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Types of Essays and Their Structure Monday, 11 April2022 10:22am Descriptive Essays (Pretend that you are a Painter of a Picture) As the name implies, descriptive essays are write-ups that tell about a person, activity, place or a group of people. It is used mainly in writing biographies of people. Examples Terrorism in Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Lahore Quaid-e-Azam 1. Early life 2. Basic & higher education 3. As Muslim leader 4. Creation of Pakistan and death Quaid-e-Azam 1. Quaid as leader 2. Quaid as Lawyer 3. Quaid as Governor General of Pakistan Narrative Essays (Imagine you are a storyteller) This type of essay is commonly used when writing reports of events that occurred. It gives detail about an activity that has happened. Whenever you read a narrative essay, you could even feel like you were present at the scene of the event. Hence, narrative essays are usually written by eyewitnesses to an event. It is called an “eye witness’ statement”. This is commonly used in the court of law, and is sometimes required by police departments. To write a narrative essay, you will need to take note of the following: Time of the event. People present at the scene. The sequence of events. Other things like objects present at the scene, words used that you can remember, etc will be included in your essay. PYUNr Examples Vote of no confidence and the orders of Supreme court Expository Essays (Merely state the facts) Expository essays are common at the college level, and they are primarily research papers. You accumulate facts and information and then successfully organize them in a manner that is logical, so that you can demonstrate your findings to your readers. You commence with an idea and then effectively present the research findings and data, following which you draw a conclusion on the basis of your findings. It is vital to note that your personal opinions, feelings, and thoughts should not be a part of this type of essay. Sample Topics: The reasons for increase in cases of depression in the U.S. How do smartphones affect children? Argumentative Essays (Convincing the reader that you are spot on) Several students find the concept of writing argumentative essays appealing, though it can be quite an arduous task. Argumentative essays give you the ability to write your own exclusive opinions and thoughts and then find relevant evidence to back your argument. The real challenge lies in coming up with the right evidence and effectively learning how to defend your viewpoint. The best argumentative essays focus on just one aspect of a debate. For a detailed explanation on how to write an argumentative essay, visit here. Sample Topics: Is animal testing essential? Can online dating serve as a replacement of meeting an individual in real life?

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