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Rodolfo N. Pelaez Campus Carmen

Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000

Name/s: Balacuit, Britney Jane

Daligdig, Nina Lyn Marie
Ellis, Kimberly Gwynn.

Subject: Research in Special Needs and Inclusive Education

WORKSHEET 2- Action Research in Education

Direction: Given here are questions posted related to your chosen research Journal article in
education. ( It must be taken from a PDF Journal of 2010 to date ).Carefully read a Research
Article of your interest. .
1. Instructional Action research is important for it has provided concrete advice to teachers
about how to conduct classroom- based research. The research results are used for school
improvement. On the basis of your research readings, answer the following:

a. What is the title of the research?

Instructional Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra to a Diverse Group of
Indicate the corresponding author/s and the name and year of publication: Robert
Ojeda, May 2010

b. Give the research Abstract.

Planning effective instruction for a classroom full of learners demands that the
educator know what works and more importantly what works better for the group of
people residing in the educator's classroom today. This action research study tested the
efficacy of using the full complement of assessments included in the curriculum adoption
at the researchers school and that of guided note taking. Each strategy was implemented
in its own separate unit of a pre-algebra class. The researcher used student growth, which
was determined by the difference observed between a student's pre-test percentage score
and their final unit test percentage score, as the metric by which to evaluate each
strategy's efficacy. Measurable growth was observed with both strategies. The All
Assessments strategy showed greater and more consistent growth among learners than
that which was observed during the Notes strategy. These findings indicate that more
research is needed on the effectiveness of using assessments for learning and a need for
further study to evaluate the efficacy of guided note taking. Findings in this study should
be considered as illuminating but not conclusive as the sample used is not generalizable.

c. State the research objectives.

● sought to locate and evaluate instructional strategies for use in teaching pre-
algebra to a specific group of seventh grade students.
● to improve the effectiveness of instruction as determined by measurable student
growth observed during a series of instructional units.

d. The type of research methods and the instruments used. Describe.

The Researcher used the Statistical method as a research method in the study to
compare growth in scores from the pretest to the final test. A mean of this set of
differences was calculated for each strategy as was the standard deviation for each.
The justification for comparing the two strategies in this manner was that this
measure quantified the growth students made during each strategy and provided a
clear picture of how consistently this growth was seen over the population (as shown
by the standard deviation.
At this point instruction continued on a case by case basis as the need presented
itself. This was determined through teacher observation or through the direct request
of students.

e. The type of research ( Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed )

Mixed methods

f. Indicate the variables ( Independent and Dependent ) or parameters of the research.

Independent Variable- Instructional Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra

Dependent Variable- Diverse Group of Learner

g. State the given Hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: Different strategies and assessment will determine any

changes in student performance as related to each lesson area.
Alternative Hypothesis: Different strategies and assessment will not
determine any changes in student performance as related to each lesson area.

h. The statistical method of data analysis employed.

This action research study evaluated the specific effectiveness of

several strategies as used by researchers in the classroom and determined by
measurable student growth observed during a series of instructional units. The
research also used the performances of the students year 2009, California
Standards Test for Math as the study sample of students. The researcher used 2
strategies to compare which is more effective in the group of students. Data used to
evaluate the instruction strategies was collected through formative assessment,
observation and summative assessment. The researcher chose to compare growth
in scores from the pretest to the final test. A mean of this set of differences was
calculated for each strategy as was the standard deviation for each. For justification
for comparing the two strategies, the researcher used graphs to see the difference
and the performance of the students in quizzes and compare the efficacy of different

i. Describe the results and conclusions of the study.

At the end of the study, the researcher came up with a conclusion that note
taking during class discussion plays a big part in a student's learning. It highly
encourages students to do note taking during and after instruction to expand
knowledge about the lesson. The study also gave emphasis on how important
immediate feedback and formal assessment is. In such a way, students will be able
to assess their strengths and weaknesses which lead them to determine what went
wrong and what went good in their output.

j. Your own insights of the research article.

The research ‘Instructional Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra to a Diverse
Group of Learners, is an interesting and helpful study for the teachers. In today’s
classroom where we embrace ‘no child left behind’ and ‘education for all’ where
teachers are dealing with diverse students. It gives the teachers an idea on what
are the strategies they can use in teaching the lesson. The study also gives the
students an idea on how they can improve their academic performance in note
taking which makes it valuable because it is not only beneficial to teachers but it
is also beneficial to the students.

Andrea G. Azuelo,PhD
October 2021

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