One Planet, How Many People

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An Essay on the “One Planet, How Many People”

Population growth is everybody’s concern. It has its advantages and

disadvantages. Although some may argue that our land mass can still
accommodate double or triple of our present population considering the barren
and undeveloped areas, but such argument does not consider other factors other
than per square inch, hence, flawed.

Increase in population would mean increase in consumption of not only

the basic needs but also the luxuries. Thus, financial, social, and political factors
should be taken into consideration and included in the development planning.

We should also consider the factors affecting the cost of energy, waste
management, changing climate conditions, and availability of safe drinking water.
Of course, we also have to consider urban planning and housing, but it is just
secondary to the above major considerations.

With this at hand, we should develop unique approaches or strategies

combined with sustainable technologies with the goal in mind about sustainable
resources that can provide the growing population. Geopolitical relationship
would play a role in the utilization and maximization of natural resource to
mitigate the impact of energy cost due to its increasing demand as the population
grows. Sharing of these resources will minimize the cost of production and will
create a sustainable growth all throughout the neighboring countries. However,
this poses a great challenge and a potential threat. The volatile foreign policies
and defense relationships can cause countries to secure their own and be
restrictive in the concept of sharing of natural resources especially in boundaries
or areas where similar claims are being raised. In such a scenario, there will be rift
among countries and the threat of a possible conflict will be imminent. Scarcity of
resources is a worse motivation for territorial sovereignty as greed will push
territorial dominance under the guise of defense and security.

In the long run, this is not good for our planet. As some scientist would
suggests that the earth will be able to sustain life sooner than what was originally
predicted which is around 7.5 billion years. One of its major contributors is that
there are too many people in the planet that resources are scarce. Expectedly,
demand will increase and as a result, people will look for other sources and would
resort to ways that could destroy the earth in the process. This is not to mention
that in doing so, there will be an increase in the use of energy over and above the
already increased use brought about by having too many people.

Worthy to note that the concern on whether there are too many people in
the planet will depend on what factors to consider. Nonetheless, people should
start looking for alternative and reusable energy which is not dependent on oil.
Environmentally friendly alternative is a priority to preserve nature. Finally,
population control is not the only feasible solution but also on how we effectively
and efficiently use our available resources. More pressing is the concern on the
equal distribution of these resources. More is being used by the few which the
many is bound to suffer.

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