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Part 1: Listen and look. There is one example.

B: It’s ………….in the ………….today, isn’t it Mum?

W: Yes, lots of ………….are going …………..
B: You know that ………….with the …………., don’t you?
W: The one who’s ………….the …………………..….? That’s …………..
B: Do you ………….him very ………….?
W: ………….very well.

1. B: Do you know any …………. ………….here?

W: Can you see the ………….who’s ………….a small …………….?
B: Yes. She’s ………….a ………….with …………..
W: That’s my …………., …………..
B: Oh. Where’s she ………….?
W: She’s going to ………….her …………..

2. B: And there’s ………….I know here, Mum.

W: ………….’s that?
B: Can you see that ………….who’s ………….the ………..…….?
W: The one who’s got ………….hair?
B: No, the one who’s ……….next to his ……….. He ………….me last year.
W: Oh yes, I ……………….him. His name’s …………..

3. W: Look! Can you see that ………….with the ………….?

B: Yes, I can. I’d like to ………….it.
W: Me too! Do you like her …………………..….?
B: Yes, I do. What’s her ………….?
W: ………….. She lives ………….the …………..

4. B: And who’s the man who’s ………….the ………….?

W: …………., I don’t know him.
But I do know the ………….who’s ………….something at the …………..
B: Oh. What’s his name?
W: That’s …………..
B: Ooh, he’s got a …………. …………. ………….!
W: Yes, he …………., hasn’t he?

5. W: Can you see the ………….who’s ………….next to those ………….?

B: Oh yes.
W: She’s a ………….of your ………….’s.
B: Yes, I like the ………….….on her …………………! What’s her name?
W: Her name’s …………..

PART 2: Listen and look. There is one example.

B: …………., there’s going to be a ………….next …………..

I’d like to ………….in it with all my …………..
W: Great! ………….will it ………….?
B: I have the ………….here on this ………….. It says …………..
W: OK, I can ………….you in the …………..
B: Thanks, Mom. I ………….to be there ………….!

W: Where will the …………. …………., David?

B: We’ll have to …………. ………….the ………….first
but that’s not ………….we’ll start.
W: Oh.

B: No, we’re ………….to start from the …………..

W: I see. What’s are you going to ………….?
B: What ………….my new ………….? The one with …………..
W: That’s a good …………..
B: My …..………….says
that it’s ……………… eat the ………….food before the …………..
W: A nice ………….and ………….?
B: No, Mom. You have to eat ………….. That’s the ………….food.
W: OK. I can ………….some for you.
B: Thanks. The ………….is going to ………….a ………….one.
We’ll ………….to go ………….the …………..
W: And ………….will you know it’s the ………….of the race?
B: We’ll see a ………….. Someone will ………….it at the …………. …………..
W: OK. I’ll ………….there with ………….to ………….you.
What will ………….after the race?
B: I’m going to ………….my friends in the …………..
W: What are you going to do there?
B: We’ll have a picnic.
W: That’s great!

PART 3: * What did Mrs. Green buy for each person?

B: Hello, Mrs. Green. Wow, you’ve ………….a lot of ………….!
W: Yes, William. I’ve ………….some …………..
I ………….to the ………….,
and some of my …………and ………. …………me to buy some …………..
B: Is this …………. ………….a ………….?

W: Yes, it is. My friend Emma ………….it.

It’s ………….very ………….…., but it’s got a …………. …………on it.
B: I’m …………. she’ll like it!

1. B: This looks ………………...

W: Yes, do you like the ………….inside it?

B: Yes, I do. Look at that …………. ………….! It’s ………….!

W: Well, this ………………. is for my …………., Oliver.

He ………….it every ………….,

but he …………. …………………when he was in …………..

2. B: You ………….a …………., don’t you, Mrs. Green?

Did you ………….her ………….?

W: Well, Jane ………….a new ………….. I looked ………….one

but I ………….find anything.

I ………….to get her these …………..

B: Does she have …………. ………….?

W: She ………….says so! The ………….is very …………., isn’t it?

3. B: What’s this, Mrs. Green? Is it a ………….?

W: Yes, it’s for my …………., Michael.

He ………….going inside …………..

He ………….lots of ………….when he’s there.

B: ………….’s that?
W: Because it’s so ………….in there.
B: I’ve ………….been ………….a …………..
I don’t like ………….or ………………… ……………. like that!
W: No, I don’t!

4. B: And what ………….these …………………? Are they ………….you?

W: No, they’re for my …………., Kim.
B: Are they ………….from ………….?
W: Yes, they are.
She doesn’t like ………….so I had to ………….these.
She ………….me for some …………., too.
We ………….them when we ………….in a ………….last week.
Today they ………….there.

5. B: And who’s this ………….for? I love the …………..

W: Yes, it’s ……………….…., isn’t it?
It’s for my …………………….Sally.
She …………. ………………………them.
B: Has she ………….lots of them?
W: Yes, she has. You must ………….and ………….them soon.

PART 4: * What’s the new museum near to?

M: Hello Grace.
Did you ………….your visit to the new ………….?
G: Yes, Dad. It was ………………………….
M: Where is this ………….? I’ve never ………….there.
It’s ………….the ……………………, isn’t it?
G: No, it’s near the …………..
It’s ………….to get to than the …………. ………..…………..
M: Yes, I …………… ……………..
The old museum was ………….the …………. …………..

1. What did Grace like best in the museum?

M: So what ………….you like ………….in the …………., Grace?
………….there a ……………………?
G: Yes, but it ………….very …………., Dad. But I loved the big ……………...
M: What ………….did you see?
G: Well, there was a ………….but I ………….like that very …………..

2. What did Grace do first?

M: What did you do ………….when you ………….at the ….………….?
G: Well, We ………….to take some ………….. But we couldn’t.
M: Oh I see. Did you have to ………….things ………….in your ………….?
G: No. A man ………….to us ………….the museum
before we ………….at anything.
M: Oh, that’s …………..

3. What was the film about?

G: There was a ………….cinema in the ………………of the museum.
M: Did you see a good ………….?
G: I ………….to see the film about ………….but that was on ……….week.
M: Oh, so what ………….you see? Something about ………….?
G: No, we ………….a film about the ……………... It was ……………..

4. What was the treasure box made of?

G: There ………….some very ………….things in the museum.
I saw a ………….box. It was ………….of ………….!
M: Oh, that’s ……….! And what was the …….made of? Was it ………….?
G: No, it …………. ………….of very …………. …………..
M: I’d like to see it one day.

5. What will Grace have to take to class tomorrow?

M: So what ………….you do in class tomorrow?
G: We’re going to ………….a big …………..
I’m going to ………….these …………. that I ………….at the museum.
M: You ………….take some …………..
G: No, We’ve ………….that at …………..
M: And …….………….to take your new …………..
G: Oh, no… it’s ………….at ………….. I ………….it.

PART 5: Listen and look at the picture. There is one example.

M: Look at the picture. It’s a …………. …………..

G: Oh, yes. I can see …………. ………….. I think they’re …………..
M: Yes, they are.
Perhaps they’re ………….a …………..
Would you like to ………….something?
G: OK. Well, ………….to the ………….there’s some …………..
Can I color it ………….?
M: That’s a ………….color for it! But OK, do that.
G: Great! I’m ………….it now.

1. M: Can you see the …………. ………….the ………….?

G: Which one? There are …………. ………….them.
M: The ………….one. Can you see it?
G: Yes, I can. OK, no ………….. I’m ………….to color it …………..

2. G: I can see some ………….in the …………..

M: Oh, yes, it’s ………….the …………. …………., isn’t it?
G: Well, there’s some on ………….of the …………., too.
It looks …………..
M: Yes, I think it does. Can you color it ………….? What about that?
G: Yes, OK. I ………….that’s a good …………..

3. M: ………….you ………….to ………….something on the picture?

G: Yes, I’m …………..
M: Can you see the ………….near the ………….?
G: Yes, I can.
M: Please write ………….on it.

4. G: And can I ………….something ………….in the ………….?

M: What ………….you ………….to ………….?
G: Can you see the very …………. ………….on the ………….?
M: Yes, I can.
Well, why don’t you write the …………. ………….on it?
That’s great!

5. G: I’d like to color …………. ………….now.

M: OK, then. Can you see the …………….?
G: The ones at the ………….?
M: No. How ………….the ones ………….to the boy on the ………….?
G: Yes, I ………….them. Can I color them?
M: Yes, thanks. We’ve ………….now.
G: I think the picture looks …………..

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