1.4 LKPD

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Setelah mempelajari LKPD dan beberapa contoh LKPD (Worksheet) di

luar negeri, pasti Anda mulai terisnpirasi dan tertarik untuk membuat
LKPD yang lebih baik. Mari Anda buktikan dengan mengerjakan tugas

1. Pilihlah salah satu worksheet (LKPD) yang ada dalam website LKPD luar
negeri ini!
2. Berdasarkan inspirasi dari worksheet (LKPD) luar negeri tersebut,
pilihlah satu materi pembelajaran yang akan Anda ajarkan!
3. Buatlah LKPD untuk materi tersebut!

Berdasarkan LKPD pada website LKPD luar negeri, berikut saya menyusun
worksheet of Pronoun
LKPD-1 untuk SMK Kelas X


Name: _____________________________________________________________

A. Topik : Pronoun/ Kata Ganti

B. Materi : -Subject dan Object Pronoun
C. Tujuan : - Siswa mampu menggunakan pronoun yang tepat
- Siswa mampu membedakan penggunaan antara subject dan
objek pronoun
D. Kegiatan:

I or Me?
Me and I are first person pronouns. You use them to talk about

I is used as a subject.
I ate the last banana.

Me is used as an object.
Jack called me. (direct object)
Jack gave me the directions. (indirect object)
Jack made a cake for me. (object of the preposition)

Example: My brother and (I/me) rode our bikes to the baseball field.
Which is correct? I rode my bike or Me rode my bike?
The correct answer is I. Use I for a subject

Subject Pronoun: I, You, He, She, We, They, It
Object Pronoun: Me, You, Him, Her, Us, Them, It

Now, let’s do the following exercise!

A. Complete each sentence with the word I or me. Write the correct
word on the line.
1. Marvin and _______ got new ice skates when we joined the hockey
2. My mother gave _______ money to spend at the book fair.
3. _______ always proofread my work before giving it to my teacher.
4. The teacher asked Alicia and _______ to straighten the bookshelf.
5. My friends and _______ are practicing a skit for social studies class.
6. Collin and _______ take turns feeding the fish in the aquarium.
7. Mrs. Danielson asked Rory and _______ to return the books to the
8. My younger brother likes to go swimming with _______ .
9. After the thunderstorm, _______ helped Dad pick up fallen branches.
10. Please turn in your completed contest entries to Mr. Elliot or _______ .

B. Choose the correct pronoun

1. I am going to introduce (She/her)____ to one of my pen pals in Malaysia
2. (He/his)____ spends the weekend playing guitar
3. (We/Our)_____ plan to visit Thailand next year
4. He told me that he had many e-pals but he no longer keep in touch with
5. (We/It) can climb Bromo Mountain together on July

C. Please make some sentences using correct subject and object


1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________

………….(bila tempat kurang mencukupi, pengerjaan bisa di kertas terpisah).

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