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Every website has a different layout depending on the nature of the business, but there are certain elements 
that are present across websites, such as the navigation bar, body content, footer, etc. These elements not 
only help the users access the website with ease and provide the information they need, but are also of very  
high significance for a marketer. 

1. Navigation bar​: This guides your user to pages beyond the homepage, and it also ensures that your 
user is able to quickly and easily find the information he/she needs. 

2. Header​: The header provides site identity and global navigation, with search and other tools if needed. 
It is the most expensive piece of screen real estate and conveys what your company does. 

3. Sub-header​: This element usually comes just below the header, and helps you set the context of why 
your company exists and what it does. 

4. Cover​ ​image​: Cover images are usually present at the start of a website. They are similar to the front 
cover of a book. 

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5. Body content​: Now, this is the actual content or information present on the landing page. It usually 
comprises text, images, videos and other elements. 

6. Footer​: It generally contains fine print, copyright notices, quick access links and/or contact 

7. Search bar​: The search bar is a tab where you can feed in any information you are looking for and you 
can directly jump to that information from the results you get. 

You also learnt about the marketing significance of each of the website elements. For marketers, these 
elements are vital as they help them achieve different kinds of marketing goals such as gaining attention, 
driving sales, or increasing engagement. Let’s look at the marketing significance of each element below with 
the help of Furlenco’s website. 
1. Navigation bar:​It drives user engagement and gives easy access to the various parts of the website. 
For​ ​example, if the user is not sure about what the website is all about he/she can read 'how it works' 
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2. Header, sub-header and the cover image: ​The header and the sub-header lay down the purpose of the 
website’s​ ​existence, while the cover image is used to grab user attention. 

3. Body content:​This section usually comprises images, text, video, hyperlinks, etc. These are used for 
nurturing​ ​the customer and increasing user engagement by showing the offerings of the company.  

4. Footer: ​The footer serves to enhance the search engine result page (or SERP) ranking. This helps 
Furlenco rank​ ​higher on the Google search results page when someone searches using terms such as 
furniture packages, how it works, etc. 

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At the end of the session you should be able to understand: 
1. Identify the elements of a website 
2. Identify the marketing significance of each elements 

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