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Copyright © 2003 Global Star Software, Inc. Contact Information:

Jet Fighter 5 is copyright © 2003 Global Star Software, Inc. All rights InterActive Vision A/S
reserved. The purchaser is entitled to a license to install and use the CD- Nørreskov Bakke 14
ROM on a single stand-alone computer for domestic and private purposes DK-8600 Silkeborg
only. Altering, cropping, printing or other treatment of all or any part of this Denmark
program and the documentation as well as the rental, lending, networking,
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of these rules will be reported to the police and be subject to compensation Web:
claims according to the Danish copyright act. InterActive Vision A/S and Email:
other people involved in the production and publication of this program are
not liable for any consequences of the use of the program, including - but
not restricted to - damages to data or hardware or any economic loss arising
from damages caused by the use of the program.
The above conditions are accepted once the user starts using the program. Global Star Software
All trademarks mentioned in the program or in the documentation are 622 Broadway
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F-16 Fighting Falcon, F/A-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter are
Trademarks of Lockheed Martin Corporation used under license to Global Customer Support:
Star Software. Our Technical Support team is available:


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INSTALLATION AND SETUP .............................................................5 1. Place the Jetfighter V CD into your CD-ROM drive.
Installing Jetfighter V.........................................................................5
Uninstalling Jetfighter V ....................................................................5 2. If AutoPlay is enabled, the AutoRun program will start immediately.
Double-click the Install Game button to start the installation.
GETTING STARTED.............................................................................6 (If the game is already installed, this button will appear as
The Main Menu...................................................................................6 Repair/Uninstall.) Follow the on-screen instructions to install
Playing a Training Mission ................................................................7 the game.
Playing a Single Mission ...................................................................8
Playing a Campaign..........................................................................10 3. If AutoPlay is disabled, you will need to manually start the
Playing a Multiplayer Game............................................................11 installation program. Double-click the My Computer icon on your
Changing Game Options ..................................................................12 desktop and then double-click the Jetfighter V CD icon. Finally,
double-click the Setup icon to start the program.
PLAYING JETFIGHTER V..................................................................14
Controls ..............................................................................................14 4. The installation program will begin. Follow the instructions to
Keyboard Controls ............................................................................16 install Jetfighter V.
HUD and RADAR ...............................................................................20
Flight....................................................................................................22 5. Jetfighter V will be added to the Start menu. To play it, click the
Air-to-Air Combat..............................................................................24 Start button on the Windows taskbar, and select Programs, Global
Air-to-Ground Combat......................................................................27 Star Software, Jetfighter V to start the game.
Reconnaissance ...............................................................................29
AIRCRAFT, TANKS AND WEAPONRY............................................30
Aircraft and Tanks ............................................................................30 1. From the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel and double-
Weapons ............................................................................................32 click Add/Remove Programs. If you are using Windows XP, you
can access the Control Panel directly from the Start menu.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT .....................................................................34
2. Click Jetfighter V and click Add/Remove. On Windows XP, click
CREDITS .............................................................................................34 Change/Remove.

3. Click Remove and click Next.

4. Click OK. The program will be removed. Click Finish.

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THE MAIN MENU When you click Training

you will be brought to a
The first screen you will see is the main menu. screen where you can
pick a training mission
Training – Learn the to play.
basics of Jetfighter in 5
quick training missions. To play a
training mission:
Single Mission – Play a
single mission. This can be 1. Select a training
a pre-existing mission or mission from the
you can create your own. Training Missions
list and click Fly.
Campaign – Start the 2. You will enter the briefing section where you will be given a
campaign, which involves summary of this mission. Click Fly to start the mission.
creating a pilot, and then flying in over 30 intertwined scenarios and
five training missions.
Multiplayer – Host or join a multiplayer game. (Up to 16 players)
When you click Single
Options – Change the game’s video, audio and control settings. Mission, you will be
brought to a screen
Exit – Quit Jetfighter V. where you can pick a
pre-existing mission or
To see the game credits, click the Jetfighter V logo at the top of the create a mission of
screen. your own.

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To play a pre-existing mission: To create a mission:

1. Select a mission 1. Create a Mission.

from the Missions You will be taken to
List and click Fly. the Mission Creation
2. Pick a jet by clicking screen.
the arrows on the left
and right of the
picture. You can
choose between the
F-16 Fighting
Falcon™, the F/A-22
Raptor™, and the
F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter™. You can move around the map using the
navigation panel in the upper left-hand corner.
Once you have selected the jet you want to fly for this mission, click
Select Weapons. Click the arrows to scroll, and use the + and – buttons to zoom in and
out. The plane icon button will return you to wherever the plane icon
is on the map.
3. Choose an armament
for your jet. Click on 2. Adjust the details of the level as you like.
Air-to-Air or Air-to-
Ground to select a Time of day – The time of day the mission will take place. Select
set of missiles and Midday, Evening or Night.
bombs for your # of waves – The number of waves of enemy jets you will face in this
mission. mission.
# of planes – The number of enemy jets in each wave. Pick a number
You can also click on between 1 and 10.
the arrows above and # of tanks – The number of enemy tanks on the ground. Pick a
below each specific number between 1 and 10.
missile or bomb to customize your selection. When you are ready to # of wingmen – The number of friendly aircraft that will accompany
play, click Fly. For more information on types of weapons, see the you on this mission. Pick a number between 1 and 10.
section in this guide entitled Aircraft, Tanks and Weaponry.
Starting position – Click [Air] or [Base]. If you start in the air, specify
your starting altitude and heading. You can also change your starting
point by dragging the jet icon on the map. Click anywhere on the
map to move the jet icon.

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If you click [Base], specify which base you want to start at. You can Once you have created a pilot, you will be added to the pilot list in
pick from Base, Old Base or Las Vegas Base. the Campaign screen.
Once you have set these variables, click Select Airplane.
To delete a pilot:
3. You will be asked to pick your jet, followed by the Weapons
Selection screen. Pick a jet and armament as you would if you were To delete an existing pilot, select the name from the list of pilots in
playing a pre-existing single mission. the Campaign screen. Click Delete Pilot to remove the pilot from the
You can play Campaign mode by clicking Campaign from the Main
Menu. You can play in Multiplayer mode by clicking Multiplayer from the
Main Menu. Multiplayer mode lets you challenge your friends (or
Campaign mode lets you create your own pilot and fly through over
enemies) to a game of Jetfighter V. You can host your own game or
30 missions as you defend American soil against a mysterious
join someone else’s.
enemy. It is recommended you fly the Training Mode missions before
reporting for Active duty in the campaign.

To host a multiplayer game:

To play a campaign: 1. Click Host Game and fill in the Session Name and Player Name
fields. Session Name is the name of your game as it will appear on
1. Select a pilot from the Pilots List and click Select Pilot. other players’ computers while searching for active games. Player
2. You will be asked to pick a jet and armament as you would if you Name is your name as it will appear in game. Click Create Game.
were playing a single mission. 2. Adjust the details of the game as you like.
To create a new pilot: Time of day- The time of day the game will take place.
Select Midday, Evening or Night.
Click Create Pilot and enter your name in the field provided. When Starting position- The altitude and heading you start at. Your starting
you are done, click Add.

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point will be indicated by a jet icon on the map. Click anywhere on To change video options:
the map to move the jet icon.
Click Video to change Jetfighter V’s video settings.
To join a multiplayer game: Resolution – Changes the game resolution. No change will be visible
until you restart the game. The default is 1024 x 768. All resolutions
1. Click Join Game. You will be taken to the Join Game screen. supported by your hardware will be displayed. Selecting a very low
resolution may make some aspects of the game unreadable.
2. Click Find Games. to search your Local Area Network for hosted
games. All active games will appear in the games list. Select the Visibility Range – Changes the visibility range in the game (distance
game you want to join from the list and click Join Game. to the horizon) between 20 and 80 km. The default is 50 km.

3. You will be asked to pick a jet, followed by the Weapons Selection Clouds Density – Changes the density of clouds. The lowest setting
screen. Pick your jet and armament the same way you would pick means no clouds, while the highest means there will be lots of
them if you were playing a single mission game. clouds. The clouds are very heavy on performance, so this setting
should be reduced first if you find the game is running poorly.
CHANGING GAME OPTIONS Autogen Density – Changes the density of auto-generated objects
like trees, farms and city buildings. The lowest setting means there
You can change Jetfighter V options by clicking Options in the Main will be no auto-generated objects in the game, while the highest
Menu. The Options menu lets you change game graphics and sound setting means there will be many auto-generated objects in the
volume levels, as well as switch between joystick and keyboard game. Use the lower setting to get a better frame rate.
To change audio options:

Click Audio to change Jetfighter V’s audio settings.

sfx volume – The level of the sound effects volume.
music volume – The level of the music volume.

To change control settings:

Click Controls to change Jetfighter V’s control settings.

Keyboard – Full keyboard control.

Joystick – Joystick control on the ailerons and elevator.
Joystick + Throttle – Joystick control on the ailerons, elevator and throttle.
Joystick + Throttle + Rudder – Full joystick control.

NOTE: Clicking Set Defaults will restore the default settings for
whichever set of options (Audio, Video or Controls) you are
currently changing.

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Joystick Controls

Joystick left/right ....................................................Ailerons (roll control)

Joystick up/down ................................................Elevator (pitch control)
Joystick rudder...................................................Rudder and front wheel
(yaw control and turning while taxiing)
Joystick throttle...............Throttle increase/decrease (speed control)
b1 ........................................................Fire/Launch/Drop current weapon
b2 ....................Select next target according to weapon type selected
b3.......................................................................Toggle air-to-air weapons
b4...............................................................Toggle air-to-ground weapons
b5 ...................................................................................................Drop flare
b6 ..................................................................................................Drop chaff
b7 .................................................................................Toggle ECM jammer

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Open the Target Target Fly-by Next Next Show

in-game cockpit jet view camera friendly friendly current
menu view aircraft vehicle score

Show last Camera

message Look at Reset zoom out
Current Target Camera View

Next target Wheel Engines Increase Accelerate Pause Toggle Toggle Camera pan
brakes on on/off Radar time game air-to-air air-to-ground Camera
up zoom in
Range weapons weapons

Throttle Weapons Gears ECM LANTIRN Flare Chaff Camera pan Reset Camera pan
Increase bay door down/up Jammer on left Camera right
if present

Throttle Rudder Front Wheel Wheel Next Elevator Camera pan

Decrease brakes off Navpoint up down

Ailerons Elevator Ailerons

left down right
Fire Current Weapon

Your Your Your Look at Look at Look at

cockpit jet jet's fly-by next enemy next enemy next enemy
view view cam aircraft vehicle weapon


Target Enemy Engines Decrease Accelerate

OFF radar range time

Weapons Gears Up
bay door

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View of Look at
your jet next player


Eject Rotate Zoom

Sync vertically
target with
HUD target
Rotate Rotate
horizontally horizontally

Exit Game Rotate


Lock LANTIRN target

(object beneath cross)

View next View

target next fired


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HUD AND RADAR Reading the Radar Display

It is crucial you understand how to read both your Heads-Up Display
(HUD) and your Radar display. They both contain important
information that will help you both pilot your aircraft and engage the
Reading the HUD Display

1. Approximate speed of your target, in knots

2. Altitude difference, in thousands of feet (A positive value means
your target is higher than you, a negative value means it is lower).
3. Radar range (The distance to the outermost circle, in nautical
1. Gun sight miles).
2. Horizon line 4. Radar contact (The bright dot indicates this aircraft or tank is
3. Flight path marker – Shows the point to where your aircraft is hostile).
flying. 5. Radar contact (The faded dot indicates this aircraft or tank is
4. Pitch line – These are placed every 5 degrees. friendly).
5. G-force indicator, in Gs 6. Radar contact (Bracketed targets indicates this object has been
6. Throttle position, in percent targeted. The short line indicates its movement direction).
7. Mach number
8. Indicated airspeed, in knots Incoming missiles are displayed on your radar as blinking dots. All
9. Armed weapon and its ammo count. objects which are currently out of radar range will appear blinking
10. Compass on the edge of the radar.
11. Altitude type indicator (MSL is the number of feet from mean sea
level, AGL is the number of feet from the ground beneath your NOTE: When you enable your ECM jammer, your radar will be
aircraft) affected and not function.
12. Altitude in feet
13. Altitude meter
14. Speed meter
15. Navpoint direction indicator

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FLIGHT Landing and Taking Off

To complete some missions, you must learn to land or take off.
Basic Aerodynamics
There are four basic forces that affect an aircraft’s flight: Weight, To land:
Thrust, Lift and Drag. 1. Reduce your speed to 200 knots as you close on your landing site.
You can achieve this by lowering your throttle to 65 – 70%.
Weight is determined by gravity and is the force that pulls downward 2. Approach the airstrip and aim your nose towards the start of the
on an aircraft. It is the biggest obstacle to flight. The force of gravity runway. Keep your eye on the flight path indicator in your HUD
remains constant at 32.2 feet per squared second. display to maintain your course. Begin descending slowly.
3. When you are close to landing, deploy your landing gear by
Thrust is the force exerted by a jet’s engines. This propels the jet pressing G.
forward and causes air to flow over and under the wings. This 4. The moment your plane touches the runway, press W to enable
creates lift. the wheel brakes.

Lift is the force exerted on an aircraft’s wings as air flows both over
and under them. Depending on the angle of the wings, it can be a To take off from an airbase:
positive or negative force on flight. If the force of lift exceeds an 1. Disengage your wheel brakes by pressing W.
aircraft’s weight, the jet will gain altitude. If the force of lift is less 2. Press E to turn on your jet’s engines.
than the jet’s weight, it will descend. The greater the angle to the 3. Throttle up to 100% (press A) and engage your afterburners by
airflow a jet’s wings are, the greater the lift. However, past a certain hitting Backspace four times. Your jet will begin moving down the
point, if the angle increases too much, lift will begin to decrease runway.
again. 4. When you reach between 140 and 200 knots, pull back on the stick
(take-off speed varies depending on jet type and weapons load.
Drag is a side effect of thrust, and is the aircraft’s resistance to air. An unarmed F-16 Fighting Falcon™, for example, can take off at
Drag increases the faster a jet goes, and the steeper the wing angle 140 knots.) Try not to angle your plane too steeply or it will stall.
to an airflow. 5. Once you are airborne, lift your landing gear by pressing G.

The greatest advantages a pilot can have in a combat situation is Following Navpoints
speed and altitude. The faster aircraft gains an immediate advantage Navpoints are locations programmed into the avionics of your jet.
in turning, pursuing and evasion, and will usually walk away from a They appear on both your HUD and radar.
dogfight the victor. Altitude becomes important in a prolonged fight,
because diving is a quick way to gain or regain speed. Being aware In the game, navpoints will indicate the location of key targets,
of weight, thrust, lift and drag will help you retain top speeds and waypoints, rendezvous points, convoy locations and more. To
altitudes in combat. complete some missions, you will need to fly to these navpoints.

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AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT To fire a missile:

Combat Basics 1. You can toggle between

The key to winning in air-to-air combat is to acquire a missile lock on your air-to-air missiles
the enemy before he gets one on you. With the advanced weapons by pressing [. To target
systems in modern-day jets, first strike often means quick victory. opponents in your HUD,
Use cloud cover, high altitude attack points and speed to get quick use the tab key. An
missile locks and kills. enemy is targeted when
If you’re drawn into lengthy combat, try to preserve speed and it appears in your HUD
maintain a high altitude. Use the countermeasures, evasion with a box outlining it.
techniques and pursuit tactics below to come out on top.
Modern missiles are accurate and reliable, but nowadays, military 2. Once your opponent is
aircraft have plenty targeted, you need to
of countermeasures to foil an attack. A skilled pilot can evade any wait until your missile
incoming missile if warned early enough about it. Thus, launching a gets a lock. Watch the
missile from long range at a warned opponent has little chance of small circle on your
success. HUD find its way
towards the target.
Use the following tips to help score kills:
Once it is locked in, the
- Surprise your opponent. Do not give the enemy time to launch
enemy will be outlined
flares or chaff and evade.
with a diamond.
- Fire on your target when flying as close to 6 o’ clock as possible.
Attacks from behind are the hardest to evade.
3. Fire a missile by pressing Spacebar.
- Do not fire missiles when your opponent is moving too quickly
across your HUD or your missile will lose its lock before it can gain
enough speed to be effective.
There are three general types of pursuit: pure pursuit, lead pursuit
- Only fire missiles from long range to force your opponent to change
and lag pursuit.
- Do not fire more than one missile at one opponent at a time.
Pure pursuit is following your target maneuver for maneuver. If you
- Try to preserve your missiles until you have good positioning. This
are moving faster than your opponent, use the pure pursuit method
usually means at close quarters and at 6 o’ clock.
of pursuit.
The best way to score a kill is to place yourself half a mile behind
your opponent’s tail and shoot a Sidewinder. This method of attack Lead pursuit involves aiming the nose of your jet ahead of where
has an almost 100% kill rate. your target is headed. Lead pursuit requires you predict where your
opponent is going to end up. Be careful to keep visual contact with
The AIM-9M Sidewinder is much more maneuverable and locks your enemy when using this pursuit technique, or you will quickly
faster than the long range AIM-120 AMRAAM. Use Sidewinders in lose him.
dogfighting situations.

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Lag pursuit means you are aiming the nose of your jet behind your perform a quick 180 degree roll to right yourself again.
target, narrowing the gap between the two of you by making wider
turns and retaining speed better than your opponent. Split-S – The Split-S is the opposite of the Immelmann. Use it to
increase speed while confusing pursuers. Invert your jet with a 180
Countermeasures degree roll, and then pull back on the stick. Continue pulling back on
Your jet carries three types of countermeasure systems to help the stick as your aircraft dives until the jet levels out again with the
evade enemy fire: chaff, flares and the ECM jammer. horizon.

Chaff is essentially metal pieces of scrap ejected by an aircraft. The most important thing to remember when evading is to keep your
Launching chaff into the air will confuse radar-guided missiles by speed and altitude up and be unpredictable. Try combining the above
masking your aircraft and is a fairly effective countermeasure when techniques or inventing your own. If your opponent can predict your
dealing with missiles launched at you from a short distance. You can movements, there is a good chance you won’t survive the encounter.
launch chaff by hitting the ‘ key.
Flares are incendiary devices ejected by an aircraft. Their purpose is
similar to chaff, except that flares are used to confuse heat-seeking Combat Basics
missiles instead of radar-seeking ones. You can launch a flare by When engaging hostile ground targets such as tanks, your greatest
hitting the ; key. advantage is the element of surprise. Try flying low under an enemy’s
radar and attacking with guided Maverick missiles or your cannon.
The ECM jammer is a device that scrambles radar and weapons, Alternatively, if you approach from an altitude out of the range of
thus ‘blinding’ radar-guided missiles. It will also jam your own radar, their weapons systems, you can attempt dive bombing for a quick
so use it with caution. It is best utilized against missiles fired at long- strike and getaway.

Evasion Maverick Missiles

The following techniques will further help you survive aerial combat Maverick missiles are the safest and most effective way to deal with
when engaging enemy aircraft. most hostile ground targets.

Barrel Roll – If you are approaching a target too fast and want to To fire a Maverick:
stay behind it, use the Barrel Roll. First, point your jet’s nose at a 30
degree climb, then roll all the way to the right (or left), then back 1. Cycle through your air-
again. Your plane will roll and then dive. Once you have completed a to-ground armament by
full 360 degree roll, gently pull back in the opposite direction of the pressing ].
roll until your plane is level again.
To target opponents
Immelmann – An Immelmann is a good way to gain altitude while in your HUD, use the
confusing pursuers with a quick change of direction. Throttle up or Tab key. An enemy is
engage your afterburners as you pull up sharply. Once your plane is targeted when it
vertical, roll your plane to the left or right 90 degrees. Finally, pull appears in your HUD
back on the stick and level the plane inverted with the horizon, then with a box outlining it.

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2. Once your opponent is To dive bomb:

targeted, you need to 1. Approach your target from a high enough altitude that you are out
wait until your missile of range of any anti-aircraft fire and you have enough room to pull
gets a lock. Watch the up at the end of your dive.
small circle on your HUD
find its way towards the 2. When you are overtop your target, dive by pushing forward on the
target. Once it is locked stick. Keep your dive angle between 60 – 70 degrees below the
in, the enemy will be horizon and kill your throttle. While diving, keep your nose lined
outlined with a diamond. with the target.

3. Release your bomb between 1500 and 5000 feet. Immediately

3. Fire your missile by pressing Spacebar. afterwards, pull back on the stick to level out and increase throttle
You can also use your LANTIRN system to target and destroy ground to 100%, engaging afterburners as well. If there are multiple
units with Mavericks. To do so, target the ground unit as you would ground units in the area, you will be fired upon so keep low until
normally, then switch to your LANTIRN by pressing L or Caps Lock. you are safe.
To synchronize your missile with the LANTIRN, press NumPad Del
and fire.
The LANTIRN System
The LANTIRN system is essentially a sophisticated camera in your
jet that will enable you to gather intelligence on enemy targets.

The LANTIRN can also be used in conjunction with Maverick

missiles to destroy ground targets. See Maverick Missiles in the
Air-to-Ground section of this guide for more information.

To use the LANTIRN system:

1. Target the object you

Free Bombing want to identify normally.
Free bombing with the MK series of bombs is trickier than using You may need to toggle
Maverick missiles because there is no guidance system. Typically, your ground weapons
dive bombing is the safest way to hit ground targets with these using [ to do so.
2. Press L to enter
Dive Bombing LANTIRN mode and wait
To dive bomb, you’ll need lots of altitude. You want to start at a for the system to notify
height where you are not only well clear of any anti-aircraft fire, but you it has identified the
you’re high enough to drop your bomb and pull out of the dive before target in the upper
you hit the ground. right-hand corner of
your screen.
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More LANTIRN controls can be found in the Keyboard Controls F-35 Joint Strike Fighter™
section of Playing Jetfighter V.
Multi-role fighter optimized
for an air-to-ground role,
AIRCRAFT, TANKS AND WEAPONRY designed to meet the needs
of the Air Force, Navy,
Marine Corps and allies,
AIRCRAFT AND TANKS with improved survivability
over other American fighter
F-16 Fighting Falcon™ jets.

A lightweight, single-seat,
single-engine multirole
fighter. MiG 29 Fulcrum

A less electronically
advantaged fighter jet than
its American counterparts,
the MiG 29 makes up for it
in short-range, air-to-air
combat with better close-
up maneuverability and a
superior gun sight.

F/A-22 Raptor™

A next generation air MiG 42 Foxglove

superiority fighter. Able to
penetrate enemy airspace A multi-role frontline jet
and achieve a first-look, fighter built with emphasis
first-kill capability against on low observability.
multiple targets. Highly Although air superiority is
lethal and survivable with a its primary objective, unlike
balance of increased the F/A-22 Raptor™, the
speed and range, MiG 42 is designed to
enhanced offensive and perform strike missions
defensive avionics and against ground targets as
reduced observability. well.

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T-90 Tank Air-to-Ground Missiles

The latest development in
the T-series of tanks. It AGM-65 Maverick
represents an improvement A tactical air-to-surface guided
in firepower, mobility and missile that is used in conjunction
armor over previous with a jet’s LANTIRN system. Offers
models. The T-90 can fire a high probability of strike against
a variety of ammunition a wide variety of targets including
including armor piercing, armor, transportation equipment
anti-tank and high and other facilities.
explosion rounds as well as
shrapnel projectiles with Bombs
time fuses.
A free-fall, non-guided 500-pound
bomb. Used to maximum
effectiveness in bombing runs where
blast and explosive effect are desired.
Air-to-Air Missiles

Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air
Missile. This radar-guided missile
The 1000-pound version of the MK-82.
features all-weather, beyond visibility
Packs more explosive power.
range. Small and fast, it has proven
absolutely lethal against lower
altitude targets.

The 2000-pound version of the
MK-82 and MK-83.
AIM-9M Sidewinder
A heat-seeking, short-range missile
that homes in on an aircraft’s exhaust
Other Weapons
Vulcan Cannon
A 6-barrel 20mm hydraulically driven machine gun. It can be used for
short-range air-to-air engagement and strafing ground targets.

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Director of Development Allan Kirkeby
Executive Producer Jacob Buck
Our technical support team is available to assist you:
Project Manager Marcin Kalicinski
Contact us by: Programming Marcin Kalicinski
Website: AI Programming Jacek Dabrowski

3D Models - Janusz Bocian

Fill out our e-registration and receive free technical support and new
product updates! Grzegorz Hawrot
Leszek Mielczarski
2D Artwork Janusz Bocian
Leszek Mielczarski
Audio Producer Allan Kirkeby
CREDITS Music Allan Kirkeby
Sound Effects Lászlo Molnár
Konrad Adamek
Director of Product Development Jeff Quinn Janusz Gasecki
Executive Producer Heidi Amsler Przemyslaw
Art Director Derrick Wilson Plaskowicki
Producer Adrian Lee Grzegorz
In-game Writer Sasha Gajic Tarczynski
Technical Writer Michael Colangelo
Thanks to Sven Christensen, Kirsten Frausing, Martin Tørring,
Christian Lillbäck, Mikkel Fredborg, Lasse Cleveland, Katarzyna
Special thanks to our Baltimore Testing Team for all of their valuable Popiolek, Henrik Kjeldsen, WorldSat International Inc.
contributions and effort.

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Global Star Software, Inc. 622 Broadway, New York, NY 10012

© 2003 Global Star Software, Inc. Global Star Software is a division of Jack of all Games Canada a wholly owned subsidiary of
Take-Two Interactive Software Canada. Global Star Software and the Global Star Software logo are trademarks of Take-Two
Interactive Software, Inc. Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. and the Take-Two company logo are trademarks of Take-Two
Interactive Software, Inc. F/A Fighting Falcone, F/-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter are trademarks of Lockheed Martin
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marks of InterActive Vision A/S the developer of Jetfighter V. All other trademarks are the propriety of their respective owners.
All rights reserved. Made in the USA.

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