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Phayungsak Sae-lio

Take off phase

Advice traffic on aerodrome frequency once airborne.
After that switch to center frequency.
Toronto center, GXMF airborne RWY 27. Climbing to 2.0 for 3.0
direct to…….

Cruise phase
-Update your current track, Direct>Enter>Enter
-cruise check
4 things you can do it on this leg to reduce your workload
2.MOS code identify (VOR, LOC, NDB)
3.Approach briefing
set frequency, Brief from top to bottom 100NM, MSA, how to do the app, miss app, cold
weather correction (if needed)
4.Load the approach

Approach procedures has 2 major types, controlled and uncontrolled

I. Controlled airport
Usually the center will switch over to the terminal (if existed) and
then tower frequency.
1st Scenarios – You’ll get vector
GXMF fly heading ……
-very simply you can activate the approach immediately
*Don’t turn to FAC if you’re not cleared for the app.
2nd Scenarios – You are cleared to specific intersection
GXMF fly direct to URLOS
Activate the approach - 1 minute before crossing it
(you need to stay on GPS mode to track to that intersection)
*Both scenarios, u need to intercept the FAC before FAF, otherwise go around
Phayungsak Sae-lio

5things you need to ask yourself before conduct an approach

1.Activate the app?
4.VLOC mode (for ILS)
5.Set your course (FAC)

Once you’ve done the miss approach and head back

*you’d have a rough heading from flight planning
Activate the flight plan leg, make sure in GPS mode
*Cruise phase same
II Uncontrolled airport- Approaching procedures
Before you descend, Ask yourself 3 questions
1. Am I cleared out of the controlled airspace?
2.ATIS (reset your altimeter setting, know active runway)
3.MSA (normally 25NM, so you know how much you can go down)
Once you’ve been cleared out of the controlled airspace for the
approach. You can switch over to on route frequency(126.7) to advise
for the traffic. Later switch to the aerodrome frequency to advise for
St Thomas traffic, GXMF is approximately 1 minutes from BOVUT
16NM final for RNAV 27 estimate landing in……….minutes
St Thomas traffic, GXMF is on ODGUT 11 NM final for RNAV 27,
estimate landing in……..minutes
Calculation Formula Rate Estimate landing time
Ground speed =60 kts (single) 1 NM/1 min 12NM=12 min
Ground speed =120 kts (multi) 2 NM/1 min 12 NM=6 min

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