02 International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate With Supplement

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je Page (of Perama INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE (Note: Tis Cate hl be spplmente by 2 RecarsofConsticoand Spyment) (Supplement No. 22ZQ0244-0PR ) CenideateNo. 227Q0244-0PP Issued uaderthe provisions of the INTERNATIONAL: CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, a rode hy the Protocol of 1978 relat 9, cman (nae refer to athe Cove") under die authority ofthe Government of ‘the Republic of Panama ty NIPPON KAUIKYOKAT Pasticuiars of ship Name of ship : SERENE OCEAN Distinctive umber or fener 1 3FOE9 Bort of sgistry 2 Papama Gross tonnage 2 sm Deadweight ofshipcmsniewny bm IMO Number + IMO 9864980 ‘Type of ship oilsekee ‘Ship-othonshanran-oibtankcesvithccusetanle comings under ‘ , ‘Ship other than any of the above ‘THIS ISTO CERTIFY: 1, That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with zegulation 6 of Aanex [of the Conversions and 2. Thiet the survey shows thatthe structure, equipment, systems, fitings, anangement and mareria! ofthe ship and the condition thereof are in all cespeots satfstactony and that the ship ecm Annes Tof the Conventfon, vith the applicable requirements of 1) Forottniors 3) Delete axa, ORP-7ePIPAND (7.00) Inipee-cononte caren jp veryeallon aspx rno=385 6808 ho 056E- 0570-457 88-4823 ‘Tats Cetifcate is val uns 29 May 2024 subject io surveys in accordance with regulaifon 6 of Annex | of the Convention, ‘Completion date ofthe survey on which tis cenoate is based: 30 May 2019) fssued at Qingden en {June 2022 The undersigned declares that he is duly authorized bythe sald Government fo isu this Certificate, Pty Daiyu Yang, Surveyor NIPPON KAI KYOKAT 23) nsec ts date 0 expr ws sped By the Adminstin ja accordance wt reguleod 0 of Anas I of Us Cooveoe Th dy and be sont of is das eeegondw Qw anniversary dat ak Cebed varegltion 127 af ames | af Cameo, nls arene py seca itreyalion IS of Anes Late Convection lopP.7a(eAN}(07 0%) ‘nmr. corcate iassnk.orjplveyfcalon aseximan03540308tdeC5506-00870-40788-18254 Page 3 oft Endorsemens for annual and intermediate surveys ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY thar, ata survey required by regulation 6 of Annex I of the Convention, the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of tie Convention. Annual survey: Place: -ZHOUSHAN ZHONGTIAN SHIPYARD,CHINA _ Dae 28 June 2020 Annutl Lamtermedinte survey Places Qlazhou Port,Guangei,China Date: 8 May 2021 Aemeal 4 Intermediate survey : Pisce: Qingdao, PRChina Due: 1 June2022 Angual survey: Places Date Signed ‘Sunicjor to NIPPON RAMTRVORAT Annual intermediate survey in accordance with regulations 108.3 ‘THIS 18 TO CERTIFY thst, stan annul J intermediate®! survay in aovordance with eegultions 10.8.3 of Annex T ofthe Convention, the ship was fend to comply withthe relevant provisions of the Convention, Paves Date: Sine ‘Sunojer NIPPON RAMI RVOKAT 21 Dette as mpropet OPP.TEEPAN) (07.01) tpi cariatscasentcorjerycston.ospx Amos BBEAS208ie- 0855. O0570-457 22 AED Paged of Endorseraent ta extend the cevtfeate if valid for lass than 5 years where regulation 10.3 applies “The ship complies withthe relevant provisions ofthe Convention, and this Certificate shall in accorSance with regulation 103 of Annex I ofthe Convention, be sccepte! as valid nti Signs ‘Suvseyorte NIPPON EADTRVORAT ‘Endorsement where the renesal survey has bees completed and regulation 10.4 applies ‘The ship complies with he relevant provisions of the Convearion, and chis Contificate shall, in accordance with regulasion 104 of Annex [the Convention, be accepted as valid watil Place: ater Signed ‘Surveyor to NIPPON KALE RYORAT Endorsement co extend the validity ofthe corfieare wnail reaching the port of survey or Por aperiod of grace whore regulation 10.5 or 106 appties ‘The Cexiicete shall, in accordance with regulation 10.5 / 106 of Annex [ofthe Coavention be accepted as valid un Places Date . Signed: ‘Sisvegne te NIPPON KAI RYORAT Endorsemens for advancement of anniversary date where regulation 10.8 applios In accordance with regaation 18.8 of Ande I ofthe Convention, the new anniversary dt is Phe: Det Sioncée ‘Sueyaria NIPPON KAD KVORAT In eecardance with reguation 10,8 of Annex | of the Convention, the new anniversary dae is Place: Date: Stoned: ‘Surveyor to NIPPON KAU RYORAT 21 Below es epee, {0PP-7ap(PAN) (07.01) iapsut-criicatecatenorjp\erication aspyTimo=2eA0a0ates=0S596-0067C-49T@2-45231 Page 1 of4 Fem Supplement to the International Oi] Pollution Prevention Certificate (OPP Certificate) RECORD OF CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT FOR SHIPS OTHER THAN OI. TANKERS Supplement No. 222Q0244-OPR ‘in respect ofthe provisions of Annas { of rie Intemational Convention for the Preveation of Pollusion fom Ships, 1973, ‘as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating there (hereinater referred to as “the Conveation”} Notes: |. This form ia to be se fir the thin pe of ships as categorized ia the IOP Cerise, i, "ships other than any of the shove”. For of! taukers and ships other tian el tukers witk cap tanks coming under reguletion 2.2 of Anoex T ofthe Comvcaton, Form B shall be used 2. This Rezo shall be perma atached tthe [OPP Cenifente, The JOPP Certificate shall be evalcbe on board the ship ot all ines. 3: The Inngusge ofthe criginl Rocrd shall bo at Feast fa Fngsen, Hench of Spanish, [Pax ofl language of the isuing county sso sed, als sha prev n case ofa diste or dierepay. 4. Entes in boxes shall be mae by insexing either & rests) “or he antec “yes” and “epplicable” ora dash () fr the sors “po and “not spplieabo™ a appropri, 5 Regulations mentioned ix this Record refer fo regulations of Anacx Tof the Convensia and esoluoas refer to those adopt ‘bythe Intematlonsl Meritie Crganizaion, 1. Particulars of ship 1D Name of ship SERENE.OCEAN 2.2 Distinctive number orleters _ 3FORS 13 Portofregistry 14 Gross tonnage LS. Date of builé: 15.1 Dae of building coatract 1.5.2 Date on which keel wns laid ar ship ‘was at a similar stage of eanstrution 153 Devwofdolivery 1.6 Major conversion (# appliesble) 1.8.) Date of conversion coniraet 1.62 Date on which conversion was commenced 1.83 Date of completion of conversion LT The stip has heen aceepred by the Administration asa “stip delivered on or bofore 31 Decesriber 19797 under regulation 1.28.1 de to unfaresoen delay in.delivery lopPesptA 17.01) ips:t- ceria clseenicorjtveroaon aspeioeG004260S1GH05686-C0570-49786-48731 Page 2084 Equipment for the contral of oll discharge from machinery space bilges and off fuel tanks (regulations 19 and 14) 21 Camriage of ballast water in oll fuel tess: 2.1.1 The ship may under normal conditions carry hallast water in ol fue tanks _ 22 Type of oil Biltering equipment fitted: 2.2.1 Oil filtering (15 ppm) equipment (egulation 146) eee : 2.22 Oil tering ((5 pom) equipment with slarm end automate stepping device (regulation 14.7) 2.3 Approval standards: 23.1 The scparatng/fitering equipment: thas been approved in accordaace with resolution 4.393 (X% has been spproved in aovordance with resolution MEPC.60(33); 22as been approved in accordance with resolution MEPC.1O7(49)s has been approved in accordance with esohution A233 (VU ‘has been approved in secordance with national standards not based upon resolution A393 (or ADSI (VID % 6 has nocbeen spree 23.2 The process ait has been approved in accordance with solution 8.44 (X1)_, = 233 The oil coment meter: 1 bas been approvediin accordance with resaluton A398 OX}: _. 2s been approved in accordance with resolution MEPC.60(33) : 3 bes been approved in accordance with resohition MEPC.AOT(S9). - Eg 2.4 Maximum throughput of the system is 20 m3 2.5 Waiver of regulation Ms 25.1 The requirements of regulation 14.1 or 14.2 are waived in respect of the ship in accordance with regulation 14.3, , 23.1.1 The ship is engaged exclusively on voyeges within special area 25.1.2 The ship is cemiied under the Intemational Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft and ‘engaged on a scheduled service with a mum-aroand time aot exceediag 24 hours = 25.2. The ships fited with holding tani(s) fbr the tte reention an board of all ely bilge water as Zllows:_[ = Tank locaton. Tak = Votune identification vraries ateral position (m*) (fom) (0) pete os Nil ‘Toral volume (a) *Delewseappropiae, oPPsvnia (17.09) pete. coneate caesnicrphetycallonatox?imonB86 4080 Bd C0570-A978540251 Page dof 2A OIl fuel rank protection (regulatfon 12) 2A.1 The ship is required to be constructed secording to regulstion 12A and complies with the requirements oft DParegraphs 6 and either 7 or $ (double bull sodstrction) paragraph 11 (eccidents{ oi fuel outflow pecformance). ___ 2A.2 “The sip isnot requiced to comply with the requieements of regulation 124. 3. Means for retention and disposal of ol residues (sledge) (regulation 12) and olly bilge water holding tank(s) * 3.1. The ship is provided with oi residue (sludge) tanks for retention of ol esidues (sludge) ox board as follows: Tank Fi Tat location ‘Volume ientieron vanes weaiposin | feo) (8) Tater posi Oily Bilge Tank a2 - +29 | Port Side 20.16) sug Tan x 1a [suowasice 39 Waste on Sree Task >a |stamaste 2a Sue 0. Dri Task wt |powstie si Tear as 3.2. Means for the disposal of ol esidues (sludge) rtsined ia oll residue (sludge) tanks: 3.2.1 Incinerstar for ol residues (sudge) 3:22. Amlisny boiler suitable forburcng olresiduessindgs) 32.3. Other acceptable means, sta which 33. The ship is provided with holding tank(s) fo the retention on board of ely bilge water as follows Tank ‘Tank lostion Volume identification Frames sition @) (fom) te) Lateral posite Bilge Tank 8 [ener That ‘Total volume im) 1781 iy lee waa oding nk) et ogy ho Cornenion nh toe provie ny sal fied in Tab 2, SOPPsuna (17.01) Irpsa.cerecatetassrcotoleryfestonsaspimo-S6e8802td-O5525-00570 49782-42224 Pages of 4. Standard discharge connection (regulation 13} 41 The ship is provided with a pipeline forthe discharge of resldues from machinery bilges and sladges ta reception facilites, ited with a standard discharge connection in accordance with regulation 13, 3. Shipboard ot'marine pollution emergeney plan (regulation 37) 3.1. The ship is provided with « shipboard oil pollution emergency plan in compliance with cegulation 97 x ‘pbourd marine pollution emergency plas in conspliance wit regulation 37.3 [= 52. The ship is provided with 2 6 Bxemption 64 Exemptions have heen granted bythe Adeusistration from the requirements of chapter 3 of Annex I of the Convention in accordance with regulation 3. those tems listed under paragrash(s) 7. Equivalents (regulation 5) 7.1 Equivatems have been approved by the Administration for certain requirements of Annes Lon those items listed under paragraphs) ~ ofthis Record = 8. Compifance with part II-A~ chapter 1 of the Polar Code 8.1 The ship is in complisnce wits additionsl requirements inthe enviraamentseiated rovisione of the inodusdon and section 1.2 of chapter 1 of part I-A ofthe Polar Code, J ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is comet in all respects, + Issued at Omngdse en 1 June 2622 Vang, Surveyar NIPPON KALI KYOKAL loppsupta (17.02) hpeto-carteat.clanank or jpioryieabion ase ioG8886084-6596-0057OA9TEE-40221

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