Starters-Transcipt T 7-12 Fill in

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PART 1: Look at part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
W: Put the ……… in front of the ………. B: Pardon?
W: Put the ………in front of the ………. B: Right.

1. W: Now put the ………on the ……………. B: Sorry, what?

W: Put the ………on the ………...…. B: Oh … yes, OK?

2. W: OK. Now put the ………on the ………. B: Sorry, what?

W: The ……….
Put it on the ………between the ………and the …………...
B: …….……the ………and the ……………. OK.

3. W: Now put the …………under the ………. B: Pardon?

W: Put the …………under the …………. B: Right.

4. W: Can you see the ………? B: Yes.

W: Put the ………on the ………next to the ………..….
B: OK. It’s on the ………next to the ………..….

5. W: Now the ………. Put it under the ……….…. B: Sorry, where?

W: Put the ………under the …..………. B: OK.

PART 2: Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
M: Hello! I’m your new ……………. G: Hello.
M: I’m …………your name in my ………. Are you ………?
G: Yes, that’s right. You spell it …-…-…-….

M: How ………are you, Alex? G: I’m ……….

M: ………! G: Yes, that’s right.

1. M: How many …………..are in your ………….., Alex?

G: I’ve got ………big …………...
M: You have ………… ……….…..?
G: Yes, that’s right.

2. M: Now Alex, who is your ……… in this …………..?

G: I like ………. She ………next to me.
M: Do you spell her name …-…-…? G: Yes!

3. M: How many …………..are in this …-…-…-…? G: …………...

M: Pardon?
G: There are ………….. ………….. in this ……….
M: Thank you!

4. M: And there’s a …….……in this class. I think.

G: Yes. We all ………him. He’s ………years old.
M: How old? G: He’s ………. He’s very ………. M: Good!

5. G: I know your name, I think! M: Do you?

G: Is it Mr …………..? M: Yes. Can you ………my name?
G: Is it …-…-…-…-…? M: Yes. Well done!

PART 3: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
* What’s John drinking?
G: Hello, John! What ………have you got ………?
Is it ………… ..………?
B: No. I don’t like ………… ..………now.
G: Is it ………, then, or …………..?
B: ………. It’s ………for me and I like it!

1. Which boy is Sam?

G: Which is Sam – the ……… ………in our class?
Is he the boy with ……… ………?
B: No, that’s Bill.
G: Oh, is that Sam with the ………….?
B: Yes. And he’s got ……… ……….

2. Which is Ann’s new dress?

W: Which ………do you ………today, Ann?
G: Well… not the ……… ………. I don’t like it.
W: So, you can ………your ………dress or your ………dress.
Which do you ………?
G: My ………dress. It’s ……….

3. Which monster does Sam like?

M: This ………’s good, Sam. Do you like the …………..?
B: Well, I don’t like the …………..with one ……….
M: I ………the one with ……… ………. Do you?
B: No. There’s my favorite – the …………..with ……… ……….

4. How does Bill go to school?

G: Do you go to …………..on your ………, Bill?
B: No! I haven’t got a ………!
G: Oh! Do you go in your ………’s ………?
B: No. I ………to …………...

5. What’s for supper?

G: What’s for ………….., Dad?
M: …………..and …………… .……….
G: Can we have ………or ………with them? M: ………, not today.

PART 4: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
W: Hello, Nick! ………this …………..with me.
B: OK. Can I color ………of the ………?
W: Yes. Color the ………under the …………... Color it …………...
B: Right. The ball ………the ………. It’s …………...

1. W: Now ………the ball ………to the ……….

B: The ………next to the ………. Oh, yes. What color?
W: Color it ……….
B: OK. I’m ………… blue.

2. B: What now?
W: Can you see the ball between the …………..and the ………?
B: Yes. What color do you ………now?
W: Red. The ball …………..the …………..and the ………. Color it ……….
B: OK.

3. W: Now ………at the boy with a ………in his ……….

B: The boy with a ball in his ………. Oh, yes, I can ………him.
W: Well, color that ball ………. B: OK, it’s ……….

4. W: There’s a ………with an ice cream in the picture.

B: Yes, and there’s a ball ………to him!
W: OK. Color that ball …………...
B: Right. A …………..ball. Next to the ………with an ………………..

5. W: Now, can you see a ball ………the ………?

B: Yes. Can I color that one …………..?
W: OK. The ball in the ………can be …………...
B: Good. That’s my …………..color!

PART 1: Look at part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
W: Put the ………under the ………. B: Sorry. What?
W: The ………. Put it ………the ………. B: Oh! Right!

1. W: Now put the ………on the ………. B: Pardon?

W: Put the ……… ………the ………. B: OK.

2. W: Can you ………the ………? B: Yes.

W: Put it on the ………– between the ………and the ……….
B: OK. I’m ………….…the ………on the ………
between the ………and the ……….

3. W: OK. Now the ………. B: Yes.

W: Put it in the …………... B: Put the shoe in the …………..?
W: Yes. That’s right.

4. W: Look at the ………. B: He’s ………………on the …….

W: Yes. Now put the ………next to him.
B: Put the clock ………to the ………? W: Yes.

5. W: OK. Now the ………. Put it ………the ………. B: Sorry? Where?

W: Put the sock ………the chair. B: OK.

PART 2: Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
M: Hello! What’s your name? G: It’s ……….
M: How do you ………that? G: … double …-….
M: Oh! I see.

M: And how ………are you? G: I’m ……….

M: ………! You are a big ………. G: Yes, I am.

1. M: Which ……..…do you go to, Anna? G: I go to ………Tree ……….

M: Is that …-…-…-…? G: Yes, that’s right!

2. M: How many ………….are there in your ………?

G: There are …………...
M: ………….! That’s a ………class.
G: Yes, I like that.

3. M: Who ………next to you at school? G: My ………, ……….

M: Is that a ………or a ………? G: A ………! He spells his name …-…-….

4. M: Do you ……… ………….at school, Anna?

G: Yes. It’s my …………. …………..
M: Who’s your …………. ………….? G: His name’s ……….
M: Is that …-…-…-…? G: Yes, that’s right!

5. M: Are you ……………….. that ………?

G: Yes! There are ……………. in the ……… .
M: ………….! Wow! How many? G: ………! M: ……… ……………!
G: Yes. I like the ……..… . It’s very ……….

PART 3: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
* What’s Sue doing?
W: Where is …………? B: She’s in the …………..
W: Is she ………….TV? B: No, she’s ………….her …………..

1. What’s Tom favorite animal?

W: What’s your favorite …………, Tom? ………….?
B: No, I don’t like ……… _ or ……….
W: What do you ………, then? B: ……….

2. Where is the baby?

M: Where’s the ……….? Is he ………………?
G: No. He’s with ………..
M: Where are they? In the ………. ……….?
G: No, in the ……………….

3. What’s Ben having for lunch?

B: What’s for ………………, Mum? Is it ………………..?
W : No, it’s ………………and ………………today.
B: And a ……….of ……….?
W: Yes, OK.

4. Which girl is Kim?

W: Can you ……….Kim? Is that her with the ………. ……….?
G: No, that’s May.
W: Is Kim ……………… a ………… ……………?
G: Yes,… and a ………. ………..

5. What does Nick want for his birthday?

W: What do you ……….for your ………………, Nick?
B: Well, I don’t want ………..
W: A ………. ………. ………., then?
B: No, thanks. I want a ………. ………………, please!

PART 4: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
M: Look at this picture. It’s a ……………….
G: Yes. Please can I color the ………………?
M: Yes. There’s a ………………next to the …………. Color that one ………….
G: A ………… ………………! Next to the …………!

1. M: Now - there’s a …………… under the ………..

G: Yes, I can ……….it.
M: Color it ………..
G: OK. The ………………under the ……….. I’m ………… it ………..
M: That’s right!

2. M: Can you see the banana ………………the ……….and the ……….?

G: Yes.
M: Color it ……….. The banana between the ………. and the ………..
G: That’s good! I’m ……………… it ………..

3. M: The ……….’s got a banana. Can you see it?

G: Yes - it’s ………………it!
M: ………. that banana ………..
G: OK. The banana in the ……….’s ……………. It’s ………..

4. M: Now, the banana on the ………..

G: Can I ………. it ………………?
M: Yes.
G: OK. An ………………banana on the ………..

5. M: And now ……….at the ……………….

G: Yes - there’s a banana ……….to them.
M: That’s right! The banana next to the ………………. Color it ………..
G: OK - It’s ………..
M: Good!

PART 1: Look at part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
W: Put the ……………on the …………, please. B: Put the bananas where?
W: On the ……………. B: Oh. OK.

1. W: Now, can you ……….the ………. under the ……….?

B: Put the ………. ………. the ……….. W: That’s right!

2. W: OK, now put the ………… in the …………..’s ………….

B: Put the flower in the ……………’s ……….?
W: That’s right! B: That’s ………………!

3. B: And the ………………?

W: The ………………. Put it on the ……………….
B: OK, I’m ………………it on the ………………. W: Thanks.

4. B: Right, now can you ……….the ………………? W: Yes, I can.

B: Can you put it ……….to the ………., please?
W: OK, it’s next to the ……….now.

5. B: What now?
W: Put the ………. in the woman’s ………., please.
B: OK, I’m putting the ………. in the woman’s ……….. W: Thank you.

PART 2: Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
M: Hello. I’m your ………. ………………! What’s your name? G: It’s ………..
M: Thank you, ……….. How do you spell your name? G: …-…-… .

M: And how ……….are you? G: I’m ……….now.

M: Sorry? ……….? G: Yes.

1. G: I’ve got a ……….at …………… too.

M: And what’s her ……….? G: It’s ………..
M: …-…-…. G: Yes. That’s right!

2. M: Where do you ………., May? G: I live in ………. ………..

M: Is that …-…-… double …? G: Yes.

3. M: And what ………. is your ………., please?

G: Our ……….is number ……….. M: Pardon? G: Number ………..

4. M: And ……….drives you to ……….? G: My ……………….

M: And what’s his ……….? G: His name’s Mr. ………..
M: Is that …-…-…-…-…? G: Yes, that’s right!

5. M: And how many ………………are in this ……….? G: ……………….

M: ………………. Hmm… G: Can I ……….down now, please?
M: Yes, you can. May. G: Thank you.

PART 3: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
* What’s Pat’s favorite food?
M: What’s your favorite ………., Pat? ………………?
G: No, I don’t ……….them.
M: Is it French ……….?
G: No, my favorite ………. is ……………….

1. Who is Ben’s teacher?

W: Who’s your ………………, Ben?
B: Her ……….is Sue. She’s got ………. ………. ………..
W: Does she ………. …………..?
B: ………., she doesn’t.

2. Which color does Mum like?

B: What can we ……….for Mum’s ………………?
She wants a ………. ……………, I know.
G: Good! We can ……….a ……….T-shirt for her.
B: ………., she doesn’t like ……….. And she doesn’t wear ………..
G: Well, we can ……….a ……….T-shirt, then. She likes that color.

3. Which boy is Tom?

W: Do you ……….to …….……., Tom?
B: ………., I don’t.
W: Oh, do you go on the ………., then?
B: No, I ……….my ……….to …………..

4. Where are Kim’s jeans?

W: ……….are your new ………., Kim?
G: Are they in my ………………?
W: ………., they aren’t. And they aren’t in the ……………….
G: Oh, I know. They’re in the ……………………………….

5. What does Bill want for his breakfast?

W: What do you ……….for your ………………, Bill?
B: Can I have ……….and ………., please?
W: ……….. Do you want some ……….with it?
B: No, thanks.

PART 4: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
M: Look at this picture. There’s a ……….in the ……….. G: Where?
M: In the ……….. G: Oh yes. I can ………. it.
M: Can you ……….it ……….….? G: OK. It’s yellow now.

1. M: Now ……….at the ………..

G: Yes, he’s got a ……….in his ………..
M: That’s right! Can I color it ……….?
G: Color the ………. ……….? The kite in the boy’s ……….?
M: Yes, please.

2. M: Look! Some ……….are ………..

G: Yes, they’re ………………. Can I color one?
M: OK. Color the kite ………………the ……….and the ………..
G: The kite between the ……….and the tree. Can I color it ……….?
M: OK. Color it ………..

3. M: Now, there’s a kite in the ……….’s ………..

G: In her ……….? Oh yes, I can see it.
M: Can you ……….it ………., please?
G: ……….?
M: Yes, please. The kite in the ……….’s bag.

4. M: Can you see the ………………in the ………………?

G: Yes, it’s ………………the ………..
M: There’s a kite on the ……………….
G: Oh, Yes! Can I color that ………. ……….?
M: ……….? Well, OK then.

5. G: OK, which kite can I ……….now?

M: There’s a kite ……….the ………..
G: Under the chair?
M: Yes. Can you color it …………..?
G: OK. Mmm. I like …………..

PART 1: Look at part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
W: Put the ……….next to the ………………. M: Sorry?
W: Put the ……….next to the ………………, please. M: OK.

1. W: Put the ……….on the ……….. M: Sorry? Put the ……….where?

W: ……….the mat, please. M: Right.

2. W: Can you ……….the ………………? M: Yes.

W: Well, put it ……….the ………..
M: OK. The ……………… is under the ………..

3. W: Put the ………………in ……….of the ………………, please.

M: Pardon? Put the ………………where?
W: In ……….of the ………………. M: OK.

4. W: Can you see the ……….? M: Yes, I can.

W: Well, put the ……….in the ……….. M: The ……….? OK.

5. W: And now, put the ……….between the ………………and the ………..

M: The ……….? W: That’s right.
M: OK. It’s ………………the ………………and the ………..

PART 2: Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
W: Hello! What’s your ……….? B: ………..
W: How do you spell it? B: …-…-…-… .

W: How ……….are you, Nick? B: I’m ………..

W: ……….? B: Yes. It’s my ……………… today!
W: Happy birthday!

1. W: Where do you ………., Nick? B: In a ……….in ……….Street.

W: Is that …-…-…-…-…? B : Yes, that’s right.

2. W: What ……………is your house? B: It’s number ……………….

W: Sorry? What number? B: ………… ……………….

3. W: And is that your favorite ……….?

B: My big, ………. ……………! Yes, he’s my favorite.
W: What’s his name? B: It’s ………..
W: Can you spell that? B: Yes, I can. It’s …-…-…-….

4. W: And how many ……….has your …………… got? I can’t see.

B: He’s got ………. ……….feet. Look! W: ………. ……….! B: Yes!

5. W: And he’s ……….lots of ……….. B: Yes, he’s got ………. hands.

W: Sorry? ……….? B: That’s right! I love my ………….!

PART 3: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
* Which T-shirt can Sue wear today?
W: Where’s your ………. ……… …………, Sue?
G: Oh! It’s at ………! Can I ……….my red ………………today, Mom?
W: No, it’s ………..
G: OK. Well. I can wear my ………… ………………. That’s ………..

1. What’s Sam drawing?

B: Do you ……….my ………………, ………………?
W: Yes, Um. What is it, Sam? I can’t see.
Is it a ………...or a ………….?
B: No, they don’t ……….big ……….!
W: Oh, I can see now. It’s an ……………….

2. Which sport’s on TV today?

B: Is there ………………on ……….today, Pat?
G: No, not today.
B: Well, what ……….can we ……….? ………………?
G: No, today we can ……….our favorite ……….– ………………!

3. What’s Grandfather doing?

B: Dad! Where’s ………………? Is he in the ………………?
M: No, he’s in his ……………….
B: Is he ………………?
M: No, he’s ………………to the ……………….

4. What does May want for breakfast?

W: May, do you want an ……….for your ………………?
G: ………., thank you, Mum. Can I have a ………………?
W: OK. And do want ……….or ……….?
G: Juice, please.

5. What’s Kim doing?

W: What are you ………., Kim?
Are you ………………the picture?
B: No. I’m ……………….
W: Are you ………………a ……….?
B: No, I’m writing the numbers ……….to ……….in my ……….. Look!

PART 4: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
M: Can you see the ………………next to the ………………? G: Yes.
M: Well, color it ……….. G: Which color?
M: Color it ……….. The helicopter next to the ……………….

1. M: Can you ……….the ……….?

G: Yes. Oh look, there’s a helicopter in it!
M: Well, color it ……………….
G: OK. A ……………… ………………in the ………..

2. M: Look at the ……….!

G: What’s he ……….?
M: He’s got a helicopter in his ……….and he’s …………in the ……………….
G: Can I color that ……………………….?
M: Yes. Now the ……….’s got a ……….helicopter in his ………..
G: He’s a very ………!

3. M: Can you see the helicopter between the ……….and the ………………?
G: Where?
M: ………………the girl and the ……………….
G: Oh yes. Can I color it ……….?
M: Yes. Color that …………… …………..

4. M: Look! That helicopter’s ………………in ……….of the ……………….

G: Oh yes.
M: Do you want to ……….it?
G: Yes, please. Can I color it ……….?
M: OK, color the helicopter in front of ……………… ………..

5. M: Can you see the flower in the ……….’s ……….? G: Where?

M: In the girl’s hand. G: Oh yes.
M: Well, color it ……………….
G: OK. I’m ………………that helicopter ……………….
Look! It’s a ………………picture now!

PART 1: Look at part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
M: Can you see the ……….? W: Yes, I can
M: Put it in the ……….. W: Put the ……….in the water? OK.

1. M: Put the ……….in the ………., please. W: Put the ……….where?

M: In the ……….. W: OK. There it is.

2. W: Can I put the ……….next to the ……….? M: Yes. That’s good.

W: Right. The fish is ……….to the frog.

3. W: Now, put the ………………here, in ……….of the ………..

M: Put the ………………in front of the ……….?
W: Yes. Is that OK? M: Yes.

4. M: Can you find the ……….? W: Here it is.

M: Can you put it between the ………………and the ……….?
W: Put it ………………the crocodile and the bird. OK.

5. W: Now, where can I put the ………………? M: In the tree.

W: OK. I’m ………………the ………………in the ……….. M: Thank you.

PART 2: Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
W: Hello, Tom. Are these your ……….? B: Yes, they are.
W: They’re very ……... How many have you …….? B: I’ve got ………..
W: ………. ……….? B: Yes.

W: I like this photo of your ……….. What’s his name? B: It’s ………..
W: Can you ……….that? B: …-…-…-…-….
W: That’s a ……….name. He’s a …………….. ……….!

1. B: This is me and my ………..

We’re ……………… with some ………. ……………….
W: How many …………. have you got?
B: ……….. W: ……..….! Wow!

2. W: Is this your ……….? B: ………., it is.

W: Has it got a ………………? B: Yes. It’s number ……………….
W: Sorry? B: ……………….

3. W: Who is this ……….? Is she your ……….?

B: Yes, she is.
W: And what’s her name?
B: It’s ……….. I can spell her name. It’s …-…-… .
W: Well done!

4. W: And how ……….is your friend? B: She’s ………., like me.

W: Pardon? B: She’s ……….years ………..

5. W: Who’s this?
B: That’s my ………. ………………. His name’s ………..
W: Can you spell that? B: Yes. …-…-… .
W: I ……….that name. B: Me too.

PART 3: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
* What has Ann got in her bag?
M: Have you got your ……….in your …………. ………., Ann?
G: ……….. And I can’t find my ………..
M: Well, ……….have you got in your ……….?
G: I’ve got my ………..

1. Which is Nick’s favorite sport?

W: Do you like ………………, Nick?
B: ………., I don’t.
W: Well, do you like ………………?
B: It’s ……….. I love ………………. That’s my favorite ………..

2. What is May buying?

W: Hello, May. Are you ………………a new ……….?
G: ………., not today.
W: Well, are you buying a ……….?
G: ………., I want some ………. ………..

3. Where’s the camera?

M: Pat, is the ………………in your ………………?
G: ………., it isn’t. Is it here in the ………………?
M: ………., I can’t see it. Is it in the ………. ……….?
Please go and ………..
G: OK. Oh, ……….. Here it is!

4. Which man is Bill’s teacher?

W: Is that your ………………in the ………. ………………, Bill?
B: ……….. He’s there. Can you see him? He’s ………………the ………..
W: Has he got ………………?
B: Yes, and he’s ………………a ………. ……………….

5. What does Sam want for lunch?

M: Sam, what do you want for ……….? Do you want a ………………?
B: ……….. Can I have a ………………and some French ………., please?
M: Yes, OK. Do you want some ……….?
B: No, thanks.

PART 4: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
M: Look at this picture. Can you see the ……….on the …….? G: Yes, I can.

M: Color it ………., please. G: Sorry?

M: The ……….on the ……….. Color it ………..

1. M: Now, find the ……….next to the ……….. G: Pardon?

M: The T-shirt ……….to the hat. Can you see it? G: Oh, yes.
M: Color it ………., please. G: ……….? OK.

2. M: Now, can you see the T-shirt ……………. the ……….and the ……….?
G: Yes, here it is.
M: Good. Color it ………..
G: Right. The ………. between the bag and the ………. is ………..

3. M: Find the T-shirt ………….. the ………..

G: Where?
M: …………… the ……….. Can you color it ………., please?
G: ……….? M: Yes.

4. G: What color’s the T-shirt in ……….of the ……….?

M: The ……….in front of the door? G: Yes.
M: Oh, color it …………, please. G: ……….?
M: Yes, that’s right.

5. M: OK. Can you see the T-shirt ……….the ……….?

G: ……….the ……….?
M: Yes. Color that T-shirt ………., please.
G: OK. I’m ……….….it ………..
M: That’s good.

PART 1: Look at part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
M: Look at the ………. ……………….
W: Oh yes. ……….can I put them?
M: Well – put the ………………behind the ………..
W: Put the ………………behind the ……….. OK.

1. M: Can you see the ………………? Now, put it on the ……….. W: Sorry?
M: Put the ………………on the ……….. W: Oh yes. That’s good!

2. W: And the ……….? Where can I ……….that? M: Put it next to the ……….
W: Pardon? Put the ……….where? M: Put it …….to the ………..

3. M: Put the ………………in the ………..

W: Put the ………………in the ……….? M: That’s right.

4. W: And the ……….. Where can I put that?

M: Put the duck ………………the ……….and the ………..
W: Between the ……….and the tree. Right. There it is.

5. M: Can you see the ……….? W: Yes, I can.

M: Now – put it in ……….of the ………..
W: The ……….in ……….of the ……….? Well, OK!

PART 2: Look at the picture. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples.
W: Oh Hello! Who’s in this picture? B: That’s ……….. He’s my ………..
W: How do you spell his name? B: …-…double … .

W: And how ……….is he? B: He’s ………..

W: ……….? B: That’s right.

1. W: Are those Bill’s …………..? B: Yes, they are. He’s got ……….of them.
W: ………. …………..! Wow! B: That’s right.

2. W: Is this Bill’s favorite ……….?

B: Yes. His name is ………..
W: Sorry? How do you spell that?
B: …-…-…-…-…. He’s got ………. ……….!
W: Oh yes. I ………………… now.

3. W: And how many ……………… and ………….. has Bill got?

B: He’s got ……….sisters.
W: ………. ………….?
B: Yes. Look. Here’s a ………….of them.

4. W: This is Bill’s ………. sister, I think. B: Yes, that’s ………..

W: Do you spell that …-…-…? B: Yes, that’s right.

5. W: And where does Bill’s ……………… live?

B: They live in ………. …………..
W: I don’t know that …………. How do you spell that?
B: It’s …-…-…-…
W: Oh! Now I know!

PART 3: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
* Which is Kim’s lunch?
M: Is Kim having ………………for ………….?
W: ………., she isn’t.
M: Oh. Well, is she ………………a ………………today?
W: No. She’s having some ……….and French ………..

1. Where’s Ben’s watch?

B: Where’s my ………., Mum? It isn’t the ……………….
W: Is it in the ………………, Ben?
B: ………., it isn’t. Oh, I can see it. There it is. It’s on the ………..
W: Oh, good.

2. What’s the baby doing?

B: Is this a new ……….of your ……….? Is he ………………the ball?
W: No. He can’t ……….it and he can’t ……….it.
B: So what is he ……….? W: Look! He’s ………………it.

3. Which is Sue’s grandmother?

B: Is that your ………………, Sue – in the ………. ……….?
G: ………., she’s ……………… a ……….skirt.
B: And is she wearing a ……….?
G: Yes, that’s right. Look – there she is.

4. Which is Ann’s favorite drawing?

W: Look at these beautiful ………………, Ann. Do you like this ……….?
G: Yes, I do. And the picture of the ……….is good.
W: Is that your favorite?
G: ………., it isn’t. Look at that ……….
That’s my ………………. I love the ………… on it.

5. What’s Tom doing?

M: Where’s Tom? Is he ……………… ……….?
W: ……….. Nick is ………………TV. Tom isn’t.
M: Oh. Is he ……………… a ………., then?
W: No. Tom’s in ……….. He’s ……………….

PART 4: Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example.
G: Can I color this picture?
M: OK. Can you see the ……….on the TV? G: Yes, I can.
M: Well, color it …….……., please. G: Pardon?
M: The ……….on the TV. Color it ……..……..

1. M: Now, look at the ………..

G: Oh, yes. She’s ………………. Look! She’s got a ……….on her ……….!
M: That’s right! She has. Can you color it ……….? G: Sorry?
M: The ……….on the girl’s ……….. Color it ………..

2. G: Which ……….can I color now?

M: Can you see the cake ……….to the ………………?
G: Yes, Can I color it ……….?
M: Yes, color the cake next to the ………… ………..G: There. That’s good.

3. M: And now find the cake ……….the ………..

G: Yes, I can see it.
M: Right. Color it ……….. G: Pardon?
M: Color the cake ………. the …………. ………….

4. G: Look! There is a cake in ……….of the ……….!

M: Oh yes! Color that cake ………., please.
G: ……….? M: Yes – the cake in front of the ………..

5. M: Can you see the cake ………………the ……….’s ……….?

G: Oh, yes. Can I color it ……..….? That’s my ………………color.
M: A ………….cake ………………the girl’s ……….. Yes, OK.
G: There. Look.
M: It’s a ……………… picture now.

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