HP6M 47. Assessment 1. 02001034

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Qualification Module Code and title

Advanced Diploma in Business HP6M 47

Personal Development Planning

Student ID Assessor’s Name

Mrs. Ama De Silva

Cohort Submitted on
SP21 2nd, SU21, SU21 2nd, 24/12/2021

No. Learning Outcome Task no

01 Create and maintain a personal development portfolio and personal action plan 1-4

Learner Declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this Assessment is my own and research sources are
fully acknowledge.

Student Signature:…Isuru Upadya Epage… Date:…24/12/2021...

1 Assessment Version 1.0

Assessment Brief
Module Code and Title HP6M 47- Personal Development Planning
Qualification Advanced Diploma in Business
Submission on: 24/12/2021
Assessor’s Name Mrs. Ama De Silva

Assessment Title Create and maintain a personal development portfolio and

personal action plan.
Purpose of this Assessment :
This Unit is designed to enable candidates identify their current Core Skill achievements
and help them to identify and pursue further opportunities for their development.
Opportunities for developing Core Skills and draft a personal development portfolio.

2 Assessment Version 1.0

Step 1: Where am I now in Life and career?
1.1 Personal Details
Please complete all parts of the form as appropriate.

Student name: ID No.

Isuru Upadya Epage 02001034

Centre: American National College Date: 24/12/21

Colombo Branch
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Business
Class: Weekday Weekend
Cohort: FALL 2021

Diploma in Hotel Management
AAT Foundation level Passes.
Following : BSc. Hospitality Management,
BSc. International Accounting.

3 Assessment Version 1.0

1.2 Life line
Draw a lifeline from the age of 10, until present with the significant events recorded.
Following questions should be tackled
 The best times : Meeting my soulmate. (15) 10, Moving to our new home with
mom. (10) 10
 The worst times : Car accident in 2020 Jan. (22) 1
 Most challenging experiences : Moving to Australia. (20) 9
 Events which involved success/failure : Dropping Out of HND. (17) 3
 Events which involved risk/success : Cleaning outside of a window in a 6 story
building hanging by ropes. (21) 5, Suspended from school for jumping off a wall
(13) 2
 Events which gave pride : Taking mom to Australia with my own money for two
weeks. (23) 10
 Learning experiences : Learning to cook while working as a kitchen hand in a 7
star hotel restaurant in Melbourne. (19) 10
 Significant turning points : Passing O/L’s. (16) 8

Hindering and helping factors

Good times


Bad times

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Age

4 Assessment Version 1.0

5 Assessment Version 1.0
1.3. Life Patterns
Construct a diagram by identifying patterns from your Life line

To be a hotelier, To travel and write a blog, To start up

my own restaurant, To be an Entrepreneur.

Career To join most popular social media networks and

To go skydiving, Scuba diving in Australia, To share my poetry, photographic and traveling
try variety if food from different nationalities in interests with new friends all over the work.
Australia like sushi.
Hobbies Social Life

Embrace every opportunity which comes

Finish My Bachelor programs, Finish the HND
in the way, Applying for a new job to
from ANC and soon start the MBA before
harness my knowledge and skills
moving again.

6 Assessment Version 1.0

1.4. Learning Cycle
With the use of a Learning Cycle’ model reflect on a learning experience.

Concrete Experience; Not prioritizing the important task at hand, instead making the
mistake of straying from the main course. Which often leads to failing or dropping out before
finishing an educational qualification.
Reflective Observation; Self doubt leads to overthinking which is leading to stress and
depression, so to escape I tend to distract my own self by doing everything else other than
what I should be focused on.
Abstract Conceptualization; Going to therapy, appreciate the small wins and reward myself
by respecting me more, Try to understand the pattern and prepare before hand to avoid last
minute cold feet, Control distractions to a minimum.
Active Experimentation; Maintain a to do list and a diary to keep updated with upcoming
tasks, join lectures to be though and be sure about myself, Prepare beforehand instead of
waiting till the last minute. Remove unwanted distractions for the time being, ex; Uninstall
Netflix. Work according a plan.
Step 2: Self-appraisal

2.1. Learning Style Review

You were asked take answer a questionnaire on the Manual of Learning Styles by Honey and
Mumford (1986) .

What were the results of the survey?

An Activist. Very Strong Preference. 20

Moderate; Reflector 12 / Low; Pragmatist: 10 / Very Low; Theorist: 05

What do you think of your results?

I am agreeing with what I found by the questionnaire of being an Activist and I am quite
proud about being an Activist. I always believed in something and had hope so in any
situation I stand with my beliefs and fought my way the way I can to protect those beliefs. I
am repulsive sometimes I tend to take actions rather waiting for things to do in a specific
order or in a hierarchy level if a decision must be made. I love to travel and face new
adventures that gives me adrenaline to looking forward to live as long as I can happily and
enthusiastically. I believe in right and I fight for injustice, but also I try to understand why
if there is anything wrong happened in the first place. I also am an open minded person
who believes in gender equality, lgbtq+ and respecting people for whoever they are and
their choices. So it is accurate to say I have the qualities of an activist the good and bad
about being one.

And as a reflector, I speak my mind most often, and I don’t like to stall when I talk, I
believe time is important so as telling something just as you know it. I admire people who
do that, who respects each others time.

As a Pragmatist, I like to think through everything I have on something before I make a

final statement. Facts are important, and sometimes being extra careful with what we have
an assessing it further more is better than having a clouded judgement.

Not much of a theorist since I rarely stick onto theories, I trust the practical approach is
way bloodier and harder than the theory all the time. Most of the time I have been right in
others sticking to something known has saved my life.
2.2 SWOT Analysis
Complete the following self SWOT table

Date: 24/12/2021
Strengths Weaknesses
 What do you do well?  What could you improve?
 What unique resources can you drawn  Where do you have fewer resources
on? than others?
 What do others see as your strengths?  What are others likely to see as
Writing proficiency and literacy Lack of anger management
Flexible and a people person SELF DOUBT
Quite good memory Scared of numbers
Emotional mental strength Lack of listening more talking
Creativity Trusting and depending on people
Decision making
Leadership skills
Opportunities Threats
 What good opportunities are open to you?  What trends could harm you?
 What trends could you take advantage of?  What is your competition doing?
 How can you turn your strengths into  What threats do your weaknesses
opportunities? expose you to?
Engaging with different people Post covid19 affecting career
Social media offers a great platform to write Competition due to self doubt
Overseas job offers for my career path Unstable economy
Free educational courses Changing visa regulations

Step 3: Setting Personal Objectives

3.1 SMART Analysis
Type your Action Plan below and show it to your PDP tutor. Please make sure that you have put in
review dates and that your targets are SMART.
Goal Specific Measurable Agreed upon Realistic and Time based
and achievable relevant

Successfully Do all the Get over 50% Participate Learn as you go Finish the
finish my necessary work in all the units lectures and everyday work. degrees and
degree and needed to in advance dip prepare for the the diploma
Excel skills are
advance dip complete by to pass. outcomes. by the next
needed for
degree and year 2022.
And over 70% Acquiring everyone in
advance dip in in the degree. necessary skills everything, for
its given time needed to do it a better career
by going to right. Improve and also to do
lectures and Excel skills, researches if I
doing Skim and scan am continuing
assessments on the text books. my education.
Learn Learn Spanish Found 10 Only learning Spanish and Learn the
Spanish and and French to a basic French the most French are basics of
French. point where I and Spanish frequently asked spoken in most Spanish and
can exchange learning question when of the world’s French by the
information YouTube surviving in countries. end of 2022.
with a native, if videos for another country. Knowing them
I’m ever in a each language Like; where is would be pretty
situation where to practice the grocery helpful in any
I need the them and be store? situation as I
languages. So, thorough with hope to Travel
Daily practicing
learning the them 100% the world.
each video for
basic questions one day for 3
and answers. months will help
Getting Workout every Exercising for Take breaks Physical Be 48kg by
back my 4 days a week two hours a upon every strength is 2022 and
physical to get day. One hour exercise. Do one needed for a have strength
strength. physically in the morning method not healthier of core
strong. Go on a and evening. more than for 3 lifestyle, to muscles by
healthy diet. For 4 days a minutes straight. travel and the time I
Avoid week. survive. start traveling
Do cardio only
unwanted food. in 2023.
for 20 minutes Its always a
Do cardio and on the machine. good to keep
daily exercisers check on what
two times a day. you eat and how
you use the

Summary of the evidence required by students Evidence Checked

 examine where you are in your life and career Personal Details, Life
Line, Life Patterns ,
Reflective writing
 explore your personal strengths and Learning Style Review,
weaknesses and your aspirations and
Outcome priorities for the future
 assess your current level of core skills SWOT Analysis

 produce a short-term action plan with targets SMART

with deadlines

Upon successful completion on above activities students will gain marks on each activity as

Mark/s Activity

2 marks (mandatory) Life Line, Reflective writing, SWOT Analysis, SMART

1 mark Life Patterns, , Learning Style Review,

The pass mark is 50%

Sources of information
Use font Times New Roman
Headings – font size 14 , bold
Body – Font 12
 Use Harvard referencing style for reference
 Need to submit the soft copy to the (Moodle) in MS word format

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