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An Unparalleled


of Quotations,


Proverbs, Myths

and Witticisms—



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Copyright © 1994 by Lance Davidson

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Davidson, Lance.
The ultimate reference book : the wit's thesaurus / Lance Davidson.
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The Wit's Thesaurus

be served. The woman turned to

♦ ABSENCE her group and remarked, "Break
fast is on me."
Foreign Words and Phrases
en conge (Fra)
(on kon-JAY) on leave
Foreign Words and Phrases
"Absence makes the heart grow
fonder/' basso continuo (Ita)
Anonymous, Poetical Rhapsody (2602) (BAHS-so kon-TIN-u-oh) figured
bass line composed at the key
Classical Phrases and Myths board; adroit extemporization

lacuna (Lat) en masse (Fra)

(la-KOO-na) gap, blank space, hia (on MAHS) as a group, in force
tus, missing part of text, etc. (plu:
lacunae) Quotations
in absentia (Lat) "Come with me to the Casbah."
(in ab-SEN-tee-ah) in the absence of Charles Boyer (1898-1978), French actor
the one concerned (misattributed to Boyer in
the film Algiers)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
'There are 100 jails in this state and
I'm proud to say that nobody in my
family has ever been in one of ♦ ACCOMPLISHMENT
them," boasted the political candi
date. Shouted a heckler, "And Foreign Words and Phrases
which one is that?"
fait accompli (Fra)
(feh ta-KOM-plee) lit: an accom
plished fact; something already done
Quotations "Knowledge may give weight, but
"What is better than presence of accomplishments give lustre, and
mind in a railway accident? Ab many more people see than
sence of body." weigh."

Punch, (1849), vol. XVI, p. 231 Philip Dormer Stanhope,

4th Earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773),
British statesman and writer,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
letter to his son, May 8,1750
Attorney: 'Just what did you do to
"The reward of a thing well done
prevent the accident?" Defendant:
is to have done it"
"I closed my eves and screamed as
loud as I could." Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher.
A waitress tripped and spilled a Essays: Second Series (1844),
tray of food on a woman waiting to "Nominalist and Realist"
The Ultimate Reference Book

"Saying is one thing and doing is Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

A scene in a Robert Benchley movie
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne short required that the humorist be
(1533-1592), French -writer, strung up in a mess of telephone
Essays (2550), bk. U wires above a street. While waiting
for the shoot, he remarked to his
"Let the end try the man." wife, "You know how good I was
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), in school at Latin?" "Yes." 'Well,
British playwright and poet, Henry IV, look where it got me."
Part II (1598), Act E, sc. ii Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
U.S. humorist
"Is there anything in life so disen
"How do you do it, Arthur?" asked
chanting as attainment?"
President Kennedy while congratu-
Robert Louis [Balfour] Stevenson lating Goldberg, then secretary of la
(1850-1894), British writer and poet, bor, for averting a labor strike.
New Arabian Nights (1882), Goldberg winked and answered,
"The Adventure of the Hansom Cab" 'The trick is, be there when ifs set
Arthur Jtoseph] Goldberg
Classical Phrases and Myths (1908-1990), U.S. politician and lawyer

quod erat faciendum (Lat)

(kwod e-rai FAK-ee-END-um) that
which was to be carried out (abbr:
According to Greek myth, Herakles
(HER-a-ldeez) (Lat: Hercules) per Foreign Words and Phrases
formed ten labors for Eurystheus,
the favored king of Mycenae born stimmt (Ger)
two months ahead of Herakles, in (shtimmt) correct; precisely
order to become immortal. Buf: be
cause Eurystheus refused to count
two of them, Herakles performed
12 great labors. His fifth and clev
erest labor was to clean the stables "This hitteth the nail on the head."
of Augeas, king in Elis. The Augean John Heywood (c. 1497-c. 1580),
stables, which housed an enormous British poet, Proverbs (2546)
and magnificent herd, had not been
cleaned in years. Augeas thought
the task impossible to perform be
fore nightfall as Herakles had Classical Phrases and Myths
promised, so Augeas promised in
omphalus (Grk)
exchange a tenth of the herd. Her
(OM-fal-us) boss on shield; conical
akles cleaned the stables by divert
stone at Delphi considered to be the
ing the course of the rivers Alpheus
earth's central point
and Peneus through them. Hence,
to clean the Augean stables is to ac ad unguent (Lat)
complish a seemingly unperform- (ad UNG-wem) lit: to the fingernail;
able task. precisely, to a nicety
The Wit's Thesaurus



"The Right Honourable Gentleman Classical Phrases and Myths

is indebted to his memory for his caveat emptor (Lat)
jests, and to his imagination for his (KA-way-at EMP-tor) tit: let him be
facts." ware; let the buyer beware (buyer
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816), alone is responsible for making a
Irish-born British playwright and bad purchase)
politician, replying to a mocking
accusation by the Earl of Dundas Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The great banker J. P. Morgan, as
"faccuse." (I accuse.) president of the Metropolitan Mu
Emile Zola (1840-1902), French writer, seum of Art in New York City, re
title of an open letter to the president of cruited Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke,
the French Republic in connection with director of the Victoria and Albert
the Dreyfus case, L'Aurore Museum in London, to be the Met
(January 13,1898) ropolitan's new director. When the
secretary of the Victoria and Albert
Museum returned from a vacation,
he inquired about some artwork
Classical Phrases and Myths that he had hoped to purchase for
hi quoque (Lat) the museum, which had come up
(too KWO-kwe) lit: and you also; for auction in his absence. "I'm
statement suggesting that accusa afraid J. P. Morgan bought them,
tion may be turned against the ac sir," replied the clerk. "Good God,"
said the secretary, "I must tell Sir
Purdon." "Sorry, sir," replied the
clerk uneasily. "Mr. Morgan
bought him also."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes John Pierpont Morgan, Sr. (1837-1913),
U.S. financier
The ensign returned from leave so
drunk that he could not assume his
duties until the third day out to sea.
He was horrified when he saw in
the ship's log the damning state
ment "Unfortunately, Ensign Jones
too drunk for duty. He rushed be Foreign Words and Phrases
low and begged the captain to erase faire sans dire (Fra)
the entry. But the captain scowled (FEHR son DEER) lit: to do without
mercilessly. "You know the log speaking; fig: to act rather than talk
can't be changed. Ifs true, it stays,
and you should have thought about Quotations
your future before you got drunk."
So the ensign resumed his duties "What you do speaks so loud that
and entered in the log: "Fortu I cannot hear what you say."
nately, Captain Harrison sober all Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
day." U.S. writer, poet and philosopher
The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths Classical Phrases and Myths

facia non verba (Lat) Thespis (THES-pis) was an Attic
(FAK-ta nohn WER-ba) lit: deeds poet who reputedly founded tragic
not words; (what is required is) ac drama. It is said that to rest his ac
tion not speeches tors and vary the entertainment, he
introduced monologues and per
haps dialogues; until then choruses
performed as a unit to the leader.
Accordingly, a thespian is an actor
or something pertaining to drama.
Thespis (c. 550 B.C.), Greek poet
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Although his drinking became a se
"Tallulah Bankhead barged down rious problem near the end of his
the Nile last night as Cleopatra— career, Junius Booth, the great
and sank.'' Shakespearean actor and the father
John Mason Brown (1900-1969), of John Wilkes Booth, could rely on
US. critic, New York Post his talent and experience to win the
(November 11,1937) day. The aged actor reportedly once
staggered from his dressing room
'To see him [Kane] act, is like read at curtain time and asked, "Whafs
ing Shakespeare by flashes of light the play, and where's the stage?"
ning." Junius Brutus Booth (1796-1852),
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), US. actor
British poet and writer, Table Talk
(April 27,1823) After watching an actor give a
wretched performance in one of his
"All through the five acts of that Gilbert and Sullivan light operas,
Shakespearean tragedy he played W. S. Gilbert entered the man's
the king as though under a momen dressing room after the show and
tary apprehension that someone exclaimed, "My dear chap! Good
else was about to play the ace." isn't the word!"

Eugene Field (1850-1895), US. humorist

Sir W[illiam] S[chwenck] Gilbert
and writer, reviewing Creston Clarke's (1836-1911), British writer
performance as King Lear "I don't think I can do that, natu
rally," the then young actress In-
"The most important thing in act grid Bergman informed Alfred
ing is honesty; once you've learned Hitchcock about a particular scene.
to fake it, you're in." She gave a lengthy explanation for
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish] her discomfort and believed that
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film she had converted Hitchcock to her
producer [authenticity unverified] position. In what Bergman would
later admit was the best acting ad
"Katharine Hepburn runs the vice she ever received, Hitchcock
gamut from A to B." suggested, "If you can't do it nat
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit urally, then fake it."
and writer, quipping during intermission Sir Alfred Hitchcock (1889-1980),
of the 1933 premiere of The Lake British film director
The Wit's Thesaurus

During the filming of Marathon one squinted and ducked his head,
Man, Dustin Hoffman returned to saying, "Well, I'll be damned. See
the dressing room of Laurence those two women approaching us?
Olivier. Said Olivier, "Gawd, what One's my wife and the other's my
happened to you? You're dripping mistress!" The other man then
wet." Hoffman replied, "I was run ducked his head, too. "What's
ning around Central Park. My part wrong?" asked the first man. The
requires me to be a marathon run second answered, "Small world,
ner, and I'm a method actor pre isn't it?"
paring for my role." Responded
Mrs. Jones awoke in her lover's
Olivier: "That's just it, though. An
arms and was distressed to realize
actor is supposed to act."
that it was after midnight. "My
Sir Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), husband will kill me!" she groaned.
British actor Calling home, she had a sudden in
spiration. When her husband an
swered the telephone, she panted,
♦ ADULTERY "Honey, don't pay the ransom. I've
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Disentangling herself, the woman
Q: "Whafs the difference between answered the phone. After she
a wife and a mistress?" A: "30 hung up, her companion asked
pounds." Q: "And the difference who the caller was. "My husband,"
between a husband and a lover?" she replied, nuzzling his neck. "He
A: "30 minutes." was calling to say he'd be out late
playing poker with you."
"I've been unfaithful to Cheryl for
years," said Fred to his friend Bill.
"I'm going to come dean with my
wife and beg for her forgiveness." ADULTHOOD
"Don't reveal the names of your
mistresses," cautioned Bill, "since it
Foreign Words and Phrases
would get them in trouble." That
night Fred confessed his infidelity, bar mitzvah (Heb)
and to Fred's surprise his wife's cu (bar MTTS-vah) lit: son of the com
riosity outweighed her anger. "So mandment; Jewish ceremony for
who did you go to bed with?" de boys reaching adulthood at age 13
manded CheryL 'That slut Mrs.
Jones?" "I can't tell you," replied Quotations
Fred. 'Til bet it was that hussy "If you can keep your head when
Ginny. She's slept with everyone!" all about you
"Discretion forbids," he begged off. Are losing theirs and blaming it on
"Shirley," she said confidently. Sou,
"You slept with that whore!" Again : you can trust yourself when all
Fred was silent, so his wife gave up. men doubt you,
The next day Bill asked Fred how But make allowance for their
things went. "Great," said Fred. doubting too;...
"Not only did my wife forgive me, If you can dream—and not make
but she gave me three new leads!" dreams your master;
Two men were walking down the If you can think—and not make
street together in the twilight when thoughts your aim;
The Ultimate Reference Book

If you can meet with Triumph and room, Miss Barrymore, claim they
Disaster went to school with you. What
And treat those two impostors just should I do?" "Wheel them in."
the same... Ethel Barrymore (1879-1959),
If you can make one heap of all U.S. actress
your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch- When the English poet Dame Edith
and-toss, Sitwell informed ner parents that
And lose, and start again at your she was leaving the family estate,
beginnings she explained, I can write so much
And never breathe a word about better when I'm alone." Sir George
your loss... Sitwell, her father, challenged her.
If you can talk with crowds and "And you prefer poetry to human
keep your virtue, love?" "As a profession," replied
Or walk with Kings nor lose the Dame Edith, "yes."
common touch
Dame Edith Sitwell (1887-1964),
If neither foes nor loving friends British poet
can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none
too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving min
With sixty seconds' worth of dis
tance run, ♦ ADVANTAGE
Yours is the Earth and everything
thafs in it,
And—which is more—you'll be a Quotations
Man, my son!" "It is a great advantage to have pro
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), duced nothing, but you must not
British writer and poet, Rewards abuse it."
and Fairies (1919), "If—" Antoine de Rimrol (1753-1801), French
//Behold me now. writer and wit, replying to a merciless
critic, considered unproductive
A man not old, but mellow, like
good wine. Not over-jealous, yet an
eager husband/'
Stephen Phillips (1864-1915), British Classical Phrases and Myths
playwright, Ulysses (2902;, Act Ul, sc. ii cum privilegio (Lat)
"A child becomes an adult when he (kum pri-vil-LEG-io) with privilege
realizes that he has a right not only
to be right but also to be wrong."
Thomas Szasz (1920- ), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
U.S. psychiatrist
The evangelist Billy Graham, upon
being introduced to the Shake
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
spearean actress Dame Edith Evans,
The actress Ethel Barrymore was in said to her, "We in the ministry
her Hollywood dressing room one could learn a good deal from you
day when a studio usher knocked about how to put our message
on the door and announced, "A across." "You in the ministry have
couple of ladies in the reception an advantage over us," replied

The Wit's Thesaurus

Dame Edith. 'Toil have long-term broodin' over bein' a dog, mebbe."
contracts." Edward Noyes Westcott (1847-1898),
Dame Edith Evans (1888-1976), U.S. writer, David Harum
British actress (1898), ch. 32

Classical Phrases and Myths

per ardua ad astra (Lat)
(per ARD-u-a ad AS-tra) through
♦ ADVERSITY adversity to reach the stars (the
motto or the Royal Air Force)
Foreign Words and Phrases hamartia (Grk)
\1 IctxlI .fvIV X xtX/ XXI wXctosyXvr UXcUXlcl/ U16
contretemps (Fra)
tragic flaw, defect or failure in char
(KON-truh-tom) lit: against time;
acter that brings disaster upon its
mishap, inconvenience

"It is difficulties that show what

stuff men are made of."
"Some people are so fond of ill-luck Epictetus (c. 55-c. 135), Greek
that they run half-way to meet it." philosopher, Discourses, bk. I, ch. 24
Douglas William Jerrold (1803-1857), "Aequam memento rebus in arduis
British playwright and humorist, Wit and Servare mentem." (Remember when
Opinions of Douglas Jerrold (1859) life's path is steep to keep your
mind even.)
Murphy's Law: "If anything can go
wrong, it will." Murphy's Corollary: Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
'If nothing can go wrong, it still Odes, III, I
will." Nichol's Observation: "Mur- According to Greek mythology,
phy is an optimist." Pandora was the first woman on
[Named after Ed Murphy, a development earth. She had been sent by Zeus to
engineer at Edwards Airforce Base, who be the lovely wife for Epimetheus,
remarked about a lab technician: "If the brother of Prometheus, who
there's any way to do it wrong, he will!"] loved mankind and had given the
gift of fire. Zeus wanted revenge, so
"I had never had a piece of toast he arranged that Pandora be given
Particularly long and wide, the box into which Prometheus had
But fell upon the sanded floor, shut all the evils that might plague
And always on the buttered side." the world. She yielded to her curi
James Payn (1830-1898), British humorist osity and ignored the order not to
open the box she had been given as
//When you are down and out a dowry, thus releasing all the ad
something always turns up—and versities and evil that beset man
it is usually the noses of your kind. Only hope remained. Hence,
friends." a Pandora s box is a source of great
and unexpected troubles.
[George] Orson Welles (1915-1985),
U.S. actor and filmmaker In Greek mythology and in Hom
er's Odyssey Scylla (SIL-a) and Cha-
"A reasonable amount o' fleas is rybdis (ka-RIB-dis) were monsters.
good fer a. dog—keeps him from Scylla was a six-headed monster
The Ultimate Reference Book

who lived in a cave, and if a ship

came within her reach, she would ♦ ADVICE
seize and devour the sailors six at a
time; Charybdis was a whirlpool Foreign Words and Phrases
adjacent to Scylla in the Straits of
Eminence grise (Fra)
Messina. Avoiding one put the sail
(AY-mee-nonce greez) lit: gray car
ors in danger of being lolled by the
other. Thus, to be between Scylla and dinal; behind the scenes; power or
Charybdis is to be in a serious pre force behind the throne; phrase
dicament, a dual danger, in which originally applied to Richelieu's
the avoidance of one requires fac
ing the other. kibitzer (Yid)
(KIB-it-zer) onlooker offering un
solicited advice, meddler, backseat
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Well, you win some and you lose Quotations
some/' said the friend consolingly.
Replied the hapless loser, "If only "Anyone who has ever struggled
that were truer with poverty knows how extremely
expensive it is to be poor."
James Baldwin (1924-1987), U.S. writer,
Benjamin Disraeli had meticulously Nobody Knows My Name (2362),
corrected himself during a parlia "Fifth Avenue, Uptown: A Letter
mentary debate by substituting the from Harlem"
word "misfortune" for "calamity/'
Questioned afterward about his "When a man comes to me for ad
reason for drawing a distinction be vice, I find out the kind of advice
tween the two words, Disraeli, us he wants, and I give it to him."
ing the name of his great political Josh Billings [Henry Wheeler Shaw]
rival William Gladstone, explained, (1818-1885), U.S. humorist
"If, for example, Mr. Gladstone
were to fall accidentally into the "Advice is seldom welcome; and
Thames, that would be a misfor those who want it the most always
tune; but if anyone were then to like it the least."
pull him out, that would be a ca Philip Dormer Stanhope,
lamity." 4th Earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773),
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield British statesman and writer,
(1804-1881), British prime minister letter to his son, January 29,1748

"You're only here for a short visit,

One of the earliest Goldwynisms so don't hurry, don't worry, and be
from the malaprop-prone Samuel sure to smell the flowers along the
Goldwyn occurred when, as a way."
young producer facing severe fi Walter Hagen (1892-1969), U.S. golfer,
nancial problems, he complained providing the secret of his success
that he was "on the brink or an ab
scess." "A good scare is worth more to a
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish] man than good advice."
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film Edgar Watson Howe (1853-1937), U.S.
producer [authenticity unverified] writer, Country Town Sayings (1911)

The Wit's Thesaurus

^Don't look back. Something may zart, "but I did so without asking
be gaining on you." advice."
Leroy Robert ["Satchel"] Paige Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791),
(1904-1982), U.S. baseball player, printed Austrian composer
on the back of his business card as one
of his "Six Rules for a Happy Life"
In the Wei River of the province of
the philosopher and administrator
Teng Shih, the corpse of a wealthy
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes man who had drowned was re
Dante did not enjoy the best rela trieved by a man who demanded a
tionship with his patron, Can large payment from the mourning
Grande della Scala, but a jester at family to return the body. The de
Can Grande's court was lavishly re ceased's relatives were advised by
warded with money and gifts for Teng, ''Wait, for no one else will
his fooleries. Once the arrogant fool pay for the body." They took his
asked Dante, //Why is it that I, who counsel and waited. But then the
am so ignorant and foolish, should finder of the corpse became con
be so rich and favored, while you, cerned, and he, too, consulted Teng.
who are so learned and wise, "Wait," counseled Teng, "for no
should be a beggar?" Dante replied, where else can they obtain the
"Because you have found a lord body."
who resembles you, and when I Teng Shih (500s b.c), Chinese
find one who resembles me, un philosopher and administrator VTeng's
doubtedly I shall be as rich as you equivocations eventually led the state
are." ruler to have him put to death]

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Italian poet

Upon completing his examination ♦ AFFECTEDNESS

or the then-ill poet Otto Hartleben,
a doctor prescribed abstaining from Foreign Words and Phrases
both smoking and drinking. Hartle
ben picked up his hat and coat and contraposto (Ita)
moved to leave. 'That will be three (kon-trah-POHS-toh) lit: juxta
marks, Herr Hartleben, for my ad posed; (sculpture or painting of a
vice." Hartleben growled, "But I'm figure) in difficult or unlikely pose
not taking it," and left. mie Qap)
Otto Erich Hartleben (1864r-1905), (may) stylized poses at moments of
German poet high Kabuki drama

A young man approached the re
nowned composer Wolfgang Ama- "So Harry says, 'You don't like me
deus Mozart, seeking his advice on any more. Why not?' And he says,
composing symphonies. Mozart ad 'Because you've got so terribly pre
vised him to wait until he was older tentious.' And Harry says, 'Preten
and had acquired more experience. tious? JVfoi?'"
The young man looked astonished. John Cleese (1939- ), and Connie
"But, Herr Mozart, you yourself Booth (c. 1940- ), British comedians,
v^rote symphonies when you were , Fawlty Towers, 'The Psychiatrist,"
only ten years old." "Ah," said Mo BBC television program, 1979

The Ultimate Reference Book

"A highbrow is a person educated Revolution." "My dear lady," said

beyond his intelligence/' Acheson, "what a moment ago was
/. Brander Matthews (1852-1929), a rare privilege now appears to
U.S. writer have been a really great honor."
Dean [Gooderham] Acheson (1893-1971),
"[He] believes in the fine arts with
U.S. diplomat
all the earnestness of a man who
does not understand them/' Watching Abraham Lincoln clean
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), ing the mud off his boots, a foreign
Irish playwright diplomat expressed his surprise. In
quired Lincoln, "Do not European
"It's a naive domestic Burgundy
gentlemen black their own boots?"
without any breeding, but I think
you'll be amused by its presump
^Certainly not." "Then whose
boots do they black?"
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
James Thurber (1894-1961),
U.S. president [authenticity unverified]
U.S. cartoonist and humorist, New
Yorker cartoon caption, March 27,1937

Classical Phrases and Myths

infra dig(nitatem) (Lat) ♦ AFFLICTION
(EEN-fra dig-nee-TAH-tem) be
neath one's dignity Foreign Words and Phrases

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes I'oer naque (Fra)

(luhr na-Kuh) the sting
It was a hot afternoon during the
couple's first summer in their new icrasez Yinfime (Fra)
home. The windows were dosed, (ay-KRAZ-ay lahn-FAHM) crush
so the husband asked, "Please open the filthy object, Voltaire's reference
the windows." "Are you crazy!" to the Catholic Church
the wife exclaimed. "And let our
neighbors know our house isn't air-
"To have a grievance is to have a
Q: "Why didn't the socialite get a
purpose in life."
colostomy?" A: "She couldn't find
shoes to match the bag." Eric Hoffer (1902-1983),
U.S. labor leader and philosopher
A flustered society matron ap
proached Dean Acheson in a "Something is rotten in the state of
Washington hotel. "I am so embar Denmark."
rassed, she said. "Could you William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British
please help me with my zipper that playwright and poet, Hamlet (1601),
has stuck? I am due at a meeting." Act I, sc. to
Acheson cordially helped her,
averting his eyes as best he could,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
and pulled the zipper back up to
the top. The lady thanked him pro After a fierce hurricane struck
fusely. "I should tell you," she re Washington, D.C., local officials es
marked, "that I am vice president timated that the storm did $100 mil
of the Daughters of the American lion worth of improvements.

The Wit's Thesaurus

appears to be best in four things—

AFTERLIFE old wood best to bum, old wine to
drink, old friends to trust and old
Quotations authors to read."
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), British
"One world at a time."
lawyer and writer, Apothegms (2624)/
-, Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), U.S. 97 [attributed also to Sir Francis Drake)
writer, naturalist and poet, answering
what he thought of the world to come "The arrogance of age must submit
to be taugnt by youth."
"Heaven for climate; Hell for soci
Edmund Burke (1729-1797),
British statesman, philosopher and writer,
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne ClemensJ letter to Fanny Burney, July 29,1782
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
writer and speaker "If youth only knew; if age only
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Henri Estienne (c. 1531-1598),
French writer, Les Prgmices (1594)
Father Andrew, the BBC's adviser
on Roman Catholic affairs, was "At twenty years of age, the will
asked how he could confirm the reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at
truth of the Roman Catholic view of forty, the judgment."
heaven and hell. Andrew's answer Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
contained just one word: "Die." U.S. statesman and scientist,
Father Agnellus Andrew Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757)
(1908- ), British clergyman
'To be 70 years young is sometimes
At a dinner party, the subject of far more cheerful and hopeful than
heaven and hell was discussed at to be 40 years old."
length. Mark Twain took no part, so Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894),
the woman seated next to him US. writer and physician, commenting on
asked: "Why haven't you said any the 70th birthday of Julia Ward
thing? Surely you must have some Howe, 1889
opinion about this." "Madam, you
must excuse me," Twain replied. '1 'The four stages of man are in
am silent because of necessity. I fancy, childhood, adolescence and
have friends in both places." obsolescence."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne OemensJ Art Linkletter (1912- ),
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, US. musician and writer, A Child's
writer and speaker [attributed also Garden of Misinformation (1965), ch. 8
to Jean CocteauJ
"Growing old is like being increas
ingly penalized for a crime you
haven't committed."
Anthony Powell (1905- ), British
♦ AGE writer, Temporary Kings (1973), ch. 1

"When I was a boy of 14, my father

Quotatiions was so ignorant I could hardly
"Alonso of Aragon was wont to say stand to have the old man around.
in commendation of age, that age But when I got to be 21, I was
The Ultimate Reference Book

astonished at how much he had 80 yearsofa man's life are always the
learned in seven years/' happiest."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhome Clemens] Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, Bismarck (1815-1898), German statesman
writer and speaker

'The old believe everything; the When he was an elderly man, an

middle aged suspect everything; admirer gushed to novelist Alex-
the young know everything." andre Dumas, "How do you grow
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde old so gracefully?" "Madame, I
(1854-1900), British playwright, give all my time to it."
writer and wit Alexandre [pere] Dumas (1802-1870),
French writer and playwright
Classical Phrases and Myths
"Singula de nobis anni praedantur Somerset Maugham spoke at a din
euntes." (The years as they pass ner given in honor of his 80th birth
plunder us of one thing after an day at London's Garrick dub.
other.) "There are many virtues in growing
old," he began, then paused. As he
Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
fumbled through his notes, the delay
Epistles, II, ii, 155
grew agonizingly long. At last, the
Cicero (SIS-e-roh), the Roman ora exasperated novelist cleared his
tor and statesman, was conversing throat and murmured, "I'm just try
with a well-preserved matron who ing to think what they are."
asserted vainly, //Why, I am only 30 Wlilliam] Somerset Maugham (1874-
years old." "It must be true," re 1965), British writer and playwright
plied Cicero, "for I have heard it
these twenty years."
Despite concern over Ronald Rea
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 B.c-43 B.c),
gan's age of 69 when he ran for
Roman statesman and man of letters
President in 1980, he nevertheless
won the election. During a televised
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes debate with Walter Mondale in the
1984 presidential campaign, Reagan
Descending the grand stairway at was asked whether he was too old
the Paris Opera, a friend of Daniel to serve another term. "I'm not go
Auber's engaged him in conversa ing to inject the issue of age into
tion. "My friend, we're all getting this campaign," replied Reagan. "I
older, aren't we?" he observed. am not going to exploit for political
"Well, there's no helping it," sighed gain my opponents youth and in
Auber. "Aging seems to be the only experience."
available way to live a long time." Ronald Reagan (1911- ),
Daniel Francois Esprit Auber U.S. actor and president
(1782-1871), French composer

A friend greeting German statesman An interviewer once asked British

Prince von Bismarck on his 80th conductor Sir Malcolm Sargent,
birthday wished him many more when he was 70 years old, 'To what
happy years. Bismarck thanked him, do you attribute your advanced
adding, "But, you are aware, the first age?" "Well/' he responded, "I sup-

The Wit's Thesaurus

pose I must attribute it to the fact Marx): "You can't fool me. There
that I have not yet died." ain't no Sanity Claus."
Sir Malcolm Sargent (1895-1967), GeorgeS. Kaufman (1889-1961)), U.S.
British conductor and organist playwright, writer and wit, and Morrie
Ryskind (1895-1985), U.S. playwright,
A Night at the Opera (2935 film)

"The big print giveth and the fine

♦ AGGRAVATION print taketh away."
Fulton J[ohn] Sheen (1895-1979),
U.S. clergyman, educator and writer,
Foreign Words and Phrases
reviewing his television contract
inquiter (Fra)
Classical Phrases and Myths
(an-KEET-er) to disturb .
non est factum (Lat)
agent provocateur (Fra) (nohn est FAK-tum) lit: it is not
(AH-jon pro-vok-ah-TUHR) lit: done; in law, principle that a party
agent of provocation; one who is to a contract is not bound by its
commissioned or planted to incite terms because he or she did not un
others to riot or criminal acts derstand its provisions
fisselig (Ger)
(FIS-sel-ish) being flustered due to
another's harassment
picador (Spa)
(pee-kah-DOR) horseman who starts
bullfight by provoking bull
'It was as helpful as throwing a
Quotations drowning man both ends of a
'The authorities were at their wifs
Arthur ["Bugs"] Boer (1897-1975),
end, nor had it taken them long to U.S. writer
get there."
Desmond MacCarthy (1877-1952), //When a dog is drowning, every
British writer one offers him a drink."
George Herbert (1593-1633),
British clergyman and poet,
♦ AGREEMENT Jacula Pradentum (2651), no. 77

Quotations "An arch never sleeps."

Indian saying
"A.verbal contract isn't worth the
paper ifs written on."
Classical Phrases and Myths
Samuel Goldmyn [Samuel Goldfish]
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film auxilium ab alto (Lat)
producer [authenticity unverified] (owx-IL-i-umab AL-toh) help from
on high
Driftwood (Groucho Marx): "It's all
right. Thafs—thafs in every con In Greek mythology, the aegis (EE-
tract. Thafs—thafs what they call gis) was the wondrous and terrify
a sanity clause." Fiorelb (Chico ing breastplate worn by Zeus and

The Ultimate Reference Book

Athena, and sometimes by Apollo. sorry," sighed Parker. "Then run

A Gorgon's head occupied its cen down to the corner and get me a
ter. Hence, to be under the aegis of ham and cheese on rye and tell
a person or thing is to enjoy protec them to hold the mayo."
tion or patronage. Dorothy Parter (1893-1967),
U.S. wit and writer

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

A customer asked the clerk at a
New Age bookstore where the self-
help section was. Said the clerk, "If
I told you, that would defeat the (CHARM & FLIRT)
whole purpose/'
Foreign Words and Phrases
An acquaintance of Lord Berners
would constantly say to him: "I coquette (Fra)
have been sticking up for you." (ko-KET) a flirt
This was repeated once too often,
piquant (Fra)
and Berners snapped, "Yes, and I
have been sticking up for you. (pee-KAHN) sharp, stinging, or
Someone said you aren't fit to live pointed
with pigs, and I said that you are."
Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Quotations
14th Baron Berners (1883-1950), "Merely innocent flirtation,
British musician and artist Not quite adultery, but adultera
A sawyer cutting up some wood
was being watched by Ralph Waldo George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824),
Emerson when he was a child. British poet, Don Juan (2823),
Canto XII, st. Ixiii
Though incapable of splitting wood
himself, the little Emerson helpfully "All charming people have some
inquired, "May I do the grunting thing to conceal, usually their total
for you?" dependence on the appreciation of
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), others."
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher
Cyril Connolly (1903-1974),
British writer, Enemies of Promise
The wit Dorothy Parker awoke on
(19381 ch. 16
the morning of June 13, 1963, to
find her husband, Alan Campbell, "She who trifles with all
dead beside her. Among those Is less likely to fall
standing with Parker and others as Than she who trifles with one."
Campbell's body was carried from John Gay (1685-1732), British poet and
the house was a certain officious playwright, The Coquet Mother and the
Mrs. Jones, who solicitously asked Coquet Daughter
if she could do anything for Parker.
"Get me a new husband." Silence. "I never resist temptation, because
Before anyone who would have I have found that things that are
laughed could laugh, Mrs. Jones bad for me do not tempt me."
said, "I think that is the most cal George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
lous and disgusting remark I ever Irish playwright, The Apple Cart
heard in my whole life." "So (1930), interlude

The Wit's Thesaurus

"What, when drunk, one sees in which is available but unobtainable

other women, one sees in Garbo so is tantalizing.
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Kenneth [Peacock] Tynan (1927-1980),
British writer. Curtains (1961), In her later years, actress Sarah
pt. 2, p. 347 Bernhardt lived in an upper-story,
Paris apartment. One day, after the
"I couldn't help it. I can resist long climb, a visitor arrived at her
everything except temptation/' door and breathlessly inquired,
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde "Madame, why do you live so high
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer up?" Answered the actress, "It is
and wit, Lady Windermere's Fan the only way I can still make the
(1891), Act I hearts of men beat foster."
"Vous savez ce qu'est le charme: une Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923),
manie re de s'entendre repondre oui sans French actress
avoir pose aucune question claire." (You After being squired to dinner, first by
know what charm is: a way of get British Labour politician William
ting the answer yes without having Gladstone and then, the following
asked any clear question.) evening, by Conservative Benjamin
Albert Camus (1913-1960), Disraeli, a young lady was asked
French philosopher and writer, what impressions the two political
La Chute (The Fall), (1956) rivals had left on her. "When I left
the dining room after sitting next to
"Quand elle le ve ses paupie res, on Mr. Gladstone I thought he was the
dirait qu'elle se de shabille." (When cleverest man in England," she said.
she raises her eyelids, it is as if she "But after sitting next to Mr. Disraeli,
is undressing.) I thought I was the cleverest woman
Colette [Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette] (1873- in England."
1954), French writer, Claudine s'en va
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
(Oaudine Goes Away) (1931), p. 59 (1804-1881), British prime minister
The journalist and critic H. L.
Classical Phrases and Myths Mencken once posed the rhetorical
In Greek mythology, Tantalus question: "If you find so much that
(TAN-ta-lus) committed crimes in is unworthy of reverence in the
cluding the stealing of nectar of United States, why do you live
ambrosia (food reserved for the here?" He then supplied the an
gods) and providing it to his mortal swer: "Why do men go to zoos?"
friends, killing his son Pelops and Hlenry] Uouis] Mencken (1880-1956),
serving him as a stew to the gods U.S. critic and writer
at a dinner to test their omniscience,
and deceitfully denying under oath
to Zeus that he knew the where ♦ ALOOFNESS
abouts of the golden dog that had
protected Zeus in his infancy. Zeus Quotations
condemned Tantalus to Tartarus,
tiie bottom of the underworld, "I never forget a face, but in your
where he would eternally try to fill case I'll be glad to make an excep
his cup or snatch fruit from trees, tion."
but they remained always just be Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977), U.S.
yond his reach. Thus, something comedian, replying to a drunk who had

The Ultimate Reference Book

slapped him on the backhand said, "You winged sandals. Thus, to travel
probably don't remember me" quickly is to wear the winged sandals
of Mercury. Because Mercury was
Englishman has all the quali also the tutelary deity for thieves
ties of a poker except its occasional and deceivers, to be mercurial is to
warmth. be changeable, volatile and quick
Daniel O'Connett (1775-1847), witted.
Irish politician
In classical mythology, Proteus
Irish playwright George Bernard (PRO-tee-us) was an oracular sea
Shaw received the following invi god who had the ability to assume
tation from a woman infamous for different shapes. If caught and held
courting celebrities: "I will be at until he reassumed his own shape,
home on Tuesday between four and however, he was compelled to an
six o'clock." On the returned card swer questions. On his way home
she read Shaw's message: "Mr. Ber from Troy, Menelaus successfully
nard Shaw likewise." disguised himself in a seal skin to
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), catch Proteus napping and to ob
Irish playwright tain answers. Hence, a person or
thing which is protean readily as
Notable snob Oscar Browning once sumes different shapes.
approached poet laureate Lord
Tennyson on the Isle of Wight and
proudly announced, "I am Brown
ing." Tennyson, who knew only of
Robert Browning, eyed him coldly, ♦ ALTRUISM
said, "No, you're not," and left.
Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson
Classical Phrases and Myths
(1809-1892), British poet
amor proximi (Lat)
(AM-or PROX-ee-mee) love of one's

"Nam tua res agitur, paries cum prox-

imus ardet." (It is your own interest
that is at stake when your next
Classical Phrases and Myths neighbor's wall is ablaze.)
"Panta rhei." (PAN-ta ray) (All is Horace (65 B.c-8 B.c), Roman poet.
flux, nothing is stationary.) Epistles, I, xuiii, I 80

Heraditus (c. 535 b.c-475 b.c),

Greek philosopher Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"Nothing endures but change." Returning from the South Pole,

Heraditus (c. 535 b.c-475 B.c), Robert Falcon Scott and his expe
Greek philosopher dition team were beset by horren
dous blizzards. The feet of a young
In Roman mythology, Mercury member of the team, Lawrence
(MER-kyoo-ree) (Grk: Hermes) was Oates, were frostbitten and turning
the swift-footed god of commerce, gangrenous. Oates courageously of
messenger of the gods and patron fered to be left behind to avoid
of travelers and athletes. He wore slowing up the rest of the party.

TAe Wit's Thesaurus

The others dissuaded him, and all own bounty. Croesus again sent
doggedly progressed another day. messengers to Delphi, reproaching
The snowstorm was still raging the it for the deceptive oracle. The
next morning. Oates simply said, "I priestess of the oracle replied that he
am just going outside and may be had not been deceived; Croesus had
some time/' He then walked out of indeed destroyed a great empire—
the tent and vanished forever into his own.
the blizzard. Sadly, Oates's heroism Croesus (c. 550 B.c), Lydian king
was in vain, because the entire
party died before reaching safety. Darius I became king of Persia in
Months later, a search party found troubled times, and so in 512 B.C. he
Scotfs diaries, which revealed the sought to secure the northern
story of Oates's sacrifice. Near boundaries of his empire by con
the spot where Oates walked into quering the Scythians. But instead
the blizzard, a cross commemorates of meeting for battle, the Scythians
him as "a very gallant gentleman." stayed a day's march ahead of Da-
Lawrence Edward Grace Oates rius's troops, practicing a scorched-
(1880-1912), British explorer earth policy that exasperated
Darius. He sent messengers to the
Scythians, inquiring whether they
would fight or surrender. The
Scythians sent back a mouse, a frog,
a bird, and five arrows. "Victory is
ours," Darius said to his captains.
Foreign Words and Phrases "The mouse means the land of
double entendre (Fra) Scythia will be surrendered to us;
(DOUB-luh-on-TON-druh) ambig the frog means that their rivers and
uous expression, phrase with two lakes will also be ours; like a bird,
meanings; often a deliberate and the Scythian army will fly from our
risque ambiguity army; and these arrows signify that
the Scythians will lay down their
arms." An adviser to Darius, how
Classical Phrases and Myths
ever, interpreted the message dif
Prior to attacking the Persian king ferently: "The Scythians mean that
Cyrus in 546 B.C., Croesus (KROW- unless you turn into mice and bur
sooz), the rich king of Lydia who row in the ground for safety, or
controlled much of Asia Minor, con turn into frogs and hide in the wa
sulted the oracle at Delphi to learn ters, or turn into birds and fly
the fate of his undertaking. Encour away, you will all be slain by the
aged by the oracle's response that if Scythian archers." After delibera
he went to war he would destroy a tions, Darius accepted the second
great empire, Croesus marched interpretation and retreated from
against the Persians. He was deci
sively beaten and the Persians then Darius I (550 b.c-486 B.c), Persian king
invaded Lydia and captured its cap
ital, Sardis. Croesus became Cyrus's
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
prisoner. Cyrus later freed Croesus
in return for his wisdom in pointing Two Irish youngsters passed a
out that when Cyrus's troops were Methodist minister. Seeing the re
carrying off riches from Sardis, they versed collar, one little boy said au
were actually plundering Cyrus's tomatically, ''Hello, Father." The

The Ultimate Reference Book

other child sharply elbowed the the writer's craft by asking, "How
first. 'He's no father/' she said. many here are really serious about
'He's married and got two kids." being writers?" A forest of hands
eagerly rose. "So why the hell aren't
you all home writing?" asked
Lewis, and sat down.
♦ AMBITION [Harry] Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951),
U.S. writer

Foreign Words and Phrases

abondance declare e (Fra)

(ah-bonn-DAHNSE day-klah-RAY)
(in whist) the attempt to win all the ♦ AMERICANS
tricks; also used generally to indi
cate ambition

Quotations "America is the only nation in his

tory which miraculously has gone
''Well is it known that ambition can
directly from barbarism to degen
creep as well as soar."
eration without the usual interval
Edmund Burke (1729-1797), of civilization."
British statesman, philosopher and writer,
Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929),
Letters on a Regicide Peace, letter I
French prime minister
Guildenstern: "The very substance
of the ambitious is merely the "The thing that impresses me most
shadow of a dream." about America is the way parents
Hamlet: "A dream itself is but a obey their children."
shadow." Edward VD1 (1894-1972), British king,
Rosencrantz: 'Truly, and I hold am subsequently Duke of Windsor
bition of so airy and light a quality
that it is but a shadow's shadow." "I am willing to love all mankind,
except an American."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet, Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
Hamlet (2602), Act II, sc. ii of letters, letter to James Boswell,
April 15,1778

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Boobus Americanus."

Alan Brooke, chief of the imperial Hlenry] UouisJ Mencken (1880-1956),
general staff, commented to King U.S. critic and writer
George VI in 1944 mat the imperi
ous field marshal Bernard Law "Our national flower is the concrete
"Monty" Montgomery, who had cloverleaf."
won the famous Battle of El Ala- Lewis Mumford (1895-1990),
mein against Rommel, was "a very U.S. writer, philosopher and scholar
good soldier, but I think he is after
my job." George quipped, "I "America is a large, friendly dog in
thought he was after mine." a very small room. Every time it
wags its tail it knocks over a chair."
George VI (1895-1952), British king
Arnold Jloseph] Toynbee (1889-1975),
The novelist Sinclair Lewis began a British scholar, News Summaries
lecture at Columbia University on (July 14,1954)

The Wit's Thesaurus

'It was wonderful to find America/ "This is the biggest electric train set
but it would have been more won any boy ever had!"
derful to miss it." [George] Orson Welles (1915-1985),
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] U.S. actor and filmmaker describing the
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer RKO studio to his associate,
arid speaker Richard Wilson
"It is absurd to say that there are
neither ruins nor curiosities in
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
America when they have their
mothers and their manners/' Answering the society matron's
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde question at a formal dinner party,
(1854r-1900), British playwright, the Latin American consul said,
writer and wit "Our most popular sport is bull
fighting." The matron shook her
"The youth of America is their old
head, muttering/ "I've always
est tradition. It has been going on
thought that was revolting." With
now for three hundred years."
out hesitation/ the consul replied,
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
"No, thafs our second most popu
(1854-1900), British playwright,
lar pastime."
writer and wit, A Woman of No
Importance (1893), Act I
Although he appeared as a gross
buffoon. Lord Castlerosse/ an intime
♦ AMUSEMENT of Lord Beaverbrook/ had a nimble
wit. On one occasion on the golf
Foreign Words and Phrases course/ Nancy Cunard asked him/
"What is your handicap?" "Drink
tchotchke (Yid) and debauchery."
(TCHOTCH-keh) knickknack; toy;
Valentine Browne, Lord Castlerosse
attractive woman
(1891-1943), Irish aristocrat
pour le sport de (Fra)
(por le spoor duh) for the sport of [it]
divertissement (Fra)
(dee-vair-TEES-mon) small-scale
work (often a foil for a major pres
entation) ♦ ANCESTRY
'The only difference between men
and boys is the cost and number of "I can trace my ancestry back to a
their toys." protoplasmal primordial atomic
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit globule. Consequently/ my family
and writer [authenticity unverified] pride is something inconceivable. I
'To play billiards well was a sign can't help it I was born sneering."
of an ill-spent youth." Sir Wiilliom] S[chwenck] Gilbert
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), (1836-1911), British writer,
British philosopher and economist, The Mikado (1885), Act I
repeating a remark from a
Mr. Charles Roupell [attributed also "I can't claim my folks were May
to Robert Louis Stevenson] flower descendants; but I recall they

The Ultimate Reference Book

were here to meet the boat." 'They were much less careful about
William Perm Adair] Rogers (1879- immigration in those days, I be
1935), US. comedian, speaking to the lieve."
Daughters of the American Revolution Isabella Stewart ["Mrs. Jack"] Gardner
[Rogers was part Cherokee] (1840-1924), U.S. social leader and
art collector
"I would rather make my name
than inherit it"
William Makepeace Thackeray
(1811-1863), British writer "Caroline's very bright, smarter
than you were, Jack, at that age,"
Classical Phrases and Myths commented patriarch Joseph Ken
nedy about his granddaughter to
omne mourn ex vivo (Lat) John. "Yes, she is/' agreed John.
(OM-ne WEE-wum ex WEE-woh) ''But look who she has for a father."
lit: every living thing from a living John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
thing; assertion that nothing can be U.S. president
spontaneously created, i.e., that all
living things are descended from
other living things
The lyric poet and novelist Detlev
A descendant of Harmodius, who von Liliencron listened quietly dur
with Aristogiton had attacked the ing dinner while one of a group of
tyrant Hippias in 514 B.C., enjoyed noblemen boasted about his aristo
a life of privilege due to the rev cratic ancestors who had fought in
erence of Athenians for his ances the Crusades, sailed with Colum
tor. He arrogantly ridiculed bus, and so on. "You remind me of
Iphicrates, a general who had de a potato," Liliencron said finally.
veloped superior battle tactic^s for "How is that?" "The best part is
Athenian troops against Sparta underground."
during the Corinthian war, for be
Detlev von Liliencron (1844-1909),
ing tine son of a sandalmaker.
German poet and writer
Iphicrates retorted, "The difference
between you and me is that my
family begins with me, whereas
yours ends with you." "I'm a Democrat!" shouted a heck
Iphicrates (d. 353 B.c), Athenian general ler while Theodore Roosevelt was
giving a campaign speech. Roose
velt quieted the crowd and in
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
quired, "May I ask the gentleman
Though earlier unconcerned about why he is a Democrat?" "My
her ancestry, on marrying into the grandfather was a Democrat, my
Gardner family of Boston, Isabella rather was a Democrat and I am a
Stewart Gardner had her lineage Democrat" Thinking he had the
traced all the way to King Fergus I situation in hand, Roosevelt then
of Scotland, a contemporary of Al asked, "My friend, suppose your
exander the Great When the much- grandfather had been a jackass and
discussed topic of lineage came up, your rather, was a jackass, what
Mrs. Gardner had to endure a Bos would you then be? "A Republi
ton dowager's monologue about her can?"
American Revolutionary ancestry. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919),
"Ah yes," said Mrs. Gardner. U.S. president

The Wit's Thesaurus

cephalus, to the Macedonian court,

♦ ANGER & RESENTMENT offering to sell it to King Philip.
When the royal grooms tried to test
Foreign Words and Phrases its paces, however, Bucephalus
proved too unmanageable. When
ressentiment (Fra)
young Alexander (later the Great)
(re-SOHNT-ee-mohn) obtuse out
asked his father for permission to
try his skill, Philip reluctantly
Quotations agreed on condition that if Alex
ander failed to ride Bucephalus he
"Heav'n has no rage, like love to
would pay his father a forfeit equal
hatred turn'd,
to its price. Alexander walked to
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman
the horse's head and turned it to
face into the sun, for he had noticed
William Congreue (1670-1729), that the horse was upset by its own
British playwright, The Mourning
shadow. He calmed it, then
Bride (1697), Act HZ, sc. viii
mounted it, and Bucephalus obedi
"We boil at different degrees." ently showed off his paces. The
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), court, which had feared for Alex
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher, ander's safety, applauded loudly.
Society and Solitude (1870), "Eloquence" The proud father Philip kissed his
son, saying, "Seek another king
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes dom that may be worthy of your
When a major general accused abilities, for Macedonia is too small
Lincoln's secretary of war Edwin for you."
Stanton of favoritism, Stanton com Alexander III [Alexander the Great]
plained to Lincoln, who suggested (356 B.c-323 B.cJ, Macedonian king
that he write the officer a strongly
worded letter. Stanton did and
showed it to Lincoln, who asked
what Stanton would do with it. The
surprised Stanton replied, "Send Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
it." "You don't want to send that
letter," Lincoln said. 'Tut it in the Baron Cuvier at Paris's Museum of
stove. Thafs what I do when I have Natural History helped develop the
written a letter while angry. Ifs a science of paleontology by recon
good letter and you had a good structing whole skeletons by induc
tion- from the apparent function of
time writing it and feel better. Now,
burn it, and write another." fragmentary fossils. As a practical
joke, his students one night broke
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
into Cuvier's rooms, and one,
U.S. president
dressed in a threatening outfit of
horns, tail, and hoofed feet, growled,
"Cuvier, I have come to eat you!"
♦ ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & Cuvier cocked one eye and said
ZOOLOGY sleepily, "All animals with horns
and hooves are herbivorous. You
won't eat me." And he went back to
Classical Phrases and Myths sleep.
A Thessalian brought an exception Georges Uopold, Baron Cuvier
ally beautiful horse, named Bu (1769-1832), French zoologist

The Ultimate Reference Book

The Scottish historical novelist and

♦ ANIMALS & INSECTS poet Sir Walter Scott and his wife,
while walking on the Abbotsford
Quotations estate in spring, passed a field full
of gamboling lambs. "No wonder
"Animals are such agreeable that poets from the earliest times
friends—they ask no questions, have made lambs the symbols
they pass no criticisms/7 of peace and innocence," Scott
George Eliot [Mary Ann Evans Cross] murmured. "Delightful creatures
(1819-1880), British writer, indeed," agreed Lady Scott. "Espe
Mr. Gilfil's Love-story cially with mint sauce."
"Oh, a wondrous bird is the peli Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832),
can! British writer and poet
His beak holds more than his beli- One day Lord Brougham's one-
horse coach (the carriage that he in
He takes in his beak vented was named after him)
Food enough for a week. passed clergyman Sydney Smith
But I'll be darned if I know how the while he was walking in London.
helican." Smith eyed the splendid B sur
Dixon Lanier Merritt (1879-1972), rounded by a coronet on the panel
U.S. lawyer, Nashville Banner of the carriage. Remarked Smith to
(April 12,1913) a friend, "lliere goes a carriage
"The turtle lives 'twixt plated decks with a B outside and a wasp
Which practically conceal its sex. within."
I think it clever of the turtle Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
In such a fix to be so fertile." British clergyman and writer
Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), U.S. humorist,
Hard Lines (1932), "Autres Bates,
Autres Moeurs"

'1 know two things about the horse ♦ ANSWER

And one of them is rather coarse."
Naomi Royde-Smith (1875-1964), British Quotations
poet, Weekend Book (2928), p. 231
"How many roads must a man
walk down
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Before you can call him a man?...
"Q: What's the last thing that goes The answer, my friend, is blowin'
through a bug's mind when it hits in the wind,
the windshield?" A: 'Its ass." The answer is blowin' in the wind."
As Beatrice Lillie and her Pekingese Bob Dylan [Robert Zimmerman]
(1941- ), U.S. songwriter,
puppy were emerging from a taxi
Blowin' in the Wind (2962 song)
in front of a fancy London hqtel,
she and the driver saw a small pud
dle on the seat. The taxidriver Classical Phrases and Myths
started to complain. Slipping him a quaesitum (Lat)
large tip, Lillie said flatly, "I did it," (KWAI-see-tum) lit: (something)
and swept away. that is sought after; that which is to
Beatrice Lillie (1898-1989), be determined, the answer or solu
Canadian-born British actress tion

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Quotations

Once, when George Bernard Shaw "Worry is interest paid on trouble
scathingly critiqued G. K. Chester before it fells due."
ton's economic views, Chesterton William Ralph Inge (1860-1954),
failed to reply. Historian Hilaire Bel- British clergyman
loc reproached him for this strange
behavior. "My dear Belloc, I have "Though this may be play to you,
answered him," said Chesterton. 'tis death to us."
'To a man of Shaw's wit, silence is Sir Roger L'Estrange (1616-1704),
the one unbearable repartee." British fabulist [paraphrasing Bion:
Gfflbert] Kleith] Chesterton (1874r-1936), "Though boys throw stones at frogs
British man of letters in sport, the frogs die in earnest"]

The short story writer O. Henry Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

made a written request for a $50 ad
Lamented the anxious but lazy
vance from his publisher, Frank man: "Yesterday I was a man. To
Munsey. Noting that O. Henry was day I'm a man. Tomorrow I'll
already several stories in arrears, probably still be a man. (Sigh.)
Munsey responded there would be
There's so little hope for advance
"no advance unless I know its pur ment!"
pose." By return mail Munsey re
ceived an envelope containing a The patient complained to his psy
single long hair. O. Henry received chiatrist that he was having horri
the advance. ble alternating nightmares—first he
O. Henry [William Sydney Porter] would dream he was a tepee, and
(1862-1910), U.S. writer then a wigwam. "Doc, what should
I do?" "Relax, you're two tents."

After succumbing to a knockout, a

boxer finally came to as his man
ager and trainer crowded around
him. Still groggy, he announced,
♦ ANXIETY "Boy, did I have him worried back
then! He thought he'd killed me."
Foreign Words and Phrases
malaise (Fraj
(mah-LEHZ) discomfort, uneasi

Torschlusspanik (Ger) Quotations

(TOHR-shloos-PAWN-ik) anxiety "This is the way the world ends
of being "locked out" or alone' (es Not with a bang but a whimper."
pecially as an unmarried)
T[homos] Sltemms] Eliot (1888-1965),
U.S. poet, Poems 1909-1925 (1915),
Sturm und Drang (Ger)
"The Hollow Men"
(SHTORHM unt DRAHNG) storm
and struggle; emotional turmoil "Je vais vous dire un grand secret, man
(also a period in German literature cher. N'attendez pas le jugement der
derived from eponymous 1776 play nier. H a lieu tous les jours." (I'll tell
by Frederick von KUnger) you a great secret, my friend. Don't

The Ultimate Reference Book

wait for the last judgment. It hap repeated joke. The irked hotel
pens every day.) . proprietor threatened to sue for
Albert Camus (1913-1960),
damages, so Hope agreed to retract
French philosopher and writer, the insult. At his next show Hope
La Chute (The Fall), (2956) told his audience, "I apologize for
sayine that the rats in my hotel were
round-shouldered. They're not."
Bob Hope [Leslie Townesl
♦ APOLOGY (1903- ),
British-born U.S. comedian

Quotations George C. Scott, when he had to get

into bed with an actress for a love
"A stiff apology is a second insult/'
scene, was rumored to have told
GlUbertJ Kleith] Chesterton (1874r-1936), her, "I apologize if I get an erection
British man of letters and I apologize if I don't."
George Qampbell] Scott
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(1927- ), US. actor
The frontiersman Davy Crockett,
viewing a menagerie exhibition in
Washington, D.C, with friends, ♦ APPROVAL
was amusingly pointing out the
similarity between the features of a
monkey on display and those of a
congressman. Crockett turned "Do not trust to the cheering, for
around to find the congressman those very persons would shout as
standing just behind him. "I guess much if you and I were going to be
I should apologize/' Crockett be hanged."
gan,, "but I don't know whether to Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658),
apologize to you or to the mon British lord protector
"Some people pay a compliment as
Davy Crockett (1786-1836),
if they expected a receipt."
U.S. frontiersman and congressman
Frank McKinney ["Kiri'l Hubbard
Baron Beaverbrook ran into young (1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer
British MP Edward Heath in his
"He who praises everybody praises
London club's washroom soon after
printing an insulting editorial in his
newspaper. "Tve been thinking it Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
British man of letters
over, and I was wrong," said Bea
verbrook contritely. "Here and "Fondly we think we honour merit
now, I apologize." "Very well," then,
said Heath. "But next time, please When we but praise ourselves in
insult me in the washroom and other men."
apologize in your newspaper." Alexander Pope (1688-1744),
Edward Heath (1916- ), British poet and writer
British prime minister "Usually we praise only to be
'The hotel room where I'm staying praised."
is so small that the rats are round- Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
shouldered," cracked Bob Hope (1613-1680), French writer,
once in a show, borrowing an oft- Maximes (1678), 146

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Ifyou applaud me at the start, that would be nothing short of sacri

is faith; midway through, that is lege."
hope. But, ah, dear friends, if you Salmon Portland Chase (1808-1873),
applaud me at the end, that would U.S. statesman and jurist
be charity!"
Fulton J[ohn] Sheen (1895-1979), "Mr. Foote, I swallow all the good
US. clergyman, educator and writer, things you say," said the Duke of
responding to applause before Cumberland to the farce dramatist.
addressing a rally "Indeed, sir," replied Foote, "then
"I can live for two months on a Your Royal Highness has an excel
good compliment." lent digestion, for you never bring
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] any of it up again.
(1835-1910), US. humorist, Samuel Foote (1720-1777),
writer and speaker British actor and playwright

French philosopher and wit Vol

Classical Phrases and Myths taire was visited in his home in
Switzerland by Casanova, who was
imprimatur (Lat)
on a two-year sojourn throughout
(im-preem-AH-tur) official, espe
Europe. Having been reading works
cially papal, sanction (to publish a
by the Swiss physiologist and poly
math Albrecht von Haller, Voltaire
O si sic omnes (Lat) praised them to Casanova. "That
(OH see seek OM-nes) if only praise is ill-returned," replied Casa
everyone were like that nova, "since he has said that your
work is nonsense." "Perhaps," said
Voltaire, "we are both mistaken."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Voltaire [Frangois-Marie Arouet] (1694-
1778), French philosopher, writer and wit
The politician droned on in his
speech to the crowd from the ca
boose platform when suddenly the
train began pulling away. Immedi
ately the crowd broke into ap
plause, accompanied by cheering
and shouting. With the shouts fad
ing in the distance, the politician ♦ ARCHITECTURE
settled into his seat and remarked
to an aide: "I don't know whether Foreign Words and Phrases
they were applauding me or the en
Bauhaus (Ger)
(BOW-hows) modern style of archi
tecture and design, named after
Supreme Court Chief Justice Sal school of early 20th century
mon P. Chase was introduced soon
after the Civil War to a beautiful
Alabama belle, who declared, "I
must warn you that I'm an unre
constructed rebel." "In your case, "A large number of us have devel
madam," replied Chase, "recon oped a feeling that architects tend
struction—even in the slightest— to design houses for the approval of

The Ultimate Reference Book

fellow architects and critics—not the fact that the people of the out
for the tenants/' posts never open their windows."
Charles, Prince of Wales J. G. miais (1907- ),
(1948- ), British prince Canadian politician

'Tinder this stone, Reader, survey "If I owned two plantations and
Dead Sir John Vanbrugh's house of one was located in Texas and the
clay. other one was in hell, I'd rent out
lie heavy on him, Earth! for he titie one in Texas and live on the
Laid many heavy loads on thee!" other one."
Abel Evans (1679-1737), British poet, Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-1888),
Epitaph on Sir John Vanbrugh, U.S. general
Architect of Blenheim Palace
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Architecture in general is frozen
First college roommate to second:
"Lefs spend the summer working
Friedrich von SchelHng (1775-1854),
in Buffalo." Second: "Why, all they
German writer, Philosophie der Kunst
have in Buffalo is prostitutes and
hockey players!" First: "My sister
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes lives up there!" Second: "What
One rainy evening in 1937, indus team does she play for?"
trialist Hibbard Johnson was
proudly entertaining guests for din
ner in his newly built Frank Lloyd ♦ ARMS
Wright house in Wisconsin. Sud
denly, water that had seeped
through a roof leak started to drip Quotations
steadily on the bald pate of Johnson "Our ships have been salvaged and
directly below. He indignantly tele are retreating at full speed toward
phoned Wright in Phoenix, Ari the Japanese fleet."
zona. "Frank, you built this
William Frederick Halsey, Jr.
beautiful house for me and we en (1882-1959), U.S. admiral, wiring
joy it very much," he began. "But I after Japanese claims that most of the
have told you the roof leaks, and American Third Fleet had been sunk
right now I am with some friends or were retreating, October 1944
and distinguished guests and it is
"Ohne Butter werden wir fertig, aber
leaking right on top of my head."
nicht biespielsweise ohne Kanonen."
"Well, Hib," replied Wright, over
(We can do without butter but not,
heard by the guests, "why don't
for example, without guns.)
you move your chair?"
Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945),
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1956),
German statesman, speech in Berlin,
U.S. architect
January 17,1936


Quotations Foreign Words and Phrases

"The purity of the air of New de haut en bos (Fra)

foundland is without doubt due to (de oat on bah) lit: from above to

The Wit's Thesaurus

below; contemptuously, supercili but in paying him the price he

ously thinks he's worth."
Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte]
hauteur (Fra)
(1769-1821), French general
(oat-UHR) haughty manner
and emperor, commenting on the
vain Vicomte de Chateaubriand's
Quotations disaffection with his diplomatic post

"Snobs talk as if they had begotten "They remind me of a very tired

their own ancestors/' rich man who said to his chauffeur,
'Drive off that cliff, James, I want to
Herbert Agor (1897-1980), US. writer
commit suicide.'"
"If he ever went to school without Adlai E[wing] Stevenson (1900-1965),
any boots it was because he was too U.S. politician
big for them."
"How haughtily he cocks his nose,
Ivor Bulmer-Thomas (1905- ),
To tell what every schoolboy
British politician, after being informed knows."
that Labour rival Harold Wilson had been
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
' obliged as a child to go to school without
Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer,
boots, speech at Conservative Party
The Country Life, 1,81
Conference, 1949 [misattributed to
Harold MacMillan]
Classical Phrases and Myths
"Are there any writers on the lit
"He may forget that he is Caesar,
erary scene whom I consider truly
but I always remember that I am
great? Yes. Truman Capote. But
Caesar's daughter."
mere are others who, while not
quite in this exalted orbit are still Julia X39 B.C.-A.D. 14), Roman aristocrat,
commendable." declining to live simply, as wished by her
father, Augustus Caesar,
Truman Capote (1924-1984), US. writer
Rome's first emperor
"There but for the grace of God
goes God." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874- The streets were wet and the mar
1965), British prime minister and writer tinis were dry, and when humorist
Robert Benchley emerged from an
Lesage is the only person I
elegant New York nightclub, he
know who can strut sitting down." tapped the resplendency uni
John G. Diefenbaker (1895-1979), formed man at the door, saying,
Canadian prime minister, mocking Jam "Get me a cab." "Sir, I happen to
Lesage, the former premier of Quebec be a rear admiral of the Fleet in the
United States Navy," snorted the
"He was like a cock who thought affronted gent, drawing himself up
the sun had risen to hear him proudly, 'm," said Benchley, "call
crow." me a battleship."
George Eliot [Mary Ann Evans Cross] Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
(1819-1880), British writer, Adam Bede U.S. humorist
(1859), ch. 33
A pompous woman complained
"The difficulty lies not so much in once to Lord Berners that the head
buying Monsieur Chateaubriand, waiter of a restaurant had not im-

The Ultimate Reference Book

mediately shown her and her hus- case I would grow intolerably con-
band to a table. She recounted, "We ~M"*~I "
had to tell him who we were." In James Abbott McNeill Whistler
quired Berners, "And who were (1834-1903), U.S.-born British painter
Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson Berners,
14th Baron (1883-1950), ♦ ARTIST
British musician and artist

Foreign Words and Phrases

The Harvard economist and ambas
sador to India John Kenneth Gal- poite maudit (Fra)
braith was having breakfast with (po-ET moe-DEE) lit: accursed poet;
President Kennedy on the morning poet unappreciated by contempo
that the New York Times published raries
a profile of Galbraith, and Kennedy
asked him his opinion of the article.
Galbraith said it was all right but he "Art is a jealous mistress, and if a
did not understand why they called man have a genius for painting, po
him arrogant. "I don't see why etry, music, architecture or philos
not/' Kennedy replied, "everybody ophy, he makes a bad husband and
else does." an ill provider."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-4882),
U.S. president U.S. writer, poet and philosopher,
The Conduct of Life (2860), "Wealth"

George Kittredge, a Harvard En "The writer's only responsibility is

glish professor, was once asked to his art. He will be completely
why, although he was such a great ruthless if he is a good one....
scholar, he had never gotten a Everything goes by the board:
Ph.D. "My dear sir," Kittredge re honor, pride, decency, security,
plied, "who could examine me?" happiness, all, to get the book writ
ten. If a writer has to rob his
George Upturn Kittredge (1860-1941),
U.S. scholar [attributed also to others]
mother, he will not hesitate; the Ode
on a Grecian Urn is worth any num
ber of old ladies."
A young man loftily looking William Faulkner (1897-1962),
around at a party remarked in a U.S. writer, Paris Review (Spring 1956)
bored tone, "I'm afraid I simply
"Engravit is the inscription on the
cannot bear fools." "Odd," replied
tombstone where he lies;
Dorothy Parker. "Apparently your
Dead he is not> but departed,—for
mother could."
the artist never dies."
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
U.S. wit and writer
(1807-1882), U.S. poet, Nuremberg, xiii
"An artist must know how to con
Irritated, by painter James Whis vince others of the truth of his lies."
tler's egregious conceit, someone
Pablo [Ruiz y] Picasso (1881-1973),
once pointedly remarked to him,
Spanish-born French artist
"Ifs a good thing we can't see our
selves as others see us." Quipped "The notion of making money by
Whistler, "Isn't it? I know in my popular work, and then retiring to

The Wit's Thesaurus

do good work on the proceeds, is tea with George Bernard Shaw to

the most familiar of all the devil's enlist the playwright as a writer for
traps for artists." his movie studio. Goldwyn had the
Logan Pearsatt Smith (1865-1940), gist of the conversation cabled to his
U.S. writer, After-Thoughts (1931), publicity chief, Howard Dietz, who
"Arts and Letters" in turn cabled back a distillation of
Shaw's reply for release in London:
Classical Phrases and Myths "The trouble, Mr. Goldwyn, is that
The acclaimed painter Apelles you are only interested in art and I
called upon the talented but unrec am only interested in money."
ognized painter Protogenes at his George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
home in Rhodes, but Protogenes Irish playwright
was away. When a servant asked
"I only know of two painters in the
the name of the unknown visitor,
world," gushed a female admirer to
Apelles took a brush and traced
the painter James Whistler, "your
upon a panel, with a single contin
self and Velasquez." "Why," an
uous line, a shape of extreme deli
swered Whistler sweetly, "why
cacy. Later, Protogenes returned drag in Velasquez?"
and saw the panel, commenting,
"Only Apelles could have drawn James Abbott McNeill Whistler
(1834-1903), U.S.-born British artist
that line." He then drew an even
finer line inside that of Apelles, tell
ing his servant to show it to his vis
itor if he returned. Apelles did
return, and drew a third line of ♦ ASCETICISM
even greater fineness between the
first two. When Protogenes saw it, Quotations
he acknowledged that he had been
"Remember that there is always a
bested and hurried to catch Apelles
limit to self-indulgence, but none to
to celebrate together. The panel
with the triple outline was pre
served as a masterpiece, but was Mohandas Karamchand [Mahatma]
destroyed by a fire in Rome. Gandhi (1869-1948), Indian statesman
and spiritual leader
Apelles (c. 450 b.c), Greek painter
"The Puritan through Life's sweet
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes garden goes
The artist Salvador Dali was asked To pluck the thorn and cast away
if it was hard to paint a picture. the rose."
''No," he replied. "It's either easy Kenneth Hare (1888-1962),
or impossible." British.poet and writer
Salvador Dali (1904-1990), Spanish artist "Abstinence is as easy to me as
When asked with what he mixed temperance would be difficult"
his colors to obtain the vibrant Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
hues, the British painter John Opie British man of letters
replied sincerely, "I mix them with
my brains, sir." Classical Phrases and Myths
John Opie (1768-1807), British painter
dscesis (Grk)
Once when film producer Samuel (as-KA Y-sis) the practice of self-
Goldwyn was in London, he sat for discipline

The Ultimate Reference Book

Diogenes once observed a child the cost of setting him up in pov

drinking fromhis cupped hands. The erty!"
Cynic philosopher, who preached Mohandas Karamchand [Mahatma]
that true happiness consisted of sat Gandhi (1869-1948), Indian statesman
isfying one's essential needs, imme and spiritual leader
diately reached into his satchel,
withdrew his goblet and threw it
away. He said, 'In the practice of
moderation, a child has become my
Diogenes (c. 412 b.c-323 b.c),
Greek philosopher
Foreign Words and Phrases
Diogenes was living stoically in a jawohl (Ger)
large tub on the outskirts of Cor- (ya-VOL) yes!
intn. He was sunning himself when
title powerful king Alexander the
Great came to visit. Alexander po Quotations
litely asked if Diogenes wanted an
"When you say that you agree to a
ything. Diogenes replied, //Yea, that
thing in principle you mean that
I do—that you stand out of my sun
you nave not the slightest intention
a little."
of carrying it out in practice."
Diogenes (c. 412 B.c-323 b.c),
Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von
Greek philosopher
Bismarck (1815-1898), German statesman

" 'My idea of an agreeable person,'

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes said Hugo Bohun, 'is a person who
agrees with me.'"
"My grandfather doesn't drink,
smoke, eat fried meat, philander Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
with women, gamble, or even (1804-1881), British prime minister,
Lothair (1870), ch. 35
swear/' said Mrs. Grundy. "And
tomorrow he's going to celebrate
his 90th birthday." Fred looked at Classical Phrases and Myths
her and asked, "How?"
placet (Lat)
Mahatma Ghandi, despite becom (PLAK-et) statement of an assent
ing an internationally recognized ing vote
statesman, persisted in leading the
ascetic lifestyle of the impover After Alexander the Great had con
ished. He wore simple clothes, quered Egypt, the Persian king Da
stayed in slums and traveled by rius sent a letter offering generous
foot or by railroad economy class. terms for peace and future friend
Lord Mountbatten, the British vice ship with the Macedonian king: ces
roy, conveyed his surprise about sion of all the countries west of the
Gandhi's apparent exposure to Euphrates, 10,000 talents in ransom
danger to a member of Gandhi's for Persian prisoners, and Darius's
party at a railroad station. He was daughter as a bride. Alexander con
told that all the Untouchables in the sulted his lieutenants about how
carriage had been carefully selected to respond. "If I were Alexander,"
and checked by the security ser said nis general Parmenion, "I
vices: "If only Bapu [Ghandi] knew would accept this generous of-

The Wit's Thesaurus

fer." "So would I," responded Al

exander, "if I were Parmenion." ♦ ASSOCIATION
Alexander M [Alexander the Great]
(356 b.c-323 B.C.), Macedonian king Foreign Words and Phrases
coterie (Fra)
(koh-ter-EE) clique, closed group
Gemeinschaft (Ger)
(ge-MYN-shaft) association based
on love or kinship (cf. Geselischaft)
Foreign Words and Phrases
Geselischaft (Ger)
gregario Qta) (ge-ZELL-shaft) company, society,
(greh-GAR-yoh) follower, private association, organization based on
retainer self-interest and contractual agree
compere (Fra) . ment (cf. Gemeinschaft)
(KOM-pare) entertainment an Gruppe (Ger)
nouncer, partner in crime, prank, (GROO-pe) group, association (es
etc. pecially of artists, writers, etc.)
zoku (Jap)
Quotations (ZOH-koo) informal political coali
"He that lies with the dogs, riseth tions using bribes
with fleas."
George Herbert (1593-1633),
British clergyman and poet, "I don't want to belong to any club
Jacula Prudentum (2651), no. 343 that will accept me as a member."
"As with the Christian religion, the Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977),
worst advertisement for Socialism U.S. comedian, resigning from the
is its adherents/7 Friar's Club in Hollywood by telegram
George Orwell [Eric Blair] (1903-1950), "Most clubs have the atmosphere
British writer, The Road to Wigan Pier of a Duke's house with the Duke ly
(1937), ch. 11 ing dead upstairs."
Douglas Sutherland (1919- ),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes British writer

'Tattler, what is meant by business

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
ethics?" "I am pleased, my son, that
you ask," replied the proud father. "I pay dues to too many organiza
"Let me explain this subtle concept tions," lamented the society ma
to you by an example. Assume an tron. "My epitaph is going to read:
elderly widow places a $20 bill on 'Elsie Jones—dubbed to death.'"
the counter for a garment.. You
One partner did not try to conceal
make the change, and leave. When
his jubilation. "Guess," he said to
you later return, you notice that she
his partner, "how much I cleared in
has mistakenly left the change. Un
that deal I closed?" "Half!" re
derstand, my son?" //Yes, Father."
sponded his partner.
"So now the question of business
ethics. Do I, or do I not, tell my On his way to the House of Lords,
partner?" British barrister and Conservative

The Ultimate Reference Book

MP R E. Smith often used the bath Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

rooms of London's prestigious Ath
Though the practice was disclaimed
enaeum Club. When a porter
by Boston's Episcopal Church of
courteously explained to Smith that the Advent, Boston tradition held
the club was for members only,
mat Isabella Stewart Gardner was
Smith replied, "Is it a club as well?"
taken to church by her chauffeur-
Frederick] Eldwin] Smith, driven limousine every Ash
1st Earl ofBirkenhead (1872-1930), Wednesday and, . armed with a
British lawyer and politician bucket and mop, would wash the
steps of the church as a penance for
♦ ATHEISM & her sins of the preceding year.
Isabella Stewart ["Mrs. Jack"] Gardner
(1840-1924), U.S. social leader
and art collector
Foreign Words and Phrases
kaffir (Arab)
(KAH-feer) infidel, lower-order per

Foreign Words and Phrases
"An atheist is a man who has no
Blitzkrieg (Ger)
invisible means of support."
(BLTTZ-kreeg) lit: lightning warfare;
John Buchan, Baron Tweedsmuir (1875- a sudden and devastating strike (as
1940), British writer and statesman sociated historically with German
'There are no atheists in the fox attack in WWII)
jihad (Arab)
William Thomas Cummings (1903-1945),
(jee-HAHD) holy war or crusade by
U.S. soldier
Muslims against infidels
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The film director Luis Bunuel was
educated as a Catholic by the Jesuits. "Mon centre tide, ma droite recule, sit
Asked as an older man if he had been uation excellente, j'attaque." (My cen
deeply affected by his Jesuit educa ter is giving way, my right is
tion, Bunuel responded, "Gr&ce d retreating, situation excellent, I am
Dieu, je suis toujours athie." (Thanks attacking.)
to God, I am still an atheist) Marshal Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929),
Luis Bunuel (1900-1983), French general, message sent during the
French filmmaker first Battle of the Marne, September 1914

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

The charge of the light Brigade, in
which the British cavalry attacked
the Russian guns at Balaclava, ex
"Repentance is but want of power emplified military discipline and
to sin." parade-ground steadiness of pace.
John Dryden (1631-1700), British poet, The foolish heroism, however, re
playwright and writer, Palamon and sulted in near total annihilation.
Ardte, bk. Iff//. 813 Watching the doomed advance of

The Wit's Thesaurus

his allies, General Pierre Bosquet Classical Phrases and Myths

made the memorable comment,
nota bene (Lat)
"Cest magnifique, mats ce riest pas la
(NOH-ta BE-ne) lit: note well; take
guerre." (Ifs magnificent, but. ifs
not war.) note of what follows (usually a
qualification to something that has
Pierre Franqois Joseph Bosquet
gone before)
(1810-1861), French general
ecce homo (Lat)
(EK-ke HO-moh) lit: behold the
man; picture of Christ wearing a
♦ ATTENTIVENESS crown of thorns

Foreign Words and Phrases Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Achtung (Ger) A professor was reminiscing about
(ahk-TUHNG) attention! (military his 30 years of teaching. "In nearly
command) every class, there's one student ea
ger to argue. Although my first im
Quotations pulse was to silence him or her, I
soon learned better," he said. "That
'The wheel that squeaks the loudest
student is probably the only one lis
Is the one that gets the grease/'
Josh Billings [Henry Wheeler Show]
(1818-1885), U.S. humorist, The Kicker Dr. Bell, the model for Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes,
"Depend upon it, Sir, when a man
would test the powers of percep
knows he is to be hanged in a fort
tion of each new class of medical
night, it concentrates his mind won
students with an experiment. He
would display a tumbler of an un
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
known liquid (often described as
British man of letters
urine), and say, "We could analyze
"Men are generally more careful of this chemically, but I want you to
the breed of their horses and dogs test it by smell and taste as I do,"
than of their children/' and then he would dip a finger into
William Penn (1644-1718), the liquid and suck his finger.
British-born U.S. religious leader, Grimacing, he then would pass the.
Some Fruits of Solitude (2693) tumbler around the class and each
student would dip a finger into the
"I am as vigilant as a cat to steal unknown substance, suck it, and
cream." shudder at the bitter taste. When
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the experiment was over, Bell an
British playwright and poet, King nounced: "Gentlemen, not one of
Henry IV, Part I (2598), Act TV, sc. ii you has developed his power of
'Tut all your eggs in the one bas perception for, if you had watched
ket, and—WATCH THAT BAS me closely, you would have noticed
KET." that, although I placed my forefin
ger in the bitter medicine, it was the
Mark Tivain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
middle finger which went into my
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker, Pudd'nhead Wilson mouth!"
(1894), ch. 15 Joseph Bell (1837-1911), British surgeon

The Ultimate Reference Book

"There are only three things that

♦ ATTRACTION hiss—a goose, a snake, and a fool.
Stand forth, and let us identify
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes you."
Charles Lamb (1775-1834), British writer,
During rush hour, trying to catch a
responding to a hiss from
train; a plump, middle-aged woman
the lecture audience
sprinted to the gate, lost her footing
on the smooth Moor and slid on her
back into a young man. Regaining
her composure, she said, "Do you Classical Phrases and Myths
always have beautiful women fall
mobile vulgus (Lat)
ing at your feet?"
(MOH-bil-e WUL-gus) (the) fickle

Quotations Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

''You've got to be careful quoting Q: "What has 200 legs and four
Ronald Reagan, because when you teeth?" A: "The front row at a
quote him accurately ifs called Johnny Cash concert."
Walter F. Mondale (1928- ), The writer Charles Lamb's farce
U.S. vice president Mr. H was a miserable failure at its
debut. He joined in the hissing at
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
the Drury Lane Theatre, because, as
Picasso, who lived in Paris, was ha he later explained, he was "so dam
rassed by the Nazis who occupied nably afraid of being taken for the
the city during WWII. A gestapo of author."
ficer, while inspecting nis apart Charles Lamb (1775-1834), British writer
ment, noticed a photograph of
Guernica, Picasso's masterpiece de The actress Laurette Taylor enjoyed
picting the destruction of the a pleasant conversation with a
Basque capital by German aircraft stranger at a party given following
during the Spanish Gvil War. "Did a poorly attended performance. The
you do that?" demanded the offi stranger then left her to talk to oth
cer. Picasso retorted, "No, you ers at the party. Taylor turned to
did." her host and exclaimed, "That man
Pablo [Ruiz y] Picasso (1881-1973), walked out on me tonight at the
Spanish-born French artist theater!" "Are you sure?" "Of
course I'm sure," replied the ac
tress. "I may forget a face, but I
never forget a back!"
Laurette Taylor (1884-1946), U.S. actress

"Theatre habitues and sons of ha Chief Justice Earl Warren, then gov-
bitues." enor of California, addressed a
Marc Klaw (1858-1936), U.S. theater crowd by beginning, "I'm pleased to
producer, describing the two classes of see such a dense crowd here to
first-night audiences night." A heckler in the audience

The Wit's Thesaurus

shouted back/ "Don't be too pleased/ ex ofpdo (Lat)

Governor/ we ain't all dense/' (ex of-FEK-ee-oh) by virtue of an of
Earl Warren (1891-1974), fice held
U.S. jurist and politician ad litem (Lat)
(ad LEE-tem) in law, guardian ap
pointed to represent an infant

♦ AUTHORITY Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

A frosty colonel was testing new
Foreign Words and Phrases lieutenants. Turning to the class
goof-off/ the colonelasked, "So, to
pitch a tent, what would be your
carte blanche (Fra) first order?" "Sir/ my first, my only,
(kart BLAHNSH) lit: white card; order would be 'Sergeant, pitch a
complete freedom/ authority to act
at will
de par le roi (Fra)
(de par le RWA) in the name of the

coup d'autorite (Fra)

(koo doh-tor-ee-tay) lit: blow of au Quotations
thority; act of authority "That/ sir, is a matter of too great
importance to discuss in a five-
Quotations minute interview—now rapidly
drawing to its close."
"He did not seem to care which
[Stephen] Graver Cleveland (1837-1908),
way he travelled providing he was
U.S. president, declining a reporter's
in the driver's seat."
request for a foreign policy statement
William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron
Beaverbrook (1879-1964), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British publisher and politician,
describing David Lloyd George, Decline "Can I make an appointment with
and Fall of Lloyd George (2963), ch. 7 the dentist?" "Sorry/ he's out now."
"When will he be out again?"
"If a rhinoceros were to enter this
restaurant now, there is no denying
he would have great power here.
But I should be the first to rise and
assure him that he had no authority
Foreign Words and Phrases
GlUbert] K[eith] Chesterton (1874-1936),
British man of letters, distinguishing the grand prix (Fra)
mornings of "power" and "authority" to (grohn PREE) lit: great prize; For
Alexander Woollcott mula One motor racing event form
ing part of the world championship
Classical Phrases and Myths
ex cathedra (Grk/Lat)
(ex kath-HED-ra) lit: from seat; "He got the peace prize; we got the
from a position of authority/ official problem. If I'm following a general.

The Ultimate Reference Book

and the enemy gives him rewards, eagerly sought her husband, who
I tend to get suspicious. Especially had died several years before. "Ex
if he gets a peace award before die cuse me/' she said to St Peter,
war is over. "have you seen my husband?"
Malcolm X [Malcolm Little] (1925-1965), "What was his name?" St. Peter in
U.S. social reformer, describing quired. 'Taul Simpson." St. Peter
Martin Luther King, Jr. snook his head. "Tnafs a common
name here. Anything else to iden
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes tify him?" She blurted out the first
thing that came to mind: "The last
"I really don't deserve this/' said thing he said before he died was
Jack Benny, accepting an award. that if I were ever unfaithful to him,
"But I have arthritis and I don't de he would turn in his grave."
serve that either/' "Aha!" said St. Peter, "you're look
Jack Benny (1894-1974), U.S. comedian ing for Pinwheel Paulie."

Foreign Words and Phrases /yI don't trust a bank that would
Fraulein (Ger) lend money to such a poor risk."
(FROY-lyn) unmarried young lady Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
U.S. humorist, after closing his account at
en gare on (Fra) a bank that had quickly approved
(on gahr-SOHN) as a bachelor his loan request

"A bank is a place that will lend

you money if you can prove that
"Being an old maid is like death by you don't need it."
drowning, a really delightful sen Bob Hope [Leslie Townes]
sation after you cease to struggle." (1903- ),
Edna Ferber (1887-1968), U.S. writer British-born U.S. comedian

"Bachelors know more about wom "Banker: a person who lends you
en than married men; if they didn't his umbrella when the sun is shin
they'd be married too." ing and wants it back the minute it
Hlenry] Uouis] Mencken (1880-1956), rams."
U.S. critic and writer Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
"Somehow a bachelor never quite writer and speaker
gets over the idea that he is a thing
of beauty and a boy forever."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Helen Rowland (1875-1950), U.S. writer,
A Guide to Men (1922), p. 25 The rich tycoon was astonished
when he received back from his
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes bank a personal check stamped "In
sufficient Funds." Below the
No sooner had Mrs. Simpson ar stamped words was the handwrit
rived at the Pearly Gates than she ten notation: "Not you... us."

The Wit's Thesaurus

Finding his savings and loan "I'm tired of all this nonsense about
branch office dosed, the man an beauty being only skin deep. That's
grily pounded on the door. Finally, deep enough. What do you want—
the manager appeared and shouted an adorable pancreas?"
through the glass, "We're dosed!" Jean Kerr (1923- ), U.S. writer
''But your sign says you're open and playwright, The Snake Has All the
nine to five/' the customer replied. lines (1958), p. 142
"Those aren't our hours. TThey're
the odds we'll open tomorrow." "She got her good looks from her
father—he's a plastic surgeon."
If you buy a toaster in Texas, you
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977),
receive a free savings and loan.
U.S. comedian

"I always say beauty is only sin

♦ BEAUTY Sold [Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916),
British writer, Reginald (2904),
Foreign Words and Phrases "Reginald's Choir Treat"

grand amateur (Fra) 'To me, fair friend, you never cart
(grond AM-ah-tuhr) great collector, be old
lover of beautiful things For as you were when first your eye
beaux yeux (Fra) I eyed,
(boh ZYER) lit: beautiful eyes; Such seems your beauty still."
pretty William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British
playwright and poet, Sonnets (2609), 204
"Beauty is all very well at first
"There is no excellent beauty that sight; but who ever looks at it when
hath not some strangeness m the it has been in the house three
proportion." days?"
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
British lawyer and writer, Irish playwright, Man and Superman
Essays (2625), "Of Gardens" (1903), Act W

'It was a blonde. A blonde to make "She stood, a sight to make an old
a bishop kick a hole in a stained man young."
glass window."
Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson
Raymond Chandler (1888-1959), (1809-1892), British poet,
U.S. writer, Farewell, My Lovely The Gardener's Daughter (1842)
(1940), ch. 13

"Beauty is in the eye of the be Classical Phrases and Myths

In Greek mythology, Adonis
Margaret Wolfe Hungerfbrd (1855-1897),
(a-DON-is) was a young man of un
British writer, Molly Bawn (1878)
[phrase quoted] surpassed beauty who was the
lover of Aphrodite and Persephone.
"What ills from beauty spring." Adonis was killed by a wild boar
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man while on the hunt; the bloodred
of letters, Vanity of Human Wishes flower, the anemone, which blooms
(2749;, /. 322 briefly, sprang from his drops of

The Ultimate Reference Book

blood that fell to earth. An adonis is Classical Phrases and Myths

a handsome young man.
"Fere libenter homines id quod volunt
In Greek mythology, Apollo (A- credunt." (Men willingly believe
POL-oh), the god orthe sun, music, what they wish.)
poetry, prophecy and medicine, Gains Julius Caesar (100 B.C.-44 B.a),
had many love affairs and was ex Roman general and statesman,
ceedingly handsome. Hence an Ap De Bello Gallico, III, xviii
ollonian man is an extremely
handsome man. Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The statesman Comte de Mirabeau,
perhaps because he was sincere in
his own beliefs, was quick to per
♦ BELIEF ceive the true convictions of others
in the violent days of the French
Revolution. On first hearing the
Foreign Words and Phrases
great orator Robespierre speak,
bonne foi (Fra) Mirabeau remarked to a colleague,
(bonn FWA) good faith "That man will go far. He believes
all he says."
Quotations Honori Gabriel Riqueti,
Comte de Mirabeau (1749-1791),
" 1 can't believe that!' said Alice.
French revolutionary statesman
'Can't you?' the Queen said in a
pitying tone. Try again: draw a When asked once if he would be
long breath, and shut your eyes.' prepared to die for his beliefs,
Alice laughed. There's no use try mathematician, logician and No
ing/ she said: 'one can't believe im bel laureate Bertrand Russell re
possible things.' 1 daresay you sponded, "Of course not. After all,
haven't had much practice/ said I could be wrong."
the Queen. 'When I was your age, I Bertrand Arthur William Russell,
always did it for half-an-hour a 3rd Earl (1872-1970),
day! Why, sometimes I've believed British mathematician and philosopher
as many as six impossible things
before breakfast.'"
Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge ♦ BELIEVABILITY
Dodgsonl (1832-1898), British writer and
mathematician, Through the Looking-
Glass (1872), ch. 5
"All argument is against it; but all
"Fanaticism consists in redoubling belief is for it."
your effort when you have forgot
ten your aim." Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
of letters, commenting on the appearance
George Santayana (1863-1952), Spanish- of the spirit of a person after death
born U.S. philosopher, poet and writer,
Life of Reason (1905), "The best lack all conviction, while
vol. 1, introduction the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."
"We are paid for our suspicions by
VMiam Butler Yeats (1865-1939),
finding what we suspected."
Irish poet and playwright,
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), Michael Robartes and the Dancer
U.S. writer, naturalist and poet (2920), "The Second Coming"

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths read that we ought to forgive our

friends/ "
cum grano salis (Lat)
(kum GRAH-noh SAL-ees) with a Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
British lawyer and writer,
grain of salt; thus, do not be so gul
lible Apothegms (1624), 206

'To betray you must first belong. I

"Prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum
never belonged."
est." (PROR-sus kred-IB-il-eest,
KWEE-a in-EPT-um est) (It is be Harold Adrian Russell [Kim] Philby
(1912-1988), British-born Russian spy
lievable because it is absurd.)
Tertullian [Quintus Septimius Florens Antony: This was the most unkind-
Tertullianus] (c. 160-c. 225) est cut of all.
Roman writer, De Came Christi, 5 William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Julius Caesar (2600), Act M, sc. ii

A rationalist, after waxing to La quinta columna. (The fifth col

French diplomat Talleyrand about umn.)
the difficulty of converting the Emilio Mola (1887-1937),
French peasants, then asked, "What Spanish general, Radio Address given
could one do to impress these peo duringtheSpanishCivilWar(1936-1939)
ple?" Talleyrand remarked, "Mais,
you could try being crucified and
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
rising again on the third day/'
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Pirigord The Lone Ranger and his insepara
(1754-1838), French diplomat ble friend Tonto, who had rescued
[attributed also to Voltaire] the Lone Ranger from certain
death, are surrounded by hostile In
dians. "Wdl, Tonto/' says the Lone
Ranger, turning to his trusted com
panion, "I think we are in the grav
♦ BETRAYAL ^ est danger." Tonto's immortal
words were: "What do you mean
Foreign Words and Phrases 'we,' paleface?"

Use majeste* (Fra)

(LEHS MAH-jest-ay) lit: injured
sovereignty; high treason, affront to
the sovereign ♦ BETWEEN
quisling (Nor)
(KWIZ-ling) collaborator with en Foreign Words and Phrases
emy, traitor; named after Norwe intermezzo (Ita)
gian officer who supported Nazis in (een-tayr-MEH-tsoh) lit: in be
Norway in WWII tween; in music, short movement as
interlude between major move
Quotations ments in a piece

"Cosmus, Duke of Florence, was entr'acte (Fra)

wont to say of perfidious friends, (ON-trakt) lit: between acts; brief
that 'We read that we ought to for interlude, performance between
give our enemies; but we do not two larger works

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes incontournable (Fra argot)

(an-kon-tor-NAB-le) one so impor
Roger Fry, the tireless promoter of tant in a field of human endeavor
post-Impressionist art, was guiding
that he literally "cannot be gotten
Lady Violet Bonham-Carter
through the post-Impressionist ex
hibition in London, and finally led sangron (Spa)
her to Matisse's La Ronde, which (SAN-gron) big shot
was hanging in the place of honor
macher (Yid)
on the end wall of the Grafton Gal
(MAHK-er) important person, big
lery. "What do you think of that?"
he solicitously inquired. Lady Bon
ham-Carter tiredly looked at the caballero (Spa)
painting and remarked at last, "I (kah-bah-LYARE-oh) cavalier, gen
don't think I quite like the shape of tleman, knight, nobleman
their legs/' "Ah!" said Roger, tri-
umphantly, "but don't you like the Quotations
shape of the spaces between their
"You can always tell a Harvard
man, but you can't tell him much."
Roger Fry (1866-1934),
British painter and art critic James Barnes (1866-1936), U.S. writer
[authenticity unverified]
'1 say, Sherry/' said one of two
Mendoza: "I am a brigand: I live by
aristocrats who happened upon
robbing the rich." Tanner: "I am a
Anglo-Irish playwright Richard
gentleman: I live by robbing the
Sheridan in London's Piccadilly,
"we were just discussing whether poor."
you are more of a rogue or a fool." George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
//Why/" replied Sheridan, taking Irish playwright, Man and Superman
each duke by the arm, '1 believe I (1903), Act in
am between both."
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Irish-born British playwright During the three months in which
and politician the influential founder of the New
York Tribune, Horace Greeley,
served in Congress, another con
gressman boasted to him that he
♦ BIG SHOT was a self-made man. "That, sir,"
replied Greeley, "does relieve the
Almighty of a great responsibility."
Foreign Words and Phrases
Horace Greeley (1811-1872),
shtarker (Yid) U.S. publisher and politician
(SHTARK-er) an important person,
a big shot

pasha (Turk)
(PAH-shah) high official in former ♦ BIGNESS
Turkish empire
magnifko (Ita)
(mah-NYEE-fee-koh) great man (of "The dinosaur's eloquent lesson is
ten used pejoratively) that if some bigness is good, an

The Wrr's Thesaurus

overabundance of bigness is not intellect." Busby replied, "And my

necessarily better." expression to the size of yours."
Eric Alllen] Johnston (1896-1963), Richard Busby (1606-1695),
U.S. businessman British teacher and headmaster

Classical Phrases and Myths ♦ BIGOTRY

a maximis ad minima (Lat)
(ah MAX-ee-mees ad MIN-ee-ma) Quotations
from the largest to the smallest
"Bigotry may be roughly defined as
In ancient Greece, a colossus (KOL- the anger of men who have no
os-sus) was a gigantic human statue, opinions."
and tiie most famous, the Colossus GWbert] K[eith] Chesterton (1874-1936),
of Rhodes, was one of the Seven British man of letters, Heretics
Wonders of the Ancient World. It (1905), ch. 20
was reputedly more than 100 feet "Much may be made of a Scotch
high and was made of bronze, sup man, if he be caught young."
posedly from the weapons aban
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
doned by Demetrius after his failed
of letters, describing Lord Mansfield, who
siege of the island Rhodes. Hence,
mas educated in England
anything colossal is gigantic, huge or
splendid. "The Irish are a fair people; they
never speak well of one another."
In Greek mythology, the Titans Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
(TEE-tanz) were the 12 children of of letters, commenting to Dr. Barnard,
the goddess of the earth, Gaea, and Bishop of Killaloe
the god of the skies, Uranus. Incited
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
by Gaea, the Titans warred on Ura
nus, dethroned him and replaced The English literary lion Samuel
him with Cronus. Then Zeus over Johnson once mocked Scotland by
threw Cronus. The Titans had a declaring, "Sir, it is a very vile
fierce struggle against Zeus, but he, country. ■ A Scotsman countered,
the other Olympians and the Cy /yWell, sir, God made it." Rejoined
clops defeated the Titans. All except Dr. Johnson, "Certainly he did, but
Atlas and Prometheus were ban we must remember that He made it
ished to Tartarus, an abyss below for Scotchmen; and comparisons
Hades. Hence, a titan is one of su are odious, Mr. S—, but God made
perhuman size and strength. Hell."
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes British man of letters

The longtime headmaster of West

minster School in London, the di ♦ BIOGRAPHY
minutive Dr. Richard Busby, was in (AUTOBIOGRAPHY)
a crowded London coffeehouse. A
very large Irish nobleman said to
him, "May I pass to my seat, O gi
ant?" "Certainly, O pygmy!" replied "One of the new terrors of death."
Busby, making way. Apologetic, the John Arbuthnot (1667-1735),
nobleman tried to recant "My ex British writer and physician, describing
pression alluded to the size of your Edmund Curll's biographies

The Ultimate Reference Book

"George the Third except myself. And of all forms of

Ought never to have occurred. fiction autobiography is the most
One can only wonder gratuitous."
At so grotesque a blunder." Tom Stoppard (1937- ),
Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956), British playwright and writer, Lord
British poet, More Biography (1929), Malquist and Mr Moon (1966), pt. 2
"George the Third"
"I should not talk so much about
''Every artist writes his own auto myself if there were anybody else
biography/' whom I knew as well."
[Henry] Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862),
British psychologist and writer, US. writer, naturalist and poet,
New Spirit (1890), 'Tolstoi" Walden (1854), "Economy"

"Autobiography is now as common "Every great man now has his dis
as adultery, and hardly less repre ciples, and it is always Judas who
hensible." writes the biography.
John Grigg [Edward Poynder] Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wi/fcJ Wilde
(1924- ), British writer (1854-1900), British playwright,
writer and wit
"Biography is a region bounded on
the north by history, on the south
by fiction, on the east by obituary,
and on the west by tedium."
Philip Guedalta (1889-1944), ♦ BIRTH
British writer
"I don't care what is written about
me so long as it isn't true." "If newborns could remember and
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
speak, they would emerge from the
and writer [authenticity unverified] womb carrying tales as wondrous
as Homer's."
"The affair between Margot As- Anonymous, Newsweek (1982)
quith and Margot Asquith will live
as one of the prettiest love stories
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
in all literature."
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit Joseph Addison once began a par
and writer, reviewing Margot Asquith's liamentary address, "Mr. Speaker, I
fourth-volume autobiography, The New conceive—I conceive, sir—sir, I
Yorker (October 22,1927), conceive—"At which point he was
"Lay Sermons" interrupted by a colleague: "The
right honorable secretary of state
"This book doesn't seem to be has conceived thrice and brought
about me, but ifs pretty interesting forth nothing."
about somebody."
Joseph Addison (1672-1719),
John Steinbeck (1902-1968), US. writer, British writer and politician
after reading his biography by
Frank William Watt The German mathematician Dir-
ichlet intensely disliked corres
"My problem is that I am not ponding, but he did make one
frightfully interested in anything, exception. When his first child was

The Wit's Thesaurus

born, he wired his father-in-law: 'Those right-to-lifers. They're with

"2 + 1 = 3." you up to the moment of birth, and
Peter Gustav-Lejeune Dirichlet then ifs 1 gotta go/ "
(1805-1859), German mathematician Robin Williams (1951- ),
U.S. comedian and actor
Telegraphing congratulations to
Mrs. Robert Sherwood upon the
birth of her baby, Dorothy Parker Classical Phrases and Myths
wired collect: "Good work, Mary.
Julia, the licentious daughter of
We all knew you had it in you/'
Rome's first emperor, Augustus
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), Caesar, had five children by her
U.S. wit and writer second husband, Marcus Vipsanius
Agrippa. With her infidelities com
Although the wit Alexander Wooll-
mon knowledge, someone re
cott was childless, he was often
marked about* the uncanny
godparent to the children of
resemblance of the children to
friends. At the baptism of Mary
Agrippa. Replied Julia, "It is be
MacArthur, daughter of Charles
cause passengers are never allowed
MacArthur and Helen Hayes, he
on board until the hold is full."
was overheard saying, "Always a
godfather—never a god!" Julia (39 B.C.-A.D. 14), Roman aristocrat

Alexander Woollcott (1887-1943),

U.S. writer, broadcaster and wit Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Q: "What do [lawyersl use for birth
control?" A: "Their personalities/'

Heard about the new male birth-

control pill? A man takes it the day
after and it changes his blood type.

"I must say... a fast word about

oral contraception. I asked a girl to
go to bed with me and she said ♦ BITTERSWEETNESS
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg] Foreign Words and Phrases
(1935- ), U.S. comedian and
filmmaker, at a Washington nightclub,
chantpleure (Fra)
April 1965 (shan-PLUR) to sine and to weep
simultaneously, torch-singing
"Contraceptives should he used on
all conceivable occasions." comedie noire (Fra)
Terence Alan ["Spike"] Milligan
(kom-AY-dee NWAR) lit: black
(1918- ), British comedian comedy; comedy based on tragic or
and writer desperate circumstances

"Impotence and sodomy are so

cially OK but birth control is fla
grantly middle-class." "Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow
Evelyn Waugh [Arthur St. John] we shall die."
(1903-1966), British writer Isaiah 22:13

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths Euripides (480 B.c-406 B.C.),

Greek playwright, Phrixus
rictus sardonicus (Lat)
(RIK-tus sar-DOHN-ee-kus) lit: sar "Delicta maiorum immeritus lues."
donic laughter; when one's heart (For the sins of your sires, albeit
may be breaking but one never you had no hand in them, you must
stops smiling suffer.)
"Smiling through her tears/' Horace (65 B.C.S B.c), Roman poet,
Odes, m, vi, I
Homer (c. 900 B.C.), Greek poet,
Iliad, bk. VI, I 484

"Felix... opportunitatemortis/'CPAY-
lix opp-or-TYOON-ee-TATE mor-
TTS) (Fortune favored him... in
the opportune moment of his death.) ♦ BOASTING
Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55-117),
Roman historian, Agricola (c. 98), 45

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Quotations

The artist asked the gallery owner "It is nice to make heroic decisions
if there had been any interest in his and to be prevented by 'circum
paintings currently on display. stances beyond your control' from
'I've got good news and bad ever trying to execute them."
news/' the owner replied. 'The William James (1842-1910),
good news is that a man, asked if U.S. philosopher and psychologist
your work would appreciate in
value after your death. I told him "Look at him, a rhinestone in the
'yes/ so he bought all 12 of your rough."
paintings." "Thafs great!" the art Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
ist exclaimed. "Whafs the bad U.S. wit and writer, appraising a drunk
news?" "He was your doctor." who had assured her that he was a good
person and a man of real talent
"Oh, I assure you, Mr. Longfel [authenticity unverified]
low," said the queen, "you are very
well known. Ail my servants read
you." "Sometimes, said Longfel
low to Oscar Wilde, "I will wake up Classical Phrases and Myths
in the middle of the night and won
der if it was a deliberate slight." "Qualis artifex pereo!" (KWAL-is
ART-i-fex PER-eo) (What an artist
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
dies with me!)
(1807-1882), U.S. poet
Nero [Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus]
(37-68), Roman emperor


Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Classical Phrases and Myths
Writer Franklin Pierce Adams once
'The gods asked Beatrice Kaufman, "Whose
Visit the sins of the fathers upon the birthday is it today?" "Yours?" she
^w,\Aran" guessed. "No; but you're getting

The Wit's Thesaurus

warm/' replied Adams. "It's Shake ful fishing exploits to a stranger in

speare's." the lounge car of the train. The
Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960), stranger, at first unresponsive,
U.S. writer turned grim. At length, Twain airily
asked for the stranger's identity.
One of the best ripostes to preten
"I'm the state game warden. Who,
sions of grandeur was made by the
are you?" Twain almost swallowed
first actor to receive a knighthood,
his cigar. "A-ah, to be perfectly can
Sir Henry Irving. A new member to
did, warden," he responded hast
London's Garrick Club, frequented
ily, "I'm the biggest damn liar in
by actors, wanted to impress the
the entire United States."
great Shakespearean actor and Ly
ceum Theatre manager. He ap Mark Twain [Samuel Langhome Clemens]
proached Irving and casually began (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
a story concerning his being writer and speaker
stopped in the street by a total
Sir Redvers Henry Buller, British
stranger who had gasped; "My
commander during the Boer War,
God, is that you?" Inquired Irving:
"And, ah, was it?" was forced to retreat by the Boers
numerous times. On one occasion,
Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905),
he put the best face possible on the
British actor and theater manager
setback by noting that he had re
Virtuoso violinists Mischa Elman treated without losing a man, a flag
and Jascha Heifetz were eating to or a cannon. "Or," added the
gether when a waiter handed tnem painter James Whistler, when he
a note labeled: 'To the greatest vi heard the report, "a minute."
olinist in the world." Heifetz grace James Abbott McNeill Whistler
fully handed it to Elman. "For you, (1834r-1903), U.S.-born British painter
Mischa." Elman returned it. "No,
Jascha, for you." The note was
traded until they agreed to open it
together. The note began, "Dear
Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962), U.S. violinist

When the young heavyweight Quotations

James ("Quick") Tillis arrived in
Chicago by bus from Tulsa, he ea "Don't place books by married
gerly made his way to the great male authors next to those by fe
Sears Tower. He put down his card male authors and vice versa."
board suitcases, looked up at the Anonymous, entry in Victorian-era
Tower and thought to himself, "I'm Lady Gough's Book of Etiquette
going to conquer Chicago." When
he looked down at his feet, his suit "Some books are undeservedly for
cases had disappeared. gotten; none are undeservedly re
James ["Quick"] Tillis
(1957- ), U.S. boxer Wystan] H[ugh] Auden (1907-1973),
British-born poet. Dyer's Hand
Returning to New York after a (1963), "Reading"
three-week vacation fishing in the
Maine woods in the off-season, "Some books are to be tasted, oth
Mark Twain boasted of his success ers to be swallowed, and some few

The Ultimate Reference Book

to be chewed and digested/' Classical Phrases and Myths

Fronds Bacon (1561-1626), locus classicus (Lat)
British lawyer and writer, (LO-kus KLAS-sik-us) standard
(1625), "Essays Of Studies" source of an idea or reference, most
"A man's library is a sort of harem/' authoritative reference on a subject
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), opere citato (Lat)
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher, (OP-er-ekit-AH-toh) (occurring) in
The Conduct of life (1860), the work cited (abbr: op cit)
"In Praise of Books"
locus communis (Lat)
"As a work of art it has the same
(LO-kus kom-MUNE-is) a com
status as a long conversation be monly quoted passage (dich£)
tween two not very bright drunks."
Give James (1939- ), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Australian writer, critiquing
Princess Daisy by Judith Krantz
After making his fortune, "Lord"
Timothy Dexter of Newburyport,
"From the moment I picked up Massachusetts, wrote in his autobi
your book until I laid it down, I ography, A Pickle for the Knowing
was convulsed with laughter. Some Ones, names of the men he wanted
day I intend reading it." to serve as his pallbearers. When
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977), the 24-page pamphlet became no
U.S. comedian, writing a blurb for torious for its complete absence of
S. J. Perelman's book. Dawn Ginsberg's punctuation, the indignant Dexter
Revenge (1928) repented by including an extra
"An anthology is like all the plums page in the second edition filled
and orange peel picked out of a with punctuation marks.
cake." "Lord" Timothy Dexter [Timothy
Sir Walter Raleigh (1861-1922), Dwight] (1747-1806), US. businessman
British aristocrat, letter to
A proof copy of Thomas Wolfe's
Mrs. Robert Bridges, January 15,1915
first and inordinately long novel,
"All books are divisible into two Jjook Homeward, Angel, a fictional
classes: the books of the hour, and ized autobiography, which was
the books of all time." dedicated to his editor Maxwell Per
John Ruskin (1819-1900), British writer kins, was sent to novelist and short-
and social reformer, Sesame and Lilies story writer F. Scott Fitzgerald for
(2365), "Of Kings' Treasuries" his review. Fitzgerald replied,
"A library is thought in cold stor "Dear Max, I liked the dedication,
age." but after that I thought it fell off
a bit."
Herbert Louis, 1st Viscount Samuel
(1870-1963), British statesman and F[rancis] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald
writer, A Book of Quotations (1896-1940), U.S. writer
(1947), p. 10
'"Classic/ A book which people
praise and don't read." ♦ BORE
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhome Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer, and Foreign Words and Phrases
speaker, Following the Equator (1897),
ch. 25 [attributed by Twain also to nudnik (Yid)
Professor Caleb Winchester] (NOOD-nik) a bore or pest

The Wit's Thesaurus

Quotations added, "And he's a goddamn

"He is not only dull in himself, but
Tristan Bernard (1866-1947),
the cause of dullness in others/'
French playwright and writer
Samuel Foote (1720-1777),
British actor and playwright [parodying An orator was giving yet another
Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part II, Act I, long, dull speech on the floor of the
sc. ii] House of Commons when he spied
ir, you have but two topics, your-
Winston Churchill dozing off. "Must
wmscon^nurciimaozingon. m«**
self and me. I am sick ofW" you faU asleep while I'm speafang?
r in it-ma itQAv demanded the speaker. "No," Chur-
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
(1709-1784). _i_.« i- j * ;«j «,v..i.
chill replied, eyes remaining shut,
British man of letters
"ifs purely voluntary."
"A bore is a man who spends so Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
much time talking about himself 1965), British prime minister and writer
that you can't talk about yourself."
"Ah, I simply talk the way I think,"
Melville D. Landon (1839-1910),
U.S. lecturer and wit
chattered a woman known for her
vacuity. Commented the bored Lu-
"A bore is a man who, when you cien Guitry, "Yes, but more often."
ask him how he is, tells you." Lucien Guitry (1860-1925), French actor
Bert Leston Taylor (1866-1901), U.S.
humorist and writer. The So Called While relaxing with fellow club
Human Race (2922), p. 163 members, the humorist Oliver Her-
ford was approached by the club's
"He is an old bore. Even the grave
notorious bore. "I just heard that
yawns for him." someone said that he'd offer me $50
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1853-1917), to resign my membership," har-
British actor and theater manager, umphed the insulted man. "What
describing Israel Zangunll do you suggest that I do, Oliver?"
"One out of three hundred and "Hold out for a hundred."
twelve Americans is a bore... a Oliver Herfprd (1863-1935), British-born
healthy male adult bore consumes U.S. humorist and illustrator
each year one and a half times his
Informed that Calvin ("Silent Cal")
own weight in other people's pa
Coolidge had just died, the Ameri
can wit Wilson Mizner asked,
John Updike (1932- ),
"How do they know?"
U.S. writer, Assorted Prose (1965),
"Confessions of a Wild Bore" Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. wit
and writer [attributed to others]
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Welsh poetand writer Dylan Thomas
A friend of Tristan Bernard once suddenly stopped after drinking and
found the playwright staring de talking at length. "Somebody's bor
spondently at a shop window m the ing me," he said, "I think ifs me."
pouring rain. ''But you can't just Dylan [Marlais] Thomas (1914-1953),
stand out here in the rain!" ex British poet and writer
claimed his friend. "Why don't you
go home?" "I cannot," replied Ber "Do you think oysters have
nard. "My wife's lover is there." brains?" a loquacious bore once
The friend was going to offer ap asked lawyer William Travers at a
propriate sympathy when Bernard dinner. "I d-d-do," replied Travers,

The Ultimate Reference Book

a stutterer. "J-j-just enough b-b- half the sins of mankind are caused
brains to k-k-keep their mouths s-s- by the fear of it."
shut." Bertrand Arthur WilliamRussell,3rd Earl
Vmiiam R. Trovers (1819-1887), (1872-1970), British mathematician and
U.S. lawyer and wit philosopher, Sceptical Essays (1928),
"Eastern and Western Ideals
of Happiness"

♦ BOREDOM & TEDIUM Classical Phrases and Myths

taedium vitae (Lat)
Foreign Words and Phrases (TEE-di-um WEE-fee) weariness
with life
megilkh (Yid)
(meh-GIL-ah) long boring speech,
recital, etc. Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Robert Browning had to listen to a
ennui (Fra)
volley of questions concerning his
(ON-nwee) boredom, weariness
poetry when cornered by a bore at
from inactivity
an affair. Eventually he escaped.
tirare la carretta (Ita) "But my dear fellow, this is too
(tee-RAH-ray lah kuh-REH-tuh) lit: bad," he exclaimed. "I am monop
to pull the little cart; to perform un olizing you." And he exited.
interesting and burdensome work Robert Browning (1812-1889),
British poet
David Hartley, a soporific speaker,
''Bore, n. A person who talks when was addressing his peers in the
■ you wish him to listen." House of Commons in 1783. Only
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce 80 members, mostly asleep, re
(1842-c. 1914), U.S. writer and poet, mained of an audience originally
Cynic's Word Book (2906) numbering about 300. Just when he
appeared to conclude his speech, he
"A yawn is a silent shout." ordered the clerk of the House to
Gilbert] K[eith] Chesterton (1874-1936), read the 1715 Riot Act to illustrate
British man of letters a point he had made. Unable to
contain himself, Edmund Burke
"We were nearly as bored as enthu
rose, shouting, "The Riot Act? The
siasm would permit."
Riot Act? To what purpose? Don't
Sir Edmund Gosse (1849-1928), you see that the mob is already qui
British writer, commenting on a play etly dispersed?"
by Algernon Charles Swinburne
Edmund Burke (1729-1797),
"We frequently forgive those who British statesman, philosopher and writer
bore us, but cannot forgive those
whom we bore." A biologist was rhapsodizing about
the intricate social organization of
Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
ant colonies to the British actress
(1613-1680), French writer,
Mrs. Patrick Campbell. "Do you
Maximes (1678), 304
know," he added enthusiastically,
"Boredom is... a vital considera "they have their army and their
tion for the moralist, since at least own police force?" Arching an eye-

The Wit's Thesaurus

brow, Mrs. Campbell asked, "What, hour," the hostess protested. "It
no navy?" will take only 20 minutes to get
Mrs. Patrick [Beatrice] Campbell there by the quickest route." La.
(1865-1940), British actress Fontaine bowed and said, "But,
Madame/I prefer the longest way."
Much of the Amherst home of the
la Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695),
poet Emily Dickinson/ in particular French fabulist
the holograph manuscripts of some
of her most famous poems, is off- "Where do you think all these peo
limits to the general public. "Silent ple go when they leave Alecs?"
CaT Coolidge, however, was given someone asked Dorothy Parker, re
a special guided tour. After scruti ferring to the mind-numbing week
nizing her handwritten poems, end guests at Alexander Woollcotfs
Coolidge made his one comment of country home. "Back into the
the visit saying, ''Wrote with a pen, woodwork."
eh? I dictate." Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
[John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), and writer [authenticity unverified]
U.S. president
At a tedious social function, the
While at the premiere of a play of hostess anxiously inquired of the
his at the Theatre Frangais, the novel Irish playwright George Bernard
ist and dramatist Alexandre Dumas Shaw, "Are you enjoying yourself,
remarked to his friend that he had Mr. Shaw?" "Indeed," responded
seen Fournefs Gladiator there just Shaw. "There is no one else here to
the previous night. "How was it?" enjoy."
asked the friend. "Dull/' answered George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Dumas. "People fell asleep." Then Irish playwright [attributed also to
the friend, spying a snoring member Oscar Wilde]
of the audience, said sneeringly,
"Apparently your own play isn't
too interesting either." /fMon ami,
you are mistaken. He's left over
from last night" ♦ BRITISH
Alexandre [pere] Dumas (1802-1870),
French writer and playwright Quotations

King Frederick William was exiting "The maxim of the British people is
the royal box after attending the 'Business as usual.'"
performance of a tedious and Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
thankfully forgotten play. Nodding 1965), British prime minister and writer,
toward the snoring loge attendant, speech at Guild Hall, November 9,1914
the king remarked to an aide, "An
"Paralytic sycophants, effete be
trayers of humanity, carrion-eating
Frederick William TV (1795-1861), servile imitators, arch-cowards and
Prussian king
collaborators, gang of women-
Jean de La Fontaine, attending a murderers, degenerate rabble, para
lackluster social gathering, excused sitic traditionalists, play-boy sol
his departure by explaining that he diers, conceited dandies."
was due to speak before the French Officially sanctioned German Socialist
Academy. "But the Academy isn't Republic terms of abuse to describe
scheduled to meet for a whole Great Britain, 1953

The Ultimate Reference Book

'The devil take these people and pressed Palmerston, "I should wish
their language! They take a dozen to be an Englishman."
monosyllabic words in their jaws, Henry John Temple, 3d Viscount
chew them, crunch them and spit Palmerston (1784-1865),
them out again, and call that speak British prime minister
ing. Fortunately they are by nature
While Voltaire was in exile in Lon
fairly silent, and although they gaze
don between 1726 and 1729, anti-
at us open-mouthed, they spare us
French sentiment was so great that
long conversations."
at one point the French philosopher
Henrich Heine (1797-1856), and satirist was surrounded by an
German poet and writer
unruly mob yelling, "Hang him!
Hang the Frenchman!" "Men of
"An Englishman, even if he is England! You desire to hang me
alone, forms an orderly queue of merely because I am a Frenchman!"
one." Voltaire shouted back. "Is it not
George Mikes (1912- ), punishment enough not to be born
Czech humorist, How To Be an Alien an Englishman?" The crowd was so
(2946), p. 44 pleased that they cheered and he
was escorted safely away.
"Continental people have sex lives; Voltaire [Frangois-Marie Arouet]
the English have hot-water bottles." (1694-1778), French philosopher,
George Mikes (1912- ), writer and wit
Czech humorist

"Gorgonised me from head to foot,

with a stony British stare."
Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson
(1809-1892), British poet, Maud (1855) ♦ BROAD-MINDEDNESS
"How hard it is to make an En
glishman acknowledge that he is Foreign Words and Phrases
happy." sumo (Jap)
William Makepeace Thackeray (soo-NAY-oh) seeing the world as it
(1811-1863), British writer is, not as we would have it
au fond (Fra)
''Unmitigated noodles."
(oh fon) at root, fundamentally
William II [Kaiser Wilhelm III
(1859-1941), German emperor, Quotations
describing England
"It's dull (as well as draughty) to
keep an open mind."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Philip Guedolla (1889-1944),
British writer
Eager to flatter the fiercely national
istic Lord Palmerston, once Britain's "You see things; and you say
prime minister, a honey-tongued 'Why?' But I dream things that
Frenchman commented, "If I were never were; and I say 'Why not?'"
not a Frenchman, I should wish to George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
be an Englishman." "If I were not an Irish playwright, Back to Methuselah
Englishman," retorted the unim (1922), pt. l,ActI

The Wit's Thesaurus

nice easy job for the laziest em

BUREAUCRACY ployee here. Will the laziest person
come forward?" Instantly, every
Foreign Words and Phrases one came forward—all but one.
"Why don't you come forward
apparatchik (Rus) with the others?" demanded the of
(ap-PAR-aht-chik) (Communist par ficial. 'Too much trouble."
ty) functionary

echelon (Fra)
(AY-shel-lon) ladder rung, level ♦ BUSINESSMAN
within a hierarchy
Foreign Words and Phrases
affaire d'intbrH (Fra)
"Guidelines for bureaucrats: (ah-FAIR dan-te-REH) matter invol
(1) When in charge, ponder. ving self-interest; matter of money
(2) When in trouble, delegate.
(3) When in doubt, mumble."
James H. Boren (1925- ), "Every crowd has a silver lining."
U.S. citizen Plhineos] Tfaylor] Barnum (1810-1891),
U.S. showman
"This place needs a laxative."
'Tor the merchant, even honesty is
Bob Geidof (1954- ),
a financial speculation."
British music promoter, describing the
bureaucracy of the European Charles [Pierre] Baudelaire (1821-1867),
Economic Community French poet, Intimate
Journals (1887), 97
"The longer the title, the less im
"Here's the rule for bargains: T>o
portant the job."
unto other men, for they would do
George McGouern (1922- ), you.' Thafs the true business pre
U.S. politician cept."
Charles Dickens (1812-1870),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes British writer, Martin Chuzzlewit
Q: ''How does a civil servant (1843-1844), ch. 11
wink?" A: "He opens one eyelid." "There are very honest people who
do not think that they have had a
Three youngsters were bragging
bargain unless they have cheated a
about their fathers. First "My dad's
so fast he can shoot an arrow from
his bow and beat the arrow to the Anatole France [Jacques-Anatole-Frangois
target" Second: "So what My Thibault] (1844-1924),
French writer and poet
dad's so fast he can shoot a bear
from 400 yards and get to the bear "Who is worse shod than the shoe
before it falls." Third: "Thafs noth maker's wife?"
ing. My dad works for the govern John Heyioood (c. 1497-c. 1580),
ment He gets off work at .five but British poet, Proverbs (1546)
he's so fast he gets home by three- "Nothing is as irritating as the fel
thirty." low that chats pleasantly while he's
The government official reviewed overcharging you."
the new employees with displea Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard
sure and then shouted, "I have a (1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer

The Ultimate Reference Book
''When you are skinning your cus capital, and he'll have the experi
tomers you should leave some skin ence."
on to grow again so that you can
Before Joseph Duveen became one
skin them again."
of the world's foremost art dealers,
Nikita Sergeyeoich Khrushchev he learned a lesson when dealing
(1894-1971), Russian leader, advising with the savvy banker and financier
British businessmen J. P. Morgan, Sr., who was also a
'The secret of business is to know major benefactor of the arts. Young
something that nobody else knows." Joseph once showed Morgan a cot
lection of 30 miniatures. Only six
Aristotle [Socrates] Onassis (1906-1975),
pieces of the otherwise unremark
, Greek businessman
able collection were extremely rare.
"If Max [Beaverbrook] gets to Morgan quickly looked over the
heaven he won't last long. He will collection and asked the total price,
be chucked out for trying to pull off which Duveen happily supplied.
a merger between heaven and hell Morgan pocketed the six rare
... after having secured a control pieces, and gave Duveen 20 percent
ling interest in key subsidiary com of the total price. "You are just a
panies in both places, of course." boy, Joe/' Uncle Henry later said to
Hlerbert] Gleorge] Wells (1866-1946), the downcast Joseph. 'It takes a
British writer man to deal with Morgan."
Joseph Duveen, Baron Duveen of
"he client n'a jamais tort" (The cus
Millbank (1869-1939), British art dealer
tomer is never wrong.)
Cesar Ritz (1850-1918),
French businessman ♦ CALIFORNIA

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"Business is so bad/' said the tailor,
"California is a fine place to live—
"that yesterday I only sold one suit.
if you happen to be an orange."
And today it was even worse."
"How could it be worse?" asked his Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894-1957),
wife. Wailed the tailor, 'Today the U.S. comedian
customer returned the suit he "His great aim was to escape from
bought yesterday." civilization, and, as soon as he had
money, he went to Southern Cali
"I don't understand," asked the
new accountant. "If you're selling
these copiers way under cost, how Anonymous
come you're showing a profit?" "If you live there [in California]
"Simple/' was the reply. "We make long enough, you turn into a Mer
our money fixing them." cedes."

"I'm going into business," bragged Dustin Hoffman (1937- ),

U.S. actor
the modern entrepreneur. "If11 be a
partnership." "How much capital "What was the use of my having
are you contributing?" asked his come from Oakland... there is no
friend. "None. We go into business there there."
for four years. My partner puts in Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), U.S. writer,
the capital, and I put in the expe Everybody's Autobiography
rience. After four years, I'll have the (1937), ch. 4

The Wit's Thesaurus

member him!" Pollard bellowed.

♦ CANNIBALISM "Hell, son, let him!"
Herman Melville (1819-1891),
Quotations U.S. writer

"I have been assured by a very In 1874 Alferd Packer, guiding five
knowing American of my acquain homesteaders along the Mormon
tance in London, that a young Trail into Colorado during a heavy
healthy child well nursed is at a winter, emerged alone from the San
year old a most delicious, nourish Juan Mountains. When sentencing
ing, and wholesome food, whether Packer to hang for cannibalism,
stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled, Judge Melville B. Gerry reportedly
and I make no doubt that it will shouted, "Stand up, yah voracious
equally serve in a fricassee, or a ra man-eatin' sonofabitch and receive
gout/' your sintince! Thar were only sivin
Dimocrats in all of Hinsdale County
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Anglo-Irish
'n ya et five of thim!" The cafeteria at
clergyman and writer, A Modest
the University of Colorado at Boul
Proposal for Preventing the Children
der is known as the Alfred G. Packer
of Ireland from Being a Burden to
Their Parents or Country (1729)
Alferd G. Packer (d. 1907),
U.S. frontiersman [authenticity of
Gerry's remarks controverted]

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Victor Biaka-Boda, who repre
sented the Ivory Coast in the ♦ CAPRICE
French Senate and was once a witch
doctor, went on a tour of the hin Foreign Words and Phrases
terlands in January 1950 to broad
capriccio (Ita)
cast his stand on the issues to his
(kah-PREE-cho) lit: caprice; in mu
people and to understand their
sic or art, lively and whimsical
concerns—one of which was ap
parently the food supply. His con
stituents ate him.
Victor Biaka-Boda (c. 1895-1950),
"Vogue la gale re!" (voag la ga-
LEHR) (Let the galley sail; lefs
Ivory Coast politician
chance it.)

Herman Melville used numerous Francois Rabelais (c. 1494-1553),

sources to write the great American French scholar, physician and writer,
Works, bk. I, ch. 40
novel Moby Dick, including an ac
count of the sinking in 1620 of the
whaleship Essex by a whale. Captain
Pollard and other sailors aboard the
Essex survived the long ordeal at sea
by resorting to cannibalism. A rela
tive of one of the Essex crew mem Foreign Words and Phrases
bers aproached Captain Pollard doveryai no proveryai (Rus)
years later and timidly asked if the (doh-VEHR-yay noh proh-VEHR-
old salt remembered the sailor. "Re yay) trust but verify

The Ultimate Reference Book

una bocca chiusa non prende mosche Quotations

''Nothing is worth doing unless the
(oo-na bo-CHO CHEE-oo-sa non
consequences may be serious."
PREN-day Mos-chay) a closed
mouth catches no flies; proverb George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright, Misalliance (2924)

Quotations Classical Phrases and Myths

"You never test the depth of a river casus belli (Lat)
with both feet." (KAH-sus BEL-ee) lit: cause of war;
African proverb grounds for a quarrel or war

"You will find in politics that you

are much exposed to the attribution
of false motive. Never complain
and never explain."
Stanley Baldwin, Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
(1867-1947), British prime minister Quotations

"Thou canst not stir a flower

"Look ere you leap." Without troubling of a star."
John Heywood (c.1497-c.158O), Francis Thompson (1859-1907),
British poet, Proverbs (1546) British poet, Poems (2923)

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Classical Phrases and Myths

While visiting sculptor Jacob Ep a posteriori (Lat)

stein's studio, George Bernard (ah pos-TER-ree-o-ree) in logic, the
Shaw spied a huge block of stone in reasoning from effects to causes,
a corner and asked its purpose. reasoning based on past experience
"I'm not sure yet," answered the (opp: a priori)
sculptor. 'Tm still planning." "You
ergo (Lat)
mean you plan your work?" asked
(ERR-go) therefore, thus
the surprised Shaw. "I change my
mind several times a day!" "Thafs a priori (Lat)
all very well with a four-ounce (ah pree-OHR-ree) in logjc, deduc
manuscript," said Epstein, "but not tive reasoning, reasoning from
with a four-ton block." causes to effects, i.e., without refer
Sir Jacob Epstein (1880-1959), ence to experience (opp: a posteriori)
British sculptor
post hoc ergo propter hoc (Lat)
(post hok ERG-oh PROP-ter hok)
lit: after this, therefore because of
this; the fallacy that because an
effect follows a cause in time, it
♦ CAUSE may therefore be attributed to that

Foreign Words and Phrases

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
raison d'etre (Fra)
(ray-ZON DET-ruh) lit: reason for Two politicians were lamenting the
being; justification, purpose recent death of another. "Appar-

The Wit's Thesaurus

ently our friend/' observed one, 'Ifs red hot, mate. I hate to think
'left very few effects." 'It wouldn't of this sort of book getting into the
be otherwise/' replied the other. wrong hands. As soon I've finished
"He had very few causes." this, I shall recommend they ban
Ray Galton (1930- ), and Alan
Simpson (1929- ), British
writers, "Hancock's Half Hour/'
television program for British comedian
Quotations Tony Hancock, 1974
"As the ancients "They can't censor the gleam in my
Say wisely, Have a care o' th' main eye."
chance, Charles Laughton (1899-1962),
And look before you ere you leap; British actor
For, as you sow, you are like to
reap." "And art made tongue-tied by au
Samuel Butler (1612-1680), British poet
and writer, Hudibras, Part II (2664), William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British
c. II, I. 501 playwright and poet, Sonnets (2609), 66

"The better part of valour is discre "Assassination is the extreme form

tion." of censorship."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish
playwright and poet, Henry IV, Part I playwright, Shewing Up of Blanco
(1598), Act V, sc. iv Posnet (2922), "Limits to Toleration"
'It is now virtually impossible for
Classical Phrases and Myths the media in Britain to expose offi
"Fallentis semita vitae." (The untrod cial wrongdoing without techni
den paths of life.) cally breaking the law."
Horace (65 B.c-8 B.c), Roman poet, Donald Trelford (1937- ),
Epistles, 7. xoiii. 1.103 British editor, 1986

"I believe in censorship. After all, I

made a fortune out of it."
♦ CENSORSHIP Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress

Classical Phrases and Myths

nihil obstat (Lat)
"Those expressions are omitted
(ni-hil OB-stat) lit: nothing hinders;
which cannot with propriety be
statement from a censor that a text
read aloud in the family."
contains nothing that hinders its
Thomas Bawdier (1754-1825), printing or production
British editor and expurgator

"[The film] is so cryptic as to be al Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

most meaningless. If there is a According to journalist and writer
meaning, it is doubtless objection John Gunther, immediately before
able." WW II an American journalist
British Board ofFUm Censors, banning wrote home to a friend: "Don't
Jean Cocteau's 1929 film The Seashell know if this will ever arrive be
and the Clergyman, 2956 cause the Japanese censor may

The Ultimate Reference Book

open it." Some time later, he re il-e) (It is certain because it is

ceived a note from the Japanese impossible.)
post office reading: "The statement Tertullian [Quintus SeptimiUs Florens
in your letter is not correct. We do Tertullianus] (c. 160-c. 225), Roman
not open letters." writer, De Came Christi, 5 [sometimes
John Gunther (1901-1970), U.S. writer rendered as: "Credo quia absurdum"
(KRAY-doh KWEE-A ab-SUKD-um) (I
believe because it is absurd); thus, faith
must sometimes supplant reason]

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"How old are these dinosaur
bones?" the tourist asked the na
Foreign Words and Phrases
tive. "One hundred million and six
alia prima (Ita) years old." Inquired the tourist,
(al-a PREE-mah) painting cniickly "How can you be so definite?" "A
without subsequent retouching geologist told me they were 100
million years old," replied the na
Quotations tive, "and that was exactly six years
"Our constitution is in actual op
eration; everything appears to
promise that it will last; but in this ♦ CHANCE (LUCK)
world nothing is certain but death
and taxes."
Foreign Words and Phrases
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
U.S. statesman and scientist, letter to par hasard (Fra)
Jean Baptiste Le Roy, November 13,1789 (par AZ-ar) by chance

"I wish I was as cocksure of any Quotations

thing as Tom Macaulay is of every "How else do you explain the sue-.
thing." cess of those you don't like?"
Vfilliam Lamb, 2nd Viscount of Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), French writer,
Melbourne (1779-1848), artist, and filmmaker, answering whether
British prime minister he believed in luck

'It is the dull man who is always "If at first you do succeed, don't
sure, and the sure man who is al take any more chances."
ways dull." Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard
HienryJ Uouis] Mencken (1880-1956), (1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer
U.S. critic and writer "Chance is a word mat does not
make sense. Nothing happens with
a rose is a rose is a rose, is out a cause."
a rose."
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694-
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), U.S. writer, 1778), French philosopher, writer and wit
Sacred Emity (2913), p. 187 [misquoted
"Le hasard est un sobriquet de la Prov
often as "a rose is a rose is a rose"]
idence." (Chance is a nickname for
Classical Phrases and Myths
Sebastian Roch Nicolds Chomfbrt
"Cerium est quid impossible est." (1741-1794), French writer and wit,
(KER-tum est KWEE-a im-poss-IB- Maxims and Thoughts, 62

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Whenever a Republican leaves

one side of the aisle and goes, to the
A fellow asked for condoms from
other, it raises the intelligence quo
a drugstore clerk, who looked him
tient of both parties."
up and down and said, ''Wouldn't
you rather have a lottery ticket?" Clare Boothe [Brokaw] Luce (1903-1987),
"Why?" "The odds are better." U.S. writer, playwright and diplomat,
commenting on a Republican senator's
affiliation with the Democratic party

♦ CHANGE "Some praise at morning what they

blame at night;
But always think the last opinion
Foreign Words and Phrases
VerJda rung (Ger) Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet
(fehr-KLAI-rung) transfiguration, and writer, An Essay on Criticism

Classical Phrases and Myths
"Well, I find that a change of nui
Among the conspirators who at
sance is as good as a vacation."
tacked Caesar on the fatal Ides of
David Lloyd George, 1st Earl March in 44 B.C. at the Roman Sen
(1863-1945), British prime minister, ate house was Marcus Junius Bru
answering how he retained his good spirits
tus, whom Caesar had trusted and
in spite of the crises during his ministry
favored as a son. According to Ro
"There is nothing in this world con man historians, Caesar first resisted
stant, but inconstancy." the assassins, but when he saw Bru
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Anglo-Irish tus among them with his dagger
clergyman and writer, A Critical Essay ready to strike, he ceased to strug
upon the Faculties of the Mind (1707) gle. Pulling the top part of his toga
over his face, Caesar cried, "Kai su,
Classical Phrases and Myths teknon?" (You too, my son?)
Gaius Julius Caesar (100 B.a-44 B.c),
mutatis mutandis (Lat)
Roman general and statesman [Caesar
(moo-TAH-tees moo-TAND-ees) lit: spoke in Greek but the Latin form as
things having been changed which depicted in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar,
should be changed; allowing for the Act til, sc. i, is best known:
appropriate changes "Et tu, Brute?"]

♦ CHANGE OF MIND Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Benjamin Butler, Union general
Quotations and later Massachusetts govenor,
was about to administer the oath
'Treason doth never prosper: of allegiance at the end of the
whafs the reason? Civil War when a Confederate sol
For if it prosper, none dare call it dier shouted, "We gave you hell
treason." at Chickamauga, Generalr Butler,
Sir John Haringfon (1561-1612), furious, threatened to have the
British writer, Of Treason, bk. iv, no. 5 man shot unless he took title oath.

The Ultimate Reference Book

The rebel reluctantly complied. Passing by a Salvation Army

"General, I suppose I am a good player, Tallulah Bankhead dropped
Yankee and citizen of the United a $50 bill into his extended tambou
States now?" "I hope so/' Butler rine. "Don't bother to thank me,"
replied cautiously, 'Well, General, said Bankhead, waving aside the
the rebels did give us hell at man's gratitude. "I know what a
Chickamauga, didn't they?" perfectly ghastly season ifs been
Benjamin Franklin Butler (1818-93), for you Spanish dancers."
U.S. general and politician Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968),
U.S. actress

The collector for charitable organi

zation solicited a donation from
♦ CHARITY & BEGGING Horace Greeley, founder of the New
York Tribune, by saying, "Your
Quotations money will save millions of your
fellow men from going to hell." "I
"Beggars should be abolished. It
won't give a damned cent, then,"
annoys one to give to them, and it
Greeley snorted. "Not half enough
annoys one not to give to them."
of them go there now."
Friedrich [Wilhelm] Nietzsche
Horace Greeley (1811-1872),
(1844-1900), German philosopher
U.S. publisher and politician
"Charity is injurious unless it helps
the recipient to become indepen One of humorist Douglas Jerrold's
dent of it." circle Was infamous for his requests
John Dlavison] Rockefeller, Sr.
for financial assistance from his
(1839-1937), U.S. industrialist acquaintances. Once again short
and philanthropist of money, he sent an interme
diary to request Jerrold's contribu
"No one would remember the tion. "How much does he want this
Good Samaritan if he'd only had time?" Jerrold asked irritably. 'Just
good intentions. He had money as a four and two noughts will put
well." him straight," said the man uneas
Margaret Thatcher (1925- ), ily. Responded Jerrold, 'Tut me
British prime minister, television down for one of the noughts."
interview, January 6,1986 Douglas Jerrold (1803-1857),
British playumght and humorist
Classical Phrases and Myths
"Proxumus sum egomet tnihi." (PROX-
um-us sum EG-oh-met MEE-hee)
(Charity begins at home.)
Terence [Publius Terentius Afer]
(c.190 B.C.-159 b.c), Roman playwright,
The Woman of Andros (266 B.c)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "A woman's chastity consists, like
Begging off the Hare Krishna cult- an onion, of a series of coats."
ists, the hurried man said, "I gave Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864),
in a previous lifetime." U.S. writer, Journals (March 16,1854)

The Wit's Thesaurus

"An unattempted woman cannot you expect this six-month-old girl

boast of her chastity/' to stand by herself?"
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533- Lord Lyndhurst was asked by a so
1592), French writer, Essays (1580) cial matron if he believed in pla-
tonic friendship between men and
Classical Phrases and Myths women. "After, not before."
John Singleton Copley, Lord Lyndhurst
"Da mihi castitatem et continentum,
(1772-1863), British lord chancellor
sed noli modo." (Give me chastity
and continence, but not yet).
St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) North
African Catholic theologian, Confessions,
bk. xriii, ch. 7
nisi caste, saltern caute (Lat)
(NEE-si KAS-te SAL-tem KOW-te) Foreign Words and Phrases
if you are not chaste, at least be
careful (first canon of religious pru entrain (Fra)
dence) (on-tren) warmth, zest, vivacity,

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes bon diable (Fra)

(bon dee-AHBL) good-humored
Mother Superior called in all the man
nuns and declared, "I found a con
dom in the dormitory!" There was
an audible gasp from all the nuns,
save one who said, 'Tee-hee."
"And that condom had a hole in "Happy the man, and happy he
it," continued the Mother Superior. alone,
"Tee-hee," chuckled the nuns in He, who can call to-day his own:
unison, save for one audible gasp. He who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have
"I have learned that immorality is lived to-day."
rampant in our small town/' de
John Dryden (1631-1700), British poet,
clared the preacher. 'It is said that
playwright and writer, Imitation of
no virgins are left. This vile lie Horace, bk. m, ode 29 (1685), I 65
must and shall be refuted. I ask
every virgin in the congregation to "By happy alchemy of mind
rise." Nobody stirred. ''Modesty They turn to pleasure all they find."
is of no concern here," begged Matthew Green (1696-1737), British poet,
the preacher. "All virgins, rise!" The Spleen
Again, no woman moved. "Will
"Keep a stiff upper lip, Bertha dear.
you avoid a small shame to in
What, knocked a tooth out? Never
cur a great one? The Almighty mind, dear, laugh it off, laugh it off;
commands: Let all virgins stand!" ifs all part of life's rich pageant."
thundered the preacher. A young
Arthur Marshall (1910-1989),
woman, with a baby in her arms,
British comedian, The Games Mistress,
rose bashfully. The preacher stared
recorded monologue, 1937
at the baby, then said, "Young
woman, I'm asking virgins to "He was born with a gift of laugh
stand." Replied the woman, "Do ter and a sense that the world was

The Ultimate Reference Book

mad. And that was all his patri 'There are two good reasons why
mony/' men go to see her. Those are
Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950), Italian enough."
writer, Scaramouche (2922), bk. 1, ch. 1 Howard Hughes (1905-1976),
U.S. industrialist, describing film actress
"He laughs best who laughs last" fane Russell
Sir John Vanbrugh (1664-1726),
British playwright, The Country House
"I am the only topless octogenarian
(2706), Act U, sc. 5 here."
Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980),
"Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur U.S. socialite, following surgical removal
d'&re oblige d'en pleurer." (I hasten to of her second breast due to cancer
laugh at everything for fear of be at age 86
ing obliged to weep at it.)
"I have one criticism. You can't ex
Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
pect the public to get excited about
(1732-1799), French playwright, Le
a film where the leading man's
Barbier de Seville (2775), Act I, sc. ii
chest is bigger than the leading la
Classical Phrases and Myths Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977),
U.S. comedian, commenting at a private
"Nihil est ab omni Parte beatum." (No screening to the buoyant producer of the
lot is happy on all sides.) film Samson and Delilah starring
Horace (65 b.c-8 B.C.), Roman poet, Victor Mature
Odes, II, xui, I. 27


"We want better reasons for having

Foreign Words and Phrases children than not knowing how to
prevent them."
Hetdenbrust (Get)
Countess Dora Russell (1894-1986),
(HELD-en-broost) maiden's heroic-
British writer, Hypatia (1925), ch. 4
sized bosom
"How sharper than a serpent's
decolletage (Fra) tooth it is
(DAY-kol-let-TAJ) low cut of a To have a thankless child."
dress, revealed neck, shoulders and
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
often upper chest
British playwright and poet,
King Lear (2606), Act I, sc. iv
Mother: "Ifs broccoli, dear." Child:
'It was not a bosom to repose "I say ifs spinach, and I say the hell
upon, but it was a capital bosom to with it."
hang jewels upon." Etlwyn] Blrooks] White (1899-1985),
Charles Dickens (1812-1870), U.S. humorist and writer, New Yorker
British writer cartoon caption (December 8,1928)

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Children begin by loving their rassment of choice; the more al

parents; after a time they judge ternatives, the more difficult the
them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive choice
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] WUde Quotations
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer
"Look here, Steward, if this is cof
and wit, A Woman of No Importance
(1893), Act I
fee, I want tea; but if this is tea, then
I wish for coffee."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes G. D. Armour (1864-1949),
British cartoonist, Punch cartoon caption
Q: //What term is similar to umbil (July 23,1902)
ical cord describing the sometimes
hard-to-break tie between an older "When you come to a fork in the
child and a parent?" A: "Purse road, take it."
string." Lawrence l"Yogi"1 Berra
(1925- ), US. baseball player
and manager [authenticity unverified]

"Of all the 36 alternatives, running

♦ CHINESE away is best."
Chinese proverb
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
When Wellington Koo was repre Classical Phrases and Myths
senting his country at the 1921
tertium quid (Lat)
Washington Conference, many
(TER-tee-um kwid) last choice
Americans were still unaccustomed
to meeting sophisticated foreigners. ex gratis (Lat)
At a social function he found him (ex GRAH-tee-ah) lit: out of grace,
self next to a young lady who, after (an action) performed by choice not
some minutes of embarrassed si necessity
lence, attempted to begin a conver
sation with "Likee soupee?" Koo
just nodded and continued with his
soup. At the end of the meal Koo
rose to give a speech, which he did ♦ CHOICE, ABSENCE OF
for ten minutes in impeccable En
glish. When he returned to his seat, Foreign Words and Phrases
he blandly asked the woman, "li-
cul de sac (Fra)
kee speecnee?"
(kool de sack) lit: bottom of a sack;
Wellington Koo [Ku Wei-chain] (1887- street closed at one end
1985), Chinese politician and diplomat


'Teople can have the Model T in

♦ CHOICE any color—so long as it's black."
Henry Ford (1863-1947),
Foreign Words and Phrases U.S. industrialist

emborras du choix (Fra) "There was only one catch and that
(om-BA-ra doo-SHWA) lit: embar was Catch-22, which specified that

The Ultimate Reference Book

a concern for one's own safety in

the face of dangers that were real ♦ cmcurrousNESS
and immediate was the process of (ROTATION)
a rational mind. Orr was crazy and
could be grounded. All he had to
Classical Phrases and Myths
do was ask; and as soon as he did,
he would no longer be crazy and "Per caputque pedesque." (per CAP-
would have to fly more missions. ut-kay PED-es-kay) (Over nead and
Orr would be crazy to fly more mis heels.)
sions and sane if he didn't, but if he Gaius Valerius Catullus.
was sane he had to fly them. If he (87 B.c.-c. 54 B.c), Roman poet
flew them he was crazy and didn't
have to; but if he didn't want to
then he was sane and had to. Yos- Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
sarian was moved very deeply by
Fred was at the local bar one eve
the absolute simplicity of this
ning when the fellow next to him
clause of Catch-22 and let out a re
put down his empty glass, walked
spectful whistle. Thafs some catch,
over to the wall and, without hesi
that Catch-22/ he observed."
tation, walked up its surface and
Joseph Heller (1923- ), onto die ceiling. He crossed the ceil
U.S. writer, Catch-22 (1961), ch. 5 ing upside down, walked down the
wall to the top of the front door and
"Beggars should be no choosers." somersaulted out the door. Fred,
astonished, remarked to the bar
John Heywood (c.1497-c.158O),
tender, 'Thafs an odd way of leav
British poet, Proverbs (1546)
ing." The bartender shrugged.
"You get used to it. He always
'There's small choice in rotten ap leaves without saying goodbye."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British
playwright and poet, The Taming of the
Shrew (1594), Act I, sc. i


Foreign Words and Phrases

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
en passant (Fra)
"Hobson's choice," an expression
(on PASS-sohn) incidentally, in
that means either taking what is of
passing, by the way; a move in
fered or taking nothing, is derived
chess by which a pawn captures an
from the practice of the Cambridge,
England stabler Thomas Hobson.
His patrons were given the "choice"
of only the horse nearest the stable
door, thereby ensuring that Hob-
son's customers and his horses were "Circumstances!. I make circum
given equally fair treatment. stances!"
Thomas Hobson (c. 1544-1631), Napoleon I [Napoleon BonaparteJ
British stabler (1769-1821), French general and emperor

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths "All the greatest things we know

have come to us from neurotics. It
status quo (ante) (Lat)
is they and they only who have
(STA-tus kwoh AN-tay) state of af founded religions and created great
fairs (beforehand) works of art. Never will the world
be conscious of how much it owed
to them, nor above all of what they
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes have suffered in order to bestow
Robert Ingersoll, a well-known their gifts on it."
19th-century agnostic, was visiting Marcel Proust (1871-1922),
Reverend Henry Ward Beecher and French writer, Le cdt6 de Guermantes
admired Beecher's beautiful globe (Guermantes Way) (1921), vol. 1, p. 418
depicting the various constellations
'The reasonable man adapts him
and stars of the heavens. He asked
self to the world: the unreasonable
who had made it. //Who made it?"
one persists in trying to adapt the
said Beecher, seizing the opportu
nity to challenge his guest. //Why/
world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreason
nobody made it It just happened."
able man."
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887),
U.S. clergyman and writer
. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright, Man and Superman
(2903), "Maxims for Revolutionists:

"The plain working truth is that it

is not only good for people to be
♦ CIVILIZATION shocked occasionally, but abso
lutely necessary to the progress of
society that they should oe shocked
Foreign Words and Phrases
pretty often."
Geisteswissen (Ger) George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
(GYST-es-VISS-en-shaf-ten) theory Irish playwright
that each facet of cultural and in
tellectual life shares certain charac Andrea: "Unglu cklich des Land, das
teristics keineHelden hat!..." Galilei: "Nein.
Unglu cklich des Land, das Helden no-
tig hat." (Andrea: Pity the country
Quotations that has no heroes!... Galileo: No,
pity the country that needs heroes.)
"That would be a good idea."
Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956),
Mohandas Karamchand [Mahatma] German playwright, Leben des Galilei
Gandhi (1869-1948), Indian statesman (Life of Galileo) (1939), sc. 13
and spiritual leader answering what he
thought of modern civilization
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"One of the surest signs of the Phil "You're a lost civilization!" exulted
istine is his reverence for the supe the anthropologist to the chief in
rior tastes of those who put him the deep jungle. "We don't mind
down." being lost," remarked the chief.
Pauline Kael (1919- ), "Ifs being discovered that worries
U.S. writer us."

The Ultimate Reference Book

The young men of the Bloomsbury 'To establish oneself in the world,
Group, an intellectual clique com one does all one can to seem estab
prised of writers, philosophers lished there already."
and artists, were notorious for Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
their pedantry and narcissism. The (1613-1680), French writer,
avant-garde writer Gertrude Stein Maximes (167&), 56
reportedly once referred pointedly
to them as "the Young Men's Chris " 'My boy/ he says, 'always try to
tian Association—with Christ left rub up against money, for if you
out, of course." They tended to be rub up against money long enough,
conscientious objectors, not a partic some of it may rub off on you.'"
ularly popular view during the early Damon Runyon (1884-1946), U.S. writer,
days of World War I. It was then the Cosmopolitan (August 1929), "A Very
practice to hand white feathers to Honourable Guy"
able-bodied men not in uniform, and
a woman, about to do so, wither- "'Tis a common proof,
ingly challenged a member of the That lowliness is young ambition's
group on why he wasn't in uniform ladder,
to fight for civilization. The young Whereto the climber-upward turns
man replied, "Madam, I am the civi his face;
lization they are fighting for." But when he once attains the up
most round,
He then unto the ladder turns his
Looks in the clouds, scanning the
base degrees
♦ CLASS-CLIMBING By which he did ascend."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British
Foreign Words and Phrases playwright and poet, Julius Caesar
(1600), Act U, sc. i
parvenu (Fra)
(par-VEN-oo) social climber, up
start, newly rich Classical Phrases and Myths
"Magnas inter opes inops." (A pau
arriviste (Fra)
per in the midst of wealth.)
(ah-ree-VEEST) social climber, per
son with money who lacks class Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Odes, H, xoi, I. 28
di classement (Fra)
(day-KLASS-mon) loss of social po Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
sition, to fall from one class to a
lower class "The only reason you married me
is because my Aunt Muffle willed
me $1 million," sniffled the young
Quotations wife. "Don't be silly!" shot back her
husband. "I don't care who left it to
"Mrs. Montagu has dropt me. Now,
Sir, there are people whom one
should like very well to drop, but
would not wish to be dropped by." Romance novelist Barbara Cartland
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), became remotely connected to roy
British man of letters al circles when her step-grand-

The Wit's Thesaurus

daughter became the Princess of neckties, and 11 jock straps for both
Wales in 1981. Interviewed on BBC fast or feast days."
radio, she was asked whether she Hlenry] Uouis] Mencken (1882-1958),
thought that class barriers had bro U.S. critic and writer, describing the
ken down in Britain. "Of course they sartorial critic George Jean Nathan
have/' replied Cartland, "or I
wouldn't be sitting here talking to "There was a young belle of old
someone like you." Natchez
Barbara Cartland (1902- ), Whose garments were always in
British writer patchez.
When comment arose
On the state of her clothes,
She drawled, When Ah itchez, Ah
♦ CLOTHING (SEWING & scratchez."

WEAVING) Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), US. humorist,

I'm a Stranger Here Myself
(1938), "Requiem"
Foreign Words and Phrases
''Brevity is the soul of lingerie."
endimanche (Fra)
(on-DEE-mon-shay) dressed in Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
one's Sunday best and writer [authenticity unverified]

en grande tenue (toilette) (Fra)

(on GROND ten-EW (twa-LET)) Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
dressed up (tenue is general; but The naive vixen came home from
toilette refers to women) the store and showed her husband
schmatte (Yid) the new dress she'd bought. 'T5ut
(SHMAT-ta) (dressed in) rags; honey," the young man gasped,
lower-order person "ifs made of plastic and transpar
ent. People will see right through
Quotations it!" "No they won't, dummy." She
giggled. 'Til be inside of it."
"She just wore
Enough for modesty—no more." 'To congratulate certain employees
Robert Williams Buchanan (1841-1901), at his firm, Armour and Co., for
U.S. poet, White Rose and Red, w their increased efficiency, Philip Ar
mour offered to buy each of them a
"I dress for women. I undress for new suit of clothes. Each man
would order a suit of his choice and
Angie Dickinson [Angeline Brown] send the bill to Armour. One young
(1931- ), U.S. film actress man greedily selected an expensive
"One morning I shot an elephant in evening suit. Armour nonetheless
my pajamas. How, he got into my agreed to pay the bill, commenting
pajamas I'll never know." to his clerk, "I've packed a great
many hogs in my time, but I never
George S. Kaufman (1889-1961)),
dressed-one before."
U.S. playwright, writer and wit, and
Morrie Ryskind (1895-1985), U.S. Philip Danforth Armour (1832-1901),
playwright, Animal Crackers (2930 film) US. industrialist

"He has 75 winter overcoats, 25 A flamboyant dresser was once

spring coats, 600 suits, a thousand boasting that he was so well-

The Ultimate Reference Book
dressed that his tailor gave him a apple and offered it to the woman.
discount because he was such an She politely declined. "Please take
excellent advertisement for the it, madam," he pressed. "Only after
firm. "My tailor also allows me a Eve ate the apple did she become
discount/' said French playwright aware of how little she had on."
Tristan Bernard, a careless dresser. John XXIU [Angela Roncalli]
"Ifs on condition that I never tell (1881-1963), Roman Catholic pope
anyone where I buy my suits."
When the English comic actor Ed
Tristan Bernard (1866-1947),
ward Shuter was chided for having
French playwright and writer
holes in his stocking, he replied that
Thomas Du Pont once checked into he would rather have 20 holes than
his room at a Chicago hotel, only to one darn: "A hole is the accident of
find a sheer nightgown apparently a day, whilst a darn is premedi
left behind by a woman who had tated poverty."
previously occupied his room. He Edward Shuter (1728-1776), British actor
summoned the manager and, hand [attributed also to others]
ing him the garment, said, 'Till it,
and bring it back."
Thomas Coleman Du Pont (1863-1930),
U.S. entrepreneur and politician ♦ COERCION

While Frederick William the Just

lay on his deathbed, the attending
minister read to him from the Book "There is a homely old adage
of Job: "Naked came lout of my which runs: 'Speak softly and carry
mother's womb and naked shall I a big stick; you will go far/ If the
return thither." The king muttered American nation will speak softly,
his last words, "No, not quite na and yet build and keep at a pitch of
ked. I shall have my uniform on." the highest training a thoroughly
Frederick William I (1688-1740), efficient navy, the Monroe Doctrine
Saxon king will go far."
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919),
When Mrs. Horace Greeley hap
U.S. president, speech in Chicago,
pened to run into Margaret Fuller April 3,1903
on the street one day, she noticed
that Fuller was wearing kid gloves. Classical Phrases and Myths
Shuddering with distaste, Greely
exclaimed, "Skin of a beast!" //Why, vi et armis (Lat)
what do you wear?" asked Fuller. (WEE et AR-mes) by force of arms
"Silk." Retorted Fuller with equal ultima ratio regum (Lat)
distaste, "Entrails of a worm!" (UL-tee-ma RA-tee-oh REG-um) the
Margaret Fuller, Marchioness d'Ossoli final argument (of kings) is force
(1810-1850), U.S. writer and philosopher

At a banquet while the papal nun

cio to France, the future Pope John ♦ COINCIDENCE
XXm was seated next to a lady
wearing a very low-cut dress,
Foreign Words and Phrases
which he affected not to notice dur
ing most of the meal. During des stretto (Ita)
sert the popular prelate selected an (STREH-toh) lit: arrow; in music,

The Wit's Tbesaurus

passage in a fugue where the sub had the receiver and knew where
ject overlaps its answer/ quicker the job was."
time Benny Goodman [Benjamin David]
(1909-1986), U.S. clarinetist
Posters announced that novelist Jo
"[WJherever the long arm of coin seph Hergesheimer and critic H. L.
cidence intrudes, the author seizes Mencken would speak "together''
it and shakes hands/' in New York. Taking the pro
Heywood Broun (1888-1939), nouncement literally, they walked
U.S. writer, reviewing the ploy onstage together, stood side by
Just Outside the Door (2925) side, and gave their own separate
lectures simultaneously.
The long arm of coincidence. Joseph Hergesheimer (1880-1954),
Charles Haddon Chambers (1860-1921), U.S. writer
British playwright, Captain Swift, Act U

'It is only in literature that coinci

dences seem unnatural."
Robert Lynd (1879-1949), ♦ COLLECTION
Anglo-Irish writer

Foreign Words and Phrases

Classical Phrases and Myths
cadre (Fra)
catastasis (Grk) (kahd-re) lit: frame, outline; a tight-
(ka-ta-STA-sis) in drama, climax of knit unit
the action
falange (Spa)
(fah-LAHN-heh) lit: phalanx; Span
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes ish Fascists supporting Franco
Distraught upon learning that her ensemble (Fra) ■
husband had cheated on her, Vera
(on-sehm-bleh) group of people
Czermak decided to kill herself by
(usually gathered for a specific pur
jumping out of her third-story win pose, e.g., a musical ensemble)
dow. She later awoke in the hospi
tal to discover that she was still galimafre e (Fra)
alive, having landed on her hus (ga-ee-MAH-fray) jumble (English:
band. Her fall, however, killed him. gallimaufry)

Jazz clarinetist Benny Goodman

shared a flat with saxophonist
Jimmy Dorsey early in their careers
and, since both could play either in ♦ COMBINATION
strument, there was fierce compe
tition for any opportunity to play a
gig. To mete out jobs, they decided Foreign Words and Phrases
that whoever answered the tele Gesomtkunstwerk (Ger)
phone first got the job. Once there (ge-ZAMT-koonst-VERK) work of
was a tie. '7immy got the mouth art as a combination of distinct
piece of the phone and accepted title parts (e.g., opera's music and li
date," recalled Goodman. "But I bretto)

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "He is, as we all know, a man of

most unusual intellectual brilliance
Two movers struggled with a baby
... But... he has adopted.... a
grand piano in a doorway. It
most unhappy and an entirely
wouldn't budge, despite their push
wrong approach. He has been too
ing and pulling. Finally, one said,
clever by naif."
"I give up, we'll never get this in."
The other said, //What do you Robert Arthur James Gascoyrie-Cecil,
5th Marquess of Salisbury (1893-1972),
mean, 'in'? I thought you were try
British politician, describing Jain Macleod,
ing to get it out."
colonial secretary

"My pride fell with my fortunes."

♦ COMEDY William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet,
As You Like It (1600), Act I, sc. ii
'Tor 'tis the sport to have the en
"Jack Benny couldn't ad-lib a belch
at a Hungarian dinner."
Hoist with his own petard."
Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894-1956),
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
U.S. comedian
British playwright and poet,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Hamlet (2602), Act HI, sc. iv

While rehearsing a scenebeingper-

Classical Phrases and Myths
formed poorly, Sir Herbert Beer-
bohm Tree, the actor and theater "Major privato visus dum privates
manager, instructed a young actor fuit, et omnium consensu capax imperil
to step back. The man complied, nisi imperasset." (MAY-or PKEE-vat-
and when Tree later stopped the re ohvee-SUS dum PREE-vat-us FOO-it,
hearsal again with the same re et OM-nee-um kon-SEN-su ka-PAX
quest, the actor again obeyed. But imPER-il NEE-si im-per-ASS-et)
when Tree made the request a third (When he was a commoner he
time, the actor finally protested, seemed too big for his station, and
"But should I step back further, I'll had he never been emperor, no one
be right off the stage." Tree raised would have doubted his ability to
an eyebrow. "That is correct." reign.)
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1853-1917), Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55-117),
British actor and theater manager Roman historian, describing
Emperor Servius Galba, Histories I, xlix



'To give the devil his due."

Foreign Words and Phrases
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la a Vaise (Fra)
Mancha, Part I (2605), bk. UI, ch. 3 (ah LEHS) to be at ease
"Beaten with his own rod." douceur de vivre (Fra)
John Heywood (c. 1497-c. 1580), (DOUC-yuhr de VEE-vruh) coun-
British poet, Proverbs (1546) trylike ease of living

The Wit's Thesaurus

gemutlich (Ger) Quotations

(ge-MEWT-lik) cozy (place), genial
''You press the button, and we'll do
the rest"
Weltlust (Ger) Advertisement for first Kodak
(VELT-loost) worldly pleasure, he cameras, c. 1888

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Quotations On his first command, the green
"One day I sat thinking, almost in lieutenant marched his men into a
despair; a hand fell on my shoulder fence. "Company-y-y halt!" They
and a voice said reassuringly: stopped. "At ease, men." "Now
'Cheer up, things could get worse/ what, Lieutenant?" snickered a ser
So I cheered up and, sure enough, geant. The lieutenant thought a bit.
things got worse." Company-y-y, fall out! Company-
y-y, fall in—on the other side of the
James Hagerly (1909-1981),
U.S. statesman

Classical Phrases and Myths

bene esse (Lat)
(BE-ne ES-se) well-being COMMERCE &
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Foreign Words and Phrases
"Get me out of this wet suit and
cartel (Fra)
into a dry martini."
(kar-tel) group of companies with
Charles Butterworth (1896-1946), common interests
U.S. film actor [misattributed to Robert
Benchley, who spoke a similar line in the
1942 film The Major and the Minor; Quotations
similar line spoken by Mae West in the
1937 film Every Day's a Holiday] "Respectable Professors of the Dis
mal Science [Political Economy]."
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881),
British historian, Latter Day
Pamphlets (2850;, no. I

♦ COMMAND (ORDER) "There Ain't No Such Thing as a

Free Lunch." [Title of book (1975).]
Foreign Words and Phrases Milton Friedman (1912- ),
U.S. economist [origin of phrase
le roi le veut (Fra) believed to predate Mayor La'Guardia's
(le rwah le vuh) the king wishes it; "E finite la cuccagna!" (No more
it is the will of the king free lunch!), meaning "no more graft,
the party is over" (1934).]
Sieg Heil (Ger)
(zeeg HYL) lit: hail victory; Nazi sa "Capitalists are no more capable of
lute and cheer self sacrifice than a man is capable

The Ultimate Reference Book

of lifting himself up by his boot military men or group with military

straps." support serving as an interim gov
Nikolai Lenin [Vladimir Uich Ulyanov] ernment
(1870-1924), Russian statesman
"Monopolies are like babies: no
"Committee—a group of men who
body likes them until they have got
individually can do nothing, but as
one of their own."
a group decide that nothing can be
1 Lord Mancroft (1914- ), done."
British aristocrat
Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894-1957),
"Every one lives by selling some U.S. comedian
thing." "A camel is a horse designed by a
Robert Louis [Balfour] Stevenson committee."
(1850-1894), British writer and poet,
Anonymous, Financial Times
Across the Plains (1892), "Beggars"
(January 31,1976)
"Business first; pleasure after "No grand idea was ever born in a
wards." conference, but a lot of foolish ideas
William Makepeace Thackeray have died there."
(1811-1863), British writer, The Rose Flrancis] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald
and the Ring (1855), ch. I (1896-1940), US. writer
"Ifs a recession when your neigh 'Two heads are better than one."
bor loses his job. Ifs a depression
John Heywood (c. 1497-c. 1580),
when you lose yours." British poet, Proverbs (1546)
Harry S Truman (1884-1972),
US. president
"The length of a meeting rises with
the square of the number of people
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Eileen Shanahan (c.1900s), U.S. citizen
A businessman expressed concern [authenticity unverified]
about the national economy in 1961
"In the first place God made idiots.
soon after President Kennedy
This was for practice. Then he made
blocked an increase in steel prices.
"Things look great," Kennedy re
school boards."
marked consolingly. "Why, if I Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
weren't president, I'd buy stock (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer, and
myself." "If you weren't presi speaker, Following the Equator
(1897), p. 225
dent/' replied the businessman, "so
would I.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),


♦ COMMITTEE & FORUM "You were about to tell me some

thing, child—but you left off before
you began."
Foreign Words and Phrases
William Congreve (1670-1729),
junta (Spa) British playwright, The Old Bachelor
(HOON-tah) lit: council; group of (1693), Act TV, sc. vii

The Wit's Thesaurus

''But words, once spoke, can never truth. But if he opens his mouth and
be recall'd." moves his lips..."
Wenhoorth Dillon, Earl of Roscammon Laurence Olivier, his young son
(c. 1633-1685), British poet, Art of and the playwright Noel Coward
Poetry, /. 438 were walking along together when
they came upon two dogs copulat
"Every man has a right to utter
what he thinks truth, and every
ing. When the boy innocently asked
what they were doing, Coward ex
man has a right to knock him down
plained, "Ifs like this, dear boy.
for it."
The one in front is blind and the
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
kind one behind is pushing him."
British man of letters
Sir Noel Coward (1899-1973),
"The Medium is the Message." British playwright and actor
Marshall [Herbert] McLuhan (1911-
1980), Canadian scholar, Understanding
Media (2964;, title ofch.l
"Grant me the power of saying
things Quotations
Too simple and too sweet for
words!" "There is no settling the point of
Coventry Patmore (1823-1896), grecedency between a louse and a
British poet, The Angel in ea."
the House (ed. 1904), bk. I, canto I, Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
prelude I, "The Impossibility" of letters, responding to Maurice
Morgann, as to whether Derrick or Smart
"I disapprove of what you say, but was the better poet
I will defend to the death your right
to say it." Classical Phrases and Myths
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet]
"Si parva licet componere magnis." (If
(1694-1778), French philosopher, writer
it be met to measure small by
and wit [authenticity unverified; claimed
by S. G. Tallentyre to be a paraphrase of great.)
words in Voltaire's Essay on Tolerance] Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro]
(70 b.c-19 B.C.),
"I am not arguing with you—I am Roman poet, Georgics, bk. TV, I. clxxui
telling you."
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834-
1903), U.S.-born British artist, The
Gentle Art of Making Enemies (1890) ♦ COMPENSATION

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Quotations

The cub reporter was excited about "Alfred and I would have worked
her first assignment to cover the up for less, but nobody asked us."
coming elections but, due to inexpe Alfred hunt (1893-1977) and Lynn
rience, she asked a veteran newsman Fontanne (1887-1983), U.S. husband-wife
how to determine whether a politi acting team answering, in front of
cian was lying. "No problem, kid," speechless MGM executives, a reporter
the vet said. 'Just watch the body who had inquired whether they were
language. If he touches his ear or receiving $60,000 for their part in the film
scratches his nose, he's telling the The Guardsman

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Clarence Darrow after he had

solved her legal problems. "Ever
A farmer, needing extra hands for
since the Phoenicians invented
the harvest, finally asked the lazy
money," replied Darrow, "mere
son of the town's richest family if
has been only one answer to that
he'd like work. //Whaf11 you pay?"
inquired the youth. 'Til pay what
you're worth/' answered the farmer. Clarence Seward Darrow (1857-1938),
The lad hesitated, then said, "I won't U.S. lawyer
work for that!"
After a poor year pitching for the
"Whenever I have a headache," the New York Yankees in the 1930s,
patient explained to her doctor, '1 Lefty Gomez was asked to accept a
take aspirin. When I have stomach salary cut from $20,000 to $7,500
trouble, I take bicarbonate of soda. per year. "How about," countered
If I have a cold, I go to bed and Gomez, reeling, "you keep the sal
drink liquids. Am I doing the right ary and pay me the cut."
things?" "Yes, you are," replied the Vernon ["Lefty"] Gomez
doctor. "That will be $140, please." (1910- ), U.S. baseball player

In a career trough, screenwriter Mi Screenwriter George S. Kaufman

chael Arlen was in New York and was so incensed at Paramount Pic
went to the upscale "21." In the tures' offer of $30,000 for the film
lobby, he ran into Sam Goldwyn, rights to one of his plays that he
who strangely suggested that he countered by offering $40,000 for
should buy racehorses. At the bar Paramount.
Arlen met Louis B. Mayer, an old George S[imon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
acquaintance, who asked him what U.S. playwright, writer and wit
were his future plans. "I was just
talking to Sam Goldwyn—" began Home run king Babe Ruth held out
Arlen. "How much did he offer for his $80,000 contract rather than
you?" interrupted Mayer. Arlen accept a cut in salary during the
hesitated. Evasively, he replied, Depression. A club official pro
"Not enough." "Would you take tested, "But thafs more money
$15,000 for 30 weeks?" asked than Hoover got for being presi
Mayer. Without hesitating, Arlen dent last year." "I know," said the
said, "Yes." Sultan of Swat, "but I had a better
Michael Arlen [Dikran Kouyoumdjian] year."
(1895-1956), Armenian-born
George Herman ["Babe"] Ruth
British writer
(1895-1948), US. baseball player

After refusing to accept payment The impressario Ho Ziegfeld once

for a charity performance, come offered Grade Allen $750 a week to
dian Jack Benny asked, "But in case appear in one of his London shows.
I was accepting money, just how When she asked his fee if George
much was I refusing?" Burns, her husband and straight
Jack Benny (1894r-1974), U.S. comedian man, was included, Ziegfield re
sponded, "$500."
"How can I ever show my appre Florenz Ziegfeld (1867-1932),
ciation?" a client gleefully asked US. theatrical producer

The Wit's Thesaurus

man released his wasp and swiftly

♦ COMPETENCE cut off its wings. Watching it fall,
the impressed sheik turned to the
Foreign Words and Phrases third, who released his wasp, made
a swift movement with his scimitar,
schtick (Yid)
then casually watched the wasp fly
(shtik) one's forte or (contrived) act,
away. "Your wasp still lives," ob
what one does
served the sheik. 'True," replied
di bravura (Ita) the swordsman, "but it will have no
(dee brah-VOO-rah) lit: with bra children."
vado; in music, with virtuosity
soigne (Fra) After completing the filming of A
(SWAH-nyeh) well-performed (un Bill of Divorcement, Katharine Hep
dertaking), well-kept (person) burn turned to co-star John Barry-
more, saying, "Thank God I don't
bricoleur (Fra)
have to act with you anymore!" He
(BRDC-oh-leuhr) skillful and clever
replied, "I didn't know you ever
handyman/ jack-of-all-trades
had, darling."
forte (Ita)
John Barrymore (1882-1942), U.S. actor
(FOR-tay) in music, strong, loud;
one's stall, strong point A slightly nervous soprano was
Quotations performing during an operatic re
cital for the First Family and guests
"There is great skill in knowing at the White House. A guest turned
how to conceal one's skill." to President Calvin Coolidge and
Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld whispered, //What do you mink of
(1613-1680), French writer, Maximes the singer's execution?" Coolidge
(1678), 245y whispered back, "I'm all for it."
"Consistency is the last refuge of
[John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933),
the unimaginative." U.S. president
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854-1900), British playwright, Within earshot of writer Charles
writer and wit Lamb, English Romantic poet Wil
liam Wordsworth boasted, "I could
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
write like Shakespeare if I had a
"Dammit," screamed the tailor's mind to." Mumbled Lamb, "So
customer, "I bought this coat last only the mind which is lacking."
week, and the seams already Charles Lamb (1775-1834), British writer
burst!" Responded the tailor, "Yes,
but see how well the buttons were
sewn on!"
To select the most able man as his
bodyguard, the Arab sheik in
formed the three swordsmen that ♦ COMPETITION
they would compete in a contest. (CONTENTION)
To each he gave a box containing a
wasp. When the first opened his
Foreign Words and Phrases
box, no sooner had the wasp ap
peared than his scimitar sliced the mette (Fra)
insect in two. Aware that he had to (MEL-lay) confused fight, scuffle,
do even better, the second swords muddle

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations to lace up his running shoes. "What

good are those shoes going to do
"I called off his players' names as
you?" asked the other hunter,
they came marching up the steps
smirking. "You can't outrun a
behind him, 'Walker, Cooper, Mize,
bear!" "I don't have to outrun the
Marshall, Kerr, Gordon, Thomson.
bear," replied the first hunter. "I
Take a look at them. All nice guys.
just need to outrun you."
They'll finish last. Nice guys. Finish
last/' Mischa Elman, the violinist, and
Leo Durocher (1906-1991), Leopold Godowsky were in the au
U.S. baseball manager [generally dience for the American debut of
contracted to "Nice guys finish last"] child prodigy Jascha Heifetz at Car
negie Hall m 1917. As the 16-year-
'The reason academic battles are so
old Heifetz played, Elman grew
fierce is the stakes are so low."
restless, sticking a finger in his col
Henry Kissinger (1923- ), lar and wiping his brow. He leaned
U.S. diplomat over to Godowsky and whispered,
"I strove with none; for none was "Ifs much too hot here." Said Go
worth my strife; dowsky, "Not for pianists."
Nature I loved, and, next to Nature, Leopold Godowsky (1870-1938),
Art; Russian-born U.S. pianist and composer
I warmed both hands before the fire [variations also attributed to others]
of life;
It sinks, and I am ready to depart" An organ grinder who had sta
tioned himself outside popular
Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864),
composer Jacques Francois Hale*-
British poet and writer, I Strove with
vy's window was busy grinding
None (1853)
out melodies from rival composer
"We're eyeball to eyeball, and I Rossini's Barber of Seville. Driven to
think the other fellow just blinked." distraction, Halevy approached the
[David] Dean Rusk (1909- ), organ grinder and said, "I will give
U.S. statesman, commenting on the you a louis d'or if you go to Ros
Cuban missile crisis, October 24,1962 sini's place and play my tunes out
side his window." "But, monsieur,"
"We throw all our attention on the replied the man, "M. Rossini has
utterly idle question of whether A paid me two louis d'or to play his
has done as well as B, when the music outside your window."
only question is whether A has
Gioacchino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868),
done as well as he could."
Italian composer
William Graham Sumner (1840-1910),
U.S. sociologist

Classical Phrases and Myths

agon (Grk) ♦ COMPLEXITY
(AG-ohn) conflict, struggle, contest
Foreign Words and Phrases
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
grottesca (Ita)
Two hunters wheeled around to (gro-TESS-kah) decoration with hu
face a bear. One hunter calmly sat mans and animals intertwined in
down, took off his boots, and began foliage; elaborate tangle

The Wit's Thesaurus

indebrouillable (Fra) 'To have great poets, there must be

(aan-day-broo-yabl) cannot be un great audiences, too."
raveled, inexplicable WalHer] Whitman (1819-1892), U.S. poet
and writer, Notes Left Over, "Ventures
Quotations on an Old Theme"

"It is quite a three-pipe problem,

and I teg that you won't speak to Classical Phrases and Myths
me for fifty minutes/' felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere cau-
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), sas (Lat) *
British writer, Adventures of Sherlock (FAY-lix kwee POT-u-it REHR-um
Holmes (1892), "Red-Headed League" kog-NOS-ker-e KOW-sas) fortunate
is the man who understands the
causes of things


Quotations ♦ COMPUTER
"I have suffered from being mis
understood, but I would have suf Quotations
fered a hell- of a lot more if I had 'To err is human but to really foul
been understood." things up requires a computer."
Clarence Seward Darrow (1857-1938), Anonymous, Fanners' Almanac for
U.S. lawyer 1978 (2977), "Capsules of Wisdom"
"Nowadays to be intelligible is to
be found out." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde During WWII, noted mathemati
(1854-1900), British playwright, cian John von Neumann, an incur-
writer and wit

an electronic "brain" that he la

beled a Mathematical Analyzer,
♦ COMPREHENSION Numerical Integrater, and Com
puter. It took several days before
scientists realized that the first let
ters of die computer's name spelled
"The reason you don't understand MANIAC.
me is because I'm talkin' to you in
John von Neumann (1903-1957),
English and you're listenin' in U.S. mathematician
"All in the Family/' 1970s television
program, Archie Bunker
(Carroll O'Connor) to his wife
Edith (Jean Stapleton) ♦ CONCEALMENT

"Anyone who isn't confused doesn't

reallyunderstandthesituation." Quotations

Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965), US. "Keep up appearances; there lies

broadcaster, commenting on Vietnam the test;

The Ultimate Reference Book

The world will give thee credit for him in prison and bemoaned the ju
the rest. ry's condemnation, Socrates said to
Outward, be fair, however foul her consolingly, 'They are by their
within; nature also condemned." Xantippe,
Sin if thou wilt, but then in secret unmoved, cried, "But the condem
sin." nation is unjust!" Replied Socrates,
Charles Churchill (1731-1764), "Would you prefer it to be just?"
British poet, Night, /. 311 Socrates (469 B.c-399 b.c),
Greek philosopher
Classical Phrases and Myths
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
apocrypha (Grk)
(ap-O-kri-fah) lit: things which Because of his notorious indiscre
•have been hidden; secrets, hidden tions while Prince of Wales, Ed
things (especially expunged Scrip ward VII was excluded by his
ture) mother, Queen Victoria, from active
participation in affairs of state. The
leading article in the Times upon
the accession of Edward VH to the
throne euphemistically summed up
the prevailing jaundiced view (un
warranted during his reign) of
Quotations proper British citizenry: "We shall
//When I came back to Dublin, I was not pretend that there is nothing in
courtmartialled in my absence and his long career which those who re
sentenced to death in my absence, spect and admire him would wish
so I saw} they could shoot me in my otherwise."
absence/' Edward VII (1841-1910), British king
Brendan Behan (1923-1964),
Irish playwright and wit,
The Hostage (2958), Act I
"You pronounce sentence upon me
with greater fear than I receive it." Foreign Words and Phrases
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), Italian
philosopher, speaking to the Inquisitors c'est selon (Fra)
who had condemned him to death (seh se-Ion) that depends (on cir
cumstances, etc.)
"Are you going to hang him any
how—and try him afterward?" Quotations
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] O horrid provisos!
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker. The Innocents at Home William Congreve (1670-1729),
British playwright, The Way
(1875), ch. 5
of the World (1700), Act W, sc. v

Classical Phrases and Myths "Reasons are not like garments, the
worse for wearing."
Socrates was condemned to drink
poisonous hemlock f after his Apol Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex
(1566-1601), British aristocrat
ogy failed to overturn the charge of
corrupting the young of Athens. "Sir, your favor is received and
When his wife, Xantippe, visited your name is on my list, but I am

The Wit's Thesaurus

compelled to warn you that the list Quotations

is long, and I grant no preferences/'
"We are the President's men, and
Honore Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de we must behave accordingly."
Mirabeau (1749-1791),
Henry Kissinger (1923- ),
French revolutionary statesman,
U.S. diplomat
replying to challenges to duel
Classical Phrases and Myths
Classical Phrases and Myths
ad vitam aut culpam (Lat)
sine qua non (Lat) (ad WEE-tam owl KUL-pam) in
(sine kwah non) essential precon law, allowing for good behavior
dition Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
lemma (Grk) In 1900 social reformer Jane Ad-
(LAY-ma) assumed or demon dams was elected to honorary
strated proposition used in argu membership by the Daughters of
ment or proof the American Revolution. The as
quo jure (Lat) sociation later expelled her, how
(kwoh yoo-re)
yoo-r by what right, on ever, because of her antiwar stance
what authority (cfo you act)? during World War I and her insis
tence that even subversives had a
ceteris paribus (Lat) right to trial by due process of law.
(KET-er-ees PAR-ri-bus) other Addams remarked that she had
things being equal, if other condi thought her election was for life,
tions remain unchanged (in order but now knew it was for good be
to measure the impact of a single
Jane Addams (1860-1935),
U.S. social reformer
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
One day Columbia Studio mogul
Befitting a secretary of state, Cor- Harry Cohn, as usual, was quarrel
dell Hull was an extremely cautious ing furiously with his brother Jack
man, loath to assume past the evi over some creative differences.
dence. Once, on a train trip, Hull Suddenly, the tinkling bell of an
and a companion watched while ice-cream wagon was heard from
the locomotive dragged its load of the street below. Cohn stopped in
cars slowly past a large flock of his tracks, took orders, ran over to
sheep. Making conversation, Hull's the window, yelled down, "One
companion said, 'Those sheep have chocolate! Two strawberry!" and
recently been sheared." Hull stared then went back to throttling his
thoughtfully, then said, "Appears brother while they waited for the
so. At least on the side facing us." ice cream.
Cordell Hull (1875-1955), U.S. statesman Harry Cohn (1891-1958),
[attributed also to others] U.S. film producer

Foreign Words and Phrases
Foreign Words and Phrases
savoir faire (Fra)
$e comporter (Fra) (sat-wahr fehr) knowhow, sophisti
(zuh kom-PORT-er) to behave cation, self-confidence

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths they couldn't hit an elephant at this

In August of 216 B.C. Hannibal
John Sedgwick (1813-1864), U.S. general
won one of the great tactical battles
in history/ the Battle of Cannae, "No one is going to beat us one-
whereby the Romans were allowed handed," confidently claimed Clair
to charge Hannibal's infantry cen Bee about his undefeated (for three
ter, only to be routed by his cavalry seasons) championship Long Island
on the enveloping flanks. Rome lost University basketball team, set to
over 60,000 men compared to Han meet underdog Stanford with Hank
nibal's losses of some 6,000, and, Luisetti at Madison Square Garden.
since many leaders of the Roman Luisetti, with 15 points and remark
republic perished, over 170 new able defensive play, led Stanford to
senators had to be elected to restore a stunning 45-31 upset. Bee re
that assembly's count to 300. Ma- marked later, "I hate to think how
harbal, commander of the cavalry badly they'd have beaten us if he'd
under Hannibal, insisted on a day's used both hands."
rest after the devastating battle, de Hank Luisetti (1916- ),
claring, "Vincere scis, Hannibal, vic U.S. basketball player
toria uti nescis,' (You know how to
win a battle, Hannibal, but not how Prior to exhibitions at the presti
to use it). The enemy was allowed gious Academy for British Artiste,
to recoup, and eventually Hannibal artiste enjoyed a brief period in
was defeated by a newly strength which to touch up and revarnish
ened, but wilier, Rome. their works. Famed landscape
painter Joseph Turner would use
Maharbal (d. c. 210 B.C.),
Carthaginian soldier
this period to complete his huge
canvases. A masterpiece of his, cel
ebrated for its evocation of an im
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
mensely complex scene caught at a
Georges Clemenceau, the French moment of nigh drama, was his
statesman and prime minister dur painting of the fire that destroyed
ing World War I, was in numerous the old Houses of Parliament in
duels. On the way to one he sur 1834. When Turner finished his alia
prised his second by asking for a prirna, he simply snapped shut his
one-way ticket at the Paris railroad paintbox and left without a final
station. His second asked, "Isn't look at his work.
that a little pessimistic?" "Pas de Joseph Mallard William Turner
tout," replied Clemenceau. "I al (1775-1851), British painter
ways use my opponent's return
ticket for the trip back."
Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929),
French prime mininster ♦ CONFINEMENT &
During the 1863 battle of the Wil RESTRAINT
derness in the Civil War, Union
general John Sedgwick was inspect
Foreign Words and Phrases
ing his troops. An aide de camp ad
vised the general to lower his head cordon sanitaire (Fra)
because he was a target for the (KOR-don san-ee-TEHR) quarantin
Confederate sharpshooters. "Non ing an infected or a politically sen
sense," snapped the general. "Why, sitive area or subject

The Wit's Thesaurus

en prise (Fra)
(on PREEZ) in chess, piece open to ♦ CONFLICT (QUARREL)
immediate capture; seized
Foreign Words and Phrases
Quotations brouhaha (Fra)
"She's a bird in a gilded cage. [Title (BREW-ha-ha) hubbub, commotion
of song (1900).]
Arthur J. Lamb (1870-1928),
U.S. songwriter "I will make a bargain with the
The most anxious man in a prison Democrats. If they will stop telling
is the governor. lies about Republicans, we will stop
telling the truth about them."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright Chauncey Mitchell Depew (1834-1928),
U.S. lawyer and politician
"We're all of us sentenced to soli
tary confinement inside our own "Agreed to differ."
skins, for life!" Robert Southey (1774-1843), British poet
Tennessee Williams [Thomas Lanier and man of letters, life of Wesley (1820)
Williams] (1911-1983), U.S. playwright,
"The honorable member disagrees.
Orpheus Descending (1958),
I can hear him shaking his head."
Act n, sc. 1
Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919- ),
Canadian prime minister
Classical Phrases and Myths

habeas corpus (Lat) Classical Phrases and Myths

(HAB-ay-as KOR-pus) writ requir
odvocatus diaboli (Lat)
ing the appearance of a prisoner in
(ad-wok-AH-ius dee-A-bol-ee) the
court to determine the legality of devil's advocate
his detention; the Habeas Corpus
Act of 1679 introduced this crucial "Concordia discors" (Harmony in
tenet of British justice, which pro discord.)
hibits the police from holding a per Horace (65 B.c-8 B.C.), Roman poet,
son for more than a short period Epistles, I, xii, 1.19
without a court deciding whether
detention is justified
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
durance vile (Lat)
Breaking the long silence after a
(DOOH-an-cevee-le) vile prison
quarrel, the husband said meekly to
his wife, "Honey, I've decided after
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes all to agree with you." 'Too late,"
she snapped. 'I've changed my
"Answer two questions/' said the
warden to the instigators of a failed
prison riot, "and Fll go easier on The French salonniere Mme. Geof-
you. "Why did you revolt?" An frin was once engaged in a heated
swered one convict, "Warden, we argument with a French writer. Af
rebelled because the food here is ter listening in silence for some
horrible." "OK. And to escape from time, the materialist philosopher
your cell, what did you use to break Baron d'Holbach approached tnem
the bars?" 'Toast." and asked with a smile, "Per-

The Ultimate Reference Book

chance, are you two secretly mar statement indicating that a player
ried?" does not intend to move a touched
Paul Henri Dietrich, Baron d'Holbach piece but is merely placing it in its
(1723-1789), French philosopher correct square

Joe Louis served in the Army during

his reign as world heavyweight box Classical Phrases and Myths
ing champion. Once, while driving "Sifueris Rornae, Romano vivito more;
with a fellow GI, he was involved in si fueris alibi, vivito aicut ibi." (lit: If
a minor collision with a large truck. you are at Rome live in the Roman
The truck driver screamed, got out style; if you are elsewhere live as
and sweared at the nonchalant they live elsewhere. When in Rome,
Louis, who just sat in the driver's do as the Romans do.)
seat After trie other man had left,
St. Ambrose [Aurelius Ambrosius]
Louis' buddy inquired, "Why didn't
(c. 340-397), Italian clergyman
ja get out and flatten the SOB?"
"Why should I?" responded Louis.
"If somebody insulted Caruso, did Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
he sing an aria for him?"
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, au
Joe Louis (1914-1981), U.S. boxer
thor of Frankenstein and widow of
During an argument between avant- the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe
garde writer Gertrude Stein and Shelley, sought the advice of a lady
Mortimer Adler, the philosopher for choosing a school for her son.
and educator, her confidante Alice The woman flippantly remarked,
B. Toklas commented, "Oh my! "Oh, send him somewhere where
Gertrude is saying some things to they will teach him to think for
night that she herself won't under himself." 'Teach him to think for
stand for six months." himself?" Mrs. Shelley replied, con
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), U.S. writer sidering her deceased husband.
"Oh, my God, teach him rather to
Composer Giacomo Puccini would think like other people!"
customarily send colleagues and
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851),
friends a cake each Christmas. One
British writer
year, however, after a cake was sent
too hastily to maestro Toscanini fol
lowing a quarrel, Puccini dis
patched the following telegram:
"Cake sent by mistake." The con
ductor replied by return: "Cake ♦ CONFUSION
eaten by mistake." (DISTRACTION)
Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957),
Italian conductor
Foreign Words and Phrases

divertimento (Ita)
♦ CONFORMITY (dee-ver-ti-MEN-toh) in music, light
(NORMALITY) instrumental work; a pleasing diver
Foreign Words and Phrases
affole (Fra)
j'odoube (Fra) (ah-fbl-LAY) driven to madness,
(ja-DOOB) lit: I adjust; in chess, distracted (e.g., love, anger)

The Wit's Thesaurus

Quotations Classical Phrases and Myths

" 'Are you lost, Daddy?' I asked quod licet Joui non licet bovi (Lat)
tenderly. 'Shut up/ he explained." (kwod LEE-ket YOvee nohn LEE-
Ring [Ringgold WilmerJ Lardner ket BO-vi) lit: what is permitted to
(1885-1933), U.S. writer, The Young Jove is not permitted to an ox; or
Immigrants (recreated, from the child's dinary mortal may not do what a
viewpoint, from an actual situation when god may, such as park in an as
Lardner moved his family from Chicago signed space
and became lost in the Bronx)
communi consensu (Lat)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes (kom-MOON-ee con-SEN-soo) by
common consent
"I have brought a frog fresh from a
pond," said the elderly, bespecta
The Greek philosopher Aristippus
cled professor to his zoology class, once requested a favor for a mend
"for purposes of dissection." He
from Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse.
carefully unwrapped the package,
When Dionysius refused, Aristip
.and inside was a finely prepared
pus threw himself at the tyrant*s
turkey sandwich. He looked at it
feet, pleading until the favor was
quizzically. "Odd," he said. "I dis
granted. Criticized for this conduct
tinctly remember having eaten my
as being unworthy of a philoso
pher, Aristippus replied, "But that
Upon receiving from William is where the tyrant's ears are."
Bowles a Bible, Bessie Moore, wife Aristippus (c. 435 B.C.-C. 356 B.c),
of the poet Tom Moore, asked Greek philosopher
Bowles to inscribe it. She was aston
ished to see that the absent-minded
clergyman had written: "From the
William Lisle Bowles (1762-1850),
British clergyman

The great mathematician Karl

Gauss was deeply engrossed in a Quotations
problem when someone attending "He looked as inconspicuous as a
to his wife on her deathbed said tarantula on a slice of angel food."
that she was about to die. Mur
Raymond Chandler (1888-1959),
mured Gauss absently, 'Tell her to
U.S. writer
wait until Tve finished."
Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), "Among the defects of the Bill,
German mathematician which were numerous, one provi
sion was conspicuous by its pres
ence and another by its absence."
John Russell, 1st Earl (1792-1878),
British prime minister, speech to the
electors of the City of London, April, 1859
Foreign Words and Phrases
"Is that a gun in your pocket, or are
conge (Fra)
you just glad to see me?"
(kon-JAY) leave, permission to de
part Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress

The Ultimate Reference Book

"that is the sound you hear when

♦ CONTAINER & CONTENTS the waters of truth drop upon the
fires of hell."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Henry Cloy (1777-1852),
U.S. politician and orator
Humorist Mark Twain, still a fledg
ling reporter, was once walking
After American wit Wilson Mizner's
along tne street in Virginia City,
intemperate remark during a heated
Nevada, carrying a cigar box under
argument with the magistrate, the
his arm. "You promised me that
magistrate exclaimed: "You've been
you would give up smoking,"
showing contempt for this court!"
scolded an older woman of his ac
quaintance. "Madam, this box does Mizner snapped: "No, your honor,
not contain cigars/' responded I've been trying to conceal it."
Twain. "I'm just moving." Wilson Mizner (1876-1933),
U.S. wit and writer
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
writer and speaker Illinois congressman William M.
Springer quoted Henry Clay's line
"I had rather be right than be pres
ident" during a debate while Tho-.
♦ CONTEMPT mas Reed was speaker of the House
of Representatives. Reed, in an
aside, murmured, "The gentleman
need not worry, for he will never be
"This party of two is like the Scotch either."
terrier that was so covered with Thomas Brackett Reed (1839-1902),
hair that you could not tell which U.S. politician
was the head and which was the
tail." When English Romantic poet Wil
John Bright (1811-1889), liam Wordsworth declared that he
British politician, speech to had "the greatest contempt for Ar
House of Commons, March 13,1866 istotle," Scottish historical novelist
'This man, I thought, had been a and poet Sir Walter Scott remarked,
lord among wits; but I find he is "But not, I take it, that contempt
only a wit among lords." which familiarity breeds."

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832),

of letters/describing Lord Chesterfield [cf. British writer and poet
"Those who wish to appear wise among
fools, among the wise seem foolish." Following a formal dinner with the
Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, sheriffs and judges at London's Old
bk. X, 7,21] Bailey law courts, the biographer
James Boswell complained that he
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes had his pocket picked and his hand
kerchief stolen. "Pooh," scoffed the
The politician and famed orator English politician and journalist
Henry Clay was addressing a John Wilkes, a tireless fighter for in
crowd, but hissing from a group of dividual and press freedom, "this is
slaveowners was drowning out his nothing but the ostentation of a
voice. "Gentlemen," he shouted, Scotsman to let the world know that

The Wit's Thesaurus

he had possessed a pocket handker Talking of Michelangelo."

chief/' Tfhomos] Slteorns] Eliot (1888-1965),
John Mikes (1725-1797), U.S. poet, Prufrock (1917), "The Love
British politician and writer Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

"He [William Ewart Gladstone]

speaks to me as if I was a public
♦ CONTINUITY meeting/'
Victoria (1819-1901), British queen
Foreign Words and Phrases
legato (Ita) "He knew the precise, psychologi
Gay-GAH-toh) in music, without cal moment when to say nothing."
breaks between notes - Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854r-1900), British playwright, writer
Quotations and wit, The Picture of Dorian Gray
(1891), ch. 2
'The opera ain't over 'til the fat
lady sings."
Daniel Cook (1926- ),
U.S. sportscaster, April 1978, commenting Classical Phrases and Myths
on basketball playoffs between San Antonio "I wept as I remembered how often
Spurs and Washington Bullets you and I
Had tired the sun with talking and
Classical Phrases and Myths sent him down the sky."
ad inpnitum (Lat) Callimachus (c. 300 b.c-250 b.c),
(ad in-fee-NEE-tum) endlessly, to Greek poet, Heiaclitus
"dicebamus hesterna die." (di-KAY-
bam-us hes-TERN-a die) (We were Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
saying yesterday.)
While conversing with his son Ran
Luis de Leon (c. 1528-1591), Spanish dolph, Winston Churchill inter
educator, resuming a lecture at Salamanca rupted him to express his own
University after five years in prison
opinion. Randolph listened and
then attempted again to speak.
"Don't interrupt me when I am in
terrupting!" snapped Winston.
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
SOLILOQUY 1965), British prime minister and writer

Foreign Words and Phrases A reporter had the temerity to ask

legendary lawyer and author Clar
schmoos (Yid)
ence Darrow for a prepared copy of
(shmooz) gossip, small talk
a speech he was to give later that
evening. Irritated, Darrow handed
him a blank piece of paper and
"In the room the women come and turned his heeL "But Mr. Darrow,"
the reporter called out, "this is the

The Ultimate Reference Book

same speech you gave last week." is a common murderer.' 'A com
Clarence Seward Darrow (1857-1938), mon murderer, possibly, but a very
US. lawyer [authenticity unverified] uncommon cook.'"
Saki [Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916),
British toriter, Beasts and Super-Beasts
(1914), "The Blind Spot"
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Foreign Words and Phrases "The two best things I cook are
volte face (Fra) hamburger
g and apple
pp pie," noted
(VOL-te fass) reversal of opinion, th
the groom. Asked the bride,
about-face, repudiation of a previ "Which
ih is
i this?"
ous situation "You think your wife's a lousy
perestroika (Rus) cook," said one husband to the
(PEHR-es-TROY-kau) restructuring other. "Mine uses the smoke detec
of system tor as a timer."

Mother to her 12-year-old daughter

Classical Phrases and Myths helping her bake: "Check if that
peripateia (Grk). cake in the oven is ready. Just stick a
(per-i-pat-AY-a) lit: turning point; knife inside and see if it comes out
sudden change of fortune (espe clean." Daughter, a few minutes
cially in drama) later: "The knife came out so clean I
stuck in all the other dirty knives."
"Fred, wake up! There's a burglar
♦ COOKING in the kitchen/' "Quick! What's he
doing?" "He's eating up the pie we
started at dinner." "Go back to
Foreign Words and Phrases sleep. I'll bury him in the morn
maitre de cuisine (Fra) ing."
(MET-ruh de KWEE-ZEEN) chief After his cook served a mediocre
cook, head chef meal, the hot-headed poet, essayist,
a la broche (Fra) and critic Walter Landor promptly
(ah lah BROSH) lit: in the spit; threw him out an open window. As
cooked on a skewer, barbecued the cook landed in the flower bed
below, breaking a limb, Landor ex
al dente (Ita) claimed, "Good God, I forgot the
(al DEN-tav) lit: to the tooth; not violets!"
overcooked (especially pasta)
Walter Savage landor (1775-1864),
Quotations British poet and writer

'The cook was a good cook, as

cooks go; and as cooks go she
Saki [Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916),
British writer, Reginald (2904), Foreign Words and Phrases
"Reginald on Besetting Sins"
wa Qap)
'"But why should you want to (wah) Confucian notion of social
shield him?' cried Egbert; 'the man harmony, team spirit

The Wit's Thesaurus

esprit de corps (Fra) don't know, and it will make a

(es-SPREE de kohr) lit: spirit of the great work."
group; common bond or loyalty be Richard Parson (1759-1808),
tween members of a group British scholar

entente cordiale (Fra)

(on-TONT-kor-DYAL) friendly re
lationship, informal alliance be
tween states
Foreign Words and Phrases
ersatz (Ger)
(EHR-zatz) lit: replacement; (usu
ally inferior) substitute, imitation
"Alliance, n. In international poli
rechauffe (Fra)
tics, the union of two thieves who
(RAY-sho-EAY) reheated, rehash,
have their hands so deeply inserted
unoriginal creation
in each other's pocket that they can
not separately plunder a third." a la (Fra)
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce (1842- (ah lah) in the manner or style of
c. 1914), US. writer and poet, pastiche (Fra)
Cynic's Word Book (2906) (pass-TEESH) something done as
imitation (or ridicule) of another's
Tous pour un, un pour tous. (All for style
one, one for all.)
Alexandre [pere] Dumas (1802-1870), Quotations
French writer and playwright, Les Trois "A lotta cats copy the Mona Lisa,
Mousquetiers (1844) ch. 9 but people still line up to see the
"Those who know the least obey Louis ["Satchmo"] Armstrong
the best." (1900-1971), U.S. musician
George Farquhar (1678-1707), and singer, answering a question
Irish playwright about whether he objected to the
impressions of him frequently given
by other singers and comedians
//What a night, buddy! Seventy-
three points between us! "Tout est dit et Von vient trap tard de-
puis plus de sept mille ans qu'il y a des
Rodney Hundley (1934- ),
hommes et am vensent." (Everything
US. basketball player, commenting
triumphantly to Elgin Baylor after Baylor
has been said, and we are more
had scored 71 points in one game
than seven thousand years of hu
man thought too late.)
Jean de la Bruyere (1645-1696),
French writer, Les Caracteres (1688),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Des Ouvrages de VEsprit"

Another classicist hopefully sug "Imitation is the sincerest of flat

gested to Oxford don Richard Por- tery."
son that they should collaborate on Ctharles] Claleb] Colton (c. 1780-1832),
a project. The renowned scholar re British clergyman and writer, Lacon
plied, "Put in all I know and all you (1820-1822), vol. I, no. 217

The Ultimate Reference Book

"If you steal from one author, it's pressions of famous people, silent
plagiarism; if you steal from many, screen star Charlie Chaplin sang an
it's research." operatic aria. Exclaimed a guest,
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), US. writer "Why, I never knew you could sing
and wit [variations also attributed so beautifully!" "I can't sing," said
to others] Chaplin. "I was only imitating Ca
"The only good copies are those
which make us see the absurdity of Charles Spencer ["Charlie"] Chaplin
(1889-1977), British-born actor
bad originals."
Frangois, Due de La Rochefoucauld Asked whether she objected to be
(1613-1680), French writer ing imitated by other performers,
Maximes (2675) Marlene Dietrich replied, "Only if
"I often quote myself. It adds spice they do it badly."
to my conversation." Marlene Dietrich [Maria Magdalene von
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Losch] (1904-1992), German actress
Irish playwright and singer

Classical Phrases and Myths Without acknowledgment, a writer

incorporated many of mathemati
verbatim (et literatim) (Lat)
cian, logician and Nobel laureate
(wer-BAY-tim et lit-er-AH-tim)
Bertrana Russell's thoughts in a
word for word (and letter for letter)
book he had written. When the pla
as it was written, quoted exactly
giarist solicited Russell to write the
"El mimesis eine psysiologhikon en- book's introduction, Russell po
stikton." litely declined, saying, "Modesty
(El MEE-mee-sees AY-neh phiz-ee- forbids."
oh-loh-gee-KON EN-stik-ton) Imi Bertrand Arthur William Russell,
tation is an instinct of nature. 3rd Earl (1872-1970),
Aristotle (384 b.c-322 b.c), British mathematician and philosopher
Greek philosopher, Poetics
"O imitatores, servum pecus." (O im
itators, you slavish herd.)
Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Epistles, I, xix, 1.19

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

The musician Baron von Bulow was An impoverished Chinese laundry
once asked by a young composer to operator, whose establishment was
listen to his latest composition. Its
located next to a prosperous Chi
most notable feature was the extent nese restaurant, would daily plant
of its borrowings from other com
his chair close to the restaurant dur
posers. "How do you like it?"
ing dining hours and eat his simple
asked the composer once he had
bowl of rice while sniffing the ap
finished playing the piece. Said von
pealing aromas. One day, his neigh
Bulow, '1 have always liked it."
bor sent him a bill "for smell of
Hans Guido, Baron von Bulow (1830- food." He disappeared into his
1894), German conductor and pianist laundry and returned with his tiny
After first entertaining guests at a money box. He rattled it loudly for
Hollywood dinner party with im his creditor, saying, "Here's pay-

The Wit's Thesaurus

ment for the smell of your food later they received a reply: "He
with the sound of my money." AiA "
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
, (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
writer and speaker


Foreign Words and Phrases ♦ CORRUPTION

billet doux (Fra)
(bi-vav doo) lit: sweet note; love let Foreign Words and Phrases
giiandcto (Chi)
(GWAN-day-oh) official profiteer
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes '
ing, money politics
The avant-garde writer Gertrude
kinken-seiji (Jap)
Stein once received from her editor,
(KEEN-kehn SAY-gee) money poli
A. J. Fifield, the following parody-
tics (dubious, but long-tolerated)
cum-rejection slip: "I am only one,
only one, only one. Only one being;
one at the same time. Not two, not
three, only one. Only one life to "They wouldn't be sufficiently de
live, only sixty minutes in one hour. graded in their own estimation un
Only one pair of eyes. Only one less they were insulted by a very
brain. Only one being. Being only considerable bribe."
one, having only one pair of eyes, ; Sir Wlilliom] S[chwenck] Gilbert
having only one time, having only ; (1836-1911), British writer,
one lire, I cannot read your MS The Mikado (1885), Act I
three or four times. Not even one
time. Only one look, only one look Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
is enough. Hardly one copy would
sell here. Hardly one. Hardly one." Unsuccessful in inducing a shop
keeper to carry his product, a sales
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), U.S. writer
man finally offered a bottle of
During Christmas 1955, President cognac as a bribe. "Oh, my con
Harry Truman found his wife, Bess, science wouldn't let me take a gift!"
burning in the fireplace letters that protested the shopkeeper. "How
he had written to her over the about I sell it to you for a nickel?"
years. "But think of history," he asked the salesman. "In that case,"
protested. Responded his wife, "I responded the shopkeeper, 'Til
have." take two."
Harry S. Truman (1884-1972),
U.S. president

Because a group of Mark Twain's ♦ COSTLESSNESS

friends and admirers in New York
did not know the address of the
Classical Phrases and Myths
peripatetic humorist on a lecture
tour, they mailed him birthday gratis (Lat)
greetings addressed: ''Mark Twain, (GRAH-tees) lit: for nothing; gra
God Knows Where." Several weeks tuitous, free

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes tippus. "Then you will have two
Two lovers were walking hand in
hand when the woman noticed a Aristippus (c. 435 B.C.-C. 356 B.C.),
Greek philosopher
beautiful diamond ring in a jewelry
store window. "What I'd give to
own that/' she said, sighing. "No
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
problem," the man said, throwing a
rock through the glass and grab When Valentine Dale was informed
bing the ring. A block later, the of his new diplomatic post in Flan
woman admired a full-length mink ders, Queen Elizabeth said that he
coat. ''Boy, I'd love to have that!" would receive 20 shillings a day ex
she gushed. "No problem," he said, penses. Dale said, "Then, madam, I
throwing a rock through the win shall spend 19 shillings a day."
dow and grabbing the coat. Down "What will you do with.the odd
the street, they passed a car deal shilling?" asked Elizabeth. "I will
ership. ''Boy, I'd do anything for reserve that for my wife and chil
that Rolls!" she exclaimed. '7eez, dren." Taking the hint, Elizabeth
baby," he moaned, "You think I'm increased the allowance.
made of rocks?" Valentine Dale (d. 1589), British diplomat

French statesman Talleyrand, re While traveling, King George II

viewing a draft budget prepared for stopped at a village inn for a brief
Louis XVm, noted that salaries for meal. The innkeeper served an egg
deputies had not been included. Ex and charged a guinea. "Eggs must
plained the monarch, "I believe they be very scarce around here," re
should perform their duties with marked the king. "Oh, no, Your
out remuneration. It should be an Majesty," said the innkeeper, "it is
honorary position." "Without any kings that are scarce."
payment? Talleyrand exclaimed. George 11 (1683-1760), British king
^Tour Majesty, it would cost too [attributed also to others]
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord After examining the menu at a posh
(1754r-1838), French diplomat New York restaurant, film come
dian Chico Marx turned to play
wright and wit George S. Kaufman
and commented rhetorically, "Jeez,
what the hell can you get here for
50 cents?" Kaufman answered, "A
♦ COSTLINESS George Siimon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
U.S. playwright, writer and wit

Classical Phrases and Myths Picasso was entertaining several

Asked by a rich Athenian to teach lunch guests at his villa in the south
his son philosophy, the Greek phi of France when someone noticed
losopher Aristippus demanded 500 that the immensely successful artist
drachmas. "What!" the Athenian displayed none or his own works.
protested. "I could buy a slave for "Why?" one inquired. "Don't you
that much." "Do so," replied Aris like them?" "No, I like them very

The Wit's Thesaurus

much/' answered Picasso. "It is willing to give somebody else's

only that I cannot afford them/7 land to somebody else."
Pablo [Ruiz y] Picasso (1881-1973),. WHHiam Penn Adair)Rogers
Spanish-born French, artist (1879-1935), U.S. comedian

"I should like my country well

enough if it were not for my coun
Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Oxford
♦ COUNTERACTION (1717-1797), British writer

Mrs. AJlonby: "They say, Lady Hun-

stanton, that when good Americans
"Us ne passeront pas." (eel ne PASS- die they go to Paris." Hunstanton:
er-ohn pas) (They shall not pass.) "Indeed? And when bad Ameri
[Henri] Philippe Pitain (1856-1951), cans die, where do they go to?"
French general and statesman, Lord Ulingworth: "Oh, they go to
prophesying correctly, but at the cost of 1 America.
million lives, that the Germans would not Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
penetrate Allied defenses at Verdun, 1916 (1854-1900), British playwright, writer
[attributed also to General and wit, A Woman of No Importance
Robert Nivelleat] (1893), Act I
Classical Phrases and Myths
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Crimine ob uno,
When a weaver set up an eight- Disce omnes." (From a single crime
loom workshop next door to Botti know the nation.)
celli's home, the noise drove the Virgil [Publius Vergilius Moro]
painter to distraction. After his pro (70 B.c-19 b.c), Roman poet,
tests went unheeded, Botticelli fi Aeneid, bk. U, I Ixo
nally hoisted a boulder onto the
roof of his own house. He had bal
anced it such that it overhung the ♦ COURAGE
neighbor's roof and threatened to
come crashing down upon it at the
slightest disturbance. The weaver Foreign Words and Phrases
gave in to Botticelli's version of a escudo (Spa)
sword of Damocles. (es-KOO-doh) shield; courage
Sondro [Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi] matador (Spa)
Botticelli (c. %445-1510), Italian painter
(ma-tah-DOR) lit: one who kills;
'I'm not the heroic type, really. I
♦ COUNTRY was beaten up by Quakers."
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
Quotations (1935- ), U.S. comedian and
filmmaker, and Marshall Brickman
"One thing I will say for the Ger (1941- • ), U.S. humorist,
mans—they're always perfectly Sleeper (1973 film)

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Come closer, boys. It will be easier opponent Billy Conn's agility before a
for you." heavyweight title match, 1946
Erskine Childers (1870-1922), "Cowards die many times before
British writer, shouting to his firing squad their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but
"If hopes were dupes, fears may be
It may be in yon smoke concealed." William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet,
Mrthur] H[ugh] dough (1819-1861),
Julius Caesar, (2600), Act U, sc. ii
British poet, Qua Cursum Ventus
Le courage de Vimproviste. Ge kor-
"The object, in war, is not to die for
AHG de lim-PROH-veest) (Unpre
your country. The object, in war, is pared courage.)
to make the other poor bastard die
Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte]
for his country!"
(1769-1821), French general and emperor
Francis Ford Coppola (1939- ), explaining 'Two o'clock in the
U.S. screenwriter and film director, morning courage" remark at St. Helena
Pattern (2969 film) (December 4-5,1815)
"A hero is no braver than an ordi
Classical Phrases and Myths
nary man, but he is brave five
minutes longer." "Fortis fortuna adiuvat." (FOR-tis
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1892), for-TOON-a ad-YOO-vat) (Fortune
U.S. writer and philosopher, Essays: favors the brave.)
First Series (1841), "Heroism" Terence [Publius Terentius Afer]
(c. 190 b.c-159 b.c), Roman playwright,
"Damn the torpedoes, go ahead!"
Phormio (262 B.C.) [Adapted to
David Glasgow Farragut (1801-1870), "Audentes Fortuna iuvat"
U.S. admiral attacking the Confederates in in Virgil's Aeneid.]
August 1864 at the heavily guarded
Mobile Bay during the Civil War Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"You know the old saying, The "You may eat anything for your
bigger they are, the further they last meal," explained the warden to
have to fall/" the condemned man. "Filet mig-
Robert Fitzsimmons (1862-1917), non? Lobster? Caviar?" "No, I'll
British boxer answering whether he was just have mushrooms," said the
concerned about fighting the considerably convict. //Why mushrooms?" asked
larger James J. Jeffries in San Francisco in the curious warden. "Always been
July 1902 [authenticity unverified] afraid to eat 'em."
"Grace under pressure." For failure of duty, Admiral Byng
came up before the firing squad. It
Ernest [Miller] Hemingway (1899-1961),
U.S. writer, responding to Dorothy
was suggested that his face be con
Parker's inquiry during an interview of cealed with a handkerchief. Refer
what he meant by "guts" ring to his executioners, Byng said,
"If it will frighten them, let it be
"He was a bold man who first swal done. They do not frighten me."
lowed an oyster."
John Byng (1704-1757), British admiral
James I (1566-1625), British king
Evariste Galois, the founder of
"He can run, but he can't hide." group theory in mathematics, was
Joe Louis (1914r-1981), U.S. boxer rushed to a hospital fatally wound
expressing confident unconcern about ed in a duel. To his younger brother

The Wit's Thesaurus

who was sobbing at his bedside, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Galois said, "Don't cry, I need all
A noted French statesman was in
my courage to die at 20."
the habit of bluntly speaking his
Evariste Galois (1811-1832), mind, much to the dismay of his
French mathematician political advisers. "You must be
more tactful," they urged him.
"Your strong language only makes
you enemies." The politician
♦ COURTESY (CIVILITY) couldn't see it that way. "It also
makes me friends," he argued. "I
Foreign Words and Phrases have as my supporters all the ene
mies of my enemies."
super vivere (Ita)
(suh-PARE vee-VARJE-ay) to know An old pensioner entered the gro
how to deal with others smoothly, cery store and asked the clerk for
to act like a smooth operator half a head of lettuce. Startled, the
clerk pulled aside the manager to
Quotations ask for permission, saying, "There's
a jerk who wants half a head of let
"The propriety of some persons tuce and..." He looked over his
seems to consist in having im shoulder and saw the pensioner
proper thoughts about their neigh had followed him. Thinking
bours." quickly, he continued, "And this
F. H. Bradley (1846-1924), British kind gent the other half."
philosopher, Aphorisms (1930), no. 9
Although ultimately beheaded on
"He was so generally civil, that no royal instructions for having an af
body thanked him for it." fair with one of Queen Elizabeth's la
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), dies in waiting, the courtly Sir
British man of letters Walter Raleigh traditionally enjoyed
great favor with the monarch for a
"Good breeding consists in con singular incident. In 1581 she was
cealing how much we think of our treading along a slightly muddy way
selves and how little we think of and, when she hesitated in front of a
the other person." large puddle, Raleigh sprang for
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] ward, took off his new plush cloak
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and with a flourish, and gallantly spread
speaker, Notebooks (2935;, p. 345 it on the ground for tine queen to step
"A gentleman is one who never
hurts anyone's feelings uninten Sir Walter Raleigh (c. 1552-1618),
tionally." . British soldier, explorer and privateer
[authenticity unverified]
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854-1900), British playwright,
writer and wit

Noblesse oblige (no-BLESS oh- ♦ COWARDICE

BLEEGE) (Nobility obliges)
Gaston Pierre Marc, Due de Uois (1764-
1830), French writer [Those of high
rank must be noble, "When I give the order abandon
gallant and responsible.] ship, it doesn't matter what time I

The Ultimate Reference Book

leave. If some people want to stay, ized during his rule in front of a
they can stay. throng of people when a member of
Yiannis Avranas (c. 1900s), Greek ship the audience shouted, "You were
captain, explaining why he was among the an associate of Stalin. Why didn't
first to abandon ship on the cruise liner you do anything to stop him?"
Oceanos, which went down off the coast Khrushchev bellowed, ''Who said
of South Africa, 1991 that?" Silence. Nodding, Khru
shchev said, "Now you know
"I remember, when I was a child,
being taken to the celebrated Bar-
num's circus, which contained an Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev
exhibition of freaks and monstrosi (1894r-1971), Soviet statesman
ties, but the exhibit on the pro
gramme which I most desired to see
was the one described as The Bone
less Wonder*. My parents judged
that that spectacle would be too re
volting and demoralizing for my Quotations
youthful eyes, and I have waited 50 "Crimes, like virtues, are their own
years to see the boneless wonder sit rewards."
ting on the Treasury Bench."
George Farquhar (1678-1707), Irish
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874r- playwright, The Inconstant, Act IV, sc. ii
1965), British prime minister and writer,
describing Sir Ramsay MacDonald Classical Phrases and Myths
'Tm a hero with coward's legs." in flagrante delicto (Lat)
Terence Alan ["Spike"] Milligan (in flag-RAN-tay day-LEEK-toh) lit:
(1918- ), in the heat of the crime; in the act,
British comedian and writer in compromising circumstances
''[William] McKinley has no more maleHcium (Lat)
backbone than a chocolate eclair!" (mal-eh-FIK-ium) evil deed, crime
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919),
The Greek legislator and statesman
1 U.S. president
Solon, who overhauled Draco's le
"If you can't stand the heat, get out gal code, was asked what measures
of the kitchen." could be taken to eliminate legal vi
Harry Vaughan (c. 1900s), U.S. citizen olations and crime. "Wrongdoing
[misattributed to Harry S. Truman] can only be avoided, responded So
lon, "if those who are not wronged
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes feel the same indignation at it as
Early in his career as a courtier at the those who are."
court of Queen Elizabeth I of En Solon (c. 639 b.c.-c. 559 B.C.),
gland, Sir Walter Raleigh scratched Greek legislator and statesman
on a window of the royal palace:
"Faith would I climb, yet fear I to
fall." Queen Elizabeth completed the
couplet: "If thy heart fails thee, climb ♦ CRITIC
not at all."
Elizabeth I (1533-1603), British queen Quotations

Khrushchev was censuring Stalin "Critics are like eunuchs in a

for the 20 million deaths he author harem. They're there every night,

The Wit's Thesaurus

they see it done every night, they "Asking a working writer what he
see how it should be done every thinks about critics is like asking a
night, but they can't do it them lamp-post what it feels about
selves." dogs."
Brendan Behan (1923-1964), Christopher Hampton (1946- ),
Irish playwright and wit British playwright

"A critic is a man who knows the

"Her only flair is in her nostrils."
way but can't drive"
Pauline Kael (1919- ),
Kenneth [Peacock] Tynan (1927-1980),
U.S. writer, reviewing the actress
British writer, New York Times
Candice Bergen in the 1971 film
Magazine (January 9,1966), p. 27
Carnal Knowledge

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Hook and Ladder is the sort of play
Alexander Woollcott took Tallulah that gives failures a bad name."
Bankhead to see an inferior revival Walter Ken (1913- ),
of a Maeterlinck tragedy. As they U.S. writer
rose to leave, Bankhead remarked,
'There's less here than meets the "He [Samuel Johnson] gets at the
eye." substance of a book directly; he
Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968), tears out the heart of it."
US. actress Mary Knowles (1733-1807),
British writer

'"That's a person who surprises the

♦ CRITICISM OF ARTS playwright by informing him of
what he meant."
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. writer
and wit, describing a drama critic
"One cannot review a bad book
without showing off." "It is a terrible, harrowing experi
Wystan] H[ugh] Auden (1907-1973), ence for a playwright to be forced
British-born poet, Dyer's Hand by his conscience to praise critics
(1963), "Reading" for anything. There is something
morbid and abnormal about it,
"Darling, they've absolutely ruined something destructive to the noble
your perfectly dreadful play." traditions of what is correct con
Tallulah Bankhead (1903-68), duct for dramatists."
U.S. actress, commenting on the screen
Eugene [Gladstone] O'Neill (1888-1953),
adaptation of Tennessee William's play U.S. playwright, reply to request for New
Orpheus Descending
York DramaCritics Circle for
"It was one of those plays in which welcoming statement, 1939
all the actors unfortunately enunci
ated very clearly." "This is not a novel to be tossed
aside lightly. It should be thrown
Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
with great force."
U.S. humorist
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
"Ouch!" and writer, reviewing A. A. Milne's The
Wolcott Gibbs (1902-1958), US. writer House at Pooh Corner in her column
reviewing the Broadway farce Wham! "Constant Reader"

The Ultimate Reference Book

''He's a writer for the ages—for the Classical Phrases and Myths
ages of four to eight."
"Great book, great bore."
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
Callimachus(c. 300 B.C.-250 b.c),
U.S. wit and writer
Greek poet, describing traditional epics,
"I never read a book before review
ing it; it prejudices one so."
Sydney Smith (1771-1845), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British clergyman and writer A theater critic was leaving the
Broadway theater after an opening
"The play was a great success, but and met the producer in the lobby.
the audience was a disaster." Haughtily eyeing the critic's suit,
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde which was rumpled, as usual, the
(1854-1900), British playwright, producer smirked. "Apparently
writer and wit you cannot afford to dress properly
for premieres. Your suit looks as if
it had been slept in." "Since you
"The work of a queasy undergrad
mention it," the critic replied, "I
uate scratching his pimples."
just woke up."
[Adeline] Virginia Wool} (1882-1941),
British writer, referring to While humorist Robert Benchley
James Joyce's writings was attending the Broadway pre
miere of a play, a telephone rang on
"The scenery was beautiful but the the otherwise deserted stage. "I be
actors got in front of it... The play lieve thafs for me," remarked
left a taste of lukewarm parsnip Benchley, and he rose and left the
• • mm ' * . *
juice. theater.
Alexander Woollcott (1887-1943), Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
US. writer, broadcaster and wit US. humorist

"I'm amazed the audience didn't

"My leg is the only sensible part of
hiss it," commented critic Ludwig
my body. It has gone to sleep."
Sternaux to his friend, critic Oskar
Israel Zangwill (1864-1926), British Blumenthal, about a recently
writer and playwright, watching a tedious opened play. Replied Blumenthal,
Sardou melodrama "Well, you can't yawri and hiss at
the same time."
"Ich sitze in dent Jdeinsten Zimmer in Oskar Blumenthal (1852-1917),
meinem Hause. Ich habe Ihre Kritik vor German playwright, journalist and critic
tnir. Im nachsten Augenblick vnrd sie
hinter mir sein." (I am sitting in the John Singer Sargent, the popular
smallest room of my house. I have portraitist of the European elite,
your review before me. In a mo bristled when criticized. Once,
ment it will be behind me.) when a lady sitting for a portrait
Max Reger (1873-1916), complained about his rendering of
German composer and organist, her mouth, he said, "Perhaps, mad
letter to Munich critic Rudolph Louis am, we should leave it out alto
in response to his. review in Munchener gether." When another woman
Neueste Nachrichten sitting for her $5,000 portrait ob
(February 7,1906) jected to his treatrnent of her nose,

The Wit's Thesaurus

he said, "Oh, you can easily right a Their only monument the asphalt
little thing like that when you get it road
home/7 and handed her the canvas. And a thousand lost golf balls.'"
John Singer Sargent (1856-1925), T[homos) Sltearns] Eliot (1888-1965),
U.S. painter U.S. poet, The Rock (1934),. pt. I

Composer Igor Stravinsky was in "I wish you would read a little po
veighing against critics who had etry sometimes. Your ignorance
written harshly about his work. cramps my conversation."
''No one can please everyone/' said Sir Anthony Hope [Hawkins] (1863-
a friend consolingly. "Even God 1933), British writer, Dolly Dialogues
does not please everyone." Stravin (1894), no. 22
sky jumped up and exclaimed, "Es
"I respect Millar [a bookseller], sir;
pecially God!"
he has raised the price of litera
Igor Feodorooitch Stravinsky (1882-4971), ture."
Russian-born composer
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
Poet laureate Tennyson's poem, British man of letters
Maud, which dealt with murder, su
"Wenn ich Kultur hore... entsichere
icide, love and madness, met with ich meinen Browning." (When I hear
a hostile reception among the crit the word Culture, I release the
ics. Maud had: one vowel too many safety catch of my revolver.)
in the title, suggested one reviewer,
Hanns Johst (1890-1978), German
and would make sense no matter
playwright, Schlageter (1934), Act I,
which was deleted.
• sc. 1 [paraphrased by Hermann Goering]
Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson
(1809-1892), British poet Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
A scandal erupted in June 1906
when the architect Stanford White
was shot by Harry Thaw in a quar
♦ CULTURE rel over Evelyn Nesbit. Years later,
in a gaudy Palm Beach hotel de
Foreign Words and Phrases signed by Joseph Urban, the wit
Wilson Mizner quipped, "Harry
ioolui (Fra)
Thaw shot the wrong architect."
(eh-vol-OO-eh) lit: evolved; non-
European who has adjusted to and Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. writer
and wit [attributed also to others]
been absorbed by European culture

Zeitgeist (Ger)
(TSYT-guyst) lit: spirit of the time
(especially its literature, philoso
phy, etc.) ♦ CURE & TREATMENT
Kultur (Ger)
(kul-TOOR) culture or civilization Quotations
(suggesting racial superiority)
"Cure the disease and kill the pa
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), British
"And the wind shall say: 'Here lawyer and writer, Essays (1625),
were decent godless people: "Of Friendship"

The Ultimate Reference Book

"I enjoy convalescence. It is the part The emperor Menelik took literally
that makes illness worth while.' Francis Bacon's maxim that "some
books are to be tasted, others to be
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright, Back to Methuselah
swallowed, and some few to be
(1921), pt. 2 chewed and digested." Recovering
from a stroke in December 1913, the
emperor, who felt eating the Bible
Classical Phrases and Myths would help him recover from feel
placebo (Lat) ing ill, commanded that the com
(PLAK-e-bo) lit: I shall please; in plete Book of Kings be fed to him,
medicine/ a harmless substance that page by page. He died anyway.
might make one well because the Menelik U (1841-1913),
person believes it will Ethiopian emperor

nostrum (Lat)
(NOS-trum) lit: our own; patent
medicine (or scheme)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Help me, I'm not feeling well, Foreign Words and Phrases
Doc/' said the patient. "Do you
drink?" asked the doctor. "Nope." yenta (Yid)
(YEN-ta) female busybody, shrew,
"Smoke?" ''No." "Go to bed late?"
"No." Shaking his head, the doctor a gossip
said, "How can I cure you if you
have nothing to give up?" Quotations
The doctor was conferring with the " Is there any point to which you
intern in the hospital corridor when would wish to draw my attention?'
suddenly his patient Fred ran by, To the curious incident of the dog
his hands cupping his genitals. Hot in the night time.' The dog did
on his heels was the patient's nurse, nothing in the night time/ That
carrying a still-steaming pot. Grab was the curious incident/ remarked
bing the nurse's arm, the doctor Sherlock Holmes."
roared, "Dammit, nurse, you mis Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930),
understood! I said 'prick his boil'!" British writer, The Memoirs of Sherlock
"Your impotency is only tempo Holmes (1894), "Silver Blaze"
rary/' the physician informed the
young man. 'Just put a little more
wheat in your diet and you'll soon
have erections." The young man
raced out the doctor's office, down
the street and into a bakery. Breath
less, he asked for five loaves of Foreign Words and Phrases
whole wheat bread. "Having a en cuiller (Fra argot)
party?" chuckled the baker. When (on KWE-yer) up yours
informed that the young man in
tended all the bread for himself, the gfchis (Fra)
baker warned him, "But if11 get (gah-SHE) curse for a bungled op
hard in a day or two." "Then portunity, opportunity missed be
lemme have 20 loaves." cause of ineptness

The Wit's Thesaurus

yeb vas (Rus) "May you inherit a shipload of

(yeb vuhs) fuck you gold; may it not be enough to pay
your doctor's bills."
Quotations Yiddish curse

"May the fleas of a thousand cam

Classical Phrases and Myths
els infest your armpits."
Arab curse anathema sit (Gk/Lat)
(an-A-them-a sit) may he be ac
"But th' best thing about a little ju- cursed; pronouncement of excom
dicyous swearin' is that it keeps th' munication (now used as a general
temper. 'Twas intinded as a com exclamation)
promise between runnin' away an'
fightin'. Befure it was invinted they "Twas but my tongue, not my
was on'y two ways out iv an ar- soul that swore."
gymint." Euripides (480 B.c-406 B.C.), Greek
Pinky Peter Dunne (1867-1936), playwright, Hippolytus (428 b.c), I 612
U.S. writer and humorist, Observations
by Mr. Dooley (2902), "Swearing" Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes .

"[W]hen I call hiih an s.o.b. I am A passionate golfer dies and is

not using profanity but am refer greeted by St. Peter. "Your life has
ring to the circumstances of his jeen exemplary," says St. Peter,
birth." "but according to our records, once
you took the Lord's name in vain
Huey [Pierce] Long (1893-1967),
during a game of golf." "Let me ex
U.S. politician commenting on the
plain," says the man. "I was play
Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux KJan
ing a few years ago, a hole away
"Who can refute a sneer?" from claiming the club trophy.
William Paley (1743-1805), When I came to the 18th hole, my
British philosopher, Moral Philosophy tee shot was long but landed in the
(1785), vol. II, bk. V, ch. 9 rough." "Is that when you took the
Lord's name in vain?" asked St. Pe
"Let me be cruel, not unnatural; I ter. "No, then I hit the ball long
will speak daggers to her, but use again but it ended in a sand trap."
none." "Awful," said St. Peter. "Then is
William Shakespeare (1564r-1616), that when you took the Lord's
British playwright and poet, name in vain?" "No, but I was frus
Hamlet (2602), Act m, sc. ii trated. I used my pitching iron but
the ball stopped roiling inches from
"A footman may swear but he can the cup." "Oh, no," said St. Peter,
not swear like a lord. He can swear as "don't tell me you missed the god
often, but can he swear with equal damn putt!"
delicacy, propriety and judgement?"
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Two priests were out playing golf,
Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer but Father Riley, who was flubbing
his drives and putts, would hiss af
"Profanity furnishes a relief denied ter each missed shot, "Damn, I
even to prayer." missed!" Good Father CKRourke fi
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] nally said, "Don't swear! You risk
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, divine anger, and a lightning bolt
writer and speaker might hit you the next time." But

The Ultimate Reference Book

Father Riley, on the next shot said/ "Custom, that unwritten law.
'[Damn, I—" Suddenly/ a fierce By which the people keep even
lightning bolt ripped through the kings in awe.".
atmosphere, mien the smoke ' Sir William Davenant (1606-1668),
cleared/ Father Riley saw that al British poet, Circe, bk. U, Hi
though he was fine, there was but
a charred pit where good Father 'They teach the morals of a whore,
O'Rourke had stood. From the and the manners of a dancing mas
clouds, a voice boomed, "Damn,1 ter."
missed!" Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
of letters, commenting on Lord
Chesterfield's letters to his son

"Nobody can live in society with

out conventions. The reason why
sensible people are as conventional
Foreign Words and Phrases as they can bear to be, is that con
epater le bourgeois (Fra) ventionality saves so much time
(ay-PAT-ayle BOOR-jwa) lit amaze and thought and trouble and social
bourgeois; to shock (deliberately) friction of one sort or another that
people with conventional values, to it leaves them much more leisure
challenge conventionality for effect for freedom than unconventionality
de rigueur (Fra)
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
(de ree-GUHR) necessary, compul
Irish playwright
sory; required by the rules of eti
quette "The total want of all the usual
courtesies of the table, the vora
autre temps, mitre moeurs (Fra)
cious rapidity with which the vi
(OH-tre tohm OH-tre muhr) lit:
ands were seized and devoured; the
other times, other ways; values
strange uncouth phrases and pro
change with the times
nunciation; the loathsome spitting,
gaiatsu (Jap) from the contamination of which it
(gay-ee-AHT-soo) external presslure was absolutely impossible to pro
tect our dresses; the frightful man
comme ilfaut (Fra)
ner of feeding with their knives, till
(kom eel foh) lit as is necessary;
the whole blade seemed to enter
proper (behavior), socially accepta
into the mouth; and the still more
ble (usually used ironically or sar
frightful manner of cleaning the
castically in English)
teeth afterwards with a pocket-
knife, soon forced us to feel that we
were not surrounded by the gen-
"A gentleman never strikes a lady erals, colonels and majors of the old
with his hat on." world."
Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894-1956), Frances Trollope (1780-1863),
U.S. comedian British writer, describing Americans
"Custom reconciles us to every
thing." Classical Phrases and Myths
Edmund Burke (1729-1797), mores (Lat)
British statesman, philosopher and writer, (MOR-es) conduct/ morals, customs
Tracts on the Popery Laws, ch. 3, pt. i (generally of country, society, etc.)

The Wet's Thesaurus
mos maiorum (Lat) fandango (Spa)
(mohs mai-OR-um) the custom of (fan-DAN-goh) very lively dance
one's ancestors; tradition for two, music for it; nonsense, fool
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes ishness

During a Grover Cleveland White entrechat (Fra)

House dinner, a young European at (ON-tray-sha) leap in ballet in which
tache was served a salad that in dancer crosses his legs more than
cluded a worm. The attache was once (i.e., entrechat-douze, where legs
about to draw a servant's attention to criss-crossed 12 times)
the unsavory serving before him but baile flamenco (Spa)
caught Mrs. Cleveland's eye, fixed (BY-lay flah-MEN-koh) lit: flamingo
on him in a challenging stare. The at dance; flamenco dance, a traditional
tache obligingly ate the salad, worm Spanish gypsy dance
and all. Mrs. Cleveland smiled ap
provingly, remarking, "You will go corps de ballet (Fra)
far, young man." Fifteen years later (kor de bah-lay) members of ballet
he returned as a full ambassador. troupe who do not dance solo parts
Frances Folsom Cleveland (1864-1947), danse macabre (Fra)
/ U.S. presidential wife (dahnse mah-CAH-br) dance of
Atfc dinner party, attended by sev death
eral Hollywood stars, thrown by
film producer and epicure Arthur Quotations
Hornblow, Jr., the journalist and
"O body swayed to music, O
scriptwriter Herman Mankiewicz
brightening glance
threw up at the table after drinking
How can we know the dancer from
too much. The guests were in
the dance?"
stunned silence. "Ifs all right, Ar
thur," gulped Mankiewicz. "The William Butler Yeats (1865-1939),
white wine came up with the fish." Irish poet and playwright, October Blast
(1927), "Among School Children"
Herman J. Mankiewicz (1897-1953),
U.S. writer
Classical Phrases and Myths
Dorothy Parker, rising from her
seat at the Algonquin Hotel's In Greek mythology, Terpsichore
Round Table, announced, "Excuse (terp-SDC-oh-ree) was the muse of
me, everybody, I have to go to the dancing and the patroness of lyric
bathroom." She paused, men con poetry. She was depicted holding a
fided sheepishly, "I really have to lyre, and by some accounts was a
use the telephone, but I'm too em mother of the Sirens. Thus, some
barrassed to say so." thing terpsichorean pertains to danc
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), ing.
US. wit and writer
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
♦ DANCE Although Lord Sandwich is now
known for the snack which he
invented to sustain him while
Foreign Words and Phrases
gambling, his contemporaries rec
pirouette (Fra) ognized him by his ungainliness.
(pee-ro-WET) lit: spinning top; bal One wag remarked that Sandwich
let dancer's spin could be recognized from a distance

The Ultimate Reference Book

because "he walked down both sides der, in the Greek colony of Syracuse
of the street at once/' Sandwich once in Italy, who was an ardent syco
took dancing lessons in Paris, and phant. To challenge Damocles, the
when he bid farewell to his dancing tyrant invited Damocles to a splen
master, he offered to recommend did banquet and had him feast with a
him to London socialites visiting sword suspended above his head by
Paris. "I would take it as a particular a single horsehair. Thus, a sword of
favor," replied the bowing instruc Damocles or something damoclean
tor, "if your lordship would never connotes an imminent threat or dan
disclose to anyone from whom you ger.
learned to dance." Damocles (c. 375 B.c), Greek courtier
John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich
(1718-1792), British politician

Foreign Words and Phrases [
belle mort (Fra) ^
"In skating over thin ice, our safety (BEL more) natural death
is in our speed."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1892), karoshi (Jap)
ILS. writer, poet and philosopher, (ka-ROH-shi) lit: death from over
Essays: First Series (1841), "Prudence" work

''Nothing is more dangerous than a

friend without discretion; even a Quotations
prudent enemy is preferable."
"On the plus side, death is one of
Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695),
French fabulist, Fables (1668) the few things that can be done as
easily lying down."
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
Classical Phrases and Myths (1935- ), U.S. comedian and
"Incedis per ignis filmmaker, Without Feathers (1976),
Suppositos cineri doloso." (You "Early Essays"
tread over fires hidden under a
treacherous crust of ashes.) "Ifs not that I'm afraid to die. I just
don't want to be there when it hap
Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Odes, IT. i.
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
"De calcaria in carbonarium." (de kal- (1935- ),. U.S. comedian and
KARE-ee-a in kar-BON-air-ee-um) filmmaker. Death (2975), p. 63
(Out of the frying pan into the fire.)
Tertullian [Quintus Septimius Florens "One of the fathers saith...that
Tertullianus] (c. 160-c. 225) old men go to death, and death
Roman writer, De Came Christi, 6 comes to young men."
Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
Damocles (dam-ok-leez) was a mem British lawyer and writer, Apothegms
ber of the court of Dionysus the El- (2624), 270

The Wit's Thesaurus

"I do not believe that any man fears "My wallpaper and I are fighting a
to be dead, but only the stroke of duel to the death. One or the other
death." of us has to go."
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
British lawyer and writer, Essays (1625) (1854-1900), British playwright, writer
"I am prepared to meet my Maker. and wit, dying words
Whether my Maker is prepared for
the great ordeal of meeting me is Classical Phrases and Myths
another matter/' de mortuis (nil nisi bonum) (Lat)
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (day MOR-too-eesnil nee-see BOH-
(1874-1965), British prime minister num) (say) nothing but good of the
and writer, Washington, D.C., news dead
conference on eve of 80th birthday, 1954
in extremis (Lat)
"Death, in itself, is nothing; but we (in ex-TRAY-mees) at the point of
fear, death, at the extreme, of dire cir
To be we know not what, we know cumstances
wl post mortem (Lat)
(post MOR-tem) lit: after death;
in Dryden (1631-1700), British poet,
usually applied to examination of a
playwright and writer, Aureng-Zebe
corpse to discover the cause of
(1676), Act W, sc. i
"It matters not how a man dies, but
how he lives." "Those whom the gods love die
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
British man of letters Menander (c. 342 b.c-292 b.c),
Greek playwright, The Double Deceiver
"I [Death] was astonished to see
him in Baghdad, for I had an ap "Abut ad plures." (AB-ee-itad PLU-
pointment with him tonight in Sa- res) (He has gone over to the ma
marra." jority.)
Amy [Lawrence] Lowell (1874-1925), Petronius, Gaius [Petronius Arbiter]
U.S. poet and writer, Sheppy (d. c. 66), Roman writer,
(2933), Act m Cena Trimalchionis, xlii, 5
'There is no cure for birth and One of the queerest deaths ever re
death save to enjoy the interval." corded happened to the Greek poet
George Santayana (1863-1952), Aeschylus. Ancient biographies re
Spanish-born U.S. philosopher, poet cord that an eagle, seeking to smash
and writer, Soliloquies in England (1922), die shell of the tortoise held in its
"War Shrines" talons mistook the poefs bald head
"life is a gamble at terrible odds—if for a stone and dropped the tortoise
it was a bet, you wouldn't take it." on him.
Tom Stoppard (1937- ), British Aeschylus (525 B.c-456 B.c),
playwright.and writer, Rosencrantz and Greek playwright
Guildenstern Are Dead (2967), Act III
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Better be killed than frightened to
death." Li Bo, considered one of China's
Robert Smith Surtees (1803-1864), greatest poets, reveled in beauty
British writer, Mr. Facey Romford's both in hie and death. In a boat one
Hounds (1864), ch. 32 evening, according to popular tra-

The Ultimate Reference Book

dition, he tried to embrace the re of Sandwich one night at the fa

flection of the full moon shining in mous Beef Steak Club in London's
the still water, fell in and drowned. Covent Garden. At one point Lord
Id Bo (701-762), Chinese poet Sandwich said to Wilkes, "Egad,
sir, I have often mused how you
To induce Louis B. Mayer to donate would meet your end. I should say
to a charity, another contributor that you would either die of the
reasoned with him, ''You can't take halter [gallows] or of the pox."
it with you when you go." 'If I "That will depend, my lord," re
can't take it with me," snorted torted Wilkes, "on whether I em
Mayer, "I won't go." brace your principles or your
Louis B. Mayer (1885-1957), mistress."
U.S. film producer
John WUkes (1725-1797),
Alistair Cooke paid a visit in 1955 British politician and writer
to critic and fellow journalist H. L. [attributed also to Samuel Foote
Mencken, who had suffered a and Benjamin DisraeliJ
stroke in 1948, which had crippled
his mental faculties. Conversation
turned to Edgar Lee Masters, who
Cooke suggested had died in 1948. ♦ DEBACLE J
Mencken agreed. "Thafs right, I
believe he died the year I did." Foreign Words and Phrases
Hlenry] Llouis] Mencken (1880-1956), debdcle (Fra)
U.S. critic and writer
(day-BAH-cl) collapse, complete
Wilson Mizner was close to his ex breakdown, fiasco
tremely successful architect brother
Addison, and the two often ex Quotations
changed ideas. When Addison had
"Calamities are of two kinds: mis
retired to Palm Beach dose to his
fortune to ourselves, and good for
death, Wilson sent him a telegram
tune to others.
from Hollywood, "Stop dying. Am
trying to write a comedy." Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce
(1842-c. 1914), U.S. writer and poet,
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933),
The Devil's Dictionary (2912;
U.S. writer and wit
"There cannot be a crisis next week.
"So sorry to be late," exclaimed Ar
My schedule is already full."
thur Rubinstein, the virtuoso pian
ist, to Clifton Fadiman as he sat Henry Kissinger (1923- ),
down for lunch. "For two hours I U.S. diplomat
have been at my lawyer's, making "If the temperature of the bath wa
a testament. What a nuisance, this ter rises one degree every ten
business of a testament. One fig minutes, how will the bather know
ures, one schemes, one arranges, when to scream?"
and in the end—what? It is practi
Marshall [Herbert] McLuhan
cally impossible to leave anything (1911-1980), Canadian scholar,
for yourself!" commenting rhetorically on people's
Arthur Rubinstein (1886-1982), tendency to adjust to, rather than
Polish-born U.S. pianist confront or escape, an impending disaster
The English politician and journal "Fortunately for themselves and
ist John Wilkes dined with the Earl the world, nearly all men are cow-

The Wit's Thesaurus

ards and dare not act on what they dear," she replied. "They're not
believe. Nearly all. our disasters ours. I borrowed them from the
come of a few fools having the neighbors."
'courage of their convictions/ "
Frustrated by an overdue account,
Coventry Patmore (1823-1896), the sales rep forwarded the follow
British poet ing collection note: "Although we
appreciate your business, your ac
Classical Phrases and Myths count is now 10 months overdue.
hinc Mae lacrimae (Lat) We've carried you longer than your
mother did. Immediate delivery is
(HEENK EEL-lai LAK-rim-ai) lit:
hence these tears; this was the cause expected."
of the disaster Daughter to father: "Lend me $20,
but just give me $10. That way
ou'll owe me $10 and I'll owe you
10 and we'll be even."
♦ DEBT Austrian poet Peter Altenberg,
though of solid means, had a mania
Quotations for begging. The poet and critic
Karl Kraus was repeatedly be-
"Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding
seeched by Altenberg for a hundred
in which you put your money in
kronen, and consistently refused.
your pants pocket and give your
Finally, losing his patience, Kraus
coat to the creditors.
exclaimed, "Peter, I'd gladly give it
Joey Adams (1911- ), to you, but I really, really, do not
U.S. comedian have the money." Replied Alten
"Some people use one half their in berg, "Then, I'll lend it to you."
genuity to get into debt, and the Peter Altenberg (c. 1862-1919),
other half to avoid paying it." Austrian poet

George D[ennison] Prentice (1802-1870), The hard-driving and independent

U.S. editor and poet statesman Charles Fox was once
reprimanded for his immense debts
"He that dies pays all debts."
by his father, who remarked that he
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
wondered how Fox could sleep or
British playwright and poet,
enjoy life with such obligations
The Tempest (1622), Act Iff, sc. ii
hanging over him. "Your lordship
"The day of judgment. But, no— need not be surprised," was Fox's
stay—that will be a busy day. Make cool reply. "You should rather be
it the day after." astonished that my creditors can
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816), sleep."
Irish-born British playwright and Charles James Fox (1749-1806),
politician, answering a creditor when British statesman
asked to name a payment date
Early in his career, Oliver Herford
was somewhat impoverished. The
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes sympathetic manager of the hotel
"Don't you think you're being a bit where he was living merely al
extravagant?" said the husband to lowed Herford's bill to grow larger
his new bride. "You've got five elec rather than insisting on immediate
tric fans running." "Don't worry, payment each week. After permit-

The Ultimate Reference Book

ting this arrangement for some 'It is the wisdom of crocodiles, that
time, the manager stopped Here shed tears when they would de
ford and asked whether he had re vour."
ceived his latest bill. "Yes/' Herford Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
replied. 'Is that all you can sav?" British lawyer and writer, Essays
"At present/' said the humorist. (2625), "Of Wisdom for a Man's Self'
"But if the bill gets any larger, I'll
"An open foe may prove a curse,
need to ask you for a larger room."
But a pretended friend is worse."
Oliver Herford (1863-1935), British-born
John Gay (1685-1732), British poet and
U.S. humorist and illustrator
playwright, Fables, Part I (1727), "The
The lyric poet and novelist Detlev Shepherd's Dog and the Wolf'
von Liliencron, typically impover "Cest double plaisir de tromper le
ished, was stopped by a creditor trompeur." (It is doubly pleasing to
who demanded immediate pay trick the trickster.)
ment. "So sorry, but I have no
Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695),
money," replied Liliencron. "Please
French fabulist, Fables (1668),
be patient." "But you told me that "Le Coq et Le Renard"
four weeks ago." "So," remarked
Liliencron triumphantly, "did I not
keep my word?" Classical Phrases and Myths
Detlev von Liliencron (1844-1909), splendide mendax (Lat)
German poet and writer (SPLEN-did-e MEN-dax) splen
didly false; Horace describing Cle
Anglo-Irish dramatist Richard Sher opatra, the enemy of Rome
idan's tailor, owed money, finally
pleaded, "At least you could pay A wolf became desperate after lurk
me the interest on it." Sheridan re ing near a flock of sheep because
torted, "It is not my interest to pay the shepherd had been so diligent
the principal, nor my principle to in guarding them from him. The
pay the interest." wolf found a sheepskin, and, slip
ping it over its own hide, mingled
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816),
Irish-born British playwright
with the sheep. Even the shepherd
and politician
was deceived, and the disguised
wolf was shut up the sheep in the
fold. But at night, the shepherd
went to the fold to kill the first an
imal he found. The wolfs deceptive
appearance was so clever, the shep
♦ DECEIVER herd mistakenly killed the wolf in
sheep's clothing.
Quotations Aesop (c. 600 B.C.), Greek fabulist

"[Three sets of budget figures were

maintained by the War Office:] one Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
to mislead the public, another to A new lawyer was sitting at her
mislead the Cabinet, and the third desk at her newly opened office. As
to mislead itself," she saw her door opening, she
Herbert Henry Asquith, Earl of Oxford thought "A client already. I must
and Asquith (1852-1928), impress him." She picked up the
British prime minister telephone and said loudly, "No,

The Wit's Thesaurus

I'm just too busy to take your case, people all of the time, but you can
even for $10,000." Putting down the not fool all of the people all of the
phone, she looked up at her pro time."
spective client and asked, "So now Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
can I help you?" "Oh/' was the re U.S. president [attributed also to
ply. "I just came to connect your P. T. Barnum]
"In baiting a mouse-trap with
NASA was interviewing profes cheese, always leave room for the
sionals to be sent to Venus. Only mouse."
one couldgo—and couldn't return Said [Hector Hugo Munro] (1870-1916),
to Earth. The first applicant, an en British writer, The Square Egg
gineer, was. asked how much he (1924), "The Infernal Parliament"
wanted to be paid for going.. "A
"O what a tangled web we weave,
million dollars/' he answered "be
When first we practise to deceive!"
cause I want to donate it to Cal-
Tech." Asked the same question, the Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832),
next applicant, a doctor, asked for $2 British writer and poet,
, million. "I want to give $1 million to Marmion (1808), canto VI, st. 17

imy family," he explained, "and

leave the other million for the ad
vancement of medical research."
When asked how much money he Classical Phrases and Myths
wanted, the third applicant, a law According to Greek legend and re
yer, whispered in the interviewer's counted in Homer's Utad, after ten
ear, "$3 million dollars." //Why so years beseiging the city of Troy, the
much more than the others?" asked Greeks feigned retreat and left be
the interviewer. The lawyer replied, hind a wooden horse, the Trojan
"If you give me $3 million, I'll give horse, as a "gift." The Trojans, not
you $1 million, I'll keep $1 million, suspecting that the horse in fact
and we'll send the engineer to Ve contained Greek soldiers, brought it
nus." into the city. The Greeks hidden
within launched a surprise attack,
opened the gates of Troy, and
thereby conquered the city. Hence,
♦ DECEPTION a Trojan horse is a trap to defeat an
enemy, and ever since, it has been
considered wise to beware of Greeks
Foreign Words and Phrases bearing gifts.
yentz (Yid)
(yehntz) to defraud


"If a man deceives me once, shame ♦ DECISION

on him; if he deceives me twice,
shame on me." Quotations
Italian proverb
"When the decision is up before
"You can fool all of the people you—and on my desk I have a
some of the time, and some of the motto which says The buck stops

The Ultimate Reference Book

here'—the decision has to be ing buffoon, a mad fool with a

made." frothy mouth..."
Harry S Truman (1884-1972), Martin Luther (1483-1546),
U.S. president, speech at National German Protestant theologian,
War College, December 19,1952 describing Henry VIE

"Aside from the fact that he is a

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
squinteyed, consumptive liar, with
Poor Morris had never made the a breath like a buzzard and a record
right decision—all his life he had like a convict, I don't have, anything
taken the slowest traffic lane, bet on against him. He means well
the wrong horse, and had his pic enough, and if he can evade the
nics rained out. Forced to travel in penitentiary and the vigilance com
a hurry to Gnome, he began to mittee for a few more years, there
weep happily, for he had no choice is a chance he'll end his life in a nat
that could result in harm to him. As ural way. If he doesn't tell the truth
fate would have it, however, the a little more plentifully, however,
plane developed engine trouble. the Green River people will rise as
Morris began to pray fervently to one man and churn him up till,
his patron saint, St. Francis. Sud there won't be anything left of him <
denly, a giant hand swooped down but a pair of suspenders and a
out of the clouds and snatched him wart."
from the doomed plane. There he Edgar Wilson ["BiW'JNye (1850-1896),
was, miraculously suspended five U.S. writer and humorist feuding with the
mjles in the air, when a heavenly editor of Wyoming's Sweetwater Gazette
voice boomed, "I can save you, my Laramie Boomerang (c. 1893)
son, if you in fact called me. Is it St.
"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein
Francis Xavier or St. Francis of As-
beholders do generally discover ev
erybody's face but their own."
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer,
The Battle of the Books (1704), preface
Classical Phrases and Myths
Foreign Words and Phrases
argumentum ad hominem (Lat)
for secco qualcuno (Ita) (ar-gu-MEN-tum ad HOM-in-em)
(far SEK-koh kwal-KOOnoh) to argument based on personal slan
leave someone speechless with a der or praise that obscures the real
biting remark points at issue

'To add insult to injury."

Phaedrus (c. 20), Roman fabulist,
"No one can have a higher opinion Fables, bk. V, I. 3
of him than I have—and I think he
is a dirty little beast." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Sir Wlilliam] S[chwenck] Gilbert
While Reverend Henry Ward Bee-
(1836-1911), British writer
cher was speaking, a heckler in the
"[A] pig, an ass, a dunghill, the crowd imitated a cock crow. The
spawn of an adder, a basilisk, a ly audience roared with laughter. Bee-

The Wit's Thesaurus

cher merely withdrew his watch A mutual friend of Dorothy Parker

and studied it until the noise had and Clare Boothe Luce extolled the
died down. Then he said, "Odd. tetter's virtues to Parker, "Actually,
My watch says ifs ten o'clock, but she's very kind to her inferiors."
there can't be any mistake. It must "Oh? Where does she find them?"
be morning, for the instincts of the Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
lower animals are absolutely infal and writer [authenticity unverified]
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), Long-time New York governor and
U.S. clergyman and writer journalist Alfred Smith paused
while speaking during a political
William Jennings Bryan was once rally because of a heckler's inces
asked while campaigning to make sant interruptions. "Go ahead, Al,
a speech to a crowd of people as don't let me bother you," shouted
sembled in a field. Climbing up the heckler. 'Tell 'em all you know.
onto the manure spreader that It won't take you long." "If I tell
served as an impromptu dais, he 'em all we both know," Smith
commented, 'This is the first time I shouted back. "That won't take any
v have ever spoken from a Republi longer."
can platform."
Alfred Emanuel Smith (1873-1944),
William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925), U.S. politician and writer
U.S. politician [attributed also to others]

While Buddha, the Indian prince A member of the landed gentry was
whose teachings formed the basis arguing about the Church of En
of Buddhism, was once preaching, gland with British clergyman and
he was interrupted by a man hurl wit Sydney Smith. The squire con
cluded by remarking that if he had
ing abuses. Buddha waited until he
had finished and then asked, "If a a son who was a fool he would
man offered a gift to another but make him a parson. "Most proba
the gift was declined, to whom bly," replied Smith, "but I see your
. would the gift belong?" 'To the father was of a different mind."
one who ottered it," answered the Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
heckler. "Then," said Buddha, "I British clergyman and writer
decline to accept your abuse and re
quest that you keep it for yourself." The British painter and sculptor
Gautama Buddha (563 b.c-483 b.c), Frederic Leighton happened to run
Indian prince and religious pedagogue into James Whistler in Piccadilly.
"My dear Whistler, you leave your
Playwright and wit George S. Kauf pictures in such a crude, sketchy
man was buttonholed at a Holly state," commented Leighton, who
wood dinner party by an author prided himself on the detail of his
who began loudly hurling invec draftsmanship. "Why do you not
tives against the reputation of a ever finish them?" "My dear Leigh
film actress. "And," concluded the ton," retorted Whistler, who tended
man, "she's her own worst enemy." toward Impressionism, "why do
Kaufman replied wryly, "Not while you ever begin yours?"
you're alive." James Abbott McNeill Whistler
George Siimon] Kaufman (1889-1961), (1834-1903), U.S.-born British painter
U.S. playwright, writer and wit [authenticity unverified]

The Ultimate Reference Book

"I cannot and will not cut my con
science to fit this year's fashions."
Lillian Hellman (1905-1984),
"[Sir John R.] Jellicoe was the only U.S. playwright, letter to John S. Wood,
man on either side who could lose chairman of the House Committee on Un-
the war in an afternoon/' American Activities, May 19,1952
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill "Nuts!"
(1874-1965), British prime minister and
Anthony McAuliffe (1898-1975),
writer, World Crisis (1927), pt. 1, ch. 5
U.S. general, responding to the German
"How could God do this to me af demand to surrender at Bastogne,
ter all I have done for him?" Belgium, December 22,1944
Louis XIV (1638-1715), French king, "U nous faut de Yaudace, encore Vau-
learning news of the French army's dace, toujours de Vaudace." (Audacity,
crushing defeat at Blenheim, 1709 more audacity, always audacity.)
[authenticity unverified]
Georges Jacques Danton (1759-1794),
"By trying we can easily learn to French revolutionary leader, speech to the {
endure adversity. Another man's, I legislative assembly, September 2,1792
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] Classical Phrases and Myths
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
When Alexander the Great con
speaker. Following the Equator
(1897), ch. 39
quered the known world, he
adopted the Eastern custom of hav
"De toutes choses ne m'est demeuri ing his subjects worship him as a
que Vhonneur el la vie est sauvi." (All god. Rather than risk Alexanders
is lost save honor.) wrath, the Greek cities obeyed his
Francois I (1494-1547), French king, command and even erected temples
letter to his mother after his defeat at to him. Only Sparta resisted. Alex
Pavia, 1525 [modern French translation: ander sent envoys to Sparta to obtain
Tout est perdu fors l'honneur] its submission. Sparta's dismissive
reply was: 'If Alexander wishes to
be a god, let him be one."
Classical Phrases and Myths Alexander the Great (356 B.C.-323 B.c),
"Voe victis." (vay VTK-tus) (Woe to Macedonian king
the vanquished.)
Uoy [Titus Livius] (59 b.c-a.d. 17), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Roman historian, History, bk. V, xlviii Reminiscing about their wayward
youth, a former hippie asked an
other, "Hey, were you ever picked
up by the fuzz?" "No," she replied,
"but I bet it would hurt."
Benjamin Disraeli's maiden speech
to the House of Commons on De
Foreign Words and Phrases
cember 7,1837, was an eloquent re
etneute (Fra) sponse to an old adversary, Daniel
(ay-moat) popular rising, insurrec (JConnell. Jeered loudly by CCon-
tion, riot nell's supporters, Disraeli, before

The Wit's Thesaurus

being forced to sit down, roared at time to give somebody else a

his tormentors, "Though I sit down chance."
now, the time will come when you Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
will hear me/' U.S. president
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
. (1804-1881), British prime minister

Although Galileo's support of Co

pernicus' theory that the earth re
volved around the sun was declared ♦ DEMOCRACY &
by the Church to be heresy in 1616, CAPITALISM
Galileo published his Dialogue on
Two Chief World Systems in 1632. Ga
lileo was summoned to Rome. Quotations
Threatened with torture, he recanted "Democracy is the power of equal
and had imposed on him a life sen votes for unequal minds."
tence of house arrest. Rising, follow
Charles I (1600-1649), British king
ing his solemn renunciation of the
£opernican doctrine, Galileo mut
"Democracy is the theory that the
tered, "E pur si muove (But yet it
common people know what they
moves). The phrase has since gained
want, and deserve to get it good
currency as a statement of defi
and hard."
ance against conservative or unwar
ranted beliefs. Hlenry] L[ouis] Mencken (1880-1956),
U.S. critic and writer, Little Book in C
Galileo (1564r-1642), Italian astronomer
Major (1916), p. 42
and physicist [Authenticity unverified]
"Democracy is a form of religion. It
is the worship of jackals by jack

♦ DEMAND Hlenry] L[ouis] Mencken (1880-1956),

U.S. critic and writer

Quotations "Man's capacity for justice makes

"I am the emperor, and I want democracy possible, but man's in
dumplings." clination to injustice makes democ
racy necessary."
Ferdinand I (1793-1875),
Austrian emperor Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971),
U.S. theologian, Christian Realism
and Political Problems (1953)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"My grandfather fought at Lexing "Democracy substitutes election t>y

ton, my father fought at New Or the incompetent many for appoint
leans and my husband was killed at ment by the corrupt few."
Monterey," began a woman de George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
manding from President Lincoln a Irish playwright, Man and Superman
colonel's commission for her son. "I (1903), "Maxims for Revolutionists:
ask for the commission not as a fa Democracy"
vor, but as a right." "I guess, mad
am," replied Lincoln, "your family "Democracy is the recurrent suspi
has done enough for the country. Ifs cion that more than half of the peo-

The Ultimate Reference Book

pie are right more than half of the I'll tickle your catastrophe."
time/' William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
Eilwyn] Btrooks] White (1899-1985), British playwright and poet,
U.S. humorist and writer, New Yorker Henry IV, Part II (1598), Act U, sc. i
(July 3,1944)
Classical Phrases and Myths
Classical Phrases and Myths bene decessit (Lat)
"Salus populi suprema est lex." (Sal- (be-ne day-KESS-it) has left
us POH-pu-liSUP-reem-a est lex) well; conclusion that one's leaving
(The good of the people is the su of a situation is not due to miscon
preme law.) duct or ill will
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 B.c),
Roman statesman and man of letters, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
De Legibus, El, Hi Georges Clemenceau, the
French statesman and prime min
ister during World War I, was in
numerous duels. In one duel with
♦ DEPARTURE longtime political rival Paul Des?
chanel, each time Clemenceau
Foreign Words and Phrases lunged, Deschanel retreated fur
ther. Finally Clemenceau shrugged,
adieu (Fra)
tucked his sword under his arm,
(ad-YUH) goodbye (firmly) and commented, "Monsieur is leav
au revoir (Fra) ing us."
(oh re-VWAR) goodbye (until we Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929),
meet again) French prime minister

vamoose (Spa) S. N. Behrman postponed his de

(vah-MOOS) go away! parture and then screenwriter
George S. Kaufman ran into him on
roppo (Jap)
the studio lot. Quipped Kaufman,
(ROH-poh) a leaping exit in Kabuki
"Ah, forgotten, but not gone."
George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
Quotations U.S. playwright, writer and wit

'The government declared a state

of emergency, so I obediently
emerged/' ♦ DESCENT
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), British
conductor, answering why he had left Foreign Words and Phrases
England while his country was at war
glissando (Ita)
"Well, God bless you, McNulty, (glee-SAHN-doh) in music, sliding
goddamn it" between notes
Harold Ross (1892-1951), U.S. publisher
bidding John McNulty farewell as he, like Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
many of Ross's New Yorker writers, was
There was no love lost between the
lured to Hollywood
actress Henrietta Hodson and li
''Away, you scullion! you rampal- brettist W. S. Gilbert, who prepared
lion! you fustilarian! for the production of his light op-
The Wrr's Thesaurus

eras like a drill sergeant. Reheats- - gia FLAM-mie) I feel again a spark
ing for a Gilbert and Sullivan of that ancient flame
comedy, she missed her chair when
sitting down, and fell heavily on libido (Lat)
the stage. An applauding Gilbert (lib-EE-doh) lit: lust; sexual drive;
called out, "I always thought you in psychology, generally sexual im
would make an impression on the pulse, but may be applied to all mo
stage someday." tivations

Sir Wlilliam] Slchwenck] Gilbert desideratum (Lat)

(1836-1911), British writer
(day-SEED-er-AH-tum) something
much desired or needed (plu: desid

♦ DESIRE "We desire nothing so much as

what we ought not to have."

Foreign Words and Phrases Publilius Syrus (c. 100 B.c),

Roman writer, Sententiae, 559
grande passion (Fra)
1 (grohndePASS-y-on) all-consuming
love affair, overwhelmingpassion Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

coup de fbudre (Fra) The San Jose tourist visiting San

(koo de FOOdra) lit: flash of light Francisco was approached by a
nings sudden passion or shock lady of the night. 'Til do anything
you want—satisfy your wildest
fantasies—for $75," she purred.
The tourist thought for a moment
//fThe trouble with life is that there and replied, "OK. Paint my house."
are so many beautiful women and
so little time/' The Earl of Albemarle took with
John Barrymore (1882-1942), U.S. actor
him on a diplomatic mission to
Paris in 1748 his mistress Lolotte
'It is with our passions as it is with Gaudier, an actress known for her
fire and water, they are good ser avarice and guile. One evening, see
vants, but bad masters/' ing her gazing pensively at a star,
Sir Roger L'Estrange (1616-1704), British he said, "Ifs no good, my dear, I
fabulist, Fables (1692), "Reflection" can't buy it for you."
William Anne Keppel,
"Adam was but human—this ex
2d Earl of Albemarle (1702-1754),
plains it all. He did not want the
British soldier and diplomat
apple for the apple's sake; he
wanted it only because it was for
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker, Pudd'nhead Wilson ♦ DESPERATION
(1894), ch. 2
Foreign Words and Phrases
Classical Phrases and Myths
&me perdue (Fra)
agnosco veteris vestigia flammae (Lat) (AHM per-DOO) lit: lost soul; des
(AG-noh-kohveh-TER-isVES-tee- perate individual

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations Every arrow that flies feels the at

traction of earth."
"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for
a horse!" Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(1807-1882), U.S, poet, Elegiac Verse
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet,
King Richard III (2593), Act V, sc. iv
Tempt not a desperate man.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), ♦ DIFFICULTY
British playwright and poet,
Romeo and Juliet (1595), Act V, sc. Hi
The mass of men lead lives of quiet
desperation. 'Tut you in this pickle."
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
U.S. writer, naturalist and poet, Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la
Walden (1854), "Economy" Mancha, Part I (2605), bk. I, ch. 5

"Negotiating with [Irish politician

Classical Phrases and Myths
Eamon] de Valera... is like trying
A fox accidentally fell into a well to pick up mercury with a fork."
and could not escape. To a goat David Lloyd George, 1st Earl
who later came along, the fox cried, (1863-1945), British prime minister
'To avoid the drought now coming
it is best to share this water with
me. It is the best water I have
tasted. I have drunk so much that I
can scarcely move." Hearing this,
the goat jumped in the well. The fox
quickly scrambled up its back and
scrambled to safety. ALook before you Foreign Words and Phrases
leap," the fox advised the unfortu Machtpolitik (Ger)
nate goat. "And beware of the en (macht-POH-li-TEEK) lit: politics of
treaties of the desperate."
might; theory that power dictates
Aesop (c. 600 B.c), Greek fabulist foreign policy and international re

♦ DEVIATION Quotations
"He looked at foreign affairs
Foreign Words and Phrases through the wrong end of a munic
ipal drainpipe."
demarche (Fra)
(DAY-marsh) step, maneuver, gen Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
erally to indicate change in policy (1874-1965), British prime minister and
writer, describing Sir Neville Chamberlain
or direction
"Diplomacy is to do and say
Quotations The nastiest thing in the nicest
"If you would hit the mark, you way."
must aim a little above it; Isaac Goldberg (1887-1938), U.S. writer

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Diplomacy: lying in state." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Oliver Herford (1863-1935), British-born Among the Germans, Berlin is
US. humorist and illustrator
considered the epitome of Prussian
"We hear the Secretary of State brusqueness ana efficiency, while
boasting of his brinkmanship—the Vienna is the epitome of Austrian
art of bringing us to the edge of the charm and laxness. There is the
abyss." story that a Berliner, visiting Vi
Adlai Elwing] Stevenson (1900-1965), enna, became lost, so he grabbed
US. politician commenting on John the lapel of the first passing Vien
Foster Dulles speech in Hartford, nese, and barked out, "Where is
Connecticut, February 25,1956 the train depot?" The startled Vi
ennese removed the other's fist,
"A diplomat... is a person who smoothed his lapel, and said gen
can tell you to go to hell in such a tly, "Sir, it would have been more
way that you actually look forward delicate if you had politely asked
to the trip."
me, 'Sir, could you please direct
Caskie Stinnett (1911- ), me to the depot?'" The Berliner,
U.S. writer, Out of the Red (2960), ch. 4 taken aback, growled, 'I'd rather
"A diplomat these days is nothing be lost!" and stomped away. The
but a head-waiter who's allowed to Viennese later visited Berlin, and
sit down occasionally." he became lost. He stopped a Ber
liner, and said politely, "Sir, could
Sir Peter [Alexander] Ustinov
you please direct me to the train
(1921- ), British actor and
depot?" The Berliner barked,
writer, Romanoff and Juliet
"About face, two blocks forward,
(2956), Act I
sharp left under arch and into de
'Tve always had a weakness for pot.'* Replied the Viennese,
foreign affairs." 'Thank you, kind sir." The Ber
Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress liner snatched the other's lapel
and shouted, "Forget the thanks.
Repeat the instructions!"
The actress Tallulah Bankhead
bought herself a Bentley when she
first became successful in London.
Although she greatly enjoyed driv
Quotations ing the automobile, she often be
"Go west young man." came lost in the bewildering
streets of London. She then took
John Babsone Lane Souk (1815-1902),
to hiring a taxi to lead the way,
US. writer, article in the Terre Haute
while she drove behind in tne
(Indiana) Express (1851) [expression
popularized by Horace Greeley in his
New York Tribune] Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968),
US. actress

Field Marshal Montgomery hopped

Classical Phrases and Myths into a taxi in London and instructed
quo vodis (Lat) the driver that his destination was
(kwo WAH-dis) where are you go Waterloo. The driver inquired, "Sta
ing? where are you heading? tion?" "Of course," replied Mont-

The Ultimate Reference Book

gomery, glancing at his watch. month, she sighed, "Promises,

"We're a brtlate for the battle." promises."
Bernard Law Montgomery, Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
Viscount Montgomery of Alamein U.S. wit and writer
(1887-1976), British general


Foreign Words and Phrases

Quotations mal vu (Fra)

(mal VEW) viewed with disap
"Like the boy who stubbed his proval, resented
toe—I am too big to cry and too
badly hurt to laugh." & bos (Fra)
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), (ah BAH) down with!
. U.S. president, answering how he felt
after the 1858 Illinois legislature elected Quotations
Stephen A. Douglas senator instead ofhim
"[H. L.] Mencken, with his filthy
"Blessed is the man who expects verbal hemorrhages, is so low
nothing, for he shall never be dis down in the moral scale, so dam
appointed." nably dirty, so vile and degenerate,
Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet that when his time comes to die it
and writer, letter to Fortescue will take a special dispensation
September 23,1725 from Heaven to get him into the
bottommost pit of HelL"
Anonymous editorial in Jackson News
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"There is so much good in the
The skydiving instructor reassured worst of us,
his student, as the student climbed And so much bad in the best of us,
out on the airplane wing at 10,000 That it hardly becomes any of us
feet, "You jump, count to 100 and To talk about the rest of us."
pull your ripcord. If that doesn't Edward Wallis Hoch (1849-1925),
work, pull your reserve. Once you U.S. politician, Good and Bad
land, a van will pick you up." The [attributed also to others]
student took a breath and plunged.
After free-falling, he pulled his rip- "People who like this sort of .thing
cord. Nothing. He pulled his re will find this the sort of thing they
serve. Cobwebs drifted out. like."
"Damn," he said, shaking his head. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
"With my luck the van's not down U.S. president, judging a book
there, either."
"... nattering nabobs of negativ
The wit Dorothy Parker was admit ism."
ted to a sanatorium late in life be William Safire (1929- ),
cause she would turn to the bottle U.S. writer
when despondent. When her phy
sician urged her to stop drinking, "The critic's symbol should be the
or she would be dead within a tumble-bug; he deposits his egg in

The Wit's Thesaurus

somebody else's dung, otherwise young playwright to attend the

he could not hatch it." dress rehearsal of his new play.
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] Sandburg slept through the per
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, formance. Afterward, the disap
writer and speaker pointed dramatist, who had badly
wanted to hear the poefs opinion,
"We are not amused!"
scolded Sandburg. Sandburg re
Victoria (1819-1901), British queen, plied, "Sleep is an opinion."
seeing herself parodied by Alexander
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967),
Grantham Yorke, her groom-in-waiting
U.S. poet and writer
[other variations attributed]
Seeing a fabulous diamond ring on
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
the actress's hand, Princess Mar
A young man joined a monastery garet remarked to Elizabeth Taylor,
where each monk took a vow of si "That's a bit vulgar." After per
lence, limiting conversation to two suading the princess to try on the
words with his superior. At the end ring, Taylor inquired, "There, ifs
of the first year, the young man said not too vulgar now, is it?"
to his superior, "Food plain." The Elizabeth Taylor (1932- ),
following year, he said, "Room U.S. film actress
cold." Another year passed and he
exclaimed to his superior, "I quit!" After criticizing a young actor for
"I'm not surprised," said the supe his overbearing attitude, British ac
rior. "All you've done since you tor and theater manager Sir Her
arrived is complain, complain, bert Beerbohm Tree was informed
complain." by the conceited actor, "I assure
you, sir, that I am not suffering
MP Bessie Braddock approached
from a swelled head." "It is. not
Winston Churchill after a late convi-
the swelling that causes suffering,"
vium. "Winston," she exclaimed ac
Tree snapped. "It is the subse
cusingly. "You're drunk!" Drawled
quent shrinkage which hurts."
Churchill, "Bessie, you're ugly. And
tomorrow morning I shall be sober." Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1853-1917),
British actor and theater manager
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
(1874r-19S5), British prime minister After hearing a witty remark from
and writer [authenticity unverified] painter James Whistler, the aesthete
In the heyday of his career as an art Oscar Wilde exclaimed, "I wish I
critic, John Ruskin always main had said that!" Replied Whistler,
tained that it should in no way af "You will, Oscar, you will."
fect his friendship with an artist if James Abbott McNeill Whistler
he panned the artisfs work. The (1834r-1903), U.S.-born British painter
artists, of course, saw matters in a
rather different light. "Next time I
meet you, I shall knock you down,"
one of his victims retorted, "but I
trust it will make no difference to
our friendship."
John Ruskin (1819-1900), Foreign Words and Phrases
British writer and social reformer louche (Fra)
The poet and Lincoln biographer (loosh) cross-eyed, oblique, suspi
Carl Sandburg was once asked oy a cious

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations to her to buy themselves out of the

narrative, but the war hero Duke of
"George [Gershwin] died on July
Wellington supposedly declined
11,1937, but I don't have to believe
the extortion by responding, "Pub
that if I don't want to."
lish and be damned!" Wilson did
John O'Hara (1905-1970), U.S. writer publish and the book was a smash
ing success.
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Harriette Wilson (1786-1846),
A visitor to the eminent physicist British courtesan
Niels Bohr noted a horseshoe nailed
to his wall. "Surely, Dr. Bohr, you
don't believe in such superstition,"
teased the visitor. "Of course not,"
replied Bohr, "but I'm told it brings ♦ DISCOURTESY
you luck whether you believe in it
or not." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Niels Henrik David Bohr (1885-1962),
Returning to her concert seat, the
Danish physicist
stocky society matron asked the
man at the end of the row, 'Tardon,
did I step on your foot before?" Ex
pecting an apology, the pain-
♦ DISCLOSURE wracked man replied, "Yes, you
did." The woman smiled. "Aha,
then this is my row." *
The actress Ethel Barrymore had
"Oh fie, Miss, you must not kiss
exquisite manners and expected the
and tell."
same from others. Once, a young
William Congreve (1670-1729), actress whom she had invited to
British playwright, Love for Love dinner not only failed to appear but
(1695), Act I, sc. x
did not even bother to apologize for
Classical Phrases and Myths her absence. Some time later, the
two women unexpectedly ran into
apocalypsis (Grk) each other. The young woman
(ajj-o-kaHP-sis) uncovering, reve lamely began, "I think I was invited
lation, disclosure to your house for dinner the other
evening." "Oh, yes," replied Bar
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes rymore. "Did you come?"
Wife to husband: "I have some good Ethel Barrymore (1879-1959), U.S.
news and some bad news." Hus actress [attributed also to Beatrice Ullie]
band: "What's the good news?"
Wife: "The airbags work."
Having less money to support her
self in the manner to which she had ♦ DISCOVERY
grown accustomed, the paramour
Harriette Wilson decided around
1820 to write her memoirs and Foreign Words and Phrases
went public that she was going to objet trouve (Fra)
name names. Several former lovers (OB-jay TROO-vay) lit: found ob
made substantial cash contributions ject; beautiful or artistically valid

The Wit's Thesaurus

object that is found, not created; a week, "They're not working, and
Surrealist theory the more I take, the more I think
they taste like rabbit droppings."
Quotations Replied the doctor: "See? You are
getting smarter."
"Discovery consists of seeing what
everybody has seen and thinking
what nobody has thought"
Albert von Nagyrapolt Szent-Gyorgyi
(1893-1986), Hungarian-born
U.S. scientist Quotations

"I was born eight drinks below

Classical Phrases and Myths par."
The tyrant Hiero of Syracuse be O. Henry [William Sydney Porter]
lieved that an artisan to whom he (1862-1910), U.S. writer, appraising his
had given a quantity of gold to lifelong hypoglycemic condition
shape into a crown had debased the
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
gold with an inferior metal. Hiero
therefore asked Archimedes (ark-i- "I have bad news and I have terrible
MEED-eez) to prove or disprove his news!" shouted the doctor into the
suspicions. The traditional story is phone. Max moaned, ''Bad news
that Archimedes, while taking a and terrible news? Good Lord, give
bath, noticed that the water over me the bad news first." "The bad
flowed the deeper his body was news is that you've got 24 hours to
submerged, and that his body live," said the physician. "Omigod!
seemed to weigh less; leaping from What could the terrible news possi
the bath, Archimedes ran naked bly be?" Answered the doctor,
through the streets of Syracuse cry "I've been calling you since yester
ing, "Eureka!" (I have found it!) He day!"
had conceived of Archimedes' Prin
President Eisenhower was to attend
ciple—that the apparent loss of
a performance in Washington of La
weight of a floating body is equal
Boheme and the Secret Service men
to the weight of water it displaces,
were worried about security. "We
and that the density, or weight per
understand the girl dies," one agent
volume, of a body determines its
asked the noted opera manager Sir
displacement. Archimedes applied
Rudolph Bing. "How is she killed?"
his principle by submerging first
"She dies of consumption," he re
the crown and then the same
plied. "But it isn't contagious at a
weights of gold and a less dense
metal, and thus was able to dem
onstrate that the crown was indeed Sir Rudolf Bing (1902- ),
opera administrator
Archimedes (287 b.c-212 b.c), Reelected in 1946 as mayor of Bos
Greek mathematician and scientist ton, James Curley, known as the
Purple Shamrock, and the model
for Edwin O'Connor's hero-villain
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
in The Last Hurrah, was convicted
A fellow bought some "smart" pills on fraud charges and obliged to ful
(medication to increase intelligence) fill his duties from a prison cell. He
from his doctor and told him, after petitioned the court for his release,

The Ultimate Reference Book

citing as grounds that he was suf red-hot stove. President Lincoln,

fering from 12 potentially fatal ill urged by Cameron, requested that
nesses. Asked to name one, he Stevens say that he had been mis
responded, "An imminent cerebral quoted. "Certainly, I would say
hemorrhage." that I have been misquoted," Ste
James Michael Curley (1874-1958), vens growled. //What I said actually
U.S. politician was mat Cameron would steal an
ything—even a red-hot stove."
Thaddeus Stevens (1792-1868),
U.S. politician and lawyer

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Two lawyers were walking along
negotiating a case. "Look/' said one
Foreign Words and Phrases
to the other, "lefs be honest with
each other." "OK, you first/7 re slizistyi (Rus)
plied the other. That was the end of (SLEEZ-eet-yee) slimy
the discussion.
The senior partner of a prestigious
law firm was concluding the inter "I regard you with an indifference
view of the associate who was to closely bordering on aversion."
join the ranks of the firm's partners. Robert Louis [Balfbur] Stevenson (1850-
"So, are you an honest attorney?" 1894), British writer and poet, New
he asked. "Of course," the lawyer Arabian Nights (1882), "The Rajah's
replied. 'In fact, I repaid in full my Diamond-Story of the Bandbox"
education loan from the govern
ment after my very first case/' 'In Classical Phrases and Myths
deed, and which case was that?"
The attorney squirmed slightly. The Roman emperor Augustus had
'The government sued me for the ordered the dismissal from his ser
money." vice of a young man of bad char
acter. The man came to him and
After a long talk on the politics of pleaded for pardon, saying, "How
the day, the disgraced ex-senator can I go home? What would I tell
was asked by the network televi my father?" Answered Augustus,
sion interviewer whether the poli 'Tell your father that you didn't
tician would ever consider running find me to your liking."
again for his seat. "Yes." "Hon
Augustus [Gaius Julius Caesar
estly?" the stunned broadcaster Octavianus] (63 B.C.-A.D. 14),
asked. "No," the pol answered. Roman emperor
"Same as last time."

Secretary of War Simon Cameron Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

was implicated in a scandal over
Q: "Whafs the difference between
the awarding of army contracts in
a lawyer and an onion?" A: "You
the early 1860s, and Pennsylvania
cry when you cut up an onion."
congressman Thaddeus Stevens
had publicly declared that Cam At a formal dinner, the young
eron would steal anything except a Winston Churchill, then sporting

The Wit's Thesaurus
a mustache, and an elderly lady deracini (Fra)
were arguing politics. Finally the (DAY-ras-see-NAY) lit: uprooted;
lady said haughtily, "Young man, I removed from (one's) natural envi
care neither for your politics nor ronment
your mustache." "Madam," replied
mal du pays (Fra)
Churchill, "you are unlikely to
come into contact with either." (MALL doo pez) homesickness
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
1965), British prime minister and writer
Lady Nancy Astor was renowned for Lost, the tycoon stopped his large
her acute repartee; she was report and expensive car on the country
road next to a farmer. "Hey, you,
edly bettered only once. Following a
heated debate with Winston Chur how far to Glenville?" Answered the
farmer, "Don't know." "OK, so
chill on some trivial matter, Lady
whafs the best way to get there?"
Astor scornfully shouted, "If I were
Again the farmer thought and said,
your wife I would put poison in
"Don't know." The tycoon snapped,
your coffee." "And if I were your
"You don't know much, do you?"
husband," Churchill answered, '1
Replied the farmer, "I'm not lost."
would drink it."
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill The old woman had lived her entire
(1874-1965), British prime minister life in a little house on the North
and writer [attributed also to others] Dakota side of the North Dakota-
South Dakota border. One day, the
After Samuel Goldwyn and his ri
surveyors informed her that in fact
val Louis Mayer got into a shoving
she lived in South Dakota.
match in the locker room at the
"Whew!" she said. "I couldn't suf
Hilkrest Country Club in Los An
fer another one of those damn
geles, Goldwyn was chided by a
North Dakota winters."
friend for it. "What? We're like
friends, we're like brothers. We While painting Daniel Boone's por
love each other. We'd do anything trait, American artist Chester Har
for each other," replied Goldwyn, ding asked the frontiersman, then
apparently sincere. "We'd even cut in his 80s, if he had ever been lost.
each other's throats for each other!" "No, I can't say I was ever lost,"
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish] mused Boone, "but I was bewil
(1882-1974), Russian-born dered once for three days."
U.S. film producer Daniel Boone (1734-1820),
U.S. frontiersman


Foreign Words and Phrases

imigri (Fra) Foreign Words and Phrases

(ay-mee-gray) exile, emigrant;
(originally applied to aristocrats fracas (Fra)
fleeing the French Revolution) (frah-kah) a disturbance

depaysi (Fra) derangt (Fra)

(day-PAY-zay) beyond one's coun (DAY-ron-JAY) disordered things,
try or natural environment deranged person

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations Quotations

"There is nothing stable in the "I hate the man who builds his
world; uproar's your only music/' name

John Keats (1795-1821), British poet, On ruins of another's fame."

letter to G. and T. Keats, John Gay (1685-1732), British poet and
January 13,1818 playwright, Fables, Part I (2727),
"The Poet and the Rose"
"Confusion is a word we have in
vented for an order which is not "Damn with faint praise, assent
understood." with civil leer,
Henry Miller (1891-1980), US. writer,
And, without sneering, teach the
The Tropic of Capricorn rest to sneer."
(1938), "Interlude" Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet
and writer, Epistles and Satires of
"The whole worl's in a state o'
Horace Imitated (2734), Prologue,
chassis!" Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, 1.193
Sean O'Casey (1884-1964),
Irish playwright, Juno and the Paycock
//His passion still, to covet general
(2925), Act I praise,
His life, to forfeit it a thousand
"The lunatics have taken charge of ways."
the asylum."
Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet
Richard Rowland (1881-1947), and writer, describing the
U.S. writer, commenting on the takeover Duke of Wharton
of United Artists film studios
by Charles Chaplin, Mary Pickford,
Douglas Fairbanks, and D. W. Griffith
Classical Phrases and Myths
disjecta membra (Lat) Foreign Words and Phrases
(dis-YEK-ta MEM-bra) lit: scattered
demi mondaine (Fra)
limbs; disordered fragments of a
(DEM-ee MOHND-en) woman
work or task
(person) who lives on the fringe of
"Kudis indigestaque moles." (An un society or is of doubtful repute
formed and confused mass.)
Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso]
(43 B.c.-c. a.d. 18) Roman poet, "Posterity will ne'er survey
Metamorphoses, I, 7 A nobler grave than this:
Here lie the bones of Castlereagh
Stop, traveller, and piss."
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824),
British poet
♦ DISREPUTE "Don't look at me, Sir, with that
tone of voice."
Foreign Words and Phrases Punch, (1884), vol. IXKXVU, p. 38
demi monde (Fra)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(DEM-ee MOHND) lit. half-world;
class peripheral to society, those of Once an unidentified man ap
questionable reputation proached writer Hilaire Belloc, say-

The Wit's Thesaurus

ing, "You don't know me." Belloc, value is not in its taste, but its ef
a master of insult, replied, "Yes, I fects."
do/' turned on his heel, and walked J[ames] William Fulbright
off. (1905- ), U.S. politician
[Joseph] Hilaire [Pierre] Belloc
"I disagree with you entirely. What
(1870-19531 British writer
was it you said?"
Although the German composer Jo Anthony Trollope (1815-1882),
hannes Brahms could be agreeable, British writer, 'challenging the prior
he could also launch into unpro speaker at a surveyors' meeting
voked attacks of sarcasm and rude
"It were not best that we should all
ness, even at his friends. Once he
think alike; it is difference of opin
upset a gathering with his difficult
ion that makes horse races."
behavior, rose and left the room,
stopping at the door merely to say, Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
"If there is anyone here whom I (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker, Pudd'nhead Wilson
have not insulted, I beg his par
(1894), ch. 19
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), 'The rule is perfect: in all matters
German composer of opinion our adversaries are in
//Here I am between wit and
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
beauty," exclaimed a foppish young (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
bore at a dinner party, seated be writer and speaker
tween French writer Mme. de Stae I
and a beautiful woman. "Quite so," "It is dangerous to be right in mat
Mme. de Stae I sneered, "and with ters on which the established au
out possessing either." thorities are wrong."
Anne Louise Germane, Baronne de Stae I Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694-
(1766-1817), French writer 1778), French philosopher, writer and wit

Classical Phrases and Myths

non placet (Lat)
(nohn PLAK-et) lit: it does not
♦ DISSENT please (me); statement of a negative
"Raise a hue and cry."
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), ♦ DISSUASION
Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la
Mancha, Part I (2605), bk. m, ch. 8
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Sometimes a scream is better than
There was the woman who became
a thesis."
so disturbed with everything she
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1892), read about the connection between
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher, smoking and cancer that she finally
Journals (1836) gave up reading.
'In a democracy dissent is an act of In violent disagreement with an
faith. like medicine, the test of its opinion expressed by poet and

The Ultimate Reference Book

critic Lascelles Abercrombie, Ezra "You never realize how short a

Pound wrote to him, "Stupidity month is until you pay alimony."
carried beyond a certain point be John Barrymore (1882-1942), U.S. actor
comes a public menace. I hereby
challenge you to a duel, to be
fought at the earliest moment that fudges, as a class, display, in the
is suited to your convenience..." matter of arranging alimony, that
Abercrombie was naturally dis reckless generosity which is found
turbed by the challenge, and aware only in men who are giving away
of Pound's skill at fencing, but with someone else's cash."
relief he remembered that the Plelham] Glrenville] Wodehouse
choice of weapons lay with the (1881-1975), British writer and
party challenged. "May I suggest," humorist
he replied, "that we bombard each
other with unsold copies of our
own books?" Since Pound had far
more "weapons" than his oppo
nent, he withdrew his challenge.
Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-1938), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British poet and critic

Political reformer and heralded pa The actress and novelist Uka Chase
thologist Rudolf Virchow so antago happened to find a packet of visit
nized German Chancellor Otto von ing cards engraved with the name
Bismarck that Bismarck challenged "Mrs. Louis Calhern" while going
him to a duel. "As the challenged through her things, This occurred
party, I choose the weapons/' re soon after her just-divorced hus
plied Virchow to Bismarck's mes band Louis Calnern had married
senger, "and I choose these." He Julia Hoyt. Disinclined to waste the
displayed two seemingly identical cards, Chase mailed them to her
sausages. He added, "One of these is successor with a note: "Dear Julia,
infected with deadly germs. The I hope these reach you in time."
other is perfectly fine. Let His Excel
Uka Chase (1903-1978), U£. actress,
lency choose which one he shall eat,
writer and playwright
and I shall eat the other." The chan
cellor called off the duel.
Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902). Pioneering sexologists William
German pathologist and politician Masters and Virginia Johnson
agreed to divorce after 21 years of
marriage and 35 years of research
♦ DIVORCE & SEPARATION on orgasm, impotence and sexual
dysfunction, and co-writing Human
Sexual Response. Asked for com
ment, William Young, director of
"It was partially my fault that we the Masters and Johnson Institute,
got divorced I tended to place said, "I'm sure people will say, If
my wife under a pedestal." these two people can't get along,
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg] who can?'"
(1935- ), U.S. comedian and William Howell Masters (1915- )
filmmaker, Chicago nightclub, and Virginia Johnson (1925- ),
March 1964 U.S. physicians

The Wit's Thesaurus

The reply: "No, but Lyndon wasn't

♦ DOMINATION & foreman on that job."
SUBMISSION Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
U.S. president
Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav
"There is an old political adage
Molotov was overhead talking to
which says 'If you can't lick 'em,
Stalin by telephone. Molotov kept re
jine 'em/ "
peating, "Yes, Comrade Stalin. Yes,
Quentin Reynolds (1902-1965), comrade." Then his tone changed.
British writer, Wounded Don't Ciy "No, comrade. No." Astonished at
(1941), ch. 1 hearing Molotov dare disobedience,
someone asked, after Molotov hung
up, "What did Stalin say that caused
Classical Phrases and Myths you to reply 'no'?" "He asked me if
mere was anything he said which I
testibus prehende, cortis sequentur el disagreed with."
mentis (Lat)
Vyascheslau Molotov (1890-1986),
(TES-tee-bus preh-HEND-e KOR-tis Soviet diplomat [authenticity unverified]
SEK-wi-tur et MEN-tis) when you
grab them by the balls, their hearts
and minds will follow
Aristippus, the Greek philosopher
who advocated hedonism, had in
sinuated himself into the court of
Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse, with DRAMA
assiduous flattery. Aristippus once
came upon Diogenes the Cynic
Foreign Words and Phrases
while Diogenes was washing lentils
before making the soup that was Lehrstiick (Ger)
the main article of his diet. Aristip (LAYR-shtook) lit oral tale; form of
pus said, "Oh, Diogenes, if you theater, championed by Bertolt
could but learn to flatter Dionysius, Brecht in the 1930s, the intention of
you would not have to live on len which was primarily to instruct the
tils." And Diogenes answered, "Oh performer rather than entertain or
Aristippus, if you could but learn to instruct the audience
live on lentils, you would not have
to flatter Dionysius." coup de theatre (Fra)
Diogenes (c. 412 B.C.-323 B.c), (koo de tay-AHT-ra) dramatically
Creek philosopher sudden act, sensational occurrence,
or stage trick performed for effect

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Future president Lyndon Johnson
was a driving taskmaster as Senate "Don't look now, but your show's
majority leader. Working hard and slipping."
late, one senator wearily com Heywood Broun (1888-1939),
plained to another, "Whafs the U.S. writer, remarking to Tallulah
hurry? Rome wasn't built in a day." Bankhead [authenticity unverified]

The Ultimate Reference Book

"An actor is something less than a be: "You don't reply." But the
man, while an actress is something young actor forgot nis line. "You
more than a woman/' don't reply... you dotft reply," in
Richard Burton (1925-1984), British actor
structed a loud whisper from off
stage. Responded the exasperated
'1 understand that your play is full young actor, //How the heu can I
of single entendres." when I don't know what to say?"
George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961), Ada Rehan (1860-1916),
U.S. playwright, writer and wit, Irish-born U.S. actress
commenting to the author of a panned
Broadway play

"The bad end unhappily, the good

unluckily. That is what tragedy
Tom Stoppard (1937- ), British
playwright and writer, Rosencfantz and Quotations
Guildenstern Are Dead (1967), Act U "I do not know whether I was then
a man dreaming I was a butterfly,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes or whether I am a butterfly dream
ing I was a man."
When too many members of the au
dience began coughing during his Chuang-Tzu (369 b.c-286 b.c), Chinese
philosopher, On Leveling All Things
performance, an irate John Barry-
more sent out for a fish during in
termission. "Busy yourself with Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
that, you damned walruses," he
It was an unwritten rule that Jack
cried, throwing the fish from the
Warner, co-founder of Warner
stage at his tormentors, "and let the
Brothers, was not to be disturbed
rest of us proceed with the play."
during his habitual afternoon nap
John Barrymore (1882-1942), U.S. actor
at his office. Bette Davis once raged
[authenticity unverified]
into his office, however, complain
Rachel rose from being an itin ing about a certain script. Warner,
erant Jewish peddler's daughter to eyes shut fast, reached for the
become the leading tragedienne phone and called his secretary:
at the Comeclie-Francaise. "Good "Come quickly and wake me up.
ness!" she once boasted after a suc I'm having a nightmare." The
cessful new debut. "When I came laughing Bette Davis and Warner
out onstage, the audience sat there Brothers resolved the crisis.
simplyopenmouthed." "Nonsense!" Jack Warner (1892-1978),
sneered another actress. "They never U.S. film producer
all yawn at once."
Rachel [tlisa Felix], (1820-1858),
French actress

Ada Rehan was once in a romantic ♦ DRINKING

comedy playing opposite a young,
inexperienced actor. In one scene
Foreign Words and Phrases
his character was to ask hers an im
portant question, and before the de Bmu (Ger)
layed answer, his next line was to (brow) brew

The Wit's Thesaurus

c'est la mime chose de coleur (Fra) than alcohol has taken out of
(seh la mehm chose de koh-LUHR) me."
drinks on the house Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
1965), British prime minister and writer
pineau (Fra)
(PEEN-o) cheap wine "I always keep a supply of stimu
lant handy in case I see a snake—
ube hoch (Ger) which I also keep handy."
(OOH-be HOACH) to your health! W. C. Fields [William Claude Dukenfield]
cheers! (1879-1946), US. film actor
and comedian

Quotations "One of the disadvantages of wine

is that it makes a man mistake
"If all be true that I do think, words for thoughts."
There are five reasons we should
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
British man of letters
Good wine—a friend—or being
dry— "You're not drunk if you can lie on
Or lest we should be by and by— the floor without holding on."
Or any other reason why/' Dean Martin (1917- ),
Henry Aldrich (1648-1710), British poet U.S. singer and actor

"One evening in October, when I "A torchlight procession marching

was one-third sober, down your throat."
An' taking home a load' with John Louis O'Sullivan (1813-1895),
manly pride; U.S. politician, describing whiskey
My poor feet began to stutter, so I "One more drink and I'd have been
lay down in the gutter, under the host."
And a pig came up an' lay down
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
by my side;
U.S. wit and writer
Then we sang Ifs all fair weather
when good fellows get together,' "'Tis not the drinking that is to be
Till a lady passing by was heard to blamed, but the excess."
say: John Selden (1584-1654), British jurist
Tou can tell a man who "boozes" and scholar, Table Talk (1892), "Law"
by the company he chooses'
And the pig got up and slowly 'He'll probably never write a good
walked away." play again."

Benjamin Hapgood Burt (1880-1950),

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
U.S. songwriter, The Pig Got Up and Irish playwright, learning that playwright
Slowly Walked Away (1933 song) Eugene O'Neill had given up drinking
[authenticity unverified]
"Alcohol is like love: the first kiss "But I'm not so think as you drunk
is magic, the second is intimate, the lam."
third is routine. After that you.just
Sir John Collings Squire (1884-1958),
take the girl's clothes off."
British poet and writer
Raymond Chandler (1888-1959),
US. writer Classical Phrases and Myths

"Always remember, Clemmie, that delirium tremens (Lat)

I have taken more out of alcohol (day-LEE-ree-um TRE-inens) alco-

The Ultimate Reference Book

holic distress, with delusions and is my position, and I will not com
trembling promise."

"What soberness conceals, drunk- After banging on it all night, the

eness reveals." Latin proverb unsteady drunk fumbled at the
door, trying to open it. The com
"In vino veritos" (in WEE-no WER-
motion awakened his wife, who
ee-tas) (In wine is truth.)
opened the upstairs window and
Pliny the Elder [Gaius Plinius Secundus] snouted, "Don't you have your
(23-79), Roman writer and scientist, key?" "Yeah, I have the damn key,"
Historia Naturalis, bk. XIV, cxli [Pliny he yelled. "Send down the damn
wrote: "Vulgoque veritas iam attributa
vino est." (Now truth is commonly said
to be in wine)]
"Don't you know alcohol is slow
According to classical mythology, poison? a friend once scolded hu
Bacchus (Bak-us) was the god of morist Robert Benchley. Benchley
wine, and Bacchanalia was title fes replied, "So who's in a hurry?"
tival devoted to him. Hence bacchic Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
or bacchanalian refers to riotous be U.S. humorist
havior, or a tendency to indulge in
drunken revelry. Drenched in a sudden thunder-
shower, journalist and novelist
The Roman orator and statesman Heywood Broun ran into the near
Cicero (SIS-e-roh) was dining with est bar for refuge. He ordered a
a friend when his host proudly of glass of wine to warm himself and,
fered a bottle of wine, saying, 'Try drinking it despite his distate for it,
this Falernian. Ifs 40 years old/' he remarked, Oh well, any port in
Cicero tasted the mediocre wine, re a storm."
marking, "Young for its age." Heywood Broun (1888-1939), U.S. writer
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 b.c), [authenticity unverified]
Roman statesman and man of letters
One-time Secretary of State William
Evarts, a bon vivant, was once
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes asked whether drinking many dif
[An alcoholic is] a man you don't ferent wines had caused him to feel
like who drinks as much as you do. ill the following day. "Not at all,
Dylan [Marlais] Thomas (1914r-1953), madam," he replied, "ifs die indif
British poet and writer ferent wines that produce that re
Asked about his attitude toward William Maxwell Evarts (1818-1901),
whiskey, a congressman reportedly U.S. lawyer and statesman
replied, "If you mean the demon
drink that poisons the mind, pol Eager to help film comedian W. C.
lutes the body, desecrates family Fields recover from a hangover, a
life, and inflames sinners, then I'm waiter solidtuously inquired, "Can
against it. But if you mean the" elixir I fix you a Bromo-Seltzer, sir?" "Ye
of Christmas cheer, the shield gods, no," moaned Fields, "I can't
against winter chill, the taxable po stand the noise."
tion that puts needed funds into W. C. Fields [William Claude Dukenfield]
public coffers to comfort little crip (1879-1946), U.S. film actor
pled children, then I'm for it. This and comedian

The Wit's Thesaurus

The sardonic Ring Lardner and Ar

thur Jacks once shared a hotel room ♦ DUPE
which they had stocked with liquor,
including good Canadian whiskey Foreign Words and Phrases
and some rotgut Kentucky corn. The
schnook (Yid)
following morning, after an evening
(shnook) one who is (has been) eas
of heavy drinking, Jacks awoke with
ily deceived, a pitiful person
a hangover. Using the spurious rem
edy of another drink, he poured him
self a glass of the Canadian whiskey. Quotations
He became sick, poured another and
again became side After another un "Never give a sucker an even
successful attempt to keep the liquor break."
down, Lardner cocked an eye and Edward Francis Albee (1857-1930),
asked, 'If you're just practicing, Ar U.S. writer [attributed also
thur, would you use the corn?" to W. C. Fields]
Ring [Ringgold WilmerJ Lardner "There's a sucker born every min
(1885-1933), U.S. writer ute."
Plhineas] Tlaylar] Barnum (1810-1891),
Comic Marty Brill, striking up a
U.S. showman
conversation with legendary im
biber Dean Martin, asked the singer "There are more fools than knaves
why he drank so much. "I drink to in the world, else the knaves would
foreet." "Thafs sad." "It could be not have enough to live upon."
a lot sadder," replied Martin. Samuel Butler (1835-1902), British writer
"What could be sadder than drink
ing to forget?" asked Brill. "Forget "It is in the ability to deceive one
ting to drink." self that one shows the greatest tal
Dean Martin (1917- ),
U.S. singer and actor Anatole France [Jacques-Anatole-Franpis
Thibault] (1844r-1924),
French writer and poet

"The true way to be deceived is to

believe oneself more clever than
Francflis, Due de La Rochefoucauld
(1613-1680), French writer,
Quotations Maximes (267$, 227
'Til die young, but ifs like kissing
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Lenny Bruce [Leonard Alfred Schneider]
(1925-1966), U.S. comedian commenting "Oh, you go ahead, John," said Mary
on taking drugs (heroin) to her husband. "The cleaners are
late getting my costume." So John
"The only reason that cocaine is went on alone to the masquerade
such a rage today is that people are party. Tired of waiting, she instead
too dumb and lazy to get them got out a duchess costume. She gaily
selves together to roll a joint." realized that her husband would not
Jack Nicholson (1937- .), recognize her, because he was ex
U.S. film actor pecting to see her as a bunny. She

The Ultimate Reference Book

would be able to observe how he be of sight while the tortoise plodded

haved when he thought she was ab along at its usual unhurried pace.
sent. At the masquerade, she had no The hare, waiting further along the
trouble locating him. A half dozen course to jeer at the tortoise, de
woman were around him in his go cided to take a quick nap, confident
rilla outfit. Furious, Mary sidled up that it could win the race later.
to him and nibbled on his ear. It Meanwhile, the tortoise plodded
merely enraged her further when he on, passed the sleeping hare and
auickly responded. She led him into approached the finish line. The hare
le garden, determined to see how awoke with a start but could not
far he would go with an unknown, catch up—slow and steady wins the
but willing, woman. After sex, she race.
came home furious, waiting for her Aesop (c. 600 B.C.), Greek fabulist
husband to appear. Eventually, John
returned home, with his gorilla
costume slung over his shoulder.
"Where were you?" he asked.
"Never mind me/' she hissed.
"What about you?" "Me?' said John. ♦ DUTY
"Oh, I got sick so I lent my costume
to Bob. He kept bragging about his Quotations
evening of sex."
'It is my duty, and I will... It was
their duty, and they did."
Sir Wlilliam] Slchwenck] Gilbert
(1836-1911), British writer, The "Bab"
Ballads (1866-1871), "Captain Reece"
"I ought, therefore I can."
Quotations Immanuel Kant (1724-1804),
"One can survive anything these German philosopher [authenticity
days except death." unverified) a play on Descartes's
"I think, therefore I am"]
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854r-1900), British playwright, "When a stupid man is doing
writer and wit something he is ashamed of, he al
"fai vicu." (jay VAY-ku) a sur ways declares that it is his duty."
vived.) George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright, Caesar and Cleopatra
Emmanuel Joseph, Comte Sieye s
(2902), Act Ul
(1748-1836), French revolutionary,
answering what he had done during the
bloody Reign of Terror
Classical Phrases and Myths
The model leader Hadrian was
Classical Phrases and Myths once approached by a woman with
A tortoise, at whom a hare had con a petition. Informing her that he
tinually poked fun for its slowness, was too occupied, he brushed her
was finally goaded into challeng aside. She angrily exclaimed, "Then
ing the hare to a foot race. When cease to be emperor." He heard her
the fox barked the start of the petition.
race, the hare bounded rapidly out Hadrian (76-138), Roman emperor

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "My exit is the result of too many
The German musician Baron von
Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron
Bulow, who championed both
Houghton (1809-1885), British writer
Wagner and Brahms, was once in
politician and epicure, dying words
vited to play for Napoleon HI.
When the emperor soon oecame in "Why should I talk to you? I've just
attentive to the music and instead been talking to your boss."
began talking animatedly to a Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. writer
guest, von Bulow stopped playing. and wit, waving away a priest on his
"When his majesty speaks/' he deathbed, after awakening briefly
said, hiding his annoyance as best from a coma
he could, "all must be silent."
"Everybody has got to die, but I
Hans Guido, Baron von Bulow (1830-
have always believed an exception
1894), German conductor and pianist
would be made in my case. Now
William Saroyan (1908-1981),
U.S. writer, phoning the
Associated Press preceding his death
♦ DYING "I am dying beyond my means."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Witts] WUde
Quotations (1854-1900), British playwright, writer
and wit, dying words as he drank
"Why fear death? It is the most champagne, though impoverished
beautiful adventure in life." [authenticity unverified; in another version,
Charles Frohman (1860-1915), U.S. actor, this remark is made when a fee for an
dying words before going down operation is mentioned]
on the Lusitania
"Dieu me pardonnera. Cest son mi-
"Gentlemen, I am so sorry for keep tier." (God will pardon me. It is His
ing you waiting like this. I am un trade.)
able to concentrate." Henrich Heine (1797-1856), German poet
and writer, dying words
George V (1865-1936), British king,
speaking on his deathbed
Classical Phrases and Myths
"I never thought I'd live to see the "The hour of departure has arrived,
day." and we go our ways—I to die, and
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish] you to live. Which is the better, God
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film only knows."
producer, dying words (coined
Socrates (469 b.c-399 b.c),
by Clifton Fadiman)
Greek philosopher [in Plato's Apologia
these are Socrates' last words; Socrates'
"If Mr. Selwyn calls again, show last words in Plato's Phaedo are:
him up. If I am alive, I shall be de "Crito, we owe a cock to Aesculapius;
lighted to see him, and if I am dead, pay it, therefore, and do not neglect it]
he would like to see me."
Henry Fox Holland, 1st Baron Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(1705-1774), British statesman, dying
words for British politician and The Marchese d'Azeglio's second
wit George Selwyn marriage to Luisa Blondel ended in

The Ultimate Reference Book

separation. But in 1866, upon learn ing ho (Chi)

ing that Azeglio was dying, Blondel ig hoh) lit work together; (ex
rushed to his deathbed. "Ah, Lu- cessively) enthusiastic, loyal
isa," sighed Azeglio, "You always
dilettante (Ita)
arrive just as I'm leaving/'
(deel-eh-TAN-tay) lit: amateur; lover
Massimo Taparelli, Marchese d'Azeglio of the arts; one who approaches sub
(1798-1866), Italian statesman and writer jects ina triflingrnanner
"Cheer up, Your Majesty, you will
soon be at Bognor again/' assured
a doctor attending to George V on "There are few more impressive
his deathbed, referring to the king's sights in the world than a Scotsman
preferred seaside resort of Bognor on the make."
Regis oh the south coast of En SirJ[ames]M[atthew)Barrie (1860-1937),
gland. The king said, "Bugger Bog British writer and playwright,
nor," and died. What Every Woman Knows
George V (1865-1936), British king (1918), Act 1
[statement may also have been "Worth seeing? yes; but not worth
made in 1929] going to see."
A lamp was accidentally over Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
turned adjacent to Henry Labouch- of letters, replying to Boswell's question,
ere's deathbed on the day before he "Is not the Giant's Causeway
died. Labouchere opened his eyes worth seeing?"
and laughed, "Flames? Not yet, I "Why, then the world's mine oys
think." ter,
Henry Labouchere (1831-1912), Which I with sword will open."
British politician and writer William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet, The Merry
The mistress of Louis XV lay dying. Wives of Windsor (2602), Act U, sc. ii
Gathering her strength, Mme de
Pompadour shouted to God, ''Wait Classical Phrases and Myths
a moment," as she dabbed her perfervidum ingenium (Lat)
cheeks with rouge. (per-fer-WID-um in-GEN-ium) ex
Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson Pompadour, treme ardour or enthusiasm
Marquise d'ttoiles (1721-1764), "Audax ornnia perpeti Gens hutnana
French courtier
ruit per vetitum nefas." (In its bold
ness to bear and to dare all things,
the race of man rushes headlong
into sin, despite law.)
♦ EAGERNESS Horace (65 b.c-b.c), Roman poet,.
Odes,/. Hi, I. 25

Foreign Words and Phrases

recherche* (Fra) ♦ EATING
(re-sher-SHAY) in great demand,
affected, refined Foreign Words and Phrases
aficionado (Spa) gourmet (Fra)
(ah-fee-SEE-oh-NAH-doh) lit: ama (GOOR-may) lit winetaster; con
teur; enthusiast, devotee noisseur of wines, food, etc.

The Wit's Thesaurus

nosh (Yid) row, Jack, if you eat any more choc

(nosh) (to) snack olates." Dismissing the warning,
Jack said, "I shall be sick tonight,"
bon appeVt (Fra)
and grabbed a handful. Overhear
(bon AP-eh-tee) have a good appe
ing the two, Sir James Barrie was so
tite; fig: enjoy your meal
pleased with the quip that he incor
porated it in Peter Pan and paid the
Quotations young Llewelyn-Davies a copyright
"He hath eaten me out of house fee of a halfpenny a performance.
and home." Sir J[ames] M[atthew] Barrie
(1860-1937), British writer
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
and playwright
British playwright and poet, Henry IV,
Part II (15981 Act E, sc. i At a dinner party, the vegetarian
playwright George Bernard Shaw
"he tnejor salsa del mundo es el ham-
had been served a special plate of
bre." (la me-HOR SAL-sa del
salad greens with dressing. Sir
MOON-doh es el am-BRAY) (The
James Barrie, who was seated next
best sauce in the world is hunger.)
to Shaw, eyed the unpleasant-
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), looking dish and whispered to
Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la Shaw, 'Tell me, have you already
Mancha, Part II (2625), ch. 5
eaten that or are you just starting?"
"U faut manger pour vivre et non pas Sir Jlames] M[atthew] Barrie
vivre pour manger." (One should eat (1860-1937), British writer
to live, not live to eat.) and playwright
Moliere [Jean Baptiste Poquelin] The Wagnerian contralto Ernestine
(1622-1673), French playwright, Schumann-Heink loved food, and
L'Avare (2668), Act UI, sc. v had the ample girth to prove it. She
"VappeHt vient en mangeant." (The was dining at a restaurant when
appetite grows by eating.) tenor Enrico Caruso entered. Seeing
her ready to begin on a huge steak,
Franqois Rabelais (c. 1494-1553),
he asked, "Surely you are not going
French scholar, physician and writer,
to eat that alone?" "Oh, no, not
Gargantua and Pantagruel (1532), ch. 5
alone," she responded, "mit pota
Classical Phrases and Myths
Ernestine Schumann-Heink (1861-1936),
'It is a difficult matter, my fellow German opera singer
citizens, to argue with the belly,
since it has no ears."
Marcus Pordus Cato [the Elder]
(234 B.c-149 B.c), Roman statesman

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The eccentric poet and writer Ger
Said one cannibal to the other,
ard de Nerval, who suffered bouts
"You know, I really can't stand my
of insanity before finally hanging
wife/' "To hell with her, then," said
himself, once walked in the gardens
the other, "eat the noodles/'
of the Palais-Royal in Paris trailing
Sylvia Llewelyn-Davies scolded her a blue ribbon. At the end of this
young son, ''You'll be sick tomor leash was a lobster, which, he ex-

The Ultimate Reference Book

plained, was less extravagant than nintendo (Jap)

a dog, cat or tame lion, none of (niyn-TEN-doh) work hard, but in
which could match the lobster's the end it is in heaven's hands
quiet gravity and knowledge of the
secrets of the sea. On another oc
casion, the journalist Paul Meurice Classical Phrases and Myths
was startled one night when he saw "Nil mortalibus ardui est." (No
Nerval, by lighted candle, picking
height is too arduous for mortal
snails in his garden and carefully
placing them on his prized rose
Horace (65 B.c-8 B.c), Roman poet,
Odes, /, i, I 37
Girard de Nerval (1808-1855),
French poet and playxvright
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

While traveling on a tour of Amer

ica, the British writer Oscar Wilde
♦ ECONOMIST observed a notice posted above a
saloon piano in the rowdy mining
Quotations town of Leadville, Colorado. It
read: "Please don't shoot the pian
"If all economists were laid end to ist. He is doing his best."
end, they would not reach a conclu
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright

"All my economists say, 'on the one ♦ ELDERLY

hand... on the other.' Give me a
one-handed economist!"
Harry S. Truman (1884-1971),
U.S. president 'To me old age is always fifteen
years older than I am."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Bernard Mannes Baruch (1870-1965),
U.S. financier and statesman
"Why did you negotiate so fiercely
about the price?" asked the young "Qames O'Hara] Tyrawley and I
wheeler-dealer. "You don't intend have been dead these two years;
to pay his bill anyway." "But I'm a but we do not choose to have it
nice guy," replied his mentor. "I known."
don't want him to lose more than is
Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of
Chesterfield (1694-1773),
British statesman and writer, referring
to the despair of both in their last years

♦ EFFORT "When one has reached 81... one

likes to sit back and let the world
turn by itself, without trying to
Foreign Words and Phrases push it."
coup d'essai (Fra) Sean O'Casey (1884-1964),
(koo des-SAY) first attempt Irish playwright

The Wit's Thesaurus

"An old man gives good advice to passed by. The judge turned to
console himself for no longer being watch her and then sighed, "Oh, to
able to set a bad example." be 75 again!"
Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935),
(1613-1680), French writer, U.S. jurist
Maximes (1678), 93
Asked at the age of 88 how he felt
upon getting up in the morning,
Ludwig von Mises replied,
Classical Phrases and Myths ''Amazed."
In Greek legend and in Homer's Il Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973),
iad, Nestor was a friend of Herakles Austrian economist
and performed feats in his youth
that he later used in counseling Ag
amemnon and the Greeks in the
Trojan War. As the oldest and wis
est of the Greeks in the Trojan. War,
he was noted for "words flowing (HUMILIATION)
from his smooth tongue sweeter
than honey." Hence, a Nestor is any Foreign Words and Phrases
wise old man or elder statesman.
d&agrement (Fra)
(DAY-zag-ray-MON) embarrass
ment, unpleasantness
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Said the sage, "You know you're

old when it takes you all night to
do what you used to do all night "Man is the Only Animal that
long." Blushes. Or needs to."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Maurice Chevalier, the famous (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
French singer, was asked how he speaker, Following the Equator
felt about advancing years on his (1897), ch. 27
72nd birthday. "Considering the al
ternative," he said, "ifs not too bad
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
at all."
Maurice Chevalier (1888-1972), Comedian George Burns once re
French singer and actor proached Ed Sullivan after he dis
closed the embarrassing fact that
An admirer gushed to the elderly Burns wore a toupee. "But George,"
novelist Alexandre Dumas, "How protested Sullivan, "I didn't think
do you grow old so gracefully?" you would mind." "If I didn't
"Madame, I give all my time to it." mind," pointed out Burns, "why
would I wear a toupee?"
Alexandre [pere] Dumas (1802-1870),
French writer and playwright George Burns [Nathan Birnbaum]
(1896- ), U.S. comedian
and actor
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., an em
inent Supreme Court Justice, in his The French diplomat Talleyrand
late 80s, was out walking with an disapproved of Napoleon's inva
other elderly friend. A pretty girl sion of Spain and Portugal. On Jan-

The Ultimate Reference Book

uary 28,1809/ an enraged Napoleon

gave Talleyrand one of history's ♦ EMPLOYEE
most infamous dressings down in (SUBORDINATE)
the crudest language in front of his
other ministers/ ending by shout
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
ing/ "Tenez, vous etes de ta merde dans
un bos de soie." (You're shit in a silk "So, can you handle a variety of
stocking) Talleyrand/ silent during work?" asked the interviewer. "I
the verbal attack/ only remarked as should be able to," responded the
he left the council chamber/ "What young lady. "Tve had six different
a pity such a great man should be jobs in four months."
so ill-bred!"
An arriviste in Berlin was guiding
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigprd his guest, the German renaissance
(1754-1838), French diplomat man Ernst Hoffman through his lav-'
ish home. The wealthy man airily
mentioned that he required for his
personal needs three servants. Hoff
mann countered that, just to handle
his bath, he required four attendants:
♦ EMPIRE one to lay out the towels, another to
test the water's temperature and yet
another to ensure that the faucets
Foreign Words and Phrases
were functioning properly. "And the
Reich (Ger) fourth?" "Ah, he's most impor
(like) empire/ nation (Hitler's re tant—he takes my bath for me."
gime titled the Third Reich) Ernst Theodor Wtlhelm Hoffmann
(1776-1822), German writer,
composer and impressario
A servant of J. P. Morgan, known
"He who rides a tiger is afraid to for his enterprise, decided to retire,
dismount." and notified his employer. Morgan
Chinese proverb asked him to locate a suitable re
placement before leaving. The next
"A man may build himself a throne day, the servant presented Morgan
of bayonets, but he cannot sit on it." with two candidates, of whom
Morgan selected one. Said the ser
William Ralph Inge (1860-1954),
vant, "And I'll take the other, Mr.
British clergyman

"All empires die of indigestion." John Pierpont Morgan, Jr. (1867-1943),

U.S. banker
Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte]
(1769-1821), French general and emperor

"We [the English] seem, as it were, ♦ END

to have conquered and peopled
half the world in a fit of absence of
mind." Foreign Words and Phrases

Sir John Robert Seeley (1831-1896), finale (Fra)

British scholar and historian, (fee-NAL) concluding part of a
The Expansion of England, lecture I piece

The Wit's Thesaurus
Quotations that nobody would have thought of
"This is not the end. It is not even doing."
the beginning of the end. But it is, Golda Meir (1898-1978),
perhaps, the end of the beginning." U.S.-born Israeli prime minister
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
"One, on God's side, is a majority."
1965), British prime minister and writer,
describing the Battle of Egypt, speech at Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), U.S. social
the Mansion House, November 10,1942 reformer, speech November 1,1859

"Voiti le commencement de la fin." 'TJaniel Webster struck me much

(vwah-LAH le koh-MONS-monde like a steam-engine in trousers."
la fah) (This is the beginning of the Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
end.) British clergyman and writer
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Pirigord
(1754-1838), French diplomat, learning
the news of Napoleon's defeat at Classical Phrases and Myths
the Battle of Borodino "Non onmia possumus onmes." (All
of us do not have the power of
Classical Phrases and Myths everything.)
Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro]
omega (Grk)
(70 b.c-19 b.c), Roman poet,
(OH-me-ga) last letter of the Greek Eclogues, VIII, I. Ixiii
alphabet; last of series

adHnem (Lat) Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

(ad FEE-nem) at the end of a page
or text (abbn ad fin) At a cocktail party, Isaac Asimov
said to an attending novelist, "And
when will you be publishing your
next book, Miss Coolidge?" She at
once replied, "And when will you
♦ ENERGY AND POWER not be publishing your next book,
Mr. Asimov?"
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), U.S. writer
Foreign Words and Phrases
con brio (Ita)
(kon BREE-oh) in music, with spirit,
with great life and vivacity

joie de mure (Fra) ♦ ENTERTAINER

(JWA de VEE-vru) enthusiasm for
life, high spirits Quotations
elan (Fra) 'Tor an actress to be a success, she
(ay-LON) flair, dashing quality must have the face of a Venus, the
brains of a Minerva, the grace of
Terpsichore, the memory of a Ma-
caulay, the figure of Juno, and the
"President Nixon says presidents hide of a rhinoceros."
can do almost anything, and Presi Ethel Barrymore (1879-1959),
dent Nixon has done many things U.S. actress

The Ultimate Reference Book

"On the stage he was natural, sim congratulated Herford. "Clever of

ple, affecting; you to think of it."
Twas only that when he was off he Oliver Herford (1863-1935),
was acting/' British-born U.S. humorist
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), and illustrator [authenticity unverified]
Irish-born British poet, playwright
As a guest of Noel Coward in Ja
and writer, Retaliation (1774),
maica, Sir Laurence Olivier accom
1.101, describing David Garrick
panied Coward to a mountaintop to
see the playwright's favorite view.
"God makes stars. I just produce Looking out over the terraced land
them/' scape below, Olivier said, "It looks
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish] like rows and rows of empty seats."
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film Sir Laurence Olivier (1907-1989),
producer [authenticity unverified] British actor

"Acting is merely the art of keeping

a large group of people from
Sir Ralph Richardson W02-1983),
British actor

'To whom nothing is given, of him

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes can nothing be required."
Henry Fielding (1707-1754),
The movie musical producer had
British writer, playwright and lawyer,
convinced his director to listen to Joseph Andrews (2742), 61k. U, ch. 8
the producer's young girlfriend
sing when they were casting the 'If you can't handle the weight,
lead role. When her audition was don t carry the freight."
over, the producer leaned.over to U.S. prison wisdom
the director and said, "Her voice
ain't much, I know, but it can be "Toute nation a le gouvernement
dubbed. But what you think of her qu'elle merite." (Every country has
execution?" Mustering uncharacter the government it deserves.)
istic candor, the director replied, Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821),
'Tm in favor." French politician, Lettres et
Opuscules InSdits, (August 15,1811)
Singer reminiscing about her caba
ret career: "I didn't mind the audi Classical Phrases and Myths
ence walking out on me, but when
volenti non fit injurin (Lat)
they started coming toward me—
thafs when I began to worry!"
(wo-LEN-tee non fit in-YOO-ria)
there can be no injury to the who
A notoriously vain actor boasted to
the humorist, poet and cartoonist According to Greek mythology,
Oliver Herford, 'Tm a smash hit! Nemesis (NEM-e-sis) was the god
Only yesterday, during the last act, dess of divine retribution, particu
I had the audience glued in their larly for human presumption.
seats!" 'Wonderful! Wonderful!" Personifying divine wrath and ven-

The Wit's Thesaurus

geance, she was, by extension, the spair, his wit did not take leave: 'If
goddess of the inevitable. Thus, this is the way Queen Victoria
one's nemesis is the coming of one's treats her prisoners, she doesn't de
due. According to some accounts, serve to have any."
Helen of Troy was born from an Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
egg produced by the union of Zeus (1854-1900), British playwright,
and Nemesis, who had been dis writer and wit
guised as a swan.

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

The cocky yuppie couldn't find a
seat on the crowded commuter ♦ ENVY
train, so he yelled into the last car:
"All change here. This car isn't go Foreign Words and Phrases
ing/' The disgruntled passengers
cleared the car, and the young man Schadenfreude (Ger)
sat down, grinning to himself, and (SHAH-den-FROYD-uh) selfish en
waited, and waited. Finally the sta joyment, malicious delight in the
tion agent appeared. "You the misery of others, mixed the plea
clever fella who said this car wasn't sure and guilt one feels for anoth
going?" "Yep." "Well, it isn't," said er's misfortune
the agent, "You sounded so much
like a director, they just uncoupled
the car."
"Some folks rail against other folks,
The shipping tycoon Aristotle because other folks have what some
Onassis lived aboard his yacht the folks would be glad of."
Christina. Adjoining his office, he
Henry Fielding (1707-1754),
installed a luxurious private bath
British writer, playwright and lawyer,
room whose door was a one-way
Joseph Andrews (1742), bk. IV, ch. 6
mirror to enable Onassis from
within to observe secretly unsus "Whenever a friend succeeds, a lit
pecting visitors. During a business tle something in me dies."
meeting Onassis went to the bath
Gore Vidal (1925- ), U.S. writer
room. Once enthroned, he voyeu-
rishly looked up at the door. To his
embarrassment, he was staring at
Classical Phrases and Myths
his own reflection, for a workman
repairing the door had inverted the 'Treat your friend as if he will one
mirror. day be your enemy, and your en
Aristotle [Socrates] Onassis (1906-1975), emy as if he will one day be your
Greek industrialist friend."
Laberius (105 B.c-43 B.C.),
Following a sensational trial in Roman writer, Fragment
which he was sentenced to two
years' hard labor for his affair with A dog seeking a comfortable place
Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde to sleep jumped into the manger of
stood handcuffed in a pounding the ox and lay on its hay. The ox
ram waiting for his transport to returned, exhausted from work, but
prison. Even in the depths of de- the dog barked and snapped when-

The Ultimate Reference Book

ever the ox approached. Its patience

spent, the ox protested: "Dog, eat
my dinner or he elsewhere. But it is
churlish when others begrudge one for Quotations
what they cannot enjoy themselves."
"Til be right back."
Aesop (c. 600 kc), Greek fabulist
Johnny Carson (1925- ),
U.S. television entertainer suggesting own
Some of the less fortunate tend to epitaph (pun on traditional television
be awestruck in their admiration segue into commercial breaks)
for the gilded lifestyle, some visit "Epitaph: A belated advertisement
ing subjects of Emperor Helioga- for a une of goods that has been
bulus occasioned an embarrass discontinued."
ment of riches when one airily com
Iruin Shrewsbury] Cobb (1876-1944),
mented, to the others' applause,
U.S. humorist and writer,
how divine it would be to be
Vanity Fair (1925)
smothered in the scent of roses that
adorned the imperial table. Inviting 'Here lies W. C. Fields. I would
the same guests again, the emperor rather be living in Philadelphia."
took them at their word and had W. C. Fields [William Claude Dukenfield]
several tons of petals dumped over (1879-1946), U.S. film actor and
the dinner table. The reaction of the comedian, suggesting his own epitaph,
guests is unrecorded—they all suf Vanity Fair (June 1925)
"Over my dead body!"
Heliogabulus (204-222), Roman emperor
George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
U.S. playwright, writer and wit,
suggesting his own epitaph.
Vanity Fair (1925)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Excuse my dust."
A Mercedes pulled up beside a
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
Rolls-Royce just parking at a coun
and writer suggesting her own
try dub. "Not only do I have a
epitaph (1925)
phone in my car/7 the Mercedes
driver shouted, "but a fax machine "Good friend, for Jesus sake forbear
as welL" //Harumph// the Rolls To dig the dust enclosed here.
owner replied, 'Tve got a water Best be the man that spares these
bed in the back." Stung with fury, stones,
the Mercedes driver sped off to an And curst be he that moves my
auto-specialty shop and had a fancy bones."
water bed installed in the rear of his William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
car. He was delighted to see the British playwright and poet, epitaph
Rolls several days later, and
honked. Finally, the Rolls window
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
rolled down. "You have nothing on
me," the Mercedes driver boasted. As a little child, Charles Lamb was
"I have a $10,000 water bed ill walking with his sister in a grave
back." The Rolls owner stuck his yard, where he read the epitaphs
head out of the window and praising the deceased as '"beloved,"
shouted, "You got me out of the virtuous" and so forth. He turned
shower to tell me that?" to his sister and asked, "Mary,

The Wit's Thesaurus

where are all the naughty people Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The multimillionaire decided to
Charles Lamb (1775-1834), British writer take up scuba diving in his early re
tirement. With the same determi
nation that had earned his fortune,
he spent thousands of dollars on
♦ EQUALITY ■ lessons and equipment before sail
ing for Hawaii. Diving deep along
the coral reefs, he was taking notes
Foreign Words and Phrases
with his waterproof pen and pad
d'igaUigal (Fra) when he saw another man diving
(deg-al ah eg-AL) lit: equal to equal; nearby without a lick of equipment.
equally, on equal terms The outraged retiree swam over to
the free diver and wrote out on his
Quotations pad, '1 spent a fortune to scuba
dive, yet you're doing it free form.
'The defect of equality is that we How come?" Wrote back the
only desire it with our superiors." stranger, "I'm drowning!"
Henri [Frangois] Becque (1837-1899),
French playwright A Muscovite asked a butcher for
chicken and was told there was
"All animals are equal but some an
none. She asked for pork. None.
imals are more equal than others."
Lamb? None. Beef? None. Veal?
George Orwell [Eric Blair] (1903-1950), None. After the dejected shopper
British writer, Animal Farm had left, the butcher murmured ad
(1945), ch. 10
miringly, "What a memory!"

Classical Phrases and Myths

premus inter pares (Lat)
(PREE-mus in-ter PAH-rays) first
among equals; spokesman of a
group that is not differentiated by ♦ ERROR (MISTAKE)
Foreign Words and Phrases
pad passu (Lat)
(PAR-ee PAH-soo) lit: with equal faux pas (Fra)
pace; side by side, equitably (foh pah) lit: false step; social mis
step, error in taste, manners, etc.

"Don't make the wrong mistakes."
Foreign Words and Phrases Lawrence ["Yogi"] Berra
(1925- ), U.S. baseball player
entrepot (Fra) and manager
(ON-tray-POH) storehouse, ware
house from which goods are distrib "A fool must now and then be
uted; port serving a large hinterland. right, by chance."
schlock (Yid) William Cowper (1731-1800),
(shlok) junk, cheap quality items British poet, Conversation (1782), I 96

The Ultimate Reference Book

"When I make a mistake, ifs a the anchor to the chandelier in the

beaut!" ceiling below."
Fiorello La Guardia (1882-1947), Phil Esposito (1942- ),
U.S. politician, regretting his appointment Canadian-born ice-hockey player
of Herbert O'Brien as a judge, 1936
Napoleon, then emperor of France,
'The man who makes no mistakes
having received intelligence appar
does not usually make anything."
ently linking Due d'Enghien with
Edward John Phelps (1822-1900), royalist conspiracies trying to over-
British politician, speech at thow him, stubbornly had the duke
Mansion House, January 24,1899
executed before a firing squad in
1804. The incident strengthened an
tagonism against Napoleon, even
Classical Phrases and Myths tually leading to his downfall. The
errare est humanum (Lat) Comte Antoine Boulay de Meurthe
(err-AH-ray est hoo-MAH-num) to wryly observed, "Cest pire qu'un
err is human crime, e'est une faute." (Ifs worse
than a crime, ifs a blunder.)
corrigendum (Lat)
Comte Antoine Boulay de la Meurthe
j(KOR-rig-END-um) correction, or
(1761-1840), French aristocrat
something to be corrected (plu: cor

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Perhaps the most embarassing ty ♦ ESCAPE

pographical error in modern times
occurred in the Washington Post in
Foreign Words and Phrases
1915. In a news story about Presi
dent Woodrow Wilson having sauve qui peut (Fra)
taken his fiancee Edith Gait to the (soav kee puh) run for your life;
theater the previous night, the arti every man for himself
cle noted that, rather than watching
the play, Wilson "spent most of his
time entering [cf. entertaining] Mrs. Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The director Michael Gurtiz was
bent on having realism in his films.
Several North American ice-hockey In one swashbuckling scene in
players went to Moscow to play the which he had extras throw authen
Soviet team in the early 1970s, and tic spears at Errol Flvnn, Hynn
were suspicious that their hotel dodged the hail of lethal points and
room was bugged. Phil Esposito re began to go after Curtiz. ''Lunch!"
called, "We searched the room for yelled Curtiz.
microphones. In the center of the Michael Curtiz (1888-1962),
room,.we found a funny-looking, Hungarian-born U.S. film director
round piece of metal embedded in
the floor, under the rug. We figured As a pallbearer carrying out the cof
we had found ihe bug. We dug it fin of the renowned escape artist
out of the floor... and we heard a Houdini, Broadway producer
crash beneath us. We had released Charles Dillingham whispered to

The Wit's Thesaurus

fellow impresario Florenz Ziegfeld, 'The first time you meet Winston
"Ziggie, I bet you he isn't in here/' [Churchill] you see all his faults
Harry [Ehrich Weiss] Houdini and the rest of your life you spend
(1874-1926), U.S. magician in discovering his virtues."
Pamela Frances Audrey, Countess of
Lytton (1874-1971), British writer, letter
to Sir Edward Marsh, December 1905


'The measure of a man's real char
(CHARACTER) acter is what he would do if he
knew he would never be found
Foreign Words and Phrases out."

Grist (Ger) Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron

(1800-1859), British statesman and writer
(gyst) spirit or soul (of individual,
nation, era, etc.)
"We only confess our little faults to
Ding an sich (Ger)
persuade people that we have no
(DING an ZICH) lit: the thing in it
big ones."
self, what really exists behind the
Franqois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
surface appearance
(1613-1680), French writer,
Gestalt (Ger) Maximes (1678), 327
(ge-SHTALT) structure, form; a
school of psychoanalysis focusing
on the shape of the whole person
ality Classical Phrases and Myths

id (Lat)
(id) lit: that; in psychology, the
group of unconscious impulses and
'The greatest of faults, I should say, energies which motivate one
is to be conscious of none."
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), ego (Lat)
British historian, Heroes and Hero (EE-go) lit: I, myself; in psychology,
Worship (1841), "The Hero as Prophet" an individual's consciousness of
'To see ourselves as others see us himself
is a most salutary gift. Hardly less
important is the capacity to see oth anima (Lat)
ers as they see themselves." (AN-ee-ma) lit: mind, soul; inner
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), self, true part of the personality.
British writer Jung contrasted the anima (true
self) with the persona (assumed or
"Every man likes the smell of his externalized self)
own farts."
Icelandic proverb
per se (Lat)
"Every man has three characters: (per say) by itself, inherently
that which he shows, that which he
has, and that which he thinks he ethos (Grk)
has." (ee-THOS) the distinctive character
Alphonse Karr (1808-1890), of a people or an institution; in aes
French writer thetics, an ideal or universal quality

The Ultimate Reference Book

"The golden rule is that there are

♦ ETHICS & CONSCIENCE no golden rules."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish
Quotations playwright, Man and Superman (1903),
"Maxims for Revolutionists:
'It is easier to fight for one's prin
The Golden Rule"
ciples than to live up to them."
Alfred J. Adler (1870-1937), "Conscience is, in most men, an an
Austrian psychiatrist ticipation of the opinion of others."
Sir Henry Taylor (1800-1886),
British writer
"Morality comes with the sad wis
dom of age, when the sense of cu "Erst kommt das Fressen, dann
riosity has withered." kommt die Moral." (Grub first, then
Graham Greene (1904-1992),
British writer and playwright Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956),
German playwright, Dreigroschenoper
(Threepenny Opera) (1928), ActU/sc. 3
"I'm not saying ifs right I'm say
ing it is." Classical Phrases and Myths
William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951),
cosus conscientiae (Lat)
U.S. publisher, commenting on his long
affair with actress Marion Dames despite
(KAH-sus KON-ski-ENT-ia) case of
public mores

"I know only that what is moral is

what you feel good after and what ♦ EVENT
is immoral is what you feel bad af
Foreign Words and Phrases
Ernest [Miller] Hemingway (1899-1961),
U.S. writer, Death in the Afternoon pu)ce d'occasion (Fra)
(2932), ch. 1 (pyes do-KAY-zhon) piece (of art,
music, etc.) composed for special
"Men are never so good or so bad
as their opinions."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832),
British philosopher, Dissertation on Writer Franklin Pierce Adams es
Ethical Philosophy (1830), "Remarks corted Beatrice Kaufman, wife of
on Jeremy Bentham" playwright George S. Kaufman, to
a party. She happened to sit down
on a cane-seated chair. The seat
"Do not do unto others as you suddenly broke, ensnaring Beatrice
would that they should do unto in the frame with her legs in the air.
you. Their tastes may not be the As the shocked partygoers stood in
same." silence, Adams said sternly, "I've
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish told you a hundred times, Beatrice,
playwright, Man and Superman (1903), thafs not funny."
"Maxims for Revolutionists: Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960),
The Golden Rule" U.S. writer

The Wit's Thesaurus


Quotations Quotations-

'Two wrongs don't make a right "A practitioner in panegyric, or, so

but they make a good excuse/7 to speak more plainly, a professor
Thomas Szasz (1920- ), U.S. of the art of puffing.
psychiatrist, The Second Sin (1973), Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816),
"Social Relations" Irish-born British playwright and
politician, The Critic (2779), Act I, sc. ii

'/When I'm good, I'm very very

good, but when I'm bad, I m bet
ter." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress, The French actress Sarah Bernhardt
I'm No Angel (2933 film) was so renowned for her wild ex
aggeration both on- and off-stage
that, in reference to her almost skel
"Wickedness is a myth invented by
etal thinness, Alexandra Dumas fils
good people to account for the cu
commented, "She's such a liar, she
rious attractiveness of others/'
may even be fat!"
Oscar [FingalO'Flahertie Wills] Wide
Alexondre [fils] Dumas (1824-1895),
(1854-1900), British playwright,
French writer and playwright
writer and wit

"Why do you reject my drawings,"

a cartoonist complained to The New
Yorker magazine founder and editor
Classical Phrases and Myths Harold Ross, "and print stuff by
that fifth-rate artist, Thurber?" Ross
contra bonos mores (Lat)
(KON-tru BON-ohs MOHR-es) con corrected him. "Third-rate."
trary to good morality Harold Ross (1892-1951), U.S. publisher

The editor of the New York Journal,

who had heard a rumor of Mark
Twain's or imminent death, cabled
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
the London correspondent 'If
Asked whether he had ever been Mark Twain dying m poverty in
wrong, John Foster Dulles, Presi London send 500 words" and "If
dent Eisenhower's secretary of Mark Twain has died in poverty
state, considered the question send 1000 words." Learning of the
thoughtfully. "Yes," he finally ad cables, Twain proffered that a
mitted, "once—many, many years cousin, James Ross Clemens, al
ago. I thought I had made a wrong though seriously ill in London, had
decision. Of course, it turned out recovered. The cabled reply con
that I had been right all along. But cluded: "The report of my death
I was wrong to have thought that I was an exaggeration."
was wrong." Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
John Foster Dulles (1888-1959), (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
U.S. statesman writer, and speaker

The Ultimate Reference Book

Phelps returned the paper to the

EXAMINATION student with an annotation: "God
its an A. You get an F. Happy
Quotations few Year."
William Lyon Phelps (1865-1943),
"I was thrown out of college for
U.S. scholar and critic
cheating on the metaphysics exam:
I looked into the soul of another
Woody Alien [Allen Stewart Konigsbergl
(1935- ), U.S. comedian ♦ EXCESS
and filmmaker
Foreign Words and Phrases

embarras de richesses (Fra)

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes (om-BA-ra de ree-SHESS) embar
rassment of riches, choices
'7ust how far are you from the cor
rect answer?" demanded the pup troppo Ota)
il's teacher. "Three seats, ma'am." (TROH-poh) too much

de trop (Fra)
A newspaper held a competition (de troh) something or someone su
for the best answer to the question: perfluous (often vulgar)
'If a fire broke out in the Louvre
and you could save only one paint
ing, which one would it be?"
French playwright Tristan Bernard "Can we ever have too much of a
won with the reply: "The one near good thing?"
est the exit" Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Tristan Bernard (1866-1947), Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la
French playwright and writer Mancha, Part I (1605), bh 1, ch. 6

"I have climbed to the top of the

The 23-year-old physicist J. Robert greasy pole."
Oppenheimer underwent his doc
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
toral examination by Professor
(1804r-1881), British prime minister
James Franck, a physicist at Gottin-
speaking to friends on being made
gen University. 1 got out of there prime minister (1868)
just in time/' quipped Franck fol
lowing the oral examination. "He "Moderation is a fatal thing. Noth
was beginning to ask me ques ing succeeds like excess."
tions." Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
Jiulixis] Robert Oppenheimer (1904r-1967), (1854-1900), British playwright,
U.S. physicist writer and wit

William Phelps, a professor of En Classical Phrases and Myths

glish literature at Yale, was grading
nihil nimis (Lat)
examinations before the Christmas (Nl-hil Nl-mis) nothing in excess
school break when he read in the
margin of one paper a message: ad nauseam (Lat)
"God only knows the answer to (ad NAW-see-am) to the point of
this question. Merry Christmas." sickness or disgust

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Sigmund Freud related a story that

a marquis at the court of Louis XIV
As British minister of health, Nye
returned to his wife only to find her
Bevan often worked late into the
in the arms of a bishop. The cuck
night on cabinet matters in a small
old calmly walked to the window
bedroom at the top of his house. Af
and started blessing everyone in the
ter several hours work one night,
street below. Puzzled, his wife
he asked his wife to bring up a sec
asked what he was doing. The mar
ond set of papers. "No. One you
quis replied: "Monseigneur is per
can have," she said, adding, "but
forming my function, so I am
taking two to bed is positively im
performing his."
Aneurin ["Nye"] Bevan (1897-1960), "Excuse me," a man said to the
British politician clerk at the auto-parts store. "I'd
like to get a new gas cap for my
Yugo." "OK," the clerk replied.
"Sounds like a fair exchange.

♦ EXCHANGE While governor of New Jersey,

Woodrow Wilson was informed of
the sudden death of a personal
friend, a New Jersey senator. Still
"A government which robs Peter to recovering from the shock, Wilson
pay Paul can always depend on the was called to the telephone to talk
support of Paul." to another prominent New Jersey
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), politician. ^'Governor," said the
Irish playwright, Everybody's Political caller, "I should like to take the sen
Whafs What? (1944), ch. 30 ator's place." Wilson replied, "It is
agreeable to me as long as it is
agreeable to the undertaker."
Classical Phrases and Myths
[Thomas] Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924),
quid pro quo (Lat) U.S. president and scholar
(kwid proh kwoh) lit: something for
something; compensation for a con
cession, etc.; (something given) in
return for a service rendered


Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Once Tallulah Bankhead was in a Quotations

stall in a ladies' room, and since the
toilet paper dispenser was empty, "Thafs not exercise, ifs flagella
she asked the lady in the next stall, tion."
"Da-a-h-ling, is there any toilet pa Sir Noel Coward (1899-1973),
per in there?" "Sorry, no more . British playwright and actor,
left." 'Then have you any facial tis commenting on the game of squash
sue?" "Afraid not." Then Bankhead
said, "My dear, have you two fives "I get my exercise acting as a pall
for a ten?" bearer to my friends who exercise."
Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968), Chauncey Mitchell Depew (1834-1928),
U.S. actress [authenticity unverified] U.S. lawyer and politician

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Whenever I feel like exercise I lie greatest battles, ending efforts to

down until the feeling passes/' conquer Greece by Darius, the Per
Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977), sian king. Prior to the battle,
U.S. educator the renowned Greek messenger Phi-
dippides is reputed to have run 150
Classical Phrases and Myths miles in two days to secure aid from
Sparta for the Athenians, and then
metis sona in corpore sano (Lat) run a little over 26 miles to carry
(MENS SAH-na in KOR-por-e news of the victory to Athens, col
SAH-noh) a healthy mind (will ex lapsing dead at the end of his ordeal.
ist) in a healthy body ' Hence, a marathon is a 26-mile race or
an endeavor requiring extreme en
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes durance.
A coach was putting his team
through a tough exercise of sprints, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
sit-ups and the //bicycle.// This ex
Standing next to his drums, the
ercise requires a player to lie on his
slavemaster on a galley ship told
back and move his raised legs as if
the sweating rowers: "Men, I have
riding a bicycle. "Gotta problem?"
some good news and some bad
the coach asked one motionless
news. The good news is that you all
player. "No problem," he replied.
get an extra ration of stale bread."
"I'm coasting."
Cheers. "The bad news is that the
There are some people who think captain wants to go waterskiing/'
exercise means running up bills,
jumping to conclusions, bending In his old age Johannes Brahms in
over backward, stretching the truth, formed his friends that he would
sidestepping responsibility, lying stop composing music and enjoy
down on the job and pushing their the time left to him. After several
luck. months without writing a note,
Brahms issued a new composition.
"But you weren't going to write
any more," a friend reminded him.
"I wasn't," said the composer, "but
♦ EXERTION after a short absence from it, I was
so elated at not having to write that
the music came to me without ef
Quotations fort."
"When the going gets tough, the Johannes Brahms (1833-1897),
tough get going." German composer
Knute Rockne (1888-1931),
U.S. football coach [attributed also to
Joseph P. Kennedy]-
Classical Phrases and Myths
"Leave no stone unturned." Classical Phrases and Myths
Euripides (480 B.c-406 B.c), Greek 'Tardon one offense, and you en
playwright, Heradidae (c. 428 b.c.)
courage the commission of many."
The battle of Marathon (MARE-a- Publilius Syrus (c. 100 b.c),
thon) in 490 B.C. was one of history's Roman writer, Sententiae, 750

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Index damnatur ubi nocens absolvi- Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

tur. (EE-u-dex dam-NAT-ur oo-bee
When Louis XIII, the father of Le
no-KENS ab-SOL-wee-tur) (The
Roi Soleil (the Sun King), was dy
judge is condemned when the crim
ing, he playfully teased the preco
inal is acquitted.)
cious four-year-old dauphin by
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 B.c), asking, "Now, what is your name?"
Roman writer, Sententiae, 247 "Louis the Fourteenth," declared
the boy. "Not quite yet, my son."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Louis XIV (1638-1715), French king
A day before a case came to trial
against a certain film producer in
Hollywood's early years, the pro
ducer sent a dwarf and two non
descript performers to each deliver
outlandish messages to a woman ♦ EXPEDIENCE
preparing to give damaging court
testimony against him. The next Foreign Words and Phrases
day the producer's attorney opened
his defense by stating that the a contrecoeur (Fra)
woman was mentally unbalanced. (ah KON-tre-KUHR) lit: against the
And when she was on the stand, wishes of the heart; reluctantly, mak
sure enough, she was led to de ing a logical or expedient choice de
scribe the story of her strange visi spite contrary emotions or feelings
tors and the messages. According to Lebensraum (Ger)
F. Scott Fitzgeralas unused notes (LAY-bens-ROWM) lit: living space;
for The Lost Tycoon, "the jury shook Hitler Germany's justification for
their heads, winked at each other territorial aggrandizement
and acquitted" the defendant pro
pis aller (Fra)
(pees al-LAY) the worst, last resort
F[rancis] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald
(1896-1940), U.S. writer

♦ EXPECTATION "The graveyards are full of indis
pensable men."
Quotations Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle
(1890-1970), French president and general
"I almost had to wait."
"The most important tool of the
Louis XIV (1638-1715), French king,
tiieoretical physicist is the waste-
commenting about a coach that he had
ordered which had arrived just in time basket."
[authenticity unverified] Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
German-born physicist
"I have noticed that the people who
are late are often so much jollier "We do what we must, and call it
than the people who have to wait by the best names."
for them." Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
E[dward] V[errall] Lucas (1868-1938), U.S. writer, poet and philosopher,
British writer and poet, 365 Days and The Conduct of Life (1860),
One More (2926), p. 277 "Considerations by the Way"

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Well, I'd rather have him inside Those too short he stretched on a
the tent pissing out, than outside rack to fit it, and those too tall had
pissing in." their legs cut off to the proper
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973), length. He was killed by Theseus.
U.S. president, concluding that A Procrustean bed, therefore, repre
J. Edgar Hoover would remain FBI chief sents a tendency to find conforming
solutions that are arbitrary and of
"You can't learn too soon that the ten imposed.
most useful thing about a principle
is that it can always be sacrificed to Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
A king riding through a forest saw
Wfflliam] Somerset Maugham
(1874r-1965), British writer and
a target painted on many trees and
playwright, The Circle, (1921), Act Iff in the middle of each target, an ar
row. Amazed, he sent nis atten
''Never interrupt an enemy while dants to find the talented archer.
he's making a mistake." They returned with a young boy.
The king asked the boy to explain
Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte]
his remarkable feat. "Simple," said
(1769-1821), French general and emperor
the boy. "First shoot the arrow and
then paint the target."
'The race is not always to the swift.
The battle is not always to the Jesse James and his gang were
strong. But thafs the way to bet." given much needed hospitality by a
Damon Runyon (1884-1946), U.S. writer lonely and impoverished widow
who was expecting a visit by the
debt collector. Out of the take from
a recent bank robbery, James gave
Classical Phrases and Myths
her the required $1,400 to pay off
ad hoc (Lat) the debt, and reminded the shocked
(ad HOK) impromptu, improvised; woman to obtain a receipt in
for a particular occasion exchange for payment. James and
his men hid along the road leading
"Cui bono." (kwee-BOH-noh) (To to the farmhouse, and shortly the
whose benefit?) grim-looking debt collector came.
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 b.c), He soon emerged from the farm
Roman statesman and man of letters, house, looking very content. James
Pro Milone, Xff, xxxii and his gang stopped the collector,
reclaimed the $1,400, and rode off.
"Honesta turpitudo est pro causa bona." Jesse James (1847-1882), U.S. outlaw
(hon-EST-aTUR-pee-TU-dohest pro
KAUS-a BOH-na) (For a good cause,
wrongdoing is virtuous.)
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 b.c), Roman writer, ♦ EXPERIMENT
Sententiae, 244

Foreign Words and Phrases

According to Greek legend, Pro
crustes (proh-KRUS-teez) was an ballon d'essai (Fra)
outlaw who offered hospitality to (bal-LON des-SAY) lit: trial balloon;
travelers coming to Athens but in tentative approach, prototype or
sisted that they use a certain bed. model

The Wit's Thesaurus

Quotations Quotations

"We're all of us guinea pigs in the "The definition of a specialist as

laboratory of God. Humanity is just one who 'knows more and more
a work in progress." about less and less' is good and
Tennessee [Thomas Lanier] Williams true."
(1911-1983), U.S. playwright, Charles H. Mayo (1865-1939),
Camino Real (1953), block 12 U.S. physician, Modern Hospital
(September 1938), p. 69

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

With his Ballets Russes Company

triumphing in Paris during the
1920s, Sergei Diaghilev was always Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
looking to surprise his sophisti
The social matron asked her dress
cated public. The impresario was designer for a unique design. The
once asked for some direction by
man smiled, took a roll of satin, and
Jean Cocteau, who was to provide
within several minutes had fash
a scenario for a new ballet. In a
ioned a beautiful dress. "I love it,
statement that encapsulated an era,
Pascal," she said. "How much,
Diaghilev simply replied, "ttonne- dear?" "Three thousand dollars,
moil" (Astonish me!) Madame." "But, Pascal, thafs so
Sergei IPovlovichJ Diaghilev expensive for just a roll of satin."
(1872-1929), Russian impresario The man unwound the satin and
presented it to the lady with a
Q: "A lawyer and an IRS agent
slight bow. "The satin, madame, is
jump off a skyscraper at the same
time—who hits the ground first?"
A: //Who cares?"
General Electric recalled retired in
ventor, and electrical engineer
Charles Steinmetz to try to locate a
malfunction in a system of complex
machinery that had baffled all of
GE's experts. After walking around
Foreign Words and Phrases and testing aspects of the machin
movin (Yid) ery, he marked an "X" in chalk at
(MAY-vin) expert a certain location on one machine.
Lo and behold, when the GE engi
idiot savant (Fra) neers disassembled the machine,
(id-EE-oh sah-VAHN) lit: knowing the defect was located where Stein
idiot; an idiot or mentally retarded metz had left his chalk mark. When
person expert in one craft GE received a $10,000 bill from
Steinmetz, company auditors pro
virtuoso (Ita) tested the amount and asked for an
(vur-too-OH-soh) lit: skillful,
itemization. The itemized bill he re
learned; (one) with great ability and turned disclosed: Making one chalk
skill (especiallyart)
mark... $1; Knowing where to
tour de force (Fra) place it... $9,999.
(tour de force) powerful display of Charles Proteus Steinmetz (1865-1923),
virtuosity German-born U.S. engineer

The Ultimate Reference Book

Pleasure, a stretch of river at Ox

♦ FACE ford exclusively for men's bathing.
A boatload of women, disregarding
Quotations the "men only" signs, rowed into
their midst. Hurriedly, the dons on
"My face looks like a wedding-cake the bank grabbed towels to fashion
left out in the rain/' impromptu loincloths—except for
W[yston] H[ugh] Auden (1907-1973), Bowra, who threw his towel over
British-born poet his face. "I believe, gentlemen,"
"His ears made him look like a taxi- Bowra later, explained, "that I am
cab with both doors open." recognized by my face."
Sir C Maurice Bowra (1898-1971),
Howard Hughes (1905-1976),
British scholar [attributed also to others]
U.S. industrialist, describing film actor
Clark Gable

"At 50, everyone has the face he de

George Orwell [Eric Blair] (1903-1950),
British writer, notebook, April 17,1949
"Barring that natural expression of
villainy which we all have, the man Foreign Words and Phrases
looked honest enough."
manque (Fra)
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(mon-KAY) lit: missed, lost, a lost op
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
portunity (e.g., a professor manque
speaker, A Mysterious Visit (1875)
can teach well but is unsuccessful—
"One of those characteristic British double-edged) (cf. [ ] se manque
faces that, once seen, are never re (Fra) to miss)
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854r-1900), British playwright,
writer and wit

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "There are two kinds of men who
never amount to much: those who
For a role, the actor John Drew cannot do what they are told, and
shaved off his identifiable mus those who can do nothing else/'
tache. Later, running into the Brit
Cyrus H. Curtis (1850-1933),
ish wit Max Beerbohm, Drew was U.S. publisher
unable to recall who Beerbohm
was. Beerbohm did recognize "Show me a good loser and I will
Drew, however, saying, "Mr. Drew, show you a loser."
I'm afraid you don't recognize me Paul Newman (1925- ),
without your mustache." U.S. film actor
Sir Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), "[Herbert Bayard Swope] enunci
British writer, caricaturist and wit
ated no rules for success, but of
On one occasion the classical fered a sure formula for failure: just
scholar and professor C. Maurice try to please everyone."
Bowra and a group of other dons Herbert Bayard Swope (1882-1958),
were bathing au naturel at Parsons' U.S. writer and editor

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths "A lie is like a snowball; the longer
it is rolled the larger it is."
domnum sine injuria (Lat)
(DAM-num SEE-ne in-YQO-ree-ah) Martin Luther (1483-1546),
in law, loss not subject to remedy, German Protestant theologian
loss for which there can be no rep
aration "Good lies need a leavening of
truth to make them palatable."
dis aliter visum (Lat) William Mcttvanney (1936- ),
(DEES AL-ee-ter WEE-sum) lit the British writer
gods thought otherwise; used in ex
planation of same apparently inex "A little inaccuracy sometimes
plicable human failure
saves tons of explanation."
Saki [Hector Hugh MunroJ (1870-1916),
British writer, The Square Egg (2924),
"Clovis on the Alleged
Romance of Business"
"The liar's punishment is not in the
least that he is not believed, but that
he cannot believe anyone else."
"She tells enough white lies to ice a George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
wedding cake." Irish playwright
Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford and
Asquith (1864-1945), British writer and "Liars ought to have good memo
socialite, describing Lady Desborough ries."
Algernon Sidney (1622-1683),
"I do not mind lying, but I hate in
British writer and poet, Discourses on
Government (2695)
Samuel Butler (1835-1902),
British writer, Notebooks (1922),
"He will lie even when it is incon
'Truth and Inconvenience: Falsehood"
venient, the sign of the true artist."
"The word liberty in the mouth of Gore Vidal (1925- ), U.S. writer
Mr. [Daniel] Webster sounds like
the word love in the mouth of a
Classical Phrases and Myths
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
U.S. writer, poet, and philosopher suggestio falsi (Lat)
(sug-GEST-ioh FAL-see) misrepre
"Without lies humanity would per sentation to conceal truth; suppres
ish of despair and boredom." sion of the truth that is not quite a
lie (cf suppressio veri)
Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Francois
Thibault] (1844-1924), French writer and
poet, Bloom of Life, afterword suppressio veri (Lat)
(sup-PRESS-ee-oh WER-ee) lit: sup
"Strip away the phony tinsel of pression of truth; wilful misrepre
Hollywood and you find the real sentation
tinsel underneath."
Oscar Levant (1906-1972), A little shepherd boy grew tired of
U.S. pianist and wit watching his father's flock alone, so

The Ultimate Reference Book

one day, to stir up excitement he known to speak the truth, the wit
cried, 'Wolf! Wolf!" The villagers Max Beerbohm replied, "Some
dashed to his spot to answer the times, when his invention flagged."
alarm/ but of course found no wolf. Sir Max Beerbohm (1872-1956),
The foolish boy repeated this, and British writer, caricaturist and wit
each time the villagers came to the
rescue, only to be laughed at by the American writer Mary McCarthy
little boy. But finally a wolf really crusaded against inaccuracy, cant,
did appear. The boy cried for help, evasion, dishonesty and bad. writ
but the villagers, who would not ing. Thus, on television's Dick Cav-
believe the liar even when he was ett Show, she said of Lillian Hellman
telling the truth, ignored him. The that "every word she says is a lie,
wolf devoured the sheep as the boy including 'and' and 'the.'" Hell
who crjed //Wolf!// watched help man sued her.
lessly. Mary McCarthy (1912-1992), U.S. writer
Aesop (c. 600 b.c), Greek fabulist

According to Roman and Etruscan

While the pianist and composer
mythology, Janus (JAY-nus) was Anton Rubenstein was practicing,
the god or doorways and the patron
his servant Francois answered an
of the beginning of all undertak untimely telephone call. A woman
ings. The month of January is tenderly asked to speak with the
named after him. As the god of the maestro. Although the piano was
sun's rising, Janus was depicted clearly audible, Francois assured
with two faces. Hence, to be Janus- the caller that Rubenstein was not
faced is to be two-faced, i.e., false. in. "But I hear him playing," she
protested. "You are mistaken, ma-
According to Greek legend and re dame," replied Francois. "I am
counted in Homer's Iliad, Sinon dusting the piano keys."
(SEE-non) was a cousin of Odysseus Anton Rubenstein (1829-1924),
who accompanied the Greeks to Russian pianist and composer
Troy. He induced King Priam of the
Trojans to accept the Trojan horse as
Shigeru Yoshida was Japan's am
a gift from the Greeks, who had ap
bassador to England during the
parently abandoned their siege of
1930s when he advised his staff that
Troy after ten years of fighting. The
he wished to avoid a visiting Japa
Trojans believed Sinon's lie and al
nese cabinet minister. The minister
lowed the massive wooden horse to
tried in vain to reach the ambassa
be wheeled within the "impregna
dor, and finally called at the em
ble" walls surrounding the city. In
bassy in person. Passing Yoshida in
the stealth of the night, Sinon sig
the foyer, he asked to speak to the
naled the Greek warriors hidden
ambassador. "The ambassador is
within the horse to come out; the
out," replied Yoshida. With sudden
Greeks entered the gates of the city.
recognition the minister asked,
Troy fell, and ever since it has been
"But aren't you the ambassador?"
considered wise to beware of Greeks
"I am," said Yoshida. "And, sir,
bearing gifts and of a liar like Sinon.
when you hear from Yoshida him
self that Yoshida is out, you can be
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes lieve it!"
Asked whether Frank Harris, a Brit Shigeru Yoshida (1878-1967),
ish writer and critic, had ever been Japanese politician

The Wit's Thesaurus

A man burst into the dressing room

of Mischa Elman immediately be
fore he was to perform on the violin
Foreign Words and Phrases and greeted him: "We're related,
bol (Maya) Mr. Elman! Your wife's aunt is mar
(bowl) idiotic in-laws ried to the uncle of my ex-wife's
chez la famille (Fra) first husband's present wife." El
man, at first taken aback, said with
(shav la fain-EEYE) at the family relief, "Well, you're not so close
home, with the family that I need to give you a free ticket
to the concert this evening."
Quotations Mischa Elman (1891-1967),
Russian-born U.S. violinist
"There's nothing wrong with incest
just as long as you keep it in the
Milton Mayer (1908- ),
writer and educator

"God gives us our relatives; thank

God we can choose our friends." PRIGGISHNESS
Ethel Watts Mumford (1878-1940),
U.S. writer Quotations

"All happy families are alike, but "He was so neat that he put hos
an unhappy family is unhappy in pital corners on the newspaper he
its own way." lined the hamster cage with.
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910), Nora Ephron (1945- ),
Russian writer, Anna Karenina U.S. writer, Heartburn (1983)
(1875-1877) Pt. I, ch. i

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"So you want to become my son- In one course, Oxford professor

in-law, do you?" asked the fattier. Christopher Atkinson realized that
Replied the fiance, "No sir. But I his class was entirely composed of
want to marry your daughter, so I young female students. One morn
don't see how to avoid it." ing he began his lecture by saying
that his subject would be the sexual
Winston Churchill was not partic prowess of the natives of the Poly
ularly fond of his actress daughter nesian islands. Shocked, the women
Sarah's husband, Vic Oliver. Once made a concerted rush for the door.
Oliver asked his father-in-law Atkinson shouted after them. "You
whom he had admired in the war. needn't hurry, ladies. There's not
"Mussolini," growled Churchill, another boat for a month."
surprisingly. "He had the courage Christopher Thomas Atkinson
to have his son-in-law shot." (1874-1964), British professor
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
1965), British prime minister and writer Samuel Johnson's Dictionary had re-
[Count Galeazzo Ciano, husband of Edda centlybeen published. Two Victorian
Mussolini, had been convicted on a charge matrons were praising Dr. Johnson,
of high treason and executed in 1944] particularly for his tome's omission

The Ultimate Reference Book

of all off-color words. "What! My paint's still fresh." "No heed to be

dears!"Johnsondedared-'Thenyou concerned/' remarked Twain. "I
have been looking for them?" The have my gloves on."
deeply embarrassed ladies abruptly Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
changed the subject. (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), writer and speaker
British man of letters

John CHara was unusually sensi

tive to criticism of his writings.
'7ohn," said a friend, commenting
on the film version of one of his Foreign Words and Phrases
novels, "Tve just seen Pal Joey karma (Skt)
again, and I like it even better than (KAR-mah) fate, destiny, retribution
I did the first time." "So," retorted (upon death); essence of one's life
CHara, "what was the matter with
it the first time?" kismet (Arab)
(KIS-met) fate, the will of Allah
John O'Hara (1905-1970), U.S. writer
The popular interpreter of Chopin,
Vladimir Pachmann, would often "God works in mysterious ways."
begin a recital by adjusting the pi James Anderton (1932- ), British
ano stool to the appropriate height policeman [attributed also to others]
for him to sit at the Keyboard. If un "He that is born to be hanged shall
satisfied after numerous failed at never be drowned."
tempts, he would dash into the
English proverb
wings and return with a thick tele
phone book, which he would then "live and let die." [Title of novel
place on the seat and sit on. But if (1954).]
still unhappy, he would indicate to Ian Fleming (1908-1964), British writer
the audience that he had a brilliant
idea. He would open the book, tear Classical Phrases and Myths
out a single page and sit down amor fati (Lat)
again. Only, then was he ready to (AM-or FAT-ee) love of one's fate
"Permitte divis cetera." (All else I
Vladimir de Pachmann (1848-1933),
leave to the gods.)
Russian pianist
Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Chances are that sparks will fly Odes, I, ix, I. 9
when two great egos clash. So
"Nam homo proponit, sed Dens dis-
when the author Mark Twain first
ponit." (Man proposes but God dis
met the artist James Whistler, a fel
low American living in London,
there was a noticeable chill in the Thomas d. Kempis [Thomas Hamerken von
Kempen] (c. 1380-1471), German monk
air as the two men sized each other
and writer, Imitatio Christi (c. 1410),
up. Then Twain walked over to one
bk. I, ch. 19
of Whistler's canvases in progress
and nearly touched it with a gloved The Stoic philosopher Zeno once
hand. "For the love of God!" cried caught his slave stealing and beat
Whistler. "Be careful, Clemens. Ap him. "But it was fated that I should
parently you don't realize that the steal," protested the slave, philo-

The Wit's Thesaurus

sophically. Replied Zeno, "And pathos (Grk)

that I should beat you/' (pa-THOS) with great emotion
Zeno (335 b.g-263 b.c),
Greek philosopher Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Asked to describe her relation
ship with her famous father, Presi
♦ FEELINGS dent Johnson's daughter replied:
Foreign Words and Phrases Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
U.S. president
honne, tatemae (Jap)
(HOHN-nay ta-TEE-may) separa
tion of private feelings and public
diplomacy that permits Japanese
society to function so well

schmaltz (Yid)
Foreign Words and Phrases
(shmaltz) excessive sentimentality;
cooking fat femme du monde (Fra)
(fam doo MOHND) lit: woman of
Quotations the world; sophisticated woman
"Sentimentality is the emotional ferrnne fatale (Fra)
promiscuity of those who have no (fam feh-TAHL) lit: deadly woman;
sentiment/' fatally fascinating woman; woman
Norman Mailer (1923- ), who drives her lovers to disaster
U.S. writer, Cannibals and Christians Evngweibliche (Ger)
(1966), p. 51 (Ay-vig vyb-lich-uh) women's pow
"Sentimentality is only sentiment er to spiritualize mankind
that rubs you up the wrong way." Hausfrau (Ger)
Wlilliam] Somerset Maugham (1874- (HOWS-frow) housewife
1965), British writer and playwright,
A Writer's Notebook (1942)
'The young man who has not wept
is a savage, and the old man who "A woman, especially, if she have
will not laugh is a fool." the misfortune of Knowing any
thing, should conceal it as well as
George Santayana (1863-1952),
she can."
Spanish-born U.S. philosopher, poet and
writer, Dialogues in Limbo (2925), ch. 3 Jane Austen (1775-1817), British writer

'The advantage of the emotions is "Brigands demand your money or

that they lead us astray." your life; women demand both."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie mils] Wilde Samuel Butler (1835-1902),
(1854-1900), British playwright, British writer, Further Extracts
writer and wit from Notebooks (2934), p. 315
"A lady of a certain age, which
Classical Phrases and Myths means certainly aged."
aesthesis (Grk) George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824),
(ees-THAY-sis) feeling, perception, British poet, Don Juan (1823),
sensitivity Canto VI, Ixix

The Ultimate Reference Book

"A lady is one who never shows Classical Phrases and Myths
her underwear unintentionally/' "The poet was right can't live with
Lillian Day (1893-1991), U.S. writer them, or without them!"
"Not if it means I have to carry the Aristophanes (c. 450 b.c-380 b.c), Greek
male dancers instead of them car playwright, Lysistrata (411 B.C.) 11038
rying me!"
Dame Margot Fonteyn [nee Margaret According to Greek mythology, the
Hookham] (1919-1991), British ballerina,
Sirens (SIE-renz) were sea nymphs,
answering whether she was in favor of the
half-birds and half-maidens, whose
women's liberation movement
singing lured passing sailors onto
'"But if God had wanted us to think rocks, where the sailors perished.
with our wombs, why did He give The sirens lost their feathered
us a brain?" wings when they were defeated in
Clare Boothe [Brokaw] Luce (1903-1987), a singing contest with the Muses.
U.S. writer, playwright and diplomat To protect his crew from the
"A woman is like a teabag—only in charms of the Sirens, Odysseus
hot water do you realize how sealed his sailors' ears with wax
strong she is." and lashed himself to the mast, and
Orpheus saved the Argonauts by
Nancy [Davis] Reagan (1921- ),
singing even more enchantingly
former U.S. first lady
than the Sirens. A siren is thus an
"A woman without a man is like a alluring or seductive woman.
fish without a bicycle/'
Gloria Steinem (1934- ),
U.S. social reformer [authenticity
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
//Now/ we are becoming the men
A reporter was interviewing Sir
we wanted to marry/'
Winston Churchill. "What do you
Gloria Steinem (1934- ), say, sir," he asked, "to the predic
U.S. social reformer, Ms. Magazine
tion that in the year 2000, women
(JulyfAug. 1982)
will be ruling the world?" Churchill
"Once a woman is made man's smiled his wise old cherub smile.
equal, she becomes his superior." "They still will, eh?"
Margaret Thatcher (1925- ), Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
British prime minister 1965), British prime minister and writer
"Whatever women do they must do
twice as well as men to be thought
The replies of famous women to the
half as good. Luckily/ this is not dif
question "What is the first thing
you notice about a woman?" were
Charlotte VMtton (1896-1975), Canadian printed in a women's magazine.
politician, Canada Month (June 1963) Said mystery novelist Agatha
"Woman begins by resisting a Christie, "Her way of speaking."
man's advances and ends by block Opera singer Maria Callas re
ing his retreat." sponded, "Her hands." Zsa Zsa Ga-
Oscar [Fingal aFiahertie WUls] WUde bor replied, "Her husband/'
(1854-1900), British playwright, Zsa Zsa [Sari] Gabor (1919- ),
writer and wit Hungarian-born U.S. actress

The Wit's Thesaurus

"An associate producer is the only
guy in Hollywood who will asso
ciate with a producer."
"Fuddle-duddle!" Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894r-1957),
Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919- ), U.S. comedian
Canadian prime minister correcting a "Dramatic art in her opinion is
quote [amused Canadian took up the new knowing how to fill a sweater."
expression with enthusiasm]
Bette [Ruth Elizabeth] Davis (1908-1992),
"He is every other inch a gentle U.S. actress describing Jayne Mansfield
"Nobody can change night into
Dame Rebecca West [Cicily Isabel
day, or vice versa, without asking
Fanfield] (1892-1983), British writer,
me first!"
describing Michael Arlen
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish]
"I've been things and seen places." (1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film
Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress, producer, reprimanding a director for
I'm No Angel (1933 film) changing a daylight scene into a
nighttime shot [authenticity unverified]
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Pictures are for entertainment,
A talkative bore ran into humorist messages should be delivered by
Douglas Jerrold as he was walking Western Union."
on the street and inquired, "Whafs
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish]
going on, Jerrold?" "I am," Jerrold
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film
replied firmly, and did. producer, answering what the "message"
Douglas Jerrold (1803-1857), was of a particular film
English writer and humorist
"Movies are so rarely great art that
Business correspondence is replete if we cannot appreciate the great
with empty cliches, and even celeb trash we have very little reason to
rities are not immune, but on occa be interested in them."
sion they strike back. After Groucho
Pauline Kael (1919- ),
Marx had received a letter from his U.S. writer
bank manager closing with, "If I can
be of any service to you, do not hesi "Ifs a trip through a sewer in a
tate to call on me," Marx replied, glass-bottomed boat."
"The best thing you can do to be of Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. writer
service to me is to steal some money and wit, describing Hollywood
from the account of one of your "A director must be a policeman, a
richer clients and credit it to mine." midwife, a psychoanalyst, a syco
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977), phant and a bastard."
U.S. comedian Billy [Samuel] Wilder (1906- ),
U.S. film director and writer

♦ FILM "They get excited about the sort of

stuff I could get shooting through a
piece of Kleenex."
Foreign Words and Phrases
Billy [Samuel] Wilder (1906- ),
cini «ste-(Fra) U.S. film director and writer, remarking
(seen-ay-ast) devotee of the cinema about European cinema

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Contemptuous of the film medium,
John Barrymore refused to learn his
Foreign Words and Phrases
lines for his movie roles. During
filming Barrymore would read his kowtow (Chi)
lines from boards held up by stage (KOW-tow) fawning, obsequious
hands. If a director or actor casti behavior; bowing low
gated him for this inconvenient
habit he would refrain: ''My mem-
pry is full of beauty—Hamlefs so Quotations
liloquies, the Queen Mab speech, "Nothing is so silly as the expres
King Magnus's monologue from sion of a man who is being compli
The Apple Cart, most of the Sonnets. mented."
Do you expect me to clutter up all
Andri Gide (1869-1951), French writer
that with this horseshit?"
John Barrymore (1882-1942), U.S. actor "Self-love is the greatest of all flat
Franqois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
(1613-1680), French writer,
Maximes (2678) 2
"Madame, I have cried only twice
in my life—once when I dropped a
Quotations wing of truffled chicken into Lake
"Creditors have better memories Como, and once when for the first
than debtors." time I heard you sing."

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Gioacchino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868),

U.S. statesman and scientist, Italian composer, congratulating diva
Adelina Patti on her singing
Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757)
"But when I tell him he hates flat
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes He says he does, being then most
The red-faced seamstress explained,
William Shakespeare (1564r-1616),
"I'm sorry, madam, but I can't give
British playwright and poet,
you further credit. Your bill is al
Julius Caesar (2600), Act TL, sc. i
ready more than it should be." "I
know that," snapped the society
matron. "If you'll make it out for Classical Phrases and myths
what it should be, I'll pay it."
Consistent with his claim to be on
A ne'er-do-well named Schweiger an equal footing with the gods, the
nagged Ferenc Molnfr for a loan, evil Roman emperor Caligula
and was given a measly 20 pengos. would invite the moon goddess to
"What?" sneered the affronted his bed at the full moon. "Did you
Schweiger. "From a Molnar, 20 pen not see her?" he demanded of Au-
gos?" "No, to a Schweiger, 20 pen lus Vitellius. ''No," said Vitellius, a
gos." future emperor, tactfully, "only you
Ferenc Molndr (1878-1952), gods can see one another."
Hungarian playwright and writer Aulus Vitellius (15-69), Roman emperor

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Beach house to show these to his

friends. "Why, the house isn't built
Lawyer and diplomat Joseph
yet!" protested Mizner. "Construc
Choate, once asked who he would
tion first, blueprints afterward."
like to be if he were not himself,
quickly thought through a list of fa Addison Mizner (d. 1933),
mous people. Then, catching his U.S. architect and entrepreneur
wife's eye, he said, 'If I could not
be myself, I would like to be Mrs.
Choate's second husband/' ♦ FOOD
Joseph Hodges Choate (1832-1917),
U.S. lawyer and diplomat Foreign Words and Phrases

haute cuisine (Fra)

(oat kwee-ZEEN) lit: high cooking;
♦ FOLLOWING (the art of) fine cooking

Classical Phrases and Myths "Boiled cabbage a l'Anglaise is

something compared with which
et sequentes (Lat)
steamed coarse newsprint bought
(et se-KWEN-tes) and following
from bankrupt Finnish salvage
(abbr: et seq.)
dealers and heated over smoky oil
seriatum (Lat) stoves is an exquisite delicacy."
(SER-ee-at-um) serially, in sequence William Connor ["Cassandra"]
secundum ordinem (Lat) (1909-1967), U.S. writer
(sek-UND-um OR-di-nem) lit: ac
"Most vigitaryans I iver see looked
cording to sequence; in order, ar
enough like their food to be classed
ranged sequentially
as cannybals."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936),
U.S. writer and humorist,
For a forthcoming recital, a singer
Mr. Doole/s Opinions (2900),
once asked Johannes Brahms to
"Casual Observations"
give her some of his least-known
songs. 'Take some of my posthu "This was a good enough dinner, to
mous ones," offered the composer. be sure; but it was not a dinner to
"No one will know them." ask a man to."
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
German composer British man of letters

Addison Mizner, brother of the wit "You know, this piece of cod pas-
Wilson Mizner, became an architect seth all understanding."
to the rich and famous during a Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens (1869-1944),
great land boom in Florida. The ca - British architect, struggling through the
chet of a Mizner-designed residence fish course in a famous London restaurant
may have helped to make up for
the man's lack of qualifications; "Dinner at the Huntercombes' pos
once, he forgot to install a stairway sessed only two dramatic fea
between the first and second sto tures—the wine was a farce and the
ries. On another occasion a client, food a tragedy."
William Gray Warden, asked for a Anthony Powell (1905- ), British
copy of the blueprints of his Palm writer, Acceptance World (1955), ch. 4

The Ultimate Reference Book

"I don't worry about my arteries. I see. Would you bring me a dean
worry about the arteries of the one?"
Taken to a famous restaurant of
Isaac Bashevis Singer {1904-1991),
which he had never heard, Yogi
U.S. writer, answering whether he
Berra scanned the packed place.
abstained from meat for his health
"No wonder nobody comes here,"
Classics! Phrases and Myths
observed the baseball player, "ifs
too crowded."
a fabis abstinete (Lat) Lawrence ["Yogi"] Berra
(ah FAB-is ab-STEM-et-e) eat no (1925- ), US baseball player
beans, Latin translation of Greek/ and manager
attributed to Pythagoras
At a restaurant, the farce dramatist
In Greek mythology, ambrosia (am- Feydeau was once served a lobster
BROH-zia) was the food of the with only one claw. When he pro
Greek gods and conferred everlast tested, the waiter apologetically ex*
ing youth and beauty. The gods plained that lobsters can lose a claw
also drank nectar, a sweet concoc because they fight in their tank. "So
tion. Hence, ambrosia is used to in take this one away," instructed Fey
dicate a food or substance that is deau, "and bring me the victor."
sweet or pleasing.
Georges Feydeau (1862-1921),
French playwright
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The newlywed man came home to The novelist Irwin Shaw waited an
find his wife weeping. "I made a interminably long time for a waiter
pie from mothers recipe/7 she at a French restaurant when finally
sobbed, "and I put it out to cool but the maitre d' came over and gen-
the dog ate it." "Don't worry, teely informed Shaw that snails
honey," he comforted her. 'Til buy were the specialty of the house. "I
a puppy tomorrow." know," responded Shaw, nodding
his head, "and you have them
"This food isn't fit for a pig," bel dressed as waiters."
lowed the angry diner. "So sorry,"
Irwin Shaw (1913-1984), U.S. writer
replied the waiter, 'Til get you
some that is."

"Ordinarily he was insane, but he
"God finally caught his eye." had lucid moments when he was
George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961), merely stupid."
U.S. playwright, writer and wit Henrich Heine (1797-1856), German poet
suggesting an epitaph for a dead waiter and writer, describing Savoye when
appointed ambassador to Frankfurt, 1848
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
'It has been said that there is no
"We have practically everything on fool like ah old fool, except a young
the menu," boasted the waiter. Re fool. But the young fool has first to
plied the restaurant patron, "So I grow up to be an old fool to realise

The Wit's Thesaurus

what a damn fool he was when he

was a young fool." ♦ FOOLISHNESS
[Maurice] Harold Macmillan,
1st Earl of Stockton (1894-1986), Foreign Words and Phrases
British prime minister
finite la commedia (Ita)
"However big the fool, there is al (fin-EE-tah la kom-MED-yah) the
ways a bigger fool to admire him." farce is over, the game is up
Nicolas Boileau-Despri aux (1636-1711), Schlaraffenland (Ger)
French poet and writer (shlar-AHF-en-lant) fool's paradise
"They never open their mouths
outre* (Fra)
without subtracting from the sum (OO-tray) improper, outrageous,
of human knowledge."
Thomas Brackett Reed (1839-1902),
U.S. politician, commenting on
fellow congressmen
"A fool and his words are soon
parted; a man of genius and his " Tou are old, Father William,' the
money." young man said,
WUliam Shenstone (1714-1763), British 'And your hair has become very
poet, Essays on Men and Manners white;
(1764), "On Reserve" And yet you incessantly stand on
your head—
"Let us be thankful for the fools.
Do you think, at your age, it is
But for them the rest of us could not
In my youth,' Father William re
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] plied to his son.
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and 1 feared it might injure the brain;
speaker, Following the Equator But now that I'm perfectly sure I
(1897), ch. 28 have none,
Why, I do it again and again.'"
Classical Phrases and Myths
Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge
"Wise men benefit more from fools Dodgson] (1832-1898),
than fools from wise men; for the British writer and mathematician,
wise avoid the fools' mistakes, but Alice's Adventures in
fools do not follow the wise's suc Wonderland (1865), ch. 5
"Boys, I may not know much, but I
Marcus Pordus Cato [the Elder] know the difference between
(234 b.c-149 B.c), Roman statesman chicken shit and chicken salad."
'Talk sense to a fool and he calls Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
you foolish." U.S. president, commenting on
Euripides (480 b.c-406 B.c), contents of Vice President
Greek playwright, The Bacchae Richard Nixon's speech
(c. 407 B.c), I. 480 "The follies which a man regrets
"Tantia stultitia mortalium est." most, in his life, are those which he
(What fools these mortals be.) didn't commit when he had the op
Seneca [Lucius Annaeus Seneca] portunity."
(c. 5 B.C.-A.D. 65), Roman writer, Helen Rowland (1875-1950), U.S. writer,
philosopher and statesman, Epistles, I, Hi A Guide to Men (2922), p. 87

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths damned fools said would happen

has come to pass."
"On occasion discretion should be
discarded, and with the foolish we William Lamb, 2nd Viscount of
should play the fool." Melbourne (1779-1848), British prime
minister, commenting on Catholic
Metumder (c. 342 B.c-292 rc),
Greek playwright, Those Offered for Sale

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Married to the Duke of York, later
♦ FOREIGNER George VI, Elizabeth visited Mar
shal Lyautey's Colonial Exhibition
at Vincennes. At one point, Eliza
Foreign Words and Phrases
beth said to the marshal, "Monsieur
le Marechal, you are so powerful.
(GREEN-goh) lit: foreign; stranger You created the beautiful country
in Mexico; (used pejoratively) ror- of Morocco and this fine exhibition..
eigner, especially from U.S. Would you do something for me?"
The marshal courteously asked
Auslinder (Ger)
what he could do. "The sun is in
(OWS-len-der) foreigner, alien (of my eyes," said the duchess.
ten pejorative, suggesting boorish-
"Would you make it disappear?"
Just then a cloud passed in front of
the sun. Other guests within ear
Quotations shot looked with wonder at Lyau-
"They spell it Vinci and pronounce tey. Explained the smiling Elizabeth
it Vinchy; foreigners always spell to a friend, "I saw'the cloud com
better than they pronounce."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] Elizabeth the Queen Mother
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and (1900- ), British queen
speaker, The Innocents Abroad Puzzled by the play Rosencrantz and
(1869), ch. 19
Guildenstem Are Dead, which be
came an international success, a
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes friend of British dramatist Tom
As the Englishman registered in the Stoppard asked, "What's it about?"
Hawaiian hotel, the concierge, hear Resrxmded Stoppard, "Ifs about to
ing his accent, said warmly, "Ah, a make me a rich man."
foreigner." The Englishman turned Tom Stoppard (1937- ),
crimson and said, "Certainly not! British playwright

" The horror of that moment/ the
"What all the wise men promised King went on, 1 shall never, never
has not happened, and what all the forget!' Tou will, though/ the
The Wit's Thesaurus

Queen said, 'if you don't make a well," she answered, "and still
memorandum or it/ " king."
Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
Dodgson] (1832-1898), British writer and British conductor
mathematician, Through the Looking-
The absentminded Bishop of Exe
Glass (1872), ch. I
ter, William Cecil, was traveling by
"May I please see your program, rail but had mislaid his ticket and
madam? I forget what comes first/' was unable to produce it for the
ticket collector. "No problem, my
Josef Casimir Hofmann (1876-1957),
lord," said the collector, "we know
Polish-born pianist, to a spectator in the
who you are." "Thafs all yery
front row of a concert at which
well," replied the bishop, "but
he was performing
without the ticket, how am I to
know where I'm going?"
Classical Phrases and Myths William Cecil (1863-1936),
British clergyman [attributed also to
lapsus memoriae (Lat) Ambassador Dwight Morrow]
(LAP-sus menv-OR-ee-ay) lapse or
fault of memory When the British writer G. K. Ches
terton became engaged to be mar
In Greek mythology, the Lethe ried, he went straight home and
(LEE-theh) was one of the rivers in devotedly wrote his mother a long
Hades, the underworld; drinking letter informing her of the happy
its waters caused one to forget the event. The delighted Mrs. Chester
past-Hence, to be lethean is to be ton was not at all surprised to re
forgetful and unable to recollect ceive his letter; she was in the room
past events. with him when he wrote it.
Gtilbert] K[eith] Chesterton (1874r-1936),
British man of letters
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The actor Leslie Howard once froze
To remind herself that there was
onstage/having forgotten his lines.
something she wanted to be sure to
He whispered desperately to the
do, an absentminded woman put a
stage prompter, "Whafs my line?"
rubber band around her wrist. She
Whispered back the prompter,
later noticed the rubber band but
"Whafs the play?"
couldn't remember why it was
Leslie Howard (1890-1943), British actor
there. She fretted until 3 A.M., and
only then remembered why—she Even after Transcendentalist philos
had wanted to go to bed early that opher Immanuel Kant discharged
night. . his faithful servant Lampe, Kant
could not dismiss Lampe from his
In the foyer of a hotel, British con mind. He thus wrote in his journal,
ductor Sir Thomas Beecham vaguely "Remember, in the future the name
recognized a distinguished-looking of Lampe must be completely for
woman whose name he could not re gotten."
member. Pausing to talk to her, he re
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804),
membered that she had a brother, so, German philosopher
hoping for a clue, he asked how her
brother was and if he was still work During a murder trial, defense bar
ing at the same job. "Oh, he's very rister Sir John Maynard challenged

The Ultimate Reference Book

Lord Jeffreys, the presiding judge, the wise forgive but do not for
on a point of law. "Sir/' the judge get"
said reprovingly, "you have grown Thomas Szasz (1920- ),
so old you have forgotten the law/7 U.S. psychiatrist, The Second Sin
Maynard countered, "I have forgot {1973), 'Tersonal Conduct"
ten more law than you ever knew,
but allow me to say, I have not for
gotten much." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Sir John Maynard (1602-1690), Alexander Korda first offered a film

British lawyer part to English actress Ann Todd,
but then made the film with an
other actress. Upset by his treach
ery, Todd stormed at Korda. "I
♦ FORGIVENESS wouldn't have done it to anyone
else," said Korda. Taken aback,
Todd inquired, "What do you
Foreign Words and Phrases mean?" "You and I are such good
tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner friends," Korda replied sweetly, "I
(Fra) knew that you would forgive me."
(too KOM-pren seh too par-DON- Sir Alexander Korda (1893-1956),
eh) to understand everything is to British film producer and director
pardon everything

"Why don't you sin a little? Doesn't
God deserve to have something to
forgive you for!" Quotations
Martin Luther (1483-1546), "We sure liberated the hell out of
German Protestant theologian, encouraging this place."
his virtuous and reserved friend Anonymous U.S. soldier in ruined
Philips Melanchthon French village
"I never forgive but I always for "The condition upon which God
hath given liberty to man is eternal
Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour vigilance; which condition if he
(1848-1930), British prime minister break, servitude is at once the con
'There is, however, a limit at which sequence of his crime, and the pun
forbearance ceases to be a virtue." ishment of his guilt.""

Edmund Burke (1729-1797), * John Philpot Curran (1750-1817),

Br\tish statesman, philosopher and writer, Irish lawyer and judge, speech on the
Observations on a Publication, right of election of lord mayor of Dublin,
"The Present State of the Nation" (1769) July 10,1790 [attributed also to
Thomas Jefferson; commonly quoted as
"One should forgive one's enemies, "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance"]
but not before they are hanged."
"O Freedom, what liberties are
Henrich Heine (1797-1856),
taken in thy name!"
German poet and. writer
Daniel George [Bunting] (c. 1900s),
"The stupid neither forgive nor for U.S. poet, Perpetual Pessimist
get; the naive forgive and forget; (2963), p. 58

The Wit's Thesaurus

"I know not what course others "He that would make his own lib
may take; but as for me, give me erty secure must guard even his en
liberty, or give me death!" emy from oppression."
Patrick Henry (1736-1799), Thomas Paine (1737-1809), British writer
U.S. politician, speech in and revolutionary, Dissertation on First
Virginia Convention March 23,1775 Principles of Government (2795)

"II vaut mieux mourir debout que de "No human being, however great,
more a genouxl" (It is better to die or powerful, was ever so free as a
standing than to live on your fish."
knees!) John Ruskin (1819-1900), British writer
Dolores Ibdrruri ["La Pasionaria"] and social reformer, The Two Paths,
(1895-1989), Spanish politician, LectureV
speech in Paris, September 3,1936
"Liberty means responsibility. That
[attributed also to Emiliano Zapata]
is why most men dread it."
"Freedom is never voluntarily George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
given by the oppressor; it must be Irish playwright, Man and Superman
demanded by tne oppressed." (2903), "Maxims for Revolutionists:
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), Democracy"
. U.S. social reformer "My definition of a free society is a
society where it is safe to be unpop
"Freedom's just another word for
nothin' left to lose,
Nothin' ain't worth nothin', but ifs Adlai E[wing] Stevenson (1900-1965),
free." U.S. politician, speech in Detroit,
October 7,1952
Kris Kristofferson (1936- ),
U.S. songwriter, singer and actor and "We have... fought for our place
Fred Foster (c. 1900s), U.S. songwriter, in the sun and have won it."
Me and Bobby McGee (2969 song) William II [Kaiser Wilhelm U]
(1859-1941), German emperor
'It is true that liberty is precious—
so precious that it must be ra "O liberte! O liberty Que de crimes on
tioned." commet en ton noml" (O liberty! O
Nikolai Lenin [Vladimir Wch Ulyanov] liberty! What crimes are committed
(1870-1924), Russian statesman in thy name!)
Jeanne Manon Roland (1754-1793),
"Many politicians lay it down as a
French aristocrat, exclaiming, while
self-eviaent proposition that no mounting the steps to the guillotine, at
people ought to oe free until they the statue of Liberty set up in the Place de
are fit to use their freedom. The la Revolution
maxim is worthy of the fool in the
Classical Phrases and Myths
old story who resolved not to go
into the water until he had learned "Nullius oddictus iurare in verba mag-
to swim." istri,
Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Quo me cumque rapit tempestas, deferor
(1800-1859), British statesman and writer hospes." (I am not bound over to
swear allegiance to any master;
'liberty consists in doing what one where the wind carries me, I put into
desires." port and make myself at home.)
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), British Horace (65 b.c.-8b.c), Roman poet,
philosopher, On Liberty (1859), ch. 5 Epistles, I, i, 1,14

The Ultimate Reference Book

is more friendly to a man than a

FRIENDSHIP friend in need."]
Titus Maccius Plautus, Epidicius,
Foreign Words and Phrases Act M, sc. Hi

bon compagnon (Fra) "A man, sir, should keep his friend
(bon com-pan-NJON) good com ship in a constant repair."
panion Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
British man of letters

camaraderie (Fra) "God gives us our relatives—thank

(kahm-ah-RAHD-er-EE) friendship, God we can choose our friends."
Ethel Watts Mumford (1878-1940),
U.S. writer; Oliver Herford (1863-1935),
intime (Fra) U.S. humorist and illustrator; Addison
(an-TEEM) an intimate friend Mizner (1872-1933), U.S. architect and
entrepreneur, Cyrads Calendar (1903)

Vamour est aveugle, Vamitii forme les "I do not believe that friends are
yeux (Fra) necessarily the people you like best,
(la-MOUR ay a-VYOO-gle la-MEE- they are merely the people who got
tee-ay fehrm lay-ZUH) love is there first."
blind, friendship closes its eyes Sir Peter [Alexander] Ustinov
(1921- ), British actor and writer

faux bonhomme-O?ra) "We cherish our friends not for

(foh bon-OM) lit: falsely good- their ability to amuse us, but for
natured man; hypocrite who feigns ours to amuse them."
good intentions or fellowship Evelyn Waugh [Arthur St. John]
(1903-1966), British writer

Quotations "He hasn't an enemy in the world,

and none of his friends like him."
"Acquaintance, n. A person whom
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
we know well enough to borrow
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer
from, but not well enough to lend
and wit, describing George Bernard Shaw
to. A degree of friendship called
slight when its object is poor or ob
scure, and intimate when he is rich Classical Phrases and Myths
or famous/' alter ego (Lat)
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce (1842-c. 1914), (AL-ter EH-go) lit: one's second
U.S. writer and poet, self; very close friend (often used
Cynic's Word Book (2906; inaccurately to refer to another as
pect of one's personality)
"In prosperity our Mends know us; koinonia (Grk)
in adversity we know our friends/' (KOH-in-ohn-ia) a spirit of fellow
John Churton Collins (1848-1908), ship; collegiality, e.g., the Academy
British writer and scholar
"What is a friend? A single soul
dwelling in two bodies."
"A friend in need is a friend in Aristotle (384 ac-322 ftc),
deed." English proverb [cf. "No one Greek philosopher

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Every man is known by the com "There is no terror in a bang, only

pany he keeps." in the anticipation of it."
Euripides (480 b.c-406 b.c), Sir Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980),
Greek playwright, Phoenix British film director

"Even a paranoid has real ene

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes mies."
Alexander I's accession to the Rus Henry Kissinger (1923- ),
sian throne was achieved through U.S. diplomat
the murder of his father, Czar Paul
I. Similarly/ a generation earlier/ Al Classical Phrases and Myths
exander's grandmother/ Catherine
"My heart was in my mouth."
the Great/ had arranged for the
murder of her husband/ Peter HI/ to Petronius, Gaius [Petronius Arbiter]
(d.c. 66), Roman writer, Satyricon, sec. 62
seize power herself. Although Al
exander had preferred to believe "Quid si mine caelum ruat?" (kwid
that the conspirators would only see mine KAY-lum ROOat) at is
imprison—not murder—his father, asked what if the sky were to fall?)
the conspirators nonetheless contin Terence [Publius Terentius Afer]
ued in his favor, and some became (c. 190 b.c-159 B.c), Roman playwright,
his closest counselors. The Countess Heauton Timoroumenos
de Bonneuil/ a French spy, re
ported: 'The young emperor goes
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
about preceded by the murderers of
his grandfather, followed by the "Give me all the money. I don't
murderers of his father, quite sur want to hurt you," ordered the tall
rounded by his friends." burly man, pointing a revolver,
Alexander I (1777-1825), Russian czar who tried to rob a Tenderloin li
[attributed also to Talleyrand] quor store in San Francisco on
March 8, 1991. The 35-year-old
clerk responded with an adamant
"no," and the gunman immediately
burst into tears, but had sufficient
♦ FRIGHT & composure to flee;
FRIGHTFULNESS Two priests died and arrived at the
Pearly Gates, and were quickly fol
Foreign Words and Phrases lowed by two debt collectors. St.
Peter motioned the clergy aside and
bite noire-(Fra) first admitted the collectors. "Why
(bet nwah) lit: black beast; pet aver them ahead of us?" asked the
sion, something provoking fear and priests. "Didn't we do everything
trepidation to spread the good word?" "Yes,"
said St. Peter, "but the collectors
Quotations scared the hell out of more people
than you did."
"The time of fear is over. Now
comes the time of hope." Asked about his thoughts just be
Tristan Bernard (1866-1947), fore taking off into space, John
French playwright and writer, remarking Glenn, the first U.S. astronaut in
to his wife as they were arrested by space, replied: "I looked around me
the Gestapo during WWII and suddenly realized that every-

The Ultimate Reference Book

thing had been built by the lowest

bidder/' ♦ FUTURE
John Glenn (1927- ),
U.S. astronaut and politician Quotations

"Cheer up! The worst is yet to

Philander Chase Johnson (1866-1939),
U.S. writer, Everybody's Magazine
(May 1920)
"The best way to predict the future
is to invent it."
Allen Kay (1945- ),
/The only reason I might go to the U.S. inventor
funeral is to make absolutely sure
"In the long run we are all dead."
that he's dead/'
Baron John Maynard Keynes
Anonymous "eminent.editor"
(1883-1946), British economist,
commenting on Lord Beaverbrook, 1965
Tract on Monetary Reform (1923), ch. 3

'The reason so many people "I have heard tell of a Professor of

showed up at his funeral was be Economics who has a sign on the
cause they wanted to make sure he wall of his study, reading 'the fu
was dead." ture is not what it was/ The senti
Samuel [Samuel Goldfish] Goldwyn ment was admirable; unfortunately,
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film the past is not getting any better ei
producer, explaining the large attendance ther."
at film producer Louis Mayer's funeral Bernard Levin (1928- ), British
writer, Sunday Times (May 22,1977)

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

When the great actor Maurice Bar-
rymore was being laid to rest, the
straps supporting the coffin became ♦ GAMBLE
twisted, in order to make an ad
justment, the coffin, already low
ered into the grave, had to be raised Foreign Words and Phrases
again. When it reappeared, Lionel a cheval (Fra)
Barrymore leaned over to his (ah she-VAHL) lit: on horseback;
brother John and whispered, "How used in roulette to indicate a bet
like Father—a curtain call!" placed across two adjacent numbers
Lionel Barrymore (1878-1954), U.S. actor pan mutuel (Fra)
(PAR-ee MOOT-oo-ell) lit: mutual
At Dorothy Parker's funeral ser betting; horse racing lottery in
vice, the actor Zero Mostel, noting which the total of losers' stakes on
that she had requested there be no any race is divided, after the de
formal ceremony, quipped, "In fact, duction of a legally fixed amount
if she had her way, I suspect she from the pool, among the winners
would not be here at all." in proportion to the amount each
Zero Mostel (1915-1977), U.S. actor has staked

Ibe Wit's Thesaurus
faites vos jeux (Fra) cap, and a friend commented on it.
(FEHT vo-ZJUH) /if: make your Bernard stated that he had just
sport; place your bets bought it with his winnings from die
previous nighfs play at the casino.
Quotations The friend was congratulating him
when Bernard said, "Ah, but with
"U y a deux grand pkisirs dans le jeu,
what I lost I could have bought the
celui de gagner et celui de perdre."
(There are two great pleasures in
gambling: that of winning and that Tristan Bernard (1866-1947),
of losing.) French playwright and writer

French proverb President "Silent Cal" Coolidge

was sitting at dinner next to a
"Death and dice level all distinc woman who tried to coax him into
tions." talking to her. "Oh, Mr. President,
Samuel Foote (1720-1777), I bet a friend of mine that I could
British actor and playwright persuade you to say more than two
words to me. Would you?" He an
Classical Phrases and Myths swered: "You lose."
meo periculo (Lat) [John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933),
U.S. president [authenticity unverified]
{me-oh per-IK-ul-oh) at my risk
The husband was silently sneaking
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes into bed at 2 a.m., after a long eve
ning playing poker, when his wife
"Now I need $50 more," said the said, "Ha! 2 o'clock! I suppose
prospective borrower to the banker. you're going to tell me you were
*1 bet my partner $50 that you'd out somewhere holding a sick
turn me> down." friend's hand." "If I'd been holding
Sign in the window of a clothier in his hand," replied the man sadly,
Atlantic City: //While You're Here, "we'd be for richer tonight!"
Why Don't You Have Your Clothes
Cleaned, Too?"
Then there was the banker who
drove his $90,000 Mercedes to Las
Vegas and returned on a $1,400,000 Foreign Words and Phrases
cercle prive (Fra)
Franklin Pierce Adams belonged to (SER-klapree-VAY) lit: private
a poker club that included among group; private gaming party
its members Herbert Ransom, an Kriegspiel (Ger)
actor. Because Ransom's lack of a (KREEG-shpeel) lit: war game;
poker face always revealed when chess-playing in which opponent's
he held a good hand, Adams sug position is unseen but gleaned from
gested a new rule for the dub: information given by an umpire, ie,
Anyone who looks at Ransom's legality of move, taking of pieces, etc.
face is cheating."
Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960), Quotations
U.S. writer "Life's too short for chess."
French playwright Tristan Bernard Henry James Byron (1834r-1884),
was wearing a jaunty new yachting British playwright, Our Boys, Act I

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

A man surprised his wife in the
arms of his best friend. To calm the
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
shocked husband, the friend sug
gested they play dominoes. "If I "When I drink, everybody drinks!"
win/' he said, "you divorce her so the man shouted throughout the
I can marry her. If you win, I'll tavern. A loud cheer went up. After
leave you two alone, OK?" "OK," downing his Scotch, he hopped
agreed the husband. "But what onto a bar stool, shouting, "When I
about a penny a point to make it have another drink, everybody has
interesting?" another drink." Another cheer and
round of drinks. After finishing his
Facing Algonquin wit George S. second drink, the man hopped onto
Kaufman's icy stare of disapproval, the bar. "And when I pay, he bel
a fellow bridge player inauired, lowed, slapping $5 into the barten
"All right, George, how would you der's hand, "everybody pays!"
have played it?" 'Under an. as
sumed name." U.S. automobile manufacturer
Henry Ford answered a plea for a do
George Simon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
nation to a new orphanage while va
U.S. playwright, writer and wit
cationing in Dublin, Ireland, by
contributing 2,000 pounds. His gen
erosity made headlines, but the sum
was wrongly quoted as 20,000
pounds. 'Til phone the editor and
tell him to correct, the mistake," said
the orphanage director, who had
called on Ford at his hotel to apolo
Quotations gize. Ford instead took out his check
book and pen. 'Til give you a check
"Every new generation is a fresh in
vasion of savages." for the remaining 18,000 pounds, but
on one condition," said Ford. "I
Hervey Allen (1889-1949), U.S. educator,
want the new building to bear this
poet and writer
inscription on it: 1 Was a Stranger,
and You Took Me In/"
"Every generation laughs at the old
fashions, but follows religiously the Henry Ford (1863-1947),
new." U.S. industrialist

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), As he was boarding a moving train,

U.S. writer, naturalist and poet, Mahatma Gandhi, who lived an ex
Walden (1854), "Economy" tremely spartan existence despite
his international renown, lost one
"line giniration perdue." (A lost of his shoes. Unable to retrieve it,
generation.) he blithely discarded his other shoe.
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), U.S. writer, Asked to explain his behavior, Gan
referring to Hemingway's literary dhi replied, "The poor man who
generation; the remark is originally finds the shoe lying on the track
from a certain Monsieur Pernottet, will now have a pair he can use."
commenting on the undereducated Mohandas Karamchand [Mahatma] Gandhi
generation that spent its youth in (1869-1948), Indian statesman and
mn trenches spiritual leader [authenticity unverified

The Wit's Thesaurus

♦ GENIUS Classical Phrases and Myths

cathexis (Grk)
Quotations (kath-EX-is) burst of thought from
an idea or object
"Conversation enriches the under
standing, but solitude is the school 'There is no great genius without
of Genius/' tincture of madness.
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), Seneca [Lucius Annaeus Seneca]'
British historian, Memoirs (1796) (c5 b.c-65), Roman writer, philosopher
and statesman, Moral Essays,
'There sit the sainted sage, the bard "On Tranquility of the Mind,"
divine, paraphrasing Aristotle's Problemata,
The few, whom genius gave to XXX and Plato's Phaedrus, CCILV
Thro' every unborn age, and undis
covered dime."
Thomas Gray (1716-1771), British poet,
Ode for Music (1769) ♦ GIFT
"Genius does what it must and tal
ent does what it can. Foreign Words and Phrases
Owen Meredith [Edward Robert Bulwer- lagniappe (Fra)
Lytton, EarlofLytton] (1831-1891), (lan-YAP) unexpected gift to stran
British poet, Poems. Last Words of a ger or customer; a bribe
Sensitive Second-Rate Poet

"Anybody can make the simple

complicated. Creativity is making
the complicated simple." "We do not quite forgive a giver.
Charles Mingus (1922-1979), The hand that feeds us is in some
U.S. musician danger of being bitten."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
'It takes chaos in the soul to give
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher,
birth to a dancing star." Essays: Second Series (1844), "Gifts"
Friedrich [Wilhelm] Nietzsche
(1844r-1900), German philosopher, 'Ifs better to give than to lend, and
Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883-1891) it costs about the same."

"Everybody denies I am a genius— Sir Philip Gibbs (1877-1962),

British writer
but nobody ever called me one!"
[George] Orson Welles (1915-1985),
U.S. actor and filmmaker Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Genius is one per cent inspiration, The Romantic poet Lord Byron
ninety-nine per cent perspiration." once gave a beautifully bound Bible
Thomas Aim Edison (1847-1931), to his publisher, John Murray, who
U.S. inventor, c. 1903 would proudly display it on a table
where guests might see it. A visitor
"You may have genius. The con admiring Hie book noticed that at
trary is, of course, probable." John 18:40, in the sentence "Now
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935), Barabbas was a robber," Byron had
U.S. jurist deleted the word "robber" and sub-

The Ultimate Reference Book

stituted "publisher." The book was fear that no fame or glory would re
thereafter removed from display. main for him.
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824), Alexander III [Alexander the Great]
British poet (356 B.c-323 b.c), Macedonian king

Burlesque and comedy writer Paul In Greek mythology, Prometheus

Scarron was about to marry his (pro-ME-thee-us) was a Titan who
beautiful but impoverished young fought his brothers with Zeus. Some
bride, who would later become say it was he who split the skull of
Louis XIV's second wife. When the Zeus so that Athena could emerge.
notary drawing up the marriage Athena taught Prometheus many
contract asked Scarron what dowry arts—how to walk erect and lift his
he intended to bestow upon her, he head to the sun and stars, how to use
replied, 'Immortality/' numbers and letters, how to sail the
seas in ships, how to cultivate the
Paul Scarron (1610-1660), French poet,
playwright and writer
fields and to tame wild beasts, and
the creative arts—which he passed
on to mankind. In pity of man, Pro
metheus stole fire from the gods and
♦ GLORY & HERO gave it to man. As punishment, Pro
metheus was bound to a rock in the
Foreign Words and Phrases Caucasus to have his liver forever
gnawed by an eagle, which was
preux chevalier (Fra) eventually killed by Herakles. Chi
(preoh shev-A-lee-ay) lit peerless ron exchanged places with Prome
knight; knight in shining armor theus, who assumed his role in
Olympus as adviser to the gods.
Hence, a promethean accomplish
"No man is a hero to his valet." ment is a glorious, wonderful
Mme Cornuel (1605-1694), achievement.
French aristocrat, Lettress de Mile Aisse"
(August 13,1728) ♦ GLUTTONY & FASTING
"Show me a hero and I will write
you a tragedy."
Foreign Words and Phrases
Flrands] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald
gourmand (Fra)
(1896-1940), U.S. writer, Note-Books E
(GOOR-man) glutton and self-
Classical Phrases and Myths indulgent hedonist
"Sic transit gloria mundi: " (seek
TRAN-sit GLOR-ee-a MUND-ee) "They have digged their grave with
(Thus passes away the glory of the their teeth."
Thomas Adams (1612-1653), British writer
Thomas a Kempis [Thomas Hamerken von
Kempen] (c. 1380-1471), German monk
and writer, Imitatio Christi (c. 1420),
bk. I, ch. 3
Alexander the Great wept at his Foreign Words and Phrases
father's military conquests not for Gotterdammerung (Ger)
the misery ana casualties endured (GUH-ter-DEHM-er-ung) twilight
by the soldiers and civilians, but for of the gods; title of a Wagner opera
The Wit's Thesaurus
Quotations fading smile of a cosmic Cheshire
"If it turns out that there is a God,
I don't think that he's eviL But the Julian Huxley (1887-1975),
worst that you can say about him British writer, Religion Without
is that basically he's an under- Revelation (2957 ed.), ch. 3
"If God made us in His image we
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg] have certainly returned the compli
(1935- ), US. comedian and ment."
filmmaker, Love and Death (1975 film)
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694-
1778), French philosopher, writer and wit
"I believe in the incomprehensibil
ity of God." "God will provide—ah, if only He
Honori de Balzac (1799-1850), French would till He does!"
writer, letter to Madame Hanska, 1837 Yiddish proverb

"Why don't You come on down "Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait
and fight like a man!" Vinventer." (see deuh nex-EEST-ay
pah, eel foh-DRAY luhn-VEHNT-
Tommy Bolt (1919- ),
ay) (If God did not exist, it would
US. golfer, shaking his fist at the
heavens and making a challenge after
be necessary to invent him.)
a series of muffed putts Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694-
1778), French philosopher, writer and wit,
"God moves in a mysterious way fipitre a l'Auteur du Livre des Trois
His wonders to perform." Imposteurs (November 10,1770)
William Cowper (1731-1800),
British poet, Olney Hyms (1779), no. 35

'It is the final proof of God's om ♦ GOOD PERSON

nipotence that he need not exist in
order to save us." (GENTLEMAN)
Peter De Vries (1910-1993), US. writer,
Mackerel Plaza (2358;, ch. 1 Foreign Words and Phrases

mensch (Yid)
"Of course there's no such thing as
(mensh) a good man
a totally objective person, except
Almighty God, if she exists."
Antonia Fraser (1932- ),
British historian "I joked about every prominent
man in my lifetime, but I never met
"Good God, how much reverence a man I cGdn't like."
can you have for a Supreme Being WUHiom Perm Adair] Rogers
who finds it necessary to include (1879-1935), US. comedian, epitaph
such phenomena as phlegm and
tooth-decay in His divine system of "Any man who hates dogs and ba
creation?" bies can't be all bad."
Joseph Heller (1923- ), Leo [CalvinJ Rosten (1908- ),
US. writer, Catch-22 (1962;, ch. 18 US. humorist, ad-libbing at a Friar's
Club banquet to honor W. C. Fields's
"Operationally, God is beginning to 40th year in show business, February 16,
resemble not a ruler but the last 1939 [misattributed to Fields as "Any

The Ultimate Reference Book

man who hates children and dogs can't be "There are many who dare not kill
all bad"] themselves for fear of what the
neighbours will say."
"This above all: to thine own self be
Cyril Connolly (1903-1974),
British writer.
And it must follow, as the night the
Thou canst not then be false to any "Love and scandal are the best
man." sweeteners of tea."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British Henry Fielding (1707-1754),
playwright and poet, Hamlet (2602), British writer, playwright and lawyer,
Act I, sc. Hi Love in Several Masques (1743)

"It is better to be beautiful than to

be good. But... it is better to be "If you haven't got anything good
good than to be ugly." to say about anyone come and sit
by me."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980),
and wit, The Picture of Dorian Gray U.S. socialite, maxim embroidered
(1891), ch. 17 on a cushion

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "She poured a little social sewage

into his ears."
A newspaper ran a competition to
George Meredith (1828-1909),
recognize the most moral, respecta
British writer
ble citizen. One entry received read:
"I don't smoke, touch intoxicants or
gamble. I am faithful to my wife and ''Walls have tongues, and hedges
never look at another woman. I am ears."
hard-working, quiet and obedient. I Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
go to bed early every night and rise Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer,
with the dawn. I attend chapel regu Pastoral Dialogue, /. 8
larly every Sunday. I've been like
this for tiie past three years. But just "It is perfectly monstrous the way
wait until next spring, when they let people go about nowadays saying
me out of here!" things against one, behind one's
back, that are absolutely and en
tirely true."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
♦ GOSSIP (1854-1900), British playwright,
writer and wit

"There is only one thing in the
"Alas! they had been friends in world worse than being talked
youth; about, and that is not being talked
But whispering tongues can poison about."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), (1854-1900), British playwright, writer
British poet and writer, and wit, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Christabel (2797), pt. U (1891), ch.l

The Wit's Thesaurus
"Gossip is the art of saying nothing as possible from one part of the cit
in a way that leaves practically izens to give to the other."
nothing unsaid."
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet]
Walter Winchell (1897-1972), U.S. writer (1694r-1778), French philosopher,
writer and wit
"When a thing ceases to be a sub
ject of controversy, it ceases to be a
subject of interest."
William Hazlitt (1778-1830),
Classical Phrases and Myths
British writer
Themistocles, the Athenian leader
who led the Greeks to the great na
val victory over the Persians at Sal-
♦ GOVERNMENT amis (480 B.C.)/ once said that his
infant son ruled all of Greece. When
asked how this could be, he ex
Quotations plained: "Athens dominates all
'How can one govern a country Greece; I dominate Athens; my wife
that has three hundred and fifty dominates me; and my infant son
kinds of cheese?" dominates her."
Themistocles (c. 527 B.C.-C. 460 B.C.),
Charles Andre" Joseph Marie de Gaulle
(1890-1970), French president and general Greek statesman

"Now and then an innocent man is

sent to the legislature."
Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer
A farmer said to his companion,
"Our greatest growth, industry is "You know, that weather forecaster
the Civil Service." on the government radio station is
Lord Lucas (1896-1967), British aristocrat always wrong." "Don't complain,"
"Laws are like sausages; you remarked the second farmer.
should never watch them being 'Think how bad it would be if the
made." government started regulating the
weather instead of just predicting
Honore Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de
Mirabeau (1749-1791),
French revolutionary statesman Ben Franklin was asked following
the Constitutional Convention,
"I don't make jokes. I just watch the
government and report the facts." "Well, doctor, do we have a repub
lic .or a monarchy?" Responded
William Penn Adair] Rogers
Franklin, "A republic, if we can
(1879-1935), U.S. comedian
keep it."
"If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con/ Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
then 'progress' is the opposite of US. statesman and scientist
A customer in a major Delhi book
William Howard Taft (1857-1930),
store asked a store clerk for a copy
US. president and jurist
of India's constitution soon after In
"In general, the art of government dira Gandhi had declared a state of
consists in taking as much money emergency in 1975. "I am sorry,

The Ultimate Reference Book

sir/' the bookseller said, "but we GRATITUDE

don't stock periodicals."
Indira Gandhi (1917-1984),
Indian prime minister Foreign Words and Phrases
Darike schon (Ger)
(DAN-ke SHUHN) many thanks

♦ GRANDILOQUENCE "Isn't God good to me?"
Louis B. Mayer (1885-1957), U.S. film
producer driving away from the funeral of
Quotations Irving Thalberg, originally his prot&g&and
then his rival
"He could not blow his nose with
out moralising on the state of the "La reconnaissance de la plupart des
handkerchief industry." homtnes n'est qu'un secrHe envie de re-
Cyril Connolly (1903-1974), cevoir de plus grands bienfaits." (The
British-writer describing George Orwell gratitude of most men is only a se
"I could deny myself the pleasure cret desire to receive greater fa
of talking, but not to others the vors.)
pleasure of listening." Franqois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde (1613-1680), French writer,
(1854-1900), British playwright, Maximes (1678), 298
writer and wit

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Classical Phrases and Myths After a ten-year-old girl was res

cued by a boy, she asked how she
olet lucernom (Lat) could reward him. "The best way,"
(OL-et loo-KER-nam) lit: it smells of he replied, "is to say nothing about
the lamp; labored piece of writing it. If my friends knew I'd pulled
which betrays the effort and ped you out, they'd throw me in."
antry put into it
dithyramb (Grk)
(DEE-thir-am) Greek hymn of wild
character; Bacchanalian song; any
passionate or inflated writing or
Aldbiades was telling Pericles, 40
years his senior, how best to govern
Athens. "Aldbiades," said Pericles Foreign Words and Phrases
reproachfully, "when I was your non pareil (Fra)
age, I talked, just as you do now." (non PAR-ehv) without equal, in
"How I should like to have known comparable .
you then/' replied Aldbiades,
"when you were at your best." par excellence (Fra)
Aldbiades (c. 450 B.c-404 B.C.), (par ex-SEL-ehnse) above all others
Greek general and politician of a similar type, preeminent(ly)

The Tot's Thesaurus
Quotations mountain on the borders of Thes-
"I'm the greatest." saly and Macedonia on which the
12 high gods dwelt. Hence, some
Muhammad Ali [Cassius Clay]
thing olympian is something giant,
(1942- ), US. boxer,
magnificent or superior—and re
catch-phrase used c. 1962
"Anything you can do, I can do bet
I can do anything better than you."
Irving Berlin [Israel Baline] (1888-1989),
U.S. songwriter. Anything You Can Do
(1946 song)
'The world's great men have not
commonly been great scholars, nor
its great scholars great men."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894), "If all the rich people in the world di
U.S. writer and physician. The Autocrat vided up their money among them
of the Breakfast Table (2558), ch. 6 selves, there wouldn't be enough to
go round."
"What men prize most is a privi
Christina Stead (1902-1983),
lege, even if it be that of a chief
British writer, House of All Nations
mourner at a funeral."
(1938), "Credo"
James Russell Lowell (1819-1891),

"We are both great men, but I have Classical Phrases and Myths
succeeded better in keeping it a
auri socra fames (Lat)
profound secret than he has."
(OW-ree SAK-ra FAM-es) (the) ac
Edgar Wilson ["Bill"] Nye (1850-1896), cursed lust for gold
U.S. writer and humorist, referring to
Mark Twain
A farmer who went to check on his
"Some men are born great, some goose was pleasantly surprised one
achieve greatness, and some have day to find in its nest an egg of
greatness thrust upon them." solid gold. His joy increased daily,
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), for the goose would lay another
British playwright and poet, golden egg each morning. But as
Twelfth Night (1600), Act II, sc. v the farmer grew rich, Tie grew
greedy. Thinking he could have all
Classical Phrases and Myths His treasure at once, he killed the
golden goose only to find nothing
sui generis (Lat) inside; the greedy who want more
(SWU-ee GEN-er-is) in a class by it lose all.
self, unique
Aesop (c. 600 b.c), Greek fabulist
"Unless degree is preserved, the
first place is safe for no one."
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 b,c), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Roman writer, Sententiae, 2042
Last winter it was so cold that law
According to Greek mythology, yers walked around with their
Olympus (oh-LJM-pus) was the hands in their own pockets.

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Dashiell Hammett, referring to Tal-
lulah Bankhead's cocaine addiction,
Foreign Words and Phrases told her at the opening-night party
qui s'excuse s'accuse (Fra) for Lillian HeUman's The Little
(kee sex-KOOZ sah-KOOZ) he who Foxes, in which she starred, that he
excuses himself, accuses himself did not care for people who took
drugs. Bankhead retorted, "Cocaine
vergangenheitsverabeitung (Ger) habit-forming? Of course not. I
ought to know. I've been using it
tuhng) overcoming or conquering
for years."
the. past especially the Nazi chapter
Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968),
in German history
U.S. actress


"Conscience: the inner voice which

warns us that someone may be ♦ HAIR
Hlenry] Uouis] Mencken (1880-1956), Quotations
U.S. critic and writer, Little Book in C
'There was an Old Man with a
Mayor (1916) p. 42
'The Eleventh Commandment: Who said, It is just as I feared!
Thou shalt not be found out." Two Owls and a Hen,
George John Whyte-Melville (1821-1878), Four Larks and a Wren,
British writer Have all built their nests in my
Edward Lear (1812-1888), British poet,
Classical Phrases and Myths Book of Nonsense (1846)
mm culpa (Lat)
(ME-a KUL-pa) lit: I am guilty; ad Classical Phrases and Myths
mission of guilt
Before one battle, Alexander the
Great commanded his soldiers to
shave off their beards, explaining,
'There is nothing like a beard to get
♦ HABIT hold of in a fight."
Alexander III [Alexander the Great]
Foreign Words and Phrases (356 B.a-323 B.c), Macedonian king

moeurs de province (Fra) Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

(MUHR de pro-VONS) provincial
habits, parochial manners "Split hair is a problem," the bald
ing man agreed. "Mine split about
eight years ago."
Having had his hair cut at a new
"I've done it a hundred times!" barbershop, the French comedian
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhome Clemens] Fernandel was handed a mirror by
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and the proud barber anxious to please
speaker, on quitting smoking his illustrious client. After the chair

The Wit's Thesaurus

was rotated so that Fernandel could

see the back of his head, Fernandel ♦ HANDWRITING
studied the barber's handiwork and
asked with a smile, "Just a little Quotations
longer at the back, please/'
'There, I guess King George will be
Fernandel [Fernand Joseph Desiri able to read that."
Contandin] (1903-1971),
French comedian John Hancock (1737-1793),
U.S. politician, remarking on signing in
As Christopher Morley and Wil large, bold lettering the Declaration of
liam Rose Benet gazed through a Independence, July 4,1776
shopwindow in which two identi
"My handwriting looks as if a
cal small wigs were displayed on
swarm of ants, escaping from an
their stands, Morley quipped,
ink bottle, had walked over a sheet
"They're alike as toupees in a pod."
of paper without wiping their
Christopher Morley (1890-1957),
US writer
Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
British clergyman and writer

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Prince Charles awoke one morning
to see that a beautiful snowfall had
blanketed the grounds of Bucking
"Give a man a free hand and he'll ham Palace. To his horror, how
try to put it all over you." ever, pissed into the snow outside
Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress, his window was the message:
Klondike Annie (1936 film) "Charles sucks." Indignant, he im
mediately called MI5, Scotland
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Yard, and the palace guards to find
the villain responsible. Later, his
One cold day, Le Roi Soleil (the Sun aide informed him that he had bad
King), who never wore gloves news and terrible news regarding
whue hunting, rode past two peas the insult. The bad news was that
ants. To one, who expressed his Prince William was the culprit.
alarm that Louis XIV took no pre "Whafs the terrible news, then?"
cautions against the cold, the other asked Charles. "It was Princess Di
peasant remarked, "Why should ana's handwriting."
he? His hands are always in our
pockets." The great tragic actor William Mac-
ready handwrote a complimentary
JLouis XIV (1638-1715), French king
letter of admission to a theater as a
On the back of a picture postcard of favor to someone while on an
the Venus de Milo that comedian American tour. Unable to deci
Will Rogers sent to his niece from pher Macready's notoriously bad
Paris, he wrote: "See what will hap handwriting, the donee went to an
pen to you if you don't stop biting apothecary, reasoning that a phar
your fingernails." macist, familiar with illegible doc
Willliam Penn Adair] Rogers tor's prescriptions, could read the
(1879-1935), U.S. comedian letter's contents. After quickly ex
[attributed to others] amining the paper, the young apoth-

The Ultimate Reference Book

ecary began mixing ingedients from "Only do always in health what

assorted vials and jars to make a you have often promised to do
compound. But after puzzling over when you are sick."
one ingredient he summoned his Sigismund (1368-1437), Holy Roman
boss who, after studying the paper, Emperor, giving his recipe for lasting
confidently finished the mixture. "A happiness in this world
cough mixture/ and a very good
one/' said the apothecary, handing 'Happiness is no laughing matter."
the compound over the counter. Richard Whately (1787-1863),
"Fifty cents, please." Irish clergyman, Apophthegms, p. 218
William Charles Macready (1795-1873),
"On n'est jamais si heureux ni si mal-
British actor
heureux qu'on s'imagine." (One is
never so happy or so unhappy as
one thinks.)
Franqois, Due de la Rochefoucauld
(1613-1680), French writer,
Maximes (1678), 49

Foreign Words and Phrases Classical Phrases and Myths

Men itre (Fra) horus non numero nisi serenas (Lat)

(byen etr) well-being (HOR-us non NUM-er-oh SER-en-
as) I count only the serene hours
sans souci (Fra)
compos voti (Lat)
(song SOOsee) without care, con
(KOM-pos WOH-tee) to have ob
cern, worry, etc.
tained one's wish(es)
khushi (Hin) vive ut vivas (Lat)
(KOO-shee) contentment, bliss (WEE-we ut WEE-was) live that
you may live (hereafter)
bon vivant (Fra)
(bon vee-VAND lit: good living; ataraxia (Grk)
one who enjoys the good things in (ah-tar-AX-ia) calmness, inner con
life tentment, passiveness; the serenity
and indifference aimed at by the
"A man hath no better thing under
the sun than to eat and to drink and
to be merry."
Ecclesiastes 8:15

"His best companions, innocence Quotations

and health; //What is the use of running when
And his best riches, ignorance of you are on the wrong road?"
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Irish-born
British poet, playwright and writer, "Half our life is spent trying .to find
The Deserted Village (2770), /. 51 something to do with the time we

The Wit's Thesaurus
have rushed through life trying to Back on his estate after WWI,
save." e French general Louis Lyautey re
Willliam Penn Adair] Rogers quested nis gardener to plant a cer
(1879-1935), U.S. comedian, letter to tain tree. The tree the marshal had
New York Times, September 29,1930 chosen was particularly slow grow
'The haste of a fool is the slowest ing, the gardener protested, and
thing in the world/' would not reach maturity for at
least a century. "Then there is no
Thomas Shadwell (c. 1642-1692), British
time to lose," the marshal replied.
playwright, A True Widow (2679),
"Plant it this afternoon."
Act Ul, sc. i
Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey
'liurry? I never hurry. I have no (1854-1934), French general
time to hurry."
Igor Feodorovitch Stravinsky (1882-1971),
Russian-born composer, replying to his
impatient publisher
Classical Phrases and Myths
festina lente (Lat) Quotations
(FES-tee-na LEN-te) more haste,
"Now hatred is by far the longest
less speed; Greek proverb
sine mora (Lat) Men love in haste, but they detest
(sine MOHR-ah) without delay at leisure."
"Safceleriter fieri quidquid fiat sa George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824),
tis bene." (Well aone is quickly ■ British poet, Don Juan (1818),
done.) Canto Xm, vi

Augustus "At Harvard, it took me ten years

[Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus] to achieve an environment of total
(63 B.c-14), Roman emperor; hostility. Here [in Washington,
Latin proverb D.C.] I've done it in 20 months."
Henry Kissinger (1923- ),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
U.S. diplomat, responding to Attorney
Two privates, carrying a steaming General John Mitchell's characterization
caldron between them from the of him as an "egocentric maniac"
kitchens, were stopped by an offi
cious lieutenant. "Put it down and "Any kiddie in school can love like
get me a ladle," ordered the officer.
a fool,
y/B-b-but, sir—" "Thars an order!" But hating, my boy, is an art."
snapped the officer. The privates Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), U.S. humorist,
produced a ladle, the officer dipped Happy Days (1933), "Plea for Less
it into the caldron, brought it out, Malice Toward None"
blew and swallowed a mouthful.
'To have a good enemy, choose a
"Yuk! Call that soup?" "N-no, sir,"
friend: he knows where to strike."
stammered a private, "ifs dishwa
ter." Diane de Poitiers (1499-1566),
French aristocrat
Cop scribbling speeding ticket: 'Til
make it quick; I see you're in a "What dire offense from amorous
hurry." causes springs,

The Ultimate Reference Book

What mighty contests rise from ing minister that he would have'to
trivial things!" forgive all of his enemies in order
Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet to reach heaven. With his hated
and writer, The Rape of the Lock brother-in-law, George H of En
(1712), Canto 1,11 gland, foremost in his thoughts, the
reluctant king instructed his wife,
'Tut an Irishman on the spit, and ''Well, then, write to your brother
you can always get another Irish and inform him that I forgive him,
man to turn him/' but be sure not to do so until after
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), my death."
Irish playwright Frederick William I (1688-1740),
"I have only ever made one prayer Saxon long
to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, A fiercely patriotic woman rebuked
make my enemies ridiculous'. And President Lincoln when he spoke
God granted it." mercifully about the erring South
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694- erners at a reception during the
1778), French philosopher, writer and wit Gvil War, imploring the president
to speak instead about destroying
"I'm lonesome. They are all dying.
I have hardly a warm personal en his enemies. "Why, madam," said
emy left." Lincoln, "do I not destroy my ene
mies when I make them my
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
(1834-1903), U.S.-born British artist
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
U.S. president
Classical Phrases and Myths
"I love treason but hate a traitor."
Gains Julius Caesar (100 b.c-44 b.c),
Roman general and statesman ♦ HEALTH
"lo Proprium humani ingenii est odisse
quern laeseris." (EE-oh PROH-pree- Foreign Words and Phrases
umhyob-MAN-ee in-GEN-ee est
oh-DEES kyem lay-SEHR-is) (It is Gesundheit (Ger)
human nature to hate the man (ge-ZUHND-hyl) good health to
whom you have hurt.) you (often used after a sneeze)

Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55-117),

Roman historian, Agricola (c. 98) 42, Quotations ■
paraphrasing Seneca "If I'd known I was gonna live this
long, I'd have taken better care of
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes myself."
"I suppose that when I die, soldier, Eubie Bloke [James Hubert Blake] (1883-
you'll make a special trip to my 1983), U.S. songwriter and composer,
grave just to spit on it," said the commenting on his 100th birthday (1983)
cruel drill instructor. "Not I, sir/'
"I know a man who gave up smok
replied the recruit. "Once I get
ing, drinking, sex and rich food. He
outta here I'll never stand in line
was healthy right up to the time he
killed himself."
The dying Frederick William the Johnny Carson (1925- ),
Just was admonished by the attend U.S. television entertainer

The Wit's Thesaurus
"Be careful about reading health the contrary!" and promptly died.
books. You may die of a misprint/' Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906),
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] Norwegian playwright and poet
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
writer and speaker
Soon after the appendectomy be
came a widely performed opera
tion, German political reformer and
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes heralded pathologist Rudolf Vir-
A woman died and went to heaven, chow was asked if humans could
finding it even more beautiful than survive without the appendix.
she'd expected. Months later when "Human beings, yes," the scientist
her grouchy husband arrived, she remarked, "but not surgeons."
said, "Really heavenly, isn't it?" Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902),
"Yeah," he grumbled, "and if it German pathologist and politician
weren't for your damn oat bran
we'd have gotten here six years

Foreign Words and Phrases

♦ HEALTHCARE nirvana (Skt)
(neer-VAH-jiah) in Hinduism, the
Foreign Words and Phrases perfect state, in which needs and
desires are nonexistent as one's
maison de santi (Fra) identity is extinguished and ab
(meh-ZON de SON-lay) hospital or sorbed into Brahman
asylum (usually private)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Phillips Brooks refused to receive
Patient to psychiatrist: "Doctor/I'm any visitors, even his dearest
beside myself. My husband thinks friends, while recovering from a se
he's a piano." Psychiatrist: "Bring rious illness. The Episcopal bishop
him in. Patient: "Are you crazy? did, however, make an exception
Do you know what it costs to move for the agnostic Robert Ingersoll. In-
a piano?" gersoll, realizing the privilege, was
curious to know the reason behind
A man had the flu last week. He
it. "I feel confident of seeing my
was so full of penicillin that when
friends in the next world," Brooks
ever he sneezed he cured some
explained, "but this may be my last
chance of seeing you."
A doctor sent his patient to Miami Phillips Brooks (1835-1893), U.S. bishop
for asthma. He finally got it.
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen was sched
After suffering a stroke in 1900, the uled to speak one evening at the
playwright Henrik Ibsen had to town hall in Philadelphia but be
abandon his writing and live the re came lost en route. He approached a
maining six years of his life as a gang of toughs to ask directions.
helpless invalid. One day he heard Asked by a gang member on what
his nurse suggest that he was feel subject he was going to lecture,
ing a little better. He snapped, "On Sheen answered, "On now to get to

The Ultimate Reference Book

heaven/' Then he added, "Do you had forgotten to say 'When!'"

want to come along?" "Are you kid Plelkam] Glrenville] Wodehouse
ding?" replied the tough. ''You don't (1881-1975), British writer and humorist,
even know how to get to the town Very Good, Jeeves (1930), 'Jeeves and
hall!" - the Impending Doom"
Bishop Fulton Jlohn] Sheen (1895-1979),
U.S. clergyman, educator and writer Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The French ambassador to London,
the Duke of Guines, was a dandy
despite his enormous girth. In his
♦ HEAVINESS closet he kept two pairs of breeches
for each outfit—one for occasions
Foreign Words and Phrases on which he would be standing,
and the other, much bigger, for
bombi (Fra) those on which he would sit. For
(bom-BAY) lit: bomb-shaped; bulg those days when he was to remain
ing; swollen, especially a furniture standing, Guines would put on his
style breeches by climbing onto two
chairs and lowering himself into
Quotations the breeches as they were held up
"Of course he was a wonderful all- by two servants.
round man, but the act of walking Adrien-Louis de Bonnitres, Duke of
round him has always tired me." Guines (1735-1806), French diplomat
Sir Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), A vain, corpulent actress confessed
British writer, caricaturist and wit, to Abbg Mugnier that she occasion
describing William Morris, letter to ally looked at her naked body in
S. N. Behrman, c. 1953 the mirror. "Is it a sin?" she de
"Just the other day in the Under murely inquired. "No, madame,"
ground I enjoyed the pleasure of of responded the abbe", eyeing her
fering my seat to three ladies." portly figure. 'Ifs an error."
Giilbert] Kleith] Chesterton (1874-1936), AbU Arthur Mugnier (1853-1944),
British man of letters, noting that his French clergyman
great girth afforded him G. K. Chesterton, the author best
moments of gallantry
known for his Father Brown detec
"Imprisoned in every fat man a tive stories, swung his ample girth
thin one is wildly signalling to be up the steps of his club and met
let out." George Bernard Shaw, emerging.
Chesterton, looking at Shaw's reed-
Cyril Connolly (1903-1974), British
writer, Unquiet Grave (1944), pt. 2 thin figure, commented, "Shaw, to
look at you, anyone would think
"He must have had a magnificent that famine had struck England."
build before his stomach went in "And to look at you, Chesterton,"
for a career of its own." replied Shaw, "anyone would think
Margaret Halsey (1910- ), that you had caused it."
U.S. writer George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright [attributedalso toothers]
"The Right Hon. was a tubby little
chap who looked as though he had British barrister and Conservative
been poured into his clothes and MP F. E. Smith once teased Lord

The Wit's Thesaurus

Chief Justice Gordon Hewart about Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

his enormous girth, asking him if
According to British writer and
he was expecting a boy or a girl.
playwright Sir James Barrie, a cer
Hewart snorted. "If ifs a boy, I
tain author was once executed for
shall call him John, and if ifs a girl
murdering his publisher. Report
I shall call her Mary. Yet if, as I sus
edly, when the author was on the
pect, ifs only wind, I shall call it
scaffold, he said goodbye to the
F. E. Smith/'
minister and to the reporters. To
Frederick] Eldwin] Smith, 1st Earl of some publishers sitting in the front
Birkenhead (1872-1930), British lawyer row below, however, he said, 'Til
and politician [attributed also to
see you later."
William Howard Taft]
As is true for all lawyers, Sam went
to hell when he died. While being
led to his eternal damnation by the
devil, he passed his ex-partner.
♦ HELL Merv making love to the most
beautiful woman Sam had ever
seen. "Is this hell thing some kinda
joke?" he complained to the devil.
"I've been condemned to spend
"He will not, whither he is now eternity up to my neck in molten
gone, find much difference, I be excrement, but Sam gets to screw
lieve, either in the climate or the himself silly!" The devil prodded
company." Sam with his pitchfork, roaring,
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man "Who are you to criticize that poor
of letters, commenting on a Jamaican woman's punishment?"
gentleman's recent death

'The infliction of cruelty with a

good conscience is a delight to mor
alists. That is why they invented ♦ HISTORY
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Foreign Words and Phrases
Earl (1872-1970) British mathematician
Geistesgeschichte (Ger)
and philosopher, Sceptical Essays (1928),
(GYST-es-ge-SHIK-te) lit history of
"On the Value of Scepticism"
the spirit; cultural history
"Hell is paved with good inten
tions, not bad ones. All men mean Quotations
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
'Ifs the good girls who keep the
Irish playwright, Man and Superman diaries; the bad girls never have title
(1903), "Maxims for Revolutionists: time."
Stray Sayings" Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968),
U.S. actress
"Alors, c'est qa I'Enfer... l'Enfer,
c'est les Autres." (So thafs what Hell "History is a distillation of ru
is... Hell is other people.) mour."
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881),
French philosopher, playwright and writer, British historian, History of the French
Huis Cos (Closed Doors) (2944), sc. 5 Revolution (1837), Pt. I, bk. VII, ch. 5

The Ultimate Reference. Book

"History repeats itself. Historians "I always say, keep a diary and
repeat each other." someday if11 keep you."
Philip Guedalla (1889-1944), Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress,
British writer Every Day's a Holiday (1937 film)

"Historians are like deaf people "Le nez de CUop&tre: s'il eUt iti plus
who go on answering questions
court, toute la face de la terre aurait
changi." (Had Cleopatra's nose
that no one has asked them."
been shorter, the whole history of
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910),
the world would have been differ
Russian writer
"History will say that the right hon Blaise Pascal (1623-1662),
orable gentleman was wrong in this French mathematician and writer,
Pensees (2670), no. 2,162
matter. I know it will, because I
shall write the history."
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Classical Phrases and Myths
(1874-1965), British prime minister "At ingenium ingens
and writer, arguing against a governmental Inculto latet hoc sub corpore." (But
policy of Prime Minister Stanley genius lies subsumed under that
Baldwin in the House of Commons uncouth exterior.)

"History is more or less bunk. Ifs Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Satires, I, Hi, I 33
tradition. We don't want tradition.
We want to live in the present and
the only history that is worth a
tinker's damn is the history we
make today." ♦ HOME __
Henry Ford (1863-1947),
U.S. industrialist [often contracted to Foreign Words and Phrases
"History is bunk"]
pied-a-terre (Fra)
//History repeats itself, first as trag (pee-AY ah TAIR) second home,
edy, second as farce." temporary residence
Karl Marx (1818-1883), chez moi (Fra)
German philosopher
(sha<§, MWA) at my home

''History is littered with the wars

which everybody knew would Quotations
never happen." "For a man's house is his castle, et
Enoch Powell (1912- ), domus sua cuique est tutissimum re-
British politician speech to Conservative fugium."
Party Conference, October 19,1967
Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634),
British lawyer, Third Institute (2644)
"The people of Crete unfortunately
make more history than they can "Old houses mended,
consume locally." Cost little less than new before
Saki [Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916), they're ended."
British writer, Chronicles of Clavis ColleyCibber (1671-1757),
(2924), 'The Jesting of Arlington British playwright. The Double Gallant
Stringham" (2707), prologue

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Ah, my good friend, I wish God room house on a hilltop. Sometime

would let me stay at Whitton." later, the architect Frank Lloyd
Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723), Wright was invited by Stout to give
German-born British painter, on his an opinion. "A superb spot,"
deathbed, preferring to remain at his Wright remarked after thoughtful
country house rather than to pass on to a consideration, "Someone should
better place build a house here."
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1956),
"A man's home may seem to be his U.S. architect
castle on the outside; inside, it is
more often his nursery/'
Clare Boothe [BrokawJ Luce (1903-1987),
U.S. writer, playwright and diplomat
"I hate housework! You make the
beds, you do the dishes—and six Quotations
months later you have to start all
over again/7 "On bisexuality: It immediately
doubles your chances of getting a
Joan Rivers (1935- ),
date on Saturday night."
U.S. comedian
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
(1935- ), U.S. comedian
Classical Phrases and Myths and filmmaker

"Quae est domestica sede iucundior?"

(kayest DOHM-est-i-ka seed ee-uk- Classical Phrases and Myths
UND-ior) (What is better than one's Sappho (SAF-oh) was a lyric poet
home?) from Lesbos who was believed to
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 b.c), have been the center of attention
Roman statesman and man of letters, among a literary coterie of women
De Familiares, TV, viii tied together by affection and inti
macy. The poetry of Sappho was
notable for its rich personal quality
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
and melodious grace of language,
An English nobleman was proudly and she was admired all over an
guiding Ben Franklin, then living in cient Greece after her death. Hence,
London, on a tour of the former's female lovers are described as les
newly constructed home. Owing to bian and involved in sapphism.
the narrow, irregular shape of the Sappho (c. 600 B.C.), Greek poetess
lot on which the house had been
built, however, the house had an
impracticable floor plan behind its
handsome colonnaded facade. "All
you need to do to enjoy your house, ♦ HONESTY
my lord/' observed rranklin, "is to
rent a spacious apartment directly Quotations
across tine street."
"There's one way to rind out if a
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
man is honest—ask him. If he says
U.S. statesman and scientist
'yes,' you know he is crooked."
In 1930 in Danbury, Connecticut, Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977),
novelist Rex Stout hand-built a 14- U.S. comedian

The Ultimate Reference Book

'Though I am not naturally honest,

I am so sometimes by chance/'
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet, The Winter's Foreign Words and Phrases
Tale (1611), Act IV, sc. in
croix de guerre (Fra)
(krwa de GERR) lit: cross of war;
'It should seem that indolence itself
would incline a person to be hon affaire d'honneur (Fra)
(ah-FAER don-UHR) matter of prin
est; as it requires infinitely greater
pains and contrivance to be a ciple, duel (often used ironically in
knave." English)
William Shenstone (1714-1763),
British poet


"The louder he talked of his honor,

the faster we counted our spoons."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
Classical Phrases and Myths
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher,
While marching through Asia Mi The Conduct of Life (1860), "Worship"
nor, Alexander the Great became
"Remember, you're fighting for this
dangerously ill. His physicians woman's honor... which is proba
were afraid to treat him on the
bly more than she ever did.
chance that he would die, but one
Bert Kalmar (1884-1947); Harry Ruby
physician, Philip the Acarnanian,
(1895-1974); Arthur Sheekman
was willing to take the risk, confi
(1891-1978); and Nat Perrin (c. 1900s),
dent both of his abilities and of his
U.S. writers, Duck Soup (2933 film)
friendship with Alexander. While
the medicine was being prepared,
an enemy of Philip's had delivered
to Alexander a letter that accused
Classical Phrases and Myths
the physician of having been bribed
by the Persian king to poison his magna cum laude (Lat)
master. Alexander read the letter (MAG-na koom LOW-day) with
and hid it under his pillow without much distinction, with high honors
informing anyone of its contents.
honoris causa (Lat)
Later, when Philip handed Alexan
(hon-OR-is KOW-sa) lit: for the sake
der the cup of medicine, Alexander
of honor; generally, an honor
handed Philip the letter. While the
conferred without examination
physician was reading it, Alexander
in recognition of some particular
calmly drank the contents of the
cup. Horrified at the deceit, Philip
threw himself at the king's feet, but "Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant."
Alexander assured him that he had (AY-vay KAY-sar, MOR-ee-toor-ee
complete confidence in Philip's te SAL-oo-tant) (Hail Caesar, those
honor. After three days the king re who are about to die salute you.)
covered to lead his army again. Suetonius (c. 70-140), Roman historian,
Alexander III [Alexander the Great] salutation of Roman gladiators upon
(356 b.c—323 b.c), Macedonian king entering the arena

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "He that lives upon hope will die
If everyone were from the South, it
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
wouldn't be such an honor.
U.S. statesman and scientist,
The great Cunard linear R.M.S. Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757)
Queen Mary was originally to have
been christened Queen Victoria. But 'Idealism increases in direct pro
when a Cunard executive informed portion to one's distance from the
King George V that the company problem."
wanted to name it after "the John Galsworthy (1867-1933),
greatest of all English queens/' the British writer and playwright
king happily exclaimed, "Oh, my
"An optimist is a guy who has
wife will be pleased!"
never had much experience."
George V (1865-1936), British king
Donlald Robert PerryJ Marquis
As their taxi drove past the Arc de (1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet, archy
Triomphe in Paris with its "eternal and mehitabel (2933), "archy says"
fire," Valery Larbaud asked the nov
elist James Joyce, "How long do you Classical Phrases and Myths
think that will burn?" Joyce, reveal
ing his contempt for monuments, re dum spiro, spero (Lat)
plied, "Until die Unknown Soldier (dum SPEE-roh SPEE-roh) while I
breathe, I hope
gets up in disgust and blows it out"
James Joyce (1882-1941), Irish writer Deo volente (Lat)
(DE-oh vol-EN-tay) God willing (it
will be achieved)
"Modo liceat vivere, est septs!'
(MOH-doh LIK-ee-at VEE-ve-ray
est SEP-es) (While there is life, there
♦ HOPE & OPTIMISM is hope.)
Terence [Publius TerenHus AferJ
Quotations (c.190 b.c-159 B.c), Roman playwright,
Heauton Timoroumenos
"Hope is a good breakfast, but it is
a bad supper."
Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
British lawyer and writer, Apothegms
(2624), 36
"Optimism: the world is the best of
all possible worlds, and everything
in it is a necessary evil." Foreign Words and Phrases
F. H. Bradley (1846-1924), mal du siicle (Fra)
British philosopher, Aphorisms (1930) (mal doo see-EKL) world-weariness
(usually applied to the 19th cen
"The optimist proclaims that we
live in the best of all possible
worlds; and the pessimist fears this Weltschmerz (Ger)
is true." (VELT-shmairtz) lit: erief of the
James Branch Cabell (1879-1958), U.S. world; anguish about the world sit
writer, The Silver Stallion (2926;, ch. 26 uation

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations accueil (Fra)

(ah-KWEE) greeting, welcome
"I do not see any way of realizing
our hopes about world organiza
tion in live or six days. Even the Al
mighty took seven." Quotations
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill 'It was a delightful visit—perfect,
(1874-1965), British prime minister in being much too short/'
and writer, replying to President Franklin
Jane Austen (1775-1817), British writer,
D. Roosevelt's expressed hope that the
Emma (1815), ch. 13
Yalta conference would not last more than
five or six days "Fish and visitors smell in three
" Twixt the optimist and pessimist
The difference is droll; Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), U.S.
statesman and scientist, Poor Richard's
The optimist sees the doughnut
Almanac (1732-1757) [cf. "No guest is
But the pessimist sees the hole/'
so welcome in a friend's house without
McLandburgh Wilson (fl. 1915), becoming a nuisance in three days." Titus
U.S. poet, Optimist and Pessimist Maccius PlautuSfMHes Gloriosus,
. Act El, sc. i]
Classical Phrases and Myths
"His handshake ought not to be
nil desperandum (Lat) used except as a tourniquet."
(nil DAY-spay-RAND-um) do not
Margaret Halsey (1910- ),
despair; no reason to despair U.S. writer, With Malice Toward Some
"Cantobit vacuos coram latrone via (1938)
tor." (The traveler with empty
pockets will sing even in the rob
ber's face.) Classical Phrases and Myths
Juvenal [Decimus Junius Juvenalis]
"A host is like a general—calami
(c. 50-c. 130), Roman writer,
ties often reveal his genius."
. Satires X, I 22
Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet
According to Greek mythology, the
river Styx (stix) was one of the five
rivers surrounding Hades, over
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
which the ghosts of the properly
buried dead must pass. Thus, some As an ambassador and President
thing stygian is dark, gloomy or in Coolidge were winding up an im
fernal. portant private conference, Mrs.
Coolidge came in and suggested to
her husband, "Why don't you offer
the ambassador a drink?" Replied
"Silent Cal" testily, "He's already
♦ HOSPITALITY had one." When asked later, by re
porters if he had any comment
about the conference/ Coolidge
Foreign Words and Phrases said, "No. I have nothing to say
a bras ouverts (Fra) about anything else either." He
(ah BRAHS oo-ver) lit: with open added, "And don't quote me!"
arms, cordially (receiving guests, [John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933),
etc.) U.S. president

The Wit's Thesaurus

"I believe man will not merely en

♦ HUMAN BODY dure, he will prevail. He is immor
tal, not because he, alone among
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes creatures, has an inexhaustible
voice but because he has a soul, a
Three surgeons werediscussing dif
spirit capable of compassion and
ferent kinds of patients. The first
sacrifice and endurance."
said, "I like artists because when
William Faulkner (1897-1962),
you cut them open, they are awash
U.S. writer, Nobel Prize speech, 1950
with color inside." The second doc
tor said, "I prefer engineers. When 'This world may be divided into
you cut them open, everything is those who take it or leave it and
orderly and numbered." 'The eas those who split the difference."
iest are attorneys," said the third
Monsignor Ronald Knox (1888-1957),
doctor. "They have only two parts, British clergyman and writer
their rears and their mouths, both
interchangeable." "When someone behaves like a
beast, he says:. 'After all, one is only
Due d'Aumale, son of King Louis
human.' But when he is treated like
Philippe, was renowned in his
a beast, he says: 'After all, one is
youth for his love affairs, but he ac
human/ "
knowledged his failing powers in
Karl Kraus (1874-1936), Austrian poet
his old age. "As a young man I
and writer, Spruche und Widerspruche
used to have four supple members
(Dicta and Contradictions) (2909)
and one stiff one," he observed.
"Now I have four stiff and one sup "Ah! what is man? Wherefore does
ple." he'why? Whence did he whence?
Henri, Due d'Aumale (1822-1897), Whither is he withering?"
French aristocrat DanLeno [George Galvin] (1860-1904),
U.S. writer, Hys Booke (1901), ch. 1

HUMANS "Know then thyself, presume not

God to scan,
The proper study of mankind is
"The significance of man is that he Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet
is insignificant and is aware of it." and writer, An Essay on Man
Carl Lotus Becker (1873-1945), (1733-1734), Epistle E, 11
U.S. writer, Progress and Power
"What a piece of work is a man!
(1936), ch. 3
How noble in reason! how infinite
"No man is an Island entire of it in faculty! in form, in moving, how
self; every man is a part of the con express and admirable! in action
tinent, a part of the main... [A]ny how like an angel! in apprehension
man's death diminishes me, be how like a god! the beauty of the
cause I am involved in Mankind; world! the paragon of animals! And
And therefore never send to know yet, to me, what is this quintessence
for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for of dust? man delights not me; no,
thee/' nor woman neither, though, by
John Donne (1571-1631), British poet, your smiling, you seem to say so.
Devotions upon Emergent And yet; to me, what is this quin
Occasions (1624) tessence of dust?"

The Ultimate Reference Book

William Shakespeare (1564r-1616), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

British playwright and poet,
An American writer of some repute,
Hamlet (1602), Act U, sc. ii
upon being introduced to the novel
"All the world's a stage, ist Thomas Mann, self-deprecatingly
And all the men and women declared that he scarcely considered
merely players: himself a writer in comparison with
They have their exits and their en Mann. Later the Nobel laureate com
trances; mented, "He has no right to make
And one man in his time plays himself so modest. He's not that
many parts, great."
His acts being seven ages/' Thomas Mann (1875-1955),
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), German writer
British playwright and poet,
As You Like It (1600), Act U, sc. vii

Classical Phrases and Myths

"Man is a little soul carrying ♦ HUMOR & WIT
around a corpse."
Epictetus (c. 55~c. 135),
Foreign Words and Phrases
Greek philosopher, Discourses
bon mot (Fra)
"Ponton anthropon metron einai."
(bon moh) witty comment, apho
(PAN-tohn AN-throh-pon MET-ron
rism, memorable remark
AY-nay) (Man is the measure of all
things.) bel esprit (Fra)
Protagoras (c. 485 ac-c. 420 ac), (BELL es-PREE) real wit; plu: beaux
Greek philosopher, quoted by Plato esprits

jeu de mots (Fra)

(jeu de moe) lit: game of words;
play on words, pun

♦ HUMILITY blagueur (Fra)

(blahg-UHR) one who tells jokes
buffo (Ita)
"The English instinctively admire (BOO-foh) comic, burlesque (una
any man who has no talent, and is buffonata—a joke)
modest about it."
James Agate (1877-1947), British writer ligereti (Fra)
(lay-JEHR-ay-tay) frivolity, levity,
"Modesty is the only sure bait agility
when you angle for praise."
Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of
Chesterfield (1694-1773), British Quotations
statesman and writer, letter to his son
"Ready to split his sides with
"Don't be humble, you're not that laughing."
great." Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Golda Meir (1898-1978), Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la
U.S.-born Israeli prime minister Mancha, Part I (2605), bk. Iff, ch. 13

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Wit is a sword; it is meant to niake Classical Phrases and Myths

people feel the point as well as see
"Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixe-
runt." (Damn those who said our
Glilbert] Kleith] Chesterton (1874-1936), good things before us.)
British man of letters
Aelius Donatus (c. 300s),
The Wit's Thesaurus. [Book Subtitle Roman grammarian
Lance S. Davidson, (1953- ), US. writer, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The Wit's Thesaurus (1994) The playwright C
it Charles MacArthur,
"A man who could make so vile a brought to Hollj llywood to write a
pun would not scruple to pick a screenplay, was describing the diffi
pocket." culty of writing visual jokes to Char
lie Chaplin, the little tramp, "How,
John Dennis (1657-1734),
for example, could I make a fat lady,
British playwright
walking down Fifth Avenue, slip on
"I told him my funniest story, and a banana peel and still get a laugh?
he laughed so hard you could have Ifs been done a million times," said
heard a pin drop." MacArthur. //Whafs the best way to
get the laugh? Do I show first the ba
Ring [Ringgold WilmerJ Lardner (1885-
nana peel, then the fat lady ap
1933), US. writer, describing a visit with
"Silent Col" Coolidge at the White House
proaching: then she slips? Or do I
show the fat lady first, then the ba
"Everything is funny as long as it nana peel, and then she slips?" "Nei
is happening to Somebody Else." ther," replied Chaplin. "You show
William Penn Adair] Rogers (1879- the fat lady approaching. Then you
1935), US. comedian, Illiterate Digest show the banana peel. Then you
(1924), "Warning to Jokers: show the fat lady and the banana
Lay Off the Prince" peel together. Then she steps over
the banana peel and disappears
"Brevity is the soul of wit." down a manhole."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Charles Spencer ["Charlie"] Chaplin
British playwright and poet, (1889-1977), British-born actor
Hamlet (1602), Act U, sc. ii
When told that puns were the low
"Look, he's winding up the watch est form of wit, British lord chan
of his wit, by and by it will strike." cellor Thomas Erskine remarked,
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), "Thafs very true, and therefore
British playwright and poet, [the pun is] the foundation of all
The Tempest (2622), Act U, sc. i wit."
Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron (1750-1823),
"His fine wit
British lawyer and politician
Makes such a wound, the knife is
lost in it." Comedian Carol Channing once in
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), British vited actor John Gielgud to an
poet, letter to Maria Gisborne, I. 240 event. Gielgud, taken ill, gave her
the following note: "Sorry, love,
"May you live all the days of your cannot attend. Gielgud doesn't fiel-
life." gud."
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Sir John Gielgud (1904- ),
Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer British actor

The Ultimate Reference Book

"What are you going to do when

you run out of continents?" Clifton ♦ HYGIENE
Fadiman teased world affairs
chronicler John Gunther after pub Quotations
lication of his seventh 'Inside"
book. Gunther replied, 'Try incon "I feel as I always have, except for
tinence." an occasional heart attack."
Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
John Gunther (1901-1970), US. writer
U.S. humorist, addressing underclassman
"Mr. President," comedian Will at his 25th reunion at Harvard
Rogers said to President Harding University, 1937
during an audience at the White "There was no need to do any
House, "I'd like to tell you all of the housework at alL After the first four
latest jokes." "You don't have to," years the dirt doesn't get any
quipped Harding. "I already ap worse."
pointed them to office."
Quentin Crisp (1908- ),
Warren Gamaliel] Harding (1865-1923), British writer, Naked Civil Servant
U.S. president [authenticity unverified] (1968), ch. 15

"I test my bath before I sit,

And I'm always moved to wonder
♦ HUNTING & FISHING That what chills the finger not a bit
Is so frigid upon the fundament."
Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), U.S. humorist,
Good Intentions (1942;,
"Samson Agonistes"

"She watches him, as a cat would Classical Phrases and Myths

watch a mouse." catharsis (Grk)
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Anglo-Irish (kath-AR-sis) cleansing from guilt or
clergyman and writer, Polite defilement; purification; in drama,
Conversation (c. 1738), "Dialogue IE" the period of suffering to expiate a
"The English country gentleman
galloping after a fox—the unspeak
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
able in full pursuit of the uneat
able." When a speck of dust happened to
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde land on an uncovered culture plate,
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer Sir Alexander Fleming fortunately
and wit, A Woman of No Importance noticed that the mold Penicilliumno-
(1893), Act I tatum destroyed surrounding bacte
ria, and so discovered penicillin.
Years later he was being led on a tour
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
through a modern research labora
"You can't possibly believe your tory. 'Too bad you did not have a
husband's story that he spent the place like this to work in/' said his
day fishing/' sniffed the local gos guide, proudly waving his arm
sip. "Why, he didn't come home around the sterile, dust-free, air-
with a single fish." Responded the conditioned environment. "Who
wife, "Thafs why I believe him." knows what you could have discov-

The Wit's Thesaurus

ered in such surroundings!" Mur

mured Fleming, ''Not penicillin." ♦ IDEA
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955),
British microbiologist Foreign Words and Phrases

Dr. William Spooner, the Oxford Schwerpunkt (Get)

scholar celebrated for the verbal (SHVEHR-poonkt) the main point
trick of (usually unintentionally (e.g., of a discussion)
transposing the first syllables of idie force (Fra)
words, accidentally spilled a salt (EE-day FORS) lit: powerful idea;
shaker at a meal. Whereas a home notion that "an idea can move
remedy calls for sprinkling salt men"
over spilled wine to prevent a stain,
Dr. Spooner reached for his wine Quotations
glass and poured his red wine over
the spilled salt. "There is one thing stronger than
all the armies in the world; and that
William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930),
is an idea whose time has come."
British scholar [authenticity unverified]
Anonymous, Nation (April 15,1943)
At a party, a guest happened to
"As usual the Liberals offer a mix
comment that Cecil Chesterton,
ture of sound and original ideas.
brother of writer G. K. Chesterton,
was extremely hygenic despite hav Unfortunately none of the sound
ideas is original and none of the
ing a "dingy" complexion. In feet,
original ideas is sound."
the guest added, when Cecil bathed
at he Touquet, "he came out of the [Maurice] Harold Macmittan, 1st Earl of
water just as gray-blue as when he Stockton (1894-1992), British prime
went in." Rebecca West, the novel minister speech to London conservatives,
ist and political journalist, inter March 7,1961
jected, ''But did you look at the "A man with a new idea is a crank
Channel?" until the idea succeeds."
Dame Rebecca West Idcily Isabel Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Fairfield] (1892-1983), British writer (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
writer, and speaker

Classical Phrases and Myths

Plato was an Athenian philosopher
♦ HYPOCRISY who was a pupil of Socrates and
who, as author of the Dialogues,
profoundly shaped the develop
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
ment of philosophy. In the series of
The French novelist Alexandra Du Dialogues culminating in the Repub
mas employed a factory of ghost lic, Plato applies uncompromising
writers to help him produce his idealism to construct a perfect hu
prodigious output of literature. On man community. Hence, something
one occasion, Dumas asked his son platonic relates to ideas generally,
and namesake whether he had read rather than action, and platonic love
Dumas's latest novel. Replied Al- is a spiritual, nonsexual relation
exandre fits, "No. Have you?" ship.
Akxandre [fib] Dumas (1824r-1895), Plato [Aristocles] (c. 428 B.c.-c. 347 B.C.),
French writer and playwright Greek philosopher

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Cogito, ergo sum."

IDEAL (KOG-ee-toh ER-go SUM) a think,
therefore I am.)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Rent Descartes (1596-1650),
A man had fruitlessly spent a de French philosopher
cade searching for the meaning of
life. Then he learned of a guru on a Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
remote mountaintop in India who
Closing his folder, the psychiatrist
could give him the answer. In smiled at his patient and said, "I'm
spired, the man hired a Sherpa
pleased to pronounce you cured."
guide, climbed for a week to the top
Sighed the patient gloomily, "Gee,
of the mountain, and finally ob I'm thrilled." "But you should be
tained an audience with the guru.
pleased" "Why?" snapped the pa
"O, guru, I have traveled from far
tient. "A year ago I was Charle
away to find the answer to this
magne. Now I'm nobody!"
question: What is the meaning of
life?" The guru stroked his beard King Charles II was visiting Oxford
and pondered the sky. After a long in 1675 with his mistress, the En
silence he said, 'Life is a fountain." glish actress Nell Gwyn. The crowd
"That's it? That's the meaning? life angrily shook her coach in the mis
is a fountain?" the man asked. The taken belief that the king was ac
guru was surprised. "You mean it's companied by Louise de Kerouaille,
not a fountain?" his unpopular Roman Catholic mis
tress. The unruffled Nell leaned out
of the window, calling, 'Tray, good
people, be civil. It is I, the Protes
♦ IDENTITY tant whore."
Nell [Eleanor] Gwyn (1650-1687),
Quotations British actress

''Monkeys are superior to men in At London's Garrick Club a

this: when a monkey looks into a stranger once approached the com
mirror, he sees a monkey." edy playwright Freddy Lonsdale
and inquired, "Aren't you Freddy
Malcolm de Chazal (1902- ),
Lonsdale?" Freddy eyed him, then
French writer
replied, "No, not tonight."
"Quand j'ai icrit que Victor Hugo . Frederick Lonsdale (1881-1954),
etait un fou qui se croyait Victor Hugo, British playwright [attributed also to
je ne plaisantais pas." (When I wrote Peter Sellers]
that Victor Hugo was a madman
who thought he was Victor Hugo, I During a squad meeting coach Bear
was not joking.) Bryant informed his football play
ers at the University of Alabama:
Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), French writer,
"This is a class operation. I want
artist and filmmaker,
Opium (2930), p. 77
your shoes to be shined. I want you
to have a tie on, get your hair cut
and keep a crease in your pants. I
Classical Phrases and Myths
also want you to go to class. I don't
ad hominem (Lat) want no dumbbells on this team. If
(ad HOM-in-em) personal, relating there is a dumbbell in the room, I
to an individual wish he would stand up." Joe Na-

The Wit's Thesaurus

math, his quarterback, rose to his Quotations

feet. "Joe," said Bryant. "How
"What you don't know would
come you're standing up? You ain't
make a great book."
dumb." "Coach, I just hate like the
devil for you to be standing up Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
British clergyman and writer
there by yourself."
Joe Namath (1943- ), "His ignorance was an Empire
U.S. football player State Building of ignorance. You
had to admire it for its size."
Dorothy Parker. (1893-1967), U.S. wit
♦ IDOLATRY and writer, describing New Yorker editor
Harold Ross


Claire: "How do you know you're Classical Phrases and Myths

... God?" Earl of Curney: "Simple.
When I pray to Him I find I'm talk terra incognita (Lat)
ing to myself." (TER-ra in-KOG-nit-a) unknown
land or area (e.g., in geography or
Peter Barnes (1931- ),
a field of study)
British playwright, The Ruling
Class (1969), Act I, sc. 4 argumentunt ad ignorantiam (Lat)
(ar-gu-MEN-tum ad ig-nor-ANT-
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
ee-am) argument based on an ad
While touring his own Scotland, versary's ignorance
James Boswell took his idol Samuel
Johnson to his home in Edinburgh.
Mrs. Boswell, though civil, was Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
scornful of her husband's devotion
to the ungainly, ill-complexioned Two little girls were walking to first
and ill-mannered Johnson, saying, grade when one confided, "Guess
"I have seen many a bear led by a what. I found a contraceptive in the
man, but I never before saw a man attic." Asked the other, "Whafs an
led by a bear." attic?"

James Boswell (1740-1795),

British lawyer
In Zurich a young man approached
the novelist James Joyce and in ♦ ILLEGALITY
quired, "May I kiss the hand that
wrote Ulysses?" "No," Joyce re
Foreign Words and Phrases
plied, a la King Lear, "it did lots of
other things, too." agiotage (Fra)
James Joyce (1882-1941), Irish writer (ah-jyo-TAJ) illicit speculation, stock

na levo (Rus)
♦ IGNORANCE (nuh LEHV-oh) on the left, or cor
rupt markets
Foreign Words and Phrases
entourloupette (Fra)
bitise (Fra) (on-TOUR-lew-PET) underhand
(bet-EEZ) ignorance, stupidity commercial dealing

The Ultimate Reference Book

plunderbund (Dut) dive enjoyed numerous opportu

(PLOON-duhr-boond) political or nities for corruption. Indeed, he
financial cabal to exploit the public was impeached by Parliament,
though later cleared. While being
Quotations cross-examined during the parlia
"A burglar who respects his art al mentary proceedings against him,
ways takes his time before taking he exclaimed defensively, "My
anything else." God, Mr. Chairman, at this moment
I stand astonished at my own mod
O. Henry [William Sydney Porter]
(1862-1910), US. writer
Robert Clive, Baron Give ofPlassey
'It was beautiful and simple as all (1725-1774), British administrator
truly great swindles are."
O. Henry [William Sydney Porter] To avoid a conflict with Prince Feliks
(1862-1910), U.S. writer, Gentle Grafter Yusupov, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in
(1908), "Octopus Marooned" the nun Rasputin and the Empress
changed the name of his character, a
'The study of crime begins with the
conspirator in the murder of Raspu
knowledge of oneself.
tin, to Prince Chegodieff. Angered
Henry Miller (1891-1980), U.S. writer, that he did not receive due credit, the
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare prince sued .the studio in a London
(2945), "The Soul of Anaesthesia" court and won a large sum from
"When the President does it, that MGM. But then a real Prince Chego
means that it is not illegal." dieff emerged and sued for libel.
Richard Milhous Nixon (1913- ), MGM had to pay off again.
U.S. president
'Taws were made to be broken."
Christopher North [John Wilson]
(1785-1854), British writer, Noctes ♦ ILLUSION
Ambrosianae, No. 24 (May 1830)
Foreign Words and Phrases
Classical Phrases and Myths
trompe Voeil (Fra)
abusus non tollit usum (Lat) (tromp loy) lit: trick the eye; optical
(ab-USE-us non TOL-lit USE-um) in illusion in art
law, the dictum that the abuse of a
right or privilege does not invali
date its use Quotations

ignorantio legis ne hominem excusat 'Journalists say a thing that they

(Lat) know isn't true, in the hope that if
(ig-nor-AHN-tee-oh LAY-gis ne they keep on saying it long enough
HOH-mee-nem ex-KOO-saS igno it mill be true."
rance of the law excuses no man [Enoch] Arnold Bennett (1867-1931),
British writer and playwright,
animus furandi (Lat)
The Title (1918), Act U
(AN-ee-mus fu-RAND-ee) in law,
the intention of stealing "I wish he would explain his expla
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824),
As both a military commander and British poet, Don Juan (1818), Canto I,
an administrator in India, Baron dedication ii

The Wit's Thesaurus

'Things sweet to taste prove in di There isn't any/ said the March
gestion sour/' Hare."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge
British playwright and poet, Dodgson] (1832-1898), British writer and
King Richard II (2596), Act I, sc. Hi mathematician, Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland (1865), ch. 7
"Se non e vero, e molto ben tro-
"His imagination resembled the
vato." (If it is not true, it is a happy
wings of an ostrich. It enabled him
to run, though not to soar."
Anonymous (c. 1500s) [misattributed to
Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron
Giordano Bruno (1585)]
Macaulay (1800-1859), British statesman
and writer, describing John Dryden,
Edinburgh Review (January 1828)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Early in his career P. T. Barnum Classical Phrases and Myths

originated an exhibit called "The
Happy Family" in which a lion, ti ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem
ger, panther, and baby lamb were (Lat)
featured, all dwelling harmoniously (ex OOM-bris et im-AG-in-ee-bus)
in the same cage. The unusual dis from shadows and imagination to
play made newspaper headlines the reality
and generated strong attendance. According to Greek mythology, the
Asked several weeks after its open Chimaera (KDM-ee-ra) was a fire-
ing about the display's future breathing monster with a lion's
promise, Barnum replied, "The dis head, goafs body and serpent's tail.
play will become a permanent fea It dwelt in Lyda and was slain by
ture if the supply of lambs holds Bellerophon while he was riding
out!" the flving; horse Pegasus. Hence, to
P[hineas] Tiaylor] Barnum (1810-1891), be chimerical is to be wildly fanciful.
U.S. showman In Greek mythology, there were
originally three Muses (MYOO-zez)
as goddesses of memory, medita
tion and song. Zeus slept for nine
nights with tne Muse of memory,
♦ IMAGINATION from which the nine Muses were
born. They presided over the arts:
history, music, comedy, tragedy,
Foreign Words and Phrases dance, lyric poetry, religious hymn
chateaux en Espagne (Fra) and dance, astronomy and epic po
(shoh-TOH on esp-ANG-nh) lit: etry. Hence, a muse is a (goddess)
castles in Spain; castles in the air inspiration for a creative artist.

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Honor<§ de Balzac lived in an un-
'"Have some wine/ the March heated, bare garret during his years
Hare said in an encouraging tone. of poverty. On one bare wall the
Alice looked all round the table, but writer inscribed: "Rosewood pan
there was nothing on it but tea. 'I eling with commode"; on another:
don't see any wine/ she remarked. "Gobelin tapestry with Venetian

The Ultimate Reference Book

mirror"; and over the empty fire want to achieve it through not dy
place: "Picture by Raphael." ing.
Honori de Balzac (1799-1850), Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
French writer (1935- ), U.S. comedian
and filmmaker
Film director Alfred Hitchcock
never sat among the audience to "I can't die. I'm booked."
watch his films. Asked if he missed George Burns [Nathan Birnbaum]
hearing them scream, he replied, (1896- ), U.S. comedian
''No, I can hear them when I'm and actor
making the picture."
Sir Alfred Hitchcock (1889-1980), "He had decided to live for ever or
British film director die in the attempt."
Joseph Heller (1923- ),
Actress Ruth Gordon was describing U.S. writer, Catch-22 (1962;, ch. 1

"Martyrdom... is the only way in

I'm on the left side of the stage, and which a man can become famous
the audience has to imagine I'm eat without ability."
ing dinner in a crowded restaurant. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Then in scene two I run over to the Irish playwright, The Devil's
right side of the stage and the audi Disciple (1901), Act Iff
ence imagines I'm in my own draw
ing room." "And the second night/'
Kaufman added, unimpressed, "you Classical Phrases and Myths
have to imagine there's an audience "Life is short, but art is long."
out front."
Hippocrates (c. 440 b.c.-c. 377 b.c),
George S[imon] Kaufman (1889-1961), Greek physician, Aphorisms, I, i.
U.S. playwright, writer and wit
"Non onmis moriar." (I shall not all
The children's book author and il die.)
lustrator once received the follow
Horace (65 B.c-8 B.C.), Roman poet,
ing' letter from an eight-year-old:
Odes, Iff, xxx, I. 6
"Dear Dr. Seuss, you sure thunk up
a lot of funny books. You sure
thunk up a million funny animals
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes .
..". who thunk you up; Dr. Seuss?"
It was reputed that Alessandro Ca-
Dr. Seuss [Theodore Seuss Geisel]
gliostro, an adventurer, alchemist
(1904-1992), U.S. humorist
and charlatan, was 300 years old.
Asked to verify this, one of his ser
vants said, "I cannot. I have only
been in his service a hundred years
♦ IMMORTALITY Alessandro Cagliostro (1743-1895),
Italian adventurer
It was said of James Fenimore Coo
"I don't want to achieve immor per, a founder of American fiction,
tality through my work..., I that he "came to the gates of im-

The Wrr's Thesaurus

mortality with a vast amount of ex

cess baggage/' ♦ IMPASSIVITY
James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851),
U.S. writer Foreign Words and Phrases

blast (Fra)
A successful playwright/ Nathaniel
(blah-ZAY) world-weary, tired of
Lee was confined to the London
asylum Bedlam after he became in
sane in his early 30s. A friend went au-dessus de la melee (Fra)
to see him there. The friend's hopes (oh-de-SOO de la MEH-lay) lit:
that Lee had recovered were bol above the struggle; expression of
stered by Lee's rational discourse detachment from and indifference
during the course of the visit and to World War I
as Lee conducted a guided tour of
the asylum. When they walked
onto the roof of the building/ Lee
suddenly grabbed his friend's arm. Quotations
"Let us immortalize ourselves!" he
"Those who would make us feel—
exclaimed. "Let us leap down this
must feel themselves."
moment!" "Er, any man could leap
down, so we should not immortalize Charles Churchill (1731-1764), British
poet, The Rosdad (1761), I. 962
ourselves that way," replied the
friend coolly. ''Instead, let us go "Qu'i/s mangent de la brioche." (Let
down and, if we can, leap up." Lee, them cat cake.)
delighted/ raced downstairs to be the Marie Antoinette (1755-1793),
first thus to achieve immortality. French queen, replying when informed that
Nathaniel Lee (c. 1653-1692), the French people had no bread to eat
British playwright [authenticity unverified]

The mathematician/ logician and "Aujourd'hui, maman est morte. Ou

peut-itre hier,Je ne sais pas." (Mother
Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell
died today. Or perhaps it was yes
once had a nightmare taking place
terday, I don't know.)
approximately 200 years in the fu
ture. In his dream he saw a librar Albert Camus (1913-1960), French
ian moving along the shelves, philosopher and writer, L'Etranger
(The Outsider) (1944)
pulling out book after book, and ei
ther returning it to the shelf or dis
posing of it in a large bucket. He
then came to three large volumes
that Russell recognized as the last Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
surviving copy of his early master A lawyer was sitting in high-priced
piece co-authored with Alfred seats ready to watch the stage per
North Whitehead, Principia Mathe- formance when a man in front of
matica: The librarian removed a vol her, noticing the empty seat next to
ume, puzzled over the writing, her, asked why such a valuable
closed the book, balanced it in his commodity was unused. The law
hand and hesitated. yer replied, "My husband can't at
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd tend." "Don't you have relatives or
Earl (1872-1970), British mathematician friends who could use the seat."
and philosopher "Oh, they're all at the funeral."

The Ultimate Reference Book


Quotations Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"I may have my faults, but being The nobleman checked into a Eur
wrong ain't one of them." opean hotel that prided itself on
Jimmy Hoffa (1913-c. 1983), offering everything a client might
U.S. labor leader desire. The traveler at once called
room service. "Bring to me a
beautiful virgin under 20, a cat-o'-
nine-tails made of Moroccan
Classical Phrases and Myths leather, the finest port from Portu
"We must as second best... take gal and a burly Tibetan monk
the lesser of two evils." Hurry, I'm tired." An hour later,
room service called back, apolo
Aristotle (384 b.c-322 ac),
Greek philosopher, Nichomachean Ethics,
getic. "Sir, we have the cat-o'-nine
bk. n, ch. 9 [said differently by Homer] tails. We ultimately found the
virgin, and went across the border
According to Greek legend, the to locate the port. But all we could
mother of Achilles (a-KIL-eez), holding find was an Indian monk. Will
him by the heel, when he was a baby, that do?" "No," answered the no
dipped him into the river Styx to
bleman. 'Just send up a Danish
render him invulnerable. He became a
pastry and tea." ^
great hero, the strongest, bravest and
swiftest at the siege of Troy, described
in Homer's Iliad. He was killed,
however, by an arrow shot by Paris,
son of Troy's King Priam, at Achilles'
heel. Hence, the Achilles' heel implies a
weak spot, a point vulnerable to After returning from an explora
attack. tion, Sir Richard Burton, the Ren
aissance man and translator of The
Arabian Nights, was attracted by a
young woman in Boulogne. Un
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
seemly rumors had spread among
Greatly irritated by a street organ- the fashionable English colony
grinder who played his well-known there concerning Burton's travels,
one-act opera Cavallerw Rusticana at so the young woman's mother sum
about half-speed below his apart moned Burton because, she said, '1
ment the composer Pietro Masca think it is my duty to ask what are
gni marched into the street. "I am your intentions with regard to my
Mascagni," he announced to the or daughter." Burton, who regarded
gan-grinder. "I will show you how his relationship with the daughter
to play this music correctly." And as little more than a" pleasant flir
he played several bars. The next tation, was amused and a bit non
day Mascagni again saw in the plussed by the formal interview.
street the organ-grinder, bearing a "Your duty, madam?" "Yes."
sign over his instrument: "Pupil of "Alas," Burton sighed, "strictly dis
Mascagni." honorable."
Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945), Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890),
Italian composer British scholar and explorer

The Wit's Thesaurus

'It usually takes more than three
weeks to prepare a good im
Foreign Words and Phrases promptu speech."
pas possible (Fra) Mark Twain [Samuel Langhome Clemens]
(pan poss-EE-ble) it cannot be done! (1835-1910), US. humorist,
it is impossible! writer and speaker

Classical Phrases and Myths

"There ain't no way to find out
(AH-tay) infatuation, blindness of
why a snorer can't hear himself
judgment sent by the gods (often
used in a literary context)
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhome Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and ad libitum (Lat)
speaker, Tom Sawyer Abroad (ad LIB-ee-tum) lit: at pleasure; ex
(1894), ch. 10 temporaneously (abbr: ad lib)
ex tempore (Lat)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes (ex TEM-por-AY) lit: out of the
time; spontaneously
A plump woman visited her podi
atrist complaining of swollen feet. "Horatii curiosa felicitas." (HOR-a-
After he pried her foot from the tee-ee kur-ee-OH-safay-LEE-kee-
shoe, he glanced first at her foot tas) (The studied spontaneity of
then the shoe. "It could be/' he sug Horace.)
gested/ "pride in accomplishing the Petronius, Gaius [Petronius Arbiter]
impossible." (d. c.66), Roman writer, Satyricon, sec.
118 [originally a kudo for adapting the
Seeking approval from her peers, a
rhythms and language of everyday speech
society matron proudly displayed a to poetry]
new antique on her mantle and
boasted; "This is the knife that Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
killed Julius Caesar." "Are you sure
ifs authentic?" gasped the paceset George Bernard Shaw, at the time a
ter. "Authentic? Why it even has 44 music critic, was eating at a restau
b.c. inscribed on it!" rant mat featured a minor musical
ensemble. Its leader, who recog
nized Shaw, asked him in a note
what he would like to hear played.
Shaw responded, "Dominoes."
♦ IMPULSIVENESS George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
(SPONTANEITY) Irish playwright

Foreign Words and Phrases

actegratuit (Lat)
(AKT grat-WEE) impulsive act; act
without ostensible cause Foreign Words and Phrases

a I'improviste (Fra) dolce far niente (Ita)

(ah lahm-pro-VEEST) suddenly, un (DOL-che far NYEN-tay) lit. gentle
awares inactivity; blissful idleness

The Ultimate Reference Book

wei-wu-wei (Chi) tus) was a plant whose fruit, when

(WAY-woo-WAY) conscious inac eaten, caused a dreamy and con
tion, from knowing when to do tented forgetfulness, removing all
nothing desire to return home. Thus, a lotus-
eater is one given to indulgence and
das war nicht schwimmen, das war
baden (Ger)
(dahs wahr neecht SHWIM-men
dahs war BAH-den) that was not
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
swimming, that was bathing; feeble
effort German jurist and historian Felix
fainiant (Fra) Dahn was invited to be the guest of
(fay-NAY-on) idler, do-nothing honor at a dinner after a lecture in
Hamburg. He declined, citing as a
infingardo (Ita) reason that he had already wasted
(een-feen-GAHR-doh) lazy, slothful enough time during six weeks
which he had spent in Hamburg
Quotations doing nothing but sleeping and
drinking. His concerned host asked
"It is related of an Englishman that
Dahn when this had happened.
he hanged himself to avoid the
"During the first six weeks of my
daily task of dressing and undress
Felix Dahn (1834-1912),
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
German jurist and historian
(1749-1832), German poet,
playwright and writer
An efficiency expert asked by U.S.
"It is impossible to enjoy idling automobile manufacturer Henry
thoroughly unless one has plenty of Ford to review the Ford Motor
work to do." Company submitted his report but
Jerome Kllapka] Jerome (1859-1927), drew attention to one employee.
British writer, Idle Thoughts of an Idle 'That man down the corridor.
Fellow (1886), "On Being Idle" Every time I go by his office he's
just sitting there with his feet on his
"Mr. [Calvin] Coolidge's genius for
desk," he noted. "He's wasting
inactivity is developed to a very high
your money." "That man," Ford
point. It is far from being an indolent
said, "once had an idea that saved
activity. It is a grim, determined,
us millions of dollars. And I believe
alert inactivity which keeps Mr Cool-
his feet at the time were planted ex
idge occupied constantly. Nobody
actly where they are now."
has ever worked harder at inactivity,
with such force of character, with Henry Ford (1863-1947),
such unremitting attention to detail, U.S. industrialist
with such conscientious devotion to
the task." As a young boy, Daniel Webster
was left at home with his brother
Walter Lippmann (1889-1974),.
Ezekiel by their father, who had as
U.S. writer, Men of Destiny
(1927), p. 12
signed them tasks to be performed
for the day. When Captain Webster
returned, however, the work was
Classical Phrases and Myths
left untouched. "What have you
In Greek legend and recounted in been doing, Ezekiel?" demanded
Homer's Odyssey, the lotus (LOH- Captain Webster. "Nothing, sir."

The Wit's Thesaurus

"And Daniel, what have you been mosthenes stopped, but the crowd
doing?" 'Helping, Ezekiel, sir/' beckoned him to continue. "How
Daniel Webster (1782-1852), U.S. lawyer, can you insist upon hearing a story
politician and orator about the shadow of an ass," cried
Demosthenes, "and not give an ear
Asked what he was working at, Os to the matters of great moment?"
car Wilde would reply, "At inter The abashed Athenians listened to
vals." Demosthenes' intended address.
Oscar [Fingal O'Fldhertie Wills] Wilde Demosthenes (c384 b.c-322 b.c),
(1854r-1900), British playwright, Greek orator
writer and wit
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The humorist Robert Benchley-was
♦ EVATTENTTVENESS watching a tennis tournament at a
women's nudist camp in California
with the actor Charles Butterworth
Foreign Words and Phrases and other friends. There was a sus
to (Chi) tained silence as the men's eyes re
(tan) to understand things and mained glued on the action before
thereby take them lightly them until Butterworth, breaking
up the party, deadpanned, "Who's
Quotations winning."
Charles Butterworth (1896-1946),
"What is Matter?—Never mind.
U.S. film actor
What is Mind?—No matter."
The writer Charles Lamb once re
Punch (1855), vol. XXIX, p. 19
called an encounter in London with
the poet, critic and philosopher
Classical Phrases and Myths
Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Lon
Although Demosthenes is generally don: ''Brimful of some new idea,
recognized as the greatest orator of and in spite of my assuring him
classical Greece, his political views that time was precious, he drew me
did not always please those assem within the door of an unoccupied
bled to hear his speeches. On one garden by the road-side, and there,
occasion, booed by the gathered sheltered from observation by a
thrones, he announced that he hedge of evergreens, he took me by
would set aside his speech to relate the button of my coat, and closing
a story. The crowd quieted. "A his eyes commenced an eloquent
youth hired an ass during the sum discourse, waving his right hand
mer to travel from his home to Me- gently, as the musical words flowed
gara," began Demosthenes. "At the in an unbroken stream from his
hottest point of the day, both he lips. I listened entranced; but the
who had hired the ass, and the striking of a church clock recalled
owner of the beast, desired to sit in me to a sense of duty. I saw it was
the shade of the ass, and fell into no use to attempt to break away, so
shoving each other. The youth in taking advantage of his absorption
sisted that he had hired the ass, so in his subject, 1, with my penknife,
he should enjoy its shade; the ani quietly severed the button from my
mal's owner insisted that the youth coat, and decamped. Five hours af
had hired only the beast of burden, terwards, in passing the same gar
not its shadow." At this point, De den on my way nome, I heard

The Ultimate Reference Book

Coleridge's voice, and on looking things excluded that should be ex

in, there he was, with closed eyes— cluded; accounting for the neces
the button in his fingers—and his sary exceptions
right hand gracefully waving, just
as when I left him. He had never
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
missed me!"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), After missing four swings and fi
British poet and writer nally driving the ball 30 feet, the
poor golfer looked up and, to his
To one question put to him by the
embarrassment, saw that he was
cross-examining attorney, British
being watched by a passing eques
aesthete Oscar Wilde made some ir
trian. "Look here!" ne shouted at
relevant remark concerning his
the stranger. "Only golfers are al
physician. ''Never mind your phy
lowed on this course!" "I know,"
sician," said the lawyer angrily.
the equestrian replied. "But I won't
Wilde answered loftily, "I never
say anything if you won't, either!"
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854-1900), British playwright,
writer and wit

Foreign Words and Phrases

gauche (Fra)
(gohsh) awkward, tactless, vulgar
Foreign Words and Phrases
Berufsverbot (Ger)
(berROOFS-ver-BOHD law prohib
iting people considered politically "Why do we have to have all these
unsuitable from entering public third-rate foreign conductors around
service when we have so many second-rate
ones ofour own?
clique (Fra)
(kleek) coterie, exclusive group Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
British conductor

Quotations "He has delusions of adequacy."

"Gentlemen, include me out." Walter Kerr 11913- ),
U.S. writer, reviewing an
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish]
anonymous actor
(1882-1974), Russian-born
producer, resigning from the Motion "Sending Dan Quayle to a disaster
Pictures Producers and Distributors of is a redundancy."
America, October 1933
Los Angeles Times (October 1992)
"Letters to the Editor"
Classical Phrases and Myths
"The Peter Principle: In a Hierarchy
inter alia (Lat) Every Employee Tends to Rise to
(IN-ter AL-ee-a) among other His Level of Incompetence."
Lawrence Peter (1919- ) and
excevtis excipiendis (Lat) Raymond HulKc. 1900s), U.S. writers,
(ex-KEP-tees ex-kip-ee-END-ees) lit: The Peter Principle (1969), ch. 1

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths sia, was condemned to be hanged,

"Not worth his salt" but the rope broke. The fortunate
condemned man, Kondraty Ry-
Petronius, Goius [Petronius Arbiter]
leyev, smirked, "In Russia they do
(d. c. 66), Roman writer, Satyricon,
not know how to make anything
sec. 57 [salt was a form of
properly, not even a rope." A pardon
currency for soldiers]
normally results from such provi
According to Greek legend as re dent interference, so a messenger
counted in Homer's epic poems, the was sent to Nicholas to learn the
Iliad and the Odyssey, Odysseus (oh- czar's pleasure. Informed of Ryley-
DlS-ee-us) (Roman: Ulysses), after ev's comment, the czar blithely said,
an absence of 20 yearsdue to the Tro "Well, let the contrary be proved."
jan War and travels, returned to his Nicholas I (1796-1855), Russian czar
home in Ithaca. His faithful wife, Pe
nelope, who did not recognize him, Upon the death of Alfred Tenny
had spurned many wooers by chal son, the British poet laureateship
lenging them to bend the great bow became vacant, and several candi
he had left behind. Since all wooers dates were anxious to secure the
were unable to bend Ulysses* bom—not prestigious post. Sir Lewis Morris,
equal to the task—Penelope re a poet of limited ability, com
mained free. When Odysseus, in dis plained to the British wit Oscar
guise, bent the bow, she instantly Wilde that critics were ignoring
knew her husband had returned him. "I'm a victim of a conspiracy
home. He then turned the bow on the of silence, Oscar," he said. "What
suitors and slew all. shall I do?" Wilde suggested, 'Join
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie WHfcJ Wilde
(1854-1900), British playwright,
The scene required 15 takes, but it
writer and wit
finally was finished. The novice ac
tress sprinted to the nearest phone,
dialing her agent. "Isn't it wonder
ful?" she gushed. "The director just
told me he's making two films with ♦ INCOMPREHENSIBILITY
me!" 'Two?" asked the agent, mys
tified. "Yes, my first and my last." Foreign Words and Phrases
When comedian Jack Benny was a indechiffmble (Fra)
boy, he faithfully practiced his vio (aan-day-she-frah-bl) undecipher
lin every day. One Saturday, a able, incomprehensible
neighboring dog passed by and
started howling dolefully under the
window of the room in which Quotations
Benny was sawing away. Finally "It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery
Benny's father shouted downstairs, inside an enigma."
'Tor pity's sake, Jack, can't you Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
play some piece the dog doesn't (1874-1965), British prime minister
know!" and writer, describing Russia,
Jack Benny (1894-1974), US. comedian radio broadcast, October 1,1939

A conspirator in the Decembrist up "[President Nixon's latest state

rising against Nicholas I, czar of Rus ment] is the operative White House

The Ultimate Reference Book

position... and all previous state Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

ments are inoperative/'
Finally working up enough courage,
Ronald L Ziegler (1939- ), an employee went into his boss's of
U.S. statesman, commenting after being fice, closed the door and demanded a
reminded of the president's prior raise. The high-ranking government
statements that the White House was not
official sat back in her seat and said,
involved in the Watergate affair
"Due to the fluctuation^ predispo
sition of your position's productive
Classical Phrases and Myths capacity, juxtaposed to government
standards, it would be monetarily
obscurutn per obscurius (Lat)
injudicious to advocate an incre
(ob-SKOO-rum per ob-SKOO-rius)
ment." Dumbfounded, the em
explanation of something obscure
ployee said, "I-I don't get it." The
by means of something even more
supervisor responded, "Correct you
"Brevis essel aboro, "Only one man ever understood
Obscurus fio." (When I struggle to me," said the German philosopher
be brief, I become obscure.) Hegel, famous for his obscure writ
Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet, ings on idealism, on his deathbed.
Ars Poetica, /. 25 Silence. He then added, "And he
didn't understand me."
In Greek legend, Orpheus (OR-fee-
Georg WUhelm Hegel (1770-1831),
us) was the most famous poet and
German philosopher
musician. Apollo, the god of music,
poetry and dance, gave Orpheus a Lyndon Johnson's press secretary,
lyre, and the Muses taught him to Bill Movers, was once saying grace
play it so beautifully that trees and at lunch. "Speak up, Bill," ordered
stones danced to his music and Johnson. "I can't hear a damn
wild beasts were tamed by it. His thing." Movers calmly replied, "I
music outcharmed that of the Sirens wasn't addressing you, Mr. Presi
when Jason and the Argonauts dent."
passed, and he invented and taught Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
the Mysteries of Dionysus to Thrace U.S. president
and King Midas. With his singing,
Orpheus charmed the judges and
Hades of the underworld into re
storing his dead wife Eurydice to ♦ INCREDULITY
life on earth, on the condition that
he would not look at her until she
reached the upper world. Unsure Quotations
that she was indeed following him, "Why, thafs the most unheard-of
he looked back, and she was for thing I've ever heard of."
ever lost to him. Orpheus returned
Joseph Rfaymond] McCarthy
to Thrace and pursued young lads (1908-1957), U.S. politician
instead of women, but was later
torn to pieces by Ciconian women. "Believe It or Not." [Title of syn
Hence, something Orphean or Or dicated newspaper feature (1918-
phic is mysterious, oracular or mys present).]
tical, as well as pertaining to the Robert Lleroy] Ripley (1893-1949),
mysterious legends of Orpheus. U.S. writer

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths And one daring young knave

Even ventured to wave
"Olim quod vulpes aegroto cauta leoni
The distinguishing mark of his sex
Respondit referam: 'quia me vestigia
at her."
Omnia te adversum spectantia, nulla Anonymous
retrorsumf "
(The wary fox in the fable declined
the invitation of the sick lion to join
him in his den: "Because I am ♦ INDESCRIBABILITY
frightened at seeing that all the
footprints point towards your den
and none the other way.") Foreign Words and Phrases

Horace (65 B.c-8 B.c), Roman poet, je tie sais quoi (Fra)
Epistles, I, epistle i., I. 73 (je ne say kwa) lit: I do not know
what; an indescribable something
qfl. se sent, qa ne s'explique pas (Fra)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes (sah suh sahn, sah nun sex-PLEEK
The story of how St. Denis was de pah) one can feel it, one cannot ex
capitated at Montmartre and then, plain it
carrying his head in his hands,
walked a whole league to the vil Quotations
lage named after mm, was pains
"Englishwomen's shoes look as if
takingly explained by Cardinal de
they had been made by someone
Polignac to the Marquise du Def-
who had often heard shoes de
fand. Perturbed that she foiled to
scribed, but had never seen any."
make any response, the cardinal
Margaret Halsey (1910- ),
queried, "Do you deny that he car
U.S. writer, With Malice Toward Some
ried his head in his hands for a
(2938), pt. 2, p. 107
whole league?" Quipped the mar
quise, "U n'y a que le premier pas qui "You say you are incapable of ex
coitte." (It's only the first step that pressing your thought. How then
counts.) do you explain the lucidity and
Marquise Marie Anne du Deffand brilliance with which you are ex
(1697-1780), French aristocrat pressing the thought that you are
incapable of thought?"
Jacques Riviere (c. 1900s), French painter,
letter to Antonin Artoud, c. 1923

♦ INDECENCY Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

One hot summer evening the En
Quotations glish writer Elizabeth Bowen threw
"Naughty But Nice." [Title of film a dinner party. Not only was she
extremely myopic, but she had to
shop at the last minute. The buffet
Jerry Waid (1911-1962) and Richard
dinner was decidedly unappealing
Macaulay (c. 1900s), U.S. writers
for the guests. The salad, which ap
'There was a young lady of Exeter, peared to have been briefly sham
So pretty that men craned their pooed, was tasted first by Bowen.
necks at her, She turned to Howard Moss and

The Ultimate Reference Book

said, "You know, this just doesn't Classical Phrases and Myths
have that je tie sais quoi." nU ^^ flLa|)
Elizabeth Dorothea Cole Bowen fc^ ad-meer-AHR-i) lit nothing sur-
(1899-1973), British writer prises; (state of) equanimity, perfect


Foreign Words and Phrases

apartheid (Afr) Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(uh-PAR-tayt) South African state-
sanctioned racial segregation An American being entertained by
his French hosts asked, "What does
Quotations it mean when you say 'savoir
faire'?" "Ah. Savoir faire!" the first
"His lordship may compel us to be Frenchman answers. "Imagine,
equal upstairs, but there will never monsieur, that you return home un
be equality in the servant's hall." expectedly, and oh, mon dieu, your
Sir flames] M[atthew] Bank wife is in bed with another man.
(1860-1937), British writer You say, Tardon. Continue.' That is
and playwright, savoir faire." "No, no!" the second
The Admirable Crichton (1903), Act 1 Frenchman says. 'Imagine instead,
monsieur, that you discover your
Classical Phrases and Myths wife in bed with another woman.
im pari marte (Lat) You say, Tardon, Continue.' That is
(im-PAR-ee MAR-tay) in unequal savoir faire." The third Frenchman
combat interjects, "No, no! Imagine instead,
monsieur, that it is your wife, not
you, who returns home unexpect
♦ INEXCITABILITY edly and discovers you in bed with
another woman. She says, Tardon,
continue/ If you can continue, that,
monsieur, is savoir faire."
Foreign Words and Phrases

zanshin (Jap)
(ZAHN-sheen) the state of relaxed Before being an MP for many years,
mental alertness in the face of dan Henry Labouchere was an attache
ger with the British consul in St. Peters
burg. One day a pompous noble
jishuku (Jap)
man came ana demanded to see the
(jeeslvOO-koo) self-restraint
ambassador. 'Tlease take a chair.
The ambassador will be here soon,"
said Labouchere. The insulted no
"If you can keep your head when bleman asked, "Do you know who
all about you are losing theirs, ifs I am?" and recited his pedigree. La
just possible you haven't grasped bouchere replied, 'Tlease take two
the situation." chairs."
Jean Ken (1923- ), U.S. writer Henry labouchere (1831-1911), British
and playwright, Please Don't Eat the politician and writer [variations also
Daisies (1957), introduction attributed to others]

The Wit's Thesaurus


Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"My three-year-old's been walking Quotations
since she was two/' said the mother ''Let every man mind his own busi
to her aunt. Replied the aunt,
"Doesn't she ever get tired?"
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la
Mancha, Part I (2605;, bk. Ill, ch. 8

♦ INFLUENCE & "My people and I have come to an

PERSUASION agreement which satisfies us both.
They are to say what they please,
Foreign Words and Phrases and I am to do what I please."
Frederick U [Frederick the Great]
blat (Rus) (1712-1786), Prussian king
(bluht) influence (legal tender in [authenticity unverified]
some markets)

Classical Phrases and Myths
"It was said that Mr. Gladstone
could persuade most people of "However many you put to death,
most things, and himself of any you will never kill your successor."
thing." Seneca [Lucius Annaeus Seneca]
William Ralph Inge (1860-1954), (c. 5 B.C.-A.D. 65), Roman writer,
British clergyman philosopher and statesman, trying
unsuccessfully to curb Nero's cruelty

Classical Phrases and Myths

argumentum ad populum (Lat)
(ar-gu-MEN-lum ad POP-u-lum) Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
argument appealing to the crowd
The wife of a mediocre writer ap
The Athenian statesman Themisto- proached the accomplished writer
des had alienated allies of Athens Francois Coppe to vote for her hus-
by extorting money from them. band, who was seeking a presti
With his naval fleet nearby, he sent gious membership in the French
a message to the Andrians to com Academy. She pleaded, "He'll die if
pel them to pay him money: "I he's not elected." Coppe assented
have with me two gods, Persuasion but his vote was insufficient. An
and Compulsion. The islanders other seat became available some
sent back their reply that they al time later, so the wife reiterated her
ready had two great deities on their plea to Coppe. "No, I consider my
side who hindered them from giv self free ofany obligation/' he said.
ing him his funds: Penury and De "I kept my promise but he did not
spair. keep his."
Themistocles (c. 527 B.c-c. 460 B.c), Frgngois Edouard Joachim Coppe
Greek statesman (1842-1908), French writer

The Ultimate Reference Book

Baker learned what Johnson had

INFORMALITY written: "Who is this I'm talking
Foreign Words and Phrases Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
en famille (Fra) U.S. president
(on fah-MEE) as one of the family,
en pantoufles (Fra)
(on PAN-foo-ful) lit: in slippers; in
a relaxed manner
"The weeping of an heir is laughter
in disguise."
♦ INFORMATION Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-
1592), French writer, Essays (3580)

Foreign Words and Phrases Classical Phrases and Myths

tout court (Fra) domnosa haereditas (Lat)

(too COOR) without further expla (dam-NOH-sa hee-RED-ee-tas) lit:
nation or description inheritance of damnation; ruinous
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "In necessariis, unitas; in dubiis, lib-
Bored waiting for the press confer ertas; in omniis, caritas." (in NEK-es-
ence to begin, the reporter sidled sar-ee-is UN-ee-tas in DUB-ee-is
up to a man standing alone in a cor LIB-er-tas in OM-nee-is KARE-ee-
ner. 'Have you heard the latest joke tas) (In necessary things, unity; in
about Senator Bloomley?" asked doubtful things, liberty; in all
the reporter. The man eyed her nar things, charity.)
rowly. "Before you say it, I must in Richard Baxter (1615-1691),
form you that I work for him." British divine, Motto
'Thanks for warning me," replied
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
the reporter. "I'll tell it slowly."
Russell Baker, while the New York All relatives, particularly the
Times correspondent on Capitol Hill greedy niece, Gertrude, listened ex
in early 1961, was emerging from pectantly to the reading of the dead
the Senate when he was collared by millionaire's will. Then the lawyer
Vice-President Lyndon Johnson. said, "And to my niece, Gertrude,
Johnson exclaimea, "You, I've been whom I promised to remember—
looking for you," pulled him into Hi, there, Gertie!'"
his office and embarked on a After comedian Jack Benny's death,
monologue concerning his insider his widow, Mary, receivea a single
position and importance within the long-stemmed rose, sent without a
Kennedy administration. While card from the local florist. The fol
talking, he scribbled on a piece of lowing day, a second rose was de
paper and buzzed for his secretary. livered. Mystified, Mary called the
She took the paper, left the room, florist. It turned out that Benny had
soon reappeared and returned the provided in his will for the florist
paper to Johnson. Johnson, still to supply "one perfect red rose
talking, glanced at the paper, crum daily for the rest of Mary's life."
pled it, and threw it away. Later Jack Benny (1894-1974), U.S. comedian

The Wit's Thesaurus

Perhaps the most unusual legacy speaker, describing Thomas Carlyle, New
left in a will was by the poet and York World (December 10,1899),
radical writer Heinrich Heine. Mar "Mark Twain's Christmas Book"
ried for 15 years to a vain and boor
"Frank Harris is invited to all the
ish wife/ he bequeathed to her his
great houses of England—once."
whole estate on condition that she
marry again, ''because then there Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
will be at least one man who will (1854-1900), British playwright,
writer and wit
regret my death."
Heinrich Heine (1797-1856),
German poet and writer Classical Phrases and Myths
Scottish novelist Robert Louis Ste persona non grata (Lat)
venson had a young friend who (per-SOH-na nohn GRAH-ta) lit:
once confided that she felt cheated person not welcome; an unaccept
because/ being born on Quistmas able person (opp: persona grata)
Day, she received presents only
once a year. Drawing up his will/ Roman consul Scipio Nasica once
Stevenson remembered the girl and visited the house of his friend/ the
bequeathed his own birthday to poet Quintus Ennius. Although Na
her. Later, he modified his legacy: sica saw Ennius disappearing into a
back room/ his slave told Nasica
'If/ however, she foils to use this
bequest properly, all rights shall that his master was not at home
pass to the President of the United Nasica left. Later/ Ennius,called on
Nasica. "Not home!" Nasica said
through the door. Ennius replied,
Robert Louis [Balfour] Stevenson
"You cannot have me think this—I
(1850-1894), British writer and poet
recognize your voice." Retorted
Nasicar "Well, I believed your
slave, and you won't believe me."
♦ INHOSPITALITY Scipio Nasica Serapio, Publius Cornelius
(c. 138 B.c), Roman politician [attributed
Foreign Words and Phrases also to Jonathan Swift]

pariah (Hin)
(puh-RIE-uh) outcast Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The stocky union boss, though un
invited, snowed up at a political
"And do come back, when you've function. "Why, you're here!" said
a little less time to spare." a friend. "I thought you weren't in
Walter Richard Sickert (1860-1942), vited." "I wasn't," said the crash
British painter, bidding farewell to guests er, grabbing a plateful of hors
who overstayed their welcome d'oeuvres, '^ut I thought I'd show
up anyway to prove I wasn't mad
"He said it in a moment of excite
at not being asked."
ment when chasing Americans out
of his backyard with brickbats... A reporter once called on Peter
At bottom he was probably fond of Pan's creator, Sir James Barrie, at
them, but he .was always able to his home. When Barrie came to the
conceal it." door, the reporter said, "Sir James
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] Barrie, I presume?" Barrie/ who re
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and sented any intrusion into the pri-

The Ultimate Reference Book

vacy of his home, answered "You pleasure of passing your house re

do, and slammed the door. cently." Randolph simply replied,
Sir flames] Matthew] Barrie "I am glad of it. I hope you will al
(1860-1937), British writer and playwright ways do, sir."

"How do you deal with insistent John Randolph (1773-1833),

U.S. politician
visitors who overextend their wel
come?" asked the British ambassa
dor, after a long meeting with
German chancellor Prince von Bis ♦ INJUSTICE
marck. "My method is excellent/7
replied Bismarck. "I merely have Foreign Words and Phrases
my servant appear to inform me
misfeasance (Fra)
that my wife has an urgent matter
(MIS-feez-ahnse) injustice or wrong
requiring my attention/' At that in
judgment given by legally consti
stant, there was a knock at the door
tuted authority
and a servant entered with a mes
sage from his wife. Quotations

Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von Ninotchka (Greta Garbo): "Why

Bismarck (1815-1898), German statesman should you carry other people's
Returning home after a long day, bags?" Porter: "Well, thafs my busi
Winston Churchill was determined ness, madame." Ninotchka: 'Thafs
to avoid his last appointment. He no business. Thafs social injustice."
instructed his valet to "tell him I'm Porter: "That depends on the tip."
out." Then, after reflecting, he Charles Brackett (1892-1969),
added, "And to convince him, U.S. writer, Billy [Samuel] Wilder
smoke one of my cigars when you (1906-1993), U.S. director and writer,
open the door." and Walter Reisch (1903-1983),
U.S. writer, Ninotchka (1939 film)
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
1965), British prime minister and writer "Justice is my being allowed to do
An English duchess, who had in whatever I like. Injustice is what
vited noted pianist Ignace Pade- ever prevents my doing so."
rewski to play for her dinner Samuel Butler (1835-1902), British writer
guests, was displeased by his high
"Us commencent id [Paris] par faire
fee, and wrote him: ''Dear Maestro,
pendre un homme et puis ils lui font
accept my regrets for not inviting
son proces." (Here, in Paris, uiey
you to dinner. As a professional art
hang a man first, and try him after
ist you will be more at ease in a nice
room where you can rest before the
concert." "Dear Duchess, thank you Moliere [Jean Baptiste Poquelin] (1622-
for your letter," Paderewski re 1673), French playwright, Monsieur de
Pourceaugnac,. Act Iff, sc. ii
sponded. "As you so kindly inform
me that I am not obliged to be pres Classical Phrases and Myths
ent at your dinner, I shall be satis "Raro aritecedentem scelestum
fied with half of my fee." Deseruit pede Poena claudo." (Rarely
Ignace Jan Paderewski (1860-1941), has Punishment, though halt of
Polish pianist, composer and statesman foot, left the track of the criminal in
A stranger once approached the co the way before her.)
lonial Virginia politician John Ran Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
dolph and began, "I have had the Odes, ffJ, ff, /. 31

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Ius summum sdepe summa est mala- Classical Phrases and Myths
tia." (ee-US SUM-mum sayp SUM-
"Tu ne quoesieris, scire nefas." (Pray,
ma est MAL-ay-tia) (Extreme law is
ask not, such knowledge is not for
often extreme injustice.)
Terence [Publius Terentius Afer]
Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
(c. 190 b.c-159 B.c), Roman playwright,
Odes, I, xi, /. 2
Heauton Timoronmenos

The fifth-century theologian St. Au

gustine was once asked, "What was
♦ INNOCENCE God doing through all the eternity
of time before He created heaven
and earth?" Responded St. Augus
Foreign Words and Phrases tine, "Creating hell for those who
jusqu'au boutiste (Fra) ask questions like you."
(JOOSK-oh boh-TEEST) passionate, St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430),
virgin innocence North African Catholic theologian
[authenticity unverified]
dibutante (Fra)
(day-BOO-TAHNT) person making
a first appearance, performance,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
A man told the lawyer referred to
ingenue (Fra)
him, "I need advice fast. I just
(an-JAY-new) simple and pure
found $700. If I pay it to you, will
young (woman) or one assuming
you answer two questions?" "Sure.
such role
Whafs your second question?"
The mountain-climbing party was
"He was a simple soul who had not traversing a steep wall when there
been introduced to his own subcon was a sudden shudder and the ice
scious/' broke away, carrying one of the
Warwick Deeping (1877-1950), party down into the crevasse with
British writer it. "Are you alive, Fred?" they
shouted after him. //Yes!" "Are you
"Men do not suspect faults which
hurt?" "No!" ''Well, can you climb
they do not commit." back up?" Came a faint echo: "I'm
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), still f-a-a-1-lling!"
British man of letters

"I used to be Snow White... but I

Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress


♦ INQUIRY Foreign Words and Phrases

Foreign Words and Phrases (waW'mability to let go of some-

investigaciones (Spa) thing from the past or an illusion
(een-VEST-ee-ga-SEE-ohnz) police (e.g., a past love affair, position of
investigators authority, etc.)
The Ultimate Reference Book

il a le diable au corpse (Fra) whom God wishes to destroy, he

(eel ah le dee-AH-ble oh KOR) the first makes mad.)
devil is in him; he is possessed Euripides (480 b.c-406b.c),
Greek playwright [Latin translation
idie fixe (Fra) of Greek]
(EE-day FEEX) lit: fixed idea; obses-
sion, preoccupation
"Auditis an me ludit amabilis In-
meshuggener (Yid) sania?" (Do you hear it? Or is it a
(meh-SHOOG-in-ah) wild, unpre- delightful madness that makes
dictable, crazy person sport of me?)
Horace (65 B.c-8 B.c), Roman poet,
loco poco (Spa) Odes, Iff, to, I 5
(LOH-koh POH-koh) slightly crazy,
a little mad "Semel insanivimus omnes." (We
have all been mad once.)
Quotations Johannes Baptista Mantuanus
(1448-1516), German clergyman
"A man thafd expict to thrain lob
sters to fly in a year is called a loo-
nytic; but a man that thinks men
can be tu-rrned into angels be an Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
iliction is called a rayformer an' re The explorer Friedrich Mumboldt
mains at large/' once remarked to a Parisian doctor
Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936), who specialized in mental disor
U.S. writer and humorist, ders that he would like to meet a
Mr. Cooky's Opinions (1900), lunatic. His friend delightedly ar
"Casual Observations" ranged for Humboldt to dine with
two strangers. One was a model of
"The world is becoming like a lu
cool formality while the other ges
natic asylum run by lunatics."
tured and talked wildly. Gazing at
David Lloyd George, 1st Earl of Dwyfor the second stranger, Humboldt
(1863-1945), British prime minister whispered to the doctor, "Your lu
natic amuses me." "But ifs the
'If you talk to God, you are pray
other one who's the lunatic/' re
ing; if God talks to you, you have
plied the physician, following
Humboldfs gaze. "The gentleman
Thomas Szasz (1920- ),
you're looking at is [the famous
U.S. psychiatrist, The Second Sin
novelist] Honor6 de Balzac."
(1973), "Schizophrenia"
Friedrich Heinrich Humboldt, Baron von
(1769-1859), German naturalist, traveler,
Classical Phrases and Myths and statesman

non compos mentis (Lat)

(nohn KOM-pos MEN-tis) lit: not in Committed in 1897 to an asylum,
control of one's mind; deranged, in the insane songwriter Hugo Wolf,
pointing to a large clock hanging in
the institution's dining room, once
"Quos Deus vult perdere prius demen- asked, 'Is that clock right?" "As far
tat." (kwos DAY-us vult PER- as I can tell," answered an atten
der-e PREE-us de-MEN-tat) (Those dant. In a moment of lucidity, Wolf

The Wit's Thesaurus
asked, 'Then what's it doing here?"
Hugo Wolf (1860-1903),
Austrian composer
Foreign Words and Phrases
♦ INSIGNIFICANCE chutzpah (Yid)
(KHUTZ-pah) unmitigated audac
ity or impudence, boldness
Foreign Words and Phrases
bagatelle (Fra) Quotations
(bag-ah-TELL) trifle, bauble, trinket "Bow, stubborn knees!"
n'importe (Fra) William Shakespeare (1564r-1616),
(nam-pohrt) it does not matter British playwright and poet, Hamlet
(1601), Act TV, sc. v
"Le tact dans Taudace c'est de sa-
''Writing a book of poetry is like voir jusqu'ou on peut aller trop
dropping a rose petal down the loin." (Being tactful in audacity is
Grand Canyon and waiting for the knowing how far one can go too
echo." far.)
Donfald Robert Perry] Marquis Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), French writer,
(1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet artist and filmmaker, Le Coq et
l'Arlequin (1918)
Classical Phrases and Myths
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
res nihili (Lat)
(res Nl-hil-ee) thing of no conse Beau Brummell's quarrel with his
quence, trifling matter former friend the Prince Regent,
later George IV, shook fashionable
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes society. According to Brummell, he
was riding with his friend Beau
A young, inexperienced actor, anx Nash in London when they met the
ious to give his very minor role the regent. The regent ignored Brum
right interpretation, sought out Sir mell, speaking only to the friend.
James Barrie, who was producing When the regent continued on but
his own play, for advice. "1 am glad was not yet quite out of earshot,
you have asked me," Barrie said af Brummell asked loudly, "Who's
ter reflecting. "Please convey while your fat friend?"
you act that the man you portray
George Bryan ["Beau"] Brummell
has a brother in Shropshire who
(1778-1840), British socialite
drinks port."
Sir Jlames] M[atthew] Barrie (1860-1937), Hermann Goering, Hitler's lieuten
British writer and playwright ant, collided with an Italian aristo
crat at a crowded Roman railroad
platform. The nobleman demanded
♦ INSINCERITY ~ an apology. Snapped Goering: "I
am Hermann Goering." Replied the
Quotations Italian: "Although insufficient as an
excuse, as an explanation it is am
"Thafs what show business is— ple."
sincere insincerity." Hermann Wilhelm Goering (1893-1946),
Benny Hill (1925-1991), British comedian German politician

The Ultimate Reference Book

"The French are wiser than they
seem, and the Spaniards seem wiser
Quotations than they are."
//What can't be cured must be in Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
sured." British lawyer and writer, Essays (2625),
"Of Seeming Wise"
Oliver Herford (1863-1935),
British-born U.S. humorist and illustrator "A smattering of everything and a
knowledge ofnothing."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Charles Dickens (1812-1870),
Two retired businessmen are on the British writer, Sketches by Boz
golf links commiserating about (1836-1837), 'Tales," ch. 3
their careers. //What happened to "The test of a first-rate intelligence
your business?" one asks the other. is the ability to hold two opposed
'Tire. Destroyed everything. What ideas in the mind at the same time,
happened to yours?" "Flood/' the and still retain the ability to func
first replied. "Really? How do you
arrange a flood?"
Flrancis] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald
Two rival aging starlets were forced (1896-1940), U.S. writer, Esquire
to sit next to each other at a Hol (February 1936), 'The Crack-Up"
lywood function. "Honey/' the first
"Walt [Rostow] can write faster
boasted, "Lloyd's once Insured my
than I can read."
breasts for $5 million." "Really/'
drawled the other, "What did you John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
do with the money?" U.S. president

Each summer, Henry Frick would "I think this is the most extraordi
transport his priceless collection of nary collection of talent, of human
art treasures in a custom-built rail knowledge, that has ever been
road car from New York to his estate garnered together at the White
at Pride's Crossing, Massachusetts. House, with the possible exception
Journalist Oswald Garrison Villard of when Thomas Jefferson dined
once asked the one-time chairman of alone."
Carnegie Steel Company whether he John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
was concerned about theft or dam U.S. president, describing a state dinner
age to the artwork in transit. "Oh, he gave for winners of the Nobel Prize,
no," responded Frick, matter-of- April 1962
factly. "Tney're insured." "Thou speakest wiser than thou
Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), art."
U.S. industrialist
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet,
As You Like It (1600), ActU,
♦ INTELLIGENCE "Some folks are wise, and some are
Foreign Words and Phrases Tobias Smollett (1721-1771),
British writer and surgeon
Wunderkind (Ger)
(VOON-der-kint) lit: wonder child; "His mind was like a soup dish,
child prodigy wide and shallow; it could hold a

The Wit's Thesaurus
small amount of nearly anything, Quotations
but the slightest jarring spilled the
soup into somebody's lap." "Business was his aversion; plea
sure was his business."
lisador] Fleinstein] Stone (1903-1989),
U.S. writer, describing politician and Maria Edgeworth (1767-1849),
lawyer William Jennings Bryan British writer, The Contrast, ch. 2

"My main problem is reconciling

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes my gross habits with my net in
"I presume that there is much in the come."
world of physics that puzzled you Errol Flynn (1909-1959), U.S. film actor
during your lifetime." said God to
Albert Einstein upon his matricula "Puritanism. The haunting fear that
tion into heaven. "You will be glad to someone, somewhere, may be
know that you now have the oppor happy."
tunity of understanding all, includ Htenry] Uouis] Mencken (1880-1956),
ing the unified theory that you never U.S. critic and writer, Chrestomathy
completed." Barely suppressing his (1949), ch. 30
glee, Einstein gladly accepted the
sheaf of papers from God. He looked
through the sheets eagerly and rap
Classical Phrases and Myths
idly, turned back to the first page,
took a final look and handed them dum vivimus, vivamus (Lat)
back to God with a sigh. "No, still (dum wi-wi-mus wi-WAH-mus)
wrong." while we live, let us live (to the full
While visiting his old hometown of
Far Rockaway, New York, the No
bel Prize-winning physicist and au
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
thor Richard Feynman examined
his high school records. Later, he While teammates on the Minneap
remarked to his wife that his file re olis Lakers, "Hot Rod" Hundley
vealed that his IQ was 124, "just and Bob Leonard enjoyed notoriety
above average." He was nonethe for their nighttime shenanigans.
less delighted, because "to win a When they missed a team plane,
Nobel Prize was no big deal. But to however, exasperated owner Bob
win it with an IQ of 124—that was Short summoned them to his office.
something." Short first called Hundley in for a
Richard P. Feynman (1918-1987), lecture and fined him the then-
U.S. physicist and writer enormous sum of $1,000. Once out
side Shorfs office, Hundley was
anxiously asked by Leonard, "How
much?" "Baby, a big bill," replied
Hundley. "A hundred dollars?" "A
♦ INTEMPERANCE hundred, damn. A thousand."
Leonard's eyes filled with tears.
Consolingly, Hundley said, "Ifs a
Foreign Words and Phrases record." Leonard's face brightened.
gourmondise (Fra) "Lefs go an' celebrate."
(goor-mon-DEE-suh) self-indul Rodney Hundley (1934- ),
gence, hedonism U.S. basketball player

The Ultimate Reference Book

Britain's greatest literary lights are

♦ INTERMENT interred, Charles I of England had
Jonson buried in an upright posi
Classical Phrases and Myths tion.
Ben Jonson (1572-1637),
requiescat in pace (Lat)
British playwright
(re-kwi-es-KAT in PAH-ke) may he
rest in peace (abbr: RIP)

sarcophagus (Grk)
(SAR-kof-ag-us) lit: flesh-eater, now
burial coffins ♦ INTERPRETATION &
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Humorist Robert Benchley, after Quotations
departing from a party on New
"Tmduttori, troditori" (Translators,
York City's Riverside Drive early in
the morning, stopped at Ulysses S.
Grant's tomb, scribbled something Italian proverb
on the back of a paper, and left it
at the door of the monument. The "You continue to play Bach your
note read: "Please leave one quart way, and I'll continue to play him
of milk and cream.—U. S. G." his way."
Wanda Landowska (1879-1959), Polish
Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
U.S. humorist harpsichordist, to another musician

Someone who had not been notified "I'd like that translated, if I may."
of the death of a renowned com [Maurice] Harold Macmillan, 1st Earl of
poser asked librettist W. S. Gilbert Stockton (1894-1992), British prime
what the composer was doing. "He minister, remarking unflappably at the
is doing nothing," replied Gilbert. United Nations in September 1960, after
"But surely he is composing." "On being interrupted by Soviet premier
the contrary, he is decomposing." Khrushchev, who was banging
his shoe on the table
Sir William] Slchwenck] Gilbert
(1836-1911), British writer
"El original es infiel a la traduccidn."
The British diplomat Baron Gore- (The original is unfaithful to the
Booth once received the following translation.)
urgent telegram from the Middle Jorge Luis Barges (1899-1986),
East: ''Ruler has died suddenly. Argentine writer and poet, reviewing
Please advise." Gore-Booth's im Henley's translation of Vathek by
mediate reply: "Hesitate to dog William Beckford, Sobre el "Vathek" de
matize, but suggest burial." William Beckford (1943), in Obras
Completas (2974), p. 730
Paul Henry, Baron Gore-Booth
(1909- ), British diplomat
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Consenting (barely) to dramatist
Ben Jonson's request for a square Guido, a Mafia capo, asked the
foot, after his death, in hallowed godfather about a job for his deaf-
Westminster Abbey, where many of mute nephew, Roberto. The godfa-

The Wit's Thesaurus

ther determined that Guido's son!" This went on for several meals.
nephew would make a perfect bag Once, waiting for his dinner partner,
man, as he would be unable to hear Ferguson casually asked the steward
or speak of the underworld's activ where Mr. Bone-apatee might be.
ities. Months passed without inci "Oh, you mean Monsieur D'Essaie,"
dent until one day the godfather laughed the steward. "He'll be arriv
summoned Guido to his favorite ing shortly." "But if Bone-apatee is
restaurant. "Roberto's performed not his name," asked Ferguson,
well, Guido/' he said. "But his lat "why does he always announce him
est delivery is $300,000 short. self that way to me at each meal?"
Guido, I'm sending Bluto with you "He is saying 'Good appetite—
to find out how he made such a enjoyyour meal,'" sneered the stew
mistake." When they caught up ard. Humiliated, Ferguson waited
with Roberto, Bluto put a gun to his for dinner and, when he faced
head and told Guido to ask his the Frenchman, enunciated clearly,
nephew what had happened to the //Bone-apatee." The Frenchman
money. "The godfather is willing to smiled and said, "Fairg-uzon!"
forgive you if you tell the truth,"
Guido said in sign language. "So,
where's the money?" His eyes pop An American visitor in Berlin went
ping in fear, Roberto signed back, to the Reichstag, accompanied by
"Forgive me. I'll never do it again. an interpreter, to hear the politi
The money's behind a loose brick cians speak. Prince von Bismarck
next to the toilet." "So whafd the soon began to engage in a debate,
kid say?" bellowed Bluto. "He said speaking with force and at length.
he doesn't think you have the guts Despite persistent nudges from the
to pull the trigger." American, who was anxious to hear
a translation, the interpreter sat lis
On a visit to China, a diplomat tening with intense concentration.
rambled for nearly 20 minutes in Finally, the American could no
telling an anecdote. His audience longer restrain herself and burst
was respectfully silent. When he out, "What is he saying?" "Pa
had finished, his interpreter merely tience, madam," replied the inter
said four words. Everyone laughed preter. "I am waiting for the verb."
uproariously. "How did you tell Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von
my story so quickly?" gasped the Bismarck (1815-1898), German statesman
stunned diplomat. "Story too
long," replied the interpreter. "So I
said: 'He tell joke. Laugh.'" In 1842, Sir Charles Napier won
smashing victories in Sind, a region
Ferguson treated himself to his first along the lower reaches of the In
luxury cruise and was assigned a dus River in what is now Pakistan.
dining table at which the only other With security in mind, and con
diner was a Frenchman. Neither scious that British public officials
spoke the other's language. When typically knew Latin, he dispatched
they met, Ferguson began eating at news of his conquest in the one-
once, but the Frenchman said in very word message, "Peccavi" ("I have
courtly fashion, "Bon appetit" Fer sinned.")
guson, ashamed for not having in Sir Charles James Napier (1782-1853),
troduced himself, replied, "Fergu British soldier and administrator

The Ultimate Reference Book

a ghost. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I

INVISIBILITY thought you had drowned!"
Jackie Gleason (1916-1990),
Foreign Words and Phrases U.S. comedian

pentimento (Ita)
(pen-tee-MEN-toh) lit: repentance;
effaced detail that becomes appar
ent after time (e.g., mark left by a
painter's erasure or alteration)
profil perdu (Fra)
(pro-FEEL per-DOO) lit: lost pro "We know what happens to people
file; profile of an object beyond who stay in the middle of the road.
one's blind spot They get run down."
Aneurin ["Nye"] Beoan (1897-1960),
Classical Phrases and Myths British politician

de non apparentibus et de non existen- "I must have a prodigious quantity

tibus eaaem est ratio (Lat) of mind; it takes me as much as a
(de non ap-PARE-en-ti-BOOS et de week, sometimes, to make it up."
non ex-ist-EN-ti-BOOS) it is pre Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
sumed that what does not appear (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
does not exist legal maxim speaker, The Innocents Abroad
(1869), ch. 7
According to Greek mythology,
Nephele CNEF-e-lee) was the cloud
Classical Phrases and Myths
shaped to Hera's likeness by Zeus
to protect Hera from the amorous homo nullius coloris (Lat)
advances of Ixion. Centaurus, the (HOH-mo NULL-ee-uskol-OR-ees)
sire of the centaurs, was produced lit: man of no color; one who does
from the union of Nephele and Ix not commit himself (to an argu
ion. ment, position, etc.)
agonistes (Grk)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(a-gon-IS-tees) one in (especially
As a fledgling comedian, Jackie mental) conflict, contestant
Gleason stayed at a boardinghouse
in a seaside town while performing Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
at the local nightclub. Unable to
A psychiatrist patiently listened to
pay his rent, however, he planned
her confused patient before offering
a ruse to avoid suspicion and his
her insight. 'It appears to me you
obligation. He lowered a suitcase
have, trouble makings decisions,
containing his belongings from his
wouldn't you agree?" The confused
bedroom window into the arms of
soul pondered the question some
a friend below, then strolled non
time before answering, "Well, yes
chalantly in his swim trunks out of
and no."
the house toward the beach. Three
years later he returned to the Although the partnership of Gilbert
boardinghouse to pay off his debt and Sullivan in writing light opera
and relieve the guilt. The landlady was eminently successful, it was a
immediately recognized him but strained relationship. W. S. Gilbert,
stepped back in horror as if he were particularly angered by Sullivan's

The Wit's Thesaurus

repeated declarations of intending self to issue the fatal order to cross.

to dissolve the partnership so that As he hesitated, a large apparition
he could write //better music/' ob on the bank played a pipe, then
served, ''He is like a man who sits snatched a trumpet from a soldier,
on a stove and then complains that blew a blast on it and crossed over
his backside is burning." the river. Caesar accepted this as a
Sir WiiUiamJ SlchwenckJ Gilbert sign from the gods and led his
(1836-1911), British writer troops over with the words: "Jacta
alea est." (The die is cast.) Hence,
jacta alea est is the phrase used to
indicate irrevocably commiting
♦ IRREVOCABILITY oneself to a course of action.
Gaius Julius Caesar (100 b.c-44 b.c),
Roman general and statesman
Foreign Words and Phrases

lo dicho, dicho (Spa)

(loh DEE-choh DEE-choh) that is
said, is said; things once said can ♦ JEALOUSY
not be retracted

Quotations Quotations

"Once the toothpaste is out of the "It is not enough to succeed. Others
tube, it is awfully hard to get it back must fail/'
in." Gore Vidal (1925- ), U.S. writer
H. Rtobert] Haldenun (1929-1993),
U.S. statesman, commenting to Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
John Wesley Dean on
Soon after Irish playwright Samuel
Watergate affair, April 8,1973
Beckett married his lover Suzanne
in 1961, her jealousy of his increas
Classical Phrases and Myths
ing fame ana success began to sour
"Et semel emissum volat irrevocabile their marriage. One day in 1969
verbum." (And once escaped a word Suzanne answered the telephone,
may not be recalled.) listened briefly, said a few words
Horace (65 b.c-8 B.C.), Roman poet, and hung up. Turning to Beckett
Epistles, I, xoiii, I. 71 and looking stricken, she hissed,
"Quel catastrophe!" (What a catas
Concerned about his extraordinary trophe!) She had just been informed
military successes, the consul in that Beckett had been awarded the
Rome in 49 B.C. proposed that Ju Nobel Prize for literature.
lius Caesar should be recalled, his
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989), Irish writer,
armies disbanded and a new com
playwright and poet
mander appointed to take his place.
Caesar could either return to Rome A friend of actress Beatrice Lillie,
as a private citizen and face his hos dining at another table, noticed a
tile political enemies or march on beautiful showgirl in Lillie's party.
Rome at the head of his loyal army He had a waiter deliver a scribbled
and embroil it in civil war. Caesar note to her. It read: "My God, Bea,
advanced to the Rubicon River, the who is that incredibly gorgeous
boundary between Gaul and Italy, creature at your table?" Beatrice
where he could scarcely bring him lillie scrawled an answer, which

The Ultimate Reference Book

the waiter carried back. He opened proprietor's prejudices as the ad

it and read: "Me!!" vertisers don't object to."
Beatrice LiUie (1898- ), Hannen Swaffer (1879-1962),
Canadian-bom British actress British writer

"Dead. Thafs what the man was

when they found him with a knife
in his back at 4 p.m. in front of Ri-
♦ JOURNALISM ley's saloon at the corner of 52nd
and 12th Streets."
James Thurber (1894-1961),
U.S. cartoonist and humorist, writing a
'The printing press is either the lead after his editor instructed the novice
greatest blessing or the greatest journalist to write short dramatic leads
curse of modern times, one some
"In the old days men had the rack;
times forgets which."
now they have the Press."
Sir J[ames] Mlatthew] Bank (1860-1937),
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
British writer and playwright,
(1854-1900), British playwright,
Sentimental Tommy (1896), ch. 5
writer and wit
'It was long ago in my life as a sim
"Most rock journalism is people
ple reporter that I decided that facts
who can't write interviewing peo
must never get in the way of truth."
ple who can't talk for people who
James Cameron (1911-1985), can't read."
British writer
Frank Zappa (1940-1993),
"Headlines twice the size of the U.S. musician and songwriter
John Galsworthy (1867-1933), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British writer and playwright
John Quincy Adams would often
"All the news thafs fit to print." swim naked in the Potomac at
dawn. Journalist Anne Newport
Adolph Simon Ochs (1858-1935),
Royall, who had been spurned re
U.S. publisher, New York Times
peatedly by President Adams for an
"I write from the worm's-eye point interview about his pet project, the
of view." Bank of America, once tracked him
Ernie Pyle (1900-1945), U.S. writer,
to the river bank and sat by his
Here Is Your War (2943)
clothes. She introduced herself and,
resorting to screams whenever Ad
"Well, all I know is what I read in ams tried to emerge, conducted
the papers." surely the most unusual press con
Will[iam Venn Adair] Rogers ference known with the trapped
(1879-1935), U.S. comedian politician.
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848),
"I'm sure if I have any plans, the U.S. president
Press will inform me."
Arthur Scargill (1938- ), A New York Times headline that
British labor leader read, "Elm Beetle Infestation Rav
ishing Thousands of Trees in
"Freedom of the press in Britain Greenwich" was ridiculed by editor
means freedom to print such of the Theodore Bernstein in the Winners

The Wit's Thesaurus

and Sinners bulletin distributed to inhabitants of other planets would

staff. Under Bernstein's review en read it. When he once considered
titled "Insex," he admonished, erecting an advertising sign in New
"Keep your mind on your work, Jersey that would be visible on
buster. The word you want is 'rav Mars, he was dissuaded only after
aging/" an aide inquired, "What language
Theodore Bernstein (1904r-1979), shall we print it in?"
U.S. editor Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911),
Hungarian-born U.S. publisher
The abolitionist and founder of the
New York Tribune, Horace Greeley, In compliance with his editor's in
riding the train to New York, structions never to state as fact any
sought to find out why a certain thing that could not be verified
passenger was reading the rival objectively, humorist Mark Twain,
newspaper, the Sun. Greeley began then a fledgling reporter, wrote the
with small-talk and then inquired, following account of a social affair:
"Why don't you read the Tribune? "A woman giving the name of Mrs.
Ifs much more informative than James Jones, who is reported to be
the Sun." "I also take the Tribune," one of the society leaders of the
replied the other man. "I use it to city, is said to have given what pur
wipe my arse." "Keep on with it," ported to be a party yesterday to a
countered the perturbed Greeley. number of alleged ladies. The host
"Eventually you'll have more ess claims to be the wife of a re
brains in your arse than you have puted attorney."
in your head." Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Horace Greeley (1811-1872), (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
U.S. publisher and politician writer and speaker

Newspaper proprietor William Ran

dolph Hearst sent the artist Frederic
Remington to cover events in Cuba
following the explosion of the Maine
in 1898. But the expected conflict be
tween Spain and the United States
did not immediately materialize, Foreign Words and Phrases
and Remington cabled Hearst, ask
Kulikov (Yid)
ing whether he should return. Hearst
(Kool-ih-kof) a politically expedient
cabled back: "Please remain. You
or pragmatic legal judgment
furnish the pictures and I'll furnish
the war." Sure enough, due largely
to inflammatory writing undertaken Quotations
by the Hearst newspaper empire to
expand circulation, the Spanish- "The public do not know enough to
American War began. be experts, yet know enough to de
cide between them."
William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951),
U.S. publisher [authenticity controverted] Samuel Butler (1835-1902), British writer

Joseph Pulitzer, after whom the Pu "A jury consists of twelve persons
litzer Prize is named, believed that chosen to decide who has the better
his newspaper, the New York World, lawyer."
should be so influential that even Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963), U.S. poet

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths ratio decidendi (Lat)

(RA-ti-oh day-kid-END-ee) method
"No one should be judge in his
of decision-making; the essentials
own case/'
of- a judgment, the reasons for a
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 B.C.), particular decision
Roman writer, Sententiae, 545
sub judice (Lat)
Cambyses n, a Persian ruler who (sub YOO-dee-kay) lit: under a
was known for little more than be judge; under judgment, still unde
ing the father of Cyrus the Great, cided
ordered that a judge who had been
found guilty of corruption be flayed
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
alive. Once the sentence had been
carried out, the skin was used to When asked whether he preferred
cover the seat from which judg Burgundy or claret, French gastro
ments were issued. Cambyses then nome Brwat-Savarin replied, "That,
appointed the dead judge's son to madame, is a question that I take so
his father's position. much pleasure in investigating that
Cambyses U (d. 522 b.c), Persian king I postpone from week to week the
pronouncement of a verdict."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826),
French writer and gastronome
Desperate to avoid a murder-one
conviction, a Texan bribed a juror Shown several canvases by a body
to find him guilty instead of man guard who also enjoyed painting in
slaughter. The jury was out for four his spare time, retired prime min
days but finally returned a verdict ister Winston Churchill observed,
of manslaughter. The grateful "They're much better than mine,
Texan cornered the juror afterward. but yours will have to be judged on
"Thanks a heap, son," he said. merit."
"How in hell did you do it?" "It Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
wasn't easy," the beaming juror re (1874r-1965), British prime minister
plied. "The others were hell-bent and writer
on acquitting you."


Foreign Words and Phrases

a bon droit (Fra)
"I don't care anything about rea (ah bonn DRWA) lit: with good rea
sons, but I know what I like." son; with justice
Henry James (1843-1916), US. writer,
Portait of a Lady (1881), vol. 2, ch. 5 Quotations

"The love of justice for most men is

Classical Phrases and Myths
merely the fear of suffering injus
res judicato (Lat) tice."
(res YOO-dik-ah-ta) lit: thing which Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
has been judged; closed case, mat (1613-1680), French writer,
ter that has been settled Maximes (1678), 78

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Lord, I wonder what fool it was forting convictions, which move

that first invented kissing!" with Trim like flies on a summer
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), day/'
Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer, Bertrand Arthur William Russell,
Polite Conversation (c. 1738), 3rd Earl (1872-1970),
''Dialogue II" British mathematician and philosopher,
Sceptical Essays (1928),
Classical Phrases and Myths "Dreams and Facts"

fiat justitia, mat caelum (Lat)

(FEE-at yus-TEET-ee-a RU-al KEE-
lum) let justice be done, though the Classical Phrases and Myths
heavens fall in ruin apologia (Grk/Lat)
According to Greek mythology, (apo-LOH-gia) speech made in self-
Rhadamanthus (rad-a-MAN-this) defense, esp. apology of Socrates at
was the severe judge of three in Ha his trial in 399 B.C.
des, the underworld/ where one of
his special duties was to bring to causa movens (Lat)
justice those whose crimes went un (KOW-sa MO-wens) reason for un
detected on earth. Earlier/ he was dertaking a particular action,
known for his wise and just rule
over Crete, having obtained the The son of the Greek dramatist
laws from his father, Zeus. Thus, to Sophocles, who gave posterity An
be Rhadamanthine is to be incor tigone and Oedipus Rex among oth
ruptible and just. ers, hauled his father to court to
have Sophocles declared senile and
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes therefore unable to cut the suspi
cious son out of his will. Sophocles,
The U.S. senator, traveling in his
then 89, merely said, "If I am Soph
home state/ asked his attorney to no
ocles, I am not out of my mind; if I
tify him as soon as a judgment was
am out of my mind, I am not Soph
handed down in the District of Co
ocles." He then read before the
lumbia case concerning his partici
judges passages from his newest
pation in -an influence-peddling
play, Oedipus at Colonus. The case
scheme. At 4 P.M. he received a cable
was dismissed.
that read, "justice has prevailed/'
The politician immediately wired Sophocles (496 b.c-406 b.c:),
Greek playwright


Foreign Words and Phrases

catalogue raisonne (Fra)
(kat-a-log RAYZ-ohn) catalogue of
reasons/ justifications Foreign Words and Phrases

a la lanterne (Fra)
(ah lah LONG-tern) lit: to the lamp
"Every man, wherever he goes, is post! lynch him!; slogan derived
encompassed by a cloud of com- from the French Revolution

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"One murder made a villain William Brodie of Edinburgh, head

Millions a hero." of the Incorporation of Edinburgh
Beilby Porteus (1731-1808), British poet, Wrights and Masons, was respected
Death (1759), 1.155 for, among other things, inventing
the drop. Previously, a person being
"That depends on whom you kill." hanged was simply pushed off a
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), height; Brodie introduced the more
Irish playwright, answering if he hated infallible system of trapdoor and
killing for pleasure i lever that became the legal standard
"On tue un homme, on est un assassin. for hangings. It turned but that Bro
On tue des millions d'hommes, on est die was also a successful burglar.
un conquerant. On tue les tous, on est When an accomplice turned king's
un,dieu." (Kill one man and you are evidence, Brodie was eventually ap.
a murderer. Kill millions and you prehended and condemned to die.
are a conqueror. Kill all and you are Brodie's invention was first tested at
a god.) his own execution; on the gallows
the hapless inventor inspected the
Jean Rostand (1894-1977),
arrangements, pronounced them
French scientist and writer, Pensees d'un
biologiste (Thoughts of a Biologist) satisfactory, and was efficiently hoist
(1939), p. 116 by his own petard.
William Brodie (d. 1788),
Classical Phrases and Myths British labor leader

The Roman general Marcellus, "Lamb to the Slaughter" on Alfred

upon capturing Syracuse, gave spe Hitchcock Presents was a 1958 epi
cial orders to spare the life of Ar sode in which a housewife killed
chimedes (ark-i-MEED-eez). A her husband with a frozen leg of
Roman soldier found Archimedes lamb, and then cooked it, having
drawing mathematical symbols in invited the police who are investi
the sand. Engrossed in his work, gating the murder to dinner. The
Archimedes gestured impatiently police eat the evidence.
for the soldier to wait until he had Sir Alfred Hitchcock (1889-1980),
solved his problem, murmuring, British fUm director
"Do not disturb my circles." The
soldier, enraged, slew the great sci
entist with his sword.
Archimedes (287 B.c-212 b.c),
Greek mathematician and scientist
Although Demosthenes is generally KINDNESS
considered the greatest orator of
classical Greece, the great Athenian Foreign Words and Phrases
statesman and general Phocion was
a formidable rival. Demosthenes carita pelosa (Ita)
once said to him, "The Athenians (kah-REE-tapeh-LOH-sa) generos
will kill you, should they go into a ity with return favor expected
rage." "Or you," retorted Phocion, rapprochement (Fra)
"should they come to their senses." (rah-PROSH-mon) re-establishment
Phocion (c. 402 B.C.-318 B.c), of friendly relations (especially be
Greek statesman and general tween nations)

The Wit's Thesaurus
Quotations "A kiss can be a comma, a question
"He was so benevolent, so merciful mark or an exclamation point
That's basic spelling that every
a man that, in his mistaken passion,
woman ought to know."
he would have held an umbrella
over a duck in a shower of rain." Mistinguett (1873-1956),
French dancer and singer
Douglas William Jerrold (1803-1857),
British playwright and humorist
Classical Phrases and Myths
"Be nice to people on your way up
because you'll meet 'em on the way A kiss in ancient Rome was distin
down." guished as a bosium between ac
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), US. writer quaintances, an osculum between
and wit [attributed also to close friends, and a suavium be
Jimmy Durante] tween lovers.

Classical Phrases and Myths

"One good turn deserves another." ♦ KNOWLEDGE &
Petronius, Goius [Petronius Arbiter] EXPERIENCE
(d. c. 66), Roman writer,
Satyricon, sec. 45 Foreign Words and Phrases
dharma (Skt)
(DAHR-muhr) one's (comprehen
sion of his or her) ideal and unique
course in life
pundit (Hin)
Quotations (PUHN-dit) scholar who speaks
with authority on issues, commen
"The kiss originated when the first tator
male reptile licked the first female
reptile, implying in a subtle, com au courant (Fra)
plimentary way that she was as (oh KOO-ron) up-to-date, familiar
succulent as the small reptile he with
had for dinner the night before."
illuminati (Ita)
Flrancis] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald (il-loo-me-NAH-tee) lit: enlight
(1896-1940), U.S. writer ened; (ones) enlightened and wise
"I wasn't kissing her, I was just
Weltmann (Ger)
whispering in her mouth/'
(VELT-mahn) lit man of the world;
Otico [Leonard] Marx (1891-1961), US. cosmopolitan character
fUm comedian defending himself after his
wife had caught him kissing a chorus girl cognoscenti (Ita)
(koh-nyo-SHEN-tee) lit: connois
"When women kiss it always re
seurs; those knowledgeable in a
minds one of prize fighters shaking
field, about an event, etc.
H[enry] Lfouis] Mencken (1880-1956), connoisseur (Fra)
US. critic and writer, Chrestomathy (konn-oh-SUHR) expert in a given
(1949), ch. 30 field (arts, food, wine, etc.)

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations "Children with Hyacinth's temper

ament don't know better as they
'If he only knew a little of law, he grow older; they merely know
would know a little of everything."
Anonymous remark about the lord
Saki [Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916),
chancellor, Lord Brougham
British writer, Toys of Peace and Other
"It is costly wisdom that is bought Papers (1919), "Hyadnth"
by experience."
"Experience is the name every one
Roger Ascham (1515-1568), gives to their mistakes."
British writer and scholar
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
"The trouble with people is not that (1854-1900), British playwright, writer
they don't know but that they and wit, Lady Windermere's Fan
know so much that ain't so." (1891), Act m
Josh Billings [Henry Wheeler Shaw]
(1818-1885), U.S. humorist,
Josh Billings' Encyclopedia of Classical Phrases and Myths
Wit and Wisdom (1874)
gnothi seauton (Grk)
"As scarce as the truth is, the sup (GNOH-thi se-OW-ton) know thy
ply has always been in excess of the self; this maxim appeared at the
demand." Delphic Oracle and was taken up
Josh Billings [Henry Wheeler Shaw] by the Sophists
(1818-1885), U.S. humorist, gnosis (Grk)
Affurisms (1865)
(GNOH-sis) knowledge, under
"The chapter of knowledge is a standing, especially of spiritual
very short one, but the chapter of mysteries
accidents is a very long one."
"Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est."
Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of (Knowledge itself is power.)
Chesterfield (1694-1773),
Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
British statesman and writer
British lawyer and writer, Meditationes
"Experience is a comb which nature Sacrae (1597), "De Haeresibus"
gives to men when they are bald."
Eastern proverb
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"The years teach much which the
days never know." Examining a candidate for the med
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1892), ical degree, professor of medicine
U.S. writer and philosopher, Essays: Joseph Hyrtl demanded, "Please de
Second Series (1844), "Experience" scribe to me the function of the
spleen." The nervous student, sweat
"Experience is a good teacher, but
dripping from his brow, stam
her fees are very high."
mered, "Herr Professor, I-I knew it
William Ralph Inge (1860-1954), just a moment ago, but, but, I've for
British clergyman
gotten!" "Damn you!" roared Hyrtl.
"Never say you know another en "Now the only man in the world
tirely, until you have divided an in who understood the function of the
heritance with him." spleen has forgotten it!"
Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741-1801), Joseph Hyrtl (1810-1894),
Swiss divine and poet, Aphorisms on Austrian anatomist [variations also
Man (c. 1788), 157 attributed to others]

The Wit's Thesaurus

with tears. Thus, a Niobe is a weep

LAMENTATION ing or an inconsolably grieving
Foreign Words and Phrases
disole (Fra) Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(day-ZOH-lay) disconsolate, heart
"My son, nothing is worth dying
broken x
for," urged the priest. "Come from
that ledge." "My neighbor took off
Quotations with my wife," sobbed the discon
"Indeed the tears live in an onion solate man. "But that was a year
that should water this sorrow." ago," responded the priest "Well,
he called me this morning," cried
William Shakespeare (1564r-1616),
the man, "and he's bringing her
British playwright and poet, Antony and
Cleopatra (1607), Act I, sc. ii

"It takes your enemy and your Two businessmen are depressed.
The first heaves a sigh and says, "I
Mend, working together, to hurt
you to the heart: the one to slander thought September was bad, but
you and the other to get the news then came October. Worse! But then
to you/' November has been the worst in
years and—" The other man breaks
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
in. '7eez, Stanley, you're complain
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
ing about trifling matters. I just
speaker, Following the Equator
learned that Doris had a stroke just
(2597), ch. 45
before she rammed the Mercedes
into a free, and her boyfriend was'
Classical Phrases and Myths in the car with her. What can be
''Waste not fresh tears over old worse than that?" "I'll tell you,"
griefs." said Stanley. "December!"

Euripides (480 b.c-406 b.c),

Greek playwright, Alexander

"Hinc Mae lacrimae." (hinc il-LAYlak-

RIM-ay) (Hence these tears.) ♦ LANGUAGE
Terence [Publius Terentius Afer]
(c. 190 b.c-159 b.c), Roman playwright, Foreign Words and Phrases
The Woman of Andros (266 B.C.)
lingua franca (Ita)
In Greek mythology, Niobe (Nee- (LEEN-gwa FRAN-ka) common
oh-bee), the daughter of Tantalus, tongue used to communicate be
was a very proud woman, particu tween different nationals
larly proud of her seven sons and
seven daughters. The 14 beautiful patois (Fra)
children were slain by Apollo and (PAT-wa) local style of speech
Artemis because of Niobe's boast
ing, and were not buried for nine Quotations
days. Grief-stricken, Niobe could
not stop weeping for her children, "Language is the dress of thought."
and Zeus turned her into a marble Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
statue with a face continually wet British man of letters

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Slang is a language that rolls up noff only responded with a look of

its sleeves, spits on its hands and freezing disdain, later explaining,
goes to work." "The vulgarity of a stranger speak
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), ing to me in that tongue! We never
U.S. poet and writer spoke anything but French at
''Yes, I always seem to lose some
Mike Romanoff [Harry F. Gerguson]
thing in the original."
(1890-1972), US restaurateur
James Thurber (1894-1961),
U.S. cartoonist and humorist, replying When it was suggested to Bess Tru
when informed that his work was even man that she persuade her hus
funnier in French than in English band, President Harry Truman, to
tone down his language after he
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes had characterized a certain politi
cian's speech as "a bunch of horse
A visiting American and an En manure," she replied, "You don't
glishman were going up in a Lon know how many years it took me
don skyscraper when the to tone it down to that!"
Englishman said, "Drat, the lift's
Harry S Truman (1884-1972),
slow." 'It's called an 'elevator/ "
U.S. president [attributed variations]
corrected the American. "In Lon
don it?s called a 'lift.'" "Yes, but we
Americans invented it," persisted
the American, "and we call this an
'elevator.'" 'That's all very well, ♦ LANGUAGE STYLE
old boy," sniffed the Englishman,
"but who invented the language?"
Foreign Words and Phrases
The Austrian diplomat Prince von
bonton (Fra)
Metternich praised Lord John Dud
(bon ton) good style, polished man
ley by telling him that Dudley was
the only Englishman he knew who
could speak French well. Metter bel air (Fra)
nich could not hide his contempt (bel EHR) grace, poise, good de
for Englishmen's inability to speak portment
fluent French, adding, "The com
mon people of Vienna speak French
better than the educated men of
London." Lord Dudley replied, "A lot of people who don't say
"That may be so, but Your High 'ain'f ain't eatin'."
ness will recall that Bonaparte has Jay Hanna ["Dizzy"] Dean (1911-1974),
not been twice in London to teach U.S. baseball player, retorting to
them." accusation that he was corrupting English
Klemens, Prince von Metternich language students with his unruly diction
(1773-1859), Austrian statesman and grammar

Mike Romanoff falsely claimed to "Cut out all those exclamation

be an expatriated Russian prince. A points. An exclamation point is like
young actor playing with Romanoff laughing at your own joke."
in the 1967 film Tony Rome sought F[rancis] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald
to discountenance him by address (1896-1940), U.S. writer, correcting
ing him in fluent Russian. Roma a fledgling author's manuscript

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Backward ran sentences until "No, no, Jean, the t is silent, as in

reeled the mind." 'Harlow/ "
Wolcott Gibbs (1902-1958), US. writer, Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford
satirizing the prose in Time Magazine and Asquith (1864-1945),
British writer and socialite
"Ducking for apples—change one
A pedantic critic once challenged
letter and ifs the story of my life."
a Churchillian sentence on the
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), grounds that he should not have
US. tint and writer
ended the sentence with a preposi
tion because this violated grammati
"Mr. Speaker, 1 smell a rat; I see cal norms. Churchill countered with
him forming in the air and dark a note of his own: "This is the sort of
ening the sky; but I'll nip him in the nonsense up with which I will not
bud." put."
Sir Boyle Roche (1743-1807), Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
British politician [authenticity unverified] 1965), British prime minister and writer

Attached to the mirror in her dress

Classical Phrases and Myths ing room, the actress Minnie Fiske
found a note from fellow actress
epea pteroenta (Grk) Margaret Anglin: "Margaret Anglin
(EP-ay-apter-o-EN-ta) lit: winged says Mrs. Fiske is the best actress in
words, significant statement America." Mrs. Fiske added two
commas and returned it to Miss
Anglin. Revised, the note read:
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Margaret Anglin, says Mrs. Fiske,
In a student essay noting that "the is the best actress in America."
girl tumbled down the stairs and Minnie Maddern Fiske (1865-1932),
lay prostitute at the bottom," the US. actress
professor's correction in the margin Famous as world middleweight
read: "My dear sir, you must learn champion, Rocky Graziano set out
to distinguish between a fallen to jump from the relatively safe
woman and one who has merely world of boxing to the precarious
slipped." one of show biz. It was politely sug
gested that he take lessons some
After the night school English in where like the Actors Studio and
structor had announced, 'Tomor polish up his syntax. "Why should
row night we will take up syntax," I go to a place like that?" smirked
the immigrant squirmed. "Oh no!" Rocky. "All they do there is learn
she exclaimed. "First they want tu guys like Brando and Newman to
ition, and now they're collecting talk like me."
Rocky Graziano [Thomas Rocco Barbella]
(1922- ), US. boxer
When Jean Harlow, the platinum
blond 1930s movie star, met Lady Josiah Henson, the ex-slave orator
Margot Asquith for the first time, who was reputed to be the model
she not only blundered in address for Uncle Tom in Harriet Beecher
ing Asquith by her first name but Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin,
also in mispronouncing it as "Mar- was introduced to the archbishop of
got." Lady Asquith corrected her: Canterbury while touring England.

The Ultimate Reference Book

Impressed by Henson's bearing and has been stolen, the fool shuts the
speech, the archbishop asked him stable.)
at which university he had studied. Proverb, Les Proverbes del
Henson's solemn reply: 'The uni Vilain (c. 1303)
versity of adversity."
Josiah Henson (1789-1883), U.S. orator
Classical Phrases and Myths
Jerome Kern, composer for Broad
way musicals, became increasingly terminus ad quern (Lat)
annoyed with the affected articula (TER-min-us ad kwem) final point
tion and theatrical gestures of a cer in time; the latest possible date for
tain actress, particularly when she an event or process
rolled her fs. 'Tell me, Mr. Kern,"
she finally said, "you want me to
c-rr-ross the stage, but I'm behind a Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
table. How shall I get acr-rr-oss?"
The civil servant, disfigured with
"Why-y dear," Kern replied, "just
bruises, a black eye, and an arm in
r-r-roll over on your rV'
a sling, and hobbling on crutches,
Jerome [David] Kern (1885-1945),
showed up at the boss' office. The
U.S. composer
boss glowered at him and glanced
Noah Webster, who compiled the meaningfully at the clock. "I fell off
dictionary, was, predictably, a the balcony at home," explained
stickler for grammar. On one occa the timid employee. Roared his
sion, he was caught kissing the boss, "And that took you an hour?"
maid in the pantry. His wife was
To pay off some gambling Chico
aghast. "Noah, I am surprised!" Marx wrote Heywood Broun a check
"No, my dear," Webster corrected and warned him not to cash it before
her, "I am surprised; you are
12 o'clock the next day. Broun com
merely astonished." plained later that the check had
Noah Webster (1758-1843), bounced. "What time did you try to
U.S. lexicographer cash it?" Marx inquired. "Twelve-o-
[authenticity unverified] five." "Too late."
Chico [Leonard] Marx (1891-1961),
U.S. film comedian



"He was always late on principle,
his principle being that punctuality Quotations
is the thief of time."
"No matther whether th' constitu
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde tion follows th' flag or not, th' su
(1854-1900), British playwright, preme coort follows th' iliction
writer and wit returns."
"Quant le cheval est emble dounke Fmley Peter Dunne (1867-1936),
ferme fols Vestable." (kwah leh sheh- U.S. writer and humorist, Mr. 1)0016/8
VAL eh ehm-BLAY, dohnk fehrm Opinions (1900), "The Supreme
ful les-TAB-leh) (When the horse Court's Decisions"

The Wit's Thesaurus

'The Common Law of England has was challenged to declare whether

been laboriously built about a he had given Athens the best laws,
mythical figure—the figure of The he replied, acknowledging their im
Reasonable Man/ " perfections, "No, but the best that
Sir Allan] Patrick] Herbert (1890-1971), they could receive."
British writer and politician, Uncommon Solon (c. 639 b.c.-c. 559 B.C.),
Law (1935), p. 1 Greek legislator and statesman

"It is useless for the sheep to pass

resolutions in favour of vegetari
anism while the wolf remains of a
different opinion/' ♦ LAWLESSNESS &
William Ralph Inge (1860-1954),
British clergyman

'Taws are like cobwebs, which may Quotations

catch small flies, but let wasps and
hornets break through/' "Here, even the law of the jungle
has broken down."
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Anglo-Irish
clergyman and writer, A Critical Essay Walid Jumblatt (1949- ),
upon the Faculties of the Mind (2707) Lebanese militant

"Anarchism is a game at which the

Classical Phrases and Myths police can beat you."

de jure (Lat) George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),

(day YOO-re) recognized as right Irish playwright, Misalliance
(1914), p. 14
and lawful (opp: de facto)

lex non scripta (Lat)

(lex nohn-SKRIP-ta) lit: law which Classical Phrases and Myths
has not been written or recorded,
anomie (Grk)
customary law
(ah-NOM-ee) condition of despair
obiter dictum (Lat) brought on by a breakdown in the
(OH-bi-ter DIK-tum) incidental re rules of conduct and loss of sense
mark; in law, a remark by the judge of purpose (from anomie: lawless
that is outside the content of his or ness)
her judgment (plu: obiter dicta)

"Quid leges sine moribus Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Vanae profidunt?" (What profit
laws, which without lives are A rabbi, a physicist, and a politician
empty?) were arguing about whose profes
sion was the oldest. "Surely mine is
Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
oldest," boasted the rabbi. "When
Odes, IE, xxiv, I 35
Eve came from Adam's rib, that
Greek legislator and statesman So was a religious miracle." "But be
lon's new legal code for Athens in fore that, order came from chaos,"
cluded revising its constitution and reasoned the physicist. "Only a
introducing new laws, prohibiting physicist could have done that"
loans based on the security of the "And first," interjected the politi
borrower's person and measures to cian, "someone had to create
promote commerce. When Solon chaos..."

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

An economist, a mathematician, and
a lawyer were interviewed by the
CEO of a large corporation for, its
"A solicitor is a man who calls in a presidency. The CEO asked each:
person he doesn't know to sign a 'What is two plus two?" Economist:
contract he hasn't seen to buy prop 'The diminishing marginal returns
erty he doesn't want with money he of examining the problem force me
hasn't got." to conclude the answer is four."
Sir Dingwall Bateson (1898-1967), Mathematician: "The answer is be
British lawyer tween three and five, plus or minus
one." Lawyer: (shifting his eyes)
"He has made a career of defending "Anything you want it to be."
the scorned, the degraded, the op
pressed—no matter how rich and Following George Ade's after-
powerful they are." dinner speech, a famed lawyer,
with his hands buried in his pants
Art Buchwald (1925- ),
pockets, began his speech: "Doesn't
U.S. humorist, commenting on attorney
Edward Bennett Williams
it strike the company as a little un
usual that a professional humorist
"If there were no bad people there should be funny?" Ade waited for
would be no good lawyers." the laughter to die down before re
Charles Dickens (1812-1870), plying: "Doesn't it strike everyone
British writer as a little unusual that a lawyer
should have his hands in his own
"The first thing we do, lefs kill all pockets?"
the lawyers." George Ade (1866-1944),
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), U.S. humorist and playwright
British playwright and poet, King Henry
VI, Part H (2591;, Act IV, sc. ii Irish justice Lord Norbury was
asked by fellow members of the bar
"Bluster, sputter, question, cavil; to contribute for the payment of the
but be sure your argument is intri funeral of a Dublin attorney who
cate enough to confound the had died in poverty. Norbury
court." asked what donation would be ap
William Wycherley (1640-1716), propriate and was informed the no
British playwright one had contributed more than a
shilling. "A shilling!" Norbury ex
"Nous savons tons id que le droit est claimed. "A shilling to bury an at
la plus puissante des icoles de Vima- torney? Why, here's a guinea! Bury
gination. Jamais pohte n'a interprite la one and 20 of the scoundrels."
nature aussi librement au'un juriste la
John Toler, 1st Earl of Norbury
reaiiti." (We all know here that the
(1745-1831), Irish jurist
law is the most powerful of schools
for the imagination. No poet ever A young man claiming damages for
interpreted nature as freely as a an arm injury caused by a bus driv
lawyer interprets the truth.) er's negligence was being cross-
Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944), examined by British barrister and
French writer and diplomat, La Guerre later Conservative MP F. E. Smith.
de Troie n'aura pas lieu (The Trojan War Smith directed, "Please show us
Will Not Take Place) (2935;, Act U, sc. 5 how high you can lift your arm

The Wit's Thesaurus

now." The plaintiff, his face dis "You're the laziest person I've ever
torted in pain, slowly raised his met," roared the small business
arm to shoulder level 'Thank owner to his newest employee.
you/' said Smith. "And now, please "You have barely completed a
show us how high you could lift it month's worth of work since I hired
before the accident." The arm you two months ago. Give me one
quickly shot straight up in the air. reason why I should retain you."
Case closed. The employee shrugged and said,
Frederick] E[dwin] Smith, 1st Earl of "Well, when I take a vacation, you
Birkenhead (1872-1930), won't need someone to fill in."
British lawyer and politician

Quotations "When I was a boy I was told that
"In olden days a glimpse of anybody could become President.
stocking I'm beginning to believe it."
Was looked on as something Clarence Seward Darrow (1857-1938),
shocking U.S. lawyer
Now, heaven knows, "If a traveller were informed that
Anything goes." such a man was the Leader of the
Cole Porter (1891-1964), U.S. songwriter, House of Commons, he might be
Anything Goes (1934 song) gin to comprehend how the Egyp
tians worshipped an insect."
Classical Phrases and Myths
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
ad arbitrium (Lat) (1804-1881), British prime minister,
(ad ahr-BIT-rium) at will deriding Lord John Russell
durante bene placito (Lat) 'Tower without responsibility: the
(dur-ANT-ay BE-ne PLAK-ii-oh) lit: prerogative of the harlot through
during good pleasure; as long as out the ages."
the authorities allow Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936),
British writer and poet replying to
Lord Beaverbrook [phrase repeated by
Stanley Baldwin, March 18,1931]
'In Pierre Elliott Trudeau Canada
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes has at last produced a political
leader worthy of assassination."
A tramp was complaining to his Irving Layton (1912- ),
companion about the hardships of Canadian writer
hobo life. "Traveling on freight
trains, dodging the police, sleeping "Eh, je suis leur chef, il fallait bien les
on cold benches, wondering where suivre." (Hey, I am their leader, I
your next meal is coming from, ifs have to follow them.)
a hard life," he mused. "So why Alexandre Auguste ledru-Rollin
don't you get a job?" asked the sec (1807-1874), French politician, shouting
ond. The first tramp exclaimed, from within a mob at the Paris barricades
"What? And admit I'm a failure?" during the Revolution of February 1848

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths "All the President is, is a glorified

public relations man who -spends
"Vis consili expers mole ruit sua."
his time flattering, kissing and kick
(Force without mind falls by its
own weight.)
ing people to get them to do what
they are supposed to do anyway."
Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Harry S Truman (1884-1972),
Odes, m, Hi, I. 65
U.S. president, letter to his sister,
"An nescis, mifili, quantilla prudentia November 14,1947
regitur orbis?" (Dost thou not know,
my son, with what little wisdom "1 never give them [the public] hell.
the world is governed?) I just tell the truth, and they think
Count Oxenstierna (1583-1654), it is hell."
Italian aristocrat, letter to his son, 1648 Harry S Truman (1884-1972),
U.S. president

♦ LEADERSHIP "Vetat c'est moi." (lay-TAH seh

mwah) (I am the state.)
Louis XIV (1638-1715), French king,
Foreign Words and Phrases
at the Perlement de Paris, 1651
emir (Arab)
(eh-MEER) leader, ruler
Classical Phrases and Myths
rajah (Hin)
(RAH-jah) Indian prince; ruler paterfamilias (Lat)
(PA-ter-fam-EE-lias) head of family
sheikh (Arab)
(shaykh) chief, tribal head charisma (Grk)
Quotations (kar-IS-ma) divinely conferred
power; capacity to inspire enthusi
"That the king can do no wrong, is
asm and obedience in others; in
a necessary and fundamental prin
Weber's terminology, the charis
ciple of the English constitution/'
matic leader has innate qualities
Sir William Blackstone (1723-1780), that give him or her the right to
British jurist, Commentaries on the claim obedience
Laws of England (1765-1769),
bk. m, 17 anax andron (Grk)
"Charlatanism of some degree is in (AN-ax an-DROHN) leader of men;
dispensable to effective leader a term Homer applied to Agamem
ship/' non and others
Eric Hoffer (1902-1983),
"Multo tutius est stare in subiectione
U.S. labor leader and philosopher
quam in praelatura." (It is much safer
'To lead the people, walk behind to obey, than to govern.)
them." Thomas a Kentpis [Thomas Hamerken von
Lao-Tzu (c. 604 B.c-531 B.c), Kempen] (c. 1380-1471), German monk
Chinese philosopher and writer, Imitatio Christi (c. 1420),
bk. IX, ch. I
"Only he can command who has
the courage and initiative to dis While Alexander the Great was
leading his thirsty army across the
William McDougall (1871-1938), p!esert, a soldier came up to him,
British psychologist knelt down, and offered him a hel-
The Wit's Thesaurus

met full of water. 'Is there enough freemen should himself be free,"
for 10^000 men?'' asked Alexander; was recited to literary lion Samuel
When the soldier shook his head, Johnson, he observed, "It might as
Alexander poured the water out on well be /Who drives fat oxen should
the ground. himself be fat/"
Alexander HI [Alexander the Great] Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
356 b.c-323 B.c), Macedonian king British man of letters

While traveling in the Alps, Julius

Caesar once came upon a poor and
miserable village. A member of his
entourage wondered idly whether
the village's men struggled and ♦ LEADERSHIP TRANSFER
schemed to be leader of their small
community in a competition for Foreign Words and Phrases
civic honors. "For my part/' Caesar
replied earnestly, "I would rather junta (Spa)
be the chief man in this village than (HOON-toh) cabal seeking power
the second man in Rome." coup d'ttat (Fra)
Gaius Julius Caesar (100 b.c-44 b.c), (koo day-TAH) violent or unconsti
Roman general and statesman tutional change of government
(English dbbr: coup)


Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Thafs one small step for a man,
one giant leap for mankind."
Benjamin Franklin, then America's
Neil Armstrong (1930- ),
minister in Europe, attended a din
U.S. astronaut making history on July 20,
ner in Paris that included both the
1969, when he became the first human
French foreign minister and the Brit
being to set foot on the moon. At the last
ish ambassador, soon after George moment, taking advantage of the delayed
Washington's victory at Yorktown. communications link with superiors on
The French minister proposed a Earth, Armstrong reportedly pulled rank
toast: "Louis XVI, who like the moon over fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin
fills the earth with a soft benevolent to do it.
glow." The British ambassador re
"Unused power slips imperceptibly
plied with: "George HI, who like the
into the hands of another."
noonday sun spreads his light and il
lumines the world." Franklin an Konrad Heiden (1901-1975),
German writer
swered with: '1 give you George
Washington, general of the armies of //You are pitiful isolated individu
the United States, who, likeJoshua of als; you are bankrupts; your role is
old, commanded both the sun and played out. Go where you belong
the moon to stand still, and both from now on—into the dustbin of
obeyed." history!"
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Leon Trotsky [Lev Davidovich Bronstein]
U.S. statesman and scientist (1879-1940), Russian revolutionary,
sneering at the Mensheviks,
When the line from Henry Brooke's History of the Russian Revolution
poem Earl of Essex, //Who rules o'er (1923), vol. 3, ch. 10

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes to govern, but impossible to en

The lame duck was called upon to
speak at his opponent's victory cel Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham
ebration. He dryly said: "I am re and Vaux (1778-1868), British lord
chancellor and statesman,
minded of an epitaph in the town
[authenticity unverified]
cemetery that reads: 1 expected
this, but not so soon/ "
"Education is what remains when
Charles II, described by the Earl of we have forgotten all that we have
Rochester as "a merry monarch, been taught."
scandalous and poor/' was popular George Savile, Marquis of Halifax
with his subjects, unlike his brother (1633-1695), British statesman and writer
James, Duke of York. James, riding
one day in his carriage, attended by "In my early years I read very hard.
armed guards, once came upon It is a sad reflection, but a true one,
Charles carelessly strolling through that I knew almost as much at 18 as
Hyde Park with only two atten I do now."
dants. The surprised duke stopped Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
his coach and tactfully suggested to British man of letters
Charles that it was unwise to ex
pose himself to grave danger. "When I was their age, I could
'Nonsense," said Charles good- draw like Raphael, but it took a life
humoredly. "No man in England time for me to learn to draw like
would kill me to make you king." fiiem."
Charles U (1630-1685), British king Pablo [Ruiz y] Picasso (1881-1973),
Spanish-born French artist, visiting an
Although he later admitted that the exhibition of children's drawings
phrase attracted him more by
sound than by sense, economist "His knowledge of books had in
and ambassador John Kenneth Gal- some degree diminished his knowl
braith remarked to John Kennedy, edge of the world."
regarding the Diem coup in South
William Shenstone (1714-1763),
Vietnam and the prospect of a bet British poet
ter regime, "Nothing succeeds like
successors." "Education... has produced a vast
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-1992), population able to read but unable
Canadian-born U.S. economist to distinguish what is worth read
and diplomat ing."
George Macaulay Trevelyan (1876-1962),
British historian, English Social History
(1942), ch. 18

"I have never let my schooling in

terfere with my education."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
LEARNING (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
writer and speaker
"The founding fathers in their wis
"Education makes a people easy to dom decided that children were
lead, but difficult to drive; easy an unnatural strain on parents. So

The Wit's Thesaurus

they provided jails called schools, ing his reign he had selected 14 of
equipped with tortures called edu the brightest Rumanians for special
cation. School is where you go be training in the government service.
tween when your parents can't take He sent seven to England and
you and industry can't take you." seven to the United States to study
John Updike (1932- ), their political and economic sys
U.S. writer tems. 'The seven who went to En
gland were very smart—they all
"Education is an admirable thing, achieved great success in the gov
but it is well to remember from ernment in Bucharest," said the
time to time that nothing that is king. "And the seven you sent to
worth knowing can be taught." the States?" asked Lockhart. "They
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Witts] Wilde were even smarter," replied Carol
(1854r-1900), British playwright, "They stayed there."
writer and wit Carol n (1893-1953), Rumanian king

Classical Phrases and Myths

During a dinner a young girl asked
Albert Einstein, "What is your pro
(empta dolore) experientia docet (Lat) fession?" Einstein replied: "I devote
(EMP-tah dol-OR-ay ex-peri-ENT- myself to the study of physics." The
ee-a DOK-et) (painfully bought) ex girl, astonished, said, "You mean to
perience teaches say you study physics at your age?
I finished a year ago."
"For the things we have to learn be
fore we can do them, we learn by Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
doing them." German-born physicist

Aristotle (384 b.c-322 b.c), William Howard Taft, then chief

Greek philosopher, Nichomachean Ethics, justice of the Supreme Court, was
bk. n, ch. 1 in a discussion with Robert Hutch-
ins, who, before becoming presi
"Sire, there is no royal road to ge
dent of the University of Chicago,
was dean of Yale Law School. "I
Euclid (c. 300 B.C.), Greek mathematician, suppose, Professor Hutchins," said
replying to Egyptian King Ptolemy ts Taft, "that you teach your students
request for a faster way to learn
that the judges are all fools." "No,
mathematical, theorems
Mr. Chief Justice," answered
Hutchins, "we let them discover
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes that for themselves."
The best and the brightest military Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977),
minds were studying modern U.S. U.S. educator
military history at die War College. Mark Twain used to say that it was
"So, Colonel," the instructor asked possible to learn too much from ex
the top student for his oral final ex perience. A cat, he said, that once
amination, "what were the most sat down on a hot stove lid would
important lessons you learned never again sit down on a hot stove
here?" "First, sir, to stay far from lid. The trouble was that it would
Vietnam and, second, not to mess never sit down on a cold one, ei
with those Vietnamese." ther.
The exiled Rumanian King Carol Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
once informed the British diplomat (1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart that dur writer and speaker

The Ultimate Reference Book


Quotations Quotations

"Appeal. In law, to put the dice "Feets, do your stuff!"

into the box for another throw/' Bill ["Bojangles"] Robinson (1878-1949),
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce U.S. dancer
(1842-c. 1914), U.S. writer and poet,
The Devil's Dictionary (1911) "His legs, perhaps, were shorter
than they should have been."
'Tor certain people, after 50, litiga
Lytton Strachey (1880-1932),
tion takes the place of sex.
British writer, Eminent Victorians
Gore Vidal (1925- ), U.S. writer (1918), "Dr. Arnold"

'The law is sort of hocus-pocus sci

ence, that smiles in yer face while it Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
picks yer pocket."
"Now, son, why do you think a
Charles Macklin (1697-1797), Irish actor
stork lifts one leg when it eats?"
and playwright, Love a la Mode (2759),
"Because, Daddy, if it lifted both,
Act U, sc. i
ifd fall over."
"A Constitution should be short
and obscure." Asked to resolve many serious and
Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte]
frivolous disputes, Abraham Lin
coln once was recruited to mediate
(1769-1821), French general and
emperor, Maxims (1804-1815) an argument concerning the correct
length of a man's legs in proportion
Q: "Doctor, how many autopsies to the size of his body. After listen
have you performed on dead peo ing intently to both sides, he an
ple?" A: "All my autopsies have nounced that it was with great
been performed on dead people." mental anguish he was deciding
Actual court transcript this significant issue about which so
much bloodshed over the ages had
Classical Phrases and Myths been spilled. "It is my opinion," he
concluded, "that a man's lower
in re (Lat) limbs, in order to preserve har
(in RAY) in the matter of (plu: in mony of proportion, should be at
rebus) least long enough to reach from his
lite pendente (Lat) body to the ground/'
(LEE-tay pen-DEN-tay) while the Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
case is pending U.S. president

sub poena (Lat)

(sub PEEN-ah) lit: under a penalty;
writ demanding, onpenaity, that
one attend court (English: sub
amicus curiae (Lat)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(AM-ee-kus KUR-ee-ee) lit: friend
of the court; in law, one who ad The labor leader and pacifist Eu
vises the court in a case not his own gene Debs was sentenced to ten

The Wit's Thesaurus

years in prison for his speech in Anonymous, London

1918 condemning World War I and Underground graffito
criticizing persecution of persons
'It seems that I have spent my en
under the 1917 Espionage Act Un
tire time trying to make life more
daunted, he ran his 1920 presiden rational and that it was all wasted
tial campaign from the federal
penitentiary in Atlanta, and re
A. J. Ayer (1910-1989),
ceived almost a million votes.
British philosopher
When, on Christmas Day 1921,
Debs was released on the orders of "life. A spiritual pickle preserving
President Harding, he said, happily the body from decay."
but unrepentantly, "It is the gov
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce
ernment that should ask me for a (1842-c. 1914), U.S. writer and poet,
pardon." Devil's Dictionary (1911)
Eugene Victor Debs (1855-1926),
U.S. socialist and labor leader 'life is one long process of getting
Samuel Butler (1835-1902),
British writer, Notebooks (1922), ch. 1
"life is the art of drawing sufficient
Quotations conclusions from insufficient prem
"A rich man told me recently that
Samuel Butler (1835-1902),
a liberal is a man who tells other British writer, Notebooks (2912), ch. 2
people what to do with their
money." "life is a tragedy when seen in
Imamu Amiri Baraka [Everett LeRoi close up, but a comedy in long
Jones] (1934- ), U.S. writer shot."
Charles Spencer ["Charlie"] Chaplin
'The liberals can understand every
(1889-1977), British-born actor
thing but people who don't under
stand them." "life is an Incurable, disease."
Lenny Bruce [Leonard Alfred Schneider] Abraham Cowley (1618-1667),
(1925-1966), U.S. comedian British poet, To Dr. Scarborough, VI

"life is a zoo in a jungle."

Peter de Vries (1910-1993), U.S. writer
"life is a jest; and all things show
Foreign Words and Phrases it.
I thought so once; but now I know
rites de passage (Fra) it."
(REET duh pas-SAHJ) important John Gay (1685-1732), British poet and
landmarks in one's life playwright, My Own Epitaph
vie manquie (Fra) "life is made up of sobs, sniffles,
(VEE mon-KAY) misdirected life and smiles, with sniffles predomi
O. Henry [William Sydney Porter]
"life is a sexually transmitted dis (1862-1910), U.S. writer, Four Million
ease." (2906), "Gift of the Magi"

The Ultimate Reference Book

'life can only be understood back Classical Phrases and Myths

wards; but it must be lived for
"Vitae sunmma brevis spent nos vetat
incohare longam." (Life's brief span
Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), prevents us from making far-
Danish philosopher, life reaching hopes.)
'life is something to do when you Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
can't get to sleep. Odes, I, to, 115
Frances Anne Lebowitz (1950- ),
Ancient Greek philosopher Thales
U.S. photographer, Metropolitan life
often would declare that there was
(1978), p. 101
essentially no difference between
"Ifs not true that life is one damn being alive and being dead. When
thing after another—ifs one damn someone asked why, then, he chose
thing over and over." life instead of death, he replied,
Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), "Because there is no difference."
U.S. poet, letter to Arthur Damson Ficke, Thales (c. 640 B.C.-C. 546 B.C.),
October 24,1930 Greek philosopher

"I postpone death by living, by suf

fering, by error, by risking, by giv Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
ing, by losing."
As an old man, French writer Ber
Anais Nin (1914-1977), nard de Fontenelle was conversing
French-born U.S. writer and dancer with an elderly acquaintance.
"For when the One Great Scorer "Death has forgotten us," said the
comes to mark against your name, friend. Bringing his finger to his
He writes—not that you won or lips, Fontenelle replied,. Sh-sh!"
lost—but how you played the Bernard de Fontenelle (1657-1757),
Game." French writer and philosopher

Grantland Rice (1880-1954), U.S. writer

and poet, Only the Brave (2941),
"Alumnus Football"

"This world is a comedy to those ♦ LIFESTYLE

that think, a tragedy to those that
feel." Foreign Words and Phrases
Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Oxford
(1717-1797), British writer savoir vivre (Fra)
(sav-wahr VEEV-ruh) to know how
"Vivre est une chute horizontals" to live; elegance, social grace, good
(life is a horizontal fall.) breeding
Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), French writer,
artist and filmmaker, nostalgie de la boue (Fra)
Opium (1930), p. 37 (nos-TAHL-gee de lah boo) lit:
longing for the mud; yearning for
"La vie est un songe... nous veillons the low life
dormants et veillants dormons." (life
is a dream...we sleeping wake
and waking sleep.)
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne "All decent people live beyond
(1533-1592), French writer, their incomes nowadays, and those
Essays (1580), bk. II who aren't respectable live beyond

The Wit's Thesaurus

other peoples'. A few gifted indi which and short of which right can
viduals manage to do both." not find a resting place.)
Sold (Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916), Horace (65 B.C.S b.c), Roman poet,
British writer, Chronicles of Clovis Satires, /, i, I106
(2924), "The Match-Maker"

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes LITTLENESS

While visiting a West Virginia mine
during the 1960 Democratic cam Foreign Words and Phrases
paign, John F. Kennedy was asked
soupcon (Fra)
by a miner, 'Is it true you're the
(soop-SOHN) lit: suspicion, conjec
son of one of our wealthiest men?"
ture; a tiny amount
Kennedy concurred. "Is it true
you've never wanted for anything, bijou (Fra)
and had everything you wanted?" (bee-ZEW) lit jewel; exquisite min
Kennedy admitted so. "Is it true iature
you've never done a day's work
with your hands all your life?" objet de vertu (Fra)
Kennedy nodded. "Well, I'll tell (OB-jay de VEHR-too) lit object of
quality; small work of art
you this," said the miner. /rYou
haven't missed a thing."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
U.S. president The two wits Robert Benchley and
Dorothy Parker once shared a tiny
office m the Metropolitan Opera
House which was no more than a
cramped triangle carved from a
♦ LIMITS (ENCLOSURE) hallway. Commented Benchley:
"One square foot less and it would
Quotations be adulterous."
Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
"The sky is the limit."
U.S. humorist
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la Classical Phrases and Myths
Mancha, Part I (2605), bk. JU, ch. 3
iota (Grk)
"Good fences make good neigh
(ee-OH-ta) Greek letter i; a minis-
cule quantity
Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963), U.S. poet,
North of Boston (2924),
"Mending Wall"


Classical Phrases and Myths OF SOUND

"Est modus in rebus, sunt certi de-

Foreign Words and Phrases
nique fines,
Quos ultra citraque nequit consistere fortissimo (Ita)
rectum." (There is measure in every (for-TIS-see-moh) in music, very
thing. There are fixed limits beyond loud

The Ultimate Reference Book

a mezza voce (Ita) ''How do I love thee? Let me count

(ah MEH-tsa VOH-chay) lit: at half the ways.
voice; faintly I love thee to the depth and breadth
calandodte) and height _
(kal-LAHN-doh) tit: going down; in Mv. *"* g* reach' when feehnS
music, softer and slower, fading
fading6 °ut °lsl8ht, , n . . .. .
For the ends of Bemg and ideal
a haute voix (Fra)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861),
(ah oat VWAH) at the top of one's British poet, Sonnets from the
Portuguese (2550), no. 43

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "In her first passion woman loves
her lover,
The Oxford lectures of critic Walter In all the others all she loves is
Pater, whose writings were in the love."
vanguard of the 1890s "art for arfs
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824),
sake" Aesthetic movement, were British poet, Don Juan (2322),
notoriously inaudible. Following a Canto m, Hi
lecture, Pater said, "I hope you all
heard me." Oscar Wilde replied, "Love, and a cough, cannot be
"We overheard you." hid."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flakertie Wills] Wilde George Herbert (1593-1633),
(1854-1900), British playwright, British clergyman and poet,
writer and wit Jacula Prudentum (2652), no. 49

"I die a queen. But I would rather

die the wife of Thomas Culpeper."
Catherine Howard (1520-1542), British
♦ LOVE queen, uttering last words before being
beheaded after King Henry VM discovered
Foreign Words and Phrases that his fifth wife was still in love with
her former fianci [authenticity unverified]
chagrin d'amour (Fra)
(shag-ran dah-MOOR) lit: sadness "Love is like the measles; we all
of love, distress bred of unhappi- have to go through it."
ness in love Jerome K[lapka] Jerome (1859-1927),
British writer, Idle Thoughts of an Idle
inamorato/inamorata (Ita)
Fellow (1886), "On Being in Love"
he/she who is in love "Love is what happens to a man,
and a woman who don't know each
affaire de coeur (Fra)
(ah-FAIR de KUHR) matter of the
heart; love affair Wlilliam] Somerset Maugham, (1874-
1965), British writer and playwright
Quotations "Birds do it, bees do it,
Even educated fleas do it.
'The desires of the heart are as
Lefs do it, lefs fall in love."
crooked as corkscrews."
Cole Porter (1891-1964), U.S. songwriter,
Wlystan] H[ugh] Auden (1907-1973),
Lefs Do It (2954 song)
British-born poet, Letter from Iceland
(2937;, "Letter to William "Absence diminishes mediocre pas
Coldstream, Esq." sions and increases great ones, as

The Wit's Thesaurus

the wind snuffs candles and fans "Per daputque pedesque." (Over head
fire." and heels.)
Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld Gaius Valerius.Catullus (87-c. 54 B.C.),
(1613-1680), French writer, Roman poet, Carmina, XX, I. 9
Maximes (2678), 276
"Amantium irae amoris. integratio
"Love looks not with the eyes, but
est." (a-MANT-ee-um ir-AY a-
with the mind,
MOR-is int-eh-GRAY-tee-oh) (The
And therefore is wing'd Cupid
quarrels of lovers are the renewal of
painted blind/'
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British
Terence [Publius Terentius Afer]
playwright and poet, A Midsummer
(c. 190 B.c-159 B.c), Roman playwright,
Nighfs Dream (1596), Act I, sci
The Woman of Andros (266 B.C.)
"Of one that lov'd not wisely but
too well/'
Waiiam Shakespeare (1564-1616),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British playwright and poet,
Othello (2605), Act V, sc. n While on an American tour, the
British actress Mrs. Patrick Camp
'There are two tragedies in life. bell, typically in control of the sit
One is not to get your heart's de uation, was once taken to dinner by
sire. The other is to get it" a shy, diminutive man. 'Tell me
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), which would you sooner do," she
Irish playwright, Man and asked huskily, her magnetic eyes
Superman (2903), Act IV focused on him, "love passionately,
or be loved passionately?" The shy
"Love is the most ambiguous, de fellow took a deep breath, reflected,
lirious, illogical emotion there is." then ventured, "I'd rather be a ca
Sylvester Stallone (1948- ), nary."
U.S. actor
Mrs. Patrick [Beatrice] Campbell
(1865-1940), British actress
"Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all."
Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson Queen Victoria and her Prince Albert
(1809-1892), British poet, visited Florence several times as
In Memoriam (2850) young newlyweds, and were partic
ularly fond of the Brunelleschi dome
"he coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne surmounting the cathedral. Years af
connait point." (The heart has its ter Albert had died, Victoria re
reasons which reason knows noth turned to Florence and found that
ing of.) the dome had been restored. Outside
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), the cathedral, she ordered her car
French mathematician and writer, riage stopped, rolled down the win
Pensees (2670), no. 4, 277 dow, and opened the locket that
hung about her neck. She turned the
miniature of her beloved husband to
Classical Phrases and Myths face the dome and, after silently
omnia vincit amor (Lat) sharing its magnificence with him,
(OM-ne-ah WIN-kit AH-mor) love closed the locket and hurried away.
conquers all (things) Victoria (1819-1901), British queen

The Ultimate Reference Book

ken heart?" "Yes, she did," inter

♦ LOVE, UNREQUITED rupted Shaw. "Fifty years later."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Quotations Irish playwright

"I never hated a man enough to

give him diamonds back/'
Zsa Zsa [Sari] Gabor (1919- ),
Hungarian-born U.S. actress

//When a lovely flame dies,

Foreign Words and Phrases
Smoke gets in your eyes."
Otto Harbach (1873-1963), (si) capo di tutti capi (Ita)
U.S. songwriter, Smoke Gets in (see KAH-poh dee TOO-tee KAH-
Your Eyes (2933 song) pee) (yes) godfather of godfathers

"Scratch a lover and find a foe." bushido (Jap)

Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), US. wit
(BOO-shee-doh) Samurai code of
and writer, Not So Deep as a Well steadfast loyalty and honor
(1937), ''Ballad of a Great Weariness"

Classical Phrases and Myths "If you wish to win a man's heart,
allow him to confute you."
According to Greek mythology, An-
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
teros (AN-ter-os) was the brother of (1804-1881), British prime minister
Eros and the son of Aphrodite and
Ares. He was sometimes repre "I don't want loyalty. I want loyalty.
sented as the avenger of unrequited I want him to kiss my ass in Macfs
love, and sometime as the symbol of window at high noon and tell me it
mutual love and tenderness. smells like roses. I want his pecker
in my pocket."
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
U.S. president
George Gershwin was very fond of
a woman who instead married Classical Phrases and Myths
someone else. Commented the
semper fidelis (Lat)
great composer and songwriter, "If
(SEM-per fee-DAY-lis) always faith
I wasn't so busy, I'd be upset."
George Gershwin (1898-1937),
US. composer and songwriter fidei defensor (Lat)
(fid-E-ee day-FEN-sor) defender of
The wife of playwright and wit
the faith; title ascribed to a sover
George Bernard Shaw was asked
eign and inscribed on coins
during a joint interview how she
had coped with her husband's In Greek legend as described in
many female admirers. By way of Homer's Iliad, Patroclus (pa-TROH-
reply, Mrs. Shaw related an anec klus) was Achilles' loyal friend who
dote: "After we were married there donned Achilles' armor to rally the
was an actress who pursued my Greeks and was killed. Grief-
husband. She threatened suicide stricken, Achilles killed the great
if she were not allowed to see Trojan hero, Hector, and, contrary
him..." "And did she die of a bro to traditional funereal treatment,

The Wit's Thesaurus

dragged the corpse behind his char do the work of one extraordinary
iot as a trophy. Hence, Patroclus man."
connotes a loyal friend. Elbert [Green] Hubbard (1856-1915),
U.S. businessman and writer
In Greek legend, as described in
Homer's Odyssey, Penelope (peh- "Men. have become the tools of
NEL-oh-pee) was Odysseus' loyal their tools."
wife who spurned wooers as she
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862),
waited hopefully for the return of
U.S. writer, naturalist and poet
her husband for 20 years. Thus, Pe
nelope connotes a loyal wife.
Classical Phrases and Myths

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Having invented the lever and the
pulley, Archimedes (ark-i-MEED-
Jean Cocteau, the French writer, art eez) proclaimed, "Give me a place
ist and filmmaker, confided his dis on which to stand, and I will move
appointment about one of his the earth." Hiero of Syracuse chal
projects to his film students: "Ifs lenged him to put his words into
my worst work.'7 One of his disci action and help the sailors beach a
ples said, "Among us, ifs generally large ship. By arranging a series of
understood that you aren't its au pulleys and cogs, Archimedes,
unaided, was able to pull the great
Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), French writer, vessel out of the water and onto the
artist and filmmaker beach.

Theodoric the Great, king of the Os Archimedes (287 b.c-212 b.c),

trogoths and of Italy in the sixth Greek mathematician and scientist
century, was an Arian, but had a
trusted Catholic minister. Seeking
to ingratiate himself with Theodo
ric, the minister renounced his ten ♦ MAKEUP
ets to embrace Arianism. Theodoric
had him beheaded, explaining, "If
this man is not faithful to his God, Quotations
how can he be faithful to me, a "In the factory we make cosmetics;
mere man?" in the store we sell hope."
Theodoric the Great (c. 454-526), Charles Reoson (1906-1975),
Ostrogoth king U.S. businessman

"A triumph of the embalmer's art."

Gore Vidal (1925- ), U.S. writer
describing Ronald Reagan


"Man is a tool-making animal." ♦ MALE

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
U.S. statesman and scientist Foreign Words and Phrases
"One machine can do the work of bonhomme (Fra)
50 ordinary men. No machine can (bon-OM) good, honest man

The Ultimate Reference Book

Ubermensch (Get) amozon refers to a large or robust

(OO-ber-mensh) Superman woman, or a female soldier.
machismo (Spa)
(mah-KEES-moh) (focus on) mas
culinity or virility

Quotations ♦ MALE & FEMALE

'Tone before the invention of lo-
fat blueberry yogurt, pre-nuptial Quotations
agreements and poodle psycholo
"There is more difference within
gists, a man was a man/'
the sexes than between them."
Anonymous, advertisement for
Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett (1884-1969),
Arrow Shirts
British writer, Mother and Son (2955),
"Macho does not prove mucho." ch. 10
Zsa Zsa [Sari] Gabor (1919- ),
"I'm not denyin' the women are
Hungarian-born U.S. actress
foolish: God Almighty made 'em to
'The fucking you get isn't worth match the male."
the fucking you get." George Eliot [h/iary Ann Evans Cross]
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit (1819-1880), British writer, Adam Bede
and writer, appraising men (2S59), ch. 53
[authenticity unverified]
"Man has his will—but woman has
'Ifs not the men in my life that
her way!"
counts—ifs the life in my men."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894),
Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress,
U.S. writer and physician, The Autocrat
I'm No Angel (1933 film)
of the Breakfast Table (1858), ch. 1
"Young men want to be faithful
and are not; old men want to be "Men have as exaggerated an idea
faithless and cannot." of their rights as women have of
their wrongs."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854r-1900), British playwright, writer Edgar Watson Howe (1853-1937), US.
and wit, The Picture of Dorian Gray writer, Country Town Sayings (2922)
(1891), ch. 2
"A man is as good as he has to be,
Gerry (Jack Lemmon): "We can't and a woman as bad as she dares."
get married at all... I'm a man."
Elbert [Green] Hubbard (1856-1915),
Osgood (Joe E. Brown): "Well, no
U.S. businessman and writer, The
body's perfect."
Notebook (2927)
Billy [Samuel] Wilder (1906-1993),
U.S. film director and writer, and I. A. L. "You see an awful lot of smart guys
Diamond (c. 1900s), US screenwriter, with dumb women, but you hardly
Some Like It Hot (2959 film)
ever see a smart woman with a
dumb guy."
Classical Phrases and Myths
Erica Jong (1942- ), US. writer,
In Greek mythology, the Amazons Fear of Flying (2973)
(AM-a-zonz) were a nation of
single-breasted female warriors lo "Men have a much better time of it
cated in Asia or Scythia. Hence, an than women. For one thing, they

The Wit's Thesaurus

marry later. For another thing, they dapper playwright Noel Coward
die earlier." ran into her once, and both were
Hlenry] Uouis] Mencken (1880-1956), wearing similar suits, he remarked,
U.S. critic and writer, Chrestomathy "You look almost like a man." Re
(2949), ch. 30 plied Ferber, "So do you."
"In a world without women what Edna Ferber (1887-1968), U.S. writer
would men become?" someone [attributed also to others]
once asked humorist Mark Twain. "You are a man. I am a woman," be
He replied, "Scarce, sir, mighty gan a woman seeking to embroil Pro
scarce." fessor John Mahaffy in a feminist
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] argument. "What is the essential dif
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, ference between us?" Mahaffy re
writer and speaker plied urbanely, "Madam, I cannot
"All women become like their conceive."
mothers. That is their tragedy. No Sir John Pentland Mahaffy (1839-1919),
man does. That's his." Irish scholar

Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde

(1854r-1900), British playwright, writer
and wit, The Importance of Being ♦ MANAGEMENT
Earnest (1895), Act I

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Quotations

French diva Sophie Arnould, after "There is something rarer than abil
giving a supper for several distin ity. It is the ability to recognize abil
guished guests, was visited by the ity."
lieutenant of police, who demanded Libert [Green] Hubbard (1856-1915),
their names. She said that she could U.S. businessman and writer
not remember even one. The lieu
"Executive ability is deciding
tenant persisted, "But a woman like
quickly and getting somebody else
you ought to remember things like
to do the work."
that." "Of course, lieutenant," she
replied demurely, "but with a man /. G. Pollock (1871-1937),
like you, I am not a woman like U.S. businessman
me." "Managing is getting paid for home
[Madeleine] Sophie Arnould (1740-1802), runs someone else hits."
French actress and singer Casey Stengel (1890-1975),
A pompous gentleman once asked U.S. baseball manager
the sharp-tongued actress Mrs. Pat
rick Campbell, "Why do you sup
pose it is that women so utterly lack a ♦ MANIFESTATION
sense of humor?" "God did it on
purpose," Mrs. Campbell answered,
without batting an eyelash, "so that Quotations
we may love you men instead of "Some circumstantial evidence is
laughing at you." very strong, as when you find a
Mrs. Patrick [Beatrice] Campbell trout in the milk."
(1865-1940), British actress Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862),
The author Edna Ferber enjoyed U.S. writer, naturalist and poet, Journal
wearing tailored suits. When the (1906), entry for November 11,1854

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths "The most happy marriage I can

picture or imagine to myself would
res ipsa loquitur (Lat)
be Hie union of a dear man to a
(res IP-sa LOK-wi-tur) lit: the thing
blind woman."
in itself speaks; it is all rather ob
vious; the situation speaks for itself Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834),
British poet and writer
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "The value of marriage is not that
While investigating the unusual but adults produce children, but that
fatal one-car collision, the patrol children produce adults."
man noticed a monkey playing on Peter de Vries (1910- ),
the wrecked car's trunk. "I wish U.S. writer. Tunnel of Love (1954), ch. 8
you could tell me what happened/'
"Marriage is too interesting an ex
the cop mused. Surprisingly, the
periment to be tried once or twice."
monkey raised its hands to its
mouth in a drinking motion. "So Eva Gabor (1923- ),
they were drinking. Is that all?" Hungarian-born U.S. actress
The monkey shook its head and "Matrimonial devotion
brought its hand to its mouth in a Doesn't seem to suit her notion."
smoking motion. "So they were
Sir WlilliamJ Slchwenck] Gilbert
drinking and smoking. Is that all?"
(1836-1911), British writer,
The monkey shook its head and
The Mikado (1885), Act R
brought its hands together in a
lovemaking motion. "So they were "The others were only my wives.
drinking, smoking and screwing," But you, my dear, will be my
the cop said. "So what the hell were widow."
you doing?" The monkey raised its Sacha Guitry (1885-1957), French actor
hands in a driving motion and . and playwright, consoling his fifth wife,
craned its neck over its right shoul who had sounded jealous of her four
der. predecessors [variations also
attributed to others]

"The wedding march always re

minds me or the music played
when soldiers go into battle."
Henrich Heine (1797-1856),
German poet and writer
Foreign Words and Phrases
''Marriage has many pains, but cel
suttee (Hin) ibacy has no pleasures."
(SUHT-ee) Hindu custom of wid
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man.
ows burning themselves on their of letters, Rasselas (1759), ch. 26
husbands' funeral pyres
"Marriages are made in heaven and
Quotations consummated on earth."

"Wives are young men's mis John Lyly (c. 1554-1606), British writer,
Mother Bombie (1590), Act IV, sc.i
tresses, companions for middle age,
and old men's nurses." "There once was an old man of
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Lyme
British lawyer and writer, Essays (2625), Who married three wives at a time,
"Of Marriage and Single Life" When asked 'Why a third?'

The Wit's Thesaurus

He replied, 'One's absurd! cleverness, and just stupid enough

And bigamy, Sir, is a crime!'" to admire it"
William Cosmo Monkhouse (1840-1901), Israel Zangwill (1864-1926),
British humorist, Nonsense British writer and playwright
Rhymes (1902)
Classical Phrases and Myths
"After a few years of marriage a
man can look right at a woman "Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam li-
without seeing her and a woman bens." (With you I should love to
can see right through a man with live, with you be ready to die.)
out looking at him." Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Helen Rowland (1875-1950), U.S. writer, Odes, IE, xiii, I. 24
A Guide to Men (2922)
"By all means marry: if you get a
"A husband is what is left of a good wife you'll become happy; if
lover, after the nerve has been ex you get a bad one, you'll become a
tracted." philosopher."
Helen Rowland (1875-1950), U.S. writer, Socrates (469 B.c-399 b.c),
A Guide to Men (1922), p. 19 Greek philosopher

'It takes two to make a marriage a

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
success and only one a failure/'
Herbert Louis, 1st Viscount Samuel "Heavens," sighed the wife, 'Tm
(1870-1963), British statesman and convinced my mind is almost
writer, A Book of Quotations gone!" Peering over his reading
(1947), p. 115 glasses, the husband replied, "No
wonder—you've given me a piece
"Many a good hanging prevents a
of it every day for 20 years."
bad marriage."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), The trouble with being best man at
British playwright and poet, a wedding is that there is no op
Twelfth Night (1600), Act I, sc. io portunity to prove it.

"With all my heart; whose wife After the newlywed couple made
shall it be?" love one night, he threw his pants at
her, saving, "Try them on." She an
John Home Tooke (1736-1812),
swered: "You know they're much
British radical politician and philologist,
too big." "You got it," he snorted.
replying when advised to take a wife
"Don't forget who wears the pants in
[attributed also to Tom Sheridan,
son of Richard Brinsley Sheridan] this house." Scowling, she plucked
her panties from the bed, and tossed
"Marriage is like a dull meal with them at her husband. 'Try them on,"
the dessert at the beginning." she ordered. Studying the garment,
Henri, Comte de Toulouse-Lautrec he snickered, "Forget it! I'd never
(1864-1901), French painter get into these!" She headed for the
athroom. "Until your attitude
"Marriage is a great institution, but changes," she said over her shoul
I'm not ready for an institution der, "thafs absolutely right." .
The husband explained his method
Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress
for making a marriage work. "We di
"A man likes his wife to be just vide up the decisions. The wife han
clever enough to comprehend his dles the small ones, and I handle the

The Ultimate Reference Book

ones/' He then described his who gave you that advice?" "She
wife's small decisions. Asked a lis did."
tener, "And what kind of big deci Mark Wayne Clark (1896-1984),
sions do you make?" Answered the U.S. general
husband, "I don't know. There
haven't been any big decisions yet" Upon moving into 10 Downing
Street, the British prime minister's
British queen Alexandra was grief- official residence in London, Denis
stricken as King Edward VII lay on Thatcher, husband of then-prime
his deathbed. Her grief required minister Margaret Thatcher, was
her at first to turn a blind eye to his asked by a reporter, //Who wears
infidelities and sybaritic lifestyle, the pants in this house?" "I do, and
but later she remarked to Lord I also wash and iron them."
Esher, "At least now I know where Denis Thatcher (1915- ),
he is." British businessman
Alexandra (1844-1925),
Soon after his marriage to Queen
Danish-born British queen
Victoria, Prince Albert stalked out
A servant of Guillaume Bude, the of the room and locked himself in
his private apartments. Victoria fu
French royal librarian, came run
riously pounded on the door. Al
ning and breathlessly told his mas
bert called, //Who/s there?" "The
ter that the house was on fire.
queen of England, and she de
"Inform your mistress," Bude in
mands to be admitted." Silence.
structed, waving him away. "You
Victoria again hammered at the
know that I leave all household
door. "Who's there?" "The queen
matters with her."
of England, and she demands to be
Guillaume Bude (1467-1540), admitted!!" Further silence, and the
French scholar door remained shut Again, fruit
less and furious knocking. Then
On a royal visit to the Cadbury co
there was a pause, followed by gen
coa plant, George Cadbury escorted
tle tapping. "Who's there?" The
Queen Mary while Mrs. Cadbury queen replied, "Your wife, Albert"
walked behind with King George The prince immediately opened the
V. Queen Mary, worried that the door.
elderly Cadbury might get a chill
Victoria (1819-1901), British queen
due to the cold, said "Mr. Cadbury,
please put on your hat." Cadbury
hesitated. "Please, Mr. Cadbury—
or 111 have the king command you
to do so!" Her host still demurred.
Then from behind came the reso
nant tone of Elizabeth Cadbury:
"George, put your hat on." He did. Quotations

George Cadbury (1839-1922), "Don't knock masturbation. Ifs sex

British manufacturer and social reformer with someone I love."
Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
Asked what was the best advice he (1935- ), U.S. comedian and
had ever been given, the WWII filmmaker, and Marshall Brickman
general Mark Clark answered, (1941- ), U.S. humorist,
'To marry the girl I did." "And Annie Hall (1977 film)

The Wit's Thesaurus

"He's a fine writer, but I wouldn't

want to shake hands with him." MEANING
Jacqueline Susann (1918-1974),
U.S. writer, judging Philip Roth, Quotations
author o/Portno/s Complaint
" Then you should say what you
a novel partly about masturbation
mean/ tne March Hare went on. 1
do/ Alice hastily replied; 'at least—
at least I mean what I say—thafs
the same thing, you know. TsJot the
same thing a bit!' said the Hatter.
'Why, you might just as well say
that "I see what I eat" is the same
Quotations thing as "I eat what I see"!'"
"Mathematics may be defined as Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutzvidge
the subject in which we never know Dodgson] (1832-1898), British writer and
what we are talking about, nor mathematician, Alice's Adventures in
whether what we are saying is Wonderland (1865), ch. 7
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Classical Phrases and Myths
3rd~Earl (1872-1970),
videlicet (Lat)
British mathematician and philosopher,
Mysticism and Logic (1917), ch. 4
(WEE-de-UK-et) lit: one may see;
namely, that is to say (obbr: viz)

ad rent (Lat)
(ad rem) to the point, relevant to
the matter under discussion, perti
♦ MAXIM nent

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"A platitude is simply a truth re "Maitre d'!" shouted the indignant
peated until people get tired of restaurant customer. "There's a nail
hearing it" floating in my soup! What's the
Stanley Baldwin, Earl Baldwin of Bewdley meaning of this?" "Tcouldn't say,"
(1867-1947), British prime minister replied the refined host, bowing
deeply. "May I suggest a fortune
"All generalizations are dangerous, teller?"
even this one."
Alexandre [fils] Dumas (1824-1895),
French writer and playwright

"Epigram: a wisecrack that played ♦ MEASUREMENT

Carnegie Hall."
Oscar Levant (1906-1972),
U.S. pianist and wit
"I am the extent of a tenth of a
gnafs eyebrow better."
Classical Phrases and Myths
Joel Chandler Harris (1848-1908),
gnome (Grk) U.S. writer, replying how he felt on his
(GNOH-may) maxim, aphorism deathbed [authenticity unverified]

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths Quotations

ex pede Herculem (Lat) "Genius and geniuses every way I

(ex PED-e HER-cu-lem) lit: (to turn! If only there were some tal
measure) Hercules from his foot; to ent!"
estimate the size or extent of the Henri Bernstein (1876-1953),
unknown whole from the known French playwright, visiting Hollywood
part, to extrapolate
"Some men are born mediocre,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes some men achieve mediocrity, and
some men have mediocrity thrust
Journalist Heywood Broun in a
upon them. With Major Major it
1917 review of a play said that the
had been all three."
performance of actor Geoffrey
Steyne was "the worst to be seen in Joseph Heller (1923- ),
U.S. writer, Catch-22 (2962), ch. 9
the contemporary theater." Steyne
immediately sued. Later, while the "The worst misfortune that can
case was pending, Broun had the happen to an ordinary man is to
opportunity to review the actor's have an extraordinary father."
performance in another play. This
Austin O'Malley (1858-1932),
time he wrote: "Mr. Steyne's per U.S. physician and writer
formance was not up to his usual
standard." "Never was ability so much below
[Matthew} Heywood Campbell Broun mediocrity so well rewarded; no,
(1888-1939), U.S. writer not even when Caligula's horse was
made a consul."
John Randolph (1773-1833),
U.S. politician describing Richard Rush


"Those who in quarrels interpose ♦ MEMORY

Must often wipe a bloody nose."
John Gay (1685-1732), British poet and
Foreign Words and Phrases
playwright, Fables, Part I (1727),
"The Mastiffs" dijh vu (Fra)
(DAY-jah voo) the experience of
Classical Phrases and Myths seeing something that seems oddly
eirenicon (Grk) familiar
(ay-RAY-NIK-on) proposal outlin tartle (Scot)
ing terms of peace (TAR-tul) to fail (and hesitate) to
recognize someone or something

♦ MEDIOCRITY Quotations

'1 distinctly remember forgetting

Foreign Words and Phrases that."
finite de mieux (Fra) Clara Barton (1821-1912),
(foht de meeuw) for want of any U.S. social reformer, when reminded of
thing better; an inferior substitute a wrong done to her years earlier

The Wit's Thesaurus

"A memory is what is left when good memory, but she tends to rely
something happens and does not upon it too much."
completely unnappen." Tamara Karsavina (1885-1978),
Edward de Bono (1933- ), Russian ballerina
British writer

"Many a man fails to become a

thinker for the sole reason that his
memory is too good/' ♦ MIDDLE AGE
Friedrich [Wilhelm] Nietzsche
(1844r-1900), German philosopher Foreign Words and Phrases
d'un certain Age (Fra)
(duhn SEHR-tan AHJ) middle-aged

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

One day while in New York, the ac
tor James Cagney saw a man across "The really frightening thing about
the street "You see that fellow over middle age is the knowledge that
there?" Cagney asked his wife. "He you'll grow out of it."
sat next to me in school. His name is Doris Day (1924r- ),
Nathan Skidelsky." Though proud U.S. singer and film actress
of her husband's incredible memory,
Mrs. Cagney replied, 'Trove it." "Middle age is the time when a
Cagney went over and said hello. It man is always thinking that in a
really was Nathan Skidelsky. But he week or two he will feel as good as
didn't remember Jimmy Cagney. ever."
James Cagney (1899-1989) Donlald Robert Perry] Marquis
U.S. film actor (1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet

As part of her nightclub act, Carol

Channing would sometimes en
courage members of the audience
to ask her personal questions. ♦ MINISTRY
Someone asked, "Do you remem
ber the most embarrassing moment Quotations
you ever had?" "Yes, I do," replied
Channing. "Next question?" "Archbishop: a Christian ecclesias
tic of a rank superior to that at
Carol Channing (1921- ),
tained by Christ."
U.S. actress and singer
Hlenry] Llquis] Mencken (1880-1956),
U.S. critic and writer
American dancer Lydia Sokolova
claimed to have assisted the BaUets "How can a bishop marry? How
Russes star Tamara Karsavina in in can he flirt? The most he can say is,
terpreting a very successful role. 1 will see you in the vestry after
Wnen asked about Sokolova's con service.'"
tribution, the tempestuous Karsa Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
vina said flatly, 'Xydia has very British clergyman and writer

The Ultimate Reference Book

'There is a certain class of clergy

man whose, mendicity is only
equalled by their mendacity.
Archbishop Frederick Temple Foreign Words and Phrases
(1821-1902), British clergyman
Erlko nig (Ger)
(EHRL-kuh-nig) elf king, mischie
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes vous spirit

Sitting next to Rabbi Adler at an of enfant terrible (Fra)

ficial luncheon, Herbert Cardinal (on-FON tehr-REE-bluh) lit: terrible
Vaughan asked him mischievously, child; incorrigible (and embarrass
//When may I have the pleasure of ing) child; fig: person whose unru-
helping you to some ham?" Replied liness creates difficulties
Adler, "At Your Eminence's wed
Hermann Adler (1839-1911),
German-born British rabbi "Oh dear me—ifs too late to do
[attributed also to others] anything but accept you and love
you—but when you were quite a
A U.S. clergyman once condemned little boy somebody ought to have
the great actress Sarah Bernhardt as said 'hush' just once!"
"an imp of darkness, a female de
Mrs. Patrick Campbell [Beatrice]
mon sent from the modern Babylon
(1865-1940), British actress, letter to
to corrupt the New World." Sarah
George Bernard Shaw, November 1,1912
responded with a note: "My dear
confrere, why attack me so vio 'Time to me this truth has taught
lently? Actors ought not to be hard (Tis a treasure worth revealing),
on one another. Sarah Bernhardt" More offend from want of thought,
Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), Than from any want of feeling."
French actress Charles Swain (1801-1874), British poet,
Want of Thought

Classical Phrases and Myths

The Greek mathematician Thales's
mule was carrying a load of salt but
Foreign Words and Phrases accidentally fell in a river. The salt
Wundersucht (Ger) dissolved. Realizing that its burden
(VOON-duhr-soosht) fascination was considerably tighter, the mule
with miracles (public's appetite met repeated the stunt. Thales's cure for
by advertisers, evangelists, etc.) the insolent mule was to burden the
beast with sponges for the return
Thales (c. 640 B.C.-C. 546 b.c),
"For those who believe in God no Greek philosopher
explanation is needed; for those
who do not believe in God no ex
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
planation is possible."
Father John Lafarge (1880-1963), While leading a group of tourists
British clergyman, commenting on the around the colleges of Oxford Uni
cures at Lourdes versity, the British writer Charles

The Wit's Thesaurus

Calverley announced: 'That is Bal- soup is a schlemiel, the person he

liol College. That is the Master's spills it on is a schlimazl
house..." He then threw a stone at
the study window. "And that/' he
continued, "is the Master." Quotations

Charles Stuart Calverley (1831-1884), "now and then

British writer [attributed also to others] there is a person born
who is so unlucky
/'When I was a boy, my friends and
I would wander the streets to find
that he runs into accidents
which started to happen
horses tied up to a post/' began
longtime mayor of New York, Fior- to somebody else."
ello La Guardia, trying to distin Donlold Robert Perry] Marquis
guish between mischief and (1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet, archy
delinquency for the police. "We'd and mehitabel (1933), "archy says"
unhitch one, ride him around town,
then tie him up again." "Are you "Dans Vadversite de nos meilleurs
telling us that the mayor of New amis, nous trouvons quelque chose qui
York was once a horse thief?" ne nous deplait pas." (In the misfor
asked a policeman. "No," said La tune of our best friends, we find
Guardia. "I'm telling you that he something that does not displease
was once a boy." us.)
Fiorello la Guardia (1882-1947), Frangois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
U.S. politician (1613-1680), French writer,
Maximes (2665), 583
French statesman Talleyrand over
heard historian Claude Rulhires
complain that he was unjustifiably Classical Phrases and Myths
accused of being mischievous,
''Misfortune reveals true friends."
"even though I have done only one
mischievous thing in my life." Aristotle (384 B.c-322 B.c),'
Asked Talleyrand, "And when will Greek philosopher, Eudemian Ethics,
that end?" bk. VU, ch. 2

Charles Maurice de Tatteyrand-Perigord

"There's many a slip 'twixt the cup
(1754-1838), French diplomat
and lip."
Pallados (c.400), Greek writer
[authenticity unverified]

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

The football player Bronko Nagur-

Foreign Words and Phrases
ski, roughhousing with a teammate,
schlemiel (Yid) fell out of a second-floor window.
(shleh-MEEL)' one who is unlucky A policeman made his way through
or clumsy, a fool, e.g., one who falls the crowd that had gathered and
on his back and breaks his nose inquired, "What happened?" "I
schlimozl (Yid) don't know," said Nagurski. "I just
(shleh-MAZL) Job-like person to got here myself."
whom everything bad happens, Bronko Nagurski (1908-1990),
e.g., the waiter who spills a bowl of U.S. football player

The Ultimate Reference Book

ribly gored in Spain." Alarmed,

♦ MISINTERPRETATION Coward asked, "He was what?"
"He vass gored!" "Thank heavens.
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes I thought you said he was bored."
Sir Noel Coward (1899-1973),
''With which hand do you stir your
British playwright and actor
coffee?" asked the child. "With my
right hand/' replied the social ma As the daughter of an earl, Lady
tron. "Oh/' said the child, "don't Katharine Sackville retained her ti-~
you use a spoon?" tie when she married journalist
Frank Giles. While journeying
The peril of using irony as a rhetori abroad, they once received an in
cal device was learned well by Lord vitation from the British embassy
Justice Charles Bowen. When acting addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Giles.
as a Puisne judge/ he was trying a Giles called the embassy to correct
burglar who, having entered a house the breach of protocol, and started
by the top story, was captured to explain: "She isn't exactly Mrs.
downstairs taking silver. Ingenu Giles—" "No problem," assured
ously, or ingeniously, the accused the voice at the other end. "Bring
claimed to be an eccentric addicted her along anyway. We're not at all
to perambulating on the roofs of ad
stuffy here."
jacent houses, and occasionally
Frank Thomas Robertson Giles
dropping in "permiscuous" through
(1919- ), British writer
an open skylight. Reportedly, the
judge caustically summed up in his Conservative MP Neil Marten was
instructions to the jury: "If, gentle guiding a group of his constituents
men, you think it likely that the pris on a tour of the Houses of Parlia
oner was merely indulging in an ment. Lord Hailsham, then lord
amiable fancy for midnight exercise chancellor and wearing all the re
on his neighbor's roof; if you think it galia of his office, came upon the
was kindly consideration for that group. Recognizing Marten among
neighbor which led him to take off the visitors, Hailsham exclaimed,
his boots and leave them behind him "Neil!" All of Marten's constituents
before descending into the house; promptly fell to their knees.
and if you believe that it was the in Neil Marten (191$- ),
nocent curiosity of the connoisseur British politician
which brought Kim to the silver pan
try and caused him to borrow the
teapot, then, gentlemen, you will ac
quit the prisoner!" To the judge's ♦ MISJUDGMEM1
great dismay, the jury did immedi
ately acquit the accused.
Charles Synge Christopher Bowen,
1st Baron (1835-1894), British jurist "Everyone complains about his
memory yet no one complains
In 1958, the American writer Bar- about his judgment."
naby Conrad was badly gored in a
Francflis, Due de La Rochefoucauld
bullfight in Spain. Later, at a New
(1613-1680), French writer,
York restaurant Eva Gabor said to Maximes (1678), 89
playwright Noel Coward, "Noel
dahling, have you heard the news "[Samuel] Johnson's aesthetic
about poor Bahnaby? He vass ter judgements are almost invariably

The Wit's Thesaurus

subtle, or solid, or bold; they have Strauss handed his autograph book
always some good quality to rec to Brahms, asking if Brahms would
ommend them—except one: they do him the honor of signing it Af
are never right." ter Brahms had signed it Strauss
Lytton Strachey (1880-1932), later saw that Brahms had tran
British writer, Books and Characters scribed the first few bars of The Blue
(1922), 'lives of the Poets" Danube and written underneath,
"Unfortunately not by Johannes
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Brahms."
Standing in front of a historic paint Johannes Brahms (1833-1897),
ing of a dirty but relaxed peasant at German composer
the museum, the society matron
commented to her friends, 'Isn't
that like them. Too poor to buy de
cent clothes, but he can afford to ♦ MONEY
have his portrait painted."
Foreign Words and Phrases
fouxfrais (Fra)
♦ MODESTY (foh fray) overlooked items ex
cluded from a budget
Quotations il faut de d'argent (Fra)
"He's a modest man who has a (eel FOH de LAH-jon) it is neces
good deal to be modest about." sary to have money
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
(1874-1965), British prime minister Quotations
and writer, describing Sir Clement Attlee "Money is like muck, not good ex
"You've no idea what a poor opin cept it be spread."
ion I have of myself—ana how little Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
I deserve it. British lawyer and writer, Essays (1625),
Sir William] Slchwenck] Gilbert "Of Seditions and Troubles"
(1836-1911), British writer "Annual income twenty pounds,
"All men have their faults; too annual expenditure nineteen nine
much modesty is his." teen six, result happiness. Annual
income twenty pounds, annual ex
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Irish-born
penditure twenty pounds ought
British poet, playwright and writer,
and six, result misery."
The Good-Natured Man (1768), Act U
Charles Dickens (1812-1870),
"Liking a writer and then meeting British writer, David Copperfield
the writer is like liking goose liver (1849-1850), ch. 12
and then meeting the goose."
"If you would like to know the
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983),
value of money, go and try to bor
British writer
row some."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
U.S. statesman and scientist,
The composers Johannes Brahms
Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757)
and Johann Strauss the Younger,
who had each admired the other "They who are of the opinion that
from afar, once met in Vienna. money will do everything, may
The Ultimate Reference Book

very well be suspected to do every and held them up to his son's nose.
thing for money/' "Non oletl" (It does not smell!)
George Savile, Marquis of Halifax Vespasian [Titus Flavius Sabinus
(1633-1695), British statesman and writer Vespasianus] (9-79), Roman emperor
'Tut not your trust in money, but
put your money in, trust." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894), After obtaining the combination
U.S. writer and physician, The Autocrat
number of the safe from the bank
of the Breakfast Table (1858), ch. I
cashier, one burglar tied and
"I don't like money, actually, but it gagged him while the other bur
quiets my nerves." glars herded the other employees
Joe Louis (1914-1981), U.S. boxer
into a separate room. The burglars
were about to leave after they had
"Money is like a sixth sense with rifled the safe when the cashier
out which you cannot make a com made desperate pleading noises
plete use of the other five." through the gag. Curious, one of
W[illiam] Somerset Maugham (1874- the burglars loosened the gag.
1965), British vmter and playwright, Of 'Take the books, too!" whispered
Human Bondage (2925), ch. 51 the cashier, "I'm $25,000 short."

"One should look down on money The American tourist knew the dol
but never lose sight of it." lar was low, but she didn't realize
Andri Prevot (c. 1911- ), just how low until she was in
French citizen Rome, threw three coins in the
fountain, and was arrested—for lit
"When I was young I used to think tering.
that money was the most important
thing in life; now that I am old, I In 1921, while with William Ran
know it is." dolph Hearsfs New York American,
Oscar [Fingal O'FIahertie Wilb] Wilde journalist, biographer and novelist
(1854-1900), British playwright, Gene Fowler traveled on assign
writer and wit ment to northern Canada, making
much of the trip by private railroad
car at a high fare. Upon his return,
Classical Phrases and Myths
Fowler created one of his imagina
radix nialorum est cupiditas (Lat) tive expense records to account for
(RAH-dix ma-LOR-umest ku-PID- the bill. He concocted a list of items
ee-tas) money is the root of all evil that might be thought necessary for
an expedition to the far north—
The Roman emperor Vespasian, a
including a secondhand dogsled
military commander who came to
and a team of huskies to draw it.
power after the profligate Nero
The auditor returned the account
committed suicide, was anxious to
restore the Roman state to solvency. for failure to balance. The death of
Virtually everything was taxed, the lead dog, plus a commemora
even Rome's public urinals. When tive headstone, added another $100,
his finicky son Titus protested that but the amount was still short So
this tax was beneath the dignity of Fowler added: "Flowers for the be
the state, Vespasian took a handful reft bitch-$l.50."
of coins obtained from its source Gene Fowler (1990-1960), U.S. writer

The Wit's Thesaurus

leave you there by mistake."

♦ MOTIVATION David Lloyd George, 1st Earl
(INDUCEMENT) (1863-1945), British prime minister

The playwright and diplomat dare

Foreign Words and Phrases Boothe Luce once had the happy oc
Han vital (Fra) casion to meet the inspiration for
(ay-LON VEE-tat) lit: vital impetus; her dramatic work, George Bernard
lite force, source of an individual's Shaw. "Except for you," she gushed,
motivations "I wouldn't be here." "And now, let
me see, dear child," said Shaw,
"what was your mother's name?"
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
''Never ascribe to an opponent mo Irish playwright [authenticity unverified]
tives meaner than your own."
Sir Jtames] Mlatthew] Bank (1860-1937),
British writer and playioright,
rectorial address, St. Andrews, ♦ MOVEMENT
May 3,1922

"When I see a merchant overpolite Foreign Words and Phrases

to his customers... thinks I, that
adagio (Ita)
man has an axe to grind."
(a-DAH-joh) slow(ly); in music,
Charles Miner (1780-1865), U.S. writer, movement in slow time
Essays from die Desk of Poor Robert
the Scribe (2515^ "Who'll accelerando (Ita)
Turn Grindstones" (a-cheh-leh-RAHN-doh) in music,
gradually gathering speed
"He never does a proper thing
without giving an improper reason allegro ma non troppo (Ita)
for it." (a-LEH-groh mah non TRO-poh) in
music, briskly but not too fast
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright, Major Barbara (2907) con moto (Ita)
(kon MO-toh) lit: with movement;
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
in music, with iife

After the explorer Ernest Shackle- Classical Phrases and Myths

ton had approached David Lloyd-
George seeking a sponsor for his in transitu (Lat)
next expedition, the Welsh states (in TRA N-sit-oo) in transit, in pas
man, always eager to improve sage

upon his connections, introduced perpetuum mobile (Lat)

Shackleton to a wealthy acquain (per-PET-u-um MOH-bil-e) perpet
tance. Lloyd-George later asked ual motion
Shackleton if the meeting were
productive. "Very," replied the
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
explorer. "He offered me 10,000
pounds for my expenses, provided Q: "What is fast transportation?"
that I would take you along with A: "When a farmer ships two rab
me to the Pole. And he promised bits 100 miles by truck and it ar
me 1 million pounds if I were to rives with two rabbits."

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

During the intermission of a concert
in which Sir Thomas Beecham's
Foreign Words and Phrases
conducting and the pianist's play
cadenza (Ita) ing of a Mozart concerto were un
(kah-DEN-zah) in music, elaborate derwhelming, a stagehand asked
solo performance near finale Beecham, "Should we take the pi
ano off or leave it on?" Beecham
thought about the second half of
Quotations the program, for which a piano was
''Good music is that which pene not required. "You might as well
trates the ear with facility and quits leave it on," he said. "It will prob
the memory with difficulty." ably slink off by itself."
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
British conductor, speech (c. 1950) British conductor

"A musicologist is a man who can For much of the year Prince Ester-
read music but can't hear it." hazy kept his musicians at Schloss
Esterhazy in a remote corner of
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
northwestern Hungary, far from
British conductor
their families. There, Haydn com
'Til play it first and tell you what posed his Fifth "Farewell" Sym
it is later.
it- ic lotav " phony. At its first performance, for
the last movement, in which the in
Miles Davis (1926-1991),
struments drop out of the score one
US. musician
by one, each player, on completing
"Playing 'bop' is like playing Scrab his part, blew out his candle and
ble with all the vowels missing." tiptoed away from the orchestra.
Prince Esterhazy accepted the hint,
Edward ["Duke"] Ellington (1899-1974),
and permitted the musicians a va
US. musician and composer
"I know only two tunes. One of Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809),
them is Yankee Doodle and the other Austrian composer
one isn't."
With great effort, but unsuccess
Ulysses Simpson Grant (1822-1885), fully, the composer Franz Joseph
U.S. general and president, indicating his
Haydn was trying to express a
dislike for music after an attending a
storm at sea in a certain musical
concert as president
passage. Exasperated, Haydn cried,
"Fortissimo at last!" The deuce take the tempest. I can
not do it!" and, setting his hands at
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911),
opposite ends of the keyboard, rap
German composer, seeing Niagara Falls
idly brought them together. Ex
claimed the delighted librettist,
Classical Phrases and Myths "That is it!"

"Sicelides Musae, paulo maiora cana- Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809),

Austrian composer
musl" (Sicilian Muses, let us raise a
somewhat loftier strain!) Following the death of the great
Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro] (70 b.c- composer and songwriter George
19 B.c), Roman poet, Eclogues, IV, I. i Gershwin, a well-intentioned ad-

The Wit's Thesaurus

mirer asked Oscar Levant to hear an Returning home inebriated one

elegy written by the admirer in night, Savoy operetta composer Ar
honor of Gershwin. When he had fin thur Sullivan was unable to find his
ished playing the piece, the man home among the identical row
turned to Levant for approval. "I be houses on his street. So as he
lieve/' Levant said, 'That it would walked along the row, he relied on
have been better if you had died and his tone sense when he kicked each
Gershwin had written the elegy." metal shoe scraper alongside the
Oscar Levant (1906-1972), U.S. pianist front entrances. Finally, one rang a
and wit [attributed also to others] familiar note. "B-flat," he muttered,
and walked confidently into his
Suspecting that the Philadelphia Or home.
chestra's overfamiliarity with Rich Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan,
ard Strauss's Till Eulenspiegel was to (1842-1900), British composer
blame for its inauspicious rehearsal, and conductor [attributed also
Pierre Monteux stopped the piece to other composers]
and declared, "Gentlemen, I am sure
that you know this piece backwards,
but please, let us not play it that
Pierre Montieux (1875-1964), ♦ MUSICAL INSTRUMENT
French conductor
Mozart, only two years old, was
"[The harpsichord] sounds like two
taken to a farm, where he heard a
skeletons copulating on a corru
pig squeal. "G-sharp!" he chortled.
gated tin roof."
A nearby piano confirmed his con
clusion. Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
British conductor
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791),
Austrian composer

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

At an evening party, Mozart bet the
elder Haydn a case of champagne British conductor Sir Malcolm Sar
that he could not play on sight a gent was once asked, "What do you
piece Mozart had just composed. have to know to play the cymbals?"
Haydn accepted the bet and. sat at "Nothing," he said, "just when."
the piano in front of the sheet mu Sir Malcolm Sargent (1895-1967),
sic, but only played a few bars. He British conductor and organist
protested that the piece could not
be continued because the passage
contained a note in the center while
both hands were at opposite ends
of the keyboard. Mozart replayed ♦ MUSICIAN
the composition. When he reached
the impossible note, he bent for
ward and struck it with his nose. Foreign Words and Phrases
Applause. maestro (Ita)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), (mah-ESS-troh) master, teacher, or
Austrian composer chestra conductor, title for eminent
[authenticity unverified] musician

The Ultimate Reference Book
Quotations play at a private party was in
"I love Wagner, but the music I pre formed that me amount would be
fer is that of a cat hung up by its $5,000. The matron accepted but
warned, "Please be aware that I do
tail outside a window and trying to
not expect you to mingle, with the
stick to the panes of glass with its
guests." "In that case, madam," re
plied Kreisler, "my fee will only be
Charles [Pierre] Baudelaire (1821-1867), $2,000."
i French poet
Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962), U.S. violinist
'There are two golden rules for an [attributed also to others]
orchestra: start together and finish
together. The public doesn't give a Giocomo Meyerbeer and Gioach-
damn what goes on in between/' inno Rossini were rival opera com
posers who shared a cordial but
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
intense rivalry. Conversing once
British conductor
with Meyerbeer, Rossini allowed
"You see, our fingers are circum how bored and melancholic he felt.
cised, which gives it a very good "You listen," Meyerbeer replied
dexterity, you know, particularly in consolingly, "to too much of your
the pinky." own music."
Itzhak Perlman (1945- ), Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864),
Israeli violinist, explaining why so German composer and pianist
many great violinists were Jewish,
"60 Minutes," 1980 television program At a farewell piano concert, the pi
anist, composer and statesman Ig-
Classical Phrases and Myths nace Paderewski, by then well past
his prime, performed poorly. At
According to Greek orator and sat tending the concert, pianist Abram
irist Lurian, Harmonides, a young Chasins turned to fellow pianist
flute player and scholar of Timo- Moriz Rosenthal and sighed, "The
theus, began his solo at his public things that man has forgotten!"
debut with so violent a blast that it "What he forgets isn't so bad," Ro
was his last breath into his flute. He senthal observed. 'Ifs what he re
died on the spot. members!"
Harmonides (c. 4th century B.C.), Moriz Rosenthal (1862-1946),
Greek musician Polish-born pianist

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

With some of the musicians appar
ently unable to keep time during a ♦ NAKEDNESS
bad rehearsal, Sir Thomas Beecham
scolded one: "We cannot expect
you to be with us the whole time,
but maybe you would be kind "I have seen three emperors in their
enough to keep in touch now and nakedness, and the sight was not
again?" inspiring."
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von
British conductor Bismarck (1815-1898), German statesman

A society hostess who had asked "No. You see there are portions of
violinist Fritz Kreisler his fee to the human anatomy which would

The Wit's Thesaurus

keep swinging after the music had its place and nothing above six
finished/' pence."
Sir Robert Helpmartn (1909-1986), Aneurin V'Nye"] Bevan (1897-1960),
British choreographer, answering whether British politician, describing
the fashion of nudity would Neville Chamberlain
extend to dance
"Conservative. A statesman who is
When asked if she really had noth
enamored of existing evils, as dis
ing on in her famous calendar pho
tinguished from a Liberal, who
tograph of the early 1950s, Marilyn
wishes to replace them with oth
Monroe, her eyes widening, purred,
"I had the radio on/'
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce (1842-c. 1914),
Marilyn Monroe [Norma Jean Baker]
U.S. writer and poet,
(1926-1962), U.S. film actress
Devil's Dictionary (1911)

Classical Phrases and Myths "A fanatic is one who can't change
in puris naturalflms (Lat) his mind and won't change the sub
(in POOH-rees na-toor-AH-li-bus) ject."
in the natural state, naked Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
1965), British prime minister and writer
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"None so deaf as those who won't
George S. Kaufman made a busi hear."
ness call on theatrical producer Jed
English proverb (c. 1500s)
Harris, renowned for his outra
geous antics. Ushered into Harris's
office, Kaufman found Harris "I will look at any additional evi
seated stark naked at his desk. dence to confirm the opinion to
Kaufman smiled. '7ed, your fly is which I have already come."
open." Lord Hugh Molson (1903- ),
George S[imon] Kaufman (1889-1961), British politician
U.S. playwright, writer and wit
"Aristotle maintained that women
have fewer teeth than men; al
though he was twice married, it
never occurred to him to verify this
♦ NARROW-MINDEDNESS statement by examining his wives'
Foreign Words and Phrases Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl
(1872-1970), British mathematician
Einstellung (Ger)
and philosopher, Impact of Science on
(EYN-shtel-lung) in psychology,
Society (1952), ch. 1
fixed reaction to a problem
"He is one of the finest minds of the
fifteenth century."
"He has the lucidity which is the Franz Werfel (1890^90), Czech
by-product of a fundamentally ster playwright, Jacobowsky und der Oberst
ile mind... Listening to a speech (Jacobowsky and the Colonel) (1944)
by Chamberlain is like paying a [comment about a vain; narrqw-minded
visit to Woolworth's: everything in aristocrat living in the 19th century]

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths S. Kaufman's wife, after seeing a

number of acquaintances from her
homo unius libri (Lat)
hometown, Rochester, while they
(HOH-mo OON-ius LEE-bree) lit:
strolled down Fifth Avenue. Re
man of one book; partisan; used
disparagingly to indicate a person plied Kaufman, "What an excellent
versed in only one text time to visit Rochester."
George S[imon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes US. playwright, writer and wit

The Scottish philosopher David

Hume, renown as a skeptic, attended
regular church services conducted
by an ultra-orthodox minister. When
a friend pointed out the discrepancy,
Hume shrugged, saying, "I don't be
lieve all he says, but he does. Once a Foreign Words and Phrases
week it is nice to hear a man who be Leitmotiv (Ger)
lieves in what he says/'
(LYT-mo-TEEF) lit: leading motive;
David Hume (1711-1776), theme associated with a person,
British philosopher and historian event, institution or genre (espe
cially music)

♦ NATIVITY Classical Phrases and Myths

Natura abhorre vacuum
Foreign Words and Phrases (nat-OOR-a AB-hor-re WAK-u-um)
Nature abhors a vacuum
habitui (Fra)
(ah-BEE-tew-ay) habitual patron of Benedict [Baruch] Spinoza (1632-1677),
an establishment Spanish philosopher, Ethics (1677), pt. I,
proposition 15: note
Quotations "Nature does nothing uselessly."
"If a man's from Texas, he'll tell Aristotle (384 B.c-322 B.c),
you. If he's not, why embarrass him Greek philosopher, Politics, bk. I, ch. 2
by asking?"
"Nature, to be commanded, must
John Gunther (1901-1970), US. writer
be obeyed."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
British lawyer and writer, Novum
A New York debutante had met a Organum (1620), "Aphorism 129"
charming man at a party, but as
time wore on, he began to make his
excuses. "I have to make my way Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
out to Hoboken." 'To Hoboken!" Frontiersman and fur-trapper Jim
said the debutante. "Why would
Bridger had received a serious
you want to do that?" "I live
wound during one of his numerous
there," he explained. She coun
skirmishes with hostile Indians or
tered, "But thafs no excuse."
wild animals. The man dressing it
"All Rochester seems to be in New expressed concern that the wound
York this week," exclaimed George would suppurate. "Don't worry,"

The Wit's Thesaurus

growled Bridger. 'In the moun em) (Necessity has no law.)

tains, meat never spoils/' PublUius Syrus (c. 100 B.C.),
]m Bridger (1804-1881), Roman writer, Sententiae, 399
U.S. frontiersman [recognition that moral codes break
down completely in certain situations]
A woman informed James Whistler
that she had just traveled along the "Necessitatem in virtutem commutare."
Thames from the country, and that (NEK-es-sit-a-temin WIR-tu-tem
there was an exquisite haze in the KOM-mut-ar-ay) (We transmute
atmosphere that reminded her of necessity into a virtue.)
Whistler's paintings. ''Yes, ma Quintilian [Marcus Fabius QuintUianus]
dam/' responded Whistler, "Na (c. 35-c. 100), Roman writer, Institutio
ture is creeping up." Oratoria, bk. 1,8,14
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
(1834-1903), U.S.-born British painter
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Asked about the size of the police

force in a little village, the sergeant
replied, "Including me, four men."
♦ NECESSITY "But there can't be enough work in
this little place to justify four men,"
Foreign Words and Phrases remarked the inquirer. "Thereisn't,"
replied the sergeant, "but if weren't
force majeure (Fra)
here, there would be."
(force mah-JUHR) irresistible force,
overwhelming compulsion; in law,
a contract clause to protect the sig
natories against acts of God and un
avoidable accidents
Classical Phrases and Myths
Foreign Words and Phrases
necessitatem in virtutem commutare
Oat) pourparler (Fra)
(nek-ESS-it-a-temin WIR-TOO-tem) (poor-par-lay) discussions, negotia
to make virtue a necessity; Latin tions
nemawashi (Jap)
mater artium necessitas (Lat) (NEE-mah-WASH-ee) behind-the-
(MAT-er ART-ium ne-KESS-ee- scenes maneuvering to forge con
TAH-tas) necessity is the mother of sensus among differing factions

"Yet do I hold that mortal foolish Quotations

who strives against the stress of ne
"Awfully sorry, I didn't get that.
Would you mind screaming it
Euripides (480 b.c-406 b.c),
Greek playwright, Mad Heracles, /. 281
Sir Rudolf Bing (1902- ), opera
"Necessitas non habet legem." administrator, to a trade union negotiator
(nek-ES-si-tas nohn HAB-et LEG- for the Metropolitan Opera stagehands

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Let us never negotiate out of fear, cause ceWbre (Fra)

but let us never fear to negotiate/7 (kose sy-LEH-bre) lit: celebrated
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), case; issue provoking great public
U.S. president, inaugural address, interest; notorious scandal
January 20,1961

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Quotations

"I'm asking fifteen hundred a "When a dog bites a man, that is
week/' stated an actor while nego not news, because it happens so of
tiating a contract with movie mogul ten. But if a man bites a dog, that is
Samuel Goldwyn. "You're not ask news."
ing fifteen hundred a week/' Gold
John B. Bogort (1848-1921), U.S. editor
wyn snapped. "You're asking
[misattributed to Charles A. Dana]
twelve, and I'm giving you a thou
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish]
(1882-1974), Russian-born Classical Phrases and Myths
U.S. film producer "That proverbial saying 'Bad news
travels fast and far/ "
Plutarch (46-120), Greek writer. Morals,
Of Inquisitiveness

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Anything that calls itself new is
doomed to a short life/' Whenever news was lacking during
WWI, New York Herald owner James
Tom Wolfe (1931- ), U.S. writer
Bennett rilled in1 the empty space
with "Deleted by French censor."
Classical Phrases and Myths
James Gordon Bennett (1841-1918),
"NfltU est dictum, quod non est dictum U.S. newspaper owner and eccentric
prius." (Nothing is said which has
not been said before.) King George IV of Britain detested
Anonymous comic poet his wife, Caroline of Brunswick,
"Pereant, inquit, qui ante nos nos- and they lived separately for all but
their first year of marriage. In 1821,
tra dixerunt" (Confound those
who have said our remarks before King George's groom of the bed
us.) chamber informed the king of the
portentous news of Napoleon's
Aelius Donatus (c. 350), Roman educator
death: "Sir, your bitterest enemy is
dead." Exclaimed Caroline's hus
band, "Is she, by God!"
♦ NEWS ■ George IV (1762-1830), British king

Horace Greeley, founder of the New

Foreign Words and Phrases
York Tribune, insisted that his jour
Ges) actuality (Fra) nalists use the word "news" in the
(lehz ak-too-al-ee-TAY) current plural. Accordingly, he once sent a
events, news cable to a staffer, "are there any

The Wit's Thesaurus
news?" Cabled back the staffer: it" "You can't," she replied, "but
"NOT A NEW." you can change my last name."
Horace Greeley (1811-1872), And sathey were married.
U.S. publisher and politician Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
British conductor

After sending his play to French

♦ NOMENCLATURE playwright Tristan Bernard for re
view, a young playwright asked
Bernard tor suggestions for a title.
Foreign Words and Phrases
Bernard, who had not yet read the
nom de guerre (Fra) manuscript, paused and then
(NOM de GERR) pseudonym, stage asked: "Are there any trumpets in
name your play?" Puzzled, the young
dramatist replied, "No." "Any
nom de plume (Fra)
drums?" "No." "Well, why not
(NOM de PLOOM) pseudonym (of
call it 'Without Drums or Trum
a writer)
sobriquet (Fra) Tristan Bernard (1866-1947),
(soh-bree-KAY) nickname, false French dramatist and playwright
name [attributed similarly to J. M. Bank]

Quotations During the course of a conversa

tion discussing his possible family
relation with the Earl of Denbigh,
Name of rock music band: In Excess whose family name was Fielding,
'Just note the crescendo." novelist Henry Fielding was asked
by the earl why the names were
Ezra [Loomis] Pound (1885-1972),
spelled differently. He could give
U.S. poet and writer explaining his
no reason, replied Fielding, "ex
son's name, Omar Shakespeare Pound
cept maybe that my branch of the
"Whafs in a name? That which we family was the first to know how
call a rose to spelt"
By any other name would smell as Henry Fielding (1707-1754),
sweet." British novelist, playwright and lawyer
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet, Romeo Someone complained to Dublin
and Juliet (2595;, Act U, sc. ii tax collector John Joyce, James
Joyce's father, that his name had
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes been spelled with two ll's instead
of one. Joyce inquired gravely,
Q: "Do you know how the extinct
"Which / would you like to have
Ono bird got its name?" A: "Be
cause its scrotum hung below its
feet, and when it approached a John Joyce (1849-1931), Irish bureaucrat
landing it would shriek, 'Oh, no!
Richard Nixon, promoting his book
Oh, NO!'"
Six Crises at a bookstore, asked all
Thomas Beecham was once walking customers their names so that he
with his sister's friend, Utica could address each signed copy.
Welles, and said to her, "I don't like One gentleman approached and
your first name. I'd like to change grinned. "You've just met your sev-

The Ultimate Reference Book

enth crisis/' he said. "My name is "Certainly nothing is unnatural

Stanislaus Wojechzleschki." that is not physically impossible."
Richard Milhous Nixon (1913-1994), Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816),
U.S. president Irish-born British playwright and
politician, The Critic (1779) Act II, sc. i
The Nobel laureate and biochemist
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi sent a paper Classical Phrases and Myths
to the scientific journal Nature that
described a new sugar that he had lusus naturne (Lat)
isolated. Because this new sugar (LOO-sus NAT-oor-ay) freak of na
was of unknown structure but, like ture, highly unusual natural occur
other sugars, required the suffix rence

"ose," Szent-Gyorgyi suggested the "Natura il fece, e poi ruppe la stampa."

name "ignose." Nature's stern edi (NAT-ur-a il FE-kay ay POH-ee
tors rejected his frivolity, request RUP-pay la STAM-pa) (Nature
ing another name. He resubmitted made him, and then broke mold.)
Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533), Italian
Albert von Nagyrapolt Szent-Gyorgyi poet, Orlando Furioso (1532), Canto X
(1893-1986), Hungarian-born
U.S. scientist


♦ NONCONFORMITY Foreign Words and Phrases

(ABNORMALITY) niant (Fra)

(NAY-on) emptiness, nothingness
Foreign Words and Phrases
la difference franqais (Fra)
"'Contrariwise/ continued Twee-
(la dif-FER-ons fron-SAIS) lit: the
dledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and
French difference, France's inde
if it were so, it would be: but as it
pendence from other nations
isn't, it ain't Thafs logic'"
appoggiatura (Ita) Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge
(ahp-POH-djah-TOO-rah) in music, Dodgson] (1832-1898), British writer and
accented dissonant note mathematician, Through the Looking-
Glass (1872), ch. 4

Quotations "The Dodo never had a chance. He

seems to have been invented for the
"I feel like a fugitive from th7 law sole purpose of becoming extinct,
of averages/'
and that was all he was good for."
William ["Bill"] Mauldin Will Cuppy (1884-1949), U.S. writer,
(1921- ), US. cartoonist, How to Become Extinct (1941), p. 163
Up Front (1945), cartoon caption

'The exception proves the rule." Classical Phrases and Myths

Proverb [As said by Robert Burton in The nfliil ex nUtilo fit (Lat)
Anatomy of Melancholy (1621-1651): (ni-hil ex nil-EE-oh fit) lit nothing
"No rule is so general, which admits not comes from nothing; the argument
some exception"! from first cause, i.e., that matter
The Wit's Thesaurus

must have been created by a divine


Foreign Words and Phrases

troika (Rus)
(TROY-kuh) three-horse cart; also,
three ideas or aspects of one idea
Foreign Words and Phrases
mumbo jumbo (W. Afr.)
(MUM-boh JUM-boh) routines of Quotations
certain shamans who utter non "Even God Almighty only has ten."
sense syllables to ward off evil spir
Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929),
its and impress tribal watchers
French prime minister, deriding President
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points for his
Quotations 1918 peace proposal after WWI
"To appreciate nonsense requires a
serious interest in life."
Gilette Burgess (1866-1951), Classical Phrases and Myths
U.S. humorist and illustrator variatim (Lat)
"His nonsense suits their non (WAH-ri-AH-tim) variously, in var
sense." ious ways

Charles II (1630-1685), British king

et cetera (Lat)
commenting on a certain preacher
(et KET-te-ra) lit: and the rest; and
"No one is exempt from talking so forth (abbr: etc.)
nonsense: the misfortune is to do it
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533- Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
1592), French writer, Essays (1580)
While in the presence of Edward
''Your damned nonsense can I VII, a young minister once pom
stand twice or once, but sometimes pously used the royal pronoun
always, by God, never." "we," although referring only to
Hans Richter (1843-1916), Hungarian- himself. The King at once remon
born conductor, losing his temper—and strated, "Only two people are per
command of the English language—with a mitted to refer to themselves as
second flutist at Covent Garden 'We'—a king, and a man with a
tapeworm inside him."
"The Kirig returns not to his sense,
Edward VU (1841-1910), British king
but to his nonsense."
Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Oxford
At the conclusion of the debut of
(1717-1797), British writer, remarking
Arms and the Man the crowd was
acerbically after George 127 "recovered"
cheering wildly as the author took
from a bout of insanity
a curtain call. During a lull in the
applause, someone called out in
Classical Phrases and Myths
stentorian tones, "Shaw, your play
nihil ad rent (Lat) stinks!" There was a horrified mo
(ni-hil ad rem) lit: nothing to the ment of silence, then Shaw ex
matter (in hand); irrelevant claimed, "Sir, I quite agree with

The Ultimate Reference Book

you, but what are we two against seance (Fra)

so many?" (say-ahnce) lit: a group meeting in
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), tended to contact spirits
Irish playwright voodoo (Hait)
(VOO-doo) a religion, involving the
practice of magic rituals and spells,
♦ OBSTINACY based on ancestor worship

Foreign Words and Phrases

entitt (Fra) Quotations
(on-TEH-tay) obstinate
"Superstition is the religion of fee
ble minds."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797),
"He has a first-rate mind until he British statesman, philosopher and writer,
makes it up." Reflections on the Revolution in
Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford and France (2790)
Asquith (1887-1969), British writer and
socialite, describing Sir Stafford Cripps
"No, it is better not. She will only
"They defend their errors as if they ask me to take a message to [her
were defending their inheritance." deceased husband] Albert."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
British statesman, philosopher and writer (1804-1881), British prime minister,
"The difference between persever declining on his deathbed to receive a
royal visit from Queen Victoria
ance and obstinacy is that persever
ance means a strong will and
obstinacy means a strong won't."
Lord Dundee (1902- ),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British statesman
"Like all weak men he laid an ex Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believed
aggerated stress on not changing that communication with the dead
one's mind." was possible. He was once asked to
visit a fellow author who was seri
Wlilliam] Somerset Maugham (1874-
ously ill. 'Til visit him tomorrow,"
1965), British writer and playwright,
promised Doyle. "But tomorrow
Of Human Bondage (2925;, ch. 39
could be too late—he may not last
"I am firm. You are obstinate. He is the night," he was advised. Replied
a pigheaded fool." Doyle, "Then, I'll speak to him next
Katharine Whitehorn (1926- ), week." ,
British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930),
British writer

♦ OCCULT Following the publication of an ar-,

tide by William Ralph Inge, the
Foreign Words and Phrases gloomy dean of London's St. Paul's
church, a vengeful woman wrote
kabbalah (Heb) him: "I am praying nightly for your
(kha-BAH-la) (Jewish) mysticism death. It may interest you to loiow

The Wit's Thesaurus

that in two other cases I have had like doing best and get someone to
great success." pay you for doing it/ "
William Ralph Inge (1860-1954), Katharine Whitehorn (1926- ),
British clergyman British writer

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

♦ OCCUPATION (BUSINESS) A priest, an attorney/ a taxi driver
and a politician are on a ship which
Foreign Words and Phrases suddenly hits an iceberg. "Save the
women and children first/' cries
metier (Fra) die priest. "Screw 'em!" exclaims the
(MAY-tee-yay) profession, calling/
attorney. Taxi driver: "Do we have
time?" Politician: "Do we have
acharnement au travail (Fra) time?"
(ah-SHAR-ne-mon oh trah-VYE) ad
diction to work If sometimes clergy are defrocked
and lawyers are disbarred/ doesn't
Quotations it follow that tree surgeons are de
barked; cowboys are deranged;
"How can we be laid off if we own electricians are delighted; and dry
the company? cleaners are depressed?
Lament of an anonymous Weirton Steel
ex-worker, who was a shareholder Then there was the masseur who
of the company went out of business because he
rubbed his customers the wrong
"My career was as checkered as a
Sonny [Salvatore] Bono (1943- ), Why is it that when you need a
U.S. entertainer and politician, And the lawyer/ you can always find one?
Beat Goes On (1992)
An archaeologist is someone whose
"The chief business of the Ameri
career lies in ruins.
can people is business."
[John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), British general Harold Alexander's
U.S. president, speech in Washington, assistant once asked Alexander the
D.C., January 17,1925 reason for his habit of tipping into
his "out" tray any letters remaining
"Remember that time is money." in his "in" tray at the end of the
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), U.S. working day. "It saves time," ex
statesman and scientist plained Alexander. "You'd be sur
prised how little of it comes back."
"Dr.—well remembered that he
had a salary to receive, and only Harold Alexander, 1st Earl [Alexander of
forgot that he had a duty to per Tunis] (1891-1969), British general
form." and statesman

Edward Gibbon (1737-1794),

Violinist Isaac Stern was introduced
British historian, Memoirs
to Muhammad Ali at a New York
(Autobiography) (1796), p. 44
party. "You might say we're in the
"The best career advice to give to same business/' noted Stern. "We
the young is: Tind out what you both earn a living with our hands."

The Ultimate Reference Book

//You must be pretty good/' said

AIL 'There isn't a mark on you." ♦ OPPORTUNITY
Muhammad Ali [Cassius Clay]
(1942- ),U.S. boxer Foreign Words and Phrases

Typically uncomfortable at formal en plein (Fra)

dinners/ the inventor Thomas Edi (on PLEN) completely/ in full; bet
son/ a guest at one, was making his placed on a single number on the
way back to his laboratory. Unfor roulette wheel/ risk taken without
tunately/ he was intercepted at the insurance or security
door by the host. "It certainly is a
delight to see you, Mr. Edison," he Quotations
said, and then he asked Edison,
"Opportunity makes a thief."
"What are you working on now?"
Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
"My exit."
British lawyer and writer, letter to Earl
Thomas Aim Edison (1847-1931), of Essex, 1598
1 U.S. inventor

Classical Phrases and Myths

"While we stop to think, we often
miss our opportunity."
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 B.C.),
Roman writer, Sententiae, 185
"I never offered an opinion till I Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
was sixty, and men it was one Amy Lowell so despised one of
which had been in our family for a Boston's leading families, the Ca-
century." bots, that she would even refuse in
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield vitations to any functions to which
(1804-1881), British prime minister a Cabot had also been invited.
About to board the Devonian for her
"He thinks by infection/ catching an
annual European trip, she saw the
opinion like a cold."
passenger list and promptly dis
John Ruskin (1819-1900), embarked. "There are 16 Cabots
British writer and social reformer aboard the Devonian this trip," she
explained to a journalist, "and God
"He never chooses an opinion; he
isn't going to miss such an oppor
just wears whatever happens to be
in style."
Amy [Lawrence] Lowell (1874-1925),
Leo Nikokevich Tolstoy (1828-1910),
U.S. poet
Russian writer

Classical Phrases and Myths

ceterum censeo (Lat) ♦ OPPOSITENESS
(KET-er-um KEN-see-oh) in my
opinion Foreign Words and Phrases
me judice (Lat) vis-a-vis (Fra)
(MAY YOOdi-kay) in my judg (VEEZ-ah-VEE) concerning, re
ment garding

The Wit's Thesaurus

Quotations Classical Phrases and Myths

"Good taste and humor... are a ex nihilo (Lat)
contradiction in term?, like a chaste (ex Nl-hil-oh) from nothing
Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British writer and broadcaster Two plays being performed on
Broadway, one by Ruth Gordon,
Classical Phrases and Myths entitled Over 21, and the other by
George Oppenheimer, entitled Here
vice versa (Lat)
Today, contained thinly disguised
(WEE-ke WER-sah) inversely, the
characters based on Dorothy Par
other way around
ker. Parker grumbled that, al
though she had wanted to write her
autobiography, she was now afraid
to do so. "If I do, George Oppen
♦ ORIGINAL heimer and Ruth Gordon would
sue me for plagiarism."
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
U.S. wit and writer
Foreign Words and Phrases

ebauche (Fra)
(ay-BOHSH) sketch, rough draft,
model (in art, etc.) ♦ ORIGINALITY

Quotations Foreign Words and Phrases

''Without an original there can be echt (Ger)

no imitation." (ekt) genuine

George Grossmith (1847-1912) and

Walter Weedon Grossmith (1854-1919),
British writers, The Diary of "Originality is undetected plagia
a Nobody, ch. 11 rism."
"Of the author it has been ob William Ralph Inge (1860-1954),
British clergyman
Before they made him, they broke "What a good thing Adam had.
the mold." When he said a good thing he knew
Slidney] Jloseph] Perelman (1904-1979), nobody had said it before."
U.S. writer and screenwriter, Road to Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Miltown jacket cover (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker, Notebooks (2935), p. 67
"Uecrwain original n'est pas celui qui
n'imite personne, mats celui que per-
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
sonne ne pent imiter." (The original
writer is not he who refrains from "Only you could have said that!"
imitating others, but he whom no exclaimed an admiring Mend after
one can imitate.) the French playwright Tristan Ber
Vicomte Francoise-Reni de Chateaubriand nard-uttered a most clever remark.
(1768-1848), French writer, G6nie du Yet Bernard admitted that he had in
Christianisme (1802) fact read the quip in the newspaper

The Ultimate Reference Book

that morning. ''But you used it as constructions, and never descended

your own!" cried the friend, aghast to construct a decoration."
Replied Bernard, "Yes, to make it Anthony Trottope (1815-1882),
authentic." British writer, Barchester Towers, ch. 9
Tristan Bernard (1866-1947),
French playwright and writer Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
An actress who was a rival of
French diva Sophie Arnould had
received from her lover a magnifi
♦ ORNAMENTATION cent diamond riviere. A bit long,
the necklace, as worn by the actress,
seemed to disappear down her
Foreign Words and Phrases cleavage. Sophie Arnould smirked,
bric-h-brac (Fra) "Cest qu'elle retourne vers sa soured'
(brick-ah-brack) miscellaneous old (Ifs just returning to its source).
trinkets, ornaments, etc. [Madeleine] Sophie Arnould (1740-1802),
French actress and singer
dkhnono (Jap)
(OH-kee-moh-noh) decorative ob The fabulously wealthy Mrs. Gre-
jects ville had the greatest disdain for la
dies whose jewels were more
spectacular than hers. An extremely
wealthy American woman once
"[Be it resolved] that all women, of discovered, to her horror, that the
whatever age, rank, profession, or principal diamond had fallen from
degree; whether, virgin maids or her necklace while she attended a
widows; that shall after the passing gathering at Mrs. Greville's man
of this Act, impose upon and betray sion. Everyone dropped to their
into matrimony any of His Majes hands and knees, searching for the
ty's male subjects, by scents, paints, diamond, and Mrs. Greville was
cosmetics, washes, artificial teeth, overheard saying to a footman,
false hair, Spanish wool, iron stays, "Perhaps this would be of assis
hoops, high-heeled shoes, or bol tance," as she handed him a mag
stered hips, shall incur the penalty nifying glass.
of the laws now in force against Mrs. Ronald [Maggie] Greoille
witchcraft, sorcery, and such like (1867-1942), British socialite
misdemeanours, and that the mar
riage, upon conviction, shall stand
n ana void.
British Act of Parliament, 1670 ▲ OSTENTATION

"Diamonds Are a Girl's Best

Friend." [Title of song (1949).] Foreign Words and Phrases
, Leo Robin (1900- ), bon viveur (Fra)
U.S. songwriter (bon vee-VUHR) one who lives lux
"She [Mrs. Stanhope] was rich in
apparel but not bedizened with fin md luxe (Fra)
ery ... she well knew the great ar >hn LOOKS) with much luxuri
chitectural secret of decorating her ous style

The Wit's Thesaurus

Quotations she said, "There you are, Gloria, all

Vanderbilt women have pearls."
"That*s it baby, when you got it,
flaunt it." Alice Vanderbilt (c.l845-c.l930),
U.S. socialite
Mel[vin] Brooks (1926- ),
U.S. actor and filmmaker, The Producers The rose specialist and flamboyant
(1968 film) dandy Harry Wheatcroft once came
to a flower show sporting a carna
"Conspicuous consumption of val tion instead of the customary rose
uable goods is a means of reputa- bud in his buttonhole. Said an
bility to the gentleman of leisure/' astonished acquaintance, "Whafs
Thorstein [Bunde] Veblen (1857-1929), this, Harry? No rose?" "Shh, I'm
U.S. scholar and philosopher, Theory of going incognito!"
the Leisure Class (1899), ch. 4
Harry Wheatcroft (1898- ),
! British horticulturist
Classical Phrases and Myths
Cornelia (kor-NEL-ee-a), the
daughter of Scipio Africanus and ♦ OWNER
wife of Tiberius Gracchus, was
once called on at home by a
wealthy Roman lady, who proudly
showed off her jewelry to her
hostess. The rich matron then chal Classical Phrases and Myths
lenged Cornelia to show off her
own jewels. Just then, her two bona vacantia (Lat)
sons Tiberius and Gaius, who (BON-ah wak-ANT-ia) in law,
would grow up to become-famed goods whose legal ownership is un
reformers of Rome's agrarian laws, known
entered the room. Gesturing to
ward her sons, Cornelia said Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
proudly, "These are my jewels." Pointing to the presidential helicop-
Cornelia (c. 150 B.C.), Roman aristocrat tor amid the other helicoptors on
the. tarmac, the young Air Force
corporal politely informed Presi
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes dent Johnson, "This is your helicop-
Alice Vanderbilt, the wife of finan tor, sir." Replied Johnson, 'They're
cier Cornelius Vanderbilt II, was all my helicoptors, son."
once having lunch with her son Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
Reggie and his new second wife, U.S. president
Gloria, at the old Ambassador Ho
tel. Alice asked if Gloria had re
ceived her pearls. When Reggie
interjected that he could not afford ♦ PAIN
to buy any pearls worthy of his
bride, Mrs. Vanderbilt calmly or
dered that scissors be brought to
the table. With the scissors she cut 'Then the Elephant's Child put his
off about one-third of her own head down close to the Crocodile's
pearls, worth some $70,000. Hand musky, tusky mouth, and the Croc
ing them to her daughter-in-law, odile caught him by his little nose

The Ultimate Reference Book

... At this, O Best Beloved, the Ele objet d'art (Fra)

phant's Child was much annoyed, (OB-jay-DAR) work of art
and he said, speaking through his
nose, like this, Ted go! You are quadratura (Ita)
hurtig be!'" (KWAH-drah-TOOrah) perspec
tive paintings in a room, designed
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936),
to deceive the eye
British writer and poet, Just So Stories
(1902), 'The Elephant's Child" art brut (Fra)
'Tor there was never yet philoso (ar broo) lit: raw art; idea that all
pher representations, whether graffiti or
That could endure the toothache childish scribblings, are art
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Quotations
British playwright and poet, Much Ado
About Nothing (2600), Act V, sc. i "A product of the untalented, sold
by the unprincipled to the utterly
"Nothing begins, and nothing ends, bewildered."
That is not paid with moan;
Al Capp (1909-1979), U.S. cartoonist,
For we are born in other's pain,
describing abstract art
and perish in our own."
Francis Thompson (1859-1907), "Damn your nose, madam; there's
British poet, Poems (1913), "Daisy" no end to it!"
Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes British painter, painting the portrait of
actress Sarah Siddons
When his mother told him his aunt
soon would be visiting, the preco "Art is either plagiarism or revo
cious wit George S. Kaufman, then lution."
only four years old, said, "That de
Paul Gauguin (1838-1903),
pends on your threshold of pain."
French painter
George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
U.S. playwright, writer and wit "Pity you had such bloody awful
[authenticity unverified] weather."
George VI (1895-1952), British king,
commenting to Modernist painter John
Piper, who specialized in storm scenes
"We know that the tail must wag
Foreign Words and Phrases the dog,
For the horse is drawn by the cart;
au premier coup (Fra) But the Devil whoops, as he
(oh pre-MYER koo) lit: at the first whooped of old;
blow; completion of an artwork in Ifs clever, but is it Art?'"
one session
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936),
beaux arts (Fra) British writer and poet, Barrack-Room
(boh ZAR) fine arts, also a grand Ballads (2892), "The Conundrum
neo-classical style of architecture of the Workshops"

nature morte (Fra) "There is nothing more difficult for

(nah-toor mort) stilllife, artistic rep a truly creative painter than to
resentation of inanimate object paint a rose, because before he can

The Wit's Thesaurus

do so he has first to forget all the against Parrhasios, painted a boy

roses that were ever painted/7 holding a dish of grapes. Zeuxis
Henri Matisse (1869-1954), painted the grapes so true to nature
French painter, Notes d'un Peintre that birds tried to pick at them.
(1908) Then Zeuxis asked his rival to draw
back the curtain concealing the
"Art is a lie that makes us realize
painting of Parrhasios. But this life
the truth."
like curtain was itself painted.
Pablo [Ruiz y] Picasso (1881-1973), Zeuxis thus conceded defeat, since
Spanish-born French artist he had only fooled the birds,
"What garlic is to salad, insanity is whereas Parrhasios had fooled
to art." Zeuxis, a painter.
Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907), Zeuxis (c. 424 B.C-C. 380 B.C.),
U.S. sculptor Greek painter
"Every time I paint a portrait I lose
a friend." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
John Singer Sargent (1856-1925),
After studying an unremarkable
U.S. painter
modern watercolor in the window
"My business is to paint not what I of a London art gallery, Shake
know, but what I see." spearean actress Dame Edith Evans
Joseph Mallard William Turner commented to her companion, "I
(1775-1851), British painter, replying couldn't have that in my house. It
to a naval officer pointing out that the would be like living with a gas
• ships in the landscape artist's view of leak."
Plymouth had no portholes Dame Edith Evans (1888-1976),
"Every portrait that is painted with British actress
feeling is a portrait of trie artist, not
of the sitter." Several sculptors contended that
sculpture was superior to painting
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
as an art form because it was not
(1854-1900), British playwright,
one-dimensional. A famed painter
writer and wit
of the Venetian school, Giorgione,
"I/Art pour l'art." (Art for arfs countered that a single painting
sake.) could indeed show all sides of a fig
Victor Cousin (1792-1867), ure without obliging the viewer to
French philosopher and educator walk around the object. Giorgione
convinced the skeptical sculptors
Classical Phrases and Myths by painting a nude.with her oack
Vita brevis est, ars longa. (WEET-a turned to tine viewer, a pool of wa
BRE-yis est, ars LONG-a) (Life is ter at her feet to reflect the front, a
short, art is long.) mirror reflecting one side, and a
Seneca [Lucius Annaeus Seneca] (c. 4 B.C.
burnished corselet the other.
-ad. 65), Roman writer, philosopher and Giorgione [Giorgione da Castelfranco]
statesman, De Brevitate Vitae, 1, i (c. 1477-1510), Italian painter

ars est celare artem (Lat) Regarded by some as the first Re

(ars est kel-AHR-e AR T-em) the naissance painter, Giotto, while a
true purpose of art is to conceal art student of Giovanni Cimabue,
In an ancient Greek contest of painted a fly on the nose of a figure
trompe-l'oeil effects, Zeuxis, pitted in one of the master's paintings.

The Ultimate Reference Book

The insect appeared so realistic that ens!," exclaimed Picasso. "Is she re
Cimabue tried repeatedly to brush ally as small as that?"
the fly away when he returned to Pablo [Ruiz y] Picasso (1881-1973),
work on the picture. He then real Spanish-born French artist
ized that he had fallen victim to a
practical joke.
Giotto [Giotto di Bondone] (c. 1266-1337),
Italian painter and architect
[variations also attributed to others]

For 47 days Matisse's painting he

Foreign Words and Phrases
Bateau was displayed in the Mu
seum of Modern Art in New York, kyoikumama (Jap)
during which time 116,000 people (key-OH-ee-koo-mah-mah) lit: edu
visited the gallery. Only after these cation mama; mother who pushes a
days had passed did someone no child for high academic achieve
tice that the painting was hung up ment, cf. stage mother
side down.
Henri Matisse (1869-1954), Quotations
French painter
'There are times when parenthood
The shipping tycoon Stavros Niar- seems nothing but feeding the
chos once commissioned a portrait mouth that bites you."
of himself to be painted by surre Peter de Vries (1910-1993), U.S. writer
alist Salvador Dali for a fee of
$15,000. As soon as his face had Leontine: "An only son, sir, might
been sketched, he instructed Dali to expect more indulgence." Croaker:
finish the picture without him as a "An only father, sir, might expect
model. Dali did so, but completed more obedience."
the portrait with a naked body. He Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Irish-born
demanded $25,000, but Niarchos British poet, playwright and writer,
refused to pay for the unwanted The Good-Natured Man (2768), Act I
work. Instead, Dali sold the paint
ing to Aristotle Onassis, his client's "God could not be everywhere, and
. chief rival, for $50,000. When Niar therefore he made mothers."
chos later saw the picture displayed Jewish proverb
on Onassis's dining room wall, he
relented, asking his host, "How "Oh, what a tangled web do par
ents weave
much do you want?" Onassis re
plied, "$75,000," which Niarchos When they think that their children
promptly paid. He hid the portrait are naive."
at home in a closet. Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), U.S. humorist,
The Face Is Familiar (1940), "Baby,
Stavros Niarchos (1909- ),
What Makes the Sky Blue"
Greek industrialist

An American GI in Paris once de "Parents—especially step-parents

clared to Picasso that he did not like —are sometimes a bit of a disap
modern paintings because they pointment to their children. They
were unrealistic Picasso said noth don't fulfill the promise of their
ing. A few minutes later, the soldier early years."
proudly showed the abstract artist Anthony Powell (1905- ), British
a snapshot of his girlfriend. "Heav writer, A Buyer's Market (1952), ch. 2

The Wit's Thesaurus

"I can be president of the United would be much harder for me to

States or I can control Alice. I can tell you who was yours."
not possibly do both." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 ac-43 rc),
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), Roman statesman and man of letters
U.S. president, sighing about his
daughter's interruptions Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The hushed courtroom waited with
"If you must hold yourself up to
great anticipation for the judge's
your children as an object lesson
verdict in the widely publicized
(which is not necessary), hold your
paternity suit. Emerging after
self up as a warning and not as an
Ions deliberation in his chambers,
the*Brooding magistrate entered the
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), courtroom and sat down behind
Irish playwright
the bench. Staring at the defendant,
he suddenly produced a cigar from
Classical Phrases and Myths under his robes, and with a flourish
handed it to the young man. "Con
in loco porentis (Lat) gratulations," declared the judge,
(in LOH-koh pah-REN-tis) in lieu of "you've just become a father."
the parent
The teacher of a writing class in
Agrippina was so consumed by her which Isaac Asimov's mother was
ambition to place Nero on the im enrolled said to her, "Pardon me,
perial throne that when the sooth Mrs. Asimov, but I am curious. Are
sayers whom she had consulted you a relative of Isaac Asimov?"
told her that ''Nero will reign, but Barely restraining her pride, Mrs.
he will kill his mother/' she replied, Asimov said, "Yes, indeed. He is
"Let him kill me, then." my son." "No wonder you're so
Agrippina (15-59), good at writing," remarked the
mother of Emperor Nero teacher. Drawing herself up to her
full 58 inches, Mrs. Asimov said
Cambyses (kam-BIE-seez), the son icily, "I beg your pardon. No won
of Cyrus the Great, a great con der he's so good at writing."
queror of the ancient world, was Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), U.S. writer
reprimanded by his father for in
solence. Cyrus noted that he would
never have spoken to his own fa
ther in the same manner as had ♦ PARSIMONY
Cambyses. "But you were the son
of a nobody," retorted Cambyses, Foreign Words and Phrases
"whereas I am the son of Cyrus the
shnorrer (Yid)
(SHNOHR-er) beggar; cheapskate;
Cambyses U (d. 522 B.c), Persian king bargain-hunter; sponger

Cicero (SIS-e-roh), the Roman ora Quotations

tor and statesman, was once
mocked for his humble origins by "It was said of old Sarah, Duchess
Metellus Nepos, whose mother was of Marlborough, that she never
known for her dissolute ways. puts dots over her i's, to save ink."
Taunted Nepos, "I mean, who was Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Oxford
your father?" Retorted Cicero, 'It (1717-1797), British writer

The Ultimate Reference Book

"There are many things that we they were transparent. Entertainer

would throw away, if we were not Joe Lewis, indicating the meats,
afraid that others might pick them asked her if she had cut them. "I
up." did." "OK then,-I'll deal."
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde Joe E. Lewis (1902-1971),
(1854-1900), British playwright, U.S. entertainer
writer and wit
In 1925 Harold Ross founded The
Jokes, .Stories and Anecdotes New Yorker magazine. Resources
were stretched thin on the maga
The youngster came home in great zine's shoestring budget. When
excitement, exclaiming, "Father, I Ross reprimanded Dorothy Parker
ran all the way home from school for not turning in a promised piece,
behind the trolley, and saved a dol she complained, "Someone else
lar carfare/7 His father angrily was using the pencil."
slapped him on the back and said,
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
"Spendthrift! Why didn't you run
U.S. wit and writer
home behind a taxicab and save
three dollars?" A pay telephone from which John
In one of his acts as the world's D. Rockefeller once made a collect
stingiest man, comedian Jack Benny call failed to refund his coin. So he
was confronted by an armed robber rang the operator who, in order to
who said, "Your money or your mail the money to him, asked for
life." The demand was met with a his name and address. Rockefeller
long silence. Finally, the robber re began: "My name is John D....
peated: "Hey mister, what will it Oh, forget it! You wouldn't believe
be, your money or your life?" me anyway."
Benny calmly replied: "I'm think John Dlavison] Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-
ing! I'm thinking!" 1960), U.S. financier and philanthropist
Jock Benny (1894r-1974), U.S. comedian

The humorist and writer Irvin Cobb

was captured and questioned by
the Germans with three other jour ♦ PARTY
nalists during WW I as they trav
eled by taxi to the Belgian army
headquarters. After about 36 hours Quotations
of interrogation, Cobb finally asked "The Party's Over." [Title of song
one of his capturers, "Sir, whether (1956).]
or not you intend to shoot us, will
Betty Comden (1919- ) and
you at least grant us one request?"
Adolph Green (1915- ),
The German, taken aback, asked,
U.S. songwriters
"What is that?" "Will you please
tell the taxi driver to stop the
meter?" Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Irvin Shrewsbury] Cobb (1876-1944),
Groucho Marx, never one to mince
U.S. humorist and writer
words, endured a stultifying party
The stingy proprietess of a board- for a seemingly interminable eve
inghouse presented to her boarders ning. Finally, he rose to leave. "I've
a plate or cold cuts sliced so thin had a wonderful time," Groucho

The Wit's Thesaurus

said to the host, shaking his hand, "They spend their time mostly
''but this isn't it" looking forward to the past."
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977), John Osborne (1929- ),
US. comedian [authenticity unverified] British playwright. Look Back
in Anger (2956), Act U, sc. 1
The famed editor Maxwell Perkins
decided to test the hypothesis that "Those who cannot remember the
no one really listens to what others past are condemned to repeat it."
say at a boring cocktail party. While George Santayana (1863-1952), Spanish-
shaking his hostess's hand/ he said, born U.S. philosopher, poet and writer,
"I'm sorry I'm late, but it took me Life of Reason (2905;, vol. 1, ch. 12
longer to strangle my aunt than I
expected." "Yes, indeed/' the social Classical Phrases and Myths
matron replied, "I'm so happy you
quondam (Lat)
CKWOHN-dam) former, once
Maxwell Perkins (1884-1947), U.S. editor
laudator temporis acti (Lat)
(low-DAH-tor tem-POR-is AK-tee)
lit: praiser of past times; one who
prefers the past to the present
♦ PAST "Even God cannot change the
Foreign Words and Phrases Agathon (447 b.c-401 rc), Greek poet

belle epoque (Fra)

(BELL-a ay-POCK) lit: beautiful era;
the period 1900-1914 ♦ PATH (ROUTE)
Sehnsucht (Ger)
(ZAYN-zookt) longing, nostalgia Foreign Words and Phrases

Quotations camino real (Spa)

(kah-MEE-no ray-AL) lit: royal
"Nostalgia isn't what it used to be." road; highway, best avenue to a
Anonymous graffito used as title of given end
Simone Signoret book
"The only thing I regret about my
past is the length of it. If I had to "Sow an act, and you reap a habit.
live my life again, I'd make the Sow a habit, and you reap a char
same mistakes, only sooner." acter. Sow a character, and you
reap a destiny."
Tallulah Bankhead (1905-1968),
U.S. actress Charles Reade (1814-1884), British writer
[authenticity unverified]
"Ifs deja-vu all over again."
"There are two things to aim at in
Lawrence ["Yogi"] Berra
(1925- ), US. baseball player life: first, to get what you want;
and manager
and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the
wisest of mankind achieve the sec
"Oh! the good times when we were ond."
so unhappy."
Logan Pearsal Smith (1865-1946),
Alexandre [pare] Dumas (1803-1870), US. writer, After-Thoughts (2932),
French writer and playwright "life and Human Nature"

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

more suo (Lat) An expectant father, who sported a
(MOR-e SU-oh) in his own manner, week's growth of beard, was seated
fashion, habit etc outside the maternity ward when
he was spotted by another expec
modus operandi (Lat) tant father. "Good heavens!" cried
(MO-dus OP-er-AND-ee) method the latter. "How long have you
of operation been waiting?"

cursus honorum (Lat) A young musician once complained

(KUR-sus hon-OR-um) lit: course of bitterly to composer Johannes
honors; sequence of posts leading Brahms about delays in getting his
to leadership or authority first opus published. Brahms coun
seled him to be patient ''You can
afford not to be immortal for a few
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes more weeks."
"We shall cross the river here/' said Johannes Brahms (1833-1897),
an officer, placing his finger on the German composer
map before French statesman Due
de Richelieu and his aides as they
planned a military campaign. "Ex
cellent, sir/' Richelieu replied, "but ♦ PAYMENT
your finger is not a bridge."
Armond-Emmonuel du Plessis, Due de
Richelieu (1766-1822), French statesman
Foreign Words and Phrases
H compte (Fra)
(ah COM-te) part payment, install
Foreign Words and Phrases "When some men discharge an ob
ligation, you can hear the report for
tout vient d. qui suit attendre (Fra)
miles around."
(too vyen ah kee set ah-TEHN-dr)
everything comes to him who waits Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(1835-1910), US. humorist,
writer and speaker

'Tatience, n. A minor form of de Classical Phrases and Myths

spair, disguised as a virtue." "Although work ceases, expenses
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce continue."
(1842-c. 1914), US. writer and poet, Marcus Pordus Cato [the Elder]
Devil's Dictionary (2922) (234 b.c-149 B.C.), Roman statesman,
On Agriculture, Bk. XXXIX, 2
"I am extraordinarily patient, pro
vided I get my own way in the
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Margaret Thatcher (1925- ), Reaching into his pocket after being
British prime minister rith his restaurant bill.
presented with

The Wit's Thesaurus

the customer somehow lost his bal pax vobiscum (Lat)

ance and fell over. To onlookers he (PAX woh-BIS-kum) peace (be)
said, "The food was delicious—but with you
wait till you get your bill!" halcyon (Grk)
Later to become poet laureate and (HAL-see-on) lit: kingfisher; calm,
immortalized in Alexander Pope's peaceful
Dunciad as the quintessential bore, "Nunc patimur longae pads mala, sae-
the British actor and dramatist Col- vior armis
ley Cibber in his first role on stage Luxuria incubuit victumque ulciscitur
merely had to hand a message to a orbem." (We are now suffering the
character played by the great Tho evils of a long peace. Luxury, more
mas Betterton. Paralyzed with stage deadly than war, broods over the
fright, he botched the scene. Better- city, and avenges a conquered
ton later angrily demanded the world.)
name of the youth who had marred Juvenal [Decimus Junius Juvenalis]
the performance. "Master Colley," (c. 50-c. 130), Roman writer,
was the reply. "Master Colley. Satires, VI, I 292
Then fine him!" ''But, sir, he has no "Ubi solitudinemfaciunt, pacem appel
salary." "No?" sulked Betterton. lant" (OO-bee SOL-ee-TOOdin-em
"Then put him down for ten shil FAK-ee-unt PAH-kem AP-pel-lant)
lings a week and fine him five shil (They create desolation and call it
lings." peace.)
Colley Cibber (1671-1757), Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55-117),
British playwright Roman historian, Agricola (c. 98), 30

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

On New Year's Eve at London's
♦ PEACE & PACIFICATION Garrick Club, Seymour Hicks im
plored the playwright Freddy
Quotations Lonsdale to make up after a dispute
with another club member: "Go
'Teace, n. In international affairs, a over now and wish him a happy
period of cheating between two New Year." Freddy approached rus
periods of fighting." antagonist. "I wish you a happy
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce New Year," said Lonsdale, "but
(1842-c. 1914), U.S. writer and poet, only one."
Devil's Dictionary (2922)
Frederick Lonsdale (1881-1954),
"The quickest way of ending a war British playwright
is to lose it."
George Orwell lEric Blair] (1903-1950),
British writer, Polemic (May 1946),
"Second Thoughts on
James Burnham" Quotations
"No! No! Sentence first, verdict af
Classical Phrases and Myths terwards!"
si vis pacem para helium (Lat) Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge
(see wees PAH-kem par-a BEL- DodgsonJ (1832-1898), British writer and
lum) if you-want peace, prepare for mathematician, Alice's Adventures in
war Wonderland (1865), ch. 22

The Ultimate Reference Book

"[O]ne is absolutely sickened, not and the bartender concocted imagi

by the crimes that the wicked have native new drinks. Yet the man
committed, but by the punishment correctly identified the brand of the
that the good have inflicted/' liquor ingredients, the age of
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde the wines and their vineyards, and
(1854-1900), British playwright, the countries of origin. He was accu
writer and wit mulating a small fortune. A drunk at
the end of the bar was observing
closely. Sliding a glass with its amber
contents down the bar, he shouted,
'Identify that, wise guy." The liquor
♦ PERCEPTIVENESS expert took his usual sip, then spat it
out, choking. "Thafs piss!" "Of
Foreign Words and Phrases course," drawled the drunk, "but
whose?" .
a prima vista (Ita)
(ah PREE-ma VEE-stah) at first A man rushed into a drugstore and
sight at first glance worriedly asked the druggist if she
knew how to stop hiccups. The phar
macist, without warning, punched
him in the throat. The stunned man
"Fleas know not whether they are angrily demanded that the druggist
upon the body of a giant or upon explain her unusual behavior.
one of ordinary stature." "Well," said the druggist, confi
Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864), dently, "you don't have the hiccups
British poet and writer, Imaginary now, do you?" "No," replied the
Conversations (1824-1829), "Southey coughing man, "but my wife outside
and Porson" in the car still does."

question of common sense is

always 'What is it good for?'—a
question which would abolish the ♦ PERFECTION
rose and be answered triumphantly
by the cabbage."
Foreign Words and Phrases
James Russell Lowell (1819-1891),
U.S. poet a merveille (Fra)
(ah mer-VAY) marvelously, won
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
piice de resistance (Fra)
A young woman was filling out a job (pyes de ray-SEES-tonse) the high
application. To the question "Have light of a meal, collection, perform
you ever been arrested?" the appli ance, etc.
cant wrote "no" in the blank. To the
next question, "Why?" intended for
those who had been arrested, the un
thinking lady wrote, "Never been 'Taultless to a fault."
caught." Robert Browning (1812-1889),
The newcomer at the bar bet $200 British poet, The Ring and the Book
(1868-1869), bk. IX, I.1177
that he could correctly identify the
nature and ingredients of any drink "By different methods different
placed before him. Bets were laid men excel;

The Wit's Thesaurus

But where is he who can do all discerning Italian audience clapped

things well?" during the encore for her to sing an
Charles Churchill (1731-1764), British aria for the third time. Completely
poet, Epistle to William Hogarth, /. 51 winded, she informed the crowd
that she could not sing it again. De
"He has not a single redeeming de
clared a member of the audience,
"Keep singing it until you sing it
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield right."
(1804-1881), British prime minister,
describing William Ewart Gladstone In painting a picture of a spirited
horse, Nicolas Poussin had repeat
"I am an idealist. I don't know
edly failed to depict satisfactorily the
where I'm going but I'm on the
foam around its mouth. Exasper
ated, he threw his sponge against the
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), U.S. poet
canvas, perfectly creating the effect
and writer, Incidentals (1907), p. 8
for which he had labored.
"There is this difference between Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665),
the Church of Rome and the French painter
Church of England: the one pro
fesses to be infallible—the other to In 1965 Nobel laureate and novelist
be never in the wrong." John Steinbeck and his poodle
Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729), Charlie, passing through San Fran
Irish-born British playwright and writer cisco by car, stopped at a sidewalk
cafe with advertising executive
"Who am I to tamper with a mas Howard Gossage. "Yesterday in
terpiece?" Muir Woods, Charlie lifted his leg
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde on a tree that was 50 feet across, a
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer hundred feet high, and a thousand
and wit, protesting changes in one years old," Steinbeck said. //Whafs
of his plays left in life for that dog after that su
"Le mieux est I'ennemi du bien." (leh preme moment?"
myuh es lehn-eh-MEE doo byen) John Steinbeck (1902-1968), U.S. writer
(The best is the enemy of the good.)
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet] (1694-
1778), French philosopher, writer and wit,
Dictionnaire Philosophique (1764),
"Art Dramatique" ♦ PERIOD OF TIME

Classical Phrases and Myths

ad astra (Lat)
(ad AST-ra) to the stars, to the ut- "} sPent a vear m that town- one
Warwick Deeping (1877-1950),
acme (Grk)
British writer
(AK-mee) culmination, point of
perfection "There was a pause—just long
enough for an angel to pass, flying
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes slowly."
An American singer debuting at La Ronald Firbank (1886-1926), U.S. writer,
Scala was at first flattered when the Vainglory (2925), ch. 6

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths Classical Phrases and Myths

pro tempore (Lat) in aeternum (Lat)
(proh TEM-po-RAY) temporarily, (in ai-TER-num) forever, eternally
for the moment (abbr: pro tern)

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"The Jewish people have observed
their 5749th year as a people/' the
Hebrew teacher told his class. ''By
comparison, the Chinese have only Foreign Words and Phrases
observed their 4686th. What does
goman (Jap)
that mean to you?" There was si
(GAH-mahn) ability to endure
lence until one boy raised his hand
hardships patiently
and said, "That means that the Jews
had to do without Chinese food for
1063 years." Quotations

"Ah, well, there is just this world

and then the next, and then all our
troubles will be over."
Anonymous elderly lady quoted by
(STABILITY) L. O. Asquith

"When I warned them [the French

Government] that Britain would
"When it is not necessary to change, fight on alone whatever they did,
it is necessary not to change." their generals told their Prime
Lucius Cary, Viscount Falkland Minister and his divided Cabinet,
(1610-1643), British statesman, In three weeks England will have
A Speech Concerning Episcopacy (1642) her neck wrung like a chicken.'
Some chicken! Some neck!"
"Plus qa change, plus c'est la mime
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
chose." (ploo sa shahn-je ploo seh la
(1874-1965), British prime minister
mehm shose) (The more things
and writer, speech to Canadian
change, the more they remain the
Parliament, December 30,1941
Alphonse Kan (1808-1890), French
writer, Les Guepes (January 1849), vi Classical Phrases and Myths

illegitimi non carborundum (mock

(il-LEG-ee-TEEM-ee non CARB-or-
♦ PERPETUITY UN-dum) don't let the bastards
grind you down (also, nil carborun
Quotations dum illegitimi)

"Eternity's a terrible thought. I "Cras ingens iterabimus aequor" (To

mean, where's it all going to end?" morrow we set out once more upon

Tom Stoppard (1937- ), British the boundless sea.)

playwright and writer, Rosencrantz and Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
Guildenstern Are Dead (2967), Act II Odes, I, vii, I. 32

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes 'It is not my appearance which

now troubles me, it is my disap
"For the last time, I'm telling you
that I won't let you kiss me!" ex
claimed the coed. Her date re Thaddeus Stevens (1792-1868),
sponded, "I knew you'd give up!" U.S. politician and lawyer, replying, near
death, to someone who had remarked on
Numerous charities descended his appearance
upon Harpo Marx while he was
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
visiting New York to appear at ben
efits. Marx, after being plagued by At a college reunion, one classmate
one woman with 12 calls in two exclaimed, "Jim, you've changed.
days, wearily agreed to her request. You had thick, blond hair, but now
Still, the anxious woman cautiously you're bald. You used to be tan,
called to escort him personally to now you're pale. You were trim,
the charity benefit. As they were now you're obese. You've changed
departing from his hotel suite, the so much." "But I'm not Jim."
telephone began to ring. "Don't "Good grief! You've changed your
you want to answer it?" she asked name, too?"
Marx. "Why bother?" Marx sighed. "Doctor, will the scar show?" asked
"I'm sure ifs you again." the young lady. "That, madam," re
Harpo [Arthur] Marx (1893-1964), plied the doctor, "is entirely up to
U.S. film comedian you."
The famed attorney Clarence Dar-
row was often ridiculed for his
sloppy appearance. '1 go to a better
tailor than any of you, and pay
more for my clothes," retorted Dar-
♦ PERSONAL APPEARANCE row. "The only difference is that
you probably don't sleep in yours."
Quotations Clarence Seward Darrow (1857-1938),
"No man ever was as wise as [Ed U.S. lawyer
ward] Thurlow looks." After a stage performance, a man
Charles James Fox (1749-1806), came to John Gielgud's dressing
British statesman room to offer congratulations. '1
am so pleased to meet you," said
"How can the Republican party Sir John, recognizing the man's
nominate a man who looks like the face. "I used to know your son—we
bridegroom on a wedding cake?" were at school together." "I don't
have a son," was the chilly reply. "I
Alice Roosevelt hongworth (1884-1980),
was at school with you."
U.S. socialite, ridiculing Republican
presidential aspirant Thomas E. Dewey Sir John Gielgud (1904- ),
[authenticity unverified] British actor
A wild-eyed, Medusa-coiffed man
"He was very bald ... with... the passed the bar in the actor-
general look of an elderly fallen an frequented Lamb's Club at which
gel travelling incognito." the sardonic Ring Lardner was
Peter Quennell (1905- ), drinking. Lardner said nothing
British writer, describing Andre Gide, when he first spotted the man, but
The Sign of the Fish (1960), ch. 2 could contain himself no longer

The Ultimate Reference Book

when he passed Lardner again: turn of his wife's Pekingese. "That's

'How do you look when I'm so a high price for a dog," offered the
ber?" clerk, 'toot for this one," said the
Ring [Ringgold Wilmer] Lardner man. "I strangled it."
(1885-1933), US. writer
"So how do you know your fish are
"It is nice meeting old friends/' happy? Fish can't talk," countered
said actor Llewellyn Rees, upon the dubious woman when her
first seeing his friend and fellow ac neighbor boasted that his fish liked
tor Robert Morley after a long spell. their new aquarium. The neighbor
"Many people think I'm dead." replied, "Why, they're always wag
"Not if they look closely." ging their tails."
Robert Morley (1908-1992),
Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the British
British actor
actress, tucked her pet Pekingese
inside the upper part of her cape in
an attempt to smuggle it through
customs. "Everything was going
♦ PETS splendidly," she later remarked,
'Aintil my bosom barked."
Quotations Mrs. Patrick [Beatrice] Campbell
(1865-1940), British actress
"The great pleasure of a dog is that
you may make a fool of yourself
with him and not only will he not
scold you, but he will make a fool
of himself too."
Samuel Butler (1835-1902), ♦ PHILOSOPHY
British writer, Notebooks (1912), ch. 14
'To his dog, every man is Napo
leon; hence the constant popularity "[Philosophy is] unintelligible an
of dogs." swers to insoluble problems."
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), Henry Blrooks] Adams (1838-1918),
British writer US. historian

"The trouble with a kitten is THAT 'Truth is the object of philosophy,

Eventually it becomes a CAT." but not always of philosophers."
Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), US. humorist, John Churton Collins (1848-1908),
The Face is Familiar (1940), British writer and scholar
"The Kitten"
"The first step towards philosophy
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes is incredulity."
Denis Diderot (1713-1784), French
"I want a dog of which I can be
philosopher, encyclopediast and writer
proud/' said the socialite. "Does
this one have a pedigree?" "If he 'It is a great advantage for a system
could talk/' replied the kennel
of philosophy to be substantially
owner, "he wouldn't speak to ei
ther of us."
George Santayana (1863-1952), Spanish-
The man called the newspaper to born U.S. philosopher, poet and writer,
place an ad offering $10 for the re The Unknowable (1923), p. 4

The Wit's Thesaurus

"You could read Kant by yourself, "I am a doctor of philosophy."

if you wanted; but you must share "Oh," replied the lady, starting to
a joke with someone else." walk away. "But what kind of dis
Robert Louis [Balfour] Stevenson ease is philosophy?"
(1850-1894), British writer and poet The attendant at a greenhouse in
'The safest general characterization Dresden noticed wild gesturing by
of the European philosophical tra a customer and demanded, "Who
dition is that it consists of a series are you?" The customer, the pessi
of footnotes to Plato." mist Kantian philosopher Arthur
Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), Schopenhauer, looked blankly at
British philosopher and mathematician, the attendant and murmured, 'If
Process and Reality (1929), pt. 2, ch. 1 only you could answer that ques
tion for me, I would be forever
Classical Phrases and Myths grateful."

scepsis (Grk) Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860),

German philosopher
(SKEP-sis) lit: inquiry, philosophic
doubt, sceptical philosophy
"Amicus Plato, sed magis arnica veri-
tas." (Plato is dear to me, but dearer ♦ PHOTOGRAPHY &
still is truth.)
Aristotle (384 B.c-322 B.c),
Greek philosopher, Nichomachean Ethics,
bk. I, ch. 6 [latin translation of Greek] Foreign Words and Phrases

"Nihil tarn absurde did potest, quod paparazzi (Ita)

non dicatur ab aliquo philosophorum." (PAP-a-RAZ-zee) free-lance, leech-
(There is nothing so absurd but like celebrity photographers
some philosopher has said it.)
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 b.c),
Roman statesman and man of letters, "The camera makes everyone a
De Divinatione, U, 58 tourist in other people's reality, and
eventually in one's own."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Susan Sontag (1933- ),
The university president sighed as U.S. writer, New York Review
he went over the proposed budget. of Books (April 18,1974)
"Why is it that the physics depart
"My dear Sir, I thank you very
ment always requires so much ex
much for your letter and your pho
pensive equipment? The mathe
tograph. In my opinion you are
matics department only asks for
more like me than any other of my
paper, pencils and erasers," he
numerous doubles. I may even say
said, mournfully. "Even better, the
that you resemble me more closely
philosophy department doesn't
than I do myself. In fact, I intend to
even ask for erasers."
use your picture to shave by. Yours
At a party, a social matron over thankfully, S. Clemens."
heard guests addressing a particu Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
lar gentleman as "Doctor," and so (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
she approached him and began re speaker, replying by form letter to
citing her long list of physical ills. correspondents claiming to be his double
"But, madam, the man countered, and sending photographs as proof

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths How very weak the very wise,
How very small the very great are!"
camera obscure (Lat)
(KAM-er-a ob-SKOO-ra) lit: dark William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-
ened room; box with an aperture 1863), British writer. Valutas Vanitatum
and a sequence of mirrors by which
an image is projected onto a screen Classical Phrases and Myths
(16th-century camera invention) fortuna nulla fides frontis (Lat)
(for-TOO-nu noo-la FEE-des FRUN-
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes tis) do not trust in appearance; ap
Closing the photography session pearances are likely to deceive
with Winston Churchill on his 80th
prima facie (Lat)
birthday, a photographer courte (PREE-ma FAK-ee-e) at first glance,
ously remarked that he hoped he on first sight; prima facie case: one
would photograph Churchill on his in which initial evidence is thought
100th. 1 don't see why not, young sufficient to justify further exami
man/' growled Churchill. "You nation and prosecution
look reasonably fit to me."
Non semper ea sunt quae videntur.
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
1965), British prime minister and writer (non SEM-per ay-a sunt kwai WID-
en-tur) (Things are not always what
Commissioned to take an official they seem.)
portrait of the pope, photographer
Phaedrus (c. 20), Roman fabulist, Fables,
Yousuf Karsh had been accompa
bk. IV, I 5
nied to the Vatican by Bishop Ful
ton Sheen, and was setting up his
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
equipment in the presence of Pope
John XXm. "God knew 77 years A single man and a married couple
ago that someday I would be were marooned on a tiny island
pope/7 remarked the uneasy pope whose main feature was a tall palm
to Bishop Sheen. "Why didn't He tree. The men took turns climbing
make me a little more photogenic!" it to search the sea for possible res
John XXm [Angelo Roncalli] cuers. Finally, the single man could
(1881-1963), Roman Catholic pope contain his desires no longer but
there was no chance for intimacy,
even though the woman seemed
willing to satisfy him. Atop the tree
♦ PHYSICAL APPEARANCE one day, the single man had an
idea. "Hey, you two," he shouted
Foreign Words and Phrases below. "Stop screwing!" This be
wildered the married man, for he
au premier coup d'oeil (Fra) was sitting for apart from his wife.
(oh pre-MYER koo doy) at first The married man was scanning the
glance horizon the next day from atop
the tree, and then looked down at
the figures below. 'Til be damned,"
"Straight trees have crooked roots." he muttered. "It really does look
Proverb (c. 1500s) like they're screwing!"

"Oh, Vanity of vanities! Horrified by the worn appearance

How wayward the decrees of Fate of Sir Douglas-Home on a prere
are; corded television program she was

The Wit's Thesaurus

watching, Lady Douglas-Home "What I call a good patient is one

rushed upstairs and asked her hus who, having found a good physi
band as he was changing, "Are you cian, sticks to him till he dies."
feeling well? You look dreadful Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894),
downstairs." U.S. writer and physician
Alec Douglas-Home, Baron Home of the
Hirsel (1903- ), "My doctor gave me six months to
British prime minister live but when I couldn't pay the bill
he gave me six months more."
Walter Matthau (1920- ),
U.S. film actor

♦ PHYSICIAN "Either he's dead, or my watch has

Robert Pirosh (c. 1900s), George Seaton
Quotations (c. 1900s) and George Oppenheimer
(c. 1900s), U.S. writers, A Day at the
"The whole imposing edifice of
Races (2937 film)
modern medicine is, like the cele
brated tower of Pisa, slightly off "Formerly, when religion was
balance." strong and science weak, men mis
Charles, Prince of Wales took magic for medicine; now,
" (1948- ), British prince when science is strong and religion
weak, men mistake medicine for
//While the doctors consult, the pa
tient dies."
Thomas Szasz (1920- ),
English proverb
U.S. psychiatrist, The Second Sin (2973J
"God heals, and the doctor takes "Science and Sdentism"
the fee."
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Classical Phrases and Myths
U.S. statesman and scientist, Poor
Richard's Almanac (1732-1757) Hippocrates (hip-POK-rah-teez) of
ancient Greece was the first physi
"He's a fool that makes his doctor cian to reject customs and beliefs
his heir." that body effects were the result of
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), supernatural origins, instead be
U.S. statesman and scientist, Poor lieving that they were caused by cli
Richard's Almanac (1732-1757) mate, food and even government.
"Some fell by laudanum, and some The Hippocmtic oath, named in
by steel, honor of the founding father of
And death in ambush lay in every medicine, expresses a commitment
pill." to ethical medical conduct and is
signed by physicians beginning the
Sir Samuel Garth (1661-1719),
practice of medicine.
British physician and poet,
The Dispensary (2699; Hippocrates (c. 440 ac.-c. 377 B.c),
Greek physician
"Doctors think a lot of patients are
cured who have simply quit in dis
gust." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Don Herold (1889- ), Randolph Churchill, the son of
U.S. humorist and artist Winston Churchill, who never es-

The Ultimate Reference Book

caped the shadow of his father's "All I want is to go on getting

fame, was hospitalized to have a older."
lung removed. It was later an Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967),
nounced that the trouble was not German chancellor
"malignant." Commented the En
The secretary of wit Dorothy Parker
glish novelist Evelyn Waugh, 'It
visited her to take dictation on letters
was a typical triumph of modern while Parker was recuperating in the
science to find the only part of Ran hospital. "This should assure us,"
dolph that was not malignant and said Parker, pressing the "nurse"
remove it." button, "of at least 45 minutes of un
Evelyn Waugh [Arthur St. John] disturbed privacy."
(1903-1966), British writer, Diaries of Dorothy Parker (1893-1967),
Evelyn Waugh (1976), "Irregular Notes U.S. wit and writer
1960-69/' March 1964 entry
As a young man, the British poet
Three men were considering what laureate Tennyson was successfully
they would do if told they had but treated for hemorrhoids by a young
six months to live. Fred said: 'If my but well-known proctologist. Years
doctor said I had six months to live later, as a famous poet and a peer
I'd cash in everything and visit of the realm, Tennyson again suf
every prostitute in town." John fered a painful attack, so he revis
said: "If my doctor told me I had ited the proctologist. He expected
six months to live, I'd travel around to be recognized because of his
fame, but the proctologist was si
the world." Merv said: "If my doc
lent until the nobleman bent over
tor told me I had six months to live,
for examination and the physician
Td consult another doctor."
remarked, "Ah, Tennyson."
'He's a family doctor," said Fred to Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson
a friend. "He treats mine and I sup (1809-1892), British poet
port his."

"I'm sorry," said the heart surgeon,

"but you must have a bypass op
eration." The patient squirmed un
easily. "If you don't mind, I-I'd like Quotations
a second opinion." "Not at all," re "There was a young lady named
plied the surgeon. "You're also Bright,
ugly as sin." Whose speed was far faster than
Doctor with hypodermic needle:
She set out one day
"Don't be alarmed. You'll feel a lit
In a relative way
tle prick." Patient: "But we just
And returned on the previous
Almost 90, Konrad Adenauer, still Arthur Buller (1874-1944),
chancellor, succumbed to a heavy British writer, Punch
cold. His personal physician, aggra (December 13,1923), "Relativity"
vated by Adenauer's impatience,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
said, "I'm not a magician. I can't
make you young again." "I haven't A basic equation in theoretical
asked you to," snapped Adenauer. physics is "e = h V," where V is the
The Wit's Thesaurus

Greek letter nu (pronounced new). Protestant church—and there was

By simple algebraic manipulation, nobody left to be concerned."
this is equivalent to V = e/h. So, Martin Neimoller (1892-1984),
//What/s new?" could be answered German theologian
by "e/h".
"Yes, indeed, a good idea, but we
"So what was so great about Ein will first have a little hanging."
stein that he should be so fa Prince Felix Schwarzenberg (1800-1852),
mous?" Irving asked his daughter, Austrian statesman and diplomat,
a physicist. 'Well Papa, he devel agreeing to show mercy to captured rebels
oped the theory of relativity, during the 1849 Hungarian uprising
which holds that some things, against Austrian domination
such as space and time, previously
believed to be absolute, are actu
"He jests at scars, that never felt a
ally relative." //What do you wound."
mean?" "WeU, for a young man William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
with his sweetheart, an hour British playwright and poet, Romeo
might pass like a minute. But if he and Juliet (1595), Act I, sc. i
were sitting on a hot stove, a min "A single death is a tragedy, a mil
ute would seem like an hour." Ir lion deaths is a statistic."
ving stared at his daughter
Joseph Stalin [losif Vissarionovich
incredulously. "So tell me one
Dzhugashvili] (1879-1953), Russian
more thing—is it from nonsense statesman [authenticity unverified]
like this that Einstein made a liv
ing?" Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
One hundred Nazi professors pub
A Hollywood agent, in the throes of
lished a book condemning Albert
depression with lack of work, was
Einstein's theory of relativity after
contemplating suicide when sud
the great physicist had gone into
denly, tnere was a puff of smoke, a
exile. Einstein was untroubled. "If I
flash of light—and the devil ap
were wrong," he said, "one profes
peared. The devil said to the agent,
sor would have been enous
"Tve got a proposition for you. For
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the remainder of your career, I'll
German-born physicist get you exclusive representation of
all of the Hollywood wunderkind.
But in return, your wife and chil
dren must die, and their souls shall
♦ PITILESSNESS (CRUELTY) burn in hell for eternity." The agent
answers: "So whafs the catch?"
An actor came home from work
"When Hitler attacked the Jews I and was stunned to see that his
was not a Jew, therefore, I was not house had burned to the ground.
concerned. And when Hitler at //What happened?" he asked the
tacked the Catholics, I was not a nearby fire captain. "Unfortu
Catholic, and therefore, I was not nately," the captain said, "your
concerned. And when Hitler at agent came here several hours ago,
tacked the unions and the industri raped your wife, murdered your
alists, I was not a member of the children, and burned down your
unions and I was not concerned. home." The actor was shocked.
Then, Hitler attacked me and the "My agent came to my house?!!"

The Ultimate Reference Book
While Louis was playing cards with Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
several court members, a M. de
Chauvelin was stricken apoplectic A woman was convicted of murder
ing her longtime husband by lacing
and promptly died. A courtier, see
ing him fall, shrieked, "M. de his coffee with arsenic. At her sen
tencing hearing, the defense attor
Chauvelin is ill!" Louis turned and
ney knew that he had a difficult job
coldly surveyed the corpse. "111? He
is dead," observed the long. 'Take in garnering the judge's sympathy
for his client. "Was there any time
him away. Spades are trumps, gen
tlemen."- during commission of this crime,
Mrs. Jones," the attorney began
Louis XV (1710-1774), French king hopefully, "that you felt pity for
your husband?" "Oh, yes," she ex
claimed, accepting his hint, "when
he asked for a second cup."
♦ PITY When Ethan Allen's notoriously ill-
tempered first wife died, a local
man offered to help transport the
coffin to the church. "You could call
"Pity costs nothing, and ain't worth on any of the neighbors," he said to
nothing." Allen. "There's not a man in town
Josh Billings [Henry Wheeler Shaw] wouldn't be glad to help out."
(1818-1885), U.S. humorist Ethan Alien (1738-1789), U.S. patriot

"To these crocodile's tears, they The violinist Mischa Elman once
will add sobs, fiery sighs, and sor gave a recital for friends of the fam
rowful countenance." ily when he was seven, and ele
Robert Burton (1577-1640), British gantly played Beethoven's Kreutzer
clergyman and writer, The Anatomy of sonata. During one of the many
Melancholy (1621-1651), pt. UI long rests in the composition, one
of tine elderly ladies tapped him on
"He best can pity who has felt the the shoulder and whispered confi
woe." dentially, "Play something you
John Gay (1685-1732), British poet and know, dear."
playwright, Dione, Act II, sc. ii Mischa Elman (1891-1967), Russian-born
U.S. violinist [attributed also to others]
"He reminds me of the man who
murdered both his parents, and
then, when sentence was about to
be pronounced, pleaded for mercy
on the grounds that he was an or ♦ PLAIN SPEECH
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), Foreign Words and Phrases
U.S. president c'est a dire (Fra)
"Alas! poor Yorick. I knew him, (sehl ah DEER) that is to say; in
other words
Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of
most excellent fancy."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
British playwright and poet, President Lincoln was being guided
Hamlet (1601), Act V, sc. i by the commanding general's aide,

The Wit's Thesaurus

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., on an in So don't think you can't think you
spection of Union defenses at Fort can."
Stevens while it was under siege. Charles Inge (1868-1957), British poet,
Lincoln, wearing his customary tell Weekend Book (1928),
hat, rose for a better view when "On Monsieur Coue"
Holmes was showing the enemy 'Though this be madness, yet there
trenches. At once there was a crackle is method in it."
of fire from Confederate lines. "Get
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
down, you fool!" shouted Holmes,
British playwright and poet,
pulling the president under cover.
Hamlet (1601), Act U, sc. ii
He then realized what he had said,
and worried that disciplinary action "Procrastination is the thief of
would be exacted. But when Lincoln time."
left, he only commented, "Goodbye, Edward Young (1683-1765), British poet,
Captain Holmes. I am pleased to see Night Thoughts (1742-1745),
that you know how to talk to a civil "Night I," 1. 393
ian." 'Tor her own breakfast she'll pro
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), ject a scheme,
U.S. president Nor take her tea without a strata
Edward Young (1683-1765), British poet,
Love of Fame (1725-1728),
satire VI, 1187


Foreign Words and Phrases ♦ PLEASURE

cy pris (Fra)
Foreign Words and Phrases
(SEE-pray) in law, the attempt to
execute a person's wishes as closely mechaieh (Yid)
as possible even when the instruc (ma-KEE-yah) a great pleasure
tions (e.g., in a will) cannot be fol aware (Jap)
lowed exactly (ah-WAHR-ay) pleasure engen
dered by ephemeral beauty, e.g., by
the blooming of cherry blossoms
nakhes (Yid)
'The best laid schemes o' mice an' (NAHK-hes) mixed pleasure and
pride, especially of parent for a
Gang aft a-gley, child
An' lea'e us nought but grief an'
la dolce vita (Ita)
(lah DOL-che VEE-tah) the good
For promis'd joy!"
life (in English, often pejorative)
Robert Burns (1759-1796), British poet,
Ton Mouse (1782), I. 7 Quotations

"This very remarkable man "A man hath no better thing under
Commends a most practical plan: the sun, than to eat, and to drink,
You can do what you want and to be merry."
If you don't think you can't, ■: Ecclesiostes 8:15

The Ultimate Reference Book

"But pleasures are like poppies program in the 1950s, "You Bet
spread— Your life." The routine for the
You seize the flow'r, its bloom is show, of which much was typically
shed; cut prior to broadcast, consisted of
Or like the snow falls in the river— Marx interviewing his guests before
A moment white—then melts for playing the game. Once, Marx was
ever." eliciting biographical information
Robert Burns (1759-1796), British poet, from one contestant, Mrs. Story,
Tarn o' Shanter (1793), I. 59 who proudly announced that she
had 22 children. When Marx natu
"Pleasure is nothing else but the in rally expressed surprise, Mrs. Story
termission of pain." defensively proclaimed, "I love my
John Selden (1584r-1654), British jurist husband very much." "I love my ci
and scholar, Table Talk (2592;, "Law" gar, too/' Groucho drawled, "but I
take it out once in a while."
"Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib und Ges-
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977),
U.S. comedian
D€r bleibt ein Narr sein Leben long!'
(Who loves not woman, wine, and
Remains a fool his whole life long.)
Martin Luther (1483-1546),
German Protestant theologian
[authenticity unverified] ♦ POETRY

Classical Phrases and Myths
'1 won't be able to stand here much
''No pleasure endures unseasoned
by variety." longer, unless you put some fire
into your verses or some of your
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 B.c), verses into the fire."
Roman writer, Sententiae, 406
Anonymous, established writer to an
Epicurus (ep-i-KYUR-us) was an aspiring poet reading his pallid verses
Athenian philosopher from Samos
who taught that fulfillment lay in "It is a sad fact about our culture
pleasure—freedom from pain and that a poet can earn much more
peace of body and mind—and the money writing or talking about his
absence of religious superstition art than he can by practising it."
and of the fear of death. He advo Wystan] H[ugh] Auden (1907-1973),
cated moderation but his name British-born poet, Dyer's Hand
later became associated with the (2963), foreword
unfettered .meaning of pleasure.
Hence, an epicurean is one living "The mind that finds its way to
for pleasure, a hedonist. wild places is the poefs; but the
Epicurus (c. 342 b.c-270 b.c), mind that never finds its way back
Greek philosopher is the lunatic's."
Glilbert] K[eith] Chesterton (1874-1936),
British man of letters
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
After his film career, Groucho Marx "Sir, I admit your general rule,
was host of a popular television That every poet is a fool,

The Wit's Thesaurus

But you yourself may serve to show "Poetry is to prose as dancing is to

it, walking."
That every fool is not a poet" John Wain (1925- ), British poet,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), BBC radio broadcast, January 11,1976
British poet and writer

"Idleness, that is the curse of other

men, is the nurse of poets/' Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Walter D'Arcy Cresswell While Walter Lowenfels was bom-

(1896- ), British poet basting at length on his views on
the relationship of art and the de
'Immature poets imitate; mature
cadence of society, playwright and
poets steal/'
friend Samuel Beckett listened
TPtomas] Sltearns] Eliot (1888-1965), without a word. Finally, Lowenfels
U.S. poet, Sacred Wood (1920),
burst out, "You just sit there saying
"Philip Massinger",
nothing while the world is going to
'Twenty-five percent read. me for pieces. What do you want to do?"
the right reasons; 25 percent like me "Walter," sighed Beckett, "all I
for the wrong reasons; 25 percent want to do is sit on my ass and fart
hate me for the right reasons. Ifs and think of Dante."
that last 25 percent that worries Samuel Beckett (1906-1989), Irish writer,
me." playwright and poet
Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963), U.S. poet
Robert Frost and other guests went
"[Pllaying tennis with the net
outside to the veranda to watch the
sunset following a dinner party.
Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963), U.S. poet, "Oh, Mr. Frost, isn't it a lovely sun
defining free verse
set?" exclaimed one young woman.
'There's no money in poetry, but Frost replied, "I never discuss busi
then there's no poetry in money ei ness after dinner."
ther." Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963), U.S. poet
Robert [Ranke] Graves (1895-1985),
British poet and writer, speech at London
School of Economics, December 6,1963

'To be a poet is a condition rather

than a profession."
Robert [Ranke] Graves (1895-1985), ♦ POLITICAL & ECONOMIC
British poet and writer THEORY
"Your works will be read after
Shakespeare and Milton are forgot Foreign Words and Phrases
ten, and not till then."
Realpolitik (Ger)
Richard Parson (1759-1808),
(ray-AL-po-li-TEEK) theory of pol
British scholar, giving his opinion
itics shunning idealism and based
to poet Robert Southey
on realism; politics of pragmatism
"Very nice, though there are dull
stretches." laissez faire (Fra)
Antoine Rivaroli, Comte de Rivarol (LESS-ay fehr) lit: allow to do; non-
(1753-1801), French writer, reviewing a action; the doctrine of govern
two-line poem mental noninterference

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations man who uses his legs and his

hands at the behest—at the com
//When a nation's young men are
mand—of his head."
conservative, its funeral bell is al
ready rung/' Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945),
U.S. president, radio address to New
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887),
York Herald Tribune forum,
U.S. clergyman and writer
October 26,1939

"The greatest happiness of the Classical Phrases and Myths

greatest number is the foundation
of morals and legislation." solus populi suprerm lex est (Lat)
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), (SA-lus POP-oo-lee sup-RAY-ma
British philosopher lex est) the safety of the people is
the supreme law; utilitarian belief
that the only standard by which
"Men are conservatives when they
are least vigorous, or when they are government can be measured is its
most luxurious. They are conser impact on the material welfare of
the governed
vatives after dinner."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher, Essays:
Second Series (1844), "New The widow of King Albert I of Bel
England Reformers" gium, Elisabeth, made a state visit
in 1956 to Soviet-dominated War
"Some fellows get credit for being saw. She was assigned a chief of
conservative when they are only protocol to accompany her to Mass,
stupid." and asked him, "Are you a Catho
Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard lic?" "Believing, but not practic
(1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer ing." "Of course," said Elisabeth to
the functionary, "so in that case
//What is conservatism? Is it not ad you must be a Communist." "Prac
herence to the old and tried, against ticing, Your Majesty, but not believ
the new and untried?" ing."
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), Elisabeth (1876-1965), Belgian queen
U.S. president, speech at Cooper Union,
February 27,1860

"Communism is like prohibition,
ifs a good idea but it won't work."
WHUiam Penn Adair] Rogers Foreign Words and Phrases
(1879-1935), U.S. comedian, politico (Ita)
Weekly Articles (1981), vol. 3, p. 9 (po-LEE-tee-koh) politician, oppor
"I am reminded of four definitions:
A Radical is a man with both feet revanchiste (Fra)
firmly planted—in the air. A Con (re-VANJH-sheest) political advo
servative is a man with two per cate of violent (vengeful) measures
fectly good legs who, however, has
never learned to walk forward. A Quotations
Reactionary is a somnambulist "I will undoubtedly have to seek
walking backwards. A Liberal is a what is happily known as gainful
The Wrr's Thesaurus

employment, which I am glad to der his shadow. They are wrong.

say does not describe holding pub He was like the sun and let every
lic office/' thing and everybody grow—even
Dean Acheson [Gooderham] (1893-1971), the weeds."
U.S. diplomat, explaining his future plans Indira Gandhi (1917-1984), Indian
after leaving his post as secretary of state politician, reminiscing about her father,
'The first requirement of a states Jawaharlal Nehru.
man is that he be dull. This is not "He was a power politically for
always easy to achieve." years, but he has never got promi
Dean Acheson [Gooderham] (1893-1971), nent enough to have his speeches
U.S. diplomat garbled."
"Vote for the man who promises Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard
least; he'll be the least disappoint (1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer
"When a man assumes a public
Bernard Marines Baruch (1870-1965),
trust, he should consider himself as
U.S. financier and statesman
public property."
'The recumbents were re-elected.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826),
The rascals were not turned out by
U.S. president, remark to Baron von
those who turned out. Same old Humboldt, 1807
House of Reprehensibles."
Herbert Eugene Caen (1917- ),
"A statesman is a politician who is
U.S. writer held upright by equal pressure
from all directions."
"An honest politician is one who,
when he is bought will stay Eric Alllen] Johnston (1896-1963),
U.S. businessman
Simon Cameron (1799-1889), U.S. writer "Once there was a poor widow
'It is the ability to foretell what is who had two sons. One ran away
going to happen tomorrow, next to sea, and the other became Vice
weekr next month/ and next year. President. Neither was ever heard
And to have the ability afterwards from again."
to explain why it didn't happen." Thomas Riley Marshall (1854-1925),
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill U.S. vice president
(1874-1965), British prime minister "The most successful politician is
and writer, explaining the desirable he who says what everybody is
qualifications for a politician
thinking most often and in the
"Mr. Chamberlain loves the work loudest voice."
ing man; he loves to see him work."
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919),
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill U.S. president ,
(1874-1965), British prime minister and
writer, describing Sir Joseph Chamberlain "He knows nothing; and he thinks
he knows everything. That points
"He's running for the office of ex-
clearly to a political career."
President, and he's won."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
John Wesley Dean (1932- ),
Irish playwright, Major Barbara
U.S. lawyer, describing the elder
(1907), Act m
statesman image of ex-President
Richard Nixon "My choice early in life was either
"People say he was like the banyan to be a piano-player in a whore
tree: nothing and nobody grew un house or a politician. And to tell'the

The Ultimate Reference Book

truth, there's hardly any differ mons^ and found Clement Attlee al
ence/' ready standing at the urinal.
Harry S Truman (1884-1972), Churchill positioned himself at the
U.S. president opposite end. of the urinal. Taunted
Atlee, "Feeling standoffish today,
'Header, suppose you were an id are we, Winston?" "Quite right,"
iot. And suppose you were a mem retorted Churchill. "Every time you
ber of Congress. But I repeat see something big, you want to na
myself." tionalize it."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, 1965), British prime minister and writer
writer and speaker
On Jack Paar's 'Tonight Show"
"Comme un homme politique ne croit Malcolm Muggeridge allowed that
jamais ce qu'il dit, il est tout etonne despite his disdain for politics he
quand il est cru sur parole." (Since a had voted only once in his life. "I
politician never believes what he just had to," he explained. "There
says, he is quite surprised t6 be was this one candidate who had
taken at his word.) been committed to an asylum and
Charles Andre" Joseph Marie de Gaulle upon discharge was issued a Cer
(1890-1970), French president and general tificate of Sanity. Well, now, how
could I resist? What other politician
anywhere has an actual medical re
Classical Phrases and Myths
port that he is sane?"
Known for his unimpeachable hon Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990),
esty and for never pandering to the British writer and broadcaster
popular will, the great Athenian
President Coolidge, on the presiden
statesman Phodon once delivered
tial yacht cruising the Potomac with
an opinion that was unanimously
guests, was standing alone at the
approved. The shocked Phodon re
railing overlooking the expanse of
marked to a friend, "Can it be that
water, when someone exclaimed,
I am making a bad argument with
"Bowed over the rail. What thoughts
out knowing it?"
are in the mind of this man, bur
Phodon (c. 402 B.c-318 B.c), dened by the problems of the na
Greek statesman and general
tion?" Coolidge finally rejoined the
others, saying, "See that sea gull
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes over there? Been watching it for 20
minutes: Hasn't moved. I think he's
//What should we do about the
abortion bill?" hollered the legisla
tive aide from the other room. IJohnl Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933),
"Well," spluttered the congress U.S. president
man, '1 suppose we ought to pay

Q: Why would a politician abandon ♦ POLITICS

an unpopular platform? A: Not due
to seeing the light, but feeling the Foreign Words and Phrases
qualunquismo (Ita)
Winston Churchill entered the (kwal-un-KEES-moh) political and
men's room in the House of Com social indifference

The Wit's Thesaurus

raison d'itat (Fra) "Public life is the paradise of volu

(ray-ZON day-TAH) lit: reason of ble windbags."
state (security); used to justify ac George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
tions Irish playwright
Weltpolitik (Ger)
(VELT-po-li-TEEK) theory that pol "Politics is perhaps the only profes
itics is global in scale sion for wnich no preparation is
thought necessary."
Quotations Robert Louis [Balfbur] Stevenson (1850-
1894), British writer and poet, Familiar
'It doesn't matter who you vote Studies of Men and Books (1882)
for, the government always gets
in./# "I just hold my nose and mark the
John Bright (1811-1889), ballot."
British politician, commenting on
Frank Underhill (c. 1900s),
Benjamin Disraeli
Canadian citizen, answering how he
'Th' dimmycratic party ain't on could bear to vote Liberal (1967)
speakin' terms with itsilf."
Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936),
U.S. writer and humorist, Mr. 00016/$ Classical Phrases and Myths
Opinions (1900), "Mr. Dooley "Homo si politikon zoon." (hoh-MOH
Discusses Party Politics" si pol-H-i-kon ZOH-on) (Man is by
"Politics is not the art of the possi nature a political animal.)
ble. It consists in choosing between Aristotle (384 B.c-322 B.c),
the disastrous and the unpalata Greek philosopher, Politics, bk. I, ch. 2
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-1992), Ancient Greek philosopher Thales
Canadian-born U.S. economist and was taunted by lesser minds be
diplomat, letter to John F. Kennedy, cause, for all his wisdom, he had
March 2,1962 not accumulated any wealth. One
year Thales, relying on his knowl-
"Don't buy a single vote more than
necessary. I'll be damned if I'm go
the olive presses in Miletus before
ing to pay for a landslide."
predicting a bumper crop of olives.
Joseph Patrick Kennedy (1888-1969), He charged high prices for his mo
U.S. businessman and diplomat, nopoly of presses, and in one sea
telegramming instructions to his son, son became extremely wealthy.
presidential candidate John F. Kennedy
Thales then sold all the presses
"Any party which takes credit for again and returned to philosophy,
the rain must not be surprised if its having achieved his purpose.
opponents blame it for the drought." Thales (c. 640 B.C.-C. 546 b.c),
Dwight W. Morrow (1873-1931), Greek philosopher
U.S. lawyer and politician

"Politics has got so expensive that

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
it takes lots of money to even get
beat with." When National Review editor and
William Penn Adair] Rogers author William F. Buckley ran for
(1879-1935), U.S. comedian, syndicated mayor of New York City in 1965,
newspaper article, June 28,1931 his campaign was not taken very

The Ultimate Reference Book

seriously/ even by Buckley himself,

because of his virtually nonexistent ♦ POLLUTION
chances of election. When a re
porter asked him what his first ac Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
tion would be if elected, Buckley
You know that pollution is bad
answered, "I'd demand a recount/'
when the leaves don't fall, they
William Flrarik] Buckley
(1925- ), U.S. editor,
writer and speaker

During the presidential race be

tween Andrew Jackson and Martin
Van Buren, a voter at a political ♦ POPULARITY & FAME
rally cried out: "Three cheers for (CELEBRITY)
Jackson!" A Van Buren supporter
shouted back: 'Three cheers for a
Foreign Words and Phrases
jackass!" "We won't quarrel/'
shouted the first. "You cheer for enfant giti (Fra)
your man and I'll cheer for mine." (on-FON GAH-tay) lit: spoilt child;
Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), one who receives undue flattery
U.S. president and attention

Senator Claude Pepper of Florida

was the victim of either political
dirty tricks or the ignorance of his "The celebrity is a person who is
constituency. His opponent, George known for his well-knownness."
A. Smathers, in the 1950 senatorial Daniel J. Boorstin (1914- ),
election, cleverly "nonslandered" U.S. scholar and writer, The Image
the politician by playing to the pub (1962), ch. 2
lic's incomplete vocabulary and
knee-jerk bigotry, thereby pulling Joe Gillis (William Holden): "You
votes away from Pepper in a land used to be in pictures. You used to
slide. He accused Pepper of indulg be big." Norma Desmond (Gloria
ing in celibacy, practicing nepotism, Swanson): "I am big. Ifs the pic
having a thespian sister and having tures that got small."
a latent tendency toward overt ex- Charles Brackett (1892-1969),
traversion. (Pepper went on to en U.S. writer, Billy [Samuel] Wilder
joy a long, illustrious career in the (1906- ), U.S. director and
U.S. House of Representatives.) writer, and D. M. Marshman Jr.
Claude Denison Pepper (1900-1989), (c. 1900s), U.S. writer,
U.S. politician Sunset Boulevard (1950 film)

A supporter said to Adlai Steven "I don't care what you say about
son while he was the Democratic me, as long as you say something
candidate for president, "Governor, about me, and as long as you spell
every thinking person will be vot my name right."
ing for you." "Madam," replied George M. Cohan (1878-1942),
Stevenson, "that is not enough. I U.S. playwright, actor and songwriter,
need a majority." commenting to a reporter seeking
Adlai Elwing] Stevenson (1900-1965), information about Cohan's musical
U.S. politician Broadway Jones, 1912

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Popularity? It's glory's small plied Crawford, "I should certainly

change/' hope so."
Victor [Marie] Hugo (1802-1885), Joan Crawford (1904-1977),
French poet, writer and playwright, U.S. film actress
Ruy Bias (1838), Act m, sc. v
The president of the University of
Tennessee at Chattanooga did not
"Fourteen heart attacks and he had
at first recognize the English
to die in my week. In MY week."
scholar John Erskine, who was vis
Janis Joplin (1943-1970), U.S. singer, iting to give a lecture, when they
commenting when the scheduling of her were to meet at the train station. At
photograph for the front cover of dinner that evening, the president
Newsweek was displaced by
informed Erskine, "I asked one
Dwight D. Eisenhower's death
gentleman if he were John Erskine
and he sternly said, 1 should say
"The nice thing about being a ce
not.' Another I asked said, 1 wish I
lebrity is that when you bore peo
were.' Which demonstrates that at
ple, they think ifs their fault."
least one man had read your
Henry Kissinger (1923- ), books." 'It does indeed," mused
U.S. diplomat
Erskine, "but which one?"
"In the future everyone will be fa John Erskine (1879-1951),
mous for fifteen minutes." U.S. educator and writer

Andy Warhol (1927-1987), U.S. artist, 'Tell them who you are," sug
Andy Warhol's Exposures (1979), gested actor Gregory Peck's com
"Studio 54" panion after they could not find a
table at a crowded restaurant. "If
"What rage for fame attends both you have to tell them who you
great and small! are," Peck reasoned, "you aren't
Better be damned than mentioned anybody."
not at all!" Gregory Peck (1916- ),
John Wolcot [Peter Pindar] (1738-1819), U.S. film actor
British poet, To the Royal
Academicians (1782-1785)

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The film actress Ina Claire was Quotations
briefly married to John Gilbert, the
" 'We are always doing', says he,
silent screen romantic hero. Asked
'something for Posterity, but I
during the marriage how it felt be
would fain see Posterity do some
ing married to a celebrity, Claire
thing for us.'"
suggested, "Why don't you ask my
Joseph Addison (1672-1719),
British writer and politician,
Ina Claire (1895-1985), U.S. film actress The Spectator (August 27,1714)

Film actress Joan Crawford, upon "Posterity is as likely to be wrong

exiting New York's "21" one pleas as anybody else."
ant, sunny day, decided to walk Heywood Broun (1888-1939),
home. "But, madam," her chauffeur U.S. writer, Sitting on the World (1924),
warned her, "you'll be mobbed." Re "The Last Review"

The Ultimate Reference Book

"I do not think this poem will reach don't have a dime. But I sure have
its destination/' a great vocabulary."
Voltaire [Francois-Marie Arouet] (1694r- Jules Feiffer (1929- ),
1778), French philosopher, writer, and U.S. cartoonist
wit, giving his opinion of
'Tm living so far beyond my in
Ode to Posterity to its author,
Jean Jacques Rousseau come that we may almost be said to
be living apart."
Said [Hector Hugh MunroJ (1870-1916),
British writer, Chronicles of Clovis
(2924), "The Match-Maker"
Classical Phrases and Myths
"There were times my pants were
non omnis moriar (Lat)
so thin I could sit on a dime and
(nohn OM-nis MOR-ee-ahr) lit: I
tell if it was heads or tails."
shall not die entirely; I leave some
thing for posterity Spencer Tracy (1900-1967),
U.S. film actor
"Serit abores quae alteri seculo pro-
sint." (He plants trees for another
Caecilius Statins (220 b.c-168 b.c),
Roman writer, Synephebi
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Whafs the difference between a
savings and loan executive and a
pigeon? A pigeon can still make de
posits on a Rolls-Royce.

"I was so broke I couldn't afford
lint for my empty pockets/'
Sonny [Salvntore] Bono (2943- ), POWER
U.S. entertainer and politician, And the
Beat Goes On (2992) Foreign Words and Phrases
//When I was a kid, I was so poor puissance (Fra)
... that in my neighborhood, the
(pwee-sahnce) power, influence,
rainbow was in blade and white." force; dressage event
Rodney Dangerfield [Jacob Cohen]
juggernaut (Ger)
(1921- ), U.S. comedian
0OOG-ehr-nowt) powerful thing
"I used to think I was poor. Then
they told me I wasn't poor, I was
needy. Then they told me it was
self-defeating to think of myself as
needy, I was deprived. Then they
told me deprived was a bad image,
I was underprivileged. Then they "President Nixon says presidents
told me underprivileged was over can do almost anything, and Presi
used, I was disadvantage*! I still dent Nixon has done many things

The Wit's Thesaurus

that nobody would have thought of mous practical joke. Hook mailed
doing." numerous invitations, on various
Golda Meir (1898-1978), U.S.-born Israeli pretexts, to people from all walks of
prime minister life to visit her home at the same
appointed time. Hook and his
"One, on God's side, is a majority." mends watched as everyone from
Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), US. social the Lord Mayor of London and the
reformer, speech November 1,1859 Duke of Gloucester to chimney
sweeps and tradesmen converged
upon the hapless Mrs. Tottenham's
house, reducing the usually prosaic
♦ PRACTICAL JOKE Berners Street to a chaotic mess.
Theodore Edward Hook (1788-1841),
Foreign Words and Phrases British writer and wit

farceur (Fra)
(fahr-SUHR) buffoon, joker
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The Catholic mystic poet Paul Clau- Foreign Words and Phrases
del once tried unsuccessfully to
convert the novelist and leader of aperitif (Fra)
French liberal thought, Andre Gide. (ah-peh-ree-TEEF) lit: appetizer;
A few days after the free-thinking drink taken before a meal
Gide's death in February 1951, a tel hors d'oeuvre (Fra)
egram bearing Gide's signature ap (or DUH-vre) tit: outside the work;
peared on a bulletin board in a hall extra dish usually served before a
of the Sorbonne: "Hell does not ex meal
ist. Notify Claudel."
Andre Gide (1869-1951), French writer Classical Phrases and Myths
English Conservative the Earl of vestigia (Lat)
Halifax shared a train compartment (WEST-i-gee-ah) tit: footprints;
with two priggish-looking strang traces, remains
ers while traveling to Bath. The
ante helium (Lat)
journey passed in silence. In the to
(AN-tay BEL-rum) the period (and
tal darkness as the train passed
climate of opinion) before a war
through a tunnel, Halifax loudly
(esp. the American Civil War)
kissed his hand. After the train had
emerged from the tunnel, Halifax
asked the matrons, 'To which Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
charming lady am I indebted for "What were you before you were
the lovely affair in the tunnel?" drafted?" demanded the drill in
Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, Earl of structor on the first day of boot
Halifax (1881-1959), British statesman camp. Replied the recruit, ''Happy,
and diplomat sir/

Insulted by a Mrs. Tottenham, who Dorothy Parker once encountered

lived on the fashionable Berners Clare Boothe Brokaw, later Clare
Street in London, the young Theo Boothe Luce, in the lobby of Vanity
dore Hook instigated his most fa Fair's offices. "Age before beauty,"

The Ultimate Reference Book

said the sharp-tongued Brokaw, loving care of his foster parents. In

stepping aside. 'Tearls before 549 B.c, Cyrus, after conquering
swine/7 replied Parker, gliding other lands, and encouraged by
through. Harpagus, who had spared his life,
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), US. wit led a revolt by the Persians against
and writer [authenticity controverted] their Median masters and con
quered his grandfather Astyages,
thus realizing the old king's dream.
Cyrus II [Cyrus the Great] (d. 529 B.Q.),
Persian king
In ancient Greece, Delphi (DEL-fie)
was the site in Phocis of the famous
Classical Phrases and Myths oracle of Pythian Apollo, whose
absit omen (Lat) pithy, cryptic answers from the
(AB-sit OH-men) may it not be an priestess tended to be double-
omen; God forbid edged and figured greatly in Greek
myth and legend. Hence, anything
Julius Caesar was warned by the
characterized as delphic is ambig
augur Spurinna early in March of
uous or enigmatic.
44 B.c. that a great danger would
befall him on the Ides of that
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
month. On the Ides, Caesar was go
ing as usual to the Senate house. As When an astrologer correctly pre
he passed Spurinna, Caesar said, dicted that a lady at the court
smiling, "The Ides of March have would die within eight days, Louis
come. 'True, they have come/' re XI, a devout believer in astrology,
plied Spurinna, "but not yet gone/' was duly impressed. But he was
Caesar was assassinated later that convinced that the too accurate,
day. prophet was dangerous, so he plot
Gaius Julius Caesar (100 B.c-44 B.C.), ted to have the man killed. "You
Roman general and statesman claim to understand astrology and
to know the fate of others/ Louis
The grandfather of Cyrus (SIE-rus),
said to the astrologer as he was be
Astyages, king of the Medes, had a
ing restrained. "Any last prediction
dream that caused him to fear that
about your own life?" "I shall die
his grandson would usurp his
three days before Your Majesty,"
throne, so he ordered Harpagus to
answered the astrologer. His life
kill the grandson at birth. Harpa
was spared.
gus, unable to commit the murder,
gave the infant to a herdsman, Mi- Louis XI (1423-1483), French king
tradates, to leave for dead in the
mountains. Mitradates took the in
fant to his home, where his wife,
having just given birth to a stillborn ♦ PREFERENCE
son, pleaded for the life of the in
fant. They dressed the stillborn in Quotations
the robes of little Cyrus and .left
him on the mountain, and Astyages "Thomas's Guide to Practical Ship
received the hoped-for report of his building."
grandson's death. Cyrus grew up to G[ilbert] K[eith] Chesterton (1874-1936),
be a leader among men under the British man of letters, answering what

The Wit's Thesaurus

books he would most like to have with him Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
if he were stranded on a desert island
Lamenting the sparse attendance at
PTA meetings, the PTA bulletin
Classical Phrases and Myths
read: 'This... is... the ... way
"Quod enim mavult homo verum esse, ... the ... meetings ... sometimes
id potius credit." (For what a man look ... to ... the ... principal
had rather were true he more read ... when ... he ... goes ... to
ily believes.) ... the... meetings."
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), ''Wouldlooklikethisifeverybodyatte
British lawyer and writer, ndedthemeetings."
Novum Oi^anum (2620)


Foreign Words and Phrases


"Something I once critically wrote orrie re-pensie (Fra)

(ahr-ree-EHR-pon-SAY) lit: behind
about him so prejudiced me against
him that I have never read a word thought; mental reservation; ulte
rior motive
he's written."
Oliver Herford (1863-1935), British-born
U.S. humorist and illustrator, answering
what he thought of Arnold Bennett's work "When a fellow says it hain't the
money but the principle o' the
Classical Phrases and Myths thing, ifs th' money."
"In the event of dispute, never dare Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard
to judge until you have heard the (1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer,
other side." Hoss Sense and Nonsense (2926)
Euripides (480 B.C.-4O6 B.C.), ''Won't you come into the garden?
Greek playwright, I would like my roses to see you."
Heradidae (c. 428 B.C.)
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816),
Irish-born British playwright and
politician, making an invitation to a
young woman [authenticity unverified]
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Pleaded the forgetful husband to
"He regretted that he was not a his wife: "You can't expect me to
bird, and could not be in two places remember your birthday when you
at once." never look any older."
Sir Boyle Roche (1743-1807), A farmer asked a neighbor if he
British politician [authenticity unverified] might borrow a rope. "Oh, I wish I
could," replied the neighbor, "but
Classical Phrases and Myths
the rope you requested cannot be
adsum (Lat) given, for I^use it to tie up milk."
(ad-SUM) lit: to be present; "I am -^ut milk cannot be tied up with
present" (answer to roll call) rope!" 'True, but when one does

The Ultimate Reference Book

not want to do something, any rea Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

son will do/'
A woman was trying on hate and
The boss asked the employee, "Do asked the clerk, "How much is that
you believe in life after death?" big hat?" "$40," replied the clerk.
"Sure do, ma'am/' "Well, that "And that small hat there?" "$100."
makes sense, then," replied the "And for that eansie one?" "$150."
boss, "because after you left for Asked the puzzled customer, "How
your father's funeral Friday, he much if I don't buy a hat at all?"
came here to see you."
An airport official got into a heated
Lord Charles Beresford, a close exchange with Igor Stravinsky, the
friend of the Prince of Wales, later famed composer, insisting that
Edward VII, reportedly declined a Stravinsky pay an excess-weight
late dinner invitation from the charge. When the official began nis
prince by cabling: "Very sorry can't rote explanation for the charge,
come. Lie follows by post." Stravinsky exploded, '1. quite un
Lord Charles Beresford (1846-1919), derstand the logic of it—what I am
British aristocrat [attributed objecting to is the money."
also to others] Igor Feodorovitch Stravinsky (1882-1971),
Russian-born composer

The artist James Whistler had or

dered some blank canvases that
had been lost in the mail. Asked
♦ PRICE (FEE) whether the canvases were of any
great value, Whistler said, "Not yet,
not yet"
Foreign Words and Phrases
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
ou prix cofitant (Fra) (1834-1903), U.S.-born British painter
(oh pree koo-TON) at cost price
prix d'ami (Fra)
(pree dah-MEE) special price for a
friend ♦ PRIDE

Classical Phrases and Myths Foreign Words and Phrases

ad valorem (Lat) maestoso (Ita)
(ad wal-OR-em) according to the (mah-ess-TOH-soh) in music, ma
value (of goods, etc.) jestically, dignified
"Pro tali mumismate tales merces." kinkaku (Jap)
(pro TAL-ee MUM-is-mat-ay TAL- (KEEN-ka-ku) aura of dignity, em
es MER-kes) (You get what you pay blematic of the noble Japanese spirit
Gabriel Biel (c. 1425-1495), ladling (Yid)
French clergyman, Expositio Canonis
(KVEL-link) swelling with pride
Missae, lectio LXXXV7
Everything is worth what its pur
chaser will pay for it." "Pride goeth before destruction,
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 B.c),
and an haughty spirit before a fall."
Roman writer, Sententiae, 847 Proverbs 16:18

The Wit's Thesaurus

"I left the room with silent dignity, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
but caught my foot in the mat."
"I feel as a horse must feel when
George Grossmith (1847-1912) and the beautiful cup is given to the
Walter Weedon Grossmith (1854-1919), jockey."
British writers, The Diary of a
Nobody, ch. 12 [Hilaire Germain] Edgar Degas
(1834-1917), French painter and sculptor,
,. answering how he felt seeing one of his
'Of a man's from Texas, he'll tell paintings sell for a high price
you. If he's not, why embarrass him Groucho Marx attended one of
by asking?"
composer George Gershwin's par
John Gunther (1901-1970), ties, which were apparently given
U.S. writer for the sole purpose of having the
host show off and play his music.
'TDo you believe that George's mu
sic will be played a hundred years
from now?" Groucho was asked.
Classical Phrases and Myths
"Sure," he replied, "if George is
hubris (Grk) here to play it"
(HUB-ris) overweening pride lead . Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977),
ing to disaster; in classical drama, a U.S. comedian
refusal to accept the authority of
the gods, a character flaw leading Despite her age and ill health, the
to disaster opera singer Ernestine Schumann-
Heink came out of retirement
during the financially difficult
The captured Indian king Poms Depression. Having signed a con
was brought before Alexander the tract to tour music halls, she was
Great, who asked how he wished to callously told by an interviewer,
be treated. "Like a king." When Al "Things must be really bad when a
exander asked Porus if he had any great Wagnerian contralto is forced
thing else to request, Porus replied, to do ten-cent shows." ''Young
"Nothing, for everything is under man, how can times be bad," coun
stood in the word Icing.'" Alexan tered the singer, "when children
der restored Porus's lands to him. can hear Schumann-Heink for a
Alexander III [Alexander the Great] dime?"
(356 B.c-323 rc), Ernestine Schumann-Heink (1861-1936),
Macedonian king German opera singer

The house of Greek philosopher

Plato had rich and exquisite carpets ♦ PRIVACY & SOLITUDE
covering the floor. When Diogenes
the Cynic crossed the threshhold,
he showed his contempt by stamp Quotations
ing and wiping his feet on them, "The business of everybody is the
saying, "Thus do I trample on the business of nobody."
pride of Plato." Observed Plato,
Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron
"With greater pride."
Macaulay (1800-1859), British statesman
Plato [Aristocles] (c. 428 ac.-c. 347 ac.), and writer, historical essays contributed to
Greek philosopher the Edinburgh Review (September 1828)

The Ultimate Reference Book

"If you're lonely while you're always extending their bounda-

alone, you're in bad company. ries," commented Sophie Arnould,
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), "but cannot retain their conquests."
French philosopher, playwright and writer [Madeleine] Sophie Arnould (1740-1802),
French actress and singer

Sarah Bernhardfs roles always re

quired such displays of passion, re
♦ PROBABILITY marked fellow actress and admirer
Madge Kendal, that Kendal felt she
could not take her daughter to see
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Bernhardfs performances. ''But,
A prisoner, long ago judged guilty madame, you should remember
by his king/ was condemned to that were it not for passion/' Bern-
death. Begging for a reprieve, the hardt replied, "you would have no
prisoner promised to teach the daughter to bring."
Icing's horse how to fly if his exe Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923),
cution was delayed for a year. French actress
Skeptical, but nonetheless in
trigued/ the king obliged and set Astonished to learn that the come
the man free. An acquaintance of dian Victor Borge had recently
the man later asked him, /yBut why bought a chicken farm, a friend in
delay the inevitable?" Explained quired, "Do you know anything
the condemned man, 'It is not an about breeding chickens?" "No,"
inevitability. The odds are four to replied Borge, "but the chickens
one in my favor—(1) the king do."
might die; (2) I might die; (3) the Victor Borge (1909- ),
horse might die; (4) I might teach Danish-born U.S. comedian and pianist
the horse how to fly."
Actress Joan Collins had enjoyed a
relationship with director George
Englund, but lost her temper when
Englund's wife, Cloris Leachman,
♦ PROCREATION revealed symptoms of pregnancy:
"Thafs my baby she's having!"
Joan Collins (1933- ),
British-born actress
Foreign Words and Phrases

enceinte (Fra) A woman from Zurich once wrote

(on-SEE-ent-e) pregnant Irish playwright and wit George
Bernard Shaw with an unusual
proposal: "You have the greatest
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes brain in the world, and I have the
An actress who was a contempo most beautiful body; so we ought
rary of French diva Sophie Arnould to produce the most perfect child."
repeatedly became pregnant and, Replied Shaw, "What if the child
due to her sacrificed shapeliness, inherits my body and your
she regularly lost both theatrical en brains?"
gagements and lovers. "She re George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
minds me of those nations that are Irish playwright

The Wit's Thesaurus

Monte Carlo restaurant was occu

♦ PRODIGALITY pied, he bought the entire restau
rant from the proprietor for
Foreign Words and Phrases $40,000, evicted the diners, enjoyed
his meal—and tipped the ex-owner
h tout prix (Fra)
with the returned ownership of the
(ah too PREE) at all costs, at any
James Gordon Bennett (1841-1918),
Quotations U.S. newspaper owner and eccentric

//Riches are for spending/' To impress his guests, the wealthy

Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Roman banker Agostino Chigi held
British lawyer and writer, dinner parties al fresco at the Villa
Essays (1625), "Of Expense" Farnese overlooking the Tiber and,
at the end of each course, instructed
'Tart of the loot went for gambling,
all to throw their dishes and cutlery
part for horses, and part for women.
into the river. Unbeknownst to his
The rest I spent foolishly."
guests, however, before each party
George Raft (1895-1980), U.S. film actor, his servants had rigged nets just be
explaining how he squandered about low the surface of the water to en
$10 million during his career
able the poseur to carry on his false
Classical Phrases and Myths
Agostino Chigi (c. 1465-1520),
Nero's Golden House—Nero's Italian financier
palace—was possibly the world's
most conspicuous example of con Barred from taking his Spanish roy
spicuous consumption and osten alties out of the country, Somerset
tation. Maugham opted to use the money
Nero (37-68), Roman emperor to pay for a luxurious vacation in
Spain. He stayed at an elegant hotel
"Carpe diem, quant minimum credula and dined extravagantly until he
postero." (KAR-pay DEE-em, qwam felt confident his biQ would match
MTN-ee-mum KRED-oo-la POST- the royalty figure. But when he
er-oh.) (Seize the day, put little trust went to the manager to pay his bill,
in the morrow.) the manager declared, "You have
Horace (65 b.c-8 rc), Roman poet, brought much good publicity to us.
Odes, I, Hi, I 25 Therefore, there is no bill."
Yftilliam] Somerset Maugham (1874-
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
1965), British writer and playwright
The renowned profligate James
Bennett once gave a tip of $14,000
to the. guard on a train—the guard
promptly resigned from his job,
and opened a restaurant. Another ♦ PRODUCTIVITY
time Bennett, uncomfortable sitting
on a thick wad of money, threw the
batch into a roaring fireplace; when
someone else sought to salvage the "Thou didst create the night, but I
bills from burning, Bennett flung made the lamp.
them back into the flames. And Thou didst create clay, but I made
when Bennett's favorite table at a the cup.

The Ultimate Reference Book

Thou didst create the deserts, "This particularly rapid, unintelli

mountains and forests, gible patter isn't generally heard,
I produced the orchards/ gardens and if it is it doesn't matter."
and groves. Sir William] Sfchwenck] Gilbert
It is I who made the glass out of (1836-1911), British writer,
stone, Ruddigore (1887), Act U
And it is I who turn a poison into
an antidote/' "The worst of Warburton is, that he
Anonymous Urdu poet has a rage for saying something,
when there's nothing to be said."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
British man of letters
The customs official at a French air
port looked suspiciously at suspense
"Madam, don't you have any unex
film director Alfred Hitchcock's
pressed thoughts?"
passport, which simply described
his occupation as "Producer." The George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
agent demanded, "What do you pro U.S. playwright, writer and wit, to a
loquacious bore
duce?" "Gooseflesh."
Sir Alfred Hitchcock (1889-1980), "He can compress the most words
British film director into the smallest ideas better than
any man I ever met"
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
♦ PROFUSENESS U.S. president, describing
a fellow attorney

Foreign Words and Phrases

"He [Thomas Macaulay] is like a
revenons a nos moutons (Fra) book in breeches... He has occa
(re-VUH-noh ah no MOOtohn) lit: sional flashes of silence, that make
let us come back to our sheep; lefs his conversation perfectly delight
get back to the main point ful."
biqa viseM-QGri) Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
(BEE-kuh viz-EK-hee) to speak in British clergyman and writer
veiled references, disguised speech
using metaphors
Classical Phrases and Myths
Quotations An ambassador from Perinthus on
"He is one of those orators of a mission to Sparta spoke at great
whom it was well said, 'Before they length, and then asked, "What an
get up, they do not know what they swer shall I give to the Perinthi-
are going to say; when they are ans?" "You may say," replied the
speaking, they do not know what king, "that you talked a great
they are saying; and when they deal—while I said nothing."
have sat down, they do not know
what they have said.'"
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
(1874-1965), British prime Asked to comment about a loqua
minister and writer, describing cious colleague, the senator said,
Lord Charles Beresfbrd "When he gets started, his tongue

The Wit's Thesaurus
is like a racehorse; it runs fastest the stage are making such a noise I can
less weight it carries." not hear a word you're saying."
Henry Taylor Parker (1867-1934),
Recounting an apparently intermi
U.S. writer
nable tale to wit Franklin Pierce
Adams, a friend finally said: 'Well,
to cut a long story short—" 'Too
late/' interrupted Adams.
Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960), ♦ PROGRESS &
Lady Astor, the first woman elected
to the House of Commons, fre Foreign Words and Phrases
quently interrupted other speakers. Qa ira (Fra)
Once, when castigated for this, she (sah eer-AH) it will be all right
protested that she had been listen (French revolutionary song)
ing for hours before interrupting.
Commented an exasperated col kaizen (Jap)
league, "Yes, we've heard you lis (KLE-zehn) small, gradual improve
tening." ments over time (opp: unpredicta
Viscountess Nancy Witcher Langhorne ble change)
Astor (1879-1964), US.-born
Schlimmbesserung (Ger)
British politician
(shlihm-BES-air-oong) an "improve
ment" that makes things worse
The volubility of Tallulah Bank-
head, who was once described as
"more of an act than an actress," Quotations
was legendary. After an interview
"The world is moving so fast these
with her, the magician Fred Keating
days that the man who says it can't
remarked, "I've just spent an hour
be done is generally interrupted by
talking to Tallulah for a few
someone doing it."
Elbert [Green] Hubbard (1856-1915),
Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968),
U.S. businessman and writer
US. actress
"Progress was a good thing once
When asked if he found it discon but it went on too long."
certing to see members of the au
Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), U.S. humorist
dience looking at their watches
during a long lecture, English "When you are getting kicked from
scholar John Erskine said, "No, not the rear it means youTe in front."
until they start shaking them." Fulton J[ohn] Sheen (1895-1979),
John Erskine (1879-1951), US. clergyman, educator and writer
U.S. educator and writer
"In Italy for thirty years under the
The music critic, Henry Taylor Par Borgias they had warfare, terror,
ker, known by his initials HTP as murder, bloodshed—they pro
"Hell to Pay," was so irritated by duced Michelangelo, Leonardo da
some persistent windbags seated Vinci and the Renaissance. In Swit
near him that he finally turned on zerland they had brotherly love,
them and hissed, "Those people on five hundred years of democracy

The Ultimate Reference Book

and peace, and what did that pro Quotations

duce. .. ? The cuckoo clock." "I loved Kirk so much, I would
[George] Orson Welles (1915-1985), have skied down Mount Everest in
U.S. actor and filmmaker, the nude with a carnation up my
The Third Man (1949 film) nose."
Joyce McKinney (1950- ),
British citizen, testifying at Epsom
Magistrates' Court (December 6,1977)
Classical Phrases and Myths
(mod vide (Lat)
"By working faithfully eight hours (kwod WEE-de) lit: for which see; a
a day, you may eventually get to be reference or precedent (used in
a boss and work twelve hours a cross references) (abbr: qv)
ecce signum (Lat)
Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963), U.S. poet
(EK-ke SIG-num) here is the proof
"He wished all men as rich as he
(And he was rich as rich could be), exceptio probat regulam (Lat)
So to the top of every tree (ex KEP-tee-oh prob-at REG-u-lam)
Promoted everybody." the exception proves the rule

Sir WliWam] S[chwenck] Gilbert bona fides (Lat)

(1836-1911), British writer, (BON-ah Fl-des) documents prov
The Gondoliers (1889), Act U ing identity or authority

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
One of the cleverest ways of asking
"My mother-in-law just tried to run
a boss for a raise in pay was the
me over," said the shaken man,
approach used by John Kieran
brushing off his clothes as he rose
when he was the sports columnist
from the pavement, to the police of
of the New York Times. Feeling the
need for an increase, but wanting to ficer. "The car hit you from be
hind," noted the cop, "so how do
be tactful about it, Kieran went to
his employer, Adolph Ochs, and you know it was your mother-in-
said respectfully, "Mr. Ochs, work law?" "I recognized the laugh."
ing for the Times is a luxury I can
no longer afford." He got the raise.
John Kieran (1892-1979), U.S. writer

You Can't Take It with You. [Title
of play (1936).]
Foreign Words and Phrases
Moss Hart (1904-1961), U.S. playwright
prendre sur lefait (Fra) and theater producer, and George SlimonJ
(PROHN-dresoor leh FAY) to catch Kaufman (1889-1961), U.S. playwright,
in the act writer and wit

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths thinking. "But why the top hat?"
The inmate shrugged. "Someone
ktema es aei (Grk)
might come."
(KTAY-ma es ay) a possession for
ever; Thucydides describing his Lawyer and politician William Jen
book on the Peloponnesian war nings Bryan was once called to pro
pose a toast at a state dinner
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes arranged shortly after the Russo-
Japanese War for the touring Ad
Following a train of limousines
miral Togo, whose brilliant tactics
pulling up to a Hollywood theater had destroyed the Russian fleet at
for a premiere, the wit Wilson Miz
the battle of the Sea of Japan. An
ner emerged from a dilapidated embarrassing breakdown of proto
Ford and grandly threw his keys to col seemed inevitable, for Bryan
the parking attendant. //What shall was a strict Prohibitionist and re
I dd with it?" sneered the valet. fused to drink champagne. But
Mizner called gaily, "Keep it/' and Bryan made the toast as prom
swept into the theater. ised—though with a difference.
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), "Admiral Togo has won a great vic
U.S. writer and wit tory on the water, and I will there
fore toast him in water," said
Bryan. "When Admiral Togo wins
a victory on champagne, I will toast
♦ PROPRIETY him in champagne."
William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925),
Classical Phrases and Myths U.S. politician

pro forma (Lat)

(proh FOR-ma) as a formality; pro
forma invoice: one issued in ad ♦ PROSTITUTION
vance of the dispatch of goods

Foreign Words and Phrases

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
maison de sociiti (Fra)
The mayor was touring the new
(meh-ZON de SO-see-ay-tay) lit: so
psychiatric ward and was amazed
ciety house; brothel (euphemism)
to see in one cell a distinguished
man who was reading Homer in
Greek and was naked except for a
top hat. Noticing his visitor, the in //fThey don't know anything about
mate rose, bowed, and said in cul ranching. They certainly don't
tured tones, "Sir, I perceive your know anything about keeping their
incredulity in finding me here in calves together."
the nude." "Yes," said the mayor Debbie Reynolds (1932- ),
cautiously, "I was curious to know U.S. film actress, describing the
why." "Ifs painfully obvious," re prostitutes at Nevada's Mustang Ranch
plied the inmate. "Ine cell is main
tained at a comfortable 70 degrees, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
and I have privacy. Since clothing
is unnecessary for warmth, why Before taking a lunch break, the
bother?" 'True," muttered the prostitute left a sign on the door:
mayor, acknowledging the clear "Out to Lunch. Go Fuck Yourself."

The Ultimate Reference Book

Asked if he thought his contribu "The terrorist and the policeman

tions to five U.S. Senators had influ both come from the same basket."
enced them to assist him in Joseph Conrad [Teodor JtisefKonrad
obtaining favorable federal legisla Korzeniowski] (1857-1924), Polish-born
tion, Charlie Keating, CEO of Lin British writer, Secret Agent (2907;, ch. 4
coln Savings and Loan, which
declared bankruptcy with over $2
''Every society gets the kind of
billion in excess liabilities, baldly criminal it deserves. What is
replied: "I want to say in the most equally true is that every commu
forceful way I can: I certainly hope nity gets the kind of law enforce
so/' ment it insists on."
Robert Francis Kennedy (1925-1968),
Charles Keating (1924^ ),
U.S. businessman
U.S. statesman and politician

The humorist S. J. Perelman was be- '"Where they got you stationed
seiged by a bevy of importuning now, Luke?' said Harry Tugman
prostitutes while traveling in Tai peering up stoutly from a mug of
pei, but eventually shook them off, coffee. 'At the p-p-p-present time in
quipping, "A case of the tail dog Norfolk at the Navy base/ Luke an
ging the wag." swered, 'm-m-m-making the world
safe for hypocrisy/ "
S[idney] J[oseph] Perelman (1904-1979),
U.S. writer and screenwriter Thomas [Clayton] Wolfe (1900-1938),
[attributed also to others] U.S. writer, Look Homeward Angel
(1929), pt. 3, ch. 36
Four professors walked past a
group of streetwalkers. "Ah," said
Classical Phrases and Myths
one scholar, "a flourish of strum
pets/' 'Td say," said the second, "a "Sed quis cusiodiet ipsbs Custodes"
jam of tarts." "Rather," said the (sed kwis kus-TOH-di-et IP-sos
third, "an essay of Trollopes." And kus-TOH-days) (Who shall guard
the fourth said, "Or an anthology of the guards themselves?)
pros." Juvenal [Decimus Junius Juvenalis]
(c. 50-c. 130), Roman writer,
Satires, VI, I. 347


Foreign Words and Phrases ♦ PSYCHOLOGY

Gestapo (Ger)
(ge-SHTA-po) German secret police Foreign Words and Phrases
under Hitler; also refers more gen Lehranalyse (Ger)
erally to similarly brutal and severe (LAYR-an-al-y-ZE) teaching analy
organizations sis; process in which Freudian psy
chologists are themselves analyzed
Quotations as part of their training
"1 have never seen a situation so
dismal that a policeman couldn't Quotations
make it worse."
"The psychotic person knows that
Brendan Behan (1923-1964), two and two make five and is per
Irish playwright and wit fectly happy about, it; the neurotic

The Wit's Thesaurus

person knows that two and two ried his mother, thus fulfilling the
make four, but is terribly worried Delphic oracle. Aggrieved, he
about it." blinded himself and passed the rest
Anonymous physician on radio of his years as a miserable wan
broadcast, 1954 derer, led by his daughter Antigone
and harassed by the Furies. Thus,
"Any man who goes to a psychia an Oedipus complex is the psycho
trist ought to have his head exam analytical term for strong boyhood
ined/' attachment to one's mother, based
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish] on youthful sexual feelings and of
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film ten accompanied by hostility to the
producer [authenticity unverified] father, which sometimes lingers
into adulthood.
"Neurosis is always a substitute for
legitimate suffering."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Carl Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist.
Patient: "My wife thinks she's a set
'The Man Who Mistook His Wife
of drapes." Psychiatrist: "Tell her to
for a Hat." [Title of book (1985).]
pull herself together."
Oliver Sacks (1933- ),
U.S. physician and writer 'Despite what you think, Mr.
Smith," said the psychiatrist to the
Classical Phrases and'Myths patient, "you don't have a complex.
Actually, you are inferior."
In Greek legend, Oedipus was left
to die as a baby near Corinth. Un When George Gershwin began un
aware that he was the son of King dergoing psychoanalysis, his close
Laius of Thebes and Jocasta, he friend, pianist and wit Oscar Le
tried as an adult to determine his vant, scornfully asked him, "Does it
origins, by consulting the oracle at help your constipation, George?"
Delphi. He was informed that he Replied the composer, "No, but
would kill his father and sire chil now I understand why I have it."
dren by his mother. Terrified, he George Gershwin (1898-1937),
sought to avoid the fulfillment of U.S. composer and songwriter
the prophecy by leaving Corinth
In 1961 Tennessee Williams decided
and, while traveling, killed a man
to quit having sessions with his
in his chariot and members of his
psychoanalyst. When asked why
train. Oedipus later came upon'the
the change of heart, the dramatist
monstrous Sphinx, who slew all
replied sincerely, "He was med
who could not answer the riddle
dling too much in my private life."
"What goes on four legs in the
morning, two in the afternoon and Tennessee [Thomas Lanier] Williams
(1911-1983), U.S. playwright
three in the evening?" Oedipus an
swered correctly, and the Sphinx
then killed herself, thus freeing
Thebes. Arriving in Thebes, which
had just lost its king, Oedijnis be ♦ PUBLIC SPEAKING
came king of Thebes, marrying Jo
casta. Thebes prospered but was Quotations
later beset by a plague; in trying to
lift it, Oedipus learned that he had "I do not object to people looking
indeed killed his father and mar at their watcnes when I am speak-

The Ultimate Reference Book

ing. But I strongly object when they to show himself in public. In this
start shaking them to make certain manner, he was able to hone the
they are still going/' skills necessary to hold Athenian au
William Norman Birkett, Baron Birkett diences spellbound by speaking sim
(1883-1962), British politician ply, pithily and effectively.
Demosthenes (c. 384 b.c-322 b.c),
"When I hear a man preach, I like Greekorator
to see him act as if he were fighting
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
U.S. president "So, judge, what did you think of
my first sermon?" asked the new
''Before I speak, I have something minister. "There were only three
important to say." things wrong with it," replied the
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977), frank jurist. '7ust three? Not bad
U.S. comedian for my first attempt. What were
they?" he asked. 'Tirst, you read
"Winston has devoted the best
it!" answered the judge. "Second,
years of his life to preparing his im
you didn't read it well! And third,
promptu speeches."
it wasn't worth reading anyway!"
Frederick] E[dwin] Smith, 1st Earl of
Birketihead (1872-1930), British lawyer The topic of a literary debate held in
and politician, mocking Winston Churchill Chicago in 1917 between poet and
novelist Maxwell Bodenheim and
"When I am in the pulpit, I have
playwright Ben Hecht was "Re
the pleasure of seeing my audience
solved—That People Who Attend
nod approbation while they sleep."
Literary Debates Are Imbeciles."
Sydney Smith (1771-1845), Hecht spoke first, closing his re
British clergyman and writer marks with "The affirmative rests."
Bodenheim, after looking over the
Classical Phrases and Myths audience, simply said, "You win."
Demosthenes is generally consid Maxwell Bodenheim (1892-1954),
ered the greatest orator of classical U.S. poet and writer
Greece, but he had to overcome a Even though he held important po
speech defect to give such powerful litical posts, Winston Churchill oe-
orations as his On the Crown or the lieved that his salary from the
three Philippics. Legend has it that government service was inade
Demosthenes cured his stammer by quate, and so he supplemented his
learning to speak slowly, putting income by lecturing and journal
pebbles in his mouth; learned to ism. Observed Churchill, "I live
overcome the disturbance of audi from mouth to hand."
ence noise by going to the seashore
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
and speaking to the waves; strength
1965), British prime minister and writer
ened nis weakness of bream by recit
ing poetry as he ran uphifl; and Mark Twain and the lawyer and
attained fine diction by confining wit Chauncey Depew were both
himself in a cave and copying Thu- scheduled to speak at a banquet.
cydides' history eight times. To resist Twain spoke first for about 20
the temptation of going out into so minutes and met with great ap
ciety, he shaved one side of his head, plause. Then Depew rose and said:
so that he would be too embarrassed ''Before this dinner, Mark Twain
The Wit's Thesaurus
and I agreed to trade speeches. He formed that it had been placed in
has just delivered mine, and I am "a fund to get better speakers next
grateful for the reception that you year."
nave given it Unfortunately, I have
Louis Untermeyer (1885-1977), U.S. poet
lost his speech, and I cannot re and writer [attributed to others]
member a word of what he had to
say." He then sat down.
Oiauncey Mitchell Depew (1834-1928),
US. lawyer and politician ♦ PUBLIC SPIRIT &
A heckler shouted at Benjamin Dis PATRIOTISM
raeli while he was giving a speech:
"Speak up, I can't hear you." Foreign Words and Phrases
Retorted Disraeli, 'Truth travels
slowly, but it will reach even you in monstre sacre (Fra)
time." (MON-struh SAC-reh) lit: holy
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
monster; a scoundrel who marries
(1804-1881), British prime minister his ambition or evil with good
William Evarts, a 19th-century sec
retary of state, enjoyed the repu Quotations
tation of being an entertaining after-
dinner speaker. Asked to give a few 'Tatriotism is the last refuge of a
comments at a holiday banquet, he scoundrel."
rose to the podium and began, "You Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
have been enjoying a turkey stuffed British man of letters
with sage, and now I trust you will
"My fellow Americans, ask not
enjoy this sage stuffed with turkey." what your country can do for
William Maxwell Evarts (1818-1901), you—ask what you can do for your
lawyer and statesman country."
"Gentlemen, the obvious duty of a John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
tpastmaster is to be so infernally U.S. president
dull that the succeeding speakers "We do not love people so much
will appear brilliant by contrast," for the good they have done us, as
Clarence Kelland began his intro for the good we have done them."
duction of speakers at a banquet.
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910),
From the speakers' table came an
Russian writer
appreciative chuckle. "However,
I ve looked over the list," Kelland "A reformer is a guy who rides
continued, "and I don't think I can . through a sewer in a glass-
do it." bottomed boat."
Clarence Budington Kelland (1881-1964), James John ["Light-horse Harry"] Walker
US. writer (1881-1946), US. politician,
adapting Wilson Miznefs comment
Poetry anthologist Louis Unter-
about Hollywood
meyer once returned his speaker's
fee to a small, poorly funded group,
Classical Phrases and Myths
suggesting that it put the money to
good use. When he later inquired amor patriae (Lat)
what purpose the group had found (AM-or PAT-ree-ai) patriotism, love
for the money, Untermeyer was in of country

The Ultimate Reference Book

In Greek legend, as recounted in necessary funds. Carnegie com

Homer's Odyssey, Mentor was the mended the man's enterprise and
Ithacan to whom Odysseus en wrote out a check for $30,000. Cu
trusted the education of his son Te- rious, he asked, "Would you mind
lemachus and the care of his house. telling me who gave you the other
Thus, a mentor is a wise and trusted half?" "Not at all. Mrs. Carnegie."
adviser. Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scottish-
born U.S. businessman and philanthropist
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The Earl of Chesterfield accepted
Although in deteriorating health, Samuel Johnson's plea to become a
John Adams survived until the 50th sponsor of Johnson's classic Dic
anniversary of the signing of the tionary of the English Language—-but
Declaration of Independence—July only after the 11-year project already
4, 1826. He briefly recovered con had been finished. Johnson's rebuke
sciousness from his coma and mur is legendary: he mocked Chester
mured his last words, 'Thomas field, asking, "Is not a Patron, my
Jefferson lives/' Unknown to him, Lord, one who looks with unconcern
Thomas Jefferson had died that on a man struggling for life in the wa
same day. ter, and, when ne has reached
John Adams (1735-1826), U.S. president ground, encumbers him with help?"
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
While mayor of West Berlin, Willy
British man of letters
Brandt was invited during a tour of
Israel to view the great new Mann
auditorium in Tel Aviv. Brandt con
gratulated Israel's naming the con ♦ PUBLIC, THE
cert hall for the German writer
Thomas Mann, but he was politely
corrected by his host. The hall was Foreign Words and Phrases
actually named for a certain Fred canaille (Fra)
eric Mann of Philadelphia. Brandt (KAHN-ayh) the common people,
asked, "So what did he ever the rabble
write?" "A check."
homme moyen sensuel (Fra)
Wily Brandt (1913-1992),
(om mwa-YEN SEN-swel) lit: man
German politician
of average desires; ordinary man,
A generous supporter of the New typical man
York Philharmonic Society, indus
trialist and philanthropist Andrew Quotations
Carnegie, was visited yet again at "The Lord prefers common-looking
his mansion for a requested dona people. That is the reason He makes
tion of $60,000. With his checkbook so many of them."
out, Carnegie suddenly demurred,
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
saving, "No, I've changed my
U.S. president
mind. Surely there are other people
who like music enough to help." "The public be damned. I am work
He asked the society secretary to ing for my stockholders."
raise half the amount, and then he William Henry VanderbUt (1821-1885),
would match it. The following day U.S. industrialist, disputing with a
the society secretary returned, an reporter that the public should be
nouncing that he had raised the consulted about luxury trains

The Wit's Thesaurus

"Our supreme governors, the firm on the back of one-dollar

mob/' bills."
Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Oxford John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
(1717-1797), British writer U.S. president, thanking Clark Clifford

"Really, if the lower orders don't

set us a good example, what on Classical Phrases and Myths
earth is the use of them?"
ad captandum vulgus (Lat)
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie WiUs] Wilde
(ad kap-TAND-um WUL-gus) to
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer
and wit, The Importance of Being
capture (appeal to) the emotions of
Earnest (1895), Act I the crowd

Classical Phrases and Myths Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

vox populi (Lat) P. T. Barnum so craved free public
(wox POP-u-lee) lit: the voice of the ity that he was overjoyed to read
people; popular verdict, public the four-page obituary about his
opinion own death in the New York Evening
Sun newspaper—which had been
hoivolloi (Grk)
arranged by his publicity agent.
(HOI pol-LOI) the many, the rabble
The master showman's business in
stincts did not desert him even as
he was dying. His reported last
words were: "What were the re
♦ PUBLICITY & ceipts today at Madison Square?"
ADVERTISING Pfhmeas] T[aylor] Barnum (1810-1891),
U.S. showman

Foreign Words and Phrases Despite—or because—clergymen

claqueur (Fra) across the U.S. denounced the ac
(klah-CUHR) someone paid to ap tress Sarah Bernhardt as the "whore
plaud at a performance of Babylon," her performances were
well attended. To the Episcopalian
bishop of Chicago who had most ar
dently maligned her, Bernhardt sent
"A telescope will magnify a star a a note and a bank draft. "I am accus
thousand times, but a good press tomed, when I bring an attraction to
agent can do even better." your town, to spend $400 on adver
Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894-1957), tising," the note read. "Since you
U.S. comedian have done half the advertising for
me, I herewith enclose $200 for your
"I want it so that you can't wipe
your ass on a piece of paper that
nasn't got my picture on it." Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923),
French actress
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
U.S. president, speaking to his press agent
A spurious announcement was dis
"Clark helped us a great deal, and tributed at the Republican Conven
asked for only one small favor in tion of 1912: "At 3 O'clock on
return—that we advertise his law Saturday afternoon Theodore roo-

The Ultimate Reference Book

SBVBLT WILL WALK on the WATERS of "As I was saying when I was inter
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), Eamon De Valera (1882-1975),
U.S. president Irish prime minister and president
[attributed also to others]

Foreign Words and Phrases
Foreign Words and Phrases
mal juste (Fra)
(mal joost) just desserts, justified comtne le vetit Jesus en culottes de ve
harm lours (Fra)
(kom le puh-TEET HEZ-oo on
KOCMot de vel-OOR) like the
Quotations Christ child in velvet pants
"1 went out to Charing Cross to see toshinamu (Jap)
Major General Harrison hanged, (tah-sheh-NAM-oo) privately de
drawn and quartered; which was voting oneself to a project or cause
done there, he looking as cheerful regardless of recognition or com
as any man could do in that con pensation
ding hao (Chi)
Samuel Pepys (1633-1703),
British statesman and diarist, diary, (ding how) excellent, very good
October 13,1660
"Deserves to be preached to death
by wild curates." "The last temptation is the greatest
Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
British clergyman and writer To do the right deed for the wrong
Tlhomos] S[tearns] Eliot (1888-1965),
Classical Phrases and Myths
U.S. poet, Murder in the
"Noxioe poem par esto." (NOX-ee- Cathedral (2935)
ayPOH-e-na par ES-toh) (Let the
"The sun shineth upon the dung
punishment match the offense.)
hill, and is not corrupted."
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 b.c),
John Lyly (c. 1554-1606), British writer,
Roman statesman and man of letters,
Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1579)
De Legibus, HI, xx
"The road to hell is paved with
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes good intentions."
Old English proverb
During a fiery political speech at
Ennis, Eamon De Valera, who "She has more goodness in her little
would become Ireland's longtime finger, than he has in his whole
prime minister and president, was body."
arrested. Released after a year's im Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
prisonment, he hastened back to Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer, Polite
Ennis, called a meeting, and began, Conversation (c. 1738), "Dialogue II"

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

nulli secundus (Lat) Charles V, Spanish King and Holy
(NUL-lee se-KUN-dus) second to Roman Emperor, was often in
none volved in warfare and diplomacy in
trying to assert title over vast but
"Summum bonum." (Sum-mum farming lands that he had inher
BOH-num) (The highest good.) ited. In 1521 Charles again became
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 b.c), embroiled with Francois I of France
Roman statesnian and man of letters, over the empire's Italian lands. Said
De Officiis, /, ii Charles, "My cousin Francois and I
are in perfect accord—he wants
Milan, and so do I."
Charles V (1500-1558), Holy Roman
Emperor and Spanish king
When signing the first draft of the
Declaration of Independence, John
Hancock observed, "We must be
'The tanned appearance of many unanimous, we must all hang to
Londoners is not sunburn—it is gether." To which Franklin mut
rust/' tered, "We must indeed all hang
Anonymous, during Britain's together, or, most assuredly, we
wettest winter on record, shall all hang separately."
London Evening Standard (1961) Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
U.S. statesman and scientist
[authenticity unverified]
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Harry came into the house, drip
ping wet. His sympathetic wife
said, 'It must be raining cats and ♦ RASHNESS
dogs outside." "Yep," said Harry.
"I just stepped in a poodle."
Foreign Words and Phrases

bronco (Spa)
(BRAHN-koh) lit: rough, coarse;
♦ RAPPORT wild or untamed horse
risque (Fra)
Foreign Words and Phrases (REES-kay) daring, hazardous (with
an implication of indelicacy)
en rapport (Fra)
(on rah-POR) in sympathy, in a corps perdu (Fra)
agreement (ah COR per-DOO) lit: until the loss
of the body; desperately, recklessly

Classical Phrases and Myths

Classical Phrases and Myths
nemini controdicente (Lat)
ferae naturae (Lat)
(NE-mi-nee kon-tra-dik-ENT-e) lit:
(fer-EE nat-OOR-ee) uncivilized,
nobody dissenting; without oppo
undomesticated beasts
sition, unanimous; generally de
scribes the passage of a resolution A group of mice finally called a
in a debate (abbn nem con) council meeting to discuss how to

The Ultimate Reference Book

deal with their dreaded enemy, the Classical Phrases and Myths
cat. A young mouse stood and said,
a fortiori (Lat)
"I propose that a bell be hung
(an fort-ee-OR-ee) conclusively,
around the cafs neck. Thus, when
with even stronger reason
she approaches, we can hear the
bell beforehand and escape/' The
mouse sat down amid thunderous
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
applause.When the clamor quieted
down, an old mouse who had been An American investment banker at
silent said, 'It takes a young mouse tended a Sherlock Holmes party in
to think of such a bold plan. A bell London. He was informed that an
would certainly warn us of the cafs other guest, a Dr. Osborn, was noted
approach. But I ask you, who is go for his remarkable Holmesian de
ing to bell the cat?" ductions about people. When intro
Aesop (c. 600 b.c), Greek fabulist duced, the banker wasted no time.
He pointed to a man in the corner
and asked Osborn for a deductive
description. "Well, I should say he is
a solicitor who lives near Dover with
his wife and four children. He's had
escargots, steak and asparagus for
♦ REASONING dinner." "Well done," the American
said. "And that man there?" "I'd
Foreign Words and Phrases believe he is a dentist. He bets
the horses, has two mistresses and
gedankenexperiment (Ger) just returned from a vacation in
(gehd-AHN-ken-ex-PEHR-e ment) Amalfl." "Congratulations," said the
lit: thought-experiment, to carry out impressed American. "And me?"
an experiment mentally rather than "Hmmm," Osborn began. "You
physically are from the Northeast—Boston, I
should guess. You're 38, married
and you graduated from Harvard."
Quotations "Fantastic! How did you know that
I graduated from Harvard?" "Be
''Deliberation. The act of examining
cause, sir, every time you pick your
one's bread to determine which nose, I can see your ring."
side it is buttered on."
Ambrose [Gvrinnet] Bierce
(1842-c. 1914), US. writer and poet,
Devil's Dictionary (1911)

"You mentioned your name as if I ♦ RECOMMENDATION

should recognize it, but beyond the
obvious facts that you are a bache
lor, a solicitor, a freemason, and an
asthmatic, I know nothing what "Oh! he is mad, is he? Then I wish
ever about you." he would bite some other of my
Sir Arthur Oman Doyle (1859-1930), generals."
British writer, The Return of George U (1683-1760), British king,
Sherlock Holmes (2905;, replying to complaint that General James
"The Norwood Builder" Wolfe was a madman

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Lefs" find out what everyone is

Horace Greeley wrote an angry dis
And then stop everyone from doing
missal letter in his notoriously illegi
ble handwriting to a journalist on his
paper, the New York Tribune. Several Sir Allan] Platrick] Herbert (1890-1971),
British writer and politician,
years later, the two met. "Nobody
Lefs Stop Somebody
could read the note/' said the fired
journalist, "so I represented it as a "I will not accept if nominated and
letter of recommendation and ob will not serve if elected."
tained several excellent opportuni William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891),
ties by it. I am so very obliged to U.S. general, message to Republican
you/' National Convention, June 5,1884
Horace Greeley (1811-1872), Classical Phrases and Myths
U.S. publisher and politician
nolo episcopari (Lat)
Visiting the United States in 1797, (NOH-loh e-pis-kop-AHR-ee) lit: I
French revolutionist and free do not wish to serve; refusal of office
thinker Constantin Volney sought a The Macedonian forces of Alexander
letter of recommendation from Pres the Great, accompanied by Anaxi-
ident Washington. Seeking simulta menes, captured Lampsacus while
neously to avoid controversy over on expedition against the Persians.
the man's opinions and offense to Anxious to save his native city from
die Frenchman, Washington cagily destruction, Anaximenes sought an
wrote: "G Volney needs no recom audience with the king. Anticipating
mendation from Geo. Washington." his plea, Alexander declared, '1
George Washington (1732-1799), swear by the Styx I will not grant
U.S. general and president your request." "My lord," Anaxi
menes stated, "I merely wanted to
request that you destroy Lampsa
cus." Thus, he saved his native city.
Anaximenes (c. 400 b.c), Greekphilosopher
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Foreign Words and Phrases A pious-looking Mrs. Cohn carefully

studied the display counter in the
taboo (Poly) delicatessen. Finally, she pointed
(tah-BOO) prohibited, sacred and said, "A half pound of the
corned beef, please. The butcher
verboten (Ger) said gently, "I'm sorry, but thafs
(fehr-BOH-ten) prohibited, forbid ham." Snapped Mrs. Cohn, "Who
den, illegal
asked you?"

"You know I cannot give you a bar
onetcy, but you can tell your
Classical Phrases and Myths
friends that I offered you one and
you refused it. Thafs much better." apagoge (Grk/Lat)
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (ap-a-GOH-ge) reduction to absurd
(1804-1881), British prime minister ity, indirect proof by demonstrating

The Ultimate Reference Book

the falsity of the opposite point of that the player had stepped out of
view bounds at his own ten-yard line,
thereby nullifying his gain beyond.
reductio ad absurdum (Lat) When he offered to show Maxwell
(re-DUK-ti-oh ad ~ab-SURD-um) the incriminating cleat mark, the of
method of disproving a proposition
ficial gasped, "Ifyou want me to go
by assuming a conclusion to be in
back and look at that cleat mark,
correct and working back to find a
you'll have to hire a taxi."
Robert W. ["Tiny"] Maxwell (d. 1922),
US. football player
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Harry came upon a seemingly
crazy woman in the street who was
dipping her hand into an appar
ently empty basket and then wav
ing her hand about. Finally, he
asked, 'Tardon me, but what are Quotations
you doing?" The woman said, 'It
'To Alphonse Allais, with regrets
contains antilion powder. By scat
for not having known him. Vol
tering it, I keep lions away." ''But/'
Harry protested, "there are no lions
within a thousand miles of here." Alphonse Allais (1854-1905), French
And the woman said, "I told you it writer and playwright [inscription in a
volume of Voltaire found in the
was effective."
library of Allais]
"And yet you insist you're inno
cent/' repeated the judge, "despite "My one regret in life is that I am
the proof that four witnesses saw not someone else."
you shoot the gun?" "If ifs wit Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
nesses you want, your honor," re (1935- ), U.S. comedian
plied the defendant, "I can produce and filmmaker
30 who didn't see me shoot it."
"Hindsight is always 20-20/'
Former prime minister Sir Winston Billy [Samuel] Wilder (1906- ),
Churchill visited the House of Com U.S. film director and writer
mons while in his 80s. His appear
ance distracted attention from the
Classical Phrases and Myths
ongoing debate. Murmured one
youngMPtoanother, "Really, I don't "Durum: sed levius fit patientia
believe he should come anymore. Quidquid corrigere est nefas." (Tis
They say he's growing a bit soft up hard: But what may not be altered
stairs." Churchillslowly turned inhis is made lighter by patience.)
seat and growled, "They say he can't Horace (65 B.c-8 b.c), Roman poet,
hear, either." Odes, I, xxiv, 1,19
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
According to Roman mythology, the
1965), British prime minister and writer
Furies (FYUR-eez) (Grk: Erinyes)
A Pittsburgh running back ran on a were the snake-haired dogheaded
breakaway play the length of the goddesses Alecto, Tisiphone and
football field, closely followed by Megaera sent from Tartarus of the
game referee Tiny Maxwell. Penn underworld to punish and to obtain
State's defensive captain insisted revenge from people who had not

The Wit's Thesaurus

atoned for their crimes. Orestes was her pardon. Gesturing to him to rise,
pursued by them for slaying his Elizabeth dismissed him unceremo
mother even though he had been re niously, saying, "Do you not know
quired to do so; their punishment that we are descended of the lion,
was not vindictive but just. Hence, to whose nature is not to prey upon the
face the furies is to bear avenging mouse or any other such small ver
spirits or remorseful pangs. min?"
Elizabeth I (1533-1603), British queen
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Asked to apologize for insulting a

fellow member of Parliament
Anglo-Irish dramatist Richard Sher
idan said, "Mr. Speaker, I said the
. honorable member was a liar it is Quotations
true and I am sorry for it. The hon After all, what's a cult? It just
orable member may place the punc means not enough people to make
tuation where he pleases/'
a minority.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816),
Robert Altman (1922- ),
Irish-born British playwright US. film director
and politician
"There is only one religion, though
there are a hundred versions of it."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
♦ REJECTION Irish playwright, Plays Pleasant and
Unpleasant (1898), vol. 2, preface

Quotations "A church is a place in which gen

tlemen who have never been to
"A good many young writers make
heaven brag about it to persons
the mistake or enclosing a stamped,
who will never get there."
self-addressed envelope, big enough
for the manuscript to come back in. Hlenry] Llouis] Mencken (1880-1956),
this is too much of a temptation to U.S. critic and writer
the editor/' "L'homme est bien inserts^. U tie sau-
Ring [Ringgold Wilmer] Lardner rait forger un ciron, et forge des Dieux
(1885-1933), U.S. writer, How to a douzaines." (Man is certainly mad.
Write Short Stories (1924) He could not create a mite, and
makes gods by the dozens.)
Classical Phrases and Myths Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
(1533-1592), French writer,
e contra (Lat)
Essays (1580), bk. E
(ay KON-tra) on the other hand, to
take a contrary position

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Queen Elizabeth lived in disgrace
and obscurity during the reign of her Classical Phrases and Myths
half-sister Mary. When she ascended
the throne, a knight who had previ- caput mortuum (Lat)
ously behaved insolently toward her (KA-put MOR-loo-um) residue left
threw himself at her feet to beseech after distillation

The Ultimate Reference Book

et alia (Lat)
(et AL-ee-a) and other things or ♦ REPRESENTATION
people (abbr: et al.)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes "Because no tree has ever com
After a friend had waxed in superla plained about its likeness."
tives about his waterfront property, Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
Groucho Marx gave his opinion. (1874-1965), British prime minister and
Groucho said, ''Don't think much of writer, answering why he preferred
it. Take away the ocean and what to paint landscapes rather than portraits
have you got?"
"Mr. Lely, I desire you would use
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977), all your skill to paint my picture
U.S. comedian [authenticity unverified] truly like me, and not flatter me at
all; but remark all these rough
nesses, pimples, warts, and every
thing as you see me, otherwise I
♦ RENEWAL (RESTORATION will never pay a farthing for it."

& REVIVAL) Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658),

British lord protector, to the
portraitist of Charles Vs court
Foreign Words and Phrases
de nouveau (Fra) Classical Phrases and Myths
(de noo-VO) anew, afresh "I portray men as they ought to be
refacimento (Ita) portrayed, but Euripides portrays
(ree-fach-ee-MEN-toh) recasting, re them as they are."
making, rehash Sophocles (c. 495 B.c-406 B.c),
Greek playwright
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
The six-year old was guiding his
crayon meticulously on the sheet
of paper. "What are you draw
Classical Phrases and Myths ing, Freddy?" "A picture of God,
de integro (Lat) Mommy." "But Freddy, nobody
(day in-TEG-roh) afresh, from the knows what God looks luce." "They
beginning again will when I'm through."

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

To the patient who awoke after the ♦ REPRESENTATIVE
operation to have his gangrene- (AGENT)
infected leg amputated, the doctor
explained, "I've got good news and
bad news. The bad news is that we Foreign Words and Phrases
took off the wrong leg." "My God," mayordomo (Spa)
cried the patient, "what could be (mah-yor-DOH-moh) chief servant
the good news?" "The other leg is (restaurant, household, etc.) (En
getting better." glish: major-domo)

The Wit's Thesaurus

aide de camp (Fra) 'To enjoy a good reputation, give

(ED de kom) trusted assistant, con- publicly, and steal privately/'
fdential adviser t0 a SeniOT °fficer Josh Billings [Henry Wheeler Shaw]
(abbn DO (1818-1885), U.S. humorist

Quotations "If you would not be known to do

anything, never do it."
"My agent gets ten per cent of
everything I get, except my blind Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
ing headaches/' U.S. writer, poet and philosopher,
Essays: First Series (1841),
Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894-1957), "Spiritual Laws"
U.S. comedian

'It is well known what a middle "He cast off his friends as a hunts
man is: he is a man who bamboo man his pack,
zles one party and plunders the For he knew when he pleas'd he
other/' could whistle them back."

Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774),

(1804r-1881), British prime minister, Irish-born British poet, playwright
speech, Magnooth, April 11,1845 and writer, Retaliation (1774),
1.107 [describing David Garrick]

Classical Phrases and Myths "We always like those who admire
legatus a latere (Lat) us; we do not always like those
(le-GAH-tusah LAT-e-re) lit: am whom we admire."
bassador from the inner circle; the Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
formal description of a papal legate (1613-1680), French writer,
Maximes (267$, 294
In Greek mythology, the Myrmi
dons (MER-mee-donz) were a war 'Ifs better to be looked over than
like people of ancient Thessaly. overlooked."
According to Homer's Iliad, the
Mae West (1892-1980),
Myrmidons were a tribe of warriors
US. film actress, Belle of the Nineties
led by Achilles in the Trojan War
(1934 film)
who performed their warlike duties
as faithfully and tirelessly as the
ants from which they haa sprung Classical Phrases and Myths
and for which they were named.
Thus, a myrmidon is an obedient kudos (Grk)
and unquestioning follower or a (KEW-dos) glory, renown, fame
policeman, a henchman.

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Charles Edison, son of Thomas Ed

♦ REPUTE (ADMIRATION) ison, was campaigning for the gov
ernorship of New Jersey in 1940.
When introducing himself, he was
anxious to dissociate himself from
"The greatest mistake I made was his father's repute: "I would not
not to die in office." have anyone believe I am trading
Dean [Gooderham] Acheson (1893-1971), on the name Edison. I would rather
• U.S. diplomat have you know me merely as the

The Ultimate Reference Book

result of one of my father's earlier

Charles Edison (1890-1969),
U.S. politician, son of Thomas Edison Foreign Words and Phrases

aue serd serd (Spa)

To ensure continuing critical and (KAY seh-rah seh-rah) what will be,
thus popular acclaim for his operas, will be
the German composer and pianist
Giacomo Meyerbeer used his great c'est la vie (Fra)
wealth to buy off critics. When (seh lah vee) thafs life!
Heinrich Heine, one of the bribed
critics, suddenly had his financial Quotations
umbilical cord cut by Meyerbeer, he
presciently, and scathingly, re "I am in that temper that if I were
marked, ''Meyerbeer will be im under water I would scarcely kick
mortal while he lives and perhaps to come to the top."
for a little time after, because he al John Keats (1795-1821), British poet,
ways pays in advance." letter to Benjamin Bailey, May 21,1818
Heinrich Heine (1797-1856),
German poet and writer "What cannot be cured must be en
Francois Rabelais (c. 1494-1553),
A cynical but kindly man, come
French scholar, physician and writer
dian Fred Allen, once rescued a boy
from being hit by an oncoming
truck. After snatching the -boy to
safety, Allen snarled at him,
"What's the matter, kid? Don't you
want to grow up and have trou ♦ RESISTANCE
Fred Mien [John Sullivan] (1894^1956), Foreign Words and Phrases
U.S. comedian
jaccjuerie (Fra)
(jack-ehr-REE) insurrection of the
On his South Pole expedition, Sir lower class (from a 15th-century
Edgeworth David's assistant, Doug peasant revolt led by Jacques
las Mawson, was in his tent when he James)
heard from outside a muffletjLcry.
He then heard Sir David ask from Putsch (Ger)
the same direction, "Are you very (pootsh) insurrection, attempted
busy?" "Yes I am," replied Mawson. revolution
"Whafs the matter?'* "Are you re
ally very busy?" persisted David.
"Yes," said Mawson, impatiently.
"What do you want?" There was si "We mean to hold our own. I have
lence, and then, apologetically, Da not become the King's First Minis
vid said, "Well, I'm down a crevasse, ter in order to preside over the liq
and I don't think I can hang on much uidation of the British Empire."
longer." Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
Sir Edgeworth David (1858-1934), 1965), British prime minister and writer,
Australian geologist and explorer speech in London, November 10,1942

The Wit's Thesaurus

"A little rebellion now and then is Spartan king who led the death
a good thing." stand at Thermopylae. "You are
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), foolish to resist," they said. "The
US. president, letter to James Madison, Persian archers alone are so numer
January 30,1787 ous that their arrows will darken
the sun." "So much the better," re
Classical Phrases and Myths plied Leonidas, unmoved, "we will
then fight in the shade." He and his
gaudium certaminis (Lat)
300 Spartan troops were slain to the
(GOW-diumker-TAH-min-is) the
man after Ephialtes traitorously
joy of the struggle
showed the Persians a path to their
contra mundum (Lat) rear; their famous epitaph read:
(KON-tra MUN-dum) against the "Go, stranger, and to Lacedaemon
world; generally, one who assumes tell, that here, obeying her com
an unpopular position against the mands, we fell." In the narrow
majority pass, Xerxes had lost 20,000 men to
the Greeks, whose number was re
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes duced from 4,000 to 1,000 to 300,
mostly by surrender.
A large firm was once offered a re
markable pension plan with one Leonidas (d. 480 B.c), Spartan Jang
hitch: every employee had to join.
Within a week everyone had signed Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
except for the mail clerk. No matter Having finished writing a paper,
who talked with him—coworkers, Albert Einstein and an assistant
boss, or the personnel director—he searched the office for a paper clip
refused to budge. "I don't under and found one—badly mangled.
stand it. I won't sign!" he repeated They then looked for a tool to
adamantly. Finally he was brought straighten it, and finally located a
to the firm's president. "Ill make whole box of clips. Instead of using
this very simple for you/' began the any of the many presentable clips,
president. "We're on the 40tn floor however, Einstein shaped one for
of this building. If you don't sign, straightening the bent dip. He ex
I'll throw you off my balcony. Un plained to the assistant, "Once I am
derstand?" The mail clerk nodded, set on a goal, it becomes difficult to
withdrew a pen and hastily signed deflect me."
up for the pension plan. So why
Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
did you sign so easily now, yet
German-born physicist
make such a fuss about signing be
fore?" asked the president. Replied
the mail clerk, 'You're the first per
son who explained it so I could un


♦ RESOLUTION "Admiration, n. Our polite recog

nition of another's resemblance to
Classical Phrases and Myths
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce
Persian envoys of Xerxes came to (1842-c. 1914), U.S. writer and poet,
demand surrender of Leonidas, the Cynic's Word Book (1906)

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Go into the street, and give one Quotations

man a lecture on morality, and an "Damn it! Another bishop dead! I
other a shilling, and see which will think they die just to vex me."
respect you most."
William lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), (1779-1848), British prime minister,
British man of letters
expecting difficulties again in appointing a
"I do honour the very flea of his replacement in the House of Lords
Classical Phrases and Myths
Ben Jonson (1573-1637),
British playwright, Every Man in per procurationem (Lat)
His Humour (1598), Act IV, sc. ii (per PROH-koor-AH-ti-oh-nem) by
"He was a great patriot, a human the action of an authorized agent
itarian, a loyal friend—provided, of (abbr. pp)
course, that he really is dead." sui juris (Lat)
Voltaire [Frangois-Marie Arouet] (SU-ee YOOR-is) (of age) capable of
(1694-1778), French philosopher, assuming full responsibility and ex
writer and wit, at a nobleman's funeral ercising judgment
"Save me from my disciples." faber est quis que fortunae suae (Lat)
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde (FAB-er est kwis-kwe for-TOON-ai
(1854-1900), British playwright, SU-ee) (every) man is the architect
writer and wit of his own fortune

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

The French minister for foreign af 'Tor this job we want someone who
fairs, upon first meeting Thomas is responsible." The applicant re
Jefferson, who went to pay his re sponded, "That's for me. Every
spects after arriving in France in where I've worked, whenever
1785 to represent the United States, something went wrong, I was re
inquired, "You replace Monsieur sponsible."
Franklin?" "I succeed him," Jeffer
son replied. "No one could replace
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826),
U.S. president

"A perpetual holiday is a good

working definition of hell."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
ASSIGNMENT Irish playwright

Foreign Words and Phrases Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

ombudsman (Swe) Q: How many socialites does it take

(OHM-budz-man) one who handles to screw in a light bulb? A: Two—
administrative matters for a gov one to mix the martinis, one to
phone the electrician.
ernment or other institution, and
esp. one who fields complaints Louis Brandeis was once criticized
from outsiders or constituents for timing a short vacation just be-

The Wit's Thesaurus

fore the start of an important trial. to get change when Gluck stopped
"I require the rest/' explained Bran- him. ''Don't bother. I will make it
deis. "I find that while I can do a fair." And he broke another pane.
year's work in 11 months, I can't do Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787),
it in 12." German composer [variations also
Louts Dembitz Brandeis (1856-1941), attributed to others]
U.S. jurist

During a long rehearsal delay when

the singers were becoming impa
tient, a stagehand offered to fetch a ♦ RESTRAINT
chair so that opera singer Feodor
Chaliapin could sit down until the (MODERATION)
problem was resolved. 'It is not my
body that is tired, it is my soul," Classical Phrases and Myths
replied Chaliapin. "But my soul has
ariston metron (Grk)
no ass. So forget the chair."
(ar-EES-ton MET-ron) the middle
Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin (1873-1938), course is the best; the golden mean
Russian opera singer should be pursued (Homer)
One evening when Thomas Edison via media (Lat)
came home from work, his wife (WEE-A MED-i-a) middle course
said to him, "You've worked long between two extremes
enough without a rest. You must go
on a vacation." "But where on aurea mediocritas (Lat)
earth would I go?" asked Mr. Edi (OW-re-amed-i-OK-rit-as) the gol
son. 'Just decide where you would den mean, the happy medium (ax
rather be than anywhere else on iom derived from Aristotle)
earth," suggested the wife. Mr. Ed
ison hesitated. "Very well," he said
finally, 'Til go tomorrow." The
next morning, he was back at work
in his laboratory. ♦ REVENGE
Thomas Aim Edison (1847-1931),
U.S. inventor Foreign Words and Phrases
vigilante (Spa)
(vee-gheel-AHN-tay) lit: vigilance,
watchfulness; self-appointed per
son outside the law who seeks
order and often revenge

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Qiristoph Gluck accidentally broke
a glass pane of a shop on the rue "I and the public know
St. Honore in Paris, and offered to What all schoolchildren learn,
pay for the replacement. When Those to whom evil is done
quoted the price, Gluck withdrew Do evil in return."
the only bill he had, which was Wlystan] H[ugh] Auden (1907-1973),
about twice the amount. The shop British-born poet, Another Time (1940),
keeper was about to run next door "September 1,1939"

The Ultimate Reference Book

"A man that studieth revenge Caesar to leave Rome, his ship was
keeps his own wounds green." attacked by pirates. Caesar was
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), captured and held for nearly 40
British lawyer and writer, days at a ransom of 12,000 gold
Essays (2625;, "Of Revenge" pieces. During his confinement, he
often joked with the pirates that he
'"Whose house is of glass, must not
would capture and crucify them, a
throw stones at another."
threat at which they sneered. When
George Herbert (1593-1633), British the ransom was paid and Caesar
clergyman and poet, Jacula Prudentum was freed, he immediately gathered
(2651), no. 196 [hence the proverb a fleet, chased down the pirates and
"People in glass houses shouldn't crucified each man.
throw stones"]
Gaius Julius Caesar (100 b.c-44 b.c),
"Living well is the best revenge." Roman general and statesman
George Herbert (1593-1633),
British clergyman and poet,
Jacula Prudentum (1651), no. 520 Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"Don't get mad; get even." A truck driver parked his 16-
Joseph Patrick Kennedy (1888-1969), wheeler outside the diner, walked
U.S. businessman and statesman in and ordered a burger. As he was
[authenticity unverified] served, three huge bikers swag
gered in, grabbed the trucker's
"Revenge is often like biting a dog
burger and divided it among them
because the dog bit you."
selves. The driver quietly paid his
Austin O'Malley (1858-1932), bill and left. ''Either that wimp is
U.S. physician and writer chicken or he can't fight," one biker
"The verses, when they were writ snickered to the waitress. "Can't
ten, resembled nothing so much as drive, either," she said. "He just ran
spoonfuls of boiling oil, ladled out over three motorcycles."
by a fiendish monkey at an upstairs
window upon such of the passers- The rude society matron screamed
by whom the wretch had a grudge at the airline employee at check-in,
against." criticizing everything, before she
left in a huff. The next in line sym
Lytton Strachey (1880-1932),
British writer, commenting on
pathetically commented about the
Alexander Pope, Books and Characters airline employee's ordeal. "Oh, I
(2922), "Lives of the Poets" got even," replied the checker.
"She's flying to Los Angeles, but
Classical Phrases and Myths her baggage is on its way to Baton
nemo me impune lacessit (Lat)
(NEE-moh may im-PUN-ayLAK-
es-sit) no one provokes me without
impunity; crown of Scotland motto
lex talionis (Lat)
(lex tal-ee-OH-nis) the law of retri ♦ REVERENCE
bution (allowing a victim to retali
ate) Foreign Words and Phrases
While en route to Rhodes when it faux devot (Fra)
was politically expedient for Julius (foh DAY-voh) one of false piety
The Wit's Thesaurus

"How holy people look when they
are seasick!"
Samuel Butler (1835-1902), British writer
"It is well known that the most rad
''Men never do evil so completely
ical revolutionary will become a
and cheerfully, as when they do it
conservative on the day after the
from religions conviction/'
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662),
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975),
French mathematician and writer
U.S. political philosopher
"I admire the serene assurance of
those who have religious faith. It is "If there's no dancing, count me
wonderful to observe the calm con out."
fidence of a Christian with four Emma Goldman (1869-1940),
aces." U.S. anarchist, commenting on the
Russian Revolution
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker [authenticity unverified] Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Classical Phrases and Myths When the tartest member of Frank

lin Roosevelfs new administration,
Dei gratia (Lat) Harold Ickes, was asked why FDR
(DE-ee GRAH-ti-ah) by the grace of was so intent on shaking things up,
God he responded, "You can't fertilize a
Solon told a tale of a pious mother 40-acre field by farting through the
who prayed that her two sons be fence."
granted the greatest gift the gods Harold L. Ickes (1874-1952),
could bestow. Both youths U.S. statesman
promptly died, quietly and peace
Solon (c. 639 b.c-c. 559 B.C.),
Greek legislator and statesman ♦ RIDICULE
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"dare Boothe Luce, playwright "It is not necessary that every time
and widow of the publisher of he rises he should give his famous
Time, became a Catholic in middle imitation of a semi-house-trained
life and naturally had a converfs
conviction. While ambassador to It
Michael Foot (1913- ),
aly, she was once engaged in an
British politician, describing politician
earnest conversation with the pope.
Norman Tebbit
Anxious to catch a newsworthy
story, a reporter leaned over and "With a pig's eyes that never look
heard His Holiness saying in ac up, with a pig's snout that loves
cented English, "But you aon't un muck, with a pig's brain that knows
derstand, Mrs. Luce. I already am a only the sty, and a pig's squeal that
Catholic." cries only when he is hurt, ne some
Pope John XXffl [Angela Roncalli] times opens his pig's mouth, tusked
(1881-1963), Roman Catholic pope and ugly, and lets out the voice of
[authenticity unverified] God, railing at the whitewash that

The Ultimate Reference Book

covers the manure about his habi "Candy

tat/' Is dandy
Wlliam Allen White (1868-1944), But liquor
U.S. writer, describing H. L. Mencken Is quicker."
Ogden Nash (1902-1971), U.S. humorist,
"Caricature is the tribute that me Hard Lines (1931), "Reflections
diocrity pays to genius." on Ice-breaking"
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854-1900), British playwright, "Men seldom make passes
writer and wit At girls who wear glasses."
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes and writer, Not So Deep as a Well
(1937), "News Item"
The colonial Virginia representath
John Randolph was embarked on on a
long speech," but was hectored by Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Philomen Beecher, a representative
from Ohio, who kept snouting out, Man picks up woman in a bar. She:
"Mr. Speaker, previous question." "Your place or mine?" He: "If ifs
Finally, the irritated Randolph ex going to be a hassle, forget it"
claimed, "Mr. Speaker, in the Neth
"Have you loved anyone else be
erlands a man of small capacity
fore?" he asked. "No, I've admired
with a bit of wood and leather will,
men for their intellect, looks, job
in a few moments, construct a toy
and so on. But with you, dear, ifs
that, with the pressure of the finger
love—nothing else."
and thumb, will cry, 'Cuckoo!
Cuckoo!' With less ingenuity and
So chivalrous toward ladies was the
with inferior materials, the people
British actor Robert Elliston that he
of Ohio have made a toy that will,
would declare his love even to
without much pressure, cry, 'Pre
chance acquaintances. He did so in
vious question, Mr. Speaker!'"
a stagecoach and, seeing the object
John Randolph (1773-1833), of his favor becoming agitated, he
U.S. politician told the lady that he hoped he had
not exceeded the limits of decorum.
"Perhaps not, sir/' the lady re
torted, "but your limits of decorum
♦ ROMANCE are so extremely liberal that you
may possibly lose your way in the
Robert William Elliston (1774-1831),
"The resistance of a woman is not British actor
always proof of her virtue, but
more often of her experience." Zsa Zsa Gabor once appeared on a
Ninon de Lenclos (1620-1705), television program in which guest
French socialite and wit celebrities were asked to opine on
matters of romance. A woman
"Some of the greatest love affairs asked the first question: "I'm break
I've known have involved one ac ing my engagement to a very
tor—unassisted." wealthy man who has already
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. writer given me a sable coat, diamonds, a
.and wit, describing Hollywood romances stove and a Rolls-Royce. What

The Wit's Thesaurus

should I do?" Zsa Zsa counseled,

"Give back the coat." ♦ SADNESS & DESPAIR
Zsa Zsa [San] Gator (1919- ),
Hungarian-torn U.S. actress Foreign Words and Phrases
chagrin (Fra)
(shag-ran) sorrow, vexation

Foreign Words and Phrases
"My spirits were so low I could
canard (Fra) have used my chin to shine my
(kahn-AR) lit: duck; rumor, hoax boots."
Sonny [Salvatore] Bono (1943- ),
Quotations U.S. entertainer and politician, And the
Beat Goes On (2992;
"Rumour is a pipe
Blown by surmises, jealousies/ con
Classical Phrases and Myths
And of so easy and so plain a stop
That the blunt monster with un de profundis (Lat)
counted heads, (day pro-FUN-dees) lit: from the
The still-discordant wavering mul depths; (arising) from extreme de
titude, spair or anguish, the first words of
Can play upon it." the Latin version of Psalm 180, one
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), of the seven penitential psalms, and
British playwright and poet, Henry IV, the title of a book by Oscar Wilde
Part II (1598), introduction
In Roman mythology, Saturn (SAT-
"There are two things that will be ern) was a god of agriculture, the
believed of any man whatsoever, harvest and gardening who was be
and one of them is that he has taken lieved to have been deposed from
to drink." his rule by his son Jupiter during
Booth Tarkington (1869-1946), the golden age of Janus. Hence, one
U.S. writer, Penrod (1914), ch. 10 who is saturnine is gloomy and
Classical Phrases and Myths
oratio oblique (Lat)
(or-AH-tio ob4JBE-kwa) second
hand statements, hearsay

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes ♦ SAFETY & SECURITY

The movie actress Bette Davis was

informed that a rumor mat she had
died was spreading throughout 'There is no safety in numbers, or
New York. She was unworried. in anything eke."
"With the newspaper strike on I James Thurber (1894-1961),
wouldn't consider it." US. cartoonist and humorist,
Bette [Ruth Elizabeth] Davis (1908-1992), The New Yorker (February 4,1939),
US. actress "The Fairly Intelligent Fly"

The Ultimate Reference Book

telephone. "Yes, this is where Dr.

♦ SAGE MilUkan lives," said the servant,
"but he's not the kind of doctor that
Quotations does anybody any good."
Robert Andrews Millikan (1868-1953),
"A wise man will make more op
U.S. physicist
portunities than he finds/'
Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
British lawyer and writer, Essays
(2625^ "Of Ceremonies and Respects"

"A wise man sees as much as he ♦ SAINTS & ANGELS

ought not as much as he can/'
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533- Quotations
1592), French writer, Essays (1580)
"Every time a child says 1 don't be
'Have more than thou showest, lieve in fairies' there is a little fairy
Speak less than thou knowest, somewhere that falls down dead."
Lend less than thou owest" Sir flames] Mlatthew] Barrie
William Shakespeare (1564r-1616), (1860-1937), British writer
British playwright and poet, and playwright, Peter Pan (1928), Act I
King Lear (2606)/ Act I, sc. iv
'There is no sinner like a young
"He [Thomas Macaulay] not only saint"
overflowed with learning, but
Aphra Behn (1640-1689),
stood in the slop."
British playwright and poet
Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
British clergyman and writer "Saint, n. A dead sinner revised
and edited."
Classical Phrases and Myths Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce
"It takes a wise man to recognize a (1842-c. 1914), U.S. writer and poet,
wise man/' Devil's Dictionary (2922)

Xenophanes (c. 570 B.c-475 fltcj, "The way of this world is to praise
Greek philosopher dead saints and persecute living
The Delphic oracle was asked to ones."
name the wisest man in Greece, and Nathaniel Howe (1764-1837),
Socrates received the accolade. On U.S. clergyman
being told this, Socrates said, "Since
the gods proclaim me the wisest I "The tyrant dies and his rule is
must believe it; but if that is so, over; the martyr dies and his rule
then it must be because I alone of begins."
all the Greeks know that I know Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855),
nothing." Danish philosopher
Socrates (469 B.c-399 B.c), "I stopped believing in Santa Claus
Greek philosopher
when I was six. Mother took me to
see him in a department store and
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes he asked for my autograph."
Nobel laureate physicist Robert Shirley Temple [Shirley Temple Black]
Millikan's wife overheard the maid (1928- ), U.S. film actress
at their residence answering the and diplomat

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes played cards for money, or at

tended a horse race in 28 years." "I
As Ethan Allen lay ill, the examin
wish I could say that!" exclaimed
ing physician said, "General, I fear
the admiring senator. Commented
the angels are waiting for you."
Reed: "Well, why don't you?
"Waiting, are they?" thundered the
Choate said it."
American Revolution hero. "Wait-
ing, are they? Well, let 'em wait." Thomas Brackett Reed (1839-1902),
U.S. politician
Ethan Allen (1738-1789), U.S. patriot

Foreign Words and Phrases
Quotations shmeer (Yid)
"I am halfway through Genesis, and (shmeer) smear; bribe; paint
quite appalled by the disgraceful
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
behavior of all the characters in
volved, including God/' A great scandal burst when the af
/. R. Ackerley (1896-1967), British writer fair between a chorus girl and a
young employee of J. P. Morgan
"Moral indignation is in most cases made headlines. Morgan bluntly in
two per cent moral, 48 per cent in formed his prot6g6 that he was dis
dignation and 50 per cent envy." appointed in him. "I'm not a
Vittorio de Sica (1901-1974), hypocrite," countered the young
Italian director man. "I have not done anything
"Piety is the tinfoil of pretense." that most young men in my situa
tion haven't done behind closed
Elbert [Green] Hubbard (1856-1915),
doors." "You may be right," Mor
U.S. businessman and writer
gan snorted, "but thafs what doors
"We have just enough religion to are for, dammit!"
make us hate, but not enough to John Pierpont Morgan, Jr. (1867-1943),
make us love one another." U.S. banker
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer,
Thoughts on Various Subjects (2712) ♦ SCHOOL
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
A woman was late to the audito
rium for the evangelical meeting. "I was a modest, good-humoured
She spotted an empty aisle seat and boy. It is Oxford that has made me
asked the man next to it, 'Is this insufferable."
chair saved?" "Perhaps," he re Sir Max Beerbohm (1872-1956),
plied, "but sit down and we'll pray British writer, caricaturist and wit,
for it together." More (1899), "Going Back to School"

Senator, lawyer and diplomat Jo "Public schools are the nurseries of

seph H. Choate and Speaker of the all vice and immorality."
House Thomas Reed were in a con Henry Fielding (1707-1754),
versation when Choate proudly de British writer, playwright and lawyer,
clared, "I have not drunk whiskey, Joseph Andrews (2742), bk. fll, ch. 5

The Ultimate Reference Book

''Let schoolmasters puzzle their Shorey," said Hutchins, "but our

brain, students are bright."
With grammar, and nonsense, and Robert Maynord Hutchins (1899-1977),
teaming, U.S. educator
Good liquor, I stoutly maintain,
Gives genius a better discerning/'
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Irish-born
British poet, playwright and writer, She
Stoops to Conquer (1775), Act I, song
''You can still buy five years' edu
cation at one of the best schools for
less than half the cost of a Bentley."
Lord James of Rusholme "That is the essence of science: ask -
(1909- ), British educator an impertinent question, and you
are on the way to a pertinent an
Classical Phrases and Myths
Jacob Bronowski (1908-1974),
alma mater (Lat) British scientist and scholar,
(AL-ma MAH-ter) lit: bounteous Ascent of Man (1973), ch. 4
mother; beneficent or protective in
stitution (typically, school, college, "The most incomprehensible thing
etc.) about the world is that it is com
lyceum (Grk)
lecture hall, teaching place, literary Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
institution; the Lyceum was the German-born physicist
school and playing field in Athens
where Aristotle taught
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
In ancient Greece, the philosopher
While anchored off Jamaica in 1504,
Plato taught at the Academy,
Christopher Columbus was peril
named from the grove of Academos
ously low on food supplies, but the
outside Athens. Hence, an academy
Jamaican Indians refused to sell
is a place of learning.
him any more. Several days later,
informed by his almanac that a lu
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes nar eclipse was due that night, he
On the campus of the University of threatened the Jamaicans that un
Chicago wnere he was longtime less they brought him food he
president, Robert Hutchins met the would blot out the moon. The Ja
great Greek scholar Professor Paul maicans dismissed his threat but
Shorey, who commented, "My un when the lunar eclipse began, they
derstanding is that you and Mr. returned terrified. Columbus of
Adler are having the freshmen read fered to restore the moon if he re
and discuss the great books at the ceived his needed supplies, an offer
rate of one per week." Hutchins gladly accepted. The moon was
nodded. "But, really, how you can duly restored, and Columbus re
do that?" protested Shorey. "When ceived his food.
I was a Harvard senior, it took us a Christopher Columbus (1451-1506),
whole term to study the Divine Italian-born navigator [attributed
Comedy." "That may be, Professor also to others]

The Wit's Thesaurus


Quotations Foreign Words and Phrases

"No public man in these islands capa y espada (Spa)
ever believes that the Bible means (KAH-pah ee es-PAH-dah) lit: cloak
what it says; he is always convinced and dagger; clandestine, with in
that it says what he means." trigue
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish playwright entre nous (Fra)
(ON-tray noo) lit: between us; be
tween you and me, in confidence
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"I have good news, and I have bad Quotations
news/' said Moses as he returned
"Mum's the word."
from the top of Mount Sinai. 'The
good news is that God has reduced Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
tike commandments to ten. The bad Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la
news is that adultery's still in." Mancha, Part II (1615), bk. IV, ch. 44

"Three may keep a secret, if two of

In his hospital bed near the end of
them are dead."
his life, film comedian W. C. Fields
was discovered reading the Bible. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Challenged on his motives in sud U.S. statesman and scientist,
denly "finding" religion so near to Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757)
his death, the lifelong agnostic
Fields muttered, 'Just looking for ''Whoever wishes to keep a secret
must hide the fact that he possesses
one." :
W. C. Fields [William Claude Dukenfield]
(1879-1946), U.S. film actor Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
and comedian (1749-1832), German poet,
playwright and writer

"I have the most perfect confidence

in your indiscretion."
Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
British clergyman and writer

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Classical Phrases and Myths

On the mantel in his room, the in camera (Lat)
five-foot-tall eccentric surrealist (in KAM-er-ah) lit: in a room; pro
Alfred Jarry displayed a huge stone ceedings conducted secretly, esp. in
phallus. To a woman who had law
asked whether it was a cast, Jarry
replied, "Madame, no, it is a reduc sub rosa (Lat)
tion." (sub ROH-sah) lit: under the rose (a
Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), mark of secrecy); (pledge to be) se
French writer cret, in confidence

The Ultimate Reference Book

Zeus, I will confirm it/' drew his

♦ SENSUALITY sword and killed himself.
Charondas (c. 550 B.C.), Greek legislator

"Give us the luxuries of life, and we

will dispense with its necessities/'
John Lothrop Motley (1814r-1877), ♦ SEX
U.S. historian [misattributed often to
Oscar Wilde]
Foreign Words and Phrases

sosi khui (Rus)

Classical Phrases and Myths (SUH-si KHEW-ee) fellatio
According to Greek mythology, menage a trois (Fra)
Eros (EE-ros) (Roman: Cupid or (may-NAJE ah TRWA) three-sided
Amor) was the god of love. He relationship, a married couple to
fired arrows of desire, in later leg gether with a third lover
end randomly. Thus, something
erotic produces sexual excitement. consumatto (Ita)
(kon-SOOM-ah-toh) sex, climax
Sybaris (SIB-a-ris), an ancient city in
southern Italy founded in 720 b.c,
was renowned for the luxury in
which its inhabitants lived and cel "That was the most fun I ever had
ebrated for its wealth. Hence, a lux without laughing."
uriant lifestyle is sybaritic. Woody Allen [Allen Stewart Konigsberg]
(1935- ), U.S. comedian and
filmmaker, and Marshall Brickman
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(1941- ), US. humorist,
"Goodness, what beautiful dia describing sex, Annie Hall (1977 film)
monds!" "Goodness had nothing to
"If God had meant us to have
do with it, dearie."
group sex, I guess he'd have given
Mae West (1892-1980), U.S. film actress, us all more organs."
Night After Night (1932 film)
Malcolm Bradbury (1932- ),
British writer

'It doesn't matter what you do in

the bedroom as long as you don't
do it in the street and frighten the
Mrs. Patrick Campbell [Beatrice]
Classical Phrases and Myths (1865-1940), British actress
The ancient Greek legislator Char- "All I can say is that sex in Ireland
ondas had promulgated a law mat is as yet in its infancy."
prohibited citizens from carrying
Eamon De Valera (1882-1975),
weapons into the public assembly.
Irish prime minister and president,
One forgetful day, he wore his
returning from France as a young man
sword into the public meeting. A
citizen reproached him for violating "License my roving hands, and let
his own law. Charondas said, ''By them go

The Wit's Thesaurus
Before, behind, between, above, be cuss those matters that an adoles
low." cent ought to know about life. So he
John Donne (1571-1631), British poet called the boy into the study, shut
the door carefully, and said with
"Keep your eyes wide open before
impressive dignity, "Son, I would
marriage, and half-shut after
like to discuss the facts of life with
you." "Sure thing, Dad" said the
Benfamm Franklin (1706-1790), boy. "What do you want to know?"
U.S. statesman and scientist,
Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757) Q: How can you tell when a social
ite achieves orgasm? A: She drops
like air... not important until
her Gucci purse.
you're not getting any."
Debbie Reynolds (1932- ), Three youngsters, six, seven, and
U.S. film actress, commenting on sex eight years of age, walked past an
"Sex is an emotion in motion." open street-level window. The six-
year-old looked in and waved ex
Mae West (1892-1980), US. film actress
citedly to the others. "Look,".he
"Said a potentate grown and des said. "A man and a woman are
potic fighting in there." The seven-year-
My tastes are more rich than ex old looked in and said, "You fool,
otic. they are making love." Said the
I've always adored eight-year-old, "Yes, and badly."
Making love in a Ford
Because I am auto-erotic/ " Caroline of Brunswick returned af
ter her foreign travels to claim her
rightful place as Queen of England
"I've slept with more women by ac upon the accession of George IV.
cident than John Kennedy had slept The king brought an action for di
with on purpose." vorce on the grounds of adultery
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973), and she was tried in 1820 before the
U.S. president House of Lords. A line of inquiry
involved her conduct with the dey
"It has to be admitted that we En (governor) of Algiers. Chief Justice
glish have sex on the brain, which Lord Norbury noted: "She was
is a very unsatisfactory place to happy as the dey was long."
have it."
Caroline of Brunsurick (1768-1821),
Malcolm Muggeridge (1903- ),
British queen
British writer
President Calvin Coolidge and his
Classical Phrases and Myths wife were taken on separate tours
of a government farm in the 1920s.
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite
Grace Anna Coolidge, standing by
(a-FROH-di-tee) (Roman: Venus)
the chicken pens, inquired whether
was the goddess of love and
the rooster copulated more than
beauty. Hence, an aphrodisiac is a
sexual stimulant.
once a day. "Oh, yes," replied the
overseer. "Many times." 'Tell that
to the president," she said. When
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
the president heard about the
Now that his son had turned 13, the rooster, he asked, "Same hen every
father decided that he should dis time?" "No, a different one each

The Ultimate Reference Book

time." Coolidge replied, 'Tell that necessarily flow from common

to Mrs. Coolidge/' themes or ideas, i.e., stock scenes
[John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933),
U.S. president

Film comedian W. C. Fields was Quotations

once asked by an interviewing re "Congratulations on your latest
porter, off the record, for his opin production. Sure it will look better
ions about sex. "On or off the after it has been cut."
record," replied Fields, "there may Eddie Cantor (1892-1964),
be some things better man sex, and U.S. entertainer, telegram to film producer
there may be some things worse. Irving Thalberg on birth of his son
But there's nothing exactly like it."
W. C. Fields [William Claude Dukenfkld]
(1879-1946), U.S. film actor
and comedian Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Gaston Palewski, Charles de The famous opera producer had no

Gaulle's chief of staff, was a re sooner passed through the pearly
nowned libertine. When he once of gates than St. Peter told him they
fered to drive a woman home from had an opera for him to produce.
a party, she politely answered, The producer tried to beg off, but
"Thank you, but I'm too tired. I St. Peter explained that this was a
think I'U walk." special opera—the libretto was by
Shakespeare. At first intrigued, the
Gaston Palewski (d. 1984),
producer nonetheless declined.
French statesman
Then St. Peter said the music score
Dorothy Parker once scathingly re was by Beethoven. The producer
ported on the numerous pretty girls was strongly tempted but shook his
present at a Yale prom. "If all the head. "Set design by da Vinci," St.
girls attending it were laid end to Peter persisted. "Libretto by Shake
end," she saia, "I wouldn't be at all speare! Original score by Beetho
surprised." ven! Set design by da Vinci!" the
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), producer exclaimed. "I'll do it!"
U.S. wit and writer "There's just one catch," St. Peter
said. "God has this girlfriend who

The human cannonball, after years

♦ SHOW BUSINESS of being blasted into a net, went to
the circus owner and told him he
was going to retire. "You can't!"
Foreign Words and Phrases
roared the cigar-chomping boss.
jnice rosie (Fra) "Where will I find a man of your
(pyes ro-ZAY) lit radiant piece; caliber?"
amusing piece of writing, light
The librettist W. S. Gilbert, of Gil
play, etc.
bert and Sullivan fame, was a per
scenes a faire (Fra) fectionist and martinet. An actor,
(zen ah fair) lit: scenes which must refusing to allow Gilbert to brow
be done; in copyright law, incidents beat him, drew up his shoulders
or plots immune from copyright in and declared, "See here, I will not
fringement liability because they be bullied. I know my lines." "Pos-

The Wit's Thesaurus

sibly," sniffed Gilbert, "but you Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

don't know mine/7
It was a rough ocean crossing and
Sir William] Slchwenck] Gilbert Mr. Jones was suffering the tortures
(1836-1911), British writer of the damned. While he was lean
ing over the rail, retching, a stew
Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bai
ard patted him, comforting, 'It may
ley Circus once commissioned cho
seem unbearable, sir, but remem
reographer George Balanchine to
ber, no man ever died of seasick
arrange the dance and retain a com
ness." Mr. Jones turned his green
poser for a ballet for certain circus
countenance to the steward and
performers. Balanchine called Stra cried, 'Tor heaven's sake, man,
vinsky, who 30 years earlier had don't tell me that. Only the hope of
written The Firebird, Petrushka and dying is keeping me alive."
Le Sucre du printemps. //What kind of
music?" asked Stravinsky. Balan
chine replied, "A polka." "For
whom?" "Elephants." "How old?"
"Young!" 'If they are very young,
I will do it." Stravinsky's 1942 Cir
cus Polka was performed at least 425 Foreign Words and Phrases
times. voila (Fra)
Igor Feodorovitch Stravinsky (1882-1971), (vwa-la) lit: look there; look at that
Russian-born composer

"You see, but you do not observe."

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930),
♦ SICKNESS Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892),
"Scandal in Bohemia"

Foreign Words and Phrases "Vision is the art of seeing things

grand mal (Fra)
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
(grohn MAL) lit: great illness; epi Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer,
leptic seizure Thoughts on Various Subjects (2721)


"I hope ifs nothing trivial."

Irvin Shrewsbury] Cobb (1876-1944),
U.S. humorist and writer, learning that
his disagreeable boss at the New York
World, Charles E. Chopin, was ill "Even a fool, when he holdeth his
peace, is counted wise."
Classical Phrases and Myths Proverbs 17:28

nocebo (Lat) "Silence is become his mother

(NOHK-e-bo) lit: I shall displease; tongue."
in medicine, a harmless substance Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Irish-born
that might make one sick because British poet, playwright and writer, The
the person believes it will Good-Natured Man (1768), Act U

The Ultimate Reference Book

"That man's silence is wonderful to broke the silence and said, "Well,
listen to." how about $100,000?"
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931),
British writer and poet, Under the U.S. inventor [authenticity unverified]
Greenwood Tree (1874), ch. 14

"Silence: a conversation with an

Henrich Heine (1797-1856), ♦ SIMILARITY
German poet and writer (CONSISTENCY)
"Silence is the most perfect expres
sion of scorn." Foreign Words and Phrases
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), tout ensemble (Fra)
Irish playwright, Back to Methuselah (toot en-SEHM-ble) all together, in
(1921), pt. 5
"Silence is the unbearable repar
tee." Quotations
Glilbert] K[eith] Chesterton (1874-1936),
"Another, yet the same."
British man of letters
Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet
Classical Phrases and Myths and writer, The Dunciad (1728-1743)

"I have often regretted my speech, "I wouldn't say when you've seen
never my silence." one Western you've seen the lot;
but when you've seen the lot you
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 b.c),
Roman writer, Sententiae, 1070
get the feeling you've seen one."
Katharine Whitehorn (1926- ),
A typically loquacious barber asked British writer, Sunday Best (1976),
King Archelaus how he would like "Decoding the West"
his hair cut. Answered the king, 'In
Classical Phrases and Myths
Archelaus (c. 550 B.c), Macedonian king
alter idem (Lat)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes (AL-ter EE-dem) another precisely
When Western Union offered to
buy the ticker invented by Thomas
Edison, the great inventor was un
able to name a price. Edison asked
for a couple of days to consider it. ♦ SIN & WRONGDOING
He talked the matter over with his
wife, and she suggested he ask Foreign Words and Phrases
$20,000, but this seemed exorbitant
pecodillo (Spa)
to Edison. At the appointed time,
(peh-kah-DEE-lyoh) minor trans
Edison returned to the Western Un
gression, venial offence (from pe-
ion office. He was asked to name
codo: sin)
his price. "How much?" asked the
Western Union official. Edison tried honi soit qui mal y pense (Fra)
to say $20,000, but lacked the cour (OH-nee swa kee mal ee ponse)
age, and just stood there speechless. shame on him who thinks evil
The official waited a moment, then (motto of the Order of the Garter)
The Wit's Thesaurus

Quotations Quotations

"All sin tends to be addictive, and 'It is dangerous to be sincere unless

the terminal point of addiction is you are also stupid." •
what is called damnation." George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Wlystan] Hlugh] Auden (1907-1973), Irish playwright, Man and Superman
British-born poet, A Certain World (1903), "Maxims for Revolutionists:
(1970), "Hell" Stray Sayings"

"Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes "A little sincerity is a dangerous

sin's a pleasure/' thing, and a great deal of it is ab
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824), solutely fatal."
British poet, Don Juan (1818), Canto I,
Oscar [Fingai O'Flahertie Wttlsi Wilde
st cxxxiii
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer
"Many are saved from sin by being and wit, The Critic as Artist (1891)
so inept at it."
Mignon Mclaughlin (c. 1930- ),
U.S. writer

'The only people who should re

ally sin ♦ SINGING & OPERA
Are the people who can sin with a
Foreign Words and Phrases
Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), U.S. humorist,
I'm a Stranger Here Myself (1938), falsetto (Ita)
"Inter-Office Memorandum" (fall-SET-toh) voice above the nat
ural register of the singer
''Between two evils, I always pick
the one I never tried before."
basso profundo (Ita)
Mae West (1892-1980), US. film actress, (BAHS-so proh-FOON-doh) in mu
Klondike Annie (2936 film) sic, very deep bass voice

Classical Phrases and Myths coloratura (Ita)

(kol-orr-a-TOO-rah) colorful sing
peccavi (Lat)
ing, with passages designed to dis
(pek-KAH-wee) lit: I have sinned;
play virtuosity
to admit to being in the wrong

"The road to Hades is easily trav bel canto (Ita)

eled." (bel KAN-toh) lit: beautiful singing;
singing with full, rich tone
Bion (c. 325 B.c-c. 255 B.C.),
Greek philosopher

"Swans sing before they die—
♦ SINCERITY 'twere no bad thing
Did certain persons die before they
Foreign Words and Phrases
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834),
po dusham (Rus) British poet and writer, Epigram on a
(poh DEWSH-uhm) from the soul Volunteer Singer

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Opera is when a guy gets stabbed head in the lap of a typically huge
in me back and, instead of bleeding, diva during a passionate duet. Mer
he sings." rill protested that the diva did not
Ed Gardner (1905-1963), U.S. comedian, have a lap, but to no avail. He pro
"Duffy's Tavern/' U.S. radio tested again when he put his face in
program, 1940s her crotch, the only place available,
but the director was adamant about
"Anybody singing the blues is in a
his staging. While singing the duet,
deep pit yelling for help."
Merrill's voice warbled. The direc
Mahalia Jackson (1911-1972), U.S. singer tor shouted, ''What's the trouble?"
"Opera in English is, in the main, "I think I'm getting an echo/'
just about as sensible as baseball in Robert Merrill [Robert Miller]
Italian." (1917-1994), U.S. opera singer
Hlenry] Llouis] Mencken (1880-1956), At the conclusion of Wagner's
U.S. critic and writer opera Lohengrin, a magic swan ap
"She sang, of course, 'Mama!' and pears onstage and carries back the
not lie loves me/ since an unalter hero in a boat it is pulling to rejoin
able and unquestioned law of the the fellowship of the Knights of the
musical world required that the Holy Grail. Once when the tenor
German text of French operas sung Leo Slezak was singing the opera,
by Swedish artists should be trans the contraption malfunctioned and
lated into Italian for the clearer un sailed off back into the wings. The
derstanding of English speaking stranded tenor gestured toward his
audiences." wrist and blankly asked the audi
Edith Wharton (1862-1937), U.S. writer,
ence, "When does the next swan
Age of Innocence (2920), bk. 1, ch. 1 leave?"
Leo Slezak (1873-1946), Czechoslovak
opera singer [attributed also to Lauritz
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Melchior and Joseph Tichatschek]
During his long tenure as general
manager of the New York Metropol
itan Opera House, Giulio Gatti-
Casazza once gently tried to comfort
an auditioning tenor by telling him
that he was not quite ready for the
Met. "Not ready!" the singer ex Foreign Words and Phrases
claimed. //Why, I'll have you know zvabi (Jap)
that La Scala thought so much of my (WAH-bee) a flawed detail that cre
voice when I was with them that they ates an elegant, beautiful whole
insured it for 50,000 pounds." 'In
deed," said Gatti-Casazza. "And avoir cachet (Fra)
what did La Scala do with the (ah-VWAR ka-SHAY) to have dis
money?" tinction (or authority)
Giulio Gatti-Casazza (1869-1940),
Italian-born operatic manager Classical Phrases and Myths
The baritone was rehearsing for a de minimis non curat lex (Lat)
production of Pagliacd in which the (day MIN-ee-mees non koo-rat lex)
"daring" director called for Merrill the law does not concern itself with
to get on his knees and place his trifles

The Wit's Thesaurus
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes began to talk aloud in his sleep.
The surgeon asked his newly 'Darling, I know I can get away
wealthy patient, "So would you from my bitchy wife for a week. I
prefer a local anesthetic for your love you so." Just then he awoke,
forthcoming operation?" "I can af with his wife glowering down upon
ford the best/v replied the patient. him. Quickly, he mumbled as if still
"Get something imported." asleep, "OK, lefs repeat that
Asked to sign a first-edition copy of
his book, Alexander Woollcott coyly At a party where Alfred Hitchcock
sighed, amid the approving mur had been asleep for nearly four
murs, "Ah, what is so rare as a hours, his wife awakened him to go
Woollcott first edition?" Replied home. "But ifs only one o'clock,"
Franklin Pierce Adams, "A Wooll Hitchcock, who habitually fell asleep
cott second edition." at parties, protested. "The hosts may
get the impression that we aren't en
Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960),
joying ourselves!"
U.S. writer [attributed also to others]
Sir Alfred Hitchcock (1889-1980),
British film director


Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes ♦ SLOWNESS

While sitting at the famous Round

Foreign Words and Phrases
Table in the Algonquin dining
room, dramatist Marc Connelly had allargando (Ita)
his virtually bald head rubbed by (al-ar-GAN-doh) in music, slowing
the hand of a passing man who down gradually
sneered, "It feels just like my wife's
andante (Ita) '
behind." Connelly, not batting an
(an-DAHN-teh) lit: walking; slow
eyelash, remarked, "So it does."
tempo (in flowing style)
Marc Connelly (1890-1980),
U.S. playwright [attributed also to Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Nicholas Longworth]
Late for delivering a lecture, Tho
mas Huxley dashed into a cab and
ordered the cabman to use top
speed. The cabman cracked his
whip and the horse jumped for
Classical Phrases and Myths ward. As the cab was racing down
"All men whilst they are awake are the street, Huxley stuck his head
in one common world: but each of out the window and asked the cab
them, when he is asleep, is in a man, "Do you know where I want
world of his own." to go?" "No, sir!" exclaimed the
cabman, "but I'm goin' as fast as I
Plutarch (46-120), Greek writer, Morals,
Of Superstition
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes British biologist and philosopher

Lying next to his wife, who was As a country lawyer, Abraham Lin
reading in bed, the movie director coln once had to hire a horse from

The Ultimate Reference Book

the local stables for an out-of-town And never let his on the one hand
case. Returning the animal, he Know what his on the other was
asked the liveryman whether he doing."
kept the horse for funerals. "Cer Frank Scott (c. 1900s), Canadian writer,
tainly not/' was the reply. "I am deriding Canadian prime minister
glad to hear it/' said Lincoln, "be W. L. MacKenzie King, 1957
cause if you did, the corpse would
not get mere in time for the resur
Classical Phrases and Myths
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
U.S. president 'It is a profitable thing, if one is
wise, to seem foolish."
Aeschylus (525 B.C.-456 B.c),
Greek playwright, Prometheus Bound
According to Greek legend, Dae
dalus (DEE-da-lus) was the archi
Foreign Words and Phrases
tect who designed the Labyrinth to
melin (Fra) hide the Minotaur at the behest of
(meh-LON) clever King Minos, who was ashamed of
his wife's monstrous son. The Lab
sechel (Yid)
yrinth was designed so that no one
(SEKH-el) street smarts
entering would ever find the way
finesse (Fra) out and divulge what he had seen.
(fi-NESS) delicacy; in bridge, an at To ensure that his secret was kept,
tempt to win a trick although a Minos had Daedalus and his son Ic
higher card is known to be held by arus imprisoned. Daedalus craftily
an opponent made wings for his son and him
self, but as they flew to freedom, Ic
Quotations arus ignored his father's pleas and
flew too close to the sun, thus melt
"With foxes we must play the fox."
ing the wax that held the wings to
Thomas Fuller (1654r-1734), gether. He fell to his death in what
British physician is now called the Icarian Sea. Minos
"A hoot owl bangs into the roost sought to trap Daedalus and of-
and knocks the hen clean off, and ferea a rich reward to anyone who
catches her while she's falling. But could run a thread through a spi-
a scrootch owl slips into the roost raled triton shell. A friend of Dae
and scrootches up to the hen and dalus brought him the shell;
talks softly to her. And the hen just Daedalus attached a thread to an
falls in love with him, and the first ant and, by putting honey at the
thing you know, there ain't no other end of the shell, induced the
hen." ant to traverse the coiling chambers
of the shell to the other end. When
Huey [Pierce] Long (1893-1935),
U.S. politician, distinguishing Herbert
the friend presented the threaded
Hoover, the "hoot owl," from Franklin shell for the reward, Minos knew
Delano Roosevelt, the "scrootch owl" he had located Daedalus, for no
body else could be so clever. Thus,
"He skillfully avoided what was the phrases with the inventiveness of
Daedalus and daedalean denote artis
Without saying what was right, tic skill and complexity.

The Wit's Thesaurus
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes dived several months later. When
Aboard a trans-Atlantic liner a Gould presented the despairing
steward was walking along the minister with a $40,000 check to
promenade deck with a large bowl cover his losses, the minister ac
of soup. The ship took a sudden knowledged that he had in fact
pitch, and he spilled the entire bowl passed on Gould's stock tip to other
onto the shirtfront of a passenger members of the church congrega
sleeping in a deck chair. Thinking tion. "I know that," smiled Gould.
quickly, the steward awakened the 'It was them whom I wanted."
man and said consolingly, "Feeling Jay Gould (1836-1892), US. financier
better now, sir?"

The hardware-store owner became

suspicious of his brightest shop ♦ SMELL
cleric when he discovered that the
man lived like a king on a meager Quotations
salary of $100 a week. When con
fronted by his boss, the man ex "Henry IV's feet and armpits en
plained that each week he would joyed an international reputation."
sell 300 raffle tickets at a dollar Aldous Huxley (1894r-1963),
apiece. "But what are you raffling British writer
off?" the store owner asked. "My

At breakfast, Mrs. Jones asked, ♦ SMOKING

"Didn't I hear the clock strike one
when you came home last night?"
"Yes, Mom," replied her daughter
sweetly. 'It would've struck 11 but "A cigarette is the perfect type of a
I stopped it to avoid waking you." perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and
it leaves one unsatisfied. What
King Louis XIV once showed some
more can one want?"
poems he had written to the influ
ential literary critic Nicolas Boileau, Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
asking for his opinion of them. (1854r-1900), British playwright, writer
"Sire, nothing is impossible for and wit, The Picture of Dorian Gray
(1891), ch. 6
Your Majesty," replied the honey-
tongued courtier. "Your Majesty
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
has set out to write bad verses and
has succeeded." During a rehearsal of one of his
Nicolas Boileau [-Despreaux] plays, Oscar Wilde was angrily
(1636-1711), French writer quarreling with Sarah Bernhardt
over how her part should be inter
The rector of his church asked the preted. Having reached an impasse,
notorious financier and railroad Wilde drawled, "Do you mind if I
magnate Jay Gould for his invest smoke, madam?" Snapped Bern
ment advice for the preacher's life hardt, "I don't care if you burn."
savings of about $30,000. Gould
Sarah Bernhardt (1841-1923),
confidentially suggested stock in
French actress
Missouri Pacific, which the rector
purchased. Although the stock ini While sitting contentedly in a rail
tially rose steadily, the stock nose way waiting room smoking a cigar,

The Ultimate Reference Book

Count Haeseler was told by a ferring to the heavy drinkers on the

young lieutenant, the room's other staff of his San Francisco Examiner,
occupant, "You ought not smoke would say that no one suffered more
that cabbage-leaf cigar in good from the drink habit than he, al
company.". With that, he ottered though he himself never drank.
Haeseler one of his own cigars. The William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951),
count continued to smoke his own U.S. publisher
cigar, however, placing the gift into
his pocket. "Sir, why are you not
smoking my cigar?" queried the
surprised lieutenant. Retorted Hae
seler, "I shall wait, as you suggest,
until I'm in good company." ♦ SOCIABILITY
Count Gottlieb von Haeseler (1836-1919),
German general Foreign Words and Phrases
bonhomie (Fra)
(bon-OM-EE) good-heartedness,
good nature ,

Quotations "The most exhausting thing in life
is being insincere. That is why so
'Td hate to be a teetotaller. Imagine
getting up in the morning and much social life is exhausting."
knowing thafs as good as1 you're Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-1994),
going to feel all day." U.S. poet and writer
Dean Martin (1917- ),
'The sight of you is good for sore
U.S. singer and actor
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer, Polite
Conversation (c. 1738), "Dialogue I"
After drinking several jugs of cheap
wine in the chilly night, three winos "Familiarity breeds contempt—and
passed out. Two later awoke to find children."
that the third had died during the
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
night. At the funeral home, the two
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
surviving friends stood by the coffin
speaker, Notebooks (1935), p. 237
of their departed buddy. y/Boy, ol'
Fred sure looks good, don't he?" the
first remarked. ''Well, he oughta. He Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
ain't had a drink in three days."
Arguing a case in court, two law
Then there was the fellow who, hav yers began to hurl names at each
ing sworn off drink, passed five bars other, '^ou amoebic moron!" cried
with nary a sideways glance, so, in one. "You ambulance-chasing shy
sheer ecstasy, he went to another bar ster," countered the other. "lie
for a drink to celebrate his victory. judge rapped for order. "Lefs pro
ceed with the case," she said, "now
According to novelist Gertrude Ath- that you two have introduced each
erton, William Randolph Hearst, re other to the court."

The Wit's Thesaurus

SOCIALISM & have disowned him. If he is still a

Communist at 30,1 will do it then."
Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929),
French prime minister

•"It is a socialist idea that making
profits is a vice; I consider the real
vice is making losses."
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874- Foreign Words and Phrases
1965), British prime minister and writer Wehrmocht (Ger)
(VEHR-mahkt) Hitler's armed
"Send your son to Moscow and he
will return an anti-Communist;
send him to the Sorbonne and he
will return a Communist." Quotations
Felix Houphouet-Boigny "Soldiers in peace are like chim
(1905- ), Ivory Coast president neys in summer."

"Der Sozialismiis ist nichts als der Lord Burghley (1520-1598), British writer
Kapitalismus der UnterJdasse." (So "Don't talk to me about naval tra
cialism is nothing but the capital
dition. Ifs nothing but rum, sod
ism of the lower classes.) omy and the lash."
Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
German philosopher and scholar, 1965), British prime minister and writer
Jahre der Etitscheidung (The Hour
of Decision) (2933), pt. 1 "An army marches on its stomach."
Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte]
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes (1769-1821), French general and emperor
[authenticity unverified]
Bon's Yeltsin, in an effort to bolster
his popularity, visited an agricul "I never expect a soldier to think."
tural commune. "Well, comrade, George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
how are the potatoes this year?" he Irish playwright, The Devil's Disciple
asked a farmer. "Very well, Com (1901), Act m
rade President," the former an
swered. "If we stacked them, they "Overpaid, overfed, oversexed, and
would reach God." "But God does over here."
not exist, Comrade Farmer." "Nei Tommy Trinder (1909-1989),
ther do the potatoes, Comrade Pres British writer, describing American
ident." troops in Britain during WWII

An alarmed colleague nervously in "I didn't fire him because he was a

formed Georges Clemenceau, who dumb son of a bitch, although he
was France's prime minister during was, but thafs not against the law
WWI, "Your son has just joined the for generals. If it was, half to three
Communist party!" "Monsieur, my quarters of them would be in jaiL"
son is 22 years old," Clemenceau Harry S Truman (1884-1972),
calmly replied. "If he had not be U.S. president, commenting on General
come a Communist at 22,1 would Douglas MacArthur

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes upon a pitcher of water, but when

it stuck its beak into the long-
During the Gvil War, Reverend necked container, the water left was
Henry Ward Beecher traveled to beyond its reach. About to give up
England to garner British support
in dispair, the crow hit upon an
for the North. He was asked while idea to quench its thirst. It found
addressing a disorderly crowd of
and dropped pebbles, one by one,
Rebel sympathizers, "Why didn't
into the pitcher, until the water
you whip the Confederates in 60
level rose and, proving that neces
days, as you said you would?" "Be-
sity is the mother of invention, the
cause," retorted Beecher, "we
crow was able to drink.
found we had Americans to fight
instead of Englishmen." Aesop (c. 600 b.c), Greek fabulist

Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887),

U.S. clergyman and writer At Gordium in Phryeia (Asia Mi
nor) a chariot was fastened with
cords made from the bark of a cor
nel tree. The knot was so intricately
♦ SOLUTION tied that no ends were visible, and
the tradition was that the empire of
Foreign Words and Phrases the world should fall to the man
who could untie it. When Alexan
il doit y avoir une solution (Fra) der the Great conquered Gordium,
(il dwah ee a-VWAH oon zo- he confronted the famous puzzle.
LOOT-un) there must be a solu Unable to untie the knot, he drew
tion ... his sword and cut it. Thus, to cut
denouement (Fra) the Gordian knot is to take forthright
(DAY-new-MON) lit: unravelling action and sidestep hindering com
(of plot); resolution, outcome (usu plexities.
ally of a play, novel, etc.), result Alexander III [Alexander the Great]
(356 B.c-323 ac), Macedonian king
"A desperate disease requires a
dangerous remedy."
Guy Fowkes (1570-1606), British outlaw, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
justifying the gunpowder conspiracy to
"Given the present world situa
blow up the Houses of Parliament
tion," said the armchair philoso
(after Hippocrates)
pher, "the solution is not to be born
at all. But I doubt that one person
Classical Phrases and Myths in a million is that lucky."
deus ex mochina (Lat)
(DE-us ex MAK-in-ah) lit: god from
John Randolph and Henry Clay,
a machine; being or device invoked
to solve an otherwise insoluble two early American politicians,
problem; in drama, the intervention were fierce rivals. Once, the two
of the gods (lowered onto the stage politicians found themselves face to
by a device) to settle a problem face on a plank—laid out in a
muddy street—so narrow that they
An extremely thirsty crow had the could not pass. '1 never give way
apparent good fortune to happen to scoundrels/' said Randolph,

The Wit's Thesaurus

standing his ground. "I always do/' four or eight pieces. ''Better make it
said Clay, stepping into the mud. four/' said Berra. "I'll never be able
Henry Clay (1777-1852), to eat eight."
U.S. statesman and orator Lawrence ["Yogi"] Berra
(1925- ), U.S. baseball player
and manager

"His argument is as thin as the ho

meopathic soup that was made by
boiling the shadow of a pigeon that
Quotations had been starved to death."
"Yes, it is a terrible disease. You ei Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), U.S.
ther die of it, or go insane. I have president, describing Stephen A. Douglas
had it myself."
Marie Edtne Maurice, Comte de
MacMahon (1808-1893), French general
and president, while visiting a field
hospital, encouraging a soldier ill with ♦ SOUND
tropical fever

Foreign Words and Phrases

Classical Phrases and Myths
vibrato (Ita)
ignoratio elenchi (Lat)
(vee-BRAH-toh) tremulous varia
(ig-nor-AH-tee-oh ay-LENG-hi) in
tion of notes in music or speech
logic, an irrelevant argument that
ignores the point at issue

argumentum ex silentio (Lat) Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

(ar-gu-MEN-tum ex sil-ENT-ee-oh) At a college concert, Oscar Levant
lit: argument out of silence; argu was playing a difficult piano pas
ment based on the absence of firm sage when a telephone began to
evidence ring offstage. Levant continued, but
as the ringing also continued the
petitio principii (Lat)
audience became restless. Without
(peh-TEE-ti-oh PRIN-ki-pi-ee) in
pausing, the pianist turned to the
logic and law, to beg the question
audience and said, "If thafs for me,
argumentum ad individium (Lat) tell them I'm busy."
(ar-gu-MEN-tum ad in-di-WID-ee- Oscar Levant (1906-19^2),
um) argument that appeals to prej U.S. pianist and wit
When a servant dropped a stack of
non sequitur (Lat)
plates and there was a great crash,
(nohn SEK-wi-tur) lit: it does not fol
Anglo-Irish playwright Richard
low; something that does not follow
Sheridan cracked; "I suppose you
from that expressed immediately be
have broken all of them. "No, sir,
not a one." "Then, man, you mean
to say you have made all that noise
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes for nothing?"
Baseball player Yogi Berra was Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816),
once asked whether he would like Irish-born British playwright
the pizza he had ordered cut into and politician

The Ultimate Reference Book

(wox OWD - i - taPER - itLTT - er-a-

♦ SPACE SCRIP-ta MAN-et) the voice, once
heard, perishes but the written
Quotations word remains

"Space isn't remote at all. Ifs only

an hour's drive away if your car
could go straight upwards." ♦ SPEECH DEFECT
Sir Fred Hoyle (1915- ),
British astronomer Quotations
"In the United States there is more "Nobody was any more likely to
space where nobody is than where drop an li' than to pick up a title."
anybody is. That is what makes
Glilberti Kieith] Chesterton (1874-1936),
America what it is."
British man of letters, commenting on the
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), U.S. writer, upper-middle class world, so concerned
The Geographical History with respectability and propriety,
of America (2936) in which he was raised

"[The actress Sandy Dennis has a

habit of speaking onstage as though
sentencesJ were poor crippled things
♦ SPEECH that couldn't cross a street without
making three false starts from the
Foreign Words and Phrases curb."
Walter Ken (1913- ),
parlando (Ita)
U.S. writer
(par-LAHN-do) lit: speaking; (sing
ing) while clearly enunciating
Classical Phrases and Myths

Quotations lapsus linguas (Lat)

(LAP-sus LING-wai) slip of the
"The true use of speech is not so tongue
much to express our wants as to
conceal them." Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774),
"I w-w-want to s-s-sell B-B-Bibles,"
Irish-born British poet, playwright and
the man said to the hesitant inter
writer, Essays: The Use of Language
viewer for a religious publisher
'To learn English you must begin seeking salesmen. Yet the man's
by thrusting the jaw forward, al past sales performance was excel
most clenching the teeth, and prac lent, so he was hired. When the
tically immobilizing the lips. In this company's yearly sales figures were
way the English produce the series compiled, to everyone s amaze
of unpleasant little mews of which ment, the man's sales were the
their language consists." highest. At the annual meeting, the
Josi Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), president congratulated him and
Spanish philosopher and statesman asked what was his secret for sell
ing so many Bibles. "I just go to the
Classical Phrases and Myths d-d-door and say," the man an
swered, "'w-w-would you like to b-
vox audita perit litera scripta manet b-buy a B-B-Bible? Or I c-c-could
Oat) c-c-come in and read it t-t-to you."

The Wit's Thesaurus
British conductor Sir Thomas Bee- borough. "As far as you have pro
cham was once traveling in the ceeded hitherto, the court is entirely
nonsmoking compartment on a with you."
train when a lady entered the com
Edward Law Ellenborough, 1st Baron
partment and lit a cigarette, saying, (1750-1818), British lawyer and jurist
"I'm sure you won't object if I
smoke." "No," replied Beecham, After returning from his first trip to
"provided that you don't object if I Paris in 1894-1895, Knut Hamsun
get sick." "I'm afraid you don't was asked, "Did you have difficulty
know who I am," the lady said in the beginning with your French?"
haughtily, nonplussed. "I am one of "No," responded Hamsun, "but the
the directors' wives of this train French did."
company." "Madam," said Bee Knut Hamsun (1859-1952),
cham, "if you were the director's Norwegian writer
only wife, I should still be sick."
Asked why he speaks unaccented
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961),
English while his brother Henry
British conductor
speaks with a thick German growl
British cabinet member Ernest more than 50 years after leaving
Bevin spoke with a thick brogue, Germany, Walter Kissinger replied,
using few aspirates. When Prime "I am the Kissinger who listens."
Minister Clement Atlee suggested Walter Kissinger (1927- ),
that a two-member subcommittee brother of Henry Kissinger
be formed to investigate an issue,
his foreign secretary Bevin pro
posed that it should consist of "You
and I." The confused room did not ♦ SPEEDINESS
know whether he had meant Atlee
and himself or Ugh (Hugh Dalton)
and Nye (Aneurin [NyeJ Bevan). Foreign Words and Phrases

Ernest Bevin (1881-1951), British labor venire a terre (Fra)

leader and statesman (VON-tre ah ter) lit: belly to the
ground; very fast
As U.S. ambassador to Great Brit
ain, Joseph Choate heard much of poso doble (Spa)
the cockney accent, in which "h's" (PA-so DOH-blay) lit: double step,
are routinely dropped in speech. quick march, quick-stepping dance
Passing a box marked "Drop Letter petite allegro (Ita)
Box" on a London street one day, (pe-TEET a-LEH-groh) in music,
Choate observed, "That box must quick, fast movements
be full of 'h's.'"
Joseph Hodges Choate (1832-1917), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
U.S. lawyer and diplomat
"Whafs it like to fly the Con
A young lawyer, awestruck in his corde?" a friend asked the suave
first appearance before England's actor after he disembarked from his
high court, could only stammer, first supersonic flight. "You know
"My lord, my unfortunate client— you're traveling faster than the
my lord, my unfortunate client— speed of sound," he replied, "when
my lord—" "Go on, sir, go on," the flight attendant slaps your face
said the Lord Chief Justice Ellen- before you can get a line out."

The Ultimate Reference Book

It was said of James "Cool Papa"

Bell in baseball's Negro Leagues ♦ SPORTS
that he was so fast he could switch
the light off and be in bed before Quotations
the room got dark.
"Honey, I just forgot to duck."
James ["Cool Papa"] Bell (1903-1989),
U.S. baseball player Jack Dempsey [William Harrison]
(1895-1983), U.S. boxer, commenting to
his wife, Estella, after losing his World
Heavyweight title, September 23,1926
[paraphrased by President Ronald Reagan
after unsuccessful 1981
♦ SPIRITS, BAD assassination attempt]

"All pro athletes are bilingual. They

Quotations speak English and profanity."
"No, but I'm afraid of them." Gordie Howe (1928- ),
Marquise Marie Anne du Deffand Canadian ice hockey player, 1975
(1697-1780), French aristocrat,
answering whether she believed in ghosts
"Next year, schedule the game on a
[attributed also to others] Friday because they don't eat meat
Robert W. ["Tiny"] Maxwell (d. 1922),
Classical Phrases and Myths U.S. football player, advising a Harvard
football player whose finger had been
cncodaemon (Grk)
bitten by a Notre Dame player
(kak-o-DEE-mohn) evil spirit, night
"Sure, winning isn't everything. Ifs
the only thing."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Henry ["Red"] Sanders (c. 1900s),
U.S. football coach [misattributed often to
When their favorite waiter died, a Vince Lombardi]
few of the dinner regulars tried to
contact him through a medium. "Some people think football is a
'To communicate with the dead," matter of life and death. I don't like
the medium advised those gathered that attitude. I can assure them it is
at the round table, "we must all much more serious than that."
hold hands and say his name as
Bill Shankly (1914-1981),
one." The group locked hands, and
U.S. football coach
in unison the men said quietly and
reverently, "Moe Pagani." Nothing.
They tried again. Once again, the Classical Phrases and Myths
waiter failed to show. Finally, after
the third "Moe Pagani," the bald- It is a matter of historical record
headed man appeared as a spectral that the emperor of Rome won
image floating above them. "Moe," every event in which he entered
said one, "ifs good to see you, but during the Olympics held in a.d.
did we have to call you three 67. In fact, when Emperor Nero on
times?" The ectoplasmic waiter one occasion fell from his chariot
shrugged. 'Jerk, this isn't my ta during a race, the other contestants
ble!" politely (and prudently) waited un-

The Wit's Thesaurus
til he had remounted and sped on you stay down for nine like I've al
before resuming the race. ways taught you?" Growled Louis,
Nero [Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus] "And let him get all that rest?"
(37-68), Roman emperor Joe Louis (1914-1981), U.S. boxer

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

A man was standing at the bar of
his tennis club with a ball stuffed ♦ STATISTICS
into one pocket of his shorts.
//What/s that?" asked an adjacent Quotations
young blond, pointing to the bulge.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies,
'Tennis ball/he replied. "Ouch/'
damned lies, and statistics."
she said. '1 know how that must
feel. I have tennis elbow." Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
(1804-1881), British prime minister
Sighed the golfer, "I'd move
heaven and earth if I could break Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
100 here." 'Try heaven/' observed
his partner. "You already moved Reading life statistics, she turned to
most of the earth." him and asked, "Do you know that
every time I breathe a man dies?"
Muhammad Ali was once asked by "Interesting," he returned. "Have
someone, irritated by Ali's constant you tried toothpaste?"
boasts of "I am the greatest/' how
Ali performed at golf. "I'm the
best/' replied Ali. y1 just haven't
played it yet." ♦ STORYTELLING
Muhammad Ali [Cassius Clay]
(1942- ), U.S. boxer
Foreign Words and Phrases
A scout once excitedly called the
raconteur (Fra)
oft-losing Chicago Cubs manager
(RAH-con-TUHR) skilled story
Charlie Grimm. "I've found the
best young pitcher ever, Charlie!
Every man who came to bat was roman fleuve (Fra)
struck out—27 in a row. No one (ro-MAHN FLUHV) lit: river novel;
even got a foul until there were two multi-generational novel charting a
out in the ninth. The pitcher is group or family
standing here. What shall I do?"
c'est tout dire (Fra)
"Sign up the guy who got the foul,"
(seh too-DEER) (one has said) all
answered Grimm. "We're looking
for hitters." there is to say

Charlie Grimm (1899- ), animateur (Fra)

U.S. baseball manager (an-ee-mah-TUHR) one who can
simplify difficult concepts for the
Joe Louis, knocked to the canvas by
benefit of a general audience
Tony Galento's surprise left,
jumped to his feet before the referee roman a clef (Fra)
began the count. "I keep telling ya (ro-MAHN ah day) lit: novel with
to take the count when you're a key; novel in which (intention
knocked down," Louis's trainer ad ally) poorly disguised characters
monished him later. "Why didn't represent real people

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths nesian warriors had wielded a

mighty club. MelviUe strode about
horribile dictu (Lat)
the room, demonstrating the heat of
(hoh-REE-bee-lay DIK-tu) horrible
battle. After he had left, Mrs. Haw
to tell, terrible to relate thorne thought he had left empty-
"Mutato nomine de te handed and wondered, "Where is
Tabula narratur." (Change but the that club with which Mr. Melville
name, and it is of yourself that the was laying about him so?" A search
tale is told.) of the room revealed no club, so the
Horace (65 ac-8 s.c), Roman poet next time they saw Melville, they in-
Satires, Li., 1.69 auired about the club. It turned out
there was no club. It had simply been
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes a figment of their imagination, con
jured up by the vividness of Melvil
With an implicating glance at the le's storytelling.
handcuffed defendant, the prose Herman Melville (1819-1891),
cutor nasally asked the witness, U.S. writer
"And can you describe the man
who beat you?" "Sure can," an "You haven't heard this, have
swered the still-bruised man, you?" Henry Irving asked Mark
"Thafs what I was doing when he Twain after beginning a tale. "No,"
slugged me." replied Twain. Somewhat later, Ir
ving paused and repeated his con
The talented British stage actress
cern. Twain again assured him that
Mrs. Patrick Campbell went to Hol
he had not heard the story. Just be
lywood in the early 1930s to be con
fore the climax of the story, Irving
sidered for film roles. On the
broke off again, pleading, "Are you
customary mimeographed publicity
sure you haven't heard this?" "I
form, she filled in the requested de
can lie once," groaned Twain, "and
tails of her name, the color of her
I can lie twice for courtesy's sake,
hair and eyes, her height, her hob
but there I draw the line. I can't lie
bies, and so on. Under the heading
a third time at any price. I not only
''Experience," she entered, "Ed
heard the story, I invented it."
ward VH."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Mrs. Patrick [Beatrice] Campbell
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist,
(1865-1940), British actress
writer and speaker
"Sir, what is poetry?" Samuel John
son was asked. //Why, sir, it is Frank Harris, an unashamed plagia
much easier to say what it is not," rist, once related as his own an anec
the great literary giant replied. "We dote recognized by a group of
all know what light is; but it is not friends as written earlier by Anatole
easy to tell what it is." France. When he finished, Oscar
Wilde finally broke the embarassed
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
silence that fell upon the group.
British man of letters
"Frank," he said gravely, "Anatole
On a visit one evening to Nathaniel France would have spoiled that
Hawthorne and his wife, novelist story."
Herman Melville told them a story of Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Mils] Wilde
a fight he had witnessed on a South (1854-1900), British playwright,
Sea island, in which one of the Poly writer and wit

The Wit's Thesaurus


Foreign Words and Phrases Quotations

sforzando (Ita) //When I was a student at the Sor-
(sfor-TSAND-oh) lit: forcing; sud bonne in Paris I used to go out and
den emphasis, usually followed im riot occasionally. I can't remember
mediately by a reversion to previous now what side it was on/'
level John Foster Dulles (1888-1959),
U.S. statesman

Quotations Classical Phrases and Myths

alumnus (Lat)
"I hear the softest thing about him
(al-UM-nus) student, learned per
is his front teeth."
son, graduate of an institution .(phi:
Damon Runyon (1884r-1946),
U.S. writer, Colliers' {September 1926),
"Snatching of Bookie Bob"
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
"I'm going to the movies, Dad,"
said the teen. "Would you please
Classical Phrases and Myths do my homework for me?" "But it
rigor mortis (Lat) wouldn't be right," protested the
(RIG-or MOR-tis) the stiffness of a father. "Thars OK," replied the
corpse, developing within hours of youth. "You can at least fay.

According to Greek mythology,

Atlas (AT-las) was the Titan
condemned to support the heavens
on his shoulders for rebelling against
Zeus. He was almost freed ofthe bur
den when Heracles assumed the Foreign Words and Phrases
weight, but Hercules tricked him Dummkopf (Ger)
into reassuming his place. A collec (DUHM-kopf) dimwit
tion of maps is labeled an atlas be
cause his figure was used to decorate
the title page of Mercator's collection Quotations
in 1595. An atlas is also a man with "His mind was a kind of extinct
great physical strength. sulphur-pit."
In Roman mytholpgy, Hercules Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881),
(HER-kyoo-leez) (Grk: Herakles) British historian, describing Napoleon m
was a hero who accomplished 12
great labors and also performed "Dumb as a drum vith a hole in it,
other extraordinary feats requiring sir."
prodigious strength. Hence, some Charles Dickens (1812-1870),
thing herculean is of great strength British writer, Pickwick Papers
or courage, or requiring such. (1836-1837), ch. 25

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Many a crown of wisdom is but Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

the golden chamberpot of success, "Look at this!" exclaimed the pro
worn with pompous dignity." fessor to the basketball coach.
Paul Eldridge (1888- ), ''Your star player wrote '8X7 =
U.S. writer 58/ " "Give him a break/' replied
'The General is suffering from the coach. "He only missed by
mental saddle sores/' one."

Harold L. Ickes (1874-1952), The boxer returned to his corner at

U.S. statesman, commenting on the sixth-round bell seeing stars.
General Hugh S. Johnson "He's barely laid a elove on you!"
his manager hollered. "Yeah? Well,
"He doesn't have sense enough to
check the ref 'cause somebody's
pour piss out of a boot with the in
clobbering me/' the fighter replied.
structions written on the heeL"
A minute into the next round, the
Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973),
outclassed boxer was felled. "Don't
U.S. president
get up till nine!" his corner man
'That fellow seems to me to possess yelled. The boxer strained to lift his
but one idea, and that is a wrong head off the canvas. "So/7 he said.
one." "What time is it now?"
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
British man of letters

"He was so dumb that he crawled ♦ STYLE

under them for two years before he
found out that they swung both
ways." Foreign Words and Phrases
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. writer haute couture (Fra)
and wit, commenting on American (oat koo-TOUR) high fashion dress
heavyweight boxer Tom Sharkey, who or designing
owned a saloon with swinging doors
at its entrance H la mode (Fra)
(ah lah mohd) in fashion
"People think I've got the IQ of a
hockey score. I'm supposed to be di mode (Fra)
this primordial being who slurs his (DAY-mo-DAY) out of fashion, old-
way through life." fashioned
Sylvester Stallone (1948- ), glitterati (Ita)
U.S. actor (GLEET-er-ah-tee) the "beautiful"
people, socialites
"His wit invites you by his looks to
come, dernier cri (Fra)
But when you knock it never is (DAIR-nee-ay CREE) lit: the last
home." word; the very latest, in fashion
William Cowper (1731-1800),
British poet, Conversation (1782), I. 303 Quotations
"All he had on his mind when he "One had as good be out of the
cut my film was his hat." world, as be out of the fashion."
Erich von Stroheim [Erich Oswald Colley Cibber (1671-1757),
Stroheim] (1885-1957), British playwright, Love's Last Shift
Austrian-born U.S. film director (1696), Act n

The Wit's Thesaurus
Classical Phrases and Myths 'Tire is the test of gold; adversity,
arbiter elegantiae (Lat) of strong men."
(AR-bit-er el-e-GANT-ee-ai) arbiter Seneca [Lucius Annaeus Seneca]
in matters of taste, dictator of (c. 5 B.C.-A.D. 65), Roman writer,
fashion philosopher and statesman,
Moral Essays, "On Providence"

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

The mother of Picasso, a spectacu
Foreign Words and Phrases larly successful artist, had great am
bitions for him. When he was a
succes de scandale (Fra) child, his mother said to him, "If
(suk-SEH de skan-DAHL) success you become a soldier, you'll be a
resulting from scandal generated general. If you become a monk,
by a piece you'll end up as Pope." "Instead,"
succes d'estime (Fra) observed Picasso, "I became a
(suk-SEH des-TEEM) critical but painter and became a Picasso."
noncommercial success (e.g., enter Pablo [Ruiz y] Picasso (1881-1973),
tainment) Spanish-born French artist

eclat (Fra)
(AY-dah) brilliance, success
succes fou (Fra)
(suk-SEH foo) smashing success ♦ SUCCINCTNESS
rien ne riussit comme le succes
(REE-ah ne RAY u-see kom le Foreign Words and Phrases
SOOK-say) nothing succeeds like
precis (Fra)
success; French proverb
(PRAY-see) summary of argument,
document, etc.

"How to become an old actor."

Henry Fonda (1905-1982), U.S. movie
actor and director, answering what is the "I take the view, and always have,
one most important thing that any young that if you cannot say what you are
actor has to know going to say in twenty minutes you
ought to go away and write a book
"All you need in this life is igno
about it."
rance and confidence; then success
is sure." Lord Brabozon, Baron Brabazon of Tara
(1884-1964), British sportsman
Mark Twain [Samuel langhome Clemens]
and politician
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker, letter to Mrs. Foote, "S'il est un homme tourmenti par la
December 2,1887
maudite ambition de mettre tout un li-
vre dans une page, toute une page dans
Classical Phrases and Myths
une phrase, et cette phrase dans un
bene merenti (Lat) mot, c'est moi." (If there be any man
(BE-ne mer-ENT-i) (success) to cursed with the itch to compress a
those who deserve it whole book into a page, a whole

The Ultimate Reference Book

page into a phrase, and that phrase paper editor: "Column story on
into a word, it is I.) sinking ship. Shall I send?" "Send
Joseph Joubert (1754-1824), 600 words," was the reply. The ea
French writer, Pensees (1842) ger reporter was dismayed, and
wired back: "Can't be told in less
"Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que than 1,400." Returned his editor
parceque je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la
"Story of creation of world told in
faire plus cowrie." (I have made this
600. Try it."
letter longer than usual, because I
lack the time to make it short.) The new inmate was amazed to find
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), a group of men shouting numbers at
French mathematician and writer, each other in the prison yard and
Lettres Provinciates (1657), no. 16 laughing uproariously. "12!" said
one, and everyone chuckled. "42!"
Classical Phrases and Myths said another and everyone guf
in nuce (Lat) fawed. A guard explained to the per
(in NUK-e) in a nutshell, put suc plexed new con, "They've swapped
cinctly the same old jokes for so many years
that everybody knows all the jokes
Although Philip of Macedon, Al
by now. So they just call out their
exander the Great's father, had con
numbers." Just men someone called
quered or formed alliances with all
out, "207!" and everyone roared at
tine major Greek city-states, milita
length. The new con asked, //What
ristic Sparta remained stubbornly
was so special about that one?" "Oh,
independent. Diplomacy having
failed him, Philip sent a threat: that was a story they had never
''You are advised to submit without heard before."
further delay, for if I bring my army
Attending the premiere of The
into your land, I will ravage your
Squall in 1926, humorist Robert
farms, slay your people, and de
Benchley grew increasingly edgy
stroy your city." Tne Spartans sent
back their answer, sufficient to de with the play's use of broken En
ter Philip: "If." Thus, the word la glish. He whispered to his wife that
conic, meaning brief, terse or if he heard one more word of it, he
concise, is appropriately derived was going to leave. Just then a
from the area in Greece, Laconia gypsy girl on stage delivered the
(la-KOHN-e-a) whose capital was lines, '^le Nubi. Nubi good girl.
Sparta. Me stay." Benchley rose to his feet.
"Me Bobby," he said. "Bobby bad
Philip n (382 ac.^336 ac),
Macedonian king boy. Bobby go." And he left.
Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes U.S. humorist

Warned to keep her copy short and A clergyman once approached

stick to the bare facts, the rookie re George Canning, a British foreign
porter wrote for her first "accident" secretary, prime minister and ac
story: "L. Jones looked up the ele
complished practitioner of the put-
vator shaft to see if the car was on
down, following a church service,
its way down. It was. Age 52."
and asked his opinion of the ser
Excited about his first "big" story, mon. Canning replied, "You were
the rookie reporter cabled his news brief." "Yes," said the clergyman,

The Wit's Thesaurus
'Vou know I avoid being tedious."
"But you
you were tedious." ♦ SUFFERING
George Canning (1770-1827),
British prime minister and diplomat Quotations

"Better to suffer than to die: that is

On returning from church one Sun
mankind's motto."
day morning, "Silent Cal" Coolidge
was asked on what topic the min Jean de la Fontaine (1621-1695),
ister had preached. After reflection, French fabulist, Fables (1668), no. 16
he answered, "Sin." ''Well, what "When I hear somebody sigh that
did he say about sin?" "He was life is hard/ I am always tempted
against it"
to ask, 'Compared to what?'"
[John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), Sydney J[ustin] Harris (1917- ),
U.S. president [authenticity controverted] British-born U.S. writer

A magazine once requested a short

piece from oil executive J. Paul
Getty on the secret of his success,
and enclosed with the request a ♦ SUFFICIENCY
check for 200 pounds. The fabu
lously wealthy entrepeneur oblig Foreign Words and Phrases
ingly wrote, "Some people find ofl.
Others don't." molto (Ita)
Jlean] Paul Getty (1892-1976),
(MOL-toh) much, very
U.S. industrialist
Classical Phrases and Myths
Seeking to determine his publish
quantum meruit (Lat)
er's opinion of the manuscript of
(KWAN-tum ME-ru-it) lit: as much
Les Miserables, Victor Hugo sent
as was deserved; in law, fair rec
them a note containing only: "?"
He received the reply: "!"
Victor [Marie] Hugo (1802-1885), quantum sufficit (Lat)
French poet, writer and playwright (KWAN-tum suf-FBK-io) lit: as
much as is necessary; sufficient
When director and playwright Rus- amount
sel Crouse asked playwright Eu
quantum vis (Lat)
gene O'Neill to shorten the script of
Ah Wilderness, O'Neill reluctantly (KWAN-tum WEES) lit: as much as
agreed. "You'll be happy to learn I you will; as much as you wish
cut 15 minutes," O'Neill tele
phoned the next morning. Crouse
enthusiastically exclaimed, 'Til be
right over to get the changes!" "Oh, ♦ SUICIDE
there aren't any changes in the
text/' O'Neill explained, "but you
know we've been playing this thing Foreign Words and Phrases
in four acts. I've decided to cut out ham kiri (Jap)
the third intermission." (HAH-rah KEE-ree) lit: stomach-
Eugene [Gladstone] O'Neill (1888-1953), cutting; ceremonial suicide by dis-
U.S. playwright embowelment (in shame)

The Ultimate Reference Book

Classical Phrases and Myths coup de main (Fra)

(koo de MAHN) surprise attack,
me victis (Lat)
unexpected blow
(vay VEEK-tus) don't commit sui
Jokes,, Stories and Anecdotes "What we anticipate seldom occurs;
A notably unintelligent impresario what we least expect generally hap
committed suicide by snooting pens."
himself in the head. Playwright Sir Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
Noel Coward icily remarked, "He (1804-1881), British prime minister,
must have been a marvelously Endymion, bk. ii, ch. 4
good shot/'
Sir Noel Coward (1899-1973), Classical Phrases and Myths
British playwright and actor
While Julius Caesar and some
friends were dining together on
March 14, 44 B.C., the question was
raised: "What is the best kind of
death?" Before the others could an
swer, Caesar exclaimed, "A sudden
Foreign Words and Phrases one." The next day he was assassi
Radfahrer (Ger)
(ROD-fahr-ur) a worker who is ty Caius Julius Caesar (100 ac-44 B.C.),
rannical to his subordinates yet Roman general and statesman
fawns over his superiors
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
A man walks into a bar with a dog
"That detached and baronial air of and, after receiving his drink, in
superiority the Briton habitually af forms the bartender that his dog is
fects when circumstances beyond able to talk. When the bartenderbe
his control bring him into the pres gins to protest, the dog says, "No,
ence of creatures of a lesser breed." ifs true. I can talk." The astonished
Pierre Van Paassen (1895-1968), bartender says, "Unbelievable.
U.S. writer and clergyman Here's ten bucks. Go to the pizza
parlor down the street and surprise
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes my friend Guido." "OK," says the
dog, who takes the money and
Bellowed the indignant boss to his leaves. When he fails to return, the
incompetent employee, "If I'd dog's owner goes out and sees the
known I was hiring a horse's ass, dog having his way with an attrac
I'd have done the job myself!" tive French poodle. "Rover, how
can you do this?" says the man.
"Well," replies the dog, 'I've never
had money before."
According to Bennet Cerf, play
Foreign Words and Phrases wright Eugene O'Neill's first mar
riage in 1909 occurred after his
tout coup (Fra) return from a gold prospecting ad
(too koo) suddenly venture in Honduras. Following

The Wit's Thesaurus

one of his drinking blackouts, he means 'yes.' And if she says 'yes'—
supposedly awakened one morning well, she's no lady."
in a flophouse with a girl beside Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von
him. "Who the hell are you?" he Bismarck (1815-1898), German statesman
sleepily asked. Replied his bed-
mate, "You married me last night." As a cub reporter for the New York
Eugene [Gladstone] O'Neill (1888-1953), World, journalist and novelist Hey-
U.S. playwright wood Broun was assigned to inter
view Utah's Senator Reed Smoot.
"I'm sorry," Smoot declined, "I
have nothing to say." "I know," re
joined Broun, "now lefs get down
to the interview."
Heywood Broun (1888-1939), U.S. writer
Foreign Words and Phrases

incomunicodo (Spa) "Silent Cal" Coolidge's successor as

(een-koh-mew-nee-KAH-doh) iso governor of Massachusetts, Chan-
lated, unable to be contacted ning H. Cox, visited Coolidge as
vice president in Washington. Cox
asked Coolidge why was it that
both spent their days seeing a long
"Never complain and never ex list of callers and yet, while Cool
plain." idge left the office daily at five P.M.,
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield Cox was often detained up to nine
(1804-1881), British prime minister o'clock. "You talk back."
[John] Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933),
//Madam/ if I did not know I would
U.S. president
tell you."
William Henry Seward (1801-1872), When asked what his plans were
U.S. statesman, replying to a question for the future, the extremely devi
about the secret destination of troops ous and secretive Mehmed the Con-
querer responded, "If a hair of my
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes beard knew, I would pluck it out."
Issuing the usual pleasant flatteries Mehmed U (1432-81), Ottoman sultan
to an attractive woman, Prince von
Bismarck was rebuffed by her state
ment "One can't believe a word
you diplomats say." //What do you
mean?" "When a diplomat savs
'yes/ he means 'perhaps/ When he
says 'perhaps/ he means 'no/ " she
said. "And if he were to say 'no'— Quotations
well, he's no diplomat." Bismarck
"Thafs the reason they're called
responded, "Quite true, madam.
lessons/ the Gryphon remarked,
We diplomats do speak in a lan
guage of subtexts. But I fear with 'because they lessen every day/ "
you ladies the exact opposite is Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge
true." "Really?" she asked. "When Dodgson] (1832-1898), British writer and
she says 'no/ she means 'perhaps.' mathematician, Alice's Adventures in
When she says 'perhaps/ she Wonderland (2865), ch. 9

The Ultimate Reference Book

'To teach is to learn twice." kid." "Uh-uh," replied the father.

Joseph Joubert (1754-1824), "How else could he become as
French writer, Pensees (1842) knowledgeable as his dad?"
After his retirement as longtime
Classical Phrases and Myths president of the University of Chi
elenchus (Grk) cago, Robert Hutchins was disdain
(ay-LENG-kus) logical refutation, fully asked whether Communism
esp. the Socratic method of ques was still being taught at the univer
tion and answer ■ sity. "Yes," answered Hutchins,
"and cancer at the medical school."
modus docendi (Lat) Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977),
(MO-dus dok-END-ee) method of U.S. educator

Socrates (SOK-ra-TEEZ) was an

Athenian philosopher whose ideas,
though not written, survived in the ♦ TEACHING
works of Plato and Xenophon and
profoundly shaped Western culture Foreign Words and Phrases
and philosophy. He challenged tra
guru (Hindu)
ditional philosophy and laid the
(GOOroo) teacher, spiritual leader
foundation for the development of
iogic and ethics. Tried on the
charge of corrupting Athenian
youth, Socrates gave his nonconcil- "I owe a lot to my teachers and
iatory speech, the Apology, and mean to pay them back some day."
drank the poisonous hemlock. The Stephen Leacock (1869-1944),
Socratic method denotes the teaching Canadian humorist and economist
technique using questions and an
swers, py which basic premises or "He who can, does. He who cannot,
assumptions are challenged by log teaches."
ical extension, and Socratic irony is George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
the pretense of ignorance to reveal Irish playwright, Man and Superman
the ignorance of others. , (1903), "Maxims for
Socrates (469 B.C.-C. 399 B.c), Revolutionists: Education"
Greek philosopher
Classical Phrases and Myths
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes odium schoksticum (Lat)
(OD-ee-um sko-LAS-ti-kum) the ac-
A man and his young son were rid-
its and scholars; ac-
over minor issues
"Who is that man, Daddy?" "Don't
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
know, son," murmured the father,
engrossed in his book. "How many After being appointed professor
x are on earth?" "Dunno." of music at UCLA, the worid-
}/How f away is the moon?" "Son,
'How far renowned Jascha Heifetz explained
don't ask me so many questions! his career shift: "Violin-playing
Violinplaying is a
Overhearing the young boy's ques- ' * * * art,
perishable " and must be passed
tions, another passenger remarked, on as a personal skill. Otherwise, it is
"You sure do have a curious little lost." He then added, "My old violin
The Wit's Thesaurus

professor in Russia said that some aigreur (Fra)

day I would be good enough to (ay-GRUHR) acrimony, acerbity,
teach." sourness, harshness
Jascha Heifetz (1901-1987),
Russian-born U.S. violinist

♦ TELEPHONE "Some folks are so contrary that if
they fell in a river, they'd insist on
Quotations floating upstream."
Josh Billings [Henry Wheeler Shaw]
"Well, if I called the wrong num
(1818-1885), US. humorist
ber, why did you answer the
"She looketh as butter would not
James Thurber (1894r-1961), melt in her mouth."
U.S. cartoonist and humorist,
John Heywood (c. 1497-c. 1580),
New Yorker cartoon caption
British poet, Proverbs (2546)
(June 5,1937)
"Some people are so sensitive that
they feel snubbed if an epidemic
overlooks them."
Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard
Quotations (1868-1930), US. humorist and writer
"It is a medium of entertainment
which permits millions of people to "A tart temper never mellows with
listen to the same joke at the same age, and a sharp tongue is the only
time, and yet remain lonesome." edged tool that grows keener with
constant use."
Tlhomos] SltearnsJ Eliot (1888-1965),
U.S. poet Washington Irving (1783-1859),
US. writer, The Sketch Book of
'Television is an invention that per Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (1819-1820),
mits you to be entertained in your "Rip Van Winkle"
living room by people you wouldn't
have in your home.
David Frost (1939- ),
British television entertainer Classical Phrases and Myths

"I find television very educational. "Excitobat enim fluctus in simpulo."

Every time someone switches it on (ex-KTT-a-bat EN-im FLUK-tus in
I go into another room and read a SIM-pul-oh) (He would raise a
good book." storm in a teapot.)
Groucho [Julius] Marx (1895-1977), Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 B.C.-43 B.C.),
US. comedian Roman statesman and man of letters,
De Legibus, III, xvi

♦ TEMPERAMENT "You are seeking a knot in a bul

Titus Macdus Plautus (254 B.c-184
Foreign Words and Phrases
B.C.), Roman playwright, Menaechmi,
michant (Fra) Act II, sc. i [hence, willing doubts and
(MAY shon) naughty, spiteful difficulties where none actually exist]

The Ultimate Reference Book

"Stolen sweets are best."

Colley Cibber (1671-1757),
British playwright, The Rival Fools
Classical Phrases and Myths (1709), Act I

The Stoics (STO-iks) were members "He that first cries out stop thief, is
of a sect, founded in Athens by often he that has stolen the trea
Zeno in 308 B.C., who believed that sure."
men could only be fulfilled by sim William Congreue (1670-1729),
ple living and submission to rate. In British playwright, Love for Love
their philosophy, men should be (1695), Act III, sc. xiv
free from passion, though not un
feeling, and the highest good is vir "We will get everything out of her
tue, mat is, a life conforming to [Germany] that you can squeeze
nature. Thus, a stoic person is one out of a lemon and a bit more... I
who exercises self-control and lives will squeeze her until you can hear
austerely. the pips squeak."
Sir Eric Geddes (1875-1937),
British politician, regarding war
reparations after WWI, speech at the
Drill Hall, Cambridge, December 9,1918
"The robb'd that smiles steals
Quotations something from trie thief."
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
"Sex appeal is 50 percent what British playwright and poet,
you've got and 50 percent what Othello (1605), Act I, sc. Hi
people think you've got."
Sophia Loren (1934- ), Classical Phrases and Myths
Italian film actress
occasio facit furem (Lat)
(ok-KAH-si-oh FAK-it FOO-rem)
(the) occasion makes the thief

♦ THEFT Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

While presiding at a state dinner,

Foreign Words and Phrases
Winston Churchill was discreetly
la pinata (Spa) informed that one of the distin
0a pin-YATA) the papier-mache guished guests had been seen to
animals that children whack with a pocket a silver salt shaker. Chur
stick so they can plunder the candy chill pocketed the matching pepper
inside; term also for rapacious pil shaker and, at the end of the meal,
laging sidled up to the purloiner, mur
muring, "Oh, dear, we were seen.
sonif (Yid) Perhaps we had both better put
(GOHN-if) a thief them back."
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
Quotations 1965), British prime minister and writer
"After shaking hands with a Greek, On January 31, 1874, Jesse James's
count your fingers." gang robbed the St. Louis-Texas ex
Albanian proverb press train. While boarding the

The Wit's Thesaurus

train, a gang member handed the robbery and fencing operation, was
conductor an envelope containing literally an outlaw until the instant
the following press release, which he died. Climbing the gallows at
was published the next day in the Tyburn, Wild deftly picked the
newspapers: "the most daring pocket of the priest administering
TRAIN ROBBERY ON RECORD! The last rites, and was triumphantly
southbound train of the Iron Moun waving his trophy to the crowd be
tain Railroad was stopped here this low even as his unrepentant neck
evening by five heavily armed men was snapped.
and robbed of dollars. The
Jonathan Wild (c. 1682-1725)
robbers arrived at the station a few British outlaw
minutes before the arrival of the
train... The robbers were all large
men, all being slightly under six
feet. After robbing the train, they
started in a southerly direction...
There is a hell of an excitement in
this part of the country." The gang
actually included ten men, and af Quotations
ter the robbery they, headed west, "Doublethink means the power of
not south. holding two contradictory beliefs in
Jesse James (1847-1882), U.S. outlaw one's mind simultaneously, and ac
cepting both of them."
While a rancher in the Badlands,
Theodore Roosevelt and one of his George Orwell [Eric Blair] (1903-1950),
cowboys lassoed an unbranded British writer, Nineteen Eighty-Four
maverick steer on rangeland claimed (1949), pt. 2, ch. 9
by Gregor Lang, one of Roosevelt's
"Us ne servent de la pense e que pour
neighbors. They lit a fire for the
autoriser leurs injustices, et n'em-
branding irons and, as the cow-
ploient les paroles que pour diguiser
puncher was applying the brand,
leurs pensi es." ([Men] use thought
Roosevelt said, "Wait, it should be
only to justify their wrongdoings,
Lang's brand, a thistle," in recogni
and speech only to conceal their
tion of the rule that the steer was
Lang's because it was found on his
land. The cowboy persisted in apply Voltaire [Francois Marie ArouetJ
ing the brand. "But you're putting (1694-1778), French philosopher, writer
on my brand!" "That's right, boss," and wit, Dialogue XIV (1766),
replied the cowboy. "I always put on "Le Chapon et la Poularde"
the boss's brand." "Drop that iron,"
ordered Roosevelt, "go back to the
ranch and get out. I don't need you
anymore." The cowboy protested,
but Roosevelt adamantly declared, ♦ THINNESS
"A man who will steal for me will
steal from me." Quotations
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919),
"There was a young lady of Lynn
U.S. president
Who was so uncommonly thin
The English criminal Jonathan That when she essayed
Wild, who masterminded a huge To drink lemonade,

The Ultimate Reference Book

She slipped through the straw and bomb them back into the Stone
fell in." Age."
Anonymous, The Limerick Book, p. 150 Curtis E. LeMay (1906-1990),
U.S. general, Mission with LeMay
Classical Phrases and Myths (1965), p. 565

"A line is length without breadth." "There is no terror, Cassius, in your

Euclid (c. 300 ad,
Greek mathematician
For I am arm'd so strong in honesty
That they pass by me as the idle
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Which I respect not."
Rail-thin playwright George Ber William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
nard Shaw reportedly orice said to British playwright and poet,
corpulent man of letters G. K. Ches Julius Caesar (1600), Act IV, sc. Hi
terton, "If I were as fat as you, I'd
hang myself." Replied Chesterton, ''We have ways of making men
"And if I were of a mind to hang talk."
myself, I'd use you as the rope." Waldemar Young (c. 1900s), U.S. writer,
Gilbert] Kleith] Chesterton (1874r-1936), Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935 film)
British man of letters
[authenticity unverified] Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

After the irascible dramatist and '7ust to inform you," said the foot
novelist Ferenc Molnar quipped ball player to the owlish professor,
that at the birth of the reed-thin "that Coach said that if I didn't get
journalist Felecki the midwife had better grades on my next report
thrown away the baby and kept the card, someone was going to get
umbilical cord, the two became em beat up."
broiled in a feud.
An airplane full of lawyers was hi
Ferenc Moln&r (1878-1952),
jacked. The terrorists declared that,
Hungarian playwright and writer
until their demands were met, they
would release one lawyer every

♦ THREAT A portly, scowling gentleman en

tered the separate compartment on
the European train ana, just before
lighting up a thick cigar, noticed a
"You know what you were before I pregnant young woman looking at
made you what you are now. If you him apprehensively. The man said
do not immediately comply with gruffly, "I hope you don't mind my
my request, I will unfrock you, by smoking this cigar." "Not at all,"
God." said the mother-to-be, "provided
Elizabeth I (1533-1603), British queen, you don't mind my throwing up."
threatening the proud Bishop of Ely
Learning that his eldest son was
"My solution to the problem would having an affair with a young
be to tell them [the North Vietnam French actress distressed British
ese] frankly that they've got to statesman and lawyer Lord Broug
draw in their horns and stop) their ham. Brougham tersely wrote to his
aggression. Or else we're going to son: "If you do not quit her, I will

The Wit's URUS

stop your allowance/' His son wrote

bade "If you do not double it, I will ♦ TIME
marry her."
Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham Quotations
and Vaux (1778-1868), British lord
'Time wounds all heels."
chancellor and statesman
Irving Brecher (1914- ),
Handel played the harpsichord as U.S. writer, Marx Brothers Go West
an accompaniment to singers dur (1940 film)
ing a rehearsal of his opera, Flavio.
'Time present and time past
"If you cannot follow me better/'
Are both perhaps present in time
mocked the tenor, displeased with
Handel's playing, 'Til jump on
And time future contained in time
your harpsichord and destroy it."
"Please do," answered Handel,
"but advise me in advance so that TlhomosJ Sitearns] Eliot (1888-1965),
I may advertise it. More people will U.S. poet, Burnt Norton
come to see you jump than to hear 'Time: That which man is always
you sing." trying to kill, but which ends in
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), killing him."
German composer Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), British
philosopher and economist, Definitions

Classical Phrases and Myths

♦ THRIFTOVESS "Tempus edox rerum" (TEM-pus
ED-ax RER-um) (Time is the de-
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes vourer of all things.)
Ovid [Publius Ovidius Noso]
Overhearing some fellow actors of a
(43 B.C.-C. A.D. 18), Roman poet,
touring theater company complain
Metamorphoses, XV, 234
about inadequate accommodations,
actress Molly Picon interjected, "I
never complain about such things—
my grandmother brought up 11 chil ♦ TIME, MEASURE OF
dren in four rooms." Asked an
amazed actress, "How did she
manage?" "Simple, she took in Quotations
boarders." 'It was a bright cold day in April,
Molly Picon (1898-1993), and the clocks were striking thir
Yiddish-American actress teen."

The Harvard and Oxford scholar George Orwell [Eric Blair] (1903-1950),
British writer, Nineteen Eighty-Four
George Santayana lived very sim
(1949), pt. 1, ch. 1
ply, a trait inherited from his father.
When he once asked his father why "My good man, why not carry a
he always traveled third-class, the watch?"
elder Santayana replied, "Because Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1853-1917),
there's no fourth class." British actor and theater manager,
George Santayana (1863-1952), Spanish- encountering a man panting as he carried
born U.S. philosopher, poet and writer a heavy grandfather clock [variations also
[attributed also to Albert Schweitzer] attributed to others]

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Confirming her dates at the bar of
the casino during the convention
Foreign Words and Phrases
for attorneys, the prostitute recited,
'John, seven-ish, Fred, eight-ish, soito tnortale (Ita)
Bill, nine-ish." She then surveyed (SAL-to mor-TAH-lay) lit: somer
all the men arid yelled, "Ten-ish sault; critical moment, climactic

Humorists Robert Benchley and
Dorothy Parker were visiting a "We must beat the iron while it is
speakeasy when a man showed them hot, but we may polish it at lei
what he said was an indestructible sure."
watch. They tested this by banging it John Dryden (1631-1700), British poet,
against the tabletop, then throwing it playwright and writer,
on the floor and stomping on it. Trie Dedication of the Aeneis
owner picked it up, put it to his ear,
and said, in incredulous dismay,
Classical Phrases and Myths
"Ifs stopped/' Benchley and Parker
chorused, "Maybe you wound it too annus mutatis (Lat)
tight." (AN-nus mu-TAH-tees) year of
Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945), change
U.S. humorist
in discrimine rerum (Lat)
(in-dis-KREEM-in-ay REHR-um) at
A timid Paris theater callboy once the crisis point (of affairs), at the
notified the actress Sarah Bernhardt turning point
of the first act curtain with the
words: "Madame, it will be eight
o'clock when it suits you." She Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
adopted the phrase thereafter as The new sales manager called.the
her cue. sales force together to lay down the
Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), law. "There's now a new regime
French actress around here—all work. That means
from now on," she concluded, "I
Samuel Goldwyn, during the mak want you out of here and calling on
ing of a film, had the rude habit of your customers at the stroke of
phoning his associates at any hour nine." Wisecracked one salesper
to inform them of his latest idea. son, "The first stroke or the last
For example, Goldwyn phoned stroke of nine?"
N. Richard Nash in the wee morn
ing hours-while he was writing the
screenplay for Porgy and Bess. Nash
angrily asked, "Doyou know what ♦ TITLE
time it is?" Pause, then Nash heard
Goldwyn ask his wife, "Frances, he
wants to know what time it is."
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish] "If we all wore crowns the kings
(1882-1974), Russian-born would go bare-headed."
U.S. film producer R. H. Benson (1871-1914), British writer

The Wit's Thesaurus

'1 would rather be a beeress than a

peeress." ♦ TOURISM
Mrs. Ronald [Maggie] Greville
(1867-1942), British socialite, commenting Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
on her great fortune inherited from her
An Apache Indian was staring with
father, John McEwen,
a Scottish beer baron
astonishment at the Manhattan sky
scrapers when a New Yorker asked
"Kings are not born; they are made
sardonically, 'Do you like our city?"
by universal hallucination/' The Indian, shaking his head in won
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), der, replied, "Amazing. But tell me,
Irish playwright sir, do you like our country?"

An American tourist stopped at an

♦ TOP inn in a small Russian village and
ordered a couple of sausage links
for breakfast. Later, he received the
bill and was shocked to see that he
'There is always room at the top." had been charged $20. He asked,
Daniel Webster (1782-1852), U.S. lawyer, "Is sausage scarce here?" Replied
politician and orator, responding to advice the innkeeper, "No, but Americans
not to become a lawyer as the profession are."
was overcrowded


Foreign Words and Phrases

Foreign Words and Phrases
louche (Fra)
bon voyage (Fra)
(too-SHAY) lit: touched (fencing);
(bon voy-AHJ) have a good journey
well-done, good retort or response
Wanderlust (Ger)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(VAHN-der-loost) desire to wander
Because he had remained on his (suggests restlessness)
deathbed for such a long time with
out any signs of life, John Holmes, Quotations
the brother of Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Sr., appeared to those "In America there are two classes of
gathered to have already died. Feel travel—first class, and with chil
ing no pulse, the nurse remarked dren."
that a surer test of whether he was Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945),
alive was to feel his feet. "Nobody U.S. humorist, Pluck and Luck (2925)
ever died with their feet warm,"
"like all great travellers, I have
she said. At that, Holmes said his seen more than I remember, and re
last words, '7ohn Rogers did," re
member more than I have seen."
ferring to the Protestant martyr
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
who was burned at the stake in
(1804r-1881), British prime minister
1555 during the reign of Mary Tu
dor. "As the Spanish proverb says, He
John Holmes (1812-1899), U.S. lawyer who would bring home the wealth
of the Indies, must carry the wealth

The Ultimate Reference Book

of the Indies with him.' So it is in conductor when the train stopped

travelling; a man must carry knowl- and he boarded, Taft said, "You can
edge with him, if he would bring go ahead. I am the large party/'
home knowledge." William Howard Taft (1857-1930),
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), U.S. president and jurist
British man of letters

'Travel is glamorous only in retro

Paul Theroux (1941- ), TRAVEL (BY AIR)
U.S. writer

"The airplane stays up because it

Classical Phrases and Myths
doesn't have the time to fall."
"A rolling stone gathers no moss." Orville Wright (1871-1948) and
Publilius Syrus (c. 100 b.c), Wilbur Wright (1867-1912),
Roman writer, Sententiae, 524 U.S. aviators, explaining the principles
of their Flyer's performance
The Odyssey (OD-i-see) is an epic
poem in 24 books attributed to Ho
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
mer and generally treated as a
companion to the Mad. The poem cel Asked if he was afraid of flying, a
ebrates the ten-year journey of wan train passenger replied, "No, crash
derings and adventures endured by ing."
Odysseus and his men as he strug
gled to reach his home in Ithaca Before takeoff on an airplane flight,
after the Trojan War. Thus, an odys- a stewardess reminded Muham
seyisa long journey or a description mad Ali to fasten his seat belt. "Su
of one. perman don't need no seat belt,"
replied Ali. Retorted the steward
ess, "Superman don't need no air
plane, either." Ali fastened his belt
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Muhammad Ali [Cassius Clay]
"We're halfway there," remarked (1942- ), U.S. boxer
the man to his wife as they drove
into New York from Washington, When Sir J. M. Bailie's Peter Pan pre
D.C. "Half!" said his wife. "We're miered in London in 1904, in it Peter
only six blocks from our destina told the Darling children that they
tion." "The other half is finding a would fly if they believed they could.
parking place." Soon parents of injured children,
who had taken Peter's advice liter
The 300-pound-plus William How ally, notified Barrie. He immediately
ard Taft, once stranded at a small included in the play a cautionary
railroad station, was told that the statement that children could fly, but
express train would stop only if a only if they had first been sprinkled
number of people wanted to board with "fairy-dust," which of course is
it. Taft wired the conductor "Stop difficult to come by.
at Hicksville. Large party waiting Sir J[ames] Mtatthew] Barrie (1860-
to catch train." To the confused 1937), British writer and playwright

The Wit's Thesaurus

Poems are made by fools like me

♦ TRAVEL (BY WATER) But only God can make a tree."
Joyce Kilmer (1888-1918), U.S. poet,
Quotations Trees and Other Poems (1914),
"Go up to the bridge, give the ad
miral my compliments, and tell him 'Training is everything. The peach
he's not to let that happen again." was once a bitter almond; cauli
Victoria (1819-1901), British queen, flower is nothing but cabbage with
to an attendant, after a giant wave a college education."
in rough seas rocked the ship in Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
which she was crossing (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
to Ireland speaker, Pudd'nhead Wilson
(1894), ch. 5

Classical Phrases and Myths

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The Phoenician ship transporting
Xerxes and his troops, retreating Nobel Prize-winning novelist Wil
from Greece back to Asia Minor, liam Faulkner invited a woman to
encountered a large storm, and the accompany him one spring evening
ship seemed likely to founder. to see a bride in her wedding dress.
When Xerxes asked the pilot After driving a distance, Faulkner
whether they would survive, he an entered a meadow, switched off the
swered that they were without headlights and inched forward in
hope unless the ship's load was the darkness. Finally, he stopped
substantially lightened. Addressing the car, announcing that the lovely
the Persian troops on deck, Xerxes bride was in front of them. When
said, "It is on you that my safety he turned the headlights back on,
depends. Some of you may now before them stood an apple tree in
show your regard for your king." A full blossom.
number dutifully threw themselves William Faulkner (1897-1962),
overboard. When the lightened U.S. writer
ship came safely to harbor, Xerxes
commanded that a golden crown be
presented to the pilot for preserv
ing the king's life. He then ordered
that the man's head be cut off for ♦ TRUTH
causing the loss of so many Persian
lives. Foreign Words and Phrases
Xerxes (d. -465 b.c), Persian king
viriti (Fra)
(vay-ree-TAY) realism in represen
tative art

verismo (Ita)
♦ TREES & PLAINTS (vehr-EEZ-moh) realism, objectivity

mokita (Kiri)
(moh-KEET-ah) the well-known but
"I think that I shall never see unspoken truth (due to social con
A poem lovely as a tree... ventions)

The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations "La viriti existe; on n'invente que le

mensonge." (Truth exists; only lies
"A truth that's told with bad intent
are invented.)
Beats all lies you can invent/'
Georges Braque (1882-1963),
William Blake (1757-1827), British poet,
French painter, Le Jour et la nuit:
artist and mystic, Auguries of
Cahiers 1917-52 (Day and Night,
Innocence (c. 1805)
Notebooks, 1952), p. 20
"Tis strange, but true; for truth is
always strange; Stranger than fic Classical Phrases and Myths
magna est veritas, et praevalebit (Lat)
Lord Byron [George Gordon]
(MAG-na est VER-ee-tas et PRIE-
(1788-1824), British poet,
val-e-bit) mighty is truth, and shall
Don Juan (1818),
Canto XIV, st. ci

"How often have I said to you that Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
when you have eliminated the im
possible/ whatever remains, how The Nobel laureate, mathematician
ever improbable, must be the and logician Bertrand Russell re
truth." lated that only once was he able to
make the British philosopher and
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930),
his good friend George Moore tell
British writer, The Sign of Four
a lie. He used the subterfuge of ask
(1890), ch. 6
ing, "'Moore, do you always speak
"I don't want to be right. I only the truth?" "No," Remarked Rus
want to know whether I am right." sell, "I believe this to be the only lie
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), he ever told."
German-born physicist Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl
(1872-1970), British mathematician
"The color of truth is gray."
and philosopher
Andre Gide (1869-1951), French writer

'It is always the best policy to

speak the truth—unless, of course,
you are an exceptionally good Bar." ♦ TYRANNY & SUBJECTION
Jerome K[lapka] Jerome (1859-1927),
British writer, The Idler Foreign Words and Phrases
(February 1892), p. 118
czar/czarina (Rus)
"It takes two to speak the truth, one (tsahr / tsahr-REE-na) name for
to speak, and another to hear." male/female prerevolution Russian
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), rulers (also tsar/tsarina)
U.S. writer, naturalist and poet,
Gauleiter (Ger)
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack
Rivers (1849), "Wednesday"
(GOW-ly-ter) local Nazi party leader
(colloq: petty tyrant)
'Truth is the most valuable thing
Fuhrer (Ger)
we have. Lefs economize it."
(FEW-rer) leader; Hitler's title
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and Fuhrerprinzip (Ger)
speaker, Following the Equator (FEW-rer-print-SEEP) lit: principle
(1897), ch. 7 of leadership; theory of unlimited

The Wit's Thesaurus

authority on which Hitler's regime tainly won't let you talk me out of
was based my supper." And, since any excuse
will serve a tyrant, the wolf fell upon
the helpless lamb and devoured
Quotations her.
"All men would be tyrants if they Aesop (c. 600 ac), Greek fabulist
Daniel Defoe [Daniel Foe] (1659-1731),
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British -writer, The Kentish Petition "So, didja win that fight with your
(1712-1713) wife?" one bar patron asked an
other. "She came crawling to me on
'The secret of the demagogue is to her hands and knees," boasted the
make himself as stupid as his au other. "No kidding? What did she
dience so that they believe they are say?" "Come out from under that
as clever as he." bed, you coward!"
Karl Kraus (1874r-1936), Austrian poet
and writer, Spruche und Widerspruche
(Dicta and Contradictions) (1909)

'Tyranny is always better organ

ized than freedom." ♦ UGLINESS
Charles Peguy (1873-1914), French poet
and writer, Basic Verities (1943),
"War and Peace"
"She resembles the Venus de Milo:
she is very old, has no teeth, and
Classical Phrases and Myths has white spots on her yellow
divide et impera (Lat) skin."
(de-VEE-dayet im-PER-a) divide Henrich Heine (1797-1856),
and rule; political maxim cited by German poet and writer
Machiavelli "The tartness of his face sours ripe
"Oderint dum metuant." (OH-der-int
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
dum MET-u-ant.) (Let them hate
British playwright and poet,
me, as long as they fear me.)
Coriolanus (1608), Act in, sc. ii
Lucius Accius (c. 170 B.c-c. 85 rc),
Roman poet and writer
Classical Phrases and Myths

An innocent lamb, while drinking In Greek mythology, Medusa

at a stream, was approached by a (MEE-doo-sa) was one of three Gor-
wolf shouting, "How dare you stir gons who dwelt in Libya. The only
up the mud of the water I'm drink one who was mortal, Medusa was
ing?" "But I was downstream from originally a beautiful maiden who
you," bleated the lamb. "Don't ar had been transformed (by Athena
gue/' snarled the wolf. "You're the for violating one of her temples)
one who was saying those dispar into a hideous monster with hair of
aging things about me last year." writhing serpents and a face so
"Oh, no/' protested the lamb. "I fearful to view that whoever saw it
wasn't even born last year!" was turned into stone. When Per
"Well," snapped the wolf, "I cer seus confronted her, he cut off her

The Ultimate Reference Book

head by averting his face and

watching her reflection in the shield ♦ UNACCOMPLISHED
of Athena, who alsov guided his
hand. Hence, a medusa is a hideous Quotations
woman, one who it is impossible to
look at without revulsion. "The best of all our actions tend
To the preposterousest end."
Samuel Butler (1612-1680), British poet
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes and writer, Genuine Remains:
Satire upon the Weakness
Night after night, comedian Fred Al
and Misery of Man, 1. 41
len noticed an unsmiling, haggard-
looking musician in the orchestra pit
of a vaudeville house in Toledo, Classical Phrases and Myths »
Ohio. Finally, Allen stopped his act
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus (SIS-
and called out to him, "How much
would you charge to haunt a ee-fus) was relegated to Tartarus,
house?" the lowest area of the Underworld,
for his various crimes and decep
Fred Allen [John Sullivan] (1894-1956),
tions. His punishment was to roll
U.S. comedian
uphill a huge stone, which at the
The journalist and wit Franklin summit always rolls back downhill,
Pierce Adams was mocked once thereby condemning him to eternal
when the humorist Irvih Cobb, toil. Thus, a labor of Sisyphus is a
upon spying a moosehead mounted task never completed.
over the mantel, cried, "My God,
they've shot F.P.A.!" Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Irvin Shrewsbury] Cobb (1876-1944),
U.S. humorist and writer The phrase "to do (or pull) a Bro-
die," meaning to attempt a risky
The notably immoral and ugly stunt, originated in 1886 when
French Prince Conti, ready to em Steve Brodie jumped off the Brook
bark on a trip, jokingly warned his lyn Bridge 135 feet into the East
wife, "Madame, I counsel you not River to win a $200 bet. The father
to make me a cuckold during my of the heavyweight boxer Jim Cor-
absence." "Monsieur, you may bett later met Brodie. "So you're the
leave without concern," she re fellow who jumped over the Brook
plied, "for it is only when I look at lyn Bridge," he said. "I jumped off
you that I desire to deceive you." it," corrected Brodie. "I thought
Prince Louis-Armand II de Conti you jumped over it," said the un
(1695-1727), French aristocrat impressed old Mr. Corbett. "Any
damn fool could jump off it."
Someone tactlessly insulted the sci Steve Brodie (1863-?), U.S. saloonkeeper
entist and satirist Georg Lichten-
berg about his very large ears. The inventor Thomas Edison had
"Ah," retorted Lichtenberg, "with tried 50,000 experiments before he
my ears and your brains we'd be a invented a new storage battery.
perfectly splendid ass, would we When it was pointed out that he
not?" had endured an exorbitant number
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799), of failures to achieve results, he re
German physicist and writer plied, "Results? Why, I have gotten

The Wit's Thesaurus

a lot of results. I know 50,000 things British clergymen and writers, Guesses
that won't work." at Truths (2527), Serial I
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931),
"When in doubt, win the trick."
U.S. inventor
Edmond Hoyle (1672-1769), British
writer IHoyle's writings, particularly for
the game of whist, were responsible for the
saying "according to Hoyle"]
"When in doubt tell the truth."
Foreign Words and Phrases Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
wagoto Qap) speaker, Following the Equator
(wah-GOH-toh) less stylized Ka- (1897), ch. 2
buki acting style in which the hero
is often a young lover or dandy
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Classical Phrases and Myths A man at a construction site was hit

over the head by such a severe blow
Sparta (SPAR-ta) was the ancient
that he was knocked comatose. His
city in Laconia, Greece, renowned
family, convinced he was dead, ar
for the austerity and simple lifestyle
ranged with a funeral parlor for his
of its citizenry. A child born in
burial. But at the next dawn, the
Sparta was examined by state rep
man suddenly regained conscious
resentatives and, if found to be
ness and sat straight up in the casket.
weak, was left to die on Mount Tay-
Confused by his physical surround
getus. A well-known story of Spar
ings, he rubbed his eyes and looked
tan hardiness and self-discipline
around. He thought: "If I'm alive,
involves the Spartan youth who why in the world am I in this cushy,
stole a fox, hid it under his cloak, satin-lined box? But if I'm dead, why
and stood silent and motionless as do I have to go to the bathroom?"
the fox gnawed at his vitals. The This story was often told by Presi
valor of Spartan warriors became
dent Harry Truman.
proverbial, best illustrated in the
battle of Thermopylae, where the
Spartan contingent, under Leoni-
das's command, refused to surren
der or be taken captive. Thus, a ♦ UNCHASTTTY
spartan object or life is austere, sim
ple and enduring.
"Only if you can calm her down."
Judy Garland [Frances Gumm]
♦ UNCERTAINTY (1922-1969), U.S. entertainer
and film actress, answering Jack Poor's
Quotations question about another actress,
"Isn't she a nymphomaniac?"
'Half the failures of this world
arise from pulling in one's horse as 'If there were no husbands, who
he is leaping." would look after our mistresses?"
Julius Charles Hare (1795-1855) and George Moore (1852-1933), Irish writer,
Augustus William Hare (1792-1834), playwright and poet

The Ultimate Reference Book

"You were born with your legs ementary," began Mary, "but is it
apart. They'll send you to your all right to talk to your husband
grave in a Y-shaped coffin." while you're making love?" Tanya
Joe Orton (1933-1967), pondered the question, then said, "I
British playwright, What the must admit that I've never done
Butler Saw (1969), Act 1 that, but I suppose you could—if
there's a telephone nearby."
"Young men want to be faithful
and are not; old men want to be
faithless and cannot." A man best known as a cuckold for
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde his wife's infidelities was bragging
(1854-1900), British playwright, writer about his young son to French com
and wit, The Picture of Dorian Gray edy dramatist Georges Feydeau.
(1891), ch. 2 "He's so devoted to his mother and
so loving," boasted the proud father.
Classical Phrases and Myths "He's always 'under her skirts/ "
Feydeau muttered, "Where he must
In Greek mythology, Actaeon (ak-
meet a lot of others."
TEE-on) was a hunter who one day
discovered the chaste huntress god Georges Feydeau (1862-1921),
dess Artemis bathing. Offended, French playwright
she turned him into a stag, and he Several acquaintances were gossip
was torn apart by his own hounds. ing about an older lady who had
An actaeon is a cuckold, one with led a wild life as a single woman.
horns implanted upon him. Her confession of all her prior af
According to Greek mythology, Pri- fairs to her husband before they
apus (Pw-ay-pus) was the god to married was offered to explain the
promote fertility in women, crops success of the long and happy mar
and cattle. A son of Dionysus and riage. Praised all, "What candor!
Aphrodite, he was depicted as a What courage!" Remarked the com
faunlike deity with an erect penis. edy dramatist Samuel Foote, "Yes,
Thus, priapism refers to promiscuity and what a memory!"
and licentiousness. Samuel Foote (1720-1777),
British actor and playwright
In Greek mythology, satyrs (SAY-
terz) were sylvan deities closely in When his Queen Caroline lay on her
volved with the worship of Bacchus, deathbed, George n, who was a no
the god of wine; they had somewhat torious libertine, was nonetheless
bestial faces, horns on the foreheads genuinely grieved. When she nobly
and tails. In Roman mythology, they begged him to marry again, he re-
were depicted as goatlike men who Slied, "Non, i'aurai des mattresses."
followed Dionysus in his debauch sJo, I shall have mistresses.)
eries. Hence, a satyr is one with a Mourned the dying queen, "AhlMon
great sexual appetite. Dieu, cela n'empiche pas." (Ah! My
God, [marriage] would not prevent
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes that.)

Mary was getting married and was George II (1673-1760), British king
becoming more and more anxious An indefatigable lothario, the refined
about satisfying her forthcoming Joseph Giampetro bore a worried
marital duties. She approached her countenance and an opened letter
friend Tanya, who knew everything when he was seen ink coffeehouseby
about men. "I know this is very el a friend. The friend sympathetically

The Wit's Thesaurus
inquired whether Giampetro had re
ceived bad news. "No, out whoever ♦ UNFAIRNESS
sent this letter says that he will stran
gle me if I continue to see his wife." Quotations
"So keep away from the woman," ad
vised the friend. "But which lady?" "He can't see a belt without hitting
cried Giampetro. "The letter is anon below it."
ymous!" Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford and
Joseph Giampetro (1866-1913), Asquith (1864-1945), British writer and
Austrian-born German actor socialite, describing David Uoyd George

"There is always inequality in life.

Some men are killed in a war and
some men are wounded and some
men never leave the country...
Quotations Life is unfair."
''Difficult do you call it, Sir? I wish John Fitzgprald Kennedy (1917-1963),
it were impossible." U.S. president, press conference,
March 21,1962
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), British man
of letters, showing his distaste for music
after the performance of a violin virtuoso "All's fair in love and war."
"So little done, so much to do." Francis Edward Smedley (1818-1864),
British writer, Frank Fairlegh
Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902),
(1850), ch. 50
British-born South African statesman
and financier, dying words
"Quit fouling like a wimp. If you're
Classical Phrases and Myths gonna foul, knock the crap outta
actum tie agas (Lat)
(AK-tum nay AG-ahs) do not redo Norm[anJ Stewart (c. 1940- ),
what has been done (colloq: get on basketball coach, to Missouri Tigers'
with it) six-foot-nine-inch Don Bingenheimer


Foreign Words and Phrases

cavoli riscaldati (Ita)
(kav-OH-lee rees-KALD-ah-tee) lit:
reheated cabbage; attempt to revive
an old relationship (e.g., dead love Classical Phrases and Myths
affair) is messy, distasteful "O tempora, O mores!" (oh TEM-por-
Quotations a oh MOR-ays) (Oh, the times! Oh,
the manners!)
"Stop the World, I Want to Get
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.c-43 B.C.),
Off." [Title of musical (1961).] Roman statesman and man of letters,
Anthony Newley (1931- ) In Catilinam, I, i, I [exclamation
and Leslie Bricusse (1931- ), suggesting dissatisfaction with
British songwriters and playwrights changing times, changing values, etc.]

The Ultimate Reference Book

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes sia—and leaves everything indi

gestible on his plate."
The artist Maxfield Parrish, who
specialized in rendering beautiful Friedrich [Wilhelm] Nietzsche
(1844-1900), German philosopher
nudes, once had a typically gor
geous model arrive at his studio. To
delay confronting the blank canvas Classical Phrases and Myths
he invited her to share a cup of cof
"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuva-
fee. Suddenly, the studio buzzer
bit." (Someday perhaps even this
rang. //Miss!" shrieked the panic-
plight shall be pleasant to remem
stricken artist, "For God's sake,
take your clothes off! My wife is
coming to check on me." Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro]
(70 b.c-19 b.c), Roman poet, Aeneid,
1 Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966),
bk. U, I. cciii
U.S. illustrator and painter

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

'The food here is simply awful,"

♦ UNHAPPINESS & one woman exclaimed to her din
DISPLEASURE ner partner on the cruise ship.
"Yes," replied the other woman,
"and the portions are so small."
Foreign Words and Phrases
The condemned traitor was being
koetch (Yid)
led out to be shot at sunrise. It was
(kvetch) to complain, whine or
pouring rain, and the condemned
gripe (chronically)
turned to the lieutenant heading the
ah, les bons vieux temps ou nous etions execution squad, saying bitterly,
si malheureux! (Fra) "You are very cruel to march me in
(ah les bon vyeu ton oo noo ay-TEE- this downpour to be shot!" The
on see mal-HEH-ruh) oh, the good lieutenant snapped, "You're lucky!
old times when we were so un You don't have to march back."

con dolore (Ita)

(kon doh-LOHR-ayj in music,
mournfully ♦ UNIVERSE &
(ahngst) (feeling of) turmoil, frus
tration, anxiety, guilt
Classical Phrases and Myths
cosmos (Grk)
"Unhappiness is best defined as the (KOS-mos) the universe as an or
difference between our talents and derly whole
our expectations."
Edward de Bono (1933- ), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
At a public meeting concerning
"[Ralph Waldo] Emerson is one Transcendentalism, Margaret Fuller,
who lives instinctively on ambro a pioneer of women's rights and so-

The Wit's Thesaurus

dal reform (as well as a Transcen- Solon in 594 B.c. Hence, anything
dentalist), rose in a moment of draconian is harsh or severe,
enthusiasm and cried, "I accept the Draco fc. m B.c), Greek legislator
universe!" To which Scottish-born
historian Thomas Carlyle growled,
"By God, she'd better!"
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881),
British historian ▲ UNKNOWN


'"Tis very puzzling on the brink

UNKEVDNESS Of what is Eternity to stare,
And know no more of what is here,
Than there."
Lord Byron [George Gordon] (1788-1824),
"Tallulah [Bankhead] is alway skat British poet, Don Juan Canto X
ing on thin ice. Everyone wants to (1823), I. xx
be there when it breaks."
"Nothing is so firmly believed as
Mrs. Patrick Campbell [Beatrice] what is least known."
(1865-1940), British actress
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
'"Waldo is one of those people (1533-1592), French writer.
Essays (2530;, bk. I
who would be enormously im
proved by death,' said Clovis."
Saki [Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916), Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
British writer, Beasts and Super-Beasts
When introduced to Nobel Prize-
(1914), "The Feast of Nemesis"
winning Ernest Hemingway in a
"Why be disagreeable, when with a restaurant, baseball great Yogi
little effort you can be impossible?" Berra, who read only the sports
pages, was asked if he had ever
Douglas Woodruff (1897-1978),
heard of the famous writer. "I don't
British writer
believe so," Berra admitted. "What
paper does he write for?"
Classical Phrases and Myths Lawrence ["Yogi"] Berra (1925- ),
U.S. baseball player and manager
Draco (DRA-koh) was a seventh-
century B.C. lawgiver who formu The poet Robert Browning's 1840
lated the first written code of laws poem Sordello concerned pragma
for Athens. On completion of the tism and its conflict with the hu
code, the citizens were so overjoyed man souL The language was
that at a testimonial in his honor incomprehensible to many, includ
they showered Draco under a del ing members of the London Poetry
uge of cloaks. Draco's code was Society, who had asked Browning
said to have been written in blood to interpret a particularly obscure
because it mandated the death pen passage. Browning read it through
alty for many offenses, and was twice, frowned, and then, shrug
mostly superseded by the code of ging his shoulders, said, "When I

The Ultimate Reference Book

wrote that, God and I knew what it "The mountain labored greatly and
meant, but now God alone knows." produced a mouse."
Robert Browning (1812-1889), Aesop (c. 600 rc), Greek fabulist
British poet
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

At the cafeteria, Fred could not help

overhearing the conversation of
four women at an adjoining table.
Said the first, "Poor Mary. The doc
Quotations tor told her that she can't have any
''Magnificently unprepared babies. Apparently, she's impreg
For the long littleness of life." nable." The second tittered. "Dear,
the correct word is 'impenetra-
Frances Cornford (1886-1960), U.S. poet,
ble/"Snorted the third, "Oh, what
Rupert Brooke (1925)
malaprops you are. The term is 'in
conceivable.' " With her nose in the
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
air, the fourth said, "No, the word
Herford was a guest of honor at a is 'unbearable/ " Fred leaned over
banquet along with a famous gen and said to them, "Ladies, the word
eral. Without prior warning, the you want is 'inscrutable'."
hostess announced, "Mr. Oliver
Herford will now improvise a
poem in honor of this occasion."
Herford, a modest and shy man, ♦ UNSOPfflSTICATION
protested. "Oh no," he said, shrink
ing back in his chair, "have the gen
Foreign Words and Phrases
eral fire a cannon."
Oliver Herford (1863-1935), British-born klutz (Yid)
U.S. humorist and illustrator (klutz) chronically clumsy person
[attributed also to Carl Sandburg]

"He is forever poised between a cli

che and an indiscretion."
♦ UNPRODUCTIVENESS [Maurice] Harold Macmillan, 1st Earl of
Stockton (1894-1992), British prime
Quotations minister, describing a foreign secretary
"procrastination is the "What makes us so bitter against
art of keeping people who outwit us is that they
up with yesterday." think themselves cleverer than we
Don[ald Robert Perry] Marquis are."
(1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet, Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
archy and mehitabel (2927;, (1613-1680), French writer,
"certain maxims of archy" Maximes (2678)

Classical Phrases and Myths Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

ex nihilo nihil fit (Lat) The Italian composer Cherubini
(ex NEE-hil-oh NEE-hil fit) from was once given a score by an ac
nothing, nothing can be made quaintance, who said that it was by

The Wit's Thesaurus

Etienne Mehul. After studying the

piece, Cherubini stated, 'This isn't ♦ UNWILLINGNESS
by Mehul, it's too bad!" 'Then will
you believe me if I tell you that it Quotations
is mine?" asked the acquaintance.
"No, it's too good." "If the people don't want to come
out to the park, nobody's gonna
Maria Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842),
stop them."
Italian composer
Lawrence ["Yogi"] Berra
(1925- ), U.S. baseball player
and manager, commenting on poor
attendance at New York Yankee games

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Foreign Words and Phrases When newspaper proprietor Wil

liam Randolph Hearst offered col
rubato (Ita)
umnist Arthur Brisbane a fully paid
(roo-BAH-toh) lit: robbed; in music, six-month vacation for his valuable
deviation from strict time with
work on behalf of the newspapers,
notes lengthened or shortened
Brisbane surprisingly refused. When
Hearst asked for an explanation, the
journalist provided two reasons.
"The first is that if I stopped writing
for six months it might hurt the cir
Quotations culation of your newspapers," said
Brisbane. He paused, and then
"When written in Chinese the word added, "The second reason is that it
'crisis' is composed of two charac might not."
ters. One represents danger and the
William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951),
other represents opportunity."
U.S. publisher
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
U.S. president, Address, United Negro
College Fund Convocation, April 12,1959 During a period when diplomatic
"The time is out of joint; relations with France were severely
O cursed spite, strained, King Henry Vm of En
That ever I was born to set it right!" gland appointed a nobleman as his
ambassador to French King Fran
William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
cois I. When the diplomat heard
British playwright and poet,
Henry's aggressive message, how
Hamlet (1601), Act I, sc. v
ever, he pleaded to be excused, for
"Trois heures, c'est toujours trop lard if he delivered it, the diplomat
ou trop tot pour ce quon veut faire." pointed out, the enraged French
(Three o'clock is always too late or king might well have him executed.
too early for anything you want to If Francois killed him, Henry reas
do.) sured him, Henry could retaliate by
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), striking off the heads of a dozen
French philosopher, playwright and writer, Frenchmen in England. "But of all
La Natisie (Nausea), (1938) these heads, my lord," sighed the

The Ultimate Reference Book

concerned diplomat, "there may ''Everyone likes flattery; and when

not be one fitting my shoulders." you come to Royalty you should
Henry VIII (1481-1547), British king lay it on with a trowel."
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
(1804-1881), British prime minister

"The whole world is in revolt. Soon

♦ UPPER GLASSES & there will be only five Kings left—
the King of England, the King of
ARISTOCRACY Spades, the King of Clubs, the King
of Hearts and the King of Dia
Foreign Words and Phrases monds."
grande dame (Fra) Farouk I (1920-1965), Egyptian king
(grohndedahm) (haughty or snobby)
aristoafcticlady,greatoldship,build- "There are bad manners every
ing/etc. where, but an aristocracy is bad
manners organized."
(le) gratin (Fra)
Henry James (1843-1916), U.S. writer
(le grah-TAHN) lit: topping of
breadcrumbs or grated cheese; up
per crust of society 'There are only about four hun
dred people in New York society."
haul monde (Fra) Ward McAllister (1827-1895),
(oat MOND) high society U.S. socialite

elite (Fra)
(ay-LEET) the upper or privileged "An aristocracy in a republic is like
group(s) a chicken whose head has been cut
off—it may run about in a lively
crime de la crime (Fra) way, but in fact it is dead."
(krem de la krem) lit: cream of the Nancy Mitford (1904-1973), British
cream; the ultimate, the top level writer, Noblesse Oblige (1956), p. 39
(generally, the upper classes)
"When I want a peerage, I shall buy
Quotations it like an honest man."
Alfred Charles William Harmsworth,
"It has been said, not truly, but Viscount Northcliffe (1865-1922),
with a possible approximation to British aristocrat
truth, that 'in 1802 every hereditary
monarch was insane/ "
"Ladies and gentlemen are permit
Walter Bagehot (1826-1877),
ted to have friends in the kennel
British economist and writer,
but not in the kitchen."
The English Constitution, ch. 4
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
"For what were all these country, Irish playwright
patriots born?
To hunt, and vote, and raise the "All kings is mostly rapscallions."
price of corn?" Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Lord Byron [George Gordon] (1788-1824), (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
British poet, The Age of Bronze speaker, The Adventures of
(1823), st. xiv Huckleberry Finn (1884), ch. 23

The Wit's Thesaurus

Classical Phrases and Myths was exempted from the required

physical examination, presumably
optimates (Lat)
because her sex and purity had
(op-ti-MAH-tays) the aristocracy,
been uncontrovertibly established
the best people (often used sardon
by virtue of her royal blood.
ically or ironically)
Princess Anne (1950- ),
British royal
Ancient Greece was divided into a
thousand independent city states,
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
of which Athens was the most
went to see a Noel Coward-Ger
prominent. When Themistocles of
trude Lawrence play at a London
Athens was the most renowned
theater. When they entered the royal
leader in all Greece, a politician
box, the audience rose to its feet in
from a small provincial town called
deference. "What an entrance!" ex
Larissa said sneeringly to him: "A
claimed Gertrude Lawrence. Re
great deal of your fame, Themisto
torted Coward, ''What a part!"
cles, arises from the fortunate acci
Sir Noel Coward (1899-1973),
dent of your birth in Athens. Had
British playwright and actor
you been born in Larissa, you
would not have become great."
Scornfully, Themistocles replied, The British statesman Benjamin
"Nor you, had you been born in Disraeli, who boasted a reputation
Athens." of being able to make a joke on any
Themistocles (c. 527 B.c.-c. 460 B.c), subject, was once challenged by his
Greek statesman political rival William Gladstone.
"Make a joke about Queen Victo
ria." "Sir," replied Disraeli, "Her
Majesty is not a subject."
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
(1804-1881), British prime minister
The social matron advised her poor [attributed also to others]
cousin, "In Boston we consider only
our breeding." Responded her
On a state visit to Australia, the
cousin, "In San Francisco, we think
Queen Mother found herself sur
ifs great fun, but we also do other
rounded by a number of inquisitive
Australians at a garden party. Ever
gracious as the circle pressed closer,
Young Marie Therese was playing the still smiling queen remarked
with a maid one day and, taking under her breath, "Please don't
one of her hands, counted the fin touch the exhibits."
gers. "What?" she exclaimed. "You Elizabeth the Queen Mother
have five fingers, too, just like me?" (1900- ), British queen
Marie Therese Charlotte,
Duchesse d' AngoulSme (1778-1851), Traveling by train to Compeigne,
French aristocrat
the autocratic princess was politely
asked by the compartment's lone
Princess Anne was a member of the other occupant if smoking would
English equestrian team at the 1976 bother her. "I have no idea, mon
Olympics. In the only exception to sieur," Princess Metternich re
Olympic qualifying standards, she sponded, a steely eye fixed on the

The Ultimate Reference Book

man. "No one has ever dared to actors are disinclined to perform
smoke in my presence." with them. Sir Noel Coward, the
Princess Pauline Metternich (1859-1921), British playwright, once attended a
French aristocrat play in which a youthful "prodigy"
occupied virtually every scene.
'Two things should have been
cut," he commented. "The second
act and that youngster's throat."
Sir Noel Coward (1899-1973),
British playwright and actor
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
A fellow actress once said of Tal-
lulah Bankhead: "She's not so
great. I can upstage her any time." ♦ URBAN AREA
"Darling, I can upstage you/' re
torted Bankhead, "without even be
ing on stage." In the play in which
they were acting, one scene called "A big hard-boiled city with no
for Bankhead to put down a cham more personality than a paper
pagne glass from which she had cup."
been drinking and make her exit Raymond Chandler (1888-1959),
while the other actress was engaged U.S. writer, describing Los Angeles,
in a long telephone conversation. The Little Sister (2949;, ch. 26
At the next performance that eve
ning, Bankhead placed the half-full "Crowds without company, and
glass precariously on the edge of dissipation without pleasure."
the table. The other actress was ig Edward Gibbon (1737-1794),
nored as the audience, attention British historian, describing London,
riveted on the glass, gasped. Bank Memoirs (Autobiography) (1796), p. 90
head had placed adhesive tape on ''Washington is a city of Southern
the bottom of the glass, the other efficiency and Northern charm."
actress later learned, to ensure the
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963),
success of her moment of triumph.
U.S. president
Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968),
U.S. actress "City Life. Millions of people being
lonesome together."
John Barrymore, displeased with
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862),
his performance, was sitting deject
U.S. writer, naturalist and poet
edly in his dressing room after his
debut as Hamlet, later to become "Only a city [San Francisco] as
one of his most famous roles. A beautiful as this one could survive
gentleman came in, threw himself what you people are doing to it."
at Barrymore's feet and kissed his Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1956),
hand, gushing, "O Great One! I en U.S. architect
joyed your performance so much!"
Replied Barrymore, "Not half so
Classical Phrases and Myths
much as I am enjoying yours."
John Barrymore (1882-1942), U.S. actor "Divina natura dedit agros, ars hu-
mana aedificavit urbes." (DEE-vee-na
Because children and animals in NAT-ur-a DED-it agROS ars HUM-
variably upstage others in a cast, an-aay-DEF-i-kav-it URB-ays) (Di-
The Wit's Thesaurus

vine nature gave us the country, "God in His wisdom made the fly
man's skill built the cities.) And then forget to tell us why."
Marcus Terentius Varro Ogden Nosh (1902-1971), U.S. humorist,
(116 B.C.-27 B.C.), Roman writer, Good Intentions (1942), "The Fly"
De Re Rustica, bk. El, i, 4 "When You're All Dressed Up and
Have No Place To Go." [Title of
song (1912).]
George Whiting (c. 1900s),
U.S. songwriter [adapted by William
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Allen White (1868-1944), U.S. writer,
//Which is more importantto us—the describing the Progressive Party after
Theodore Roosevelt left the presidential
sun or the moon?" asked the teacher.
campaign, 1916]
"The moon/' answered Bobby. 'The
moon gives us light at night when we Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
need it, but the sun gives us light only
in the daytime when we don't." The actor Marcello Mastroianni
once received a splendid gold
Winston Churchill was denounced
watch from film producer Joseph
in the 1930s as impetuous, conten
Levine. Although the actor was al
tious, unsound, inconsistent and an
ready wearing a gold wristwatch,
amusing parliamentary celebrity
which could have created an awk
who was forever out of step. "We
ward situation, Mastroianni simply
just don't know what to make of
took off his own watch and non
him," a concerned Tory MP said to
chalantly dropped it into a waste-
Lady Astor, the first woman elected
to the House of Commons. Lady
Astor asked brightly: "How about Marcello Mastroianni (1923- ),
Italian actor
a nice rug?"
Viscountess Nancy Witcher Langhorne After President Ford had lost five of
Astor (1879-1964), US.-born the last six primaries in 1975, Ford's
British politician campaign manager, Rogers Morton,
was asked if he planned any change
in strategy. Morton replied, "I'm
♦ USELESSIMESS not going to rearrange the furniture
on the deck of the Titanic."
Quotations Rogers Morton (1914-1979),
U.S. businessman
'To many people dramatic criti
cism must seem like an attempt to
tattoo soap bubbles."
John Mason Brown (1900-1969), ♦ VANITY
U.S. writer
"A blind man will not thank you
Foreign Words and Phrases
for a looking glass."
English proverb c. 1700s amour propre (Fra)
(ah-MOORPROH-pr) vanity, desire
"There's no getting blood out of a
for admiration, seff-esteem
Frederick Marryat (1792-1848), folie de grandeur (Fra)
U.S. writer, Japhet in Search of a (fol-LEE de gran-DUHR) lit: folly of
Father, ch. 4 grandeur; the (ridiculous) desire to

The Ultimate Reference Book

seem great and surrounding oneself "We are so vain that we even care
with trappings of power and influ for the opinion of those we don't
ence care for."
Marie von Ebner Eschenbach
(1830-1916), Austraian writer
"I could readily see in [Ralph
"Lord Birkenhead is very clever but Waldol Emerson... a gaping flaw.
sometimes his brains go to his It was the insinuation that had he
head/' lived in those days, when the world
Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford and was made, he might have offered
Asquith (1864-1945), British writer and some valuable suggestions."
socialite, praising faintly the English lord Herman Melville (1819-1891),
chancellor F. E. Smith, 1st Earl U.S. writer
of Birkenhead
"The time he can spare from the
'To say that a man is vain means adornment of his person he devotes
merely that he is pleased with the to the neglect of his duties."
effect he produces on other people. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784),
A conceited man is satisfied with British man of letters
the effect he produces on himself."
'Tell me, George, if you had to do
Sir Max Beerbohm (1872-1956), it all over, would you fall in love
British writer, caricaturist and wit, with yourself again?"
Quia Imperfectum, And Even Now
Oscar Levant (1906-1972), U.S. pianist
and wit, to composer George Gershwin

"Egotist n. A person of low taste, "Hortense is the only woman I

more interested in himself than in know who pronounces the word
me." 'egg7 with three syllables."
Ambrose [Gwinnet] Bierce (1842-C.1914), Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
U.S. writer and poet, and writer, describing her mother-in-law,
Cynic's Word Book (1906) whom she considered a poseur
'The bigger a man's head, the
"H. L. Mencken suffers from the
worse his headache."
hallucination that he is H. L.
Mencken—there is no cure for a Persian proverb
disease of that magnitude." "Self-love seems so often unre
Maxwell Bodenheim (1893-1954), quited."
U.S. poet and writer Anthony Powell (1905- ), British
writer, Acceptance World (1955), ch. 1
"We are all worms. But I do believe
that I am a glow-worm." "He fell in love with himself at first
sight and it is a passion to which he
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874-
has always remained faithful."
1965), British prime minister and writer
Anthony Powell (1905- ), British
"[My wife is so self-involved thatl writer, Acceptance World (1955), ch. 1
when we make love, she calls out "It is our own vanity that makes the
her own name." vanity of others intolerable to us."
Rodney Dangerfield [Jacob Cohen] Franqois, Due de la Rochefoucauld
(1921- ), U.S. comedian, (1613-1680), French writer,
Back to School (1986 film) Maxims (2678)

The Wit's Thesaurus

"I fall back/ overcome with the Classical Phrases and Myths
glory of myself all rosy red,
"Fools take to themselves the re
And the knowledge that I, a mere
spect that is given to their office."
cock, caused the sun to rise."
Aesop (c. 600 b.c), Greek fabulist
Edmond Rostand (1868-1918),
French poet and playwright, According to classical mythology,
Chanteder (2907), Act U, sc. Hi Narcissus was a beautiful youth
who fell in love with his reflection
"When a man is wrapped up in
in a pool of water, refused to leave
himself he makes a pretty small
the water's edge and died. He was
turned into the flower that bears his
John Ruskin (1819-1900), name (also called the iris). Thus,
British writer and social reformer one who is exceedingly vain, self-
indulgent or self-loving is said to be
"A buzz of recognition... heralded
the arrival of Sherard Blaw, the
dramatist who had discovered him
self, and who had given so un Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
grudgingly of his discovery to the When asked why Harold Clurman,
world." an influential theater director in the
Sofa" [Hector Hugh Munro] (1870-1916), 1930s, continually studied his face
British writer, The Unbearable in the mirror, his wife, Stella Adler,
Bassington (2912), ch. 13 [a thinly veiled quipped, "He's trying to imagine
reference to George Bernard Shaw] now he's going to look on that
horse when he's a statue in Central
"I cannot tell you, madam. Heaven
has granted me no offspring."
. Stella Adler (1901-1992), U.S. actress
James Abbott McNeill mistier (1834r-
1903), U.S.-born British artist, answering One of British politician Bejamin
whether he thought genius was hereditary Disraeli's admirers, speaking about
him to fellow politician John Bright,
"Mr. Qames] Whistler always spelt
said: "You ought to give him credit
art, and I believe still spells it, with
for what he has accomplished, for
a capital 1/ "
he is a self-made man." "I know he
Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie WillsJ Wilde is," retorted Bright, "and he adores
(1854r-1900), British playwright,
his maker."
writer and wit
John Bright (1811-1.889),
y/You can pick out actors by the British politician
glazed look that comes into their
Firing Line host William F. Buckley
eyes when the conversation wan
once sent fellow author Norman
ders away from themselves."
Mailer a copy of his latest book.
Michael Wilding (1912-1979), Chagrined not to find a personal
British actor
message from Buckley on the fly
"The way Bernard Shaw believes in leaf, Mailer turned promptly to the
index to see if he had been men
himself is very refreshing in these
atheistic days when so many peo tioned. Next to Mailer's name in the
index was the handwritten greeting
ple believe in no God at all."
Israel Zangwill (1864r-1926),
British writer and playwright William Flrank] Buckley (1925- ),
U.S. editor, writer and speaker

The Ultimate Reference Book

The famous actor Charles Macklin Brocken specter. "I did not know
boasted in 1755 that he could repeat whether you were the Brocken
any speech after hearing it only specter or an Oxford don returning
once. Comedy dramatist Samuel to nature," remarked Ker to Gosse.
Foote, who was present challenged When they continued on their
Macklin to repeat the following: ways, Ker asked his friend, "Could
"So she went into the garden to cut you notice how pleased Gosse was
a cabbage leaf to make an apple pie, to be perceived, even in a fog, as an
and at the same time a great she- Oxford don?"
bear, coming up the street pops its William Patton Ker (1855-1923),
head into the shop. What! No soap? British scholar
So he died and she very impru
dently married the barber. And Theodore Roosevelt was described
there were present the picninnies, thus by one of his sons: "Father al
and the joblillies, and the Garyalies, ways had to be the center of atten
and the grand panjandrum himself, tion. When he went to a wedding,
with the little round button at he wanted to be the bridegroom;
top..." Macklin was unable to live and when he went to a funeral, he
up to his boast but the English lan wanted to be the corpse."
guage now has the phrase "the Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919),
grand panjandrum" to describe an U.S. president
important especially a self-
important, person.
Samuel Foote (1720-1777),
British actor and playwright ♦ VARIETY
Filling out a market research form,
Nubar Gulbenkian, a British heir, Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
came across a section labeled: "Po- The professor of sexual physiology
sition in life." He wrote: "Envia- at a medical school was lecturing
ble." his class: "And so, anatomically
Nubar Gulbenkian (1896-4972), speaking, there are precisely 52 dis
British businessman tinct positions possible in the sex
The Canadian actor Raymond Mas- act. If we classify these positions—"
sey obviously reveled in his tre The knowledgeable girlfriend of
mendous success in his role as one of the students raised her hand
Abraham Lincoln. Sneered George and said, "Sir, actually there are 53
S. Kaufman, //He won't be satisfied distinct positions possible." The
until he's assassinated." professor regarded her with a
frown. "Miss, my statement reflects
George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
long and serious research in the
U.S. writer, playwright and wit
field by highly respected authori
While walking in a fog, the English ties." "But I, too, speak with knowl
professor W.P. Ker and a friend edge," she persisted. "In fact, from
saw a huge figure before them. my own experience, I can vouch for
When they caught up with the fig the existence of 53." ''Well, lefs
ure, it turned out to be Sir Edmund count them," sneered the professor.
Gosse, an eminent biographer, "First, there is the primary position
translator and critic, whose appear of woman horizontal-dorsal, man
ance had been magnified by the at horizontal-ventral—." "My God,"
mospheric phenomenon called the cried the woman, "54!"

The Wit's Thesaurus

Wee-dee, Wee-kee) (I came, I saw, I

VICTORY conquered).
Gaius Julius Caesar (100 RC.-44 B.C.),
Foreign Words and Phrases Roman general and statesman
conquistador (Spa) The invading Greek forces under
(konn-kees-tah-DOR) lit: conqueror; Pyrrhus (PIR-us), king of Epirus in
Spanish conqueror of Mexico and northwestern Greece, defeated the
Peru; one who invades and exploits Romans at Asculeum in Apulia in
on a massive scale 279 B.c. When Pyrrhus was con
gratulated for his victory by a
Greek, he ruefully thought of all the
Quotations men, close aides and supplies he
lost, and sighed, "Another such vic
"In defeat unbeatable; in victory, tory and we are ruined." A Pyrrhic
unbearable/' victory is hence a victory at too high
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill a cost for the victor.
(1874-1965), British prime minister Pyrrhus (319 b.c-272 b.c), Epirian king
and writer, describing the autocratic
and arrogant Field Marshal
Bernard Law "Monty" Montgomery
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
At the Congress of Vienna in 1815,
" Tou put so much stock in win following total defeat of the French
ning wars/ the grubby iniquitous at the Battle of Waterloo, several
old man scoffed. The real trick lies French officers proudly turned their
in losing wars, and in knowing backs on the Duke of Wellington.
which wars can be lost... [N]ow When someone offered the snubbed
that we are losing again, everything victor sympathy, Wellington
has taken a turn for the better, and bowed and said, I have seen their
we will certainly come out on top backs before, madam."
again if we succeed in being de Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
feated/ " (1769-1852), British general
Joseph Heller (1923- ), and prime minister
U.S. writer, Catch-22 (2962), ch. 23

"After a victory there are no ene

mies, only men." ♦ VIEWPOINT
Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte] (MENTAL ATTITUDE)
(1769-1821), French general and
emperor, ordering aid for a fallen Russian
Foreign Words and Phrases
at the bloody Battle of Borodino (1812)
Gemfit (Ger)
(ge-MEWD temperament; emo
tional impact
Classical Phrases and Myths
Weltanschauung (Ger)
At Zela in Asia Minor in 47 B.C., Ju
(VELT-an-SHAU-ung) worldview,
lius Caesar decisively defeated the
philosophy of life
king of Pontus, Pharnaces II. His
victory was announced in Rome Weltgeist (Ger)
with the simple but immortal (VELT-gyst) prevailing spirit (of the
words: //Veni, vidi, vici" (WAY-nee, world, age, times, etc!)
The Ultimate Reference Book

Quotations ritually prepared in compliance

with Jewish dietary laws
'Tve made an odd discovery.
Every time I talk to a savant I feel
quite sure that happiness is no
longer a possibility. Yet when I talk Quotations ■
with my gardener, I'm convinced of
"I'm as pure as the driven slush."
the opposite."
Tallulah Bankhead (1903-1968),
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3d Earl
U.S. actress
(1872-1970), British mathematician
and philosopher
"I am willing to admit that I may
"On n'est jamais si heureux ni si mal- not always be right, but I am never
heureux qu'on s'imagine." (One is wrong."
never so happy or so unhappy as
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish]
one thinks.)
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film
Franqois, Due de la Rochefoucauld ( producer, declining to change his mind
1613-1680), French writer, about a particular script
Maximes, (2678), 49
Classical Phrases and Myths "I prefer an accommodating vice to
conscia metis recti (Lat) an obstinate virtue." .
(KON-ski-amens REK-tee) con Molitre [Jean Baptiste Poquelin]
scious of being right (1622-1673), French playwright,
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes Amphitryon (1666), Act I, sc. iv

Three people of different occupa "Be virtuous: not too much; just
tions looked at the Grand Canyon. whafs correct.
The priest said: "What a glory of
Excess in anything is a defect."
God!" The geologist said: "What a
Jacques Monvel (1745-1812),
wonder of science!" The cowboy
French actor and playwright
said: "What an awful place to lose
a horse!"
"Our virtues are most frequently
Two men were strolling down the only vices in disguise."
street when the music of a nearby
Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
church's chimes danced through
(1613-1680), French writer,
the air. One man commented, 'Isn't
Maximes (267$, 279
that wonderful music?" "Can't hear
you," replied the other. "Aren't
"An Englishman thinks he is moral
those chimes beautiful?" "Whadja
when he is only uncomfortable."
say?" "Isn't that lovely music?"
'Ifs no use/' said the other man. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
"Those peslor bells are so noisy I Irish playwright, Man and Superman
can't hear what you are saying." (2903), Act m

"Always do right. This will gratify

♦ VIRTUE some people and astonish the rest."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
Foreign Words and Phrases (1835-1910), U.S. humorist, writer and
speaker, speech to the Young People's
kosher (Yid) Society, Greenpoint Presbyterian Church,
(KOH-shur) legitimate; pious; food Brooklyn, February 16,1901

The Wit's Thesaurus

'Tew men have virtue to withstand Kulturschande (Ger)

the highest bidder/' (KUL-toor-SHAN-duh) insult to
George Washington (1732-1799), good taste; crime against civiliza
U.S. general and president tion

Classical Phrases and Myths digdut (Fra)

(day-GOO) distaste, disgust
bona fide (Lat)
(BON-ah Fl-day) lit: good faith;
genuine, correct, legitimate Quotations
"Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora se- "His manners are 99 in a 100 sin
quor." (I see and approve better gularly repulsive."
things, but follow worse.) Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834),
Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso] British poet and writer
(43 B.C.-C. a.d. 18), Roman poet,
"That fellow would vulgarize the
Metamorphoses, VII, 20
day of judgment."
The Feast of the Bona Dea were re
ligious rites in ancient Rome to Douglas William Jerrold (1803-1857),
which only women were admitted. British playwright and humorist, Wit and
Opinions of Douglas Jerrold (1859)
In 61 B.C. Julius Caesar's second
wife, Pompeia, was accused of hav "Ifs worse than wicked, my dear,
ing commited adultery with the no ifs vulgar."
torious profligate Publius Clodius, Punch Alamanac (1876)
who had attended the feast in fe
male dress. Caesar divorced Pom- "Vulgarity is simply the conduct of
peia. Later, there was an inquiry other people."
mto the desecration. Caesar de Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
clined to testify against Pompeia, so (1854-1900), British playwright,
the court asked him why he nad di writer and wit
vorced her. He responded, "Cae
sar's wife must be above suspicion."
Caius Julius Caesar (100 ac-44 rc),
Roman general and statesman ♦ WAKEFULNESS
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
J. Edgar Hoover, longtime head of
the FBI, was characterized by "Without a wink of sleep."
Washington insiders as "that Virgin Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Mary in pants" for so blatantly cul Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la
tivating an image of pious recti Mancha, Part I (2605;, bk. U, ch. 4
tude, although the historical record
indicates he was often corrupt. 'It was such a lovely day I thought
it was a pity to get up."
Jlohn] Edgar Hoover (1895-1972),
U.S. statesman W[illiam] Somerset Maugham
(1874-1965), British writer and
playwright, Our Betters (1923), Act m
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
Foreign Words and Phrases
The Duke of Wellington once ar
mauvais gdut (Fra) ranged for an appointment with
(MO-vay goo) bad taste young British statesman Palmer-

The Ultimate Reference Book

ston at 7:30 a.m. When someone not to advocate peace; although unjust it
disclosed skepticism that Palmer- is better than the.most just war."
ston> who kept late hours, could Cicero, Epistolae ad Atticum,
keep the appointment, the unfazed bk. VII, epistle 14J
Palmerston replied, "Of course I
shall. Ifs perfectly easy—I shall "Either war is obsolete or men are."
keep it the last thing before I go to [Richard] Buckminster Fuller (1895-
bed/' 1983), U.S. writer, architect and engineer
Henry John Temple, 3d Viscount
Palmerston (1784-1865), "Little girl Sometime they'll
British prime minister give a war and nobody will come."
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), U.S. poet
and writer, The People, Yes (1936) [cf.,
Suppose They Gave a War and
Nobody Came? (2970 film).]
"As long as war is regarded as
Foreign Words and Phrases wicked, it will always have its fas
cination. When it is looked upon as
guerre h Voutrance (Fra)
vulgar, it will cease to be popular."
(gerr ah LOOtrans) lit: war to ex
cess; war to the bitter end; colloq: Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
fight to the finish (1854-1900), British playwright, writer
and wit, The Critic as Artist (1891)
ilia (Spa)
Tgeh-REE-lyah) lit: small war; un "La guerre, c'est une chose trap grave
conventional warfare pour la confier a des militaires." (War
is something too serious to entrust
to military men.)
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord
"The Falklands thing was a fight (1754-1838), French diplomat [attributed
between two bald men over a also to Georges Clemenceau]
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986),
Argentine writer and poet, discussing Classical Phrases and Myths
the 1982 Falklands War
jus contra helium (Lat)
"Der Krieg ist nichts anderes als die (yus KON-tra BEL-lum) lit: law
Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen against war; the "moral" law
Mitteln." (War is nothing more than makes all warmongering unjust
the continuation of politics by other
means.) jus in hello (Lat)
(yus in BEL-loh) lit: law in war;
Karl von Clausewitz (1780-1831),
Prussian soldier and writer, even in war moral constraints and
Vom Kriege (On War) (1833) conventions must be obeyed

"There was never a good war or a "Silent enim leges inter arma." (SIL-
bad peace." ent EN-im LEG-es IN-ter AR-ma)
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), (Laws stand silent in war.)
U.S. statesman and scientist, paraphrasing Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 B.a-43 B.c),
Cicero and Samuel Butler, letter to Josiah Roman statesman and man of letters,
Quincy, September 11,1773 [cf. "I cease Pro Milone, TV, xi

The Wit's Thesaurus

'In peace the sons bury their fa der of Agamemnon by his wife Cly-
thers, but in war the fathers bury temnestra and the coming of Orestes
their sons/7 to avenge him. Thus, Cassandra warn
Croesus (c. 550 B.c), Lydian Jang ings indicate impotent wisdom.

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
During the Civil War the conspic
uous gallantry of a Union cavalry The cop was writing out a speeding
officer rallying his troops on the violation for the motorist when he
field of battle so impressed Confed happened to notice that the back
erate General Richard S. Ewell that seat of the man's car was packed
he ordered his soldiers not to shoot with penguins. "If you don t want
at the man. Stonewall Jackson later another ticket for operating an un
reprimanded Ewell, shrewdly not safe vehicle," instructed the police
ing, "Shoot the brave officers and man, "you'd better take them to the
the cowards will flee, taking their zoo." The next day the cop flagged
men with them/' down the same man speeding
Thomas Jonathan ["Stonewall"] Jackson past—only this time he had the top
(1824-1863), U.S. general down ana the penguins were wear
ing sunglasses. "Didn't I tell you to
take these penguins to the zoo?"
demanded the policeman. "Oh, I
did," replied the driver. 'Today
I'm taking them to the beach."

"Fasten your seat belts, it's going to
be a bumpy night."
Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1909- ),
U.S. writer, All About Eve (1950 film)
"There was so much handwriting
on the wall that even the wall fell An American had spoken dispar
agingly of the Thames. "What have
you in the Mississippi?" asked John
Christopher Morley (1890-1957),
Bums. Replied trie American,
U.S. writer
"Water—miles and miles of it."
"Ah, but you see," said Burns, "the
Classical Phrases and Myths Thames is liquid history."
John Burns (1858-1943), British writer
According to Greek legend, Cassan
dra was one of the 12 daughters of
Priam, king of Troy. Her name has "Water, water, every where,
become synonymous with those And all the boards did shrink.
prophets of doom whose warnings Water, water, every where,
go unheeded until it is too late. She And not a drop to drink."
correctly predicted many events Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834),
leading up to the fall of Troy to the British poet and writer,
Greeks in the Trojan War, the mur The Ancient Mariner (2795;

The Ultimate Reference Book

"I am rich beyond the dreams of

Edward Moore (1712-1757),
Foreign Words and Phrases British playwright, The Gamester
(1753), Act U, sc. ii
pianissimo (Ita)
(pee-ahn-ISS-ee-moh) in music,
very softly 'lama Millionaire. That is my re
morbidezza (Ita) George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish
(mor-bee-day-tsah) lit: tenderness; playwright, Major Barbara (1907), Act II
extreme delicacy in painting style
(generally used pejoratively) "The wretchedness of being rich is
that you live with rich people."
Quotations Logan Pearsal Smith.(1865-1946),
U.S. writer, After-Thoughts (1932),
'The spirit indeed is willing, but "In the World"
the flesh is weak."
Matthew 26:41 "Just what God would have done if
he had the money."
"Ifs going to be fun to watch and
Alexander Woollcott (1887-1943),
see how Ion ig the meek can keep the
U.S. writer, broadcaster and wit, viewing
earth after they inherit it"
playwright Moss Hart's opulent country
Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard estate [attributed also to Wolcott Gibbs]
(1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer

Classical Phrases and Myths

"He has not acquired a fortune; the
WEALTH fortune has acquired him."
Bion (c. 325 rc-c. 255 b.c),
Greek philosopher
Foreign Words and Phrases
rentier (Fra)
(RON-tee-eh) one living off rents
and investments (usually used pe taking
friend, was granted any wish By the
god. Midas wished that anything he
nouveau riche (Fra)
touched would turn to gold. He was
(NOO-voh reesh) person of newly
very happy but then realized that he
acquired wealth and status (usually
could not eat or drink, so he was able
to get Dionysus to retract the cursed
wish of greed. Hence, to have theMi-
Quotations dos touch is to have the ability to turn
any activity into a financial success.
"All heiresses are beautiful." But Midas fell victim to another
John Dryden (1631-1700), mistake—he maintained that Pan
British poet, playwright and writer, the satyr, not the god of music,
King Arthur (2692), Apollo, had won a musical contest.
Act I, sc. i For having ears unfit to judge a god's

The Wit's Thesaurus

music, Apollo caused Midas to grow to Ben Sonnenberg, Jr., Williams

long ass-ears. Humiliated, Midas said, 'It looked so shabby when I
wore a cap, but could not conceal his took it out, I couldn't go "

ber whowastoraientedwithhisse- (1911-1983), U.S. playwright

cret, whispered the secret mto a hole 9 6
by the river from which sprung reeds
to reveal the disgrace.

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes WEATHER

Financier J. P. Morgan once an
nounced in a burst of patriotism, Foreign Words and Phrases
"America is good enough for me!"
noya gryazi (Rus)
Growled politician William Jen
nings Bryan, "Whenever he doesn't (INftjH-yuh GREE-ahz-hee) black
like it, he can give it back to us." mud melted from snow, in which
Nazis and Napoleon became stuck
William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925),
U.S. politician
mistral (Fra)
(mees-TRAHL) northwest wind
In 'Itich Boy," part of his 1926 col
lection of stories AH the Sad Young
Men (1926), F. Scott Fitzgerald
wrote "Let me tell you about the
very rich. They are different from "On a fine day the climate of En
you and me." In 1936, Ernest Hem gland is like looking up a chimney;
ingway's Snows of Kilimanjaro con on a foul day, like looking down
tained the rejoinder, "Yes, they one."
have more money." Anonymous
Flrancis] Scott [Key] Fitzgerald
(1896-1940), U.S. writer "Some are weather-wise, some are
Oil executive J. Paul Getty was once Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
asked by a journalist whether it was U.S. statesman and scientist,
true that the value of his holdings Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757)
then amounted to a billion dollars.
After a pause, Getty answered, "I "There is really no such thing as
suppose so. But remember a billion bad weather, only different kinds of
dollars doesn't go as far as it used good weather."
to." John Ruskin (1819-1900),
Jlean] Paul Getty (1892-1976), British writer and social reformer
U.S. industrialist
"Heat, madam! It was so dreadful
Following a tour of the magnificent that I found there was nothing for
39-room mansion of publicist and it but to take off my flesh and sit in
art-and-celebrity collector Benjamin my bones."
Sonnenberg, the dramatist Tennes Sydney Smith (1771-1845),
see Williams briefly excused himself British clergyman and writer, commenting
to go the bathroom. Later, according about the oppressive hot weather

The Ultimate Reference Book

"I did not attend his funeral; but I

wrote a nice letter saying I ap
proved of it."
Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] Classical Phrases and Myths
(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, corpus (Lat)
writer and speaker (KOR-pus) body, collection (of law,
Classical Phrases and Myths written works, etc.)

In Greek mythology, Typhon (TIE- in extenso (Lat)

fon), or Typhoeus, was a tremen (in ex-TEN-soh) in its entirety, com
dous monster whose body consisted pletely
of serpents from the waist down and
ne plus ultra (Lat)
who had snake heads in lieu of
(nay ploos UL-tra) lit: nothing more
hands. He fathered many other mon
beyond; no further beyond, furthest
sters: Cerebrus, the Hydra, the Chi-
point attainable
maera, the Sphinx of Thebes, the
dragon guarding the Golden Fleece in toto (Lat)
and, according to some accounts, the (in TOH-toh) as a whole, in its en
eagle that gnawed at Prometheus's tirety, completely
liver. Killed by a thunderbolt hurled
by Zeus, Typhon was the personifi
cation of fierce windstorms. Thus, a
typhoon is a wind of hurricane force.
In Greek mythology, Zephrus (ZEF-
i-rus) was the personification of the
gentle west wind. Hence, a zephyr is Foreign Words and Phrases
a gentle breeze. celui qui veut, peut (Fra)
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes (se-LWEE kee vuhr puhr) he who
will, can; colloq: where there's a
The wife of the English viceroy in will, there's a way
Ireland, Lady Carteret, once com
mented to clergyman and satirist
Jonathan Swift how good the air
was in Ireland. "For God's sake, 'If a man can't forge his own will,
madam," implored Swift, falling to whose will can he forge?"
his knees, "do not say that in En Sir Wtilliam] S[chwenck] Gilbert
gland, for if you shall, they will (1836-1911), British writer,
surely tax it." Ruddigore (1887), Act II
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745),
"I've conquered my goddam will
Anglo-Irish clergyman and writer
One Sunday when Mark Twain and
Donlald Robert Perry] Marquis
the writer William Dean Howells
(1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet,
were leaving church, it began to
ordering a double martini after a month
rain heavily. Looking up at the
on the wagon
clouds, Howells asked, J/Do you
think it will stop?" Replied Twain,
"It always has." Classical Phrases and Myths

Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] sponte sua (Lat)

(1835-1910), U.S. humorist, (SPON-tay SU-ah) of one's own free
writer and speaker will

The Wit's Thesaurus
"Hoc volo, sic iubeo, sit pro ratione had six stems, and then left. The
voluntos." (I wish it, I insist on it! bartender, noting Fred's astonish
Let my will stand instead of rea ment, remarked, "You look sur
son.) prised/' "I'll say," said Fred. 'The
Juvenal [Decimns Junius Juvenalis] idiot left the best part."
(c. 50-c. 130), Roman writer,
Satires HI, /. 223



Foreign Words and Phrases 'Tm not very good at it myself, but
the first rule about spelling is that
yugen gap) there is only one 'z? in 'is/ "
(YOOgehn) awareness of the univ
George Slimon] Kaufman (1889-1961),
erse's profundity that triggers won
U.S. playwright, writer and wit, to a
drous feelings
writer after reading a manuscript loaded
Schauspiel (Ger) with spelling errors
(SHOW-speel) spectacle
'That woman speaks 18 languages,
and she can't say 'no' in any of
Bored Los Angeles housewife (Bar Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. wit
bara Stanwyck): "I wonder what and writer, praising faintly
you mean/' Insurance salesman a promiscuous acquaintance
(Fred McMurray): "I wonder if you
"Certain phrases stick in the throat,
even if they offer nothing mat is an
Billy [Samuel] Wilder (1906-1993), alytically improbable. 'A dashing
U.S. film director and writer,
Swiss officer is one such. Another
Double Indemnity (1944 film)
is 'the beautiful Law Courts/ "
Classical Phrases and Myths John Russell (1919- ),
British writer, Paris (1960), ch. 11
mirabile dictu (Lat)
(mee-RAH-bee-lay DDC-tu) lit: mar Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
velous to say; wonderful to relate
(cf. horrible dictu) When a gang member's baby says
"Motherr he's learned his first
stupor mundi (Lat) half-word.
(STU-por MUND-ee) wonder of the
world Q:"What do dyslexic theologians
argue about?" A: "The existence of
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes dog."
Fred watched in amazement as the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher
man sitting next to him at the bar once received an insulting letter in
ordered a martini, poured out its the mail containing just one word:
contents, then nibbled away at the "Fool." During his next service, he
bowl of title glass until only the exhibited the letter to his congre
stem was left. He placed it in his gation, remarking: "I have known
shirt pocket and ordered another many an instance of a man writing
martini. This continued until he a letter and forgetting to sign his

The Ultimate Reference Book

name, but this is the only instance "You don't suppose I've lost my in
I have known of a man signing his capacity for work, do you?"
name and forgetting to write the Aristide Briand (1862-1932),
letter/' French prime minister, complaining about
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), a stack of documents to study
U.S. clergyman and writer
"Work expands so as to fill the time
Film producer Samuel Goldwyn available for its completion."
handed humorist James Thurber C. Northcote Parkinson (1909- ),
the completed screenplay 'The Se British writer, Parkinson's Law
cret life of Walter Witty" (Gold- (295*;, p. 4
wyn's malapropism), warning him
not to read the last 100 pages be
Classical Phrases and Myths
cause they were too "bloody and
thirsty." Thurber disobeyed the in factotum (Lat)
struction, noting that he was "hor (fak-TOH-tum) one who does
ror and struck/" everything; general manager
James Thurber (1894-1961),
U.S. cartoonist and humorist Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes

"What seven-letter word has three "He's the worst kind of worker—
k's in it?" humorist/ short-story the shy, retiring type. His ledgers
writer and cartoonist James Thur are a few million dollars shy, which
ber once asked a nurse in a hospital is why he's retiring."
in which he was staying. The nurse
"Son, you're incredible," said the
thoughtfully replied, "I don't
know, but it must be unusual."
office manager to the new em
ployee. "You've been here a month,
James Thurber (1894-1961),
and you're already two months be
U.S. cartoonist and humorist

Foreign Words and Phrases
gajes (Spa)
(GAH-nays) perquisites and obli "I go to them to save time. I've
gations or a job (outside job descrip found that I can leave the other fel
tion) low's office a lot quicker than I can
get him to leave mine."
Gastarbeiter (Ger)
Henry Ford (1863-1947),
(GAST-ahr-BYE-ter) lit: guest U.S. industrialist, explaining why he
worker; foreigner working (in Ger visited subordinates in their offices
many) rather than summoning them to his

Quotations "Yes, but keep the copies."

Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish]
"Often Daddy sat up very late
(1882-1974), Russian-born U.S. film
working on a case of Scotch."
producer, granting his secretary's request
Robert Charles Benchley (1889-1945), to destroy files that were more than ten
U.S. humorist, Pluck and Luck (2925) years old

The Wit's Thesaurus

Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes seen anyone asleep in church—and

that is a sad situation."
Following his appointment as home
secretary, Georges Clemenceau, Norman Vincent Peak (1898-1994),
later French prime minister, arrived U.S. theologian
punctually to inspect his new of
fices and staff. But when he toured "Why is it when we talk to God,
the department with his aide, fling we're said to be praying—but when
ing open door after door, they God talks to us, we're schizo
found every office empty. They fi phrenic?"
nally entered a room only to dis Lily Tomlin (1939- ),
cover the lone staff member fast U.S. comedian and actress
asleep, slumped on his desk. When
the aide moved to awaken him,
Clemenceau said, "Don't awaken
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
him. He might leave."
Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929),
Benjamin Franklin as a youngster
French prime minister found the long graces his father
said before and after meals ex
tremely tedious. "I think, Father,"
The writer and wit Dorothy Parker said young Franklin, while helping
became lonely and depressed when his rather salt down the winter/s
she occupied a tiny office in New provisions one day, "if you say
York's Metropolitan Opera House, grace over the whole cask once for
so she had the signwriter who came all, it would be a vast saving of
to letter her name on the office door time."
instead paint "Gentlemen." Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Dorothy Parker (1893-1967), U.S. statesman and scientist
U.S. wit and writer
When Edward Everett Hale, whose
great-uncle was Nathan Hale, was
chaplain of the U.S. Senate, he was
asked, "Dr. Hale, do you pray for
the Senate?" "No," he replied. "I
look at the Senators and pray for
the people."
Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909),
♦ WORSHIP U.S. clergyman and writer

Quotations William Lawrence, the Episcopal

"He didn't actually accuse God of bishop of Massachusetts, was out
inefficiency, but when he prayed driving when he came upon an
his tone was loud and angry, like other driver angrily swearing while
that of a dissatisfied guest in a care he struggled to pry a flat tire from
lessly managed hotel." the rim. The bishop suggested,
"Have you tried prayer, my good
Clarence [Shepard] Day, Jr. (1874-1935),
man?" The exasperated driver sank
U.S. writer
to his knees with his hands clasped
and his eyes lifted heavenward.
"America has become so tense and Again he inserted the tire iron, but
nervous it has been years since I've. this time the tire popped off.

The Ultimate Reference Book

Lawrence exclaimed, ''Well, I'll be "As there is a use in medicine for

goddamned!" poison so the world cannot move
William Lawrence (1850-1941), without rogues."
U.S. bishop [authenticity unverified] Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882),
U.S. writer, poet and philosopher, Essays:
First Series (1841), "Compensation"

"Mad, bad, and dangerous to

Lady Caroline Lamb (1785-1828),
British aristocrat, describing Lord Byron,
Foreign Words and Phrases Journal (March 1812)
momser (Yid)
"It is a sin to believe evil of others,
(MOHM-zer) evil bastard
but it is seldom a mistake."
(el) dioblo (Spa) H[enry] L[ouis] Mencken (1880-1956),
(el DYAH-bloh) (the) devil, fiend U.S. critic and writer

dybbuk (Heb) "Better to reign in hell, than serve

(DIB-book) evil spirit; soul of a in heaVn."
dead person which enters a living John Milton (1608-1674), British poet
body and writer, Paradise Lost (1667),
bk. I, I. 261
me de boue (Fra)
(AHM de BOO) lit: soul of mud; "He's the only man I know who
base soul, ungenerous spirit has rubber pockets so he can steal
Hales dejauts de ses qualites (Fra)
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933), U.S. wit
(eel ah lay day-FOH de say KAL- and writer, commenting on an unethical
ee-TAY) his faults spring from his colleague [authenticity unverified]
very qualities
"You're a mouse studying to be a
roui (Fra) rat."
(ROO-eh) rake, profligate, cunning
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933),
Schweirihund (Ger) U.S. wit and writer
(SCHWINE-hoont) lit: pig dog; vil
"He is a man of splendid abilities,
lain, henchman
but utterly corrupt. He shines and
stinks like a rotten mackerel by
Quotations moonlight."
John Randolph (1773-1833), 17.S.
"He was the mildest manner'd man
politician, describing Edward Livingston
That ever scuttled ship or cut a
throat." "Some wicked people would be
Lord Byron [George Gordon] (1788-1824), less dangerous naa they no re
British poet, Don Juan Canto m deeming qualities."
(1816), I. xli
Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
(1613-1680), French writer,
"I begin to smell a rat."
Maximes (1678)
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616),
Spanish writer, Don Quixote de la "He has spent all his life in letting
Mancha, Part I (1605), bk. TV, ch. 10 down empty buckets into empty

The Wit's Thesaurus

wells; and he is frittering away his and he unknowingly gulped down

age in trying to draw them up the poison. Nero watched, calmly
again." amused, as Britannicus fell back
Sydney Smith (1771-1845), and choked to death. Nero took his
British clergyman and writer own mother as his mistress but,
plagued with guilt, he had her put
to death. He also falsely accused his
Classical Phrases and Myths
wife Octavia of infidelity and—
"Hie niger est, hunc tu, Romane, cav- surprise!—had her poisoned so he
eto." (That man is black at heart: could marry a wealthy patrician,
mark and avoid him, if you are a Poppaea Sabina. Although Nero
Roman indeed.) did not fiddle while Rome burned
Horace (65 b.c-8 b.c), Roman poet, (the instrument had not been in
Satires, I. in, I 85 vented, and he was at his villa in
Antium), his depravity had none
Treachery and debauchery reached theless eroded all popular support.
a feverish pitch preceding and dur He stabbed himself in the throat
ing the reign of Nero (NEE-roh). with the assistance of his scribe
Agrippina, his widowed mother, Epaphroditus in A.D. 68 on the an
married her uncle Claudius, em niversary of Octavia's murder.
peror of Rome, who had recently Nero [Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus]
slain his first wife for her infideli (37-68), Roman emperor
ties. Agrippina was not going to al
low his design to have his son
Britannicus named his successor to
interfere with her determination to Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
have her son Nero instead made
The pope and an attorney arrived
emperor. So she encouraged Nero
simultaneously at the Pearly Gates,
to marry his adoptive sister, who
and St. Peter showed them to their
was Claudius's daughter. Then, be
quarters. The pope was led to a
fore Claudius was able to clarify his
small, spartan cubicle furnished
plans for succession, the aged em
with a cot, chair and Bible. The law
peror died an agonizing death
yer was shown to a huge chamber
overnight, having been fed poison
of marble with views and deluxe
ous mushrooms in a stew by Agrip
furnishings. 'This is a mistake/' the
pina, using a poison from Locusta.
lawyer said to St. Peter. "Shouldn't
Nero became emperor, and gave
the pope have this room?" St Peter
Claudius a magnificent funeral.
shook his head. "No. We've had
Nero later deified Claudius, wryly
many popes in heaven, but you're
commenting that mushrooms were
the first attorney."
indeed the food of the gods, be
cause by eating them, Claudius had
become divine. Next, Nero had to At the 1913 premiere of Stravinsky's
eliminate Britannicus, who, of ballet score for Le Sucre du printemps,
course, suspected foul play and had commissioned by Sergei Diaghilev,
been cheated out of the throne. Lo the audience in Paris nearly rioted.
custa, knowing that Britannicus When the piece was next performed
used a taster, first had Britannicus in Paris in 1952, it received enthusi
served an untainted drink which, astic applause. "There was just as
he complained, was too hot. Cold much noise the last time," remarked
water was quickly brought to him Pierre Monteux, who conducted on

The Ultimate Reference Book

both occasions, "but the tonality was Quotations

different/' 'The only people who like to write
Igor Feodorovitch Stravinsky (1882-1971), terribly are those that do/'
Russian-born composer
Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960),
U.S. writer

"After being Turned Down by nu

merous Publishers, he had decided
to write for posterity."
George Ade (1866-1944), U.S. humorist
WRITING and playwright, Fables in Slang
(1900), p. 158
Foreign Words and Phrases "A footnote is like running down
homme de lettres (Fra) stairs during the first night of mar
(OM de LET-ruh) man of letters, riage."
writer, literary man John Barrymore (1882-1942), U.S. actor
[attributed also to Noel Coward]
Kunstlerroman (Ger)
"None of these people have any
(KOON-stler-ro-MAN) lit: artist
thing interesting to say, and none of
novel; novel about development of
an artist's sensibility
them can write... [What they do]
isn't writing at all—ifs typing."
Bildungsroman (Ger) Truman Capote (1924-1984), U.S. writer,
appraising "Beat" novelists,
(BILL-doohngs-ro-MAN) lit: for-
televised interview, 1959
* mation novel; novel tracing life and
development of one character (e.g. "Literature is the art of writing
Madame B&oary) something that will be read twice;
journalism what will be read once."
belles lettres (Fra) Cyril Connolly (1903-1974), British
(bell LET-re) serious literature writer. Enemies of Promise (1938), ch. 3

literati (Ita) "When I want to read a novel, I

(lee-teh-RAH-tee) educated and write one."
well-read (people) Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
(1804-1881), British prime minister
novela picaresca (Spa)
"The art of reading is to skip judi
picaresque novel, adventure story
about a single roguish hero Philip Gilbert Hamerton (1834-1894),
British writer, Intellectual Life,
pt. iv, letter xo
geflugelteWorte (Ger)
(ge-FLEW-gel-tuh VOR-tuh) lit "Gentlemen, you do me too much
winged words; writings supporting honor, but I have four reasons for
differing sides of an issue not writing: I am too old, too lazy,
too fat and too rich."
Festschrift (Ger) , David Hume (1711-1776),
(FEST-shrift) lit: festival writing; es British philosopher and historian,
says written to commemorate a dis declining to update his best-selling
tinguished scholar History of Great Britain

The Wit's Thesaurus

'It takes a great deal of history to he agreed with the widely held be
produce a little literature/' lief that most editors are foiled writ
Henry fames (1843-1916), U.S. writer, ers. "Perhaps/' answered Eliot after
Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne some reflection, "but so are most
(1879), ch. I writers."
Tlhomos] Sltearns] Eliot (1888-1965),
'To read between the lines was eas
U.S. poet
ier than ,to follow the text."
Informed that writer Nancy Mit-
Henry James (1843-1916), U.S. writer
ford was staying at a friend's villa
"A votary of the desk—a notched to finish a book, Shakespearean ac
and cropt scrivener—one that sucks tress Dame Edith Evans com
his substance/ as certain sick people mented, "Oh, really? What exactly
are said to do, through a quill/' is she reading?"
Charles Lamb (1775-1834), British writer, Dame Edith Evans (1888-1976),
Essays of Elia (1823), "Oxford British actress
in the Vacation"
Thomas Jefferson was somewhat
"The art of newspaper paragraph discomfited by the editorial revi
ing is to stroke a platitude until it sions made by a committee review
purrs like an epigram." ing his draft of the Declaration of
Independence, so Ben Franklin told
Don[ald Robert Perry] Marquis
him a story: As a young man Frank
(1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet
lin had had a friend who, having
"If you want to get rich from writ completed his apprenticeship as a
ing, write the sort of thing that's hatter, was going to open his busi
read by persons who move their ness with a signboard inscribed
lips when they're reading to them 'John Thompson, hatter, makes
selves." and sells hats for ready money"
Donlald Robert Perry] Marquis over the depiction of a hat. When
(1878-1937), U.S. writer and poet he asked for his friends' opinions,
the first noted that "hatter*' could
"A person who publishes a book be left off the sign, as "makes and
willnilly appears before the public sells hats" showed the nature of the
with his pants down." business; the second remarked that
Edna St. Vincent Milky (1892-1950), "makes" was superfluous, as cus
U.S. poet tomers would be unconcerned with
who had made the hats; the third
"Henry James writes fiction as if it
pointed out that "for ready money"
were a painful duty."
was unneeded because it was not
Oscar IFingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde local custom to sell on credit; the
(1854-1900), Britishjplaywright, writer
fourth, commenting on the remain
and wit, The Critic as Artist (1891) ing verbiage 'John Thompson sells
"Literature is the orchestration of hats," suggesting deleting "sells"
platitudes." as no one would expect the hatter
to give them away; and someone
Thornton [Niven] Wilder (1897-1975),
pointed out that "hats" was super
U.S. writer and playwright
fluous since there was the painted
picture of a hat on the signboard.
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
The board was hung reading 'John
The poet T. S. Eliot was once asked Thompson" with a picture of a hat
by publisher Robert Giroux whether underneath the name. The story

The Ultimate Reference Book

mollified Jefferson, and it was gen "If ifs the right word," replied his
erally agreed that the committee's father, "thafs a lot."
editorial work had improved the Ernest.[Miller] Hemingway (1899-1961),
wording of the Declaration of In U.S. writer
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), The prolific Belgian novelist Geor
U.S. statesman and scientist ges Simenon, author of the Inspector
Maigret series, was working on his
158th novel when film director Al
Samuel Goldwyn hired a ghost
fred Hitchcock called from Amer
writer to write a series of articles to
ica. "I'm sorry," answered Madame
be published with Goldwyn's by
Simenon for the fast-writing author.
line/ but the writer had to be re
"Georges is writing and I cannot
placed when he became ill during
disturb him." "Let him finish his
the assignment. Goldwyn read the
book," Hitchcock said. "I'll hang
writing of the substitute and re
marked with dismay, "Ifs not up to
my usual standard." Sir Alfred Hitchcock (1889-1990),
British film director
Samuel Goldwyn [Samuel Goldfish]
(1882-1974), Russian-born
After the publication of Uncle Tom's
U.S. film producer
Cabin, a woman asked novelist Har
riet Beecher Stowe if she could
Aware that Ernest Hemingway's clasp the hand of the woman who
contract with Scribners barred the had written the great antislavery
publisher from changing anything novel. "I did not write it," Stowe
in his manuscripts. Maxwell Per modestly replied, "God wrote it. I
kins, then an editor at Charles merely did his dictation." Novelist
Scribner and Sons, thought that he and critic William D. Howells, how
ought to consult the patrician ever/ noted that the text had to be
Charles Scribner on whether to de largely rewritten in the margins of
lete the word "fuck" from Hem her proofs because God's diction/
ingway's manuscript for Death in grammar and phrasing were so
the Afternoon. Then leaving the of poor. Also, the book's practical in
fice to go to lunch, the elderly spiration was a pamphlet written
Scribner suggested discussing the
by Josiah Henson, a runaway Mary
issue upon his return, and so he
land slave.
jotted the single word 'Tuck" on
his notepad headed "What To Do Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896),
Today." U.S. writer

Ernest [Miller] Hemingway (1899-1961), The publisher of writer and tran-

U.S. writer scendentalistphilosopher Henry Da
vid Thoreau's A Week on the Concord
Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway and Merrimack Rivers wrote to Tho-
was asked by his young son Patrick reau inquiring how he wished to dis
to edit a story he had written. Hem pose of 706 unsold copies of the
ingway reviewed the piece and 1,000-book edition. Thoreau asked to
then handed it back to the boy. have them sent to him and, once
"Papa," Patrick said, disappointed, stored, Thoreau noted in his journal/
"but you changed one word only." "I now have a library of nearly 900

The Wit's Thesaurus

volumes, over 700 of which I wrote night would keep him young. An
myself/' noyed by this habit, the society
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), hostess Emerald Cunard pressed
U.S. writer, naturalist and poet him to remain one night as he was
readying to depart soon after din
ner. "I can't stay, Emerald," replied
Maugham. "I have to keep my
♦ YOUNGSTER youth." "Then why didn't you
bring him with you?" protested
Lady Cunard. "I would be de
Foreign Words and Phrases
lighted to meet him."
bambino Ota) Lady Emerald Cunard [nie Maud Burke]
(bam-BEE-noh) baby, child (1872-1948), U.S.-born British socialite

Quotations The pragmatist philosopher John

Dewe/s theories of education also
//What music is more enchanting influenced his own home life. One
than the voices of young people, day as he was sitting in his study,
when you can't hear what they which was directly below the bath
say?" room, he felt a trickle of water run
Logan Pearsal Smith (1865-1946), down his back. He raced upstairs to
U.S. writer, After-Thoughts (2932), find his young son struggling to
"Age and Death" shut off the water to a bathtub over
flowing with water and toy boats.
//What is childhood but a series of
happy delusions/' Seeing his father, the youngster
said sternly, "Don't argue, John.
Sydney Smith (1771-1845), Get the mop."
British clergyman and writer
John Dewey (1859-1952),
"The child is the father of the man/' U.S. philosopher and educator
William Wordsworth (1770-1850),
Elizabeth the Queen Mother and
British poet, My Heart Leaps Up (2807)
Princess Margaret, then a little girl,
were on a walk when a woman
Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
came up to them, exclaiming, "So
Concerned that six-year-old Becky this is the lovely little lady we've
still hadn't uttered one word, Mrs. heard so much about!" Margaret
Jones made an appointment with sternly replied, "I'm not a little
the pediatrician. Before leaving, she lady. I'm a pri—" The queen firmly
had Becky brush with adult tooth interrupted. "She's not quite a little
paste, since Becky had used up the lady yet. But she's learning."
children's brand. "Phew! This is Elizabeth the Queen Mother
awful!" snarled the little girl, spit (1900- ), British queen
ting out the toothpaste. "You can [authenticity unverified]
talk!" exclaimed the joyful parent,
Actor Peter Ustinov, the proud fa
tears running down her cheeks.
ther of a proper young daughter,
//Why haven't you talked before?"
took her to see her first opera, Aida,
"Everything's been fine until now."
being performed at the Baths of
The novelist and playwright Som Caracalla in Rome. During the
erset Maugham, a homosexual, was scene in which a menagerie of ani
convinced .that retiring early at mals parade on stage, virtually all

The Ultimate Reference Book
of them suddenly relieved them "The great trouble with the young
selves. Staring aghast at the sight, people today is their freedom; they
Ustinov felt a light tapping on his can no longer disobey."
shoulder. His daughter earnestly Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), French writer,
inquired, "Daddy, is it all right to artist and filmmaker
laugh?" 5
Sir Peter [Alexander] Ustinov "Vietnam was what we had instead
(1921- ), British actor and writer of happy childhoods."
Michael Hen (1940- ),
U.S. writer

"Boys will be boys, and so will a lot

of middle-aged men."

♦ YOUTH (CHILDHOOD) Frank McKinney ["Kin"] Hubbard

(1868-1930), U.S. humorist and writer

Foreign Words and Phrases "My salad days, when I was green
in judgment."
jeunesse dor&-(Fra)
(juh-NESS do-RAY) lit: gilded William Shakespeare (1564-1616),
youth; wealthy, fashionable youth, British playwright and poet, Antony and
yuppies Cleopatra (2607), Act I, sc. v

"Youth is a wonderful thing; what

a crime to waste it on children."
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
''Youth would be an ideal state if it Irish playwright
came a little later in life."
"Those whom the gods love grow
Herbert Henry Asquith, Earl of Oxford
and Asquith (1852-1928),
British prime minister Oscar [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills] Wilde
(1854-1900), British playwright,
"I thought he was a young man of writer and wit, The Picture of
Dorian Gray (1891)
promise, but it appears he is a
young man of promises."
Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour Jokes, Stories and Anecdotes
(1848-1930), British prime minister,
describing Winston Churchill The judge reviewed with a jaun
diced eye the defendant accused of
"I'm not young enough to know peddling "Fountain of Youth"
everything." brew which, he advertised, would
reverse the aging process. "Does
Sir ][ames] Mtatthew] Barrie the accused have a prior arrest rec
(1860-1937), British writer and
ord?" the judge asked the prosecu
playwright, The Admirable Crichton
tor. "Yes, Your Honor. He was
(performed 1902, pubd. 1914), Act I
arrested for the same offense in
1984,1969,1952,1906 and 1835."
"He is a man suffering from petri
fied adolescence." British zoologist Julian Huxley's tan
Aneurin ["Nye"] Bevan (1897-1960), trums as a youngster were not a
British politician, describing problem for his illustrious grandfa
Winston Churchill ther, Thomas Huxley, also a zoolo-

The Wit's Thesaurus

gist, biologist and paleontologist. He idency at the 1940 Republican

said, "I like the way he looks you convention, crusty old Harold
straight in the face and disobeys Ickes, New Deal secretary of the in-
you." terior, commented: "Dewey has
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), thrown his diaper into the ring/'
British philosopher Harold L. Ickes (1874-1952),
U.S. statesman
When the youthful Tom Dewey an
nounced his candidacy for the pres-


ARMS, 26
AGE, 11 ♦ B ♦



CAUTION, 55 78
CHANCE (LUCK), 56 80
CHEST, 60 82
62 COOKING, 84 '



DRUGS, 127
♦ D ♦ DUPE, 127
128 •
DANCE, 99 DUTY, 128
DANGER, 100 DYING, 129
DEATH, 100
DEBT, 103
DECEIVER, 104 ♦ E ♦
109 ELDERLY, 132
DEVIATION, 112 134



EXPERTISE, 149 173
FACE, 150 176
FEMALE, 155 HABIT, 178
FILM, 157 HANDS, 179
FOOD, 159 HATE, 181
♦ G ♦ HUMAN BODY, 191
GAMBLE, 168 HUMOR & WIT, 192

♦ I ♦ INSURANCE, 218
♦ K ♦
KISS 229
211 ♦ L ♦
LACK OF, 211
INQUIRY, 215 235

LAWYER, 236 MONEY, 261

LAZINESS, 237 263
LEGS & FEET, 242
LENIENCY, 242 ♦ N ♦
LIFE, 243
LOYALTY, 248 NEWS, 270
♦ M ♦ (ABNORMALITY), 272
MALE, 249
♦ O ♦
MAXIM, 255
OWNER, 279



ARTS 293 323
PHYSICS, 296 325
PITY, 298
310 REJECTION, 331



REST & VACATION, 336 357
337 SOPHISTRY, 359
SAGE, 342 SUCCESS, 367
SEX, 346



TIME, 377 USE, 395
TITLE, 378
TOP, 379 ♦ V ♦
TOUCH, 379
382 VULGARITY, 401

♦ U ♦

WAR, 402
WATER, 403
WILL, 406

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