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Applicant Name Chirag Vishnukant Jaju

Application ID 134385
Application Status Complete
Applying for Year 2023

Personal Information
Given Name Chirag
Middle Name(s) Vishnukant
Surname(s) Jaju
Additional Email
Gender Male
Date of Birth 04 Oct 01
Passport Valid Yes
Citizenship India
Second Citizenship, if applicable:
Country or region where you are India
enrolled full-time at an accredited
Do you have any current/past No
affiliations with military or
government organizations?
Personal Information Consent Statements ECS
I acknowledge that I wish to receive information directly from Mitacs, or Mitacs’s Canadian university
partners about opportunities for international studies via email. I understand that I can withdraw
consent at any time, subject to contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, by contacting Yes, for any of the express purposes identified above.

I acknowledge that I consent to being contacted by Mitacs for research purposes within five years of
having applied to this program. This consent applies regardless of whether or not my application to
the 2023 Globalink Research Internship is successful. I understand that I can withdraw consent at Yes
any time, subject to contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, by contacting, for any of the express purposes identified above.

Home Institution BITS Pilani
Academic Department Computer Science
Province/State/Prefecture of Home University Hyderabad
Discipline Category Engineering
Only for Chinese applicants: National ID card number
Enrolled Program Type Full-time undergraduate

GRI_Student_Application v.1.0
Your current program
Anticipated Month of Graduation 5
Anticipated Year of Graduation 2024
Average Grade 91.9

OPTIONAL – English or French Proficiency Exam

Have completed an English or French Proficiency Exam No

English or French Proficiency Exam Name

Exam Score 0
Max Possible Score (out of)

Background and Research Interests

General description of skills, background knowledge, Research Interests:
research interests and experience Computer Networks, CyberSecurity, Virtual-Reality,
Human-Computer Interactions.
1) I am proficient in Object-oriented languages - C++,
Java, Python and Golang, React.Js, TypeScript.
2) I have experience in research, specifically in
Intrusion-Detection-Systems and Computer Networks.
3) Technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, OpenGL,
and Python packages like Pandas, scikit-learn,
4) Management skills. Currently the technical lead of
Computer-Science-Association at BITS-Pilani.
5)Familiar with Cloud-Computing too.
Background Knowledge & Experience:
1) Worked on Convolutional-Neural-Networks and
Kotlin during Research Internship at CSIR-CEERI
2) Courses completed by the time of joining-
Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Human-
Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Software
Engineering, Compiler Design.
Notable Achievements 1)I have been in the top 3% of all students from our
batch at BITS Pilani in all semesters till date.
2)Attended ACM Summer School for Data Science
held at IIT Gandhinagar, where I got the opportunity
to learn from the best in the field like Kevin Murphy.
Was selected among 5000+ students all over India.
2)I interned during my summers at a government
research lab, CSIR-CEERI Pilani where I worked to
integrate farming with technologies like Machine
3)I was among the top 1% of students in courses like
Data Structures and Algorithms, Linear algebra, and
Digital Design.

GRI_Student_Application v.1.0
In your ideal internship project, how frequently would you be engaged in the following activities?
Activity Frequency
Analyzing data or information Very often
Conducting surveys or administering questionnaires Very often
Conducting interviews Very often
Creating drawings, models, or designs Often
Gathering information from archives, published works, documents, or recordings Very often

Making observations outside of a laboratory or controlled environment Sometimes

Performing controlled experiments Sometimes
Programming, scripting, or coding Very often
Reading research literature Very often
Solving mathematical problems Very often
Using hand or machine tools, laboratory equipment, or scientific instruments Sometimes
Writing reports Very often
Meeting or discussing with the supervisor Very often
Working on tasks that require teamwork Very often

Have you completed any research outside of your degree coursework? Yes
If “yes”, approximate number of hours 500+
If “yes”, description of work I am passionate about Computer Networks and how
devices talk to each other.I have been working with
Intrusion-Detection-Systems under my supervisor and
using novel Machine learning techniques. The
research required me to study numerous ML
Algorithms and their pros and cons. I also studied
many datasets, and the pcap files, and ran algorithms
on the extracted CSV using CICFlowmeterV3. I have
read and understood several Research papers on
Cyber-Security. I have worked with Dr. Satyam also,
to help farmers, move from traditional pass-down
knowledge of farming to using Machine Learning and
Statistics to get the best yield on their farms.

Experience with Mitacs

How you heard about Mitacs From a friend or colleague who had participated in
Available for at least 12 weeks in the summer of 2023 Yes
If “no”, amount of time that you expect to be available

Experience with Mitacs Consent Statements

I acknowledge that I will be available to arrive for my internship between May 1, 2023 and July 31,
2023. I will disclose my availability to potential host professors during the matching process.
I have been awarded a Globalink Research Internship project in the past. N/A

GRI_Student_Application v.1.0
Academic Reference
If you uploaded a reference letter document yourself (Option 2), the filename will be displayed here.
The full file (if uploaded) will be displayed at the end of this document with any other files uploaded to your application
Any reference letters uploaded by your invited references are confidential and their content will not be visible to you .

File Type File Name

Self-upload reference LORChirag.pdf
Reference 1 Did not upload
Reference 2 Did not upload


Acknowledgement Declaration
By submitting my application to the Globalink Research Internship, I:

a) Acknowledge that the Globalink Research Internship is an initiative funded by the Canadian federal and provincial
governments and by international funders. Canadian government funders require regular monitoring and reporting to
ensure transparency of public funding. International funders may also require information for reporting and payment
purposes and to approve internships. Mitacs will share your application information with these funders in accordance
with its Privacy Commitment to Program Participants (

b) Acknowledge that Mitacs will share part or all of the application and any supporting documentation provided, as
required, with any professors who are supervising projects for which I am applying through the Globalink Research
Internship Student Application. Those professors agree to keep this information confidential before having access to

c) Declare that I am 18 years of age or older at the time of submitting this application, which is when this consent
becomes active. In Canada, the age of majority (or the age of adulthood) is 18 years of age. Mitacs Globalink
Research Internships are only open to those 18 years of age and older.

d) Hereby swear that the information contained within this application is true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge at the time of submission. I understand that Mitacs and its funding partners will not tolerate any
misrepresentation of information provided in this application, and if I am found to be providing wrongful information or
copying any part of this application, my application will be terminated.

e) Understand that Mitacs reserves the right to make determinations about my eligibility to participate in a Globalink
Research Internship and is not required to divulge specific information about the adjudication of my application.

f) Acknowledge that if I am selected for a Globalink Research Internship I must possess a passport that is valid until
January 2024. I agree to provide a copy of my passport and passport information to Mitacs no later than February 1,

g) Acknowledge that if I am successful, I must adhere to the Participant Expectations and Mitacs Programs’ Terms
and Conditions, which outline participant’s responsibilities.

Acknowledgement Consent Statements

Have you read the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Acknowledgements? Yes
Do you agree to the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Acknowledgement statements? Yes

GRI_Student_Application v.1.0
My Projects
(maximum of 7)

Rank Province Professor Name Project Title

1 British Columbia Thomas Pasquier Observability in the Linux Operating Systems
2 British Columbia Aastha Mehta Policy compliance in serverless platforms
3 Ontario Diogo Barradas Synthesizing network traffic for Internet censorship circumvention
4 Ontario Oliver Schneider Building the Haptiverse
5 Manitoba Gautam Srivastava Internet of Things Secure Protocols
6 British Columbia Andrew Park Creating Artificial Criminal Minds
7 Ontario Arash Habibi Intelligence-driven Cyber Attribution System


Documents you uploaded to the “Documents” section of your application, including your resume/CV and transcript,
are displayed in the following pages.

File Type File Name

Resume Resume - Chirag Jaju.pdf
Transcript 1 Transcript.pdf
Transcript 2 Did not upload
Transcript 3 Did not upload
Transcript 4 Did not upload

GRI_Student_Application v.1.0
May 2022 – July 2022 | Pilani, India
+91 8788967730 • Worked under Dr.Satyam Srivastava of CEERI. Led the team who designed and
developed Android App using to map the input coordinates to a farmland. The
app was developed using Kotlin and used TensorFlowLite as the framework to
EDUCATION run Machine Learning models to determine the outcome. Further if a farmland
BITS PILANI is detected, Convolutional Neural Networks are used to determine the
HYDERABAD CAMPUS irrigation and cultivation pattern.
B.E. in Computer Science ACM SUMMER SCHOOL 2022 July 2022 | IIT Gandhnagar, India
Expected May 2024
• This school is about the algorithmic, statistical, and engineering challenges
Hyderabad, India
associated with various stages of data analysis. Theoretical concepts like Linear
Merit (CGPA 9.24/10)
and Logistic Regression, Clustering, Model Evaluation, NLP, Decision Trees etc
as well as real life Practical topics like Lifecycle of ML projects in the industry,
ST. PAUL JUNIOR COLLEGE Model Poisoning, MLOps were discussed. Attended a keynote speech by Kevin
NAGPUR Murphy.
June 2020 | Nagpur, India
CENTRE POINT SCHOOL Independent Project | Open Source
W N NAGPUR Full stack MERN website hosted online used to find travel
Xth companions to and from campus to city.
June 2018 | Nagpur, India September 2021 – October 2021 | Hyderabad, India
• MERN Stack Website using react-leaflet for map integration, JWT Tokens and
passport Google Auth2 for authentication deployed using Heroku to ease
LINKS carpool requests among College Peers
Github:// ChiragJaju FIND FARMLAND
LinkedIn:// ChiragJaju
App developed while working at CSIR-CEERI Pilani
May 2022 - Present
• Developed an App using Kotlin which retrieves satellite image of the input
COURSEWORK coordinates. It then uses image processing and machine learning algorithms
and TensorflowLite to detect if that location contains a farmland. Also returns
agricultural information like soil type, irrigation patterns etc.
Computer Graphics
Human-Computer Interaction PENSIEVE
Software Engineering
MERN Stack Website to submit and request Testimonials from
Object Oriented Programming
Data Structures and Algorithms
graduating batch of college and provides a Customizable
Database Systems Yearbook.
Mathematics III - Differential Calculus January 2022 - Present
Mathematics II - Linear Algebra • Stores photos for the final PhotoAlbum using Cloudinary
Mathematics I - Calculus • Aims to ease the process of collecting Testimonials from junior batches for
Discrete Structures for CS graduating batch.
Computer Programming • Allows Seniors to request for Testimonial and share custom links to others.

Website under PMA India
SKILLS January 2022 - Present
PROGRAMMING • Website for National Center for Divyang Empowerment highlighting the
• C++ • JavaScript • React.js facilities and amenities.
• Node.js • Firebase • Python
• SQL • Golang • Java • openGL
• Tech Lead of Computer Science Association BPHC
AWARDS • Member of Google Developer Student Clubs BPHC Chapter
•Best Delegate in CENMUN 2018
• Member of ACM BPHC Chapter
• High Commendation in CENMUN 2019
Dr. Barsha Mitra
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Email ID:
Phone No. – 04066303703 (Office)

Date: 11/09/2022

Dear Sir/Madam,
Chirag is an Undergraduate student of the Department of Computer Science and Information
Systems of BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus. I have interacted with him in the previous semester
(second semester of the academic year 2021-2022) as an instructor for the course Data Structures
and Algorithms. This is a compulsory course for all undergraduate students of the Computer
Science department. Chirag was enrolled in my practical section. He had attended all the lab
sessions and was very sincere. He used to attempt all the programming assignments with utmost
sincerity. Because of the pandemic, the semester started off with classes and practicals being
conducted in online mode. Later, the mode of content delivery switched to hybrid mode (where
students could attend the sessions physically or via online mode). I remember that Chirag had
attended all the practical sessions that were conducted in online mode and used to ask questions
regarding his doubts. He had physically attended the practical sessions conducted in hybrid mode.
He had a keen interest for the subject and was eager to learn. He has an inquisitive mind and has a
good logical reasoning capability. Moreover, he is a good programmer which was evident from
the way he used to solve the Data Structures related programming problems.
Chirag has a keen interest in research. He had contacted me and expressed his inclination to do a
project with me long before the other students. This also shows that he possesses the quality of
good and methodical planning. In the current semester, Chirag is working with me on a project
related to intrusion detection systems. As part of this project, he is surveying several open-source
network intrusion related datasets and will be analyzing them using various machine learning
models. Prior to undertaking this project work, Chirag had very little exposure to machine learning.
But he, out of his own interest for the project, went through several machine learning related
resources during the summer vacation in addition to doing an internship (the internship was a
curriculum related requirement). This shows that he is a very motivated individual and has a keen
urge for learning. Out of all the undergraduate students with whom I have interacted in my six
years’ career, Chirag is among the top 10% of the students with respect to sincerity, diligence and
aptitude towards research. He has good problem-solving capabilities as well as an inquisitive and
Dr. Barsha Mitra
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Email ID:
Phone No. – 04066303703 (Office)

Date: 11/09/2022

logical mind. In my opinion, these are the qualities required in a researcher. These qualities coupled
with a hard-working attitude that Chirag possesses will ensure that he will do well in a research
program, given a chance.
On a personal note, Chirag is a very polite and helping person. His interactions with me have
showed that he is respectful towards his teachers. Moreover, he is a hard-working and sincere
individual. I feel Chirag has the capability to perform well in the program he is applying for. He
has a keen interest in exploring new things and is sincere in his efforts towards learning. I feel he
will be able to carry out the responsibilities demanded by the program. In case of any further
queries, please feel free to contact me via email or phone.

Yours sincerely
Dr. Barsha Mitra

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