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Flexible Learning Environment Reflection paper;

When people think of a flexible learning environment often we think of the physical space. While it is
true that the space is flexible in nature, there is much more to a flexible learning environment than
just the physical floor plan or furniture ch0ices.

In a flexible learning environment teachers more easily calibrate their language and students make
overt connections between subject area content and skills

As a future teachers we need to provide a proper teaching environment with our students so that
they can focus on the activities or lessons. When we using Flexible Learning Environment it can
access our students on different creativity or ideas and it can improve their critical thinking.

When we teach them with proper classroom arrangements there will be proper coordination and
they can explore it on different skills and ideas. It also can apply the collaborative approach by
working together they can easily achieve one task.

This means we can help them to learn as individuals on their own nature and as part of society.

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