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COMPRESSORI-ASPIRATORI iecchek se Cee Tae Te) Ce eae aa Pte SCSOIMF1.ST-IE2 - SCSO1MF2.2T-IE2 SC501MF1.5M @ “ona sacnde it princi de naira fnionane sa In aspirazione sia in compressione © sono progettati per la- vorare a servizio continuo, Reallzzato In alluminio pressofuso garantisce la massima robustezza e maneggevolezza. Non occorre lubrificazione in quanto non c’é contatto tra le parti statiche e rotanti. Particolari silenziatori contribuiscono ad oftenere un elevato livello di sllenziosita. Construction of the ring blowers fans is based on the lateral ducts prin— ciple. The blowers can operate as either exhaust or compression fans and are designed for continuous service. The device Is assembled directly on the motor shaft; all the rotating parts are dynamically balanced to ensure abso- lute absence of vibration. Full die-cast aluminium construction for maximum sturdiness and ease of handling, Se ted aga pepe | ap at | Medes ona” Ye trots te rae w rt 1 Sonnsrea ssa Sam 7 erate ease an z + Sonar sae 1 owrara es 8 eC Ce) = en see ASPIRAZIONE / EXHAUST COMPRESSIONE / COMPRESSION z z Behe Eo > 2 {= = i= s i mq i 5 fo 5 Se 4 i, 5 sha a Ke i” - to shed 4 Bs cae: i Ny i Bo 1 i 3 vee ett Peseta ml | ator porta epresion intendono per convagiamen def aia avant in aspasine temperate dh 15 densi 1,23 kim prestone 8 'or3 mbar Le tleranca of queste carves tend et #10% | da Sopainlalposono essere Waal Sez pears The characteristic data given ere refer tothe hang of gas wth ne temperature of 15°C, normal density of 1.23 and abso press of 11013 mbar Tolerance af =10% The dita may change wtheu ary pooreston COMPRESSORI-ASPIRATORI Reba COMPRESSORS AND eee aa Xe SC5O1 MF1.5T-IE2 - SCSO1MF2.2T-IE2 ‘SC501MF1.5M \ ZA ei Ww sae ° 2 oR w , te ee : w & Me AB CDEF GH) KLMNOPQM@s Uo Vv Mw Ww Xue fe ‘er CMM 1 HT Ta eT a MIMI wee ‘SGUMFIST-ED 4950397 260 95 46 aK UTS ADE LIS ISS 66 aT GE SANT MSS MS HIS TS ATIS eR ‘GMI $$ ST OHO NE HE I IS AOE LS ASS eT a Se MA MU LIS MT ALES WY eT

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