Assessment 1 Aquino Darcy JR M. Sts 0002-21

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` We all know how important Science and Technology is in our time wherein
modernization is continuously occurring. Through the passing years, man has improved
and innovated when it comes to creating technologies which we all use in making our
lives easier and Science field is getting more and more complex. Combining them
together, we understand how are we able to discover and allows us to create inventions in
which we all benefit from. Lastly, both are making the world more modernized, better,
and a more convenient place for us to live in. Science and Technology are helpful and an
advantage to us, humans. Thus, it has a big impact in our everyday lives because as we
live in this time, almost everything around us, we can see technologies starting from the
cellular phones that we hold and use everyday to the biggest inventions that man has ever
invented. With Sciences, we are able to learn how a technology has been created and
understand what their purpose is. They both affect our society wherein they allow us to
connect with one another and help us make everything more efficient, convenient, and
easier for us to do so.

2. In today’s society, we are shaping more innovators and inventors that drive them to excel
more and finally create something that can provide solution to every problem in our
society with the use and influence of Science and Technology. Through studying and
discovering in fields and courses that provide more knowledge and improvement, we are
able to develop a more high-tech and sometimes, an out of this world inventions. And as
our society grows bigger, Science and Technology evolves as well to meet our needs.

3. Before, civilizations have influenced the birth and progress of inventions and discoveries
that could help man to live his/her life in an easier and efficient manner. There are variety
of those inventions and discoveries that make each civilization unique and more superior
when it comes to the evolution of Science and Technology.

4. In the early civilization, the greatest thing that has ever invented and existed are the tools
created and used in order to provide man’s basic needs such as building shelter from
stones and making clothes out of natural resources and of course, their techniques used
for hunting and eating foods in order to survive. We also have the Sumerian Cuneiform
Alphabet that symbolizes the Sumerian civilization, wherein people during that time are
able to communicate and understand one another. Next, the Babylonian civilization
showcases its Hanging Gardens that make it remarkable. Also, the existence of Kings and
Queens, weapons, and the Babylonian number system have added to the knowledge and
memory with regards to the said civilization. Temples, Mummification, and the
Hieroglyphics have made Egyptian civilization stand out among the previous stated
civilizations because they have bigger and provide more inventions and discoveries.
What makes the Greek civilization memorable and more interesting to learn about is its
Mythologies and architectural buildings that makes it beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
During the Roman civilization, the wonderful creations and building of Roman
architectures have become its symbol and we can still see some of those sturdily standing
in some places that added to the world’s wonders. Lastly, for the Chinese civilization, I
specify The Great Wall of China because it was the largest and most extensive
infrastructure that their nation built, although there are also variety of inventions and
creations that have been born during that time that most of the people benefit from today.

5. To sum it all up, I have realized how developed and modern this world is as I live today. I
have studied and learned more about how Science and Technology become a big help and
a factor in order for us to survive, meet our needs, and help us to overcome difficulties
and struggles that we encounter in our everyday lives. I have also foreseen and I am very
much enlightened about how the civilizations had happened before and how each of them
can become creative and smart when it comes to inventing and discovering such things.
Lastly, I am also very much amazed as to how wide and brilliant the minds of people are
becoming through the years and also delighted that more innovators are being molded to
change the world and make it a better place to live and survive in.

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