BPE12806 Case Study Bioethanol Group 29

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Group number 29

Group members
Registration nr. Name Surname
1011072 Levi Kusters
1010547 Victor Pieternella
1000391 Geert Schalk
Assignment 1 b

Assignment 8
Step 1  Molecule  weight (g/mol)  Final weight (kg)  Moles (kilomoles) 
C5H8O4 (*3) 132.1 250 1.89
H2O (*3) 18.02 34.06 1.89
Step 2  C5H10O5 (*3) 150.1 283.69 1.89
Step 3 C2H5OH (*5) 46.07 145.12 3.15
CO2  (*5) 44.01 138.63 3.15

Atomic weights gram/mol Composition of straw

Hydrogen 1.008 0.25 straw
Carbon 12.011 0.36 cellulose
Oxygen 15.999 Density of bioethanol
790 g/L
Bioethanol produced:
183.6962025316 L bioethanol from 1 mol hemicellulose
142.1406198101 L bioethanol with 5% loss per step
Theoretical yield
14695696.20253 L bioethanol Theoretical

Assignment 9
Practical yield is reduced by 5% per step
11371249.58481 L bioethanol from 80000 ha wheat

Assignment 10
Assignment 2
Step 1  Molecule  weight (g/mol)  Final weight (kg)  Moles (kilomoles) 
C6H10O5  162.1 360 2.22
H2O  18.02 40 2.22
Step 2  C6H12O6  180.2 400.04 2.22
Step 3 C2H5OH (*2)  46.07 204.55 4.44
CO2 (*2)  44.01 195.4 4.44

Atomic weights gram/mol Composition of straw

Hydrogen 1.008 0.25 straw
Carbon 12.011 0.36 cellulose
Oxygen 15.999 Density of ethanol
790 gram/L
Cellulose + water à glucose à ethanol + carbon dioxide 
C6H10O5 + H2O à  C6H12O6 à 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2 

Litres of bioethanol:
258.924050632911 L bioethanol from cellulose

Assignment 3
Yield of one ha wheat plants:
10 ton wheat
4 ton straw

Straw yield of 20000 ha wheat

80000 ton straw

1 ton straw yields 258 L bioethanol

The field yields
20713924.0506329 L bioethanol

Assignment 4
5% loss at each step after separation

5 steps after filtration

16028039.5712025 L bioethanol

Assignment 5
Total volume of fuel
320560791.424051 L petrol mix
Total kilometres bridged with fuel
4808411871.36076 km
One car travels 11000 km in one year
Cars per year that can travel using petrol mix
437128.351941887 cars

Assignment 6
Total numbers of cars in NL on petrol
6400000 cars on petrol
Market share
6.83013049909199 %

Assignment 7 3 C5H8O4 + 3 H2O à 3 C5H10O5  

3 C5H10O5 à 5 C2H5OH + 5 CO2 
Template practical Process Engineering Basics

Unit 1: Pressurised heater and mixer

Case 2a

inputs Wet straw

symbols values units
Fstraw,in  4.35E+04 kg/hour
Fw,in 6.50E+03 kg/hour
Fsteam,in 7.33E+03 kg/hour
h straw,in 28 kJ/kg
h w,in 83.9 kJ/kg
h steam,in 2800.3 kJ/kg
Tstraw,in 20.00 °C
Tw,in 20.00 °C
Tsteam,in 250.00 °C
Pstraw,w,in 1.01E+02 kPa
Psteam,in 4.00E+03 kPa

Change = In - Out + Prod|Cons

Steady state -> Change = 0

Mass solids: dM/dt = Fstraw,in - Fstraw,1 = 0
water: dM/dt = Fw,in + Fsteam,in - Fw,1 = 0
overall: dM/dt = Fw,in + Fsteam,in + Fstraw,in - Fw,1 - Fstraw,1 = 0
Enthalpy solids: dE/dt = Fstraw,in*h straw,in - Fstraw,1*h straw,1 = 0
(Energy) water: dE/dt = Fw,in*h w,in + Fsteam,in*h steam,in - Fw,1*h w,1
overall: dE/dt = Fstraw,in*h straw,in + Fw,in*h w,in + Fsteam,in*h


Q1 80000 tons of straw per year. Processing time per year: 200 days* 8 hours
80000/1600 = 50 tons of straw per hour, which corresponds to 50000 kg pe
Mass fraction:
13% water à Fw= 50000*0,13 = 6500 kg/hour
Fstraw,in à 50000-6500=43500 kg/h
Q2 h straw,in = Cp,straw * (Tstraw,in - Tref) = 1.4 kJ/kg K * (20°C - 0°C ) = 28 kJ
h steam,in = Doran table D.2 = 2800.3 kJ/kg
h w,in = Doran table D.1 = 83.9 kJ/kg
h straw,1 = Cp,straw * (Tstraw,in - Tref) = 1.4 kJ/kg K * (250°C - 0°C ) = 350
h w,1 = Doran table D.2 = 1087.4 kJ/kg
Δh,w = Fw,in * (h w,1 - h w,in) = 6500 kg/hour * (1087.4 kJ/kg - 83.9 kJ/kg)
Δh,straw = Fstraw,in * (h straw,1 - h straw,in) = 43500 kh/hour * (350 kJ/kg
Fsteam,in = (Δh,w + Δh,straw) / h steam,in = (6522750 kJ/hour + 14007000
system properties
symbols values units
T 250 °C
P 4000 kPa
Tref 0 °C

calculations outputs Pressurised straw suspension

Q1 symbols values
Fstraw,in 4.35E+04 kg/hour Fstraw,1 4.35E+04
Fw,in 6.50E+03 kg/hour Fw,1 1.38E+04
Q2 h straw,1 3.50E+02
Δh,w 6.52E+06 kJ/hour h w,1 1.09E+03
Δh,steam -1.26E+07 kJ/hour T1 250.00
Δh,straw 1.40E+07 kJ/hour P1 4000.00
Fsteam,in 7.33E+03 kg/hour

Fstraw,1 = 0
eam,in - Fw,1 = 0
eam,in + Fstraw,in - Fw,1 - Fstraw,1 = 0
straw,in - Fstraw,1*h straw,1 = 0
n + Fsteam,in*h steam,in - Fw,1*h w,1 = 0
straw,in + Fw,in*h w,in + Fsteam,in*h steam,in - Fstraw,1*h straw,1 - Fw,1*h w,1 = 0

ssing time per year: 200 days* 8 hours = 1600 hours a year
hour, which corresponds to 50000 kg per hour.

0 kg/hour
Tref) = 1.4 kJ/kg K * (20°C - 0°C ) = 28 kJ/kg
.3 kJ/kg
Tref) = 1.4 kJ/kg K * (250°C - 0°C ) = 350 kJ/kg
00 kg/hour * (1087.4 kJ/kg - 83.9 kJ/kg) = 6522750 kJ/hour
straw,in) = 43500 kh/hour * (350 kJ/kg - 28 kJ/kg) = 14007000 kJ/hour
eam,in = (6522750 kJ/hour + 14007000 kJ/hour) / 2800.3 kJ/kg
Unit 2: Flash evaporator
Case 2b

ssurised straw suspension inputs Pressurised straw suspension

units symbols values
kg/hour Fstraw,1 4.35E+04
kg/hour Fw,1 1.38E+04
kJ/kg h straw,1 3.50E+02
kJ/kg h w,1 1.09E+03
°C T1 250
kPa P1 4000

Change = In - Out + Prod|Cons

Mass solids:
Enthalpy solids:
(Energy) water:


system properties
symbols values units
T unknown? °C
P 101.325 kPa
Tref 0 °C

ssurised straw suspension calculations


dM/dt = Fstraw,1 - Fstraw,2 = 0 = steady state

dM/dt = Fw,1 - Fw,2 - Fwv,2 = 0
dM/dt = Fw,1 + Fstraw,1 - Fw,2 - Fwv,2 - Fstraw,2 = 0
dE/dt = Fstraw,1*h straw,1 - Fstraw,2*h straw,2 = 0
dE/dt = Fw,1*h w,1 - Fw,2*h w,2 - Fwv,2* hwv,2 = 0
dM/dt = Fw,1*h w,in + Fstraw,1*h straw,1 - Fw,2*h w,2 - Fwv,2*h wv,2 - Fstraw,2*h straw,2 = 0
outputs Straw suspension
symbols values units
Fstraw,2 4.35E+04 kg/h
Fw,2 kg/h
Fwv, 2 kg/h
h straw,2 kJ/kg
h w,2 kJ/kg
h wv,2 kJ/kg
T2 °C

*h straw,2 = 0
Template practical Process Engineering Basics

Unit 4
system properties

product A Fa,3 1000 kg/hr Fb,4
Fb,3 500 kg/hr
ha,3 113.0 kJ/kg Q4(kWh)
hb,3 50 kJ/kg

T3 300 K
P3 100000 Pa

Fc,cold 500 kg/hr

hc,cold 20 kJ/kg

Tcold 285 K
Pcold 100000 Pa


Q1 0
Unit 5
4.186 kJ/kg
273 K
1.4 kJ/kg

calculations outputs
500 kg/hr Fa,4 1000 kg/hr Fa,4
Fb,4 500 kg/hr Fb,4
53022.0 kJ/hr
80.0 kWh/ton ha,4 60 kJ/kg ha,4
hb,4 60 kJ/kg hb,4

T4 290 K T4
P4 100000 Pa P4
system properties
Cpwater 4.186 kJ/kg
Tref 273 K

inputs calculations outputs

1000 kg/hr Fa,5 0
500 kg/hr Fb,5 0

60 kJ/kg ha,5 0
60 kJ/kg hb,5 0

290 K T5 0
100000 Pa P5 0


Symbol Meaning Units

C concentration g/kg mM

Cp heat capacity kJ/(kg*K)

E Energy production/consumption kWh/ton kWh/yr

F Mass flow rate kg/h

φ Volumetric flow rate m3/h

f fraction kg/kg

h specific enthalpy kJ/kg

k0 0-order reaction rate constant 1/h

k1 1st-order reaction rate constant mM/h

MW molecular weight g/mole

n # moles mole

p pressure Pa

Q heat flow kJ/h

r production/consumption rate kg/h mol/h

T temperature K

t time h s

V volume m3

Δhv evaporation heat kJ/kg

Y efficiency kg/kg mol/mol

ρ density kg/L

Yxs Yield biomass substrate kg/kg mol/mol

Yps Yield product substrate kg/kg mol/mol

Subscript Meaning 2nd subscript behind comma

0 initial 1 unit 1

cw cooling water 2 unit 2

cell cellulose in incoming

CO2 CO2 out outgoing

eth ethanol extra extra

ethv ethanol vapour cold cold

gluc glucose

p product

ref reference

rest sum of residual solids that are not used in that unit

s substrate

x biomass

p product

steam steam

straw dry straw = total sum of solid straw components

tot total

w water

wv water vapour

Superscript Meaning

v volumetric, per unit of volume (used with r)

t behind comma Example meaning

Fw,in ingoing flow of water in straw

etc Fw,1 Flow of water in straw leaving unit 1 = Flow of water in straw g

Fw,2 Flow of water in straw leaving unit 2 = Flow of water in straw g

unit 1 = Flow of water in straw going into unit 2

unit 2 = Flow of water in straw going into unit 3

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