ENG9Quarter1Week1 2

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Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________

Teacher: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________

Learning Competency (Essential Competency)

v Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals.


1. Determine the correct usage of modals as permission, obligation, and prohibition.

2. Construct sentences using modals of permission, prohibition, and obligation.

3. Use modals in expressing permission, obligation, and prohibition correctly.

Let’s Recall (Review)

The following lines are catchy tunes from different artists.

Is your heart taken? It must have been love, but it’s over now.
Is there somebody else on your mind? It must have been good, but I lost it
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused somehow.
Just tell me, am I out of time? It must have been love, but it’s over now.
Is your heart breaking? From the moment we touched ‘till the time
How do you feel about me now? had run out.
I can't believe I let you walk away - Roxette
When, when I should have kissed you.
- One Direction

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you notice on the underlined words? How are they formed?
2. What do they express?
3. When do we usually use them? What are they called?

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

MODALS are auxiliary verbs (also called helping verbs) like can, may, could, shall,
must, or should. Unlike other auxiliary verbs, modals have these characteristics:
a. only exist in their helping form
b. cannot stand as the principal verb in a sentence
When we want to express permission, prohibition (not allowing something), obligation, we use
modal verbs.
Examples of Modal Verbs


can 1. You can call me at 4 p.m.

2. Can I sit beside my bestfriend?
could 1. You could ask questions.
2. Excuse me, could I just say something?
may 1. May I use your phone please?
2. You may sing only the first stanza.

must 1. We must say our prayers now.

2. You must pay your electric bills regularly.
have to/has to 1. She has to do it now.
2. We have to be at the airport at least two hours before the flight.
should 1. I think we should revise our work again.
2. Employment rate should increase next year.
ought to 1. We ought to employ a clerk.
2. It's raining hard. The children ought to come indoors.

must not 1. You must not loiter after nine o’clock in the evening.
2. They must not use their cellular phones during class hours.
should not 1. I should not go there alone.
2. They should not use their cellphones during class hours.
cannot 1. You cannot go into that restaurant without a tie.
2. You cannot drive in this country unless you are over eighteen.
may not 1. You may not wear slippers in the office.
2. You may not eat in the conference room.

Let’s Apply

I. Select the correct modal from the given choices in the parenthesis. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

1. It’s getting late. I ________leave immediately. (can, may, should)

2. She ________eat food with high calcium content. (cannot, may not, must not)

3. The school, as a second home, ________constantly nurture and protect the rights of children.

(can, may, must)

4. ________I talk to you during your free time? (May, Must, Should)

5. Before one talks about an issue, he/she _______read about it first. (has to, have to, had to)

II. Fill in the blank with correct modal verb as indicated in the parenthesis.

(prohibition) 1. You _______________ smoke in the hospital.

(permission) 2. ______________ I ask my brother to help us?

(prohibition) 3. Children _________________ drink too much soda.

(obligation) 4. We ________________ share our blessings with the poor and the needy.

(permission) 5. You ________________ listen to the radio, but please don’t turn it on very loud.

Let’s Analyze
Underline/ pick out the modal verb in each sentence, and identify its function
as permission, prohibition, obligation. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
(2 points each)

___________________1-2. I ought to observe the warnings.

___________________3-4. You can exit without doing it dramatically.

___________________5-6. Parents should respect their children, too.

___________________7-8. May we visit you on Sunday?

___________________9-10. You cannot enter the campus without your I.D.

Let’s Try (Evaluation)
I. Select the correct modal from the given choices. Write the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet. USE CAPITAL LETTERS.

1. You __________ end the meeting at three o’clock. (permission)

A. may B. must C. have to D. ought to

2. You __________disturb him during his siesta hours.

A. could not B. may not C. would not D. have not to

3. You ____________ not go there alone.

A. can B. could C. may D. should

4. She ___________ to the barangay hall yesterday.

A. must go B. had to go C. has to go D. have to go

5. You ___________visit her anytime today. (permission)

A. may B. might C. must D. should

II. Use each verb in a sentence to express what is indicated in the parenthesis.

Example: go (permission)
• You may go now.
• May I go out?

1. carry (permission)
2. obey (obligation)
3. drink (prohibition)
4. help (permission)
5. pay (obligation)

Let’s Create

GOAL Write an inspiring speech that shows support and

encouragement to the “frontliners” who keep on fighting and

struggling everyday against COVID-19.

ROLE You are a literary writer who wants to inspire and

encourage the “frontliners” through your written speech.

AUDIENCE Your target audience are the “frontliners” in your


Amid COVID-19 pandemic, some of the “frontliners” are

being discriminated and rejected by other people. For this

reason, you are tasked to write an inspirational speech to

show your support and encouragement to them. Remind

them that “God has better plans. They just have to keep

fighting and praying.”

PRODUCT/ PERFORMANCE In a long bond paper, write an inspirational speech using

modal verbs. (brief paragraph with 5-10 sentences)

STANDARD Your output will be graded based on the rubric provided.


Category 4 3 2 1

Content The content of Some contents of Most contents of All parts of the
the speech the speech reflect the speech do speech do not
reflects the the given idea. not reflect the reflect the given
given idea. given idea. idea.

Relevance to The speech is Most parts of the Only a few parts The speech is
the theme completely speech are of the speech completely
relevant to the relevant to the are relevant to irrelevant to the
situation. situation. the situation. situation.

Proper Use of The speech has The speech has The speech has The speech has
Language 4 or more at least 3 at least 2 at least 1
sentences with sentences with sentences with sentence with the
the required the required the required required grammar
grammar item. grammar item. grammar item. item.

Readability All parts of the Most parts of the Some parts of The speech is
speech are speech are the speech are readable, but not
readable and readable and readable and understandable.
understandable. understandable. understandable.

Organization All sentences Most sentences Some The sentences

are organized are organized sentences are are not
and easily and easily organized and organized.
understood. understood. understood.

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