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ERDC presents 2nd Workshop of series

Journey towards a Meaningful Life

Workshop Leaders:
Syed Sahal and Syed Izatullah

Time & Dates:

Sat, Wed, Sat, 30 July, 3 & 6 August 2022
10 AM to 1 PM PKT

1 Understanding Decision-Making & Problem Solving – an online workshop by ERDC

1. Questions for Reflection
Turn off the internet, find a quiet place, sit with a cup of tea and reflect over these

1. What are some decisions that you have taken recently?

2. What are some decisions that you have to take in next 5 years?

3. What are some decisions you are regretful about?

4. What are some decisions you are satisfied with?

5. Did you go through any specific process of decision-making while taking these


6. What are some factors you considered while taking these decisions?

7. What do you think can be the most difficult stage of decision-making and


8. What do you think can be the most difficult stage after taking a decision?

9. What are the things that can influence our choices?

10. How can we tackle these influences?

2 Understanding Decision-Making & Problem Solving – an online workshop by ERDC

What have you learned from the first session?

Thinking Action

3 Understanding Decision-Making & Problem Solving – an online workshop by ERDC

2. Framework of Decision-Making

What have you learned from the second session?

Thinking Action

4 Understanding Decision-Making & Problem Solving – an online workshop by ERDC

3. More Questions for Reflection

1. Why do you think we get into conflicts?

2. Have you recently found yourself in any conflict with family or friends?

3. How did you resolve that conflict?

4. What do you think can be the best way to resolve a conflict?

5. Did you use the same way?

What have you learned from the second session?

Thinking Action

5 Understanding Decision-Making & Problem Solving – an online workshop by ERDC

4. Review of the Workshop
Create a mind-map mentioning the different concepts you have learned
throughout the workshop and their connection.

6 Understanding Decision-Making & Problem Solving – an online workshop by ERDC

5. Vision for Personal Development

1. 2.

3. 4.

7 Understanding Decision-Making & Problem Solving – an online workshop by ERDC

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