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Staff Loan/OD Guarantee

(Revised 2016)
stamp duty at
(To be stamped with proper
the rate applicable in
statewhere executed)

This deed of Guarantee executed at..
. o n this the day
*****'******'******'***************** .years
of. by
Shri/Smt 6Siding
* * * ' ' * *** ***'**'***"
S/o D'o W0 .ssseses*** AND ShrilSmt
******* *******''*****'***'********* ' * * * * * * * * * * *** * t " * * " * ' " **'*** * * * ' ' ' _

aged.. .years S/0 DIo VWIo............

* * * * * * ''*************** * **
* ' *************** *** ****''* **" * * " ' * ' |
' * * * * * ****
* * * * " * * * * * * * * *

****** ******

AND *** *"'

* * ' * * * * * * * ' * * * * * * ***** *
* * * * * * * * '** ''***'
****** *************'"* ***

include his her, or

"Guarantor/s" which expression shall
(hereinafter referred to as the in favour of Bank of
adminlstrators and permitted assigns)
respective heirs, executors, and
under the Banking Companies (Acquisition
India, a body corporate constituted Head Office at Star House, C 5, G
Transfer of Undertaking) Act, 1970 and having its
Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 and a Branch Office -

Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, (hereinafter

. .

amongst others at.. . *

shall include its successors and assigns).
referred to as the "Bank" which expression
be construed as
context so requires, shall mean and
The term "Guarantor/s" wherever the this deed
the number of persons executing
"Guarantor or "Guarantors" depending upon
and be construed
wherever the context so requires shall mean
and masculine gender,
as the feminine.

Slo Dlo
A. At the request of ShriSmt. ********* *********.
.Employee of Bank of India and residing
Wio.....**** ********** referred to as the
d l . . * . ******************** *************"********" and
faith of the assurances
on the strength and
"Borrower) and based the Bank has granted/agreed to grant to the
representations made by him/her, aggregating to
credit facilties RS. *****
Borrower hereinafter referred to as the 'said
. Oly)
facilities at one time or in such
to grant, thee said Credit
B. The Bank had granted/agreed the condition that the
the Bank deems fit, interalia on
such dates, as
Installments or on
facilities together nterest with and all other monies payable
repayment of said Credit the Bank
the Guarantor/s including by authorizing
thereunder, shall be guaranteed by Borrower and/or the Guarantor/s
benefits payable to the
to appropriate the Terminal dues under the said Credit facilities.
as the nominee
towards the repayment of the
of said Credit
agreed to guarantee the repayment also to
C. The Guarantor/s have accordingly monies payable there under and give
and all the
facilties together with interest Terminal benefits, on the terms
of the
to Bank for appropriation
necessary authority
and conditions contained

. In
consideration of Bank, having at the
grant/continue request of the Guarantor/s
Bank may think grant,
from time to time, the said Credit granted/agreed
facilittes for as
ft to the
Borrower, eilther alone, or jointly with as long the
persons, the Guarantor/s any other
irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteeperson
repayment toby the BorTowerhereby
and further the due
undertake pay to the Bank, within 2 days Irevocably and unconditionally guarantee and
money which of demand, all and every sum and sums
are now or shall at any time be
under the said owing by the Borrower to the Bank
Credit facilities, anywhere on
other loans, credits any account whatsoever and under
or advances
Solely or jointly with any other personor oraccommodation made to the Borrówer erther
for any monies
for which the persons or from any such firm as
Borrower may be liable as aforesaid or
whatsoever, together with the surety or in any other way
banking charges the Bank may applicable Interest,
in the course of costs, commissions and other
Borower and all legal and other its business charge
fees and legal costs costs, charges and against the
on full
indemnity expenses
basis) that the Bank may incur (including attorneys
obtaining payment of any such in enforcing or
incidental to this or in monies from the
offered to the Bank, for connection with enforcement ofBorrower or occasioned by or
the same any other security held
2. This
Guarantee shall be a indebtedness or otherwise. by or
of the monies
(actual and
continuing guarantee for the
mentioned in purpose securing the whole
aggregate Principal amountcontingent) under the said Creditclause 1 hereof (subject to the
(Rupees tacilities not exceeding Rs
penalladditional interest, costs(including together with all interest,
indemnity basis), commissions and other between the Advocate and clients on full
the said Credit
facilities, costs, charges and
before or after the date ofthat have accrued or shall accrue dueexpenses, payable under
all the monies the demand. The Guarantor/s shall to the Bank at any time
guaranteed hereunder on daily balance basis orbe liable for interest on
compounded at monthly/.... at such other
dues by the Bank. The Guarantor/s shall berests, till the date of actual realisation ofbasis, the
foxed by the Bank bound by the rate/s of
said Credit facilities interest,
from time to time, for the as
may be
BorTower. The Guarantor/s
further that Bank shall be within itssanctioned to the
rate/s of Interest agree
fix and revise the
me to time, in and the manner of absolute right to
this regard the
respect of all or any the Credit facilities capitalisation of the same, from
Guarantor/s agree that granted to the Borrower and
agreement or in any other writings to the
notwithstanding anything contained in thisin
Interest/manner of capitilisation, shall be contrary, any changelrevision in the rate of
published/displayed for the binding on Guarantor/s also, if the same
website of the Bank OR in general information of public, in a news paper OR on is
the notice board of the the
where the Borrower has Branch office of the Bank
availed the said Credit
charged in the statement of Account/Loan facilities or through entry of from
interes/procedure shall be applicable andAccount
date stated in the said
of the Bomower. The
revised rates
binding on Guarantor/s from the effective
3. The Guarantor/s publication/display.
expressly agree that
any further consent from Guarantor/s Bank and
shall have full
discretionary power, without
liability under this guarantee, to renew all without in any way
or any of the said
affecting Guarantor/s's
hold over, Credit facilities, and to
interchange the drawing
up in whole or in part, from time to powers under the limits/sub limits, renew or
other securities received or to be time, any bills, notes, mortgages, charges, liensgive or
received from the
with any other
person or persons or from any other Borrower, either alone or jointly
name of the Borrower. person persons or
liberty without in any waybearing
Guarantor/s's liability underBank
shall be at
this guarantee to vary
any contract entered into with the Borrower any contract or any term or terms ofaffecting
and/or to release or
any act or omission andlor to enter into discharge and/or
any composition or compound with or to dob
to grant time or
any other indulgence or not sue, either
the Borrower or promise
i persons, liable on any such blls, notes, any person or
or any
person liable as surety, or mortgages, charges, liens, other securities
person or persons otherwise liable tocollaterally
liable for the Borrower, or
the Bank. any other

Bddtion to Bank's
right of general lien or
DE entited by law, Bank similar right to which Bank as
e to Guarantor/s to shall also have the right at any time or times banker may
o te GUarentor/s combine/consolidate
pending ell or
with any one or more of any of the Accounts and
without prio
eer maturity thereof the Bank's Deposns
ne liabilties of the and/or set off the credit balance due tobranch/s either berore
GUBrantor/s Guarantor/s under this Guarantee and Guarantorls against
liabilities to
any one or more of Bank's also
against any
uarentor, without Branches whether as
Guarantor/s for the prejudice to the right of the Bank to borrower or
balance proceed against the
. Bank may hold
all securities,
goods or other properties belonging goods, negotiable instruments, documets of titdle
to Guarantor which are in to
which may at any time hereafter come into
Bank's possession o
quidate any or all of these Bank's possession and Bank
securities, goods, negotiable may also
properties and other instruments, tide to goods or
proceeds thereof towards properties etc. without notice to Guarantor and apply the
and also towardsrepayment
of the liabilities of the
agreement Guarantors' under this
more of Bank's liquidation
branches whether as borrower
of of
any Guarantors' labilities to
or guarantor, without any one or
right of the Bank to proceed prejudice to the
against Guarantor/s for the balance.
6. In the event of
this guarantee
by demand in writing being detemined either by notice by the Guarantor/s, or
account with the Borower
by the Bank it shall be lawful for the Bank to continue the
Guarantorls for the amount due notwithstanding such determination. The liability of the
from the BorTower at the date when
so detemined shall
remain, the guarantee is
the account by or on behalf of notwithstanding any subsequent payment into or Out of
the Borrower.
7. The Guarantor/s agree that a copy of the account/s of
the Borrower
signed by an officer of the Bank, shall becontained
Bank's books of account in

evidence against Guarantor/s of the amount for the time being due to Bankconclusive
from the
BoTower in any action or other
proceeding brought against Guarantor/s upon this
8. The Guarantor/s waive in Bank's
favour all or any of Guarantor/s rights
or the BoTower so far as against Bank
may be necessary to give effect to any of the provisions
this guarantee and the Guarantor/s
agree that the Guarantor/s shall not be entitled to
claim the benefit of any legal of any variation of any contract entered
into by the Borrower with Bank, the
liability in respect of which is guaranteed under
this deed.

9. Whenever the amount due from the Borrower either alone or jointly shal exceed the
limit for which the Guarantor/s's are liable under this
guarantee, the Bank shall be at
liberty to elect which particular accounts or items shall be considered as exclusively
secured by this guarantee and Bank shall be at liberty at any time in case of the
payment by Guarantor/s of any of the moneys hereby guaranteed to place the same to
a suspense account for any period that Bank may think fit and such money shall not
be considered as paid on account of the moneys due to Bank from the Borrower or
any such other person.

10. Should the guarantee cease from any cause to be binding as a continuing security on
Guarantors, Bank may at Bank's sole discretion open a fresh account or accounts
and continue any existing account with the Borrower and no money paid into such
account and subsequently drawn out by the Borrower shall on settlement of any claim
under this guarantee be appropriated towards or have the effect of payment of any
part of the moneys due from the Borrower at the time of this guarantee ceasing to be
so binding as aforesaid.
E n d

4 security
take any under this
hereafter G u a r a n t o r s " liability
taken or or
have not of the insovency
11. The
Borrower in respect bankruptcy
from the in the
or indirectly will not prove
directty Guarantor/s

and the
with Bank.
guarantee in or
winding-up of the Borrower or

the n a m e
change in of the
shall also not be affected by any the Borrower. Release
reconstitution of and/or the co
12. This guarantee or winding up
to sue the Borrower
death or insovency
the co-sureties
Guarantor/s under this

Borrower and/or
also not affect the
obligations of the
Sureties shall
notwithstanding that any
enforceable against or be
This guarantee shall be which it may extend
to herein or to
other securities referred taken against
Guarantor/s on
negotiable or proceedings being
applicable shall at the time of
guarantee be outstanding or in circulation.
the Guarantor/s is surety for the
14. as between Guarantor/s and the Borrower, shall be
Though the the
Guarantor/s andBank, the Guarantor/s
Borrower, yet as between the payment of which is hereby
for all the monies,
deemed to be principal debtor Guarantor/s shall not be discharged nor shall the
guaranteed and accordingly the fact or circumstance or any act, thing
Guarantor/s's liability be affected by any the Guarantor/s's liability would not have
been discharged whatsoever,
or meansif the whereby
Guarantor/s's had been the principal debtor. It is further
their liabilities under
that in the event there are more than one Guarantor/s,
this guarantee shal be joint and several.

15. The Guarantor/s understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the said
facilities to the Borrower, the Bank requires the Guarantors' consent for thee
disclosure/publication by the Bank of, information and data relating to Guarantors' in
respect of ihe obligations assumed/to be assumed, by Guarantors' and defaut,f any.
committed by Guarantor/s
agree and give consent forin discharge
the thereof. Accordingly,
disclosure/publication the Guarantor/s
by the Bank hereby
of all or any such
information and data relating to Guarantor/s, the information or data relating to the
said Credit facilities and the default, if any, committed by Guarantor/s in discharge of
Guarantors' obligations, to Government, RBI, any Bank/FI or authority including the
Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency authorised in this behalf
by Reserve Bank of India or the Bank. The Guarantor/s further confirm and undertake
that the information and data furmished be true and correct and
by Guarantor/s is/shall
further agree that the Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other agency so
authorised may use, process the said information and data disclosed by the Bank in
the manner as deemed fit by them; and may furnish for consideration, the processed
information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to Banks/Financial
Institutions and other credit grantors or registered users. The Guarantor/s further
agree that Bank shall be within its rights to publish the Guarantor/s name and
photographs in newspapers and/or through such other media interalia stating the
default committed by the Guarantor/s.

16. The Guarantor/s is aware that Guarantors' liability is co-extensive with that of the
principal debtor and the Bank shall be within its right to demand the payment and
proceed against the Guarantor/s without exhausting the remedies against the
Borrower If the Guarantor/s refuses to comply with the demand made by the Bank,
despite having sufficient means to make payment of the dues, the Guarantor/s is
aware that the Bank shall be within its right to declare the Guarantor/s as a Wilful
Defaulter and report the same to RBl and/or such other authorities for publication.

17. The Guarantor/s is further aware that Bank may also be required to provide
information regarding the said Credit facilities andlor Guarantors' details to third
parties. pursuant to the provisions of the Right to Information Act or such other similar
Acts. Such disclosure made by the Bank to: third parties shall not be objected to or
challenged by Guarantór/s.
18. The 5
Bank and shall notfurther agree that this
be terminable. guarantee shall be a continuing secufTy to
18. This
guarantee shall be applicable to
Bank from the
Borrower under the thesaidultimate balance that may become
Credit facilities and under due
accommodation granted to the Borrower
tne meantime any otnerin
reduced or nil
or at notwithstanding that such accourt/s may
any time or times have been in credit or may
balance, and until have disclosed
to retaln,
realise or otherwise repayment of such balance the Bank shall be entitiea
dispose off in such manner as Bank may
securities now or hereafter held thimk ft
by Bank and anY
Guarantoris for any such securities or of the withoutthereof any liability to account to
Dalance shall have been paid in full proceeds until the said
to the Bank's satisfaction. And the uftimate
the Guarantor/s will not take any steps to enforce any right or
in meantne
Borrower in respect of any moneys paid by Guarantor/s to Bank claim
against tne
This guarantee shall be additional to any other
Guarantor/s or any other person, that the Bank guarantee for the Borrower, Signea
at any time hold.
Guarantee hereby given is independent and distinctmayfrom any security that
That the
has takenitake in any manner whatsoever and the Guarantor/s shall have notheright5ankto
the benefit of any such security that may be held by the Bank until the entire dues to
the Bank under the said Credit facilities and other
any accommodation to
Borrower have been satisfied in fll. Further that notwithstanding theprovided
Section 140 and 141 of the indian Contract Act
(1872) or any other provisions of
said Act or any other law, the Guarantors' shall not claim to be discharged on account the
of the Bank's failure to take any security for
or losing any security for any reason
whatsoever, including reasons attributable to the Bank's default and negligence and to
operation of law. The Guarantors' specifically waive Guarantors' rights as a surety
available under Section 133, 134, 135 and 139 of the Indian Contract Act or any other
law for the time being in force.

21. The Guarantor/s hereby expressly agree/s that, notwithstanding anything contained
herein or any other writings, an admission or acknowledgement in wrting by the
Borrower or by any person authorised by the Borrower, concerning its obligations
Credit facilities/loan agreements or of the amount of indebtedness of
under the said
the Borower to the Bank shall be binding on and conclusive as against Guarantor/s,
in any court of law or otherwise as if such admission or acknowledgement as
aforesaid has been given or made or executed for by the Borower as Guarantors'
demand under this
agent, the intention being that for all purpose of any claim or
guarantee the Borrower is/are empowered to give such admission, acknowledgement
Borrower shall
andlor consent on Guarantors' behalf and any consent s0 given by the
to have been given by Guarantor/s's and shall bind Guarantoris in all
be deemed
Guarantor/s in writing in this behalf.
respects as if the same has been given by
22. A demand in writing shall be deemed to have been duly given to Guarantor/s by
address registered with the
sending the same by post addressed to Guarantor/s at the
change of residence or death and
Bank and shall be effectual notwithstanding any tobe
such demand shall be deemed
notwithstanding notice thereof to the Bank, and
Guarantor/s as the case may be 24 hours after the posting thereof and
received by
and in proving such service i
shall be sufficient if signed by any officer of the Bank,
the demand was properly
shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing
addressed and posted.
that the Terminal benefits/dues of the
23. The Guarantor/s hereby irrevocably agree
the Bank shall have the
Borrower if being payable to the Guarantor/s for any reason,
Terminal benefits including the
absolute right and authority to appropriate the said
Guarantor/s as the Nominee of the Staff
Gratuity and Provident fund payable to the
To enable Bank to demand the same from the Trustees of the Provident/
to the Bank, the
Gratuity Fund and for the said Trustees to make the said payments
Guarantor/s have also executedlshall execute the Authority in favour of the Trustees



The Guarantor/s hereby Irevocably agree and consent with the Bank that without
prejudice to the other rights and remedles of the Bank, any amounts payable by the
Guarantor/s to the Bank under the sald Credit Feclitles
cOsts, charges and expenses as
together with all nterest,
recoverable from the Guarantor/smentioned
In this Guarantee shal be
payable by and
end also from the Guarantors' properties and assets
Public Money/Demand In terms
* w ACI (BraNch to I in the
name of the local act)/ any Leglslatlon or any other statutory modifcatlon or re
enactment thereof for the time being in force
relating to recoverles thereof. The
Guarantor/s further agree and declare that the Guarantor/s
shall be debarred from
raising any plea as to Jurisdiction or competence of the certificate courtforum in the
certificate proceedings if and when Instituted to reallze the dues under the said credit
tacility from the Guarantorls and the Guarantors'
properties/assets under any
legislation or any other statutory modification or re-enactment
being in force relatng to recoveries thereof. thereof for the time

26. Allstamp duties and other levies on this document shall be bome and
Guarantor/s only. paid by the

26. The contents of the Deed have been read over and translated into
and explained to Guarantor/s and the
thereof and subscribe(s) to these
Guarantor/s have understood the contents
Executed at. .on of.. **** **' *******************

Signature and Name/s


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