How To Draw A Family Tree Revised

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1. Can you indicate the source of each picture?

2. Can you put clear structure of heading 1, heading 2, heading 3

3. The article spend many graphs talking about family relationship, it is the purpose of the
family tree, but we do not have to spend over 1000 words to explain why a good family
relationship is good for kids. Every already know

4. The purpose is to list 10 creative idea for “family tree”, the listed pictures are not creative at

How to draw a family tree

(10 creative images of a family tree)

How much do your kids know about their family? Do they know about their grandmothers,
grandfathers, even their great grandparents?

Tell them interesting family tales, make a family tree together using 10 creative pictures.

Let’s sail into this creative adventure together!

Why should you be drawing a family tree
It gives you a connection to your heritage.
It can help you trace genetics and family health concerns.
It is a good exercise for learning your family history in relation to historical events.
It is a good way to pique your children’s interest so they will want to learn about ancestors and
preserve family stories.
Where are our grandparents?

When we were euphorically creating a family tree for our family, a four-year-old daughter suddenly
asked: "Where is my grandfather and why isn't he here?"

I can't say that I didn't expect something like this sooner or later, but for it to happen in the middle of
this joyful moment, it really was surprising... ,,Actually, my dad passed away when I was 16 years old,
and your dad's dad died when you were only one year old. Are you that grown up already that we are
ready to talk about this?”. After a long dramatic pause, I said: "I would like to go through all these
photos now, find photos with grandpas on them, and then talk about them."
After a long and emotional conversation, I realized that just like adults, it is important for children to
keep memories of important people from their lives, because it is one of the crucial segments of life.

That's why you should save and treasure the pictures with your children, and talk about the events at
which the pictures were taken. Anecdotes or some personal memories of adults about their childhood,
about their grandparents as parents can also be exchanged with them. Children, like adults, should not
be forced to organize their memories. Conversations about grandparents, or about shared experiences,
their thoughts or actions should be implemented into the usual family interactions.

,,You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them’’.- Desmond Tutu

2. It can be fun!

When kids get to around 6 years of age, they start to get interested about family and they always have
dozens of questions about the topic. They want to know who and what is an uncle, an aunt, a great
grandparent and further.
Children need to feel like a part of the family as it greatly benefits their social and emotional
development. Knowing that they are a part of that tree gives them a sense of comfort and security, plus
it brings a feeling of excitement that you can add to.

The family tree represents an unbreakable bond that connects us to our ancestors. Creating a family
tree not only makes for an interesting process but it also has a purpose of educating the children about
themself and their family.

Stories about ancestors and events from the family history alone provide excellent entertainment to
children, and if they resonate with them they can retain those tales as wonderful permanent memories.
They are also a great aid to the kids towards understanding family relations. This form of fun might
inspire the older children, and even you yourself, to further investigate the past.

Explore your family route

At the current day and age people are getting a lot more interested in their ancestry. It’s always
interesting to learn about your origins and how far do the family roots spread. As to how you can create
your own family tree, look no further than old photographs, collected letters, journals and memoirs of
your parents, grandparents and even more distant relatives. By gathering all of those creative pieces, we
start an adventure that will bring us a lot of interesting points and topics that can be discussed even in
the future.
1. Let’s start by collecting information from the closest family circle. Show them photos and
pictures or ask them about their personal belongings and listen to their anecdotes relating to
them, they are usually the kind of stories that can be further shared with the next generations.
2. Grandparents, uncles and aunts can provide great insight with their numerous stories from the
3. By asking them about their memorabilia, you may discover how their toys and clothes, and their
lives in general, were greatly different than our current one. Oftentimes they have some
newspaper clipping, old photo albums or other creative stuff that remind them of a times
they’ve made some great life achievements, or the occasion they wish to remember that can be
of a great help.

“Being a family means being part of something very wonderful. This means that you will love
and be loved all your life.” –Lisa Vedn
One way to teach them how to understand family ties is to make a family tree with them.

Draft drawing of the tree

The work is best done on a sheet of A4 paper using a simple pencil. It can be erased if necessary.

Family tree illustration:

1. First, draw a tree on the paper. It would be best if the tree trunk was in the middle, and the
branches were coming out of it.

It should be taken into account that the child is the first and main branch, so his name should be initial
and all other family members will go from it.

2. After the child's name is shown on the picture, you must show 2 branches above which will
belong to the parents.

If it’s not a single child in question, then brothers and or sisters can be shown with it at the same level.
In this phase, you can add in other family members - spouses, their brothers or sisters (if they have any).

3. When the parent branches are finished, we make a gap from them to the next level of the
illustration - grandparents.
In order to clearly see where the line is in the piece, it is recommended that the mother's parents are
shown on her side of the picture, while the father's parents come from his side. This way, we will have a
clear division and yet a complete picture.

4. If desired, the lineage can be additionally displayed by introducing the great-grandmother,

great-grandfather, as well as other relatives.

5. When all the family members are arranged to their respectful places on the family tree, you
can start the final stage - inserting names.

Then to tidy it all up we’re removing unnecessary lines on the drawing and forming an appropriate
layout. You can erase everything with an eraser, and colored pencils or felt-tip pens will help make the
picture more colorful. You can decorate the tree as you wish.

An interesting add-on could be to complement the tree with photos or pictures of all the relatives
indicated on it, but this can only be done with appropriate photos or pictures. If they are not at hand, do
not worry as it is only an extra step. Later on you can also add the names of relatives with their
individual dates of birth.

The drawing, which shows a family of several generations, will surely enchant the child. This is a great
opportunity to learn about the history of the people who are a part of the family.
If you wish to be very thorough and detail oriented and if you intended for this to be a bigger project,
depending on how much you want to invest in it to make it as accurate as possible, it may take more
time and money to travel somewhere and get the necessary information.

Once you have completed the sketch of the tree, you can draw it even more beautifully, frame it and
hang it on the wall to constantly remind you of your ancestors and the long history of your family.

If you want to make a family tree and the child shows no interest in drawing, then there is another
solution. For example, you can find other people’s family tree work on the Internet and download it. As
for the younger children, it will be more interesting and creative to work with colorful arrangements
complemented by fairy-tale characters.

You can download free examples of a creative family tree from this site.
Where are our grandparents?
When we were euphorically creating a family tree for our family, a four-year-old daughter suddenly
asked: "Where is my grandfather and why isn't he here?"

I can't say that I didn't expect something like this sooner or later, but for it to happen in the middle of
this joyful moment, it really was surprising... ,,Actually, my dad passed away when I was 16 years old,
and your dad's dad died when you were only one year old. Are you that grown up already that we are
ready to talk about this?”. After a long dramatic pause, I said: "I would like to go through all these
photos now, find photos with grandpas on them, and then talk about them."

After a long and emotional conversation, I realized that just like adults, it is important for children to
keep memories of important people from their lives, because it is one of the crucial segments of life.

That's why you should save and treasure the pictures with your children, and talk about the events at
which the pictures were taken. Anecdotes or some personal memories of adults about their childhood,
about their grandparents as parents can also be exchanged with them. Children, like adults, should not
be forced to organize their memories. Conversations about grandparents, or about shared experiences,
their thoughts or actions should be implemented into the usual family interactions.

,,You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them’’.- Desmond Tutu
Good family relationships
Good family relationships help children feel safe and loved, and help you feel good. They are achieved
through companionship, communication, teamwork and appreciation. Good family relationships are
pleasant by themselves. It's just a nice feeling to be a part of a caring and loving family.

But they are also significant for many other reasons. They can help children overcome problems related
to eating, sleeping, learning and behavior; they can make it easier for the family to solve problems and
conflicts; they help you and your children to respect differences of opinion, especially when your child
starts to mature and seek more independence; they teach children the skills they need to achieve
healthy relationships with others on their own. That's why it's always useful to analyze the relationships
you have with your children or other family members and think about the ways you can improve them.

Good family relationships are important for forming a strong family. Strong families are born from love,
security, communication, connection - and some rules and routines.

It is known that grandparents have a positive influence on children. They have a lot more time, their
lifestyle is generally slower, their responsibilities are not everyday and are usually not that big. The
patience they have for their grandchildren is of great importance for the kids, and the emotional
connection is visible at first glance. They are the first next to the parents who love those children the
most in the world. They are very important for the child's social, emotional and psychological
development, and when the child speaks and begins to understand many things, then their stories
become even more interesting. This relationship is good for everyone and thus develops a happy and
harmonious relationship between the grandchild, the child and the parent.

Remember your relationship with your grandparents. Although it may be fading from your memory, the
love and support of grandma's warm embrace and grandpa's adventures never cease to warm hearts,
and in order to avoid all the inconveniences, it is necessary for the family to be united, to make
agreements that are best for the child, not for the adults and that everyone should try to follow these
rules so that the child is brought up well and as correctly as possible, with manners and real life values.

Show interest in the lives of other family members. For example, go to each other's birthdays, parties,
celebrations, sporting events, plays, exhibits, do some creative stuff etc.
Share family stories and reminisce about events. This way, children will learn to appreciate things that
they have not experienced or that they may have forgotten. Talk about mom's athletic achievements
when she was younger or how the older sister helped take care of the youngest child when it was born.
Accept each other's differences, talents and abilities and use the strength you have as a family.

Positive communication involves listening to each other without judgment and being free to express
your thoughts and feelings. If there is positive communication within the family, it means that there is
also understanding and respect, that the members appreciate each other, and all this together
contributes to the strengthening of mutual ties.

Be open to discussing difficult topics such as admitting mistakes and a variety of emotions, including
anger, joy, fear, and anxiety. Remember that talking about anger is not the same as being angry.

The key to good family relationships is that you value each other.

When we nurture good family relationships, then an activity such as making a family tree is truly an
adventure for the whole family. However, we must admit: It is not easy to be a parent in general!
Every activity requires time, a good mood and a long list of other things we do with children, so I would
like to devote some attention to single-parent families in the continuation of this text.

It's not easy, but it is possible to be a great single parent

Single-parent families in modern society are a common phenomenon. This type of family has more
requirements when it comes to raising children, unlike ‘complete’ families, because they face various
difficulties that are easier to overcome in a ‘complete’ family scenario. In addition to these difficulties, it
is important for single parents to find a way to best take care of their children, but also themselves.

We must be aware that there are families that function even when the parents are separated, such
families still have common activities, spend their free time together, go on trips, picnics, vacations...
Those parents give their maximum to make up for the lack of the other parental figure that the children
might feel the absence of.

If you decide to create a family tree with your child, be sure to invite the other parent (as long as the
relationship is decent, of course) to join this activity.

If the parents extended their family (half-brothers and half-sisters), be sure to add them to your family

If you don't have any relationships or contacts with the other parent, don't worry, create your own little
world, surround yourself with dear people that both you and your child trust.

Enjoy the time spent with your child, but also try to afford time for yourself. Just remember: Children
from single-parent families can achieve close relationships with others, romantic relationships, have
high achievements in education and later career just like children from complete families.

And one more thing: Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

Now, here’s an interesting fact: Did you ever wonder why the tree is used as a symbol to represent a
There is a story which tells that the use of a tree as a symbol to represent genealogy possibly dates from
a piece of medieval art called 'The Tree of Jesse'. This piece of art illustrates the ancestors of Christ in a
tree. The Tree of Jesse is used as a help in telling the story of the Bible from Creation to the story of Birth
of Jesus Christ.

What is a genogram?

A genogram is a more detailed version of a family tree, which shows the medical history and relations of
family members. This allows doctors and medical professionals to see any hereditary patterns and
psychological factors that can be present or may have affected the family in the past.

Dear readers, throughout this adventure you will discover a lot of interesting things about who you are
and where you come from, you will discover interesting facts about your family, you will also find out
who your ancestors were and how you are related to them. You will connect with relatives you might
have not known about.

Maybe you are proven to be descendants of some famous historical figure, or maybe the extent of your
travelling will consist of a trip to an aunt, godmother or relative... either way, it will be an exciting

You will for sure learn a lot more than what you already knew, for example: how your ancestors lived,
what was the clothing iron like in your grandmother's time, what was the technology like, and were
there even telephones or computers back in their days?
You will learn how moms and dads celebrated their birthdays and what their cakes looked like, how
creative they were, what your grandfather's first car was like, find out what transportation means they
were using, what vacationing with parents was like back then, and many more interesting bits.

This adventure will surely enrich you with creative stories about your family that you will pass on to your
further generations.

Until the next adventure, stay well!

10 creative ideas for the family tree


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