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TAMAYO, Julia Francine P. PED 9-18



1. Why is there “One UP” (One University of the Philippines) now in the
- As the only national university in the country, The University of the
Philippines (UP) Systems takes pride in being a pioneer in higher
education through academic excellence, Outstanding research, public
service and modernized facilities.

2. Why is there a need for a globalized higher education?

- Globalization is the process by which individuals and organizations from
different parts of the world become more connected to one another
and to one another's cultures, governments, and economies. To
conduct business globally, one needs to have the freedom to move
about and communicate with people effortlessly. So basically due to
the need in business and industry to employ people who can work with
people from different nations and cultures and, if necessary, travel
independently internationally to promote their business or industry,
globalization is an important concept for students in higher education
to understand and appreciate. Additionally, there are other global
issues that require interdisciplinary teams to address, including, for
example, ensuring that everyone on the planet has access to clean
water and lowering the cost of clean, renewable energy.

3. Why should I take history, philosophy, psychology or even PE subjects in

- We need to take these subjects in college because it may teach us
how to preserve our physical health. It can also help us learn more
about our ancient history and the writings of many philosophers.

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