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Fluid Mechanics in Porous Media


Theory (closed answers)

1) From the following list select the true sentence(s) characterized by strong non-linearities (numerical
solution necessary)

o Single phase, incompressible fluid, 1D geometry, transient flow

o Single phase, very compressible fluid, 3D geometry, transient flow
o Single phase, incompressible fluid, 1D geometry, transient flow
o Single phase, incompressible fluid, radial geometry, transient flow
o Multiphase, incompressible fluid, radial geometry, transient flow

One more answer is missing …

2) Consider a “constant pore volume” gas reservoir; select the correct drive mechanism and the
corresponding expected final recovery factor.

o Water drive – RF = 0,45 – 0,48 (-)

o Depletion drive – RF = 0,05 – 0,1 (-)
o Dissolved gas drive – RF = 0,15 – 0,20 (-)
o Depletion drive – RF = 0,8 – 0,9 (-)
o Depletion drive – RF = 0,5 – 0,6 (-)
o Gas cap drive – RF = 0,5 – 0,6

3) Which of the following sentences is correct?

o Actual gases approach perfect gases behavior at low temperatures and low pressures
o Actual gases approach perfect gases behavior at high temperatures and low pressures
o Actual gases approach perfect gases behavior at high temperatures and high pressures

4) The following system is

Kx=100 mD Kx=50 mD
Kz=200 mD Kz=100 mD

o Homogeneous and isotropic

o Heterogeneous and isotropic
o Homogeneous and anisotropic
o Heterogeneous and anisotropic

5) Constant composition expansion (CCE) experiment is used to determine

o Bubble point pressure, undersaturated oil density, isothermal oil compressibility

o Oil formation volume factor, saturated oil density, isothermal oil compressibility
o Solution gas oil ratio, undersaturated oil density, formation volume factor
6) Gas formation volume factor range (order of magnitude) and units

o 0,002 m3/sm3 – 0,05 m3/sm3

o 0,002 MPa-1 – 0,05 MPa-1
o 1 bbl/stbbl – 1,7 bbl/stbbl
o 0,2 m3/sm3 – 1,05 m3/sm3
o 0,002 cP – 0,05 cP

7) From the following list select the rock types that could not be representative of a reservoir

o Sand
o Clay
o Limestone
o Anhydrite
o Salt
o Dolomite

8) Solution oil gas ratio Rs (definition and graph)

9) Solution of diffusivity equation steady state flow

Diffusivity equation

Initial and boundary conditions

Analytical solution
10) Klinkenberg effect (graph)

11) Relative permeability curves for oil-water system

12) Considering the following phase diagram for multi component system, fill the table associating to
each area (A, B, C, D, E) the corresponding fluid

1) The following data are representation of a laboratory test performed on a rock sample by using gas
(0,0018 cP of viscosity)

 Core geometry
 Outlet flow rate 4,5 cm3/s
 Inlet pressure 1266656 Pa
 Outlet pressure 1 atm

Fill the following boxes by

1) Providing the proof to obtain the Darcy equation for gases
2) Calculating the core permeability


2) The system represented in the figure schematizes a reservoir volume divided in four zones. The
zones have the same area and are characterized by the following permeability values
K1= 100 mD, K2= 60 mD, k3= 70 mD, k4= 50 mD
Calculate formation permeability for showed flow direction

3) The following data characterize the a reservoir rock sample

 Sample volume 130 cm3
 Effective porosity 18%
 Dry sample weight 261,1 g
 Rock density 2,65 g/cm3
Calculate no-interconnected void space and total porosity
4) Calculate (in oilfield units) the volume occupied by 5 lb of propane (C3H8) at 145 F and 1068

5) The following RFT profiles were measured in the same production well in 1995 and in 1999
respectively. Fill the plot with the missing information and provide a qualitative interpretation

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