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UCM202 Assessment Requirement August 2022


1. Group Assignment:
Critical Essay Writing
Weightage: (20%)
CLO: 1,2,3
Due Date: (27 September 2022, Tuesday before 5pm)

Students will work in pairs (or group up to 3 people) and write a critical essay not more than
2000 words essay on any ONE (1) of the following topics. This is a mass communication course
so it is important that your discussion of the topic is written from a mass communication

1. Evaluate the stages in the development of communication landscapes and the impact on
modern day society. (CLO1)

2. Mass media play imperative roles to educate, inform and create an awareness among the
society. Discuss with appropriate examples the functions of mass media in creating
awareness of Malaysian mindset on certain issues (COVID- 19 vaccination, influenza,
environment or social campaign) (CLO1)

3. How does new media development such as mobile phone has changed the ways people
communicate and give impact to the life style of the society? (CLO2)

4. Discuss the structure, ownership and control of the broadcast television industry in
Malaysia with appropriate examples. (CLO3)

Format essay as followed:

 Font 12 Times News Roman
 1.5/2.0 spacing, number of pages and cover page with students’ details.
 Essays must have at least 3 references (journals, books, review articles). Anonymous
sources, Wikipedia, and websites without any identification will not be accepted as
references. Citation must follow Harvard or APA citation style.

Marking Rubric for Essay Assignment

Criteria Superior (54-60 Sufficient (48-53 Minimal (1-47 Unacceptable (0

points) points) points) points)
Depth of Demonstrates an in- Demonstrates a general Demonstrates a Demonstrates a lack

UCM202 Assessment Requirement August 2022

Reflection depth reflection of the reflection of the theories minimal reflection of reflection of the
/Discussion theories, concepts, in and concepts presented of the theories, theories, concepts
the course materials to in the course materials to concepts in the presented in the
(25%) date. Viewpoints and date. Viewpoints and course materials to course materials to
interpretations are interpretations are date. Viewpoints date. Viewpoints and
insightful and well supported. Appropriate and interpretations interpretations are
supported. Clear, examples are provided, are unsupported or missing,
detailed examples are as applicable. supported with inappropriate, and/or
provided, as applicable. flawed arguments. unsupported.
Examples, when Examples, when
applicable, are not applicable, are not
provided or are provided.
irrelevant to the
Topic focus The topic is focused The topic is focused but The topic is too The topic is not
(10%) narrowly enough for lacks direction. The broad for the scope clearly defined.
the scope of this paper is about a specific of this assignment.
assignment. A thesis topic but the writer has
statement provides not established a
direction for the paper, position.
either by statement of a
position or hypothesis.
Structure Writing is clear, Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear Writing is unclear
concise, and well concise, and well and/or disorganized. and disorganized.
(25%) organized with organized with good Thoughts are not Thoughts ramble and
excellent sentence/paragraph expressed in a make little sense.
sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts logical manner. There are numerous
construction. Thoughts are expressed in a There are more than spelling, grammar, or
are expressed in a coherent and logical five spelling, syntax errors
coherent and logical manner. There are no grammar, or syntax throughout the
manner. There are no more than five spelling, errors per page of response.
more than three grammar, or syntax writing.
spelling, grammar, or errors per page of
syntax errors per page writing.
of writing.
Evidence and Response shows strong Response shows Response shows Response shows no
Application evidence of synthesis evidence of synthesis of little evidence of evidence of synthesis
of synthesis of ideas presented and ideas presented and synthesis of ideas of ideas presented
of theories insights gained insights gained presented and and insights gained
throughout the entire throughout the entire insights gained throughout the entire
(25%) course. The course. The implications throughout the course. No
implications of these of these insights for the entire course. Few implications for the
insights for the respondent's overall implications of respondent's overall
respondent's overall teaching practice are these insights for teaching practice are
teaching practice are presented, as applicable. the respondent's presented, as
thoroughly detailed, as overall teaching applicable.
applicable. practice are
presented, as
References More than 5 current 4 current sources, of Fewer than 5 Fewer than 5 current
(15%) sources, of which at which at least 2 are peer- current sources, or sources, or fewer
least 3 are peer-review review journal articles or fewer than 2 of 5 than 2 of 5 are peer-
journal articles or scholarly books.  All are peer-reviewed reviewed journal
scholarly books. All web sites utilized are journal articles or articles or scholarly
web sites utilized are authoritative. scholarly books. All books. Not all web

UCM202 Assessment Requirement August 2022

authoritative. web sites utilized sites utilized are

are credible. credible, and/or
sources are not

2. Group Presentation: Media and Communication Webinar

Weightage: 30% (all tasks)

Due Date: Week 10 – Week 15

For this assignment, you are required to do the following:

Assignment Brief and guideline:

Your team must consist of maximum 8 students are required to plan and organize “Media and
Communication Webinar Series”. The webinar series must be implemented starting week 10. Your
webinar should have targeted to students and working adults around Malaysia. There are several task
that your team need to fulfill as below:

Task 1: Proposal of Media and Communication Webinar:

Weightage: 5%

Due date: 11 October 2022 (Week 9)

You are to prepare a written proposal for the webinar and thereafter you are invited to present your
proposal during tutorial in Week 9 (11/10/22). In your proposal you may include below details:

a. Webinar title
b. Objective and purpose of webinar
c. Target audiences
d. Panels or speakers
e. Mode of delivery
f. Agenda/programmes
g. Date/duration of webinar
h. Publicity/Promotion
i. Other relevant information

Topics/issue to be considered for the webinars:

1. Discuss the effects of social media in journalism and how does it changes the nature of
journalism in the 21st Century journalism. (CLO3)
2. Nowadays the internet has become a democratization tool to promote democracy. Do you
agree with the statement? Provide answers with relevant examples and solid arguments
3. Discuss the impact of advertising targeted at children and what special consideration the
advertisers should apply to be ethical. (CLO2)

UCM202 Assessment Requirement August 2022

4. Discuss the challenges of PR practitioners manage communication during crisis during

digitalization era. (CLO3)
5. Critically explain how the digital revolution may change the underlying structure of the
printing industry (magazines, books, newspapers). Recommend how these industries should
do to survive in the market. (CLO2)
6. The impact of social media on young generation can leads to many social crimes such as
cyberbullying, depression and social comparison. Analyze this statement with relevant
examples and solid arguments. (CLO3)
7. Other relevant topic proposed and approved by the lecturer.

Format proposal as below:

 Font 12 Times News Roman
 1.5/2.0 spacing, number of pages and cover page with students’ details.
 Not exceed 1500 words
 MUST attached with peer evaluation form and marking rubric at the end of the proposal

Task 2: Execution of webinar (15%)

1. Each group (not more than 8 in a group) is expected and responsible to plan and organize
a webinar on the above selection of topics. All team members must accountability to
contribute in the webinar.
2. The duration of webinar MUST not exceed than 2 hours.
3. Engaging external parties (political bodies, NGOs, government or corporate personnel,
academician, media player, advertiser, etc) are highly encouraged.
4. Webinar dates can be changed in advance, provided you have agreed with another peer
group to swap your webinar dates.
5. Select a few moderators during the webinar. The moderator is vital to ensure the
transition of webinar goes well and follow the schedule.
6. I will NOT accept late work. I will not accept excuses. Expect computers and software to
fail. Plan accordingly. Begin when the assignment is given. Plan for disasters. Scheduling
problems are something all of us in the digital media world deal with on a daily basis. You
will be no exception.
7. You need to ensure that your planned webinar is successful, smooth and achieved your
8. Mode of delivery can be varying platforms depending on the team (Teams, Zoom, Skype).
The team need to share the link to all the audiences prior to the webinar series.
9. Teams MUST record the webinar and submit the video to the lecturer after the webinar
completed. Please share the recorded video using Google drive and send to
10. Team MUST submit the peer evaluation form for the webinar series project.

UCM202 Assessment Requirement August 2022

Marking Rubric for the execution of webinar

Component Sophisticated Competent Not Yet Complete

Teamwork The team worked well The team worked well together most The team did not collaborate or
( 20 Points) together to achieve of the time, with only a few communication well. Some
objectives. Each member occurrences of communication members would work
contributed in a valuable way breakdown or failure to independently, without regard to
to the project. All data collaborate when necessary. objectives or priorities. A lack of
sources indicated a high level Members respect and regard was
of mutual respect and were mostly respectful of each other. frequently noted.
Contribution The demonstration offered The demonstration offered some new The demonstration was not
( 30 Points) new information or approach information or approach about the complete and offered no new
about the application. The application. The demonstration also information or approach about
demonstration also showed showed initial effort was made in the application. The
strong effort was made in building excitement about the demonstration also showed that
breaking new ground and application. little effort was made in building
building excitement about the excitement about the
application. application.
Content and The demonstration was The demonstration techniques used The demonstration failed to
Creativity imaginative and effective were effective in conveying main capture the interest of the
in conveying ideas to the ideas, but a bit unimaginative. audience and/or is confusing in
(30 Points)
audience. what was communicated.

Successful Indicator of successful  Achieved 50 audiences  Below 40 audiences

and quality and quality: attended in the webinar attended in the webinar
of webinar  Up to 70 audiences  Involve external or internal  Involve internal speaker
attended in the speaker  less participation and
(20 points)
webinar  Moderate participation and Interaction in Q&A
 Involve external Interaction in Q&A session session
speaker  Smooth delivery and  Not really smooth
 High participation in organized delivery and organized
Interaction and Q&A  average moderator and  Incompetent moderator
session management and management
 Smooth delivery
and organized
 Good moderator
and management

Task 3: Presentation on the outcomes of the webinar

Weightage: (10%)
Due date: 15 November 2022 (Tuesday)

a. Team must present the outcomes of the webinar. Discuss the challenges and limitation
of webinar for future consideration
b. Each team members must take part in any of the task, as such teams MUST fairly
distribute and segregate the task accordingly to all team members.

UCM202 Assessment Requirement August 2022

c. Presentation of the outcomes can cover issue as follow:

d. Challenges
e. Limitation
f. Feedback from the audiences (survey)
g. Outcomes of the executions
h. Teams member contribution
i. Lesson learnt through the organizing the webinar

Marking rubric for the final presentation

Component Sophisticated Competent Not Yet Complete

Content and The presentation contained an The presentation contained material The audience had to make
Creativity abundance of material which to support the main topic/theme, but: considerable effort to
(40 Points) clearly related to the main 1) not all material clearly related to understand the underlying
topic/theme. External the main arguments; 2) limited logical and flow of ideas. Major
research was used to justify external aspects of the analysis or
arguments or solutions. The research was used to justify recommendations were absent.
presentation of the material arguments or solutions; No external research was used
was original and presented in and/or 3) the presentation of to justify arguments or
a creative way that held the material was appropriate, but solutions. The presentation
audience attention. only somewhat held audience lacked
Knowledge and values that attention. Knowledge and values creativity and did not hold
clearly presented and learnt partially presented from the audience attention.
from the webinar. webinar. Knowledge and values
were not/less presented
from the webinar.
Coherence The thesis, argument and The thesis, argument and solution The thesis, argument, solution
and solution were clearly stated were clearly stated, but: 1) not all and examples were not clearly
Organization and examples were examples were supportive stated. The conclusion was
appropriate. The transitions illustrations; 2) the transitions unclear. The transitions and flow
(30 Points)
and flow were easy to follow. and /or flow were some what were not logical. Slides
Slides were error- free and difficult to follow; and/or 3) slides were contained errors and a lack of
logically presented. error-free and logically presented. logical progression.

Speaking Team members were Team members were mostly audible Team members were often
Skills and poised and/or fluent on the topic, but:1) not inaudible and/or hesitant
and had clear articulation. all team members spoke and/or and relied heavily on notes.
Participation participated in a high and balanced Speakers made distracting
Every team member spoke
(30 Points) level; 2) speakers demonstrated fair gestures with little or no
and participated at a very
high and balanced level. volume and/or eye contact was audience eye contact.
Speakers demonstrated broken with audience; 3) light A high level of discomfort
good volume, and eye discomfort with public speaking was with public speaking was
contact. Enthusiasm and exuded; and/or 4) the presentation exuded. The presentation went
confidence was exuded. slightly went over the10 over the 10 minute allotment.
The presentation fit into the minute allotment.
time allotment of 10

3. Midterm Test

Weightage: 10%

CLO: 1,2

UCM202 Assessment Requirement August 2022

Due date: 4 October 2022 (Tuesday)

Students will be having a midterm test through Google form. The link of the test will be shared
to the students during class time (WhatsApp). There will be approximately 50 MCQ to answer
within 1 hour. Topic covered will be informed by the lecturer.

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