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Business Decision Making System

Study Case: Coffee Shop

Vincent Novianto Laura Laurencia Ji Sui Phin
School of Computer Science School of Computer Science School of Computer Science
Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Ajeng Wulandari
School of Computer Science
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—Nowadays, many people come out to hang out

and talk with friends. Even some people have meetings outside
the accounting data information system, business owners
of work. One of the most frequented coffee shops. Coffee shops can find out which menus are the most popular and which
are the places most frequently visited by various people for ones are less attractive to customers. From the accounting
various purposes. From gathering and talking together, data information system, business owners can improve their
studying, and also meetings. But not all coffee shops will be marketing strategies to menus that less attractive that are
frequented by people and not all menus will be ordered by useful for decision making. Of decision making can be
consumers. Therefore, we want to make decisions to increase analyzed what needs to be do to attract customers, can by
business and consumer interest. So we conducted research on way of sale on the menu, or provide discounts that involve
several journals. What we examined was regarding employee
the menu. Of marketing is expected to increase sales and
attitudes, promotions, personal characteristics of consumers,
atmosphere, etc. And we can conclude that there are many customer interest from the menu.
factors that are proven to influence customer decisions and Therefore, in this research, we will conduct research
customer loyalty. Therefore, a lot of data will be taken and searches conducted on several journals and provide several
considered to make the right decision at the coffee shop.
questions in the form of questionnaires to customers who
Keywords—Decision Making, Coffee Shop, Accounting have visited a Coffee Shop to find out the factors that
Information, business decision, business decision making system. influence customers in visiting a Coffee Shop. From the
research and questionnaires obtained, we want to decide to
I. INTRODUCTION increase business and consumer interest. The research we do
In recent years, various cafes have emerged in the includes employee attitudes, promotions, personal
capital, one of them is a coffee shop. Cafe's provides a wide characteristics of consumers, environmental conditions, and
variety of varied menus, ranging from food and drinks, so on. And from this research, we can conclude the factors
which is the perfect place to relax and hang out with friends. that have been proven to influence customer decision-
It became increasingly difficult for a similar business, which making and also include customer loyalty. Therefore, a lot
resulted in it developing to maintain a coffee shop amidst of data will be taken and considered to make the right
other cafes. These make competition between cafes in decision on the coffee shop.
Jakarta very tight because each customer has many cafe II. LITERATURE REVIEW
choices. Many business owners overcome this by providing
a variety of unique menus in the hope of attracting In the 2000s, there were many coffee shop developments
customers who are curious about the taste of the menu. around the world, especially in Indonesia. The intense
However, not all menus at the cafe can attract customers and competition makes coffee shop café owners need a new idea
sell well. There are even menus that haven't been ordered at to make interesting breakthroughs in order to increase their
all in a few months. This cause an imbalance in the results cafe sales. However, there are many options for making
of selling the menu and adds to the loss of the cafe because decisions, therefore it is necessary to design a system that
it has provided ingredients to make the menu which can determine decision making effectively without groping
unfortunately unused. . Decision making or what is also often referred to as
decision making is a process that occurs in the system to
As a result of this situation, business owners must have make a selection of several alternatives or possibilities
the ability to market their business, so that their coffee shop offered. In the decision-making process, it must be thought
is frequently visited and any menu they have can attract out carefully, it should not be arbitrary, because it must be
many customers. This is the most difficult part for coffee done with an objective mind and go through a problem
shop owners in thinking about strategies to keep customers identification process so that it can make the right decision.
always consume the menu from the coffee shop, or often Identification of problems in a situation needs to be done to
referred to as customer loyalty. Accounting data information be taken into consideration before deciding something.
system has an important role in the marketing strategy Decision making is
process. Through
an important component in organizational management as a will influence consumer decision making. With the
process for producing alternative solutions [2]. questionnaire method and a sample of Facebook users who
In decision-making, it also has a category based on the filled out the questionnaire. And the results show that social,
rate at which it occurs. The decision-making processes can personal, and psychological factors can influence consumer
be classified into three categories based on the level of decision making. Therefore, the friendliness of the
occurrence, namely, strategic, tactic and operational [3]. employee will also play an important role in overcoming
these factors [12]. Other than that, unique charm and personal
In addition, the decision-making process also requires style are also very important too to attract consumers to
data to be analyzed. Data or information will help solve operate a café. What's more, cafes nowadays face increasing
existing problems. The importance of data-based decision diversity, especially in the choice of menu styles. Changes
making where the data provides information for managerial will occur on the basis of the assessment in dealing with
decision making for cafes [4]. inadequate or incomplete data [13].
By making a decision making, all events carried out will There is also research using 66 coffee shops with
be directed towards achieving the goal. Therefore, decision consumers as samples to test the effect of interest activities
making can serve as the basis for all activities that will be on decision making in choosing a coffee shop. And the
carried out precisely after the decision has been made. results show that the interest of consumers becomes a
However, to meet user needs, accounting data information personal factor that influences the decision-making process.
must meet certain requirements where the quality or So it can be concluded that the personal factors of
characteristics of good information must be of relevance,
consumers will also affect consumer loyalty to the shop [14].
reliability, comparability, and understandability [5].
We also take journals with little reference to this time of
However, to be successful there will be many journals in the pandemic. In this research they conducted research
use. Before making a decision at a coffee shop, we must outside the UK and found that people in England during the
first know what factors or aspects influence consumer lockdown period were more concerned with health, weight
decision making. There are several aspects that influence control, and mood when choosing their food [15].
consumer decision making, namely, coffee quality, price,
promotion, and also service quality [6]. And to identify III. METHODOLOGY
consumer characteristics by carrying out promotional For the working method of our system, we have three
activities, will show that promotion is proven to contribute stages. The first stage is part of a customer review related to
greatly to marketing through social media [7]. In addition, we the cafe. This review is in the form of a questionnaire given
can see from the consumer's point of view that consumer to customers which we will previously provide promos to
consumption patterns can change from time to time customers who want to fill out a review from our cafe to
following existing trends [8]. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain data. In this section, the questionnaire form will
monitor continuously to find out what types of menus are contain quite detailed questions related to the reasons
currently in vogue. By paying attention to consumer customers visit the cafe and what is the main target of
customers visiting the cafe. One example of the question is,
consumption patterns, the restaurant can easily make
"What is the main purpose you want to visit the cafe?". The
decisions to carry out promotions or activities based on the
reason for asking about this is to find out the target
information displayed. customers who want to visit the cafe to be our target for
After we know the factors or aspects that influence improving the quality of the cafe. We also ask questions
consumer decision making, finally we can design a about the service from the staff, whether they are satisfied or
marketing strategy to increase menu sales. Then from the not with an explanation to be considered for the manager to
design of the support system we can think of the right take care of the staff for the convenience of the customer.
strategy that can be used to increase sales and maintain the We also asked about the taste of coffee and which menu
cafe. Besides, can use a qualitative case study with the aim they liked and the real reason they ordered the menu, so
from that data we can create a menu that attracts customers
of investigating what strategies coffee shop owners can use
to try and order the menu. As for data that is less desirable,
to sustain their businesses. Because coffee shops are
we can change or delete it from the menu.
vulnerable to market changes, many coffee shop owners
may not be sure what strategy is sustainable [9]. The data will be stored and analyzed by the system.
The second stage is to list each menu. There will be a table
Now, we will see what the several factors that can of the number of sales on the menu so that the menu ordered
influence consumer decisions are. First, there is a test where per week or month can be recorded. Later this data will also
we can see the willingness of consumers to pay for coffee be used by the system to perform "Decision Making". After
produced by cooperatives. With a price of 1.31 USD and that, there is also a third stage, namely, after the customer
134 samples, it was found that the participants' bids had a makes a purchase, there will be a short question related to
high potential to be influenced by the prices set by the "Did you satisfied with the service from our staff?" which in
coffee shop. So we know that the price determined also this question has three levels of assessment, namely,
greatly affects consumer loyalty [10]. This journal conducts Satisfied, Average, or Bad. This data will also be stored later
research on employee attitudes which will affect consumer for analysis.
attitudes. And from the results of the journal, the results
show that employee friendliness can increase customer IV. RESULT
satisfaction [11]. For the results, we provide a form to people who are
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