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UNIT 1: Language Test retake

Task 1 Task 4
Write the -ing form of the verbs. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 bake … 16 My brother video games with his friends

2 fish …
after school and he usually wins!
3 paint …
4 sing … A reads B collects C plays
17 I love and I often go into the garden with
Task 2 my pencil and do pictures of the trees.
Complete the sentences with the nouns from
A dancing B drawing C collecting
Task 1.
18 My best friend is brilliant dancing.
5 I love … with my friends. We sometimes
A on B for C at
put our music on our school website.
6 Gary goes … on Sunday with his dad. They 19 Do you like in a tent?
sit in a boat all day. A baking B singing C camping
7 My sister loves … . This is her cake! 20 My sister in a group at school.
8 Jacky’s hobby is …. . Here’s a picture of her
dog. It’s amazing! A fishes B sings C listens
___/4 21 I don’t enjoy watching on TV.
A cartoons B comics C cards
Task 3
Match the sentence beginnings (9–15) with the 22 I sometimes videos.
endings (A–G).
A go B watch C listen
9 I usually listen 23 I don’t often comics.
10 My friend Ewan loves music and plays
A watch B look C read
11 My sister often goes on
12 My younger brother loves watching 24 I play a lot of in my free time.
13 I like films and usually go
A video games B football C guitar
14 My dad and I sometimes play
15 My main hobby is collecting 25 I’m not good singing.
A with B on C at
A the guitar in a group with his friends.
B cards when we’re bored on holiday. ___/10
C comics from the USA.
D a sleepover at her friend’s house.
E cartoons on TV.
F to the radio in the car.
G to the cinema with my friend on Saturdays.

Task 1

Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
26 I ….. ….. (not / want) to go to the cinema today. I’m really tired.
27 …….... (you / go) on sleepovers very often?
28 Our teacher ….. (speak) lots of different languages.
29 Eva ….. ….. (not / do) her homework in the evenings.
30 My friends often ….. (watch) videos after lessons at school.
31 Katy ….. ….. (not / like) listening to pop music.
32 How often …….... (your mum / go) shopping?
33 ….. ….. (your brother / win?) win prizes for his paintings?
34 We ….. ….. (not / play) football on Fridays.
35 ………. (you / want) to play cards?

Task 2

Complete each sentence with much or many.

36 There aren’t .. people in the cinema today – about ten or twenty.
37 How .. money have you got? Maybe we can go shopping!
38 I’m sorry, but I haven’t got .. free time this week.
39 How .. books have you got in this bag? It’s very heavy!
40 We don’t have .. homework tonight. Only one exercise!

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