Surface Chemistry - 5359493 (1644335237664)

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1) Write any three differences between Physisorption and 6) Write steps involved in enzyme catalysed 10) What is Tyndal effect?
chemisorptions. reactions. Ans: Scattering of light by colloidal particles in colloidal sol
Ans: Step-1: Enzyme combines with substrate to form is called as Tyndal effect.
Physical adsorption Chemical adsorption enzyme-substrate complex.
1) It involves van der 1. It involves chemical
Waals’ forces. bond formation. E + S ⎯⎯ → ES* 11) What is Brownian movement? What is the cause for it?
Step-2: Decomposition of the enzyme-substrate Ans: Zig-Zag motion of colloidal particles in colloidal sol is
2. It is not specific 2. It is highly specific
complex to form product. called as Brownian movement.
3. It is reversible 3. It is irreversible
Reason or cause; Due to collision of colloidal particles with
4. Enthalpy of 4. Enthalpy of adsorption is ES* ⎯⎯
→ E+P dispersion medium
adsorption is low high
5. Adsorption favoured 5. Adsorption is favoured 7) Write any three differences between lyophilic and 12) What is Electrophoresis? Write one application of it.
at low temperature at high temperature. lyophobic sols. Ans: The movement of colloidal particles towards
6. Multilayer adsorption 6. Monolayer adsorption
oppositely charged electrodes under an applied electric
Lyophilic (Hydrophilic) Lyophobic (Hydrophobic)
field is called electrophoresis.
2) Write mathematical form Freundlich adsorption 1) More stable 1) Less stable
Electrophoresis is used for the determination of charge on
isotherm. 2) Hydration take place 2) Hydration does not take
place the colloidal particles.
x 1
Ans: Mathematical form; 3) Cannot be easily
= K p n (where, n > 1) 3) Easily coagulated
m coagulated 13) What is coagulation? Write any two methods of
4) Reversible in nature 4) Irreversible in nature coagulation.
3) What is homogeneous catalysis? Give an example. 5) Stabilising agents not 5) Stabilising agents Ans: The process of settling of colloidal particles is
Ans: The catalysis in which the reactants and the needed needed called coagulation or precipitation of the sol.
catalyst are in the same phase is called as Methods: (i) Electrophoresis (ii) Boiling (iii) Addition of an
8) Explain electrical disintegration or Brdig’s electric electrolyte (iv) adding oppositely charged sols
homogeneous catalysis. arc method of preparation of metal sols.
Ex: 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) ⎯⎯⎯ → 2SO3(g)
Ans; Au sol or Ag sol or Pt sol can be prepared in this 14) State Hardy-Schulze rule
Or acid catalysed hydrolysis of methyl acetate or method. Ans: The greater the charge on the coagulating ion, the
acid catalysed hydrolysis of sugar In this method, electric arc is struck between greater is its coagulating power
electrodes of the metal like gold or platinum
4) What is heterogeneous catalysis? Give an example. immersed in the dispersion medium. The intense heat NOTE: In the coagulation of a negative sol, the flocculating
produced vaporises the metal, which then condenses power is in the order: Al3+>Ba2+>Na+
Ans: The catalytic process in which the reactants and
to form particles of colloidal size. Similarly, in the coagulation of a positive sol, the
the catalyst are in different phases is known as
heterogeneous catalysis. flocculating power is in the order: PO43– > SO42– > Cl–
Ex: Oxidation of sulphur dioxide into sulphur trioxide in
15) What is an emulsion? Give an example.
the presence of Pt. or
Ans: Colloidal system in which both dispersed phase and
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⎯⎯⎯
→ 2NH3(g) or dispersion medium are liquids is called as an emulsion.
Hydrogenation of vegetable oils in the presence (i) Oil dispersed in water (O/W type) ex; milk and vanishing
of nickel as catalyst. cream
9) What is peptization? Give an example (ii) Water dispersed in oil (W/O type) ex; Butter and cream
5) What is shape selective catalysis? Give an Ans: Peptization may be defined as the process of
example. converting a freshly prepared precipitate into 16) What is the sign of enthalpy and entropy change for
Ans: The catalytic reaction that depends upon the colloidal sol in the presence of suitable electrolyte. adsorption?
pore structure of the catalyst and the size of the Ex: Conversion of Fe(OH)3 ppt into colloid by FeCl3 as Ans: Enthalpy change is negative or H = −ve
reactant and product molecules is called shape- electrolyte. Or Entropy change is negative or S = −ve
selective catalysis. Conversion of AgI ppt into colloid by KI as
Ex; Zeolites or ZSM-5 electrolyte

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