Poem Anthology

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Lester Voughn Ian C.

Jongco November 12, 2020

21st Century Literature 11 Sir Julius Taborete

Poem Anthology

I. Dedication

This poem anthology is dedicated to the New Normal. To my past self, to my future self,
and to me. To my friends, families, and acquaintances that I have been with, to all those
that influenced me greatly, to those that made me to who I am.

II. Table of Contents

Looking Back, Looking Forward.

Unending Change


III. Poems

Looking Back, Looking Forward.

I look back at the past, wondering how it would have been, how it would have been
now, if it weren’t today. Days of the past now seemingly different now, situations differed
over course of time, over the course of situations. Now as I sit here, in my room,
thinking of the time how I would spend my days by going outside, now cooped up in my
house, getting little to none physical contact outside of my home. This rampant decease
that continued for months have affected us all, and changed us in every way. How did it
get to this point? Should we have done something differently?
And yet by asking, pondering what we could’ve done ago, it was no use to cry over
spilled milk. It has been done, and we can only strive forward by facing the present.
What we haven’t done earlier can still be done today, while we still have the chance. We
can still aim to surpass this troublesome situation, and live through it all. And by the time
we’ve broken through this pandemic, I hope that we can meet again with smiles on our

Unending Change

Flying past my memories, filled with adventure and delight,

Now here wandering in my thoughts in a daze.

Bright filled days, and free like a kite.

Got swallowed by endless days that seemed like boring Sundays.

Don’t misunderstand, I am not saddened.

Just reminding those days before my life turns anew.

What would we turn into, my closest friend?

How much would we change again, turn into?

As my feelings were mixed, nostalgia, sadness, and nothingness

Still we could not do anything to the time that kept ongoing

With our way of living that turned new to the illness

The clock won’t stop for us, so keep on growing

As we go through our day with our new ways

Our old living stays and decays

Now I can’t imagine how life would’ve been
Every day if it weren’t at the present.
Wondering how the ordinary today
Now the ordinary of yesterday
Or how winter’s usual weather turned into spring’s dawn nature.
Reminiscing past days, and accepting new ways,
Many have changed,
And the same goes to you as well.
Later on, what was common today, won’t be common tomorrow.

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