of interest for second linkage loan_____________
22. Did you receive the Second linkage loan________
23. If yes, How much amount___________
24. If no , What was the reason________________________
25. How much amount your group has received as Third linkage loan_________
26. How many members of your group received the Third linkage loan__________
27. Did you receive the Third linkage loan ______________
28. If yes, How much amount _____________
29. If no, What was the reason___________________
30. What is the rate of interest for the Third linkage loan
31. Generally What is the basis for priority for getting bank linkage loan among members
a) Need b) income generating activities c) group leaders
d) equal distribution among all members.
33. What kind of punishment will be imposed on defaulters of your group?

VI. Income generating activities

1. What is your income generating activity?
2. Reasons for selecting the activity
3. Is the income generating activity individual activity or group activity?
(1) Individual activity (2) Group activity ( )

4. Amount invested for the activity

5. Is the loan amount is sufficient to run the income generating activity?
(1) Yes (2) No ( )

6. If the loan amount is not sufficient, what are the other sources?
8. What is the amount of profit per month?
9. How many man days are created after joining SHGs?
10. Where did you market your product?
11. Did you face problems with regard to procurement of raw material?
(1). Very serious (2) Serious (3) Not serious (4) No problem ( )

12. Did you face problems due to conflict among group members?
(1). Very serious (2) Serious (3) Not serious (4) No problem ( )

13. Did you face any problems from the family members while running your activity?
(1). Very serious (2) Serious (3) Not serious (4) No problem ( )

14. Did you face financial problems?

(1). Very serious (2) Serious (3) Not serious (4) No problem ( )

15. Did you face problems with regard to improper repayment of loan amount by members?
(1). Very serious (2) Serious (3) Not serious (4) No problem ( )

16. Did you face marketing problems?

(1). Very serious (2) Serious (3) Not serious (4) No problem ( )

VII. Perceptions of the members on the impact of SHGs on Women Empowerment

Please provide your perception on the following statements.

Economic Empowerment

1. Participation in SHG increases capacity to spend more ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
2. Participation in SHG increases the capacity of getting loan from various ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

3. Participation in SHG increases the income level ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

4. Participation in SHG increases the savings ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

5. Participation in SHG provides employment opportunities ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

6. Participation in SHG increases power of decision-making in the family ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

7. Participation in SHG increases capacity of spending more on Children ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
8. Participation in SHG increases capacity of spending more on Nutritious food. ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

9. Participation in SHG increases capacity of spending more on better clothing. ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

10. Participation in SHG increases capacity of spending more on Home ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
Political Empowerment
11. Participation in SHG increases awareness on political issues. ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
12. Participation in SHG Increases public speaking skills ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
13. Participation in SHG increases the Leadership qualities ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

14. Participation in SHG created the interest in local politics ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
15. Participation in SHG increases the power to meet local politicians frequently ( )
on various issues of SHG.
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
Social Empowerment
16. Participation in SHG increases the personal status in the family ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
17. Participation in SHG increases the personal status in the society ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
18. Participation in the SHG increases the social relations ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

19. Participation in the SHG gives Identity in the society. ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
20. Participation in the SHG changes the attitude towards various social problems ( )
like Child Marriages, Dowry system, Jogini system, Caste system and so on.
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

21. Participation in SHG increases the power to fight against social evils at village ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree
22. Participation in SHG creates better awareness about health ( )
(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

Other Empowerment issues

23. Participation in SHG induces social responsibility ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

24. Participation in SHG creates confidence to face problems ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

25. Participation in SHG improves literacy and communication skill ( )

(1) Strongly agree (2) Agree (3) Neutral (4) Disagree (5) Strongly disagree

VIII. What are your suggestions to improve the functioning of the SHGs?


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